//iQontrol - Copyright (c) by Sebatian Bormann //Please visit https://github.com/sbormann/ioBroker.iqontrol for licence-agreement and further information //Settings //connectionLink are defined later inside load-function, because relevant informations are missing at this moment var namespace = "iqontrol.meta"; var useCache = true; var userfilesImagePath = "/iqontrol.meta/userimages"; var userfilesImagePathBS = userfilesImagePath.replace(/\//g, "\\"); var iQontrolRoles = { "iQontrolView": {name: "Link to other view", states: ["ADDITIONAL_INFO", "BATTERY", "UNREACH", "ERROR"]}, "iQontrolSwitch": {name: "Switch", states: ["STATE", "POWER", "ADDITIONAL_INFO", "BATTERY", "UNREACH", "ERROR"], icon: "/images/icons/switch_on.png"}, "iQontrolLight": {name: "Light", states: ["STATE", "LEVEL", "HUE", "SATURATION", "COLOR_BRIGHTNESS", "CT", "WHITE_BRIGHTNESS", "POWER", "EFFECT", "EFFECT_NEXT", "EFFECT_SPEED_UP", "EFFECT_SPEED_DOWN", "ADDITIONAL_INFO", "BATTERY", "UNREACH", "ERROR"], icon: "/images/icons/light_on.png"}, "iQontrolFan": {name: "Fan", states: ["STATE", "BATTERY", "UNREACH", "POWER", "ERROR"], icon: "/images/icons/fan_on.png"}, "iQontrolThermostat": {name: "Thermostat", states: ["SET_TEMPERATURE","TEMPERATURE", "HUMIDITY", "CONTROL_MODE", "WINDOW_OPEN_REPORTING", "VALVE_STATES", "ADDITIONAL_INFO", "BATTERY", "UNREACH", "ERROR"], icon: "/images/icons/radiator.png"}, "iQontrolHomematicThermostat": {name: "Homematic-Thermostat", states: ["SET_TEMPERATURE", "TEMPERATURE", "HUMIDITY", "CONTROL_MODE", "BOOST_STATE", "PARTY_TEMPERATURE", "WINDOW_OPEN_REPORTING", "VALVE_STATES", "ADDITIONAL_INFO", "BATTERY", "UNREACH", "ERROR"], icon: "/images/icons/radiator.png"}, "iQontrolTemperature": {name: "Temperature-Sensor", states: ["STATE", "TEMPERATURE", "HUMIDITY", "ADDITIONAL_INFO", "BATTERY", "UNREACH", "ERROR"], icon: "/images/icons/temperature.png"}, "iQontrolHumidity": {name: "Humidity-Sensor", states: ["STATE", "TEMPERATURE", "HUMIDITY", "ADDITIONAL_INFO", "BATTERY", "UNREACH", "ERROR"], icon: "/images/icons/humidity.png"}, "iQontrolBrightness": {name: "Brigthness-Sensor", states: ["STATE", "BRIGHTNESS", "ADDITIONAL_INFO", "BATTERY", "UNREACH", "ERROR"], icon: "/images/icons/brightness_light.png"}, "iQontrolMotion": {name: "Motion-Sensor", states: ["STATE", "BRIGHTNESS", "ADDITIONAL_INFO", "BATTERY", "UNREACH", "ERROR"], icon: "/images/icons/motion_on.png"}, "iQontrolDoor": {name: "Door", states: ["STATE", "ADDITIONAL_INFO", "BATTERY", "UNREACH", "ERROR"], icon: "/images/icons/door_closed.png"}, "iQontrolDoorWithLock": {name: "Door with lock", states: ["STATE", "LOCK_STATE", "LOCK_STATE_UNCERTAIN", "LOCK_OPEN", "ADDITIONAL_INFO", "BATTERY", "UNREACH", "ERROR"], icon: "/images/icons/door_locked.png"}, "iQontrolWindow": {name: "Window", states: ["STATE", "ADDITIONAL_INFO", "BATTERY", "UNREACH", "ERROR"], icon: "/images/icons/window_closed.png"}, "iQontrolBlind": {name: "Blind", states: ["LEVEL", "DIRECTION", "STOP", "UP", "DOWN", "ADDITIONAL_INFO", "BATTERY", "UNREACH", "ERROR"], icon: "/images/icons/blind_middle.png"}, "iQontrolFire": {name: "Fire-Sensor", states: ["STATE", "ADDITIONAL_INFO", "BATTERY", "UNREACH", "ERROR"], icon: "/images/icons/fire_on.png"}, "iQontrolAlarm": {name: "Alarm", states: ["STATE", "CONTROL_MODE", "ADDITIONAL_INFO", "BATTERY", "UNREACH", "ERROR"], icon: "/images/icons/alarm_on.png"}, "iQontrolBattery": {name: "Battery", states: ["STATE", "CHARGING", "ADDITIONAL_INFO", "BATTERY", "UNREACH", "ERROR"], icon: "/images/icons/battery_full.png"}, "iQontrolValue": {name: "Value", states: ["STATE", "LEVEL", "ADDITIONAL_INFO", "BATTERY", "UNREACH", "ERROR"], icon: "/images/icons/value_on.png"}, "iQontrolProgram": {name: "Program", states: ["STATE", "ADDITIONAL_INFO", "BATTERY", "UNREACH", "ERROR"], icon: "/images/icons/play_on.png"}, "iQontrolScene": {name: "Scene", states: ["STATE", "ADDITIONAL_INFO", "BATTERY", "UNREACH", "ERROR"], icon: "/images/icons/play.png"}, "iQontrolButton": {name: "Button", states: ["STATE", "SET_VALUE", "ADDITIONAL_INFO", "BATTERY", "UNREACH", "ERROR"], icon: "/images/icons/button.png"}, "iQontrolPopup": {name: "Popup", states: ["STATE", "URL", "HTML", "ADDITIONAL_INFO", "BATTERY", "UNREACH", "ERROR"], icon: "/images/icons/popup.png"}, "iQontrolExternalLink": {name: "External Link", states: ["STATE", "URL", "ADDITIONAL_INFO", "BATTERY", "UNREACH", "ERROR"], icon: "/images/icons/link.png"} } const udef = 'undefined'; //++++++++++ GLOBAL FUNCTIONS ++++++++++ function initDialog(id, callback) { var $dialog = $('#' + id); if (!$dialog.data('inited')) { $dialog.data('inited', true); $dialog.modal({ dismissible: false }); $dialog.find('.btn-set').on('click', function () { var $dialog = $('#' + $(this).data('dialogid')); var callback = $dialog.data('callback'); if (typeof callback === 'function') callback(); $dialog.data('callback', null); }); } $dialog.find('.btn-set').data('dialogid', id); $dialog.data('callback', callback); } var selectId; function initSelectId(callback) { if (selectId) { $('#dialogSelectId').css('z-index', '99999'); return callback(selectId); } var options = { noMultiselect: true, imgPath: '../../lib/css/fancytree/', filter: {type: 'state'}, name: 'scenes-select-state', texts: { select: _('Select'), cancel: _('Cancel'), all: _('All'), id: _('ID'), name: _('Name'), role: _('Role'), room: _('Room'), value: _('Value'), selectid: _('Select ID'), from: _('From'), lc: _('Last changed'), ts: _('Time stamp'), wait: _('Processing...'), ack: _('Acknowledged'), selectAll: _('Select all'), unselectAll: _('Deselect all'), invertSelection: _('Invert selection') }, columns: ['image', 'name', 'role', 'room'] }; var toDo = function(){ options.objects = iobrokerObjects; selectId = $('#dialogSelectId').selectId('init', options); callback(selectId); } if (iobrokerObjectsReady) { toDo(); } else { iobrokerObjectsReadyFunctions.push(toDo); } } function tryParseJSON(jsonString){ //Returns parsed object or false, if jsonString is not valid try { var o = JSON.parse(jsonString); // Handle non-exception-throwing cases: // Neither JSON.parse(false) or JSON.parse(1234) throw errors, hence the type-checking, // but... JSON.parse(null) returns null, and typeof null === "object", // so we must check for that, too. Thankfully, null is falsey, so this suffices: if (o && typeof o === "object") { return o; } } catch (e) { } return false; }; var iobrokerObjects; var iobrokerObjectsReady = false; var iobrokerObjectsReadyFunctions = []; /************** LOAD ******************************************************** *** This will be called by the admin adapter when the settings page loads *** ****************************************************************************/ function load(settings, onChange) { //++++++++++ START ++++++++++ //Loading begins var loading = true; //Hide Settings console.log("Loading Settings"); $('.hideOnLoad').hide(); $('.showOnLoad').show(); //Init Colorpickers $('.MaterializeColorPicker').colorpicker().on('changeColor', function(event){ $(this).css('border-right', '10px solid rgba(' + event.color.toRGB().r + ', ' + event.color.toRGB().g + ', ' + event.color.toRGB().b + ', ' + event.color.toRGB().a + ')'); onChange(); }); $('.MaterializeColorPicker').on('change', function(){ if ($(this).val() == "") { $(this).css('border-right', '0px solid black'); } }); //Add function to inputClear-Buttons $('.inputClear').on('click', function(){ if($(this).data('default')){ $(this).prevAll('input').val($(this).data('default')).trigger('change'); } else { $(this).prevAll('input').val('').trigger('change'); } }); //Select elements with id=key and class=value and insert value if (!settings) return; $('.value').each(function () { var $key = $(this); var id = $key.attr('id'); if ($key.attr('type') === 'checkbox') { //do not call onChange direct, because onChange could expect some arguments $key.prop('checked', settings[id]) .on('change', () => onChange()) ; } else { //do not call onChange direct, because onChange could expect some arguments $key.val(settings[id]) .on('change', () => onChange()) .on('keyup', () => onChange()) ; } }); //Get Subsettings toolbar = settings.toolbar || settings.demotoolbar || []; views = settings.views || settings.demoviews || []; version = settings.version; //Set initial values of further variables images = []; imagesDirs = []; devicesSelectedView = -1; //Update all Colorpickers $('.MaterializeColorPicker').trigger('change'); //Init imageUpload initImageUpload(); //Get Link of first Web-Adapter var link = ""; console.log("getLink of first Web-Adapter"); getExtendableInstances(function (result) { if (result) { link = location.protocol + "//" + location.hostname + ":" + result[0].native.port + "/iqontrol"; console.log("Got Link: " + link); $('#mainLink').attr('href', link + "/index.html?namespace=" + adapter + "." + instance); //Add Roles to dialogDeviceEditCommonRole-Selectbox $('#dialogDeviceEditCommonRole').empty().append(""); for (var element in iQontrolRoles){ $('#dialogDeviceEditCommonRole').append(""); } $('select').select(); //Try to init socket.io via conn.js and servConn-Object try { console.log("Try to init socket.io"); var connectionLink = location.protocol + "//" + location.hostname + ":" + result[0].native.port; var connOptions = { name: namespace, // optional - default 'vis.0' connLink: connectionLink, // optional URL of the socket.io adapter socketSession: '' // optional - used by authentication }; var connCallbacks = { onConnChange: function(isConnected) { if(isConnected) { console.log('Socket connected'); goOnAfterSocketIsConnectedOrAfterSocketInitError(); } else { console.log('Socket disconnected'); } }, onRefresh: function() { console.log('Socket refresh'); }, onError: function(err) { window.alert(_('Cannot execute %s for %s, because of insufficient permissions', err.command, err.arg), _('Insufficient permissions'), 'alert', 600); } }; servConn.init(connOptions, connCallbacks); servConn.namespace = namespace; servConn.setReconnectInterval(5000); servConn.setReloadTimeout(300); console.log("Inited socket.io"); } catch { //Error initing socket.io - Fallback to inbuilt socket of admin - wich has difficulties with file operations console.log("Error initing socket.io - Fallback"); alert(_("No socket.io-Instance found. To get this working, enable integrated socket.IO and disable 'Force Web-Sockets' in the web adapter!")); goOnAfterSocketIsConnectedOrAfterSocketInitError(); } } else { alert("Error on receiving extendable Instances"); } }); function goOnAfterSocketIsConnectedOrAfterSocketInitError(){ //Get images console.log("getImages"); getImages(async function(){ //Backward-Compatibility: Move images from old local location to new userfilesImagePath-location console.log("Moving userfiles to new location..."); var oldImagePath = "/" + adapter + "/userimages"; var err = await renameFileAsync(oldImagePath + "/", userfilesImagePath + "/"); if(typeof err == udef) { alert(_("The uploaded images have been moved to a new location. This is only done once and allowes automatic backup of these files by iobroker. Please reload this site and save the settings, so all filenames can be updated!")); } else console.log("...nothing to move."); //Backward-Compatibility: Check for image-links in views and devices that point to old local location but that were moved to new userfilesImagePath-location previously console.log("Adjusting image links to new userfiles location"); var oldImagePathRelative = ".\\userimages"; var fileLocationChanged = false; views.forEach(function(view){ if(typeof view.nativeBackgroundImage != udef && view.nativeBackgroundImage.indexOf(oldImagePathRelative) == 0 && images.find(function(element){return element.filenameBS == view.nativeBackgroundImage.substring(oldImagePathRelative.length);})) { view.nativeBackgroundImage = ".\\.." + userfilesImagePathBS + view.nativeBackgroundImage.substring(oldImagePathRelative.length); fileLocationChanged = true; } view.devices.forEach(function(device){ if(typeof device.nativeBackgroundImage != udef && device.nativeBackgroundImage.indexOf(oldImagePathRelative) == 0 && images.find(function(element){return element.filenameBS == device.nativeBackgroundImage.substring(oldImagePathRelative.length);})) { device.nativeBackgroundImage = ".\\.." + userfilesImagePathBS + device.nativeBackgroundImage.substring(oldImagePathRelative.length); fileLocationChanged = true; } }); }); //Signal to admin, that no changes yet if (fileLocationChanged) onChange(true); else onChange(false); //Show Settings console.log("All settings loaded. Adapter ready."); $('.hideOnLoad').show(); $('.showOnLoad').hide(); loading = false; //Reinitialize all the Materialize labels on the page if you are dynamically adding inputs: if (M) M.updateTextFields(); //Get iobrokerObjects socket.emit('getObjects', function (err, objs) { iobrokerObjects = objs; iobrokerObjectsReady = true; for(i = 0; i < iobrokerObjectsReadyFunctions.length; i++){ if (typeof iobrokerObjectsReadyFunctions[i] == 'function') iobrokerObjectsReadyFunctions[i](); } iobrokerObjectsReadyFunctions = []; }); }); } //++++++++++ TABS ++++++++++ //Enhance Tabs with onShow-Function $('ul.tabs li a').on('click', function(){ onTabShow($(this).attr('href'));}); function onTabShow(tabId){ switch(tabId){ case "#tabViews": loadViews(); break; case "#tabDevices": loadDevices(); break; case "#tabToolbar": loadToolbar(); break; case "#tabImages": loadImages(); break; case "#tabOptions": loadOptions(); break; } } //++++++++++ VIEWS ++++++++++ //Load Views function loadViews(){ //Add Images to Selectbox for BackgroundImage var imagenames = []; images.forEach(function(element){ imagenames.push(".\\.." + userfilesImagePathBS + element.filenameBS + "/" + element.filenameBS); }); imagenames.sort(); $('*[data-name="nativeBackgroundImage"]').data("options", ";" + imagenames.join(";")); $('select').select(); //Fill Table values2table('tableViews', views, onChange, onTableViewsReady); } //Enhance TableViews with functions function onTableViewsReady(){ var $div = $('#tableViews'); var $table = $div.find('.table-values'); var $lines = $table.find('.table-lines'); //CommonName changed $lines.find('input[data-name]').each(function () { var name = $(this).data('name'); if (name === 'commonName') { $(this).on('focusin', function(){ $(this).data('oldval', $(this).val()); }); $(this).on('change', function (){ var index = $(this).data('index'); var oldVal = $(this).data('oldval'); var newVal = $(this).val(); changeViewsCommonName(index, oldVal, newVal); if(viewsCheckDuplicates()) alert(_("No duplicates allowed! View Names must be unique.")); }); } }); function changeViewsCommonName(index, oldVal, newVal){ toolbar.forEach(function(element){ if(element.nativeLinkedViewId == oldVal) element.nativeLinkedViewId = newVal; }); } //Add Thumbs to SelectBox $lines.find('select[data-name]').each(function() { var name = $(this).data('name'); if (name === 'nativeBackgroundImage') { var index = $(this).data('index'); $(this).addClass('icons'); $(this).find('option').each(function() { var icon = $(this).val().replace(/\\/g, "/").substring(1) || ""; if (icon != "") $(this).attr('data-icon', link + icon); $(this).addClass('left'); }); } }); $('select').select(); viewsCheckDuplicates(); } //Check for duplicates function viewsCheckDuplicates(){ var duplicates = false; var viewCommonNames = []; views.forEach(function(element){ if (viewCommonNames.indexOf(element.commonName) > -1){ duplicates = true; } else { viewCommonNames.push(element.commonName); } }); if(duplicates){ $('#viewsNoDuplicatesAllowed').show(); } else { $('#viewsNoDuplicatesAllowed').hide(); } return duplicates; } //++++++++++ DEVICES ++++++++++ //Load Devices function loadDevices(){ //Add Views to Selectbox for Views and for LinkedView var viewIds = [""]; views.forEach(function(element){ viewIds.push(element.commonName); }); $('*[data-name="nativeLinkedView"]').data("options", viewIds.join(";")); $('#devicesSelectedView').empty().append(""); views.forEach(function(element, index){ $('#devicesSelectedView').append(""); }); //Add Images to Selectbox for BackgroundImage var imagenames = []; images.forEach(function(element){ imagenames.push(".\\.." + userfilesImagePathBS + element.filenameBS + "/" + element.filenameBS); }); imagenames.sort(); $('*[data-name="nativeBackgroundImage"]').data("options", ";" + imagenames.join(";")); $('select').select(); //Reset devicesSelecteView devicesSelectedView = -1; $('.divDevices').hide(); } //Enhance devicesSelectedView-Selectbox with functions $('#devicesSelectedView').on('change', function(){ devicesSelectedView = $('#devicesSelectedView').val(); if(devicesSelectedView > -1){ if(!views[devicesSelectedView].devices) views[devicesSelectedView].devices = []; //Fill Table values2table('tableDevices', views[devicesSelectedView].devices, onChange, onTableDevicesReady); $('.divDevicesNothingSelected').hide(); $('.divDevices').show(); } else { $('.divDevicesNothingSelected').show(); $('.divDevices').hide(); } }); //Enhance TableDevices with functions function onTableDevicesReady(){ $('#tableDevices td').css('vertical-align', 'top'); var $div = $('#tableDevices'); var $table = $div.find('.table-values'); var $lines = $table.find('.table-lines'); $lines.find('input[data-name]').each(function () { var name = $(this).data('name'); if (name === 'commonName') { var deviceIndex = $(this).data('index'); if (views[devicesSelectedView].devices[deviceIndex].commonRole){ $(this).next('span').remove(); $(this).after('' + _(iQontrolRoles[views[devicesSelectedView].devices[deviceIndex].commonRole].name) + ''); } else { $(this).next('span').remove(); $(this).after('' + _('Please assign a role in device settings') + ''); } } }); //Button-Functions $lines.find('a[data-command]').each(function () { var command = $(this).data('command'); //Edit Device if (command === 'edit') { $(this).on('click', function () { var viewIndex = devicesSelectedView; var deviceIndex = $(this).data('index'); initDialog('dialogDeviceEdit', function(){ //save dialog var viewIndex = $('#dialogDeviceEditViewIndex').val(); var deviceIndex = $('#dialogDeviceEditDeviceIndex').val(); views[viewIndex].devices[deviceIndex].commonRole = $('#dialogDeviceEditCommonRole').val(); views[viewIndex].devices[deviceIndex].states = dialogDeviceEditStatesTable; onTableDevicesReady(); }); $('#dialogDeviceEditCommonName').html(views[viewIndex].devices[deviceIndex].commonName || ""); $('#dialogDeviceEditViewIndex').val(viewIndex); $('#dialogDeviceEditDeviceIndex').val(deviceIndex); dialogDeviceEditStates = views[viewIndex].devices[deviceIndex].states || []; dialogDeviceEditStatesTable = []; if(views[viewIndex].devices[deviceIndex].commonRole) { $('#dialogDeviceEditCommonRole').val(views[viewIndex].devices[deviceIndex].commonRole).trigger('change'); } else { $('#dialogDeviceEditCommonRole').val(-1).trigger('change'); } $('select').select() $('#dialogDeviceEdit').modal('open'); }); } }); $lines.find('select[data-name]').each(function() { var name = $(this).data('name'); //Add Thumbs to SelectBox if (name === 'nativeBackgroundImage') { var index = $(this).data('index'); $(this).addClass('icons'); $(this).find('option').each(function() { var icon = $(this).val().replace(/\\/g, "/").substring(1) || ""; if (icon != "") $(this).attr('data-icon', link + icon); $(this).addClass('left'); }); } /* The following part is deactivated, because the PressureMenue makes it unnecessary to disallow linkedView to some roles //Remove LinkedView for unallowed Roles if (name === 'nativeLinkedView') { var index = $(this).data('index'); switch(views[devicesSelectedView].devices[index].commonRole){ case "iQontrolView": case "iQontrolWindow": case "iQontrolDoor": case "iQontrolFire": case "iQontrolTemperature": case "iQontrolHumidity": case "iQontrolBrightness": case "iQontrolMotion": //Link to other View allowed $(this).parent('div').parent('td').css('opacity', '1'); break; default: //Link to other view not allowed $(this).parent('div').parent('td').css('opacity', '0'); } } */ }); $('select').select(); } //Enhance dialogDeviceEditCommonRole-Selectbox with functions $('#dialogDeviceEditCommonRole').on('change', function(){ var viewIndex = $('#dialogDeviceEditViewIndex').val(); var deviceIndex = $('#dialogDeviceEditDeviceIndex').val(); dialogDeviceEditCommonRole = $('#dialogDeviceEditCommonRole').val(); if(typeof dialogDeviceEditStatesTable == 'object') dialogDeviceEditStatesTable.forEach(function(entry){ //save the table entrys before bulding the new table var index = dialogDeviceEditStates.findIndex(function(element){ return element.state == entry.state;}); if (index == -1) { dialogDeviceEditStates.push(entry); } else { dialogDeviceEditStates[index] = entry; } }); dialogDeviceEditStatesTable = []; if(dialogDeviceEditCommonRole){ iQontrolRoles[dialogDeviceEditCommonRole].states.forEach(function(entry){ //push all corresponding states for the selected role into the table var commonRole = (dialogDeviceEditStates.find(function(element){ return element.state == entry;}) || {'state': entry}).commonRole || ""; var value = (dialogDeviceEditStates.find(function(element){ return element.state == entry;}) || {'state': entry}).value || ""; if(commonRole == ""){ if(entry == "VALVE_STATES" || entry == "ADDITIONAL_INFO"){ commonRole = "array"; var valueObj = tryParseJSON(value); if(Array.isArray(valueObj) == false) { //For backward-compatibility -> transfer old object-style to new array-style var valueArray = []; for(name in valueObj){ valueArray.push({'name':name, 'commonRole':'linkedState', 'value':valueObj[name]}); } value = JSON.stringify(valueArray); } } else if(entry == "SET_VALUE" || entry == "HTML" || entry == "URL"){ commonRole = "const"; } else { commonRole = "linkedState"; } } dialogDeviceEditStatesTable.push({'state':entry, 'commonRole':commonRole, 'value':value}); }); } //Fill Table values2table('tableDialogDeviceEditStates', dialogDeviceEditStatesTable, onChange, ontableDialogDeviceEditStatesReady); }); //Enhance tableDialogDeviceEditStates with functions function ontableDialogDeviceEditStatesReady(){ $('#tableDialogDeviceEditStates td').css('vertical-align', 'top'); var $div = $('#tableDialogDeviceEditStates'); var $table = $div.find('.table-values'); var $lines = $table.find('.table-lines'); //Make State Readonly and add id for selectId-Dialog $lines.find('input[data-name]').each(function () { var name = $(this).data('name'); if (name === 'state') { $(this).prop('readonly', true); if ($(this).val() == "VALVE_STATES") $(this).after('Array: [{name: "Valve1", commonRole: "LinkedState", value: "ID"}, ...]'); if ($(this).val() == "SET_VALUE") $(this).after('constant'); if ($(this).val() == "URL") $(this).after('constant'); if ($(this).val() == "HTML") $(this).after('constant'); } if (name === 'value') { var stateIndex = $(this).data('index'); $(this).prop('id', 'tableDialogDeviceEditStatesValue_' + stateIndex); if (dialogDeviceEditStatesTable[stateIndex].commonRole == 'array') $(this).prop('readonly', true); } }); //Hide role $lines.find('select[data-name]').each(function () { var name = $(this).data('name'); if (name === 'commonRole') { $(this).parent('div').parent('td').hide(); } }); //Button-Functions $lines.find('a[data-command]').each(function () { var command = $(this).data('command'); if (command === 'edit') { var stateIndex = $(this).data('index'); if (dialogDeviceEditStatesTable[stateIndex].commonRole == 'const') { //const - open editText dialog $(this).on('click', function () { var stateIndex = $(this).data('index'); initDialog('dialogDeviceEditStateConstant', function(){ //save dialog var stateIndex = $('#dialogDeviceEditStateConstantIndex').val(); $('#tableDialogDeviceEditStatesValue_' + stateIndex).val($('#dialogDeviceEditStateConstantTextarea').val().replace(/\n/g, '\\n')).trigger('change'); }); $('#dialogDeviceEditStateConstantName').html(dialogDeviceEditStatesTable[stateIndex].state || ""); $('#dialogDeviceEditStateConstantIndex').val(stateIndex); $('#dialogDeviceEditStateConstantTextarea').val((dialogDeviceEditStatesTable[stateIndex].value || "").replace(/\\n/g, '\n')); $('#dialogDeviceEditStateConstantTextarea').trigger('autoresize'); $('#dialogDeviceEditStateConstant').modal('open'); }); } else if (dialogDeviceEditStatesTable[stateIndex].commonRole == 'array') { //array - open editArray dialog $(this).on('click', function () { var stateIndex = $(this).data('index'); initDialog('dialogDeviceEditStateArray', function(){ //save dialog var stateIndex = $('#dialogDeviceEditStateArrayIndex').val(); $('#tableDialogDeviceEditStatesValue_' + stateIndex).val(JSON.stringify(dialogDeviceEditStateArrayTable)).trigger('change'); }); $('#dialogDeviceEditStateArrayName').html(dialogDeviceEditStatesTable[stateIndex].state || ""); $('#dialogDeviceEditStateArrayIndex').val(stateIndex); dialogDeviceEditStateArrayTable = tryParseJSON(dialogDeviceEditStatesTable[stateIndex].value) || []; values2table('tableDialogDeviceEditStateArray', dialogDeviceEditStateArrayTable, onChange, ontableDialogDeviceEditStateArrayReady); $('#dialogDeviceEditStateArray').modal('open'); }); } else { //linkedState - open selectID dialog $(this).on('click', function(){ var stateIndex = $(this).data('index'); $('#dialogSelectId').data('selectidfor', 'tableDialogDeviceEditStatesValue_' + stateIndex); initSelectId(function (sid) { sid.selectId('show', $('#tableDialogDeviceEditStatesValue_' + stateIndex).val(), {type: 'state'}, function (newId) { if (newId) { $('#' + $('#dialogSelectId').data('selectidfor')).val(newId).trigger('change'); } }); }); }); } } }); } function ontableDialogDeviceEditStateArrayReady(){ var $div = $('#tableDialogDeviceEditStateArray'); var $table = $div.find('.table-values'); var $lines = $table.find('.table-lines'); //Hide role $lines.find('select[data-name]').each(function () { var name = $(this).data('name'); if (name === 'commonRole') { $(this).parent('div').parent('td').hide(); } }); //Add id for selectId-Dialog $lines.find('input[data-name]').each(function () { var name = $(this).data('name'); if (name === 'value') { var arrayIndex = $(this).data('index'); $(this).prop('id', 'tableDialogDeviceEditStateArrayValue_' + arrayIndex); } }); //Button-Functions $lines.find('a[data-command]').each(function () { var command = $(this).data('command'); if (command === 'edit') { var arrayIndex = $(this).data('index'); $(this).on('click', function(){ var arrayIndex = $(this).data('index'); $('#dialogSelectId').data('selectidfor', 'tableDialogDeviceEditStateArrayValue_' + arrayIndex); initSelectId(function (sid) { sid.selectId('show', $('#tableDialogDeviceEditStateArrayValue_' + arrayIndex).val(), {type: 'state'}, function (newId) { if (newId) { $('#' + $('#dialogSelectId').data('selectidfor')).val(newId).trigger('change'); } }); }); }); } }); } //Enhance DeviceAutocreate with functions var dialogDeviceAutocreateResult; $('#devicesAutocreateButton').on('click', function () { initDialog('dialogDeviceAutocreate', function(){ //save dialog views[$('#devicesSelectedView').val()].devices.push(dialogDeviceAutocreateResult); values2table('tableDevices', views[devicesSelectedView].devices, onChange, onTableDevicesReady); }); if ($('#dialogDeviceAutocreateSourceId').val() == "") { $('#dialogDeviceAutocreateCreatePreviewButton').addClass('disabled'); } else { $('#dialogDeviceAutocreateCreatePreviewButton').removeClass('disabled'); } $('#dialogDeviceAutocreatePreview').html(_('Please select a device ID from ioBroker-Object-Tree and press \'Try to create preview\' first.')); $('#dialogDeviceAutocreatePreviewStates').html(''); $('#dialogDeviceAutocreate a.btn-set').addClass('disabled') $('#dialogDeviceAutocreate').modal('open'); }); $('#dialogDeviceAutocreateSourceId').on('input change', function(){ dialogDeviceAutocreateResult = {}; if($(this).val() == ""){ $('#dialogDeviceAutocreateCreatePreviewButton').addClass('disabled'); } else { $('#dialogDeviceAutocreateCreatePreviewButton').removeClass('disabled'); } var toDo = function(){ if(iobrokerObjects[$('#dialogDeviceAutocreateSourceId').val()]){ $('#dialogDeviceAutocreateSourceIdCommonName').html(iobrokerObjects[$('#dialogDeviceAutocreateSourceId').val()].common.name); } else { $('#dialogDeviceAutocreateSourceIdCommonName').html(""); } } if(iobrokerObjectsReady) { toDo(); } else { iobrokerObjectsReadyFunctions.push(toDo); } $('#dialogDeviceAutocreatePreview').html(_("Please select a device ID from ioBroker-Object-Tree and press 'Try to create preview' first.")); $('#dialogDeviceAutocreatePreviewStates').html(''); $('#dialogDeviceAutocreate a.btn-set').addClass('disabled') }); $('#dialogDeviceAutocreateSourceIdSelectIdButton').on('click', function(){ initSelectId(function (sid) { sid.selectId('show', $('#dialogDeviceAutocreateSourceId').val(), {type: 'state'}, function (newId) { if (newId) { $('#dialogDeviceAutocreateSourceId').val(newId).trigger('change'); if (M) M.updateTextFields(); } }); }); }); $('#dialogDeviceAutocreateCreatePreviewButton').on('click', function(){ dialogDeviceAutocreateResult = {}; $('#dialogDeviceAutocreateSourceId').addClass('disabled'); $('#dialogDeviceAutocreateSourceIdSelectIdButton').addClass('disabled'); $('#dialogDeviceAutocreateCreatePreviewButton').addClass('disabled'); $('#dialogDeviceAutocreatePreview').html(_('Please wait...')); $('#dialogDeviceAutocreatePreviewStates').html(''); $('#dialogDeviceAutocreate a.btn-set').addClass('disabled') var toDo = function(){ var sourceId = $('#dialogDeviceAutocreateSourceId').val(); var result = deviceAutocreate(sourceId, iobrokerObjects); $('#dialogDeviceAutocreatePreview').html(result.resultText); $('#dialogDeviceAutocreatePreviewStates').html(result.resultStatesText); $('#dialogDeviceAutocreateSourceId').removeClass('disabled'); $('#dialogDeviceAutocreateSourceIdSelectIdButton').removeClass('disabled'); if (result.resultValid){ dialogDeviceAutocreateResult = result.resultObject; $('#dialogDeviceAutocreate a.btn-set').removeClass('disabled') } } if (iobrokerObjectsReady) { toDo(); } else { iobrokerObjectsReadyFunctions.push(toDo); } }); function deviceAutocreate(sourceId, objects){ var resultObject = {}; var resultText = ""; var resultValid = false; if(!objects[sourceId]){ resultText = "
" + _('This is not a valid ID') + "

"; } else { //Find out Name if (typeof objects[sourceId].common.name != udef) { resultObject.commonName = objects[sourceId].common.name; resultText += "" + _("Name") + ": " + objects[sourceId].common.name + "

"; resultValid = true; } else { resultObject.commonName = _("New Device"); resultText += "
" + _("The name of the device could not be determined and was set to") + " \'" + _("New Device") + "\'

"; } //Get childStates var childStates = []; for(id in objects){ if(id.indexOf(sourceId) == 0 && objects[id].type == 'state') childStates.push(id); } childStates.sort().reverse(); //reverse order, so that the top channel of multi-channel-devices wins //Try to match childStates resultStatesObj = {}; for(i = 0; i < childStates.length; i++){ var id = childStates[i]; var stateName = id.substring(id.lastIndexOf("."), id.length); switch(stateName){ case ".STATE": case ".state": case ".Switch": case ".switch": case ".on": case ".presence": case ".MOTION": case ".PRESENCE_DETECTION_STATE": if(typeof objects[id] !== udef && typeof objects[id].common.role != udef && objects[id].common.role == "switch.lock"){ resultStatesObj['LOCK_STATE'] = id; } else { resultStatesObj['STATE'] = id; } break; case ".LEVEL": case ".level": case ".bri": resultStatesObj['LEVEL'] = id; break; case ".DIRECTION": resultStatesObj['DIRECTION'] = id; break; case ".STOP": resultStatesObj['STOP'] = id; break; case ".HUE": case ".hue": resultStatesObj['HUE'] = id; break; case ".CT": case ".ct": resultStatesObj['CT'] = id; break; case ".SATURATION": case ".saturation": case ".sat": resultStatesObj['SATURATION'] = id; break; case ".SET_TEMPERATURE": resultStatesObj['SET_TEMPERATURE'] = id; break; case ".HUMIDITY": case ".ACTUAL_HUMIDITY": case ".humidity": resultStatesObj['HUMIDITY'] = id; break; case ".TEMPERATURE": case ".ACTUAL_TEMPERATURE": case ".temperature": resultStatesObj['TEMPERATURE'] = id; break; case ".BRIGHTNESS": case ".LUX": resultStatesObj['BRIGHTNESS'] = id; break; case ".POWER": case ".Power": case ".power": resultStatesObj['POWER'] = id; break; case ".CONTROL_MODE": resultStatesObj['CONTROL_MODE'] = id; break; case ".BOOST_STATE": resultStatesObj['BOOSST_STATE'] = id; break; case ".PARTY_TEMPERATURE": resultStatesObj['PARTY_TEMPERATURE'] = id; break; case ".WINDOW_OPEN_REPORTING": resultStatesObj['WINDOW_OPEN_REPORTING'] = id; break; case ".STATE_UNCERTAIN": resultStatesObj['LOCK_STATE_UNCERTAIN'] = id; break; case ".OPEN": resultStatesObj['LOCK_OPEN'] = id; break; case ".LOWBAT": resultStatesObj['BATTERY'] = id; break; case ".UNREACH": resultStatesObj['UNREACH'] = id; break; case ".ERROR": case ".FAULT_REPORTING": resultStatesObj['ERROR'] = id; break; } } //Try to find out the role //--iQontrolView var role = null; if(typeof objects[sourceId].common.role !== udef && objects[sourceId].common.role == "iQontrolView"){ role = "iQontrolView"; } //--all the others //----find out the role of sources main state (priority in ascending order!) var sourceRole = null; if(resultStatesObj['STATE'] && objects[resultStatesObj['STATE']] && typeof objects[resultStatesObj['STATE']].common.role != udef) { sourceRole = objects[resultStatesObj['STATE']].common.role; if(sourceRole == 'state') { //special - check the parent channel's role var resultStateParent = resultStatesObj['STATE'].substring(0, resultStatesObj['STATE'].lastIndexOf('.')); if(resultStateParent.length > 0){ if(objects[resultStateParent] && typeof objects[resultStateParent].common.role != udef) sourceRole = objects[resultStateParent].common.role; } } else if (stateName == ".presence" || stateName == ".MOTION" || stateName == ".PRESENCE_DETECTION_STATE") { //special sourceRole = "sensor.motion"; } } if(resultStatesObj['HUMIDITY'] && objects[resultStatesObj['HUMIDITY']] && typeof objects[resultStatesObj['HUMIDITY']].common.role != udef) sourceRole = objects[resultStatesObj['HUMIDITY']].common.role; if(resultStatesObj['TEMPERATURE'] && objects[resultStatesObj['TEMPERATURE']] && typeof objects[resultStatesObj['TEMPERATURE']].common.role != udef) sourceRole = objects[resultStatesObj['TEMPERATURE']].common.role; if(resultStatesObj['BRIGHTNESS'] && objects[resultStatesObj['BRIGHTNESS']] && typeof objects[resultStatesObj['BRIGHTNESS']].common.role != udef) sourceRole = objects[resultStatesObj['BRIGHTNESS']].common.role; if(resultStatesObj['SET_TEMPERATURE'] && objects[resultStatesObj['SET_TEMPERATURE']] && typeof objects[resultStatesObj['SET_TEMPERATURE']].common.role != udef) sourceRole = objects[resultStatesObj['SET_TEMPERATURE']].common.role; if(resultStatesObj['LOCK_STATE'] && objects[resultStatesObj['LOCK_STATE']] && typeof objects[resultStatesObj['LOCK_STATE']].common.role != udef) sourceRole = objects[resultStatesObj['LOCK_STATE']].common.role; if(resultStatesObj['LEVEL'] && objects[resultStatesObj['LEVEL']] && typeof objects[resultStatesObj['LEVEL']].common.role != udef) sourceRole = objects[resultStatesObj['LEVEL']].common.role; //----try to match this to destination role switch(sourceRole){ case "switch": case "switch.power": case "switch.enable": role = 'iQontrolSwitch'; break; case "switch.light": case "level.dimmer": role = 'iQontrolLight'; break; case "---missing---": role = 'iQontrolFan'; break; case "level.temperature": if (resultStatesObj['PARTY_TEMPERATURE']) { role = 'iQontrolHomematicThermostat'; } else { role = 'iQontrolThermostat'; } break; case "value.temperature": role = 'iQontrolTemperature'; if(!resultStatesObj['STATE']){ resultStatesObj['STATE'] = resultStatesObj['TEMPERATURE']; delete resultStatesObj['TEMPERATURE']; } break; case "value.humidity": role = 'iQontrolHumidity'; if(!resultStatesObj['STATE']){ resultStatesObj['STATE'] = resultStatesObj['HUMIDITY']; delete resultStatesObj['HUMIDITY']; } break; case "value.brightness": role = 'iQontrolBrightness'; if(!resultStatesObj['STATE']){ resultStatesObj['STATE'] = resultStatesObj['BRIGHTNESS']; delete resultStatesObj['BRIGHTNESS']; } break; case "sensor.motion": role = 'iQontrolMotion'; break; case "sensor.door": role = 'iQontrolDoor'; break; case "switch.lock": role = 'iQontrolDoorWithLock'; break; case "sensor": case "sensor.window": role = 'iQontrolWindow'; break; case "level.blind": role = 'iQontrolBlind'; break; case "state": role = 'iQontrolValue'; break; case "sensor.alarm.fire": role = 'iQontrolFire'; break; case "action.execute": role = 'iQontrolProgram'; break; case "scene.state": role = 'iQontrolScene'; break; } //Got role? if (role) { resultObject.commonRole = role; if (typeof iQontrolRoles[role] != udef && typeof iQontrolRoles[role].name != udef) { resultText += "" + _("Role") + ": " + _(iQontrolRoles[role].name) + "

"; } else { resultText += _("Role") + ": " + role + "

"; } resultValid = true; } else { resultText += "
" + _("The role of the device is unknown. Please set it manually.") + "

"; } //Got states? resultStates = []; for(state in resultStatesObj){ resultStates.push({state: state, value: resultStatesObj[state]}); } var resultStatesText = ""; if(resultStates.length > 0 ){ resultStatesText += "" + _("Matched the following states:") + "
"; for(i = 0; i < resultStates.length; i++){ resultStatesText += resultStates[i].state + ": " + resultStates[i].value + "
"; } resultObject.states = resultStates; resultValid = true; } else { resultText = "
" + _('Could not match any state') + "

"; } //Result valid? if(resultValid) { resultText += "
" + _("You can create this device now if you want.") + ""; } else { resultText = "
" + _("Could not determine any valid Device from this ID") + "
"; } } var result = {}; result.resultObject = resultObject; result.resultText = resultText; result.resultStatesText = resultStatesText; result.resultValid = resultValid; return result; } //Enhance DeviceCopyFrom with functions $('#devicesCopyFromButton').on('click', function () { initDialog('dialogDeviceCopyFrom', function(){ //save dialog var sourceView = $('#dialogDeviceCopyFromSourceView').val(); var sourceDevice = $('#dialogDeviceCopyFromSourceDevice').val(); var length = views[$('#devicesSelectedView').val()].devices.push(Object.assign({}, views[sourceView].devices[sourceDevice])); //Object.assign creates new object, not just a reference values2table('tableDevices', views[devicesSelectedView].devices, onChange, onTableDevicesReady); }); $('#dialogDeviceCopyFromSourceView').empty().append(""); views.forEach(function(element, index){ $('#dialogDeviceCopyFromSourceView').append(""); }); $('#dialogDeviceCopyFromSourceDevice').empty().append(""); $('select').select(); $('#dialogDeviceCopyFromDestinationView').html(views[devicesSelectedView].commonName); $('#dialogDeviceCopyFrom a.btn-set').addClass('disabled') $('#dialogDeviceCopyFrom').modal('open'); }); $('#dialogDeviceCopyFromSourceView').on('change', function(){ $('#dialogDeviceCopyFromSourceDevice').empty().append(""); views[$('#dialogDeviceCopyFromSourceView').val()].devices.forEach(function(element, index){ $('#dialogDeviceCopyFromSourceDevice').append(""); }); $('select').select(); $('#dialogDeviceCopyFrom a.btn-set').addClass('disabled') }); $('#dialogDeviceCopyFromSourceDevice').on('change', function(){ if($('#dialogDeviceCopyFromSourceDevice').val()){ $('#dialogDeviceCopyFrom a.btn-set').removeClass('disabled') } else { $('#dialogDeviceCopyFrom a.btn-set').addClass('disabled') } }); //+++++++++ TOOLBAR ++++++++++ //Load Toolbar function loadToolbar(){ //Add Views to Selectbox for LinkedView var viewIds = []; views.forEach(function(element){ viewIds.push(element.commonName); }); $('*[data-name="nativeLinkedView"]').data("options", viewIds.join(";")); //Fill Table values2table('tableToolbar', toolbar, onChange); } //++++++++++ IMAGES ++++++++++ //Load Images function loadImages(){ //Fill Table values2table('tableImages', images, onChange, onTableImagesReady); //Add Dirs to Selectbox for SelectedDir imagesSelectedDirFillSelectbox(); } //Init Image-Upload function initImageUpload(){ document.getElementById('imagesUploadFile').addEventListener('change', imagesUploadHandleFileSelect, false); $('#imagesUploadFileSubmit').on('click', imagesUploadHandleSubmit); } function imagesUploadHandleFileSelect() { $('#imagesUploadFileSubmit').addClass('disabled'); var files = $('#imagesUploadFile')[0].files || $('#imagesUploadFile')[0].dataTransfer.files; // FileList object if (!files.length) return; var file = files[0]; if (file.size > 10 * 1024 * 1024) { alert(_('File %s is too big. Maximum 10MB', escape(file.name))); $('#imagesUploadFile').val(''); return; } $('#imagesUploadFileSubmit').removeClass('disabled'); } function imagesUploadHandleSubmit() { var files = $('#imagesUploadFile')[0].files || $('#imagesUploadFile')[0].dataTransfer.files; // FileList object if (!files.length) return; var file = files[0]; uploadFile(file, userfilesImagePath + $('#imagesSelectedDir').val(), function (name) { $('#imagesUploadFileForm')[0].reset(); $('#imagesUploadFileSubmit').addClass('disabled'); getImages(function(){ values2table('tableImages', images, onChange, onTableImagesReady); var dummy = $('#imagesSelectedDir').val(); imagesSelectedDirFillSelectbox(); $('#imagesSelectedDir').val(dummy).trigger('change'); $('select').select(); }); }); } //getImages var getImagesRunningTasks = 0; function getImages(path, callback){ $('.hideOnLoad').hide(); $('.showOnLoad').show(); if(typeof path == 'function') callback = path; if(typeof path != "string") { path = userfilesImagePath; images = []; imagesDirs = [{ dirname: "/", }]; }; socketCallback = function(err, obj){ obj.forEach(function(element){ if(element.isDir) { imagesDirs.push({ dirname: path.substring(userfilesImagePath.length) + "/" + element.file }); getImagesRunningTasks += 1; getImages(path + "/" + element.file, callback); } else { images.push({ filename: path.substring(userfilesImagePath.length) + "/" + element.file, filenameBS: path.substring(userfilesImagePath.length).replace(/\//g, "\\") + "\\" + element.file.replace(/\//g, "\\"), filenameVS: path.substring(userfilesImagePath.length).replace(/\//g, "|") + "|" + element.file.replace(/\//g, "|") }); console.log("Got Image: " + path + "/" + element.file); } }); if(getImagesRunningTasks > 0) { getImagesRunningTasks -= 1; } else { console.log("Got all images."); $('.hideOnLoad').show(); $('.showOnLoad').hide(); if(typeof callback == 'function') callback(); } } readDir(path, socketCallback); } //Add Images to Selectbox for SelectedDir function imagesSelectedDirFillSelectbox(){ var imagesDirsSorted = []; imagesDirs.forEach(function(element){ imagesDirsSorted.push(element.dirname); }); imagesDirsSorted.sort(); $('#imagesSelectedDir').empty(); imagesDirsSorted.forEach(function(element){ $('#imagesSelectedDir').append(""); }); $('select').select(); imagesSelectedDirFilterList(); } //Enhance Selectbox for SelectedDir $('#imagesSelectedDir').on('change', imagesSelectedDirFilterList); function imagesSelectedDirFilterList(){ var val = $('#imagesSelectedDir').val(); if(val == "/"){ $('#imagesUploadRenameDir').addClass('disabled'); $('#imagesUploadDeleteDir').addClass('disabled'); } else { $('#imagesUploadRenameDir').removeClass('disabled'); $('#imagesUploadDeleteDir').removeClass('disabled'); } var $div = $('#tableImages'); var $table = $div.find('.table-values'); var $lines = $table.find('.table-lines'); if (!val) { $lines.show(); } else { $lines.find('input[data-name]').each(function () { var name = $(this).data('name'); if (name === 'filename') { $line = $(this).closest('tr'); if($(this).val().indexOf(val) == 0 && $(this).val().lastIndexOf("/") <= val.length) { $line.show(); } else { $line.hide(); } } }); } } //Enhance tableImages with functions function onTableImagesReady(){ var $div = $('#tableImages'); var $table = $div.find('.table-values'); var $lines = $table.find('.table-lines'); //Make Filename Readonly $lines.find('input[data-name]').each(function () { var name = $(this).data('name'); if (name === 'filename') { $(this).prop('readonly', true); } }); //Button-Functions $lines.find('a[data-command]').each(function () { var command = $(this).data('command'); //Replace photo-button with thumbnail if (command === 'photo') { var imageIndex = $(this).data('index'); $(this).replaceWith(""); } //Rename file if (command === 'edit') { $(this).on('click', function () { var index = $(this).data('index'); var oldName = images[index].filename; var newName = images[index].filename; var isValid = false; do { newName = prompt(_("Change filename from %s to:", oldName), newName).replace(/\\/g, "/"); isValid = (newName == "" || (newName.substring(0,1) != " " && (/^[^<>:;,?"*|\\]+$/.test(newName)))); if (!isValid) alert(_("Invalid Name")); } while (!isValid) if(newName != "" && newName != oldName){ if (newName.indexOf('/') != 0) newName = "/" + newName; (function(){ //Closure--> (everything declared inside keeps its value as ist is at the time the function is created) var _oldName = userfilesImagePath + images[index].filename; var _newName = userfilesImagePath + newName; renameFile(_oldName, _newName, function(){ changeImageName(_oldName, _newName); getImages(function(){ values2table('tableImages', images, onChange, onTableImagesReady); var dummy = $('#imagesSelectedDir').val(); imagesSelectedDirFillSelectbox(); $('#imagesSelectedDir').val(dummy).trigger('change'); $('select').select(); }); }); })(); //<--End Closure } }); } //Delete file if (command === 'delete_forever') { $(this).find('i').addClass('red').html('delete_forever'); $(this).on('click', function (e) { var index = $(this).data('index'); if(confirm(_("Delete file %s on server? Warning: This can't be undone!", images[index].filename))){ deleteFile(userfilesImagePath + images[index].filename, function(){ getImages(function(){ values2table('tableImages', images, onChange, onTableImagesReady); var dummy = $('#imagesSelectedDir').val(); imagesSelectedDirFillSelectbox(); $('#imagesSelectedDir').val(dummy).trigger('change'); $('select').select(); }); }); } }); } }); //ImagePopup $('.thumbnail').on('click', function(){ initDialog('dialogImagePopup', function(){}); var imageLink = $(this).attr('src'); $("#dialogImagePopupImageName").text(imageLink); $("#dialogImagePopupImage").html(""); $("#dialogImagePopup").modal('open'); }); imagesSelectedDirFilterList(); } //Create Dir $('#imagesUploadCreateDir').on('click', function(){ var newName = (($('#imagesSelectedDir').val() == "/") ? "" : $('#imagesSelectedDir').val()) + "/New Folder"; var isValid = false; do { newName = prompt(_("Create Directory"), newName).replace(/\\/g, "/"); isValid = (newName == "" || (newName.substring(0,1) != " " && (/^[^<>:;,?"*|\\]+$/.test(newName)))); if (!isValid) alert(_("Invalid Name")); } while (!isValid) if(newName != ""){ if (newName.indexOf('/') != 0) newName = "/" + newName; createDir(userfilesImagePath + newName, function(err){ getImages(function(err){ values2table('tableImages', images, onChange, onTableImagesReady); if(!err) var dummy = newName; else var dummy = $('#imagesSelectedDir').val(); imagesSelectedDirFillSelectbox(); $('#imagesSelectedDir').val(dummy).trigger('change'); $('select').select(); }); }); } }); //Rename Dir $('#imagesUploadRenameDir').on('click', function(){ var oldName = $('#imagesSelectedDir').val(); var newName = $('#imagesSelectedDir').val(); var isValid = false; do { newName = prompt(_("Change Directory Name from %s to:", oldName), newName).replace(/\\/g, "/"); isValid = (newName == "" || (newName.substring(0,1) != " " && (/^[^<>:;,?"*|\\]+$/.test(newName)))); if (!isValid) alert(_("Invalid Name")); } while (!isValid) if(newName != "" && newName != oldName){ if (newName.indexOf('/') != 0) newName = "/" + newName; (function(){ //Closure--> (everything declared inside keeps its value as ist is at the time the function is created) var _oldName = userfilesImagePath + oldName; var _newName = userfilesImagePath + newName; renameFile(_oldName, _newName, function(){ changeImageName(_oldName, _newName); getImages(function(){ values2table('tableImages', images, onChange, onTableImagesReady); var dummy = $('#imagesSelectedDir').val(); imagesSelectedDirFillSelectbox(); $('#imagesSelectedDir').val(dummy).trigger('change'); $('select').select(); }); }); })(); //<--End Closure } }); //Delete Dir $('#imagesUploadDeleteDir').on('click', function(){ if(confirm(_("Delete directory %s and all its content on server? Warning: This can't be undone!", $('#imagesSelectedDir').val()))){ deleteFile(userfilesImagePath + $('#imagesSelectedDir').val(), function(){ getImages(function(){ values2table('tableImages', images, onChange, onTableImagesReady); var dummy = $('#imagesSelectedDir').val(); dummy = dummy.substring(0, dummy.lastIndexOf('/')); if (dummy == "") dummy = "/"; imagesSelectedDirFillSelectbox(); $('#imagesSelectedDir').val(dummy).trigger('change'); $('select').select(); }); }); } }); //Refresh $('#imagesUploadRefresh').on('click', function(){ getImages(function(){ values2table('tableImages', images, onChange, onTableImagesReady); var dummy = $('#imagesSelectedDir').val(); $('#imagesSelectedDir').val(dummy).trigger('change'); $('select').select(); }); }); //Download Dir As Zip $('#imagesUploadDownloadDirAsZip').on('click', function(){ $('#imagesUploadDownloadDirAsZip').addClass('disabled'); $('#imagesUploadDownloadDirAsZipIcon').text("hourglass_empty"); readDirAsZip(userfilesImagePath + $('#imagesSelectedDir').val(), function(err, data){ if (err) { alert("Error: " + err); } else if (data) { var date = new Date(); var y = date.getFullYear(); var m = date.getMonth() + 1; if (m < 10) m = '0' + m; d = date.getDate(); if (d < 10) d = '0' + d; var dateText = y + "-" + m + "-" + d; $('body').append(''); document.getElementById('zip_download').click(); document.getElementById('zip_download').remove(); } else { alert("Error: no data received."); } $('#imagesUploadDownloadDirAsZipIcon').text("cloud_download"); $('#imagesUploadDownloadDirAsZip').removeClass('disabled'); }); }); //Change ImageName in views and devices function changeImageName(oldName, newName){ oldName = "." + oldName.replace(/\//g, "\\"); newName = "." + newName.replace(/\//g, "\\"); views.forEach(function(view){ if(typeof view.nativeBackgroundImage != udef && view.nativeBackgroundImage.indexOf(oldName) == 0 && view.nativeBackgroundImage.length >= oldName.length) view.nativeBackgroundImage = newName + view.nativeBackgroundImage.substring(oldName.length); view.devices.forEach(function(device){ if(typeof device.nativeBackgroundImage != udef && device.nativeBackgroundImage.indexOf(oldName) == 0 && device.nativeBackgroundImage.length >= oldName.length) device.nativeBackgroundImage = newName + device.nativeBackgroundImage.substring(oldName.length); }); }); } //File-Operations function uploadFile(file, path, callback) { if(typeof path == 'function') { callback = path; path = null; } var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function(e) { //Closure--> to capture the file information. path = (path ? path + "/" : "") + file.name; var parts = path.split('/'); var adapter = parts[1]; parts.splice(0, 2); socket.emit('writeFile', adapter, parts.join('/'), e.target.result, function () { if (callback) callback(file.name); }); }; reader.readAsArrayBuffer(file); } function readDir(path, callback) { //callback(err, obj) if(servConn.getIsConnected()) { servConn.readDir(path, callback); } else { var parts = path.split('/'); var adapter = parts[1]; parts.splice(0, 2); socket.emit('readDir', adapter, parts.join('/'), callback); } } function readDirAsync(path){ return new Promise(resolve => { readDir(path, function(err, obj){ resolve(err); }); }); } function readDirAsZip(path, callback) { var pathWithoutSlashNamespace = path.substring(namespace.length + 1) if(servConn.getIsConnected()){ servConn.readDirAsZip(pathWithoutSlashNamespace, false, function(err, data){ if (callback) callback(err, data); }); } else { alert(_("No socket.io-Instance found. To get this working, enable integrated socket.IO and disable 'Force Web-Sockets' in the web adapter!")); } } function deleteFile(path, callback) { if(servConn.getIsConnected()){ servConn.unlink(path, function(err){ if (callback) callback(err); }); } else { alert(_("No socket.io-Instance found. To get this working, enable integrated socket.IO and disable 'Force Web-Sockets' in the web adapter!")); var parts = path.split('/'); var adapter = parts[1]; parts.splice(0, 2); //socket.emit('unlink', adapter, parts.join('/'), function(err){ if (callback) callback(err); }); } } function renameFile(oldPath, newPath, callback) { var newDir = newPath.substring(0, newPath.lastIndexOf('/')); createDir(newDir, function(){ var oldParts = oldPath.split('/'); var oldAdapter = oldParts[1]; var newParts = newPath.split('/'); var newAdapter = newParts[1]; if(oldAdapter != newAdapter){ newParts.splice(1, 0, oldAdapter, ".."); //inserts oldadapter and ".." at index 1 (and removes 0 elements) newPath = newParts.join('/'); //results in /oldadapter/../newadapter/path -> this trick is necessary, because the socket cant directly move files between two adapters } if(servConn.getIsConnected()){ servConn.renameFile(oldPath, newPath, function(err){ if (callback) callback(err); }); } else { alert(_("No socket.io-Instance found. To get this working, enable integrated socket.IO and disable 'Force Web-Sockets' in the web adapter!")); oldParts.splice(0, 2); newParts.splice(0, 2); //socket.emit('rename', adapter, oldParts.join('/'), newParts.join('/'), function (err) { } }); } function renameFileAsync(oldPath, newPath){ return new Promise(resolve => { renameFile(oldPath, newPath, function(err, obj){ resolve(err); }); }); } async function createDir(path, callback, index) { //index is just for recoursive iterating through the process of creating all subdirs if (typeof index != 'number') index = 0; pathSubdirs = path.split('/'); if (index >= pathSubdirs.length){ if(callback) callback(); } else { pathSubdir = pathSubdirs.slice(0, index + 1).join('/'); var pathSubdirExists = await checkExistance(pathSubdir); if (pathSubdirs[index] != "" && !pathSubdirExists){ //Subdir is not existant - create it and iterate to next subdir (function(){ //Closure--> (everything declared inside keeps its value as ist is at the time the function is created) var _path = path; var _callback = callback; var _index = index; if(servConn.getIsConnected()){ servConn.mkdir(pathSubdir, function(err){ createDir(_path, _callback, _index + 1); }); } else { alert(_("No socket.io-Instance found. To get this working, enable integrated socket.IO and disable 'Force Web-Sockets' in the web adapter!")); var parts = path.split('/'); var adapter = parts[1]; parts.splice(0, 2); //socket.emit('mkdir', adapter, pathSubdir, function(err){ // createDir(_path, _callback, _index + 1); //}); } })(); //<--End Closure } else { //Subdir exists - iterate to next subdir createDir(path, callback, index + 1); } } } async function checkExistance(path){ var result = await readDirAsync(path); if(result == null) return true; else return false; } //++++++++++ OPTIONS ++++++++++ //Load Options function loadOptions(){ //Nothing to do } } /************** SAVE ***************************************************************** *** This will be called by the admin adapter when the user presses the save button *** *************************************************************************************/ function save(callback) { //Select elements with class=value and build settings object var obj = {}; $('.value').each(function () { var $this = $(this); if ($this.attr('type') === 'checkbox') { obj[$this.attr('id')] = $this.prop('checked'); } else { obj[$this.attr('id')] = $this.val(); } }); //Get edited subsettings obj.toolbar = toolbar; obj.views = views; //Set version version = ++version || 0; obj.version = version; //Save settings callback(obj); }