2019-07-28 10:27:41 - INFO :: CP Server Thread-13 : Cleared the tautulli.log file. 2019-07-28 10:27:53 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 10:27:53 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 10:27:53 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 10:27:53 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 10:27:57 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 10:27:57 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 10:27:57 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 10:27:57 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 10:28:43 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 10:28:43 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 10:28:43 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 10:28:43 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 10:28:43 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 10:28:43 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 10:28:45 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 10:28:45 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 10:28:45 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 10:28:45 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 10:28:45 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 10:28:45 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 10:28:53 - DEBUG :: CP Server Thread-12 : Tautulli PlexTV :: Plex Pass subscription not found. 2019-07-28 10:28:53 - INFO :: CP Server Thread-12 : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-07-28 10:30:45 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 15 stopped. 2019-07-28 10:30:45 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Fetching metadata for item ratingKey 65 2019-07-28 10:30:45 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 10:30:45 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 10:30:45 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 15 ratingKey 65 from session queue 2019-07-28 10:30:48 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 18 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 66 (1983 - Requiem). 2019-07-28 10:30:48 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 10:30:50 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 10:30:59 - INFO :: CP Server Thread-7 : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-07-28 10:31:00 - DEBUG :: CP Server Thread-6 : Tautulli PlexTV :: Plex Pass subscription not found. 2019-07-28 10:31:00 - INFO :: CP Server Thread-6 : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-07-28 10:31:45 - INFO :: CP Server Thread-9 : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-07-28 10:31:46 - DEBUG :: CP Server Thread-12 : Tautulli PlexTV :: Plex Pass subscription not found. 2019-07-28 10:31:46 - INFO :: CP Server Thread-12 : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-07-28 10:32:13 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 20 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 69 (1993 - Jede Revolution hat ihren Preis - Wildschweine). 2019-07-28 10:32:30 - INFO :: MainThread : Received signal: restart 2019-07-28 10:32:30 - INFO :: MainThread : Stopping Tautulli web server... 2019-07-28 10:32:35 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli WebSocket :: Disconnecting websocket... 2019-07-28 10:32:35 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli WebSocket :: Leaving thread. 2019-07-28 10:32:35 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-07-28 10:32:35 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli is restarting... 2019-07-28 10:32:35 - INFO :: MainThread : Restarting Tautulli with ['/usr/bin/python', '/opt/Tautulli/Tautulli.py', '--config', '/etc/tautulli.conf', '--datadir', '/opt/Tautulli', '--quiet', '--daemon', '--nolaunch'] 2019-07-28 10:32:36 - INFO :: MainThread : Starting Tautulli v2.1.33 2019-07-28 10:32:36 - INFO :: MainThread : Linux 4.15.18-16-pve (#1 SMP PVE 4.15.18-41 (Tue, 18 Jun 2019 07:36:54 +0200) - debian 9.9) 2019-07-28 10:32:36 - INFO :: MainThread : Europe/Berlin (UTC+0200) 2019-07-28 10:32:36 - INFO :: MainThread : Python 2.7.13 (default, Sep 26 2018, 18:42:22) [GCC 6.3.0 20170516] 2019-07-28 10:32:36 - INFO :: MainThread : Program Dir: /opt/Tautulli 2019-07-28 10:32:36 - INFO :: MainThread : Config File: /etc/tautulli.conf 2019-07-28 10:32:36 - INFO :: MainThread : Database File: /opt/Tautulli/tautulli.db 2019-07-28 10:32:36 - INFO :: MainThread : Checking if the database upgrades are required... 2019-07-28 10:32:36 - INFO :: MainThread : Checking if configuration upgrades are required... 2019-07-28 10:32:36 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Trying to execute: "git rev-parse HEAD" with shell in /opt/Tautulli 2019-07-28 10:32:36 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Git output: 1046b29c1a1f7d7bd2c72743aaec695b1938b709 2019-07-28 10:32:36 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Trying to execute: "git rev-parse --abbrev-ref --symbolic-full-name @{u}" with shell in /opt/Tautulli 2019-07-28 10:32:36 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Git output: origin/master 2019-07-28 10:32:36 - INFO :: MainThread : Retrieving latest version information from GitHub 2019-07-28 10:32:36 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Requesting URL via GET method: https://api.github.com/repos/Tautulli/Tautulli/commits/master 2019-07-28 10:32:36 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Latest version is 1046b29c1a1f7d7bd2c72743aaec695b1938b709 2019-07-28 10:32:36 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli is up to date 2019-07-28 10:32:36 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli PlexTV :: Requesting resources for server... 2019-07-28 10:32:37 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli PlexTV :: Plex Pass subscription not found. 2019-07-28 10:32:37 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-07-28 10:32:37 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli PlexTV :: Using user-defined URL. 2019-07-28 10:32:37 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-07-28 10:32:37 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Users :: Requesting users list refresh... 2019-07-28 10:32:40 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Users :: Users list refreshed. 2019-07-28 10:32:40 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Libraries :: Requesting libraries list refresh... 2019-07-28 10:32:42 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-07-28 10:32:42 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Libraries :: Libraries list refreshed. 2019-07-28 10:32:42 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Starting background notification handler (2 threads). 2019-07-28 10:32:42 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli Monitor :: Checking for active streams. 2019-07-28 10:32:42 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 18 ratingKey 66 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 10:32:42 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli Monitor :: Removing sessionKey 18 ratingKey 66 from session queue 2019-07-28 10:32:42 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Tautulli WebSocket :: Opening websocket. 2019-07-28 10:32:42 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Tautulli WebSocket :: Ready 2019-07-28 10:32:42 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Scheduled background task: Check GitHub for updates 2019-07-28 10:32:42 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Scheduled background task: Backup Tautulli database 2019-07-28 10:32:42 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Scheduled background task: Backup Tautulli config 2019-07-28 10:32:42 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Scheduled background task: Refresh Plex server URLs 2019-07-28 10:32:42 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Scheduled background task: Refresh users list 2019-07-28 10:32:42 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Scheduled background task: Refresh libraries list 2019-07-28 10:32:42 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli WebStart :: Web server authentication is enabled: Tautulli admin (username is 'xxx@yyyy.zzz') and Plex admin. 2019-07-28 10:32:42 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli WebStart :: Starting Tautulli web server on 2019-07-28 10:32:45 - WARNING :: CP Server Thread-8 : No image input received. 2019-07-28 10:33:38 - DEBUG :: CP Server Thread-9 : Tautulli PlexTV :: Plex Pass subscription not found. 2019-07-28 10:33:38 - INFO :: CP Server Thread-9 : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-07-28 10:34:10 - INFO :: CP Server Thread-7 : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-07-28 10:34:11 - DEBUG :: CP Server Thread-6 : Tautulli PlexTV :: Plex Pass subscription not found. 2019-07-28 10:34:11 - INFO :: CP Server Thread-6 : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-07-28 10:36:04 - INFO :: MainThread : Received signal: restart 2019-07-28 10:36:04 - INFO :: MainThread : Stopping Tautulli web server... 2019-07-28 10:36:09 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli WebSocket :: Disconnecting websocket... 2019-07-28 10:36:09 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli WebSocket :: Leaving thread. 2019-07-28 10:36:10 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Notification thread exiting... 2019-07-28 10:36:10 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Notification thread exiting... 2019-07-28 10:36:10 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-07-28 10:36:10 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli is restarting... 2019-07-28 10:36:10 - INFO :: MainThread : Restarting Tautulli with ['/usr/bin/python', '/opt/Tautulli/Tautulli.py', '--config', '/etc/tautulli.conf', '--datadir', '/opt/Tautulli', '--quiet', '--daemon', '--nolaunch'] 2019-07-28 10:36:10 - INFO :: MainThread : Starting Tautulli v2.1.33 2019-07-28 10:36:10 - INFO :: MainThread : Linux 4.15.18-16-pve (#1 SMP PVE 4.15.18-41 (Tue, 18 Jun 2019 07:36:54 +0200) - debian 9.9) 2019-07-28 10:36:10 - INFO :: MainThread : Europe/Berlin (UTC+0200) 2019-07-28 10:36:10 - INFO :: MainThread : Python 2.7.13 (default, Sep 26 2018, 18:42:22) [GCC 6.3.0 20170516] 2019-07-28 10:36:10 - INFO :: MainThread : Program Dir: /opt/Tautulli 2019-07-28 10:36:10 - INFO :: MainThread : Config File: /etc/tautulli.conf 2019-07-28 10:36:10 - INFO :: MainThread : Database File: /opt/Tautulli/tautulli.db 2019-07-28 10:36:10 - INFO :: MainThread : Checking if the database upgrades are required... 2019-07-28 10:36:10 - INFO :: MainThread : Checking if configuration upgrades are required... 2019-07-28 10:36:10 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Trying to execute: "git rev-parse HEAD" with shell in /opt/Tautulli 2019-07-28 10:36:11 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Git output: 1046b29c1a1f7d7bd2c72743aaec695b1938b709 2019-07-28 10:36:11 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Trying to execute: "git rev-parse --abbrev-ref --symbolic-full-name @{u}" with shell in /opt/Tautulli 2019-07-28 10:36:11 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Git output: origin/master 2019-07-28 10:36:11 - INFO :: MainThread : Retrieving latest version information from GitHub 2019-07-28 10:36:11 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Requesting URL via GET method: https://api.github.com/repos/Tautulli/Tautulli/commits/master 2019-07-28 10:36:11 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Latest version is 1046b29c1a1f7d7bd2c72743aaec695b1938b709 2019-07-28 10:36:11 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli is up to date 2019-07-28 10:36:11 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli PlexTV :: Requesting resources for server... 2019-07-28 10:36:11 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli PlexTV :: Plex Pass subscription not found. 2019-07-28 10:36:11 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-07-28 10:36:11 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli PlexTV :: Using user-defined URL. 2019-07-28 10:36:11 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-07-28 10:36:11 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Users :: Requesting users list refresh... 2019-07-28 10:36:12 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Users :: Users list refreshed. 2019-07-28 10:36:12 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Libraries :: Requesting libraries list refresh... 2019-07-28 10:36:13 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-07-28 10:36:13 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Libraries :: Libraries list refreshed. 2019-07-28 10:36:13 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Starting background notification handler (2 threads). 2019-07-28 10:36:13 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli Monitor :: Checking for active streams. 2019-07-28 10:36:15 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Tautulli WebSocket :: Opening websocket. 2019-07-28 10:36:15 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Tautulli WebSocket :: Ready 2019-07-28 10:36:15 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Scheduled background task: Check GitHub for updates 2019-07-28 10:36:15 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Scheduled background task: Backup Tautulli database 2019-07-28 10:36:15 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Scheduled background task: Backup Tautulli config 2019-07-28 10:36:15 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Scheduled background task: Refresh Plex server URLs 2019-07-28 10:36:15 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Scheduled background task: Refresh users list 2019-07-28 10:36:15 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Scheduled background task: Refresh libraries list 2019-07-28 10:36:15 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli WebStart :: Web server authentication is enabled: Tautulli admin (username is 'xxx@yyyy.zzz') and Plex admin. 2019-07-28 10:36:15 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli WebStart :: Starting Tautulli web server on 2019-07-28 10:36:16 - WARNING :: CP Server Thread-11 : No image input received. 2019-07-28 10:37:00 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 20 stopped. 2019-07-28 10:37:00 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Fetching metadata for item ratingKey 69 2019-07-28 10:37:00 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 10:37:00 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 10:37:00 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 20 ratingKey 69 from session queue 2019-07-28 10:37:30 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 22 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 71 (1993 - Jede Revolution hat ihren Preis - Fledermäuse). 2019-07-28 10:37:30 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 10:37:31 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 10:38:37 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 22 stopped. 2019-07-28 10:38:37 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Fetching metadata for item ratingKey 71 2019-07-28 10:38:37 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 22 ratingKey 71 from session queue 2019-07-28 10:39:00 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 10:39:00 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 10:39:00 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 10:39:00 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 10:39:06 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 24 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 72 (1993 - Jede Revolution hat ihren Preis - Affen). 2019-07-28 10:39:31 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 10:39:31 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 10:39:31 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 10:39:32 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 10:41:00 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 10:41:00 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 10:41:32 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 10:41:32 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 10:43:05 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 24 stopped. 2019-07-28 10:43:05 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 10:43:05 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Fetching metadata for item ratingKey 72 2019-07-28 10:43:05 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 10:43:05 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 24 ratingKey 72 from session queue 2019-07-28 10:43:07 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 25 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 73 (1993 - Jede Revolution hat ihren Preis - Löwen). 2019-07-28 10:43:07 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 10:43:07 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 25 stopped. 2019-07-28 10:43:07 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 10:43:07 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 25 ratingKey 73 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 10:43:07 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 25 ratingKey 73 from session queue 2019-07-28 10:43:09 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 25 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 73 (1993 - Jede Revolution hat ihren Preis - Löwen). 2019-07-28 10:43:56 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 25 stopped. 2019-07-28 10:43:56 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Fetching metadata for item ratingKey 73 2019-07-28 10:43:56 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 25 ratingKey 73 from session queue 2019-07-28 10:43:58 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 26 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 74 (1993 - Jede Revolution hat ihren Preis - Nachtfalter). 2019-07-28 10:43:59 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 26 stopped. 2019-07-28 10:43:59 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 26 ratingKey 74 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 10:43:59 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 26 ratingKey 74 from session queue 2019-07-28 10:44:31 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 27 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 74 (1993 - Jede Revolution hat ihren Preis - Nachtfalter). 2019-07-28 10:45:05 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 10:45:05 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 10:45:05 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 10:45:06 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 10:45:07 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 10:45:07 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 10:45:07 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 10:45:08 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 10:45:10 - DEBUG :: CP Server Thread-13 : Tautulli PlexTV :: Plex Pass subscription not found. 2019-07-28 10:45:10 - INFO :: CP Server Thread-13 : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-07-28 10:47:06 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 10:47:06 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 10:47:06 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 10:47:06 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 10:47:08 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 10:47:08 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 10:47:08 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 10:47:09 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 10:49:06 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 10:49:06 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 10:49:06 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 10:49:07 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 10:49:09 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 10:49:09 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 10:49:09 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 10:49:11 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 10:51:07 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 10:51:07 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 10:51:11 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 10:51:11 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 10:59:41 - INFO :: MainThread : Signal 15 caught, saving and exiting... 2019-07-28 10:59:41 - INFO :: MainThread : Stopping Tautulli web server... 2019-07-28 10:59:41 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli WebSocket :: Disconnecting websocket... 2019-07-28 10:59:41 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli WebSocket :: Leaving thread. 2019-07-28 10:59:41 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Notification thread exiting... 2019-07-28 10:59:41 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Notification thread exiting... 2019-07-28 10:59:41 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-07-28 10:59:41 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli is shutting down... 2019-07-28 11:04:00 - INFO :: MainThread : Starting Tautulli v2.1.33 2019-07-28 11:04:00 - INFO :: MainThread : Linux 4.15.18-16-pve (#1 SMP PVE 4.15.18-41 (Tue, 18 Jun 2019 07:36:54 +0200) - debian 9.9) 2019-07-28 11:04:00 - INFO :: MainThread : Europe/Berlin (UTC+0200) 2019-07-28 11:04:00 - INFO :: MainThread : Python 2.7.13 (default, Sep 26 2018, 18:42:22) [GCC 6.3.0 20170516] 2019-07-28 11:04:00 - INFO :: MainThread : Program Dir: /opt/Tautulli 2019-07-28 11:04:00 - INFO :: MainThread : Config File: /etc/tautulli.conf 2019-07-28 11:04:00 - INFO :: MainThread : Database File: /opt/Tautulli/tautulli.db 2019-07-28 11:04:00 - INFO :: MainThread : Checking if the database upgrades are required... 2019-07-28 11:04:00 - INFO :: MainThread : Checking if configuration upgrades are required... 2019-07-28 11:04:00 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Trying to execute: "git rev-parse HEAD" with shell in /opt/Tautulli 2019-07-28 11:04:00 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Git output: 1046b29c1a1f7d7bd2c72743aaec695b1938b709 2019-07-28 11:04:00 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Trying to execute: "git rev-parse --abbrev-ref --symbolic-full-name @{u}" with shell in /opt/Tautulli 2019-07-28 11:04:00 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Git output: origin/master 2019-07-28 11:04:00 - INFO :: MainThread : Retrieving latest version information from GitHub 2019-07-28 11:04:00 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Requesting URL via GET method: https://api.github.com/repos/Tautulli/Tautulli/commits/master 2019-07-28 11:04:01 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Latest version is 1046b29c1a1f7d7bd2c72743aaec695b1938b709 2019-07-28 11:04:01 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli is up to date 2019-07-28 11:04:01 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli PlexTV :: Requesting resources for server... 2019-07-28 11:04:02 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli PlexTV :: Plex Pass subscription not found. 2019-07-28 11:04:02 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-07-28 11:04:02 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli PlexTV :: Using user-defined URL. 2019-07-28 11:04:02 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-07-28 11:04:02 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Users :: Requesting users list refresh... 2019-07-28 11:04:06 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Users :: Users list refreshed. 2019-07-28 11:04:07 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Libraries :: Requesting libraries list refresh... 2019-07-28 11:04:07 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-07-28 11:04:07 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Libraries :: Libraries list refreshed. 2019-07-28 11:04:07 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Starting background notification handler (2 threads). 2019-07-28 11:04:07 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli Monitor :: Checking for active streams. 2019-07-28 11:04:07 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli Monitor :: Session 27 stopped. 2019-07-28 11:04:07 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Fetching metadata for item ratingKey 74 2019-07-28 11:04:07 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 11:04:08 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli Monitor :: Removing sessionKey 27 ratingKey 74 from session queue 2019-07-28 11:04:08 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Tautulli WebSocket :: Opening websocket. 2019-07-28 11:04:08 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Tautulli WebSocket :: Ready 2019-07-28 11:04:08 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Scheduled background task: Check GitHub for updates 2019-07-28 11:04:08 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Scheduled background task: Backup Tautulli database 2019-07-28 11:04:08 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Scheduled background task: Backup Tautulli config 2019-07-28 11:04:08 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Scheduled background task: Refresh Plex server URLs 2019-07-28 11:04:08 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Scheduled background task: Refresh users list 2019-07-28 11:04:08 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Scheduled background task: Refresh libraries list 2019-07-28 11:04:08 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 11:04:08 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli WebStart :: Web server authentication is enabled: Tautulli admin (username is 'xxx@yyyy.zzz') and Plex admin. 2019-07-28 11:04:08 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli WebStart :: Starting Tautulli web server on 2019-07-28 11:06:08 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 11:06:08 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 11:12:05 - INFO :: MainThread : Signal 15 caught, saving and exiting... 2019-07-28 11:12:05 - INFO :: MainThread : Stopping Tautulli web server... 2019-07-28 11:12:05 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli WebSocket :: Disconnecting websocket... 2019-07-28 11:12:07 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli WebSocket :: Leaving thread. 2019-07-28 11:12:07 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Notification thread exiting... 2019-07-28 11:12:07 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Notification thread exiting... 2019-07-28 11:12:07 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-07-28 11:12:07 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli is shutting down... 2019-07-28 11:12:20 - INFO :: MainThread : Starting Tautulli v2.1.33 2019-07-28 11:12:20 - INFO :: MainThread : Linux 4.15.18-16-pve (#1 SMP PVE 4.15.18-41 (Tue, 18 Jun 2019 07:36:54 +0200) - debian 9.9) 2019-07-28 11:12:20 - INFO :: MainThread : Europe/Berlin (UTC+0200) 2019-07-28 11:12:20 - INFO :: MainThread : Python 2.7.13 (default, Sep 26 2018, 18:42:22) [GCC 6.3.0 20170516] 2019-07-28 11:12:20 - INFO :: MainThread : Program Dir: /opt/Tautulli 2019-07-28 11:12:20 - INFO :: MainThread : Config File: /etc/tautulli.conf 2019-07-28 11:12:20 - INFO :: MainThread : Database File: /opt/Tautulli/tautulli.db 2019-07-28 11:12:20 - INFO :: MainThread : Checking if the database upgrades are required... 2019-07-28 11:12:20 - INFO :: MainThread : Checking if configuration upgrades are required... 2019-07-28 11:12:20 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Trying to execute: "git rev-parse HEAD" with shell in /opt/Tautulli 2019-07-28 11:12:20 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Git output: 1046b29c1a1f7d7bd2c72743aaec695b1938b709 2019-07-28 11:12:20 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Trying to execute: "git rev-parse --abbrev-ref --symbolic-full-name @{u}" with shell in /opt/Tautulli 2019-07-28 11:12:20 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Git output: origin/master 2019-07-28 11:12:20 - INFO :: MainThread : Retrieving latest version information from GitHub 2019-07-28 11:12:20 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Requesting URL via GET method: https://api.github.com/repos/Tautulli/Tautulli/commits/master 2019-07-28 11:12:20 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Latest version is 1046b29c1a1f7d7bd2c72743aaec695b1938b709 2019-07-28 11:12:20 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli is up to date 2019-07-28 11:12:20 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli PlexTV :: Requesting resources for server... 2019-07-28 11:12:20 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli PlexTV :: Plex Pass subscription not found. 2019-07-28 11:12:20 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-07-28 11:12:21 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli PlexTV :: Using user-defined URL. 2019-07-28 11:12:21 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-07-28 11:12:21 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Users :: Requesting users list refresh... 2019-07-28 11:12:22 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Users :: Users list refreshed. 2019-07-28 11:12:22 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Libraries :: Requesting libraries list refresh... 2019-07-28 11:12:25 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-07-28 11:12:25 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Libraries :: Libraries list refreshed. 2019-07-28 11:12:25 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Starting background notification handler (2 threads). 2019-07-28 11:12:25 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli Monitor :: Checking for active streams. 2019-07-28 11:12:25 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Tautulli WebSocket :: Opening websocket. 2019-07-28 11:12:25 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Tautulli WebSocket :: Ready 2019-07-28 11:12:25 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Scheduled background task: Check GitHub for updates 2019-07-28 11:12:25 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Scheduled background task: Backup Tautulli database 2019-07-28 11:12:25 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Scheduled background task: Backup Tautulli config 2019-07-28 11:12:25 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Scheduled background task: Refresh Plex server URLs 2019-07-28 11:12:25 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Scheduled background task: Refresh users list 2019-07-28 11:12:25 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Scheduled background task: Refresh libraries list 2019-07-28 11:12:25 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli WebStart :: Web server authentication is enabled: Tautulli admin (username is 'xxx@yyyy.zzz') and Plex admin. 2019-07-28 11:12:25 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli WebStart :: Starting Tautulli web server on 2019-07-28 11:15:51 - INFO :: MainThread : Signal 15 caught, saving and exiting... 2019-07-28 11:15:51 - INFO :: MainThread : Stopping Tautulli web server... 2019-07-28 11:15:51 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli WebSocket :: Disconnecting websocket... 2019-07-28 11:15:51 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli WebSocket :: Leaving thread. 2019-07-28 11:15:51 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Notification thread exiting... 2019-07-28 11:15:51 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Notification thread exiting... 2019-07-28 11:15:51 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-07-28 11:15:51 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli is shutting down... 2019-07-28 11:16:02 - INFO :: MainThread : Starting Tautulli v2.1.33 2019-07-28 11:16:02 - INFO :: MainThread : Linux 4.15.18-16-pve (#1 SMP PVE 4.15.18-41 (Tue, 18 Jun 2019 07:36:54 +0200) - debian 9.9) 2019-07-28 11:16:02 - INFO :: MainThread : Europe/Berlin (UTC+0200) 2019-07-28 11:16:02 - INFO :: MainThread : Python 2.7.13 (default, Sep 26 2018, 18:42:22) [GCC 6.3.0 20170516] 2019-07-28 11:16:02 - INFO :: MainThread : Program Dir: /opt/Tautulli 2019-07-28 11:16:02 - INFO :: MainThread : Config File: /etc/tautulli.conf 2019-07-28 11:16:02 - INFO :: MainThread : Database File: /opt/Tautulli/tautulli.db 2019-07-28 11:16:02 - INFO :: MainThread : Checking if the database upgrades are required... 2019-07-28 11:16:02 - INFO :: MainThread : Checking if configuration upgrades are required... 2019-07-28 11:16:02 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Trying to execute: "git rev-parse HEAD" with shell in /opt/Tautulli 2019-07-28 11:16:02 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Git output: 1046b29c1a1f7d7bd2c72743aaec695b1938b709 2019-07-28 11:16:02 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Trying to execute: "git rev-parse --abbrev-ref --symbolic-full-name @{u}" with shell in /opt/Tautulli 2019-07-28 11:16:02 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Git output: origin/master 2019-07-28 11:16:02 - INFO :: MainThread : Retrieving latest version information from GitHub 2019-07-28 11:16:02 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Requesting URL via GET method: https://api.github.com/repos/Tautulli/Tautulli/commits/master 2019-07-28 11:16:03 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Latest version is 1046b29c1a1f7d7bd2c72743aaec695b1938b709 2019-07-28 11:16:03 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli is up to date 2019-07-28 11:16:03 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli PlexTV :: Requesting resources for server... 2019-07-28 11:16:07 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli PlexTV :: Plex Pass subscription not found. 2019-07-28 11:16:07 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-07-28 11:16:07 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli PlexTV :: Using user-defined URL. 2019-07-28 11:16:07 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-07-28 11:16:07 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Users :: Requesting users list refresh... 2019-07-28 11:16:10 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Users :: Users list refreshed. 2019-07-28 11:16:10 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Libraries :: Requesting libraries list refresh... 2019-07-28 11:16:11 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-07-28 11:16:11 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Libraries :: Libraries list refreshed. 2019-07-28 11:16:11 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Starting background notification handler (2 threads). 2019-07-28 11:16:11 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli Monitor :: Checking for active streams. 2019-07-28 11:16:11 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Tautulli WebSocket :: Opening websocket. 2019-07-28 11:16:11 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli WebStart :: Web server authentication is enabled: Tautulli admin (username is 'xxx@yyyy.zzz') and Plex admin. 2019-07-28 11:16:11 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli WebStart :: Starting Tautulli web server on 2019-07-28 11:16:11 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Tautulli WebSocket :: Ready 2019-07-28 11:16:11 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Scheduled background task: Check GitHub for updates 2019-07-28 11:16:11 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Scheduled background task: Backup Tautulli database 2019-07-28 11:16:11 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Scheduled background task: Backup Tautulli config 2019-07-28 11:16:11 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Scheduled background task: Refresh Plex server URLs 2019-07-28 11:16:11 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Scheduled background task: Refresh users list 2019-07-28 11:16:11 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Scheduled background task: Refresh libraries list 2019-07-28 11:19:51 - INFO :: MainThread : Signal 15 caught, saving and exiting... 2019-07-28 11:19:51 - INFO :: MainThread : Stopping Tautulli web server... 2019-07-28 11:19:51 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli WebSocket :: Disconnecting websocket... 2019-07-28 11:19:51 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli WebSocket :: Leaving thread. 2019-07-28 11:19:51 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Notification thread exiting... 2019-07-28 11:19:51 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Notification thread exiting... 2019-07-28 11:19:51 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-07-28 11:19:51 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli is shutting down... 2019-07-28 11:20:21 - INFO :: MainThread : Starting Tautulli v2.1.33 2019-07-28 11:20:21 - INFO :: MainThread : Linux 4.15.18-16-pve (#1 SMP PVE 4.15.18-41 (Tue, 18 Jun 2019 07:36:54 +0200) - debian 9.9) 2019-07-28 11:20:21 - INFO :: MainThread : Europe/Berlin (UTC+0200) 2019-07-28 11:20:21 - INFO :: MainThread : Python 2.7.13 (default, Sep 26 2018, 18:42:22) [GCC 6.3.0 20170516] 2019-07-28 11:20:21 - INFO :: MainThread : Program Dir: /opt/Tautulli 2019-07-28 11:20:21 - INFO :: MainThread : Config File: /etc/tautulli.conf 2019-07-28 11:20:21 - INFO :: MainThread : Database File: /opt/Tautulli/tautulli.db 2019-07-28 11:20:21 - INFO :: MainThread : Checking if the database upgrades are required... 2019-07-28 11:20:21 - INFO :: MainThread : Checking if configuration upgrades are required... 2019-07-28 11:20:21 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Trying to execute: "git rev-parse HEAD" with shell in /opt/Tautulli 2019-07-28 11:20:21 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Git output: 1046b29c1a1f7d7bd2c72743aaec695b1938b709 2019-07-28 11:20:21 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Trying to execute: "git rev-parse --abbrev-ref --symbolic-full-name @{u}" with shell in /opt/Tautulli 2019-07-28 11:20:21 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Git output: origin/master 2019-07-28 11:20:21 - INFO :: MainThread : Retrieving latest version information from GitHub 2019-07-28 11:20:21 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Requesting URL via GET method: https://api.github.com/repos/Tautulli/Tautulli/commits/master 2019-07-28 11:20:21 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Latest version is 1046b29c1a1f7d7bd2c72743aaec695b1938b709 2019-07-28 11:20:21 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli is up to date 2019-07-28 11:20:21 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli PlexTV :: Requesting resources for server... 2019-07-28 11:20:22 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli PlexTV :: Plex Pass subscription not found. 2019-07-28 11:20:22 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-07-28 11:20:22 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli PlexTV :: Using user-defined URL. 2019-07-28 11:20:22 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-07-28 11:20:22 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Users :: Requesting users list refresh... 2019-07-28 11:20:24 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Users :: Users list refreshed. 2019-07-28 11:20:24 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Libraries :: Requesting libraries list refresh... 2019-07-28 11:20:26 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-07-28 11:20:26 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Libraries :: Libraries list refreshed. 2019-07-28 11:20:26 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Starting background notification handler (2 threads). 2019-07-28 11:20:26 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli Monitor :: Checking for active streams. 2019-07-28 11:20:26 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Tautulli WebSocket :: Opening websocket. 2019-07-28 11:20:26 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli WebStart :: Web server authentication is enabled: Tautulli admin (username is 'xxx@yyyy.zzz') and Plex admin. 2019-07-28 11:20:26 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli WebStart :: Starting Tautulli web server on 2019-07-28 11:20:26 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Tautulli WebSocket :: Ready 2019-07-28 11:20:26 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Scheduled background task: Check GitHub for updates 2019-07-28 11:20:26 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Scheduled background task: Backup Tautulli database 2019-07-28 11:20:26 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Scheduled background task: Backup Tautulli config 2019-07-28 11:20:26 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Scheduled background task: Refresh Plex server URLs 2019-07-28 11:20:26 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Scheduled background task: Refresh users list 2019-07-28 11:20:26 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Scheduled background task: Refresh libraries list 2019-07-28 11:21:47 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 1 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 92 (Absentia - Die Zeugin). 2019-07-28 11:21:49 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 11:21:49 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 1 stopped. 2019-07-28 11:21:49 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 11:21:49 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 1 ratingKey 92 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 11:21:49 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 1 ratingKey 92 from session queue 2019-07-28 11:21:49 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 11:21:49 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 11:21:50 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 1 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 92 (Absentia - Die Zeugin). 2019-07-28 11:22:09 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 1 stopped. 2019-07-28 11:22:09 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Fetching metadata for item ratingKey 92 2019-07-28 11:22:09 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 1 ratingKey 92 from session queue 2019-07-28 11:22:27 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 6 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 4944 (The Affair - Episode 4). 2019-07-28 11:23:49 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 11:23:49 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 11:23:49 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 11:23:49 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 11:23:49 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 11:23:50 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 11:23:50 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 11:23:50 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 11:24:49 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 6 stopped. 2019-07-28 11:24:50 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Fetching metadata for item ratingKey 4944 2019-07-28 11:24:50 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 6 ratingKey 4944 from session queue 2019-07-28 11:25:37 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 11 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 4947 (The Affair - Episode 7). 2019-07-28 11:25:50 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 11:25:50 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 11:25:50 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 11:25:50 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 11:25:50 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 11:25:51 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 11:25:51 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 11:25:51 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 11:26:44 - DEBUG :: CP Server Thread-8 : Tautulli PlexTV :: Plex Pass subscription not found. 2019-07-28 11:26:44 - INFO :: CP Server Thread-8 : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-07-28 11:27:47 - INFO :: CP Server Thread-5 : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-07-28 11:27:47 - DEBUG :: CP Server Thread-10 : Tautulli PlexTV :: Plex Pass subscription not found. 2019-07-28 11:27:47 - INFO :: CP Server Thread-10 : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-07-28 11:27:51 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 11:27:51 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 11:27:51 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 11:27:51 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 11:27:51 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 11:27:51 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 11:27:55 - INFO :: MainThread : Received signal: restart 2019-07-28 11:27:55 - INFO :: MainThread : Stopping Tautulli web server... 2019-07-28 11:28:00 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli WebSocket :: Disconnecting websocket... 2019-07-28 11:28:00 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli WebSocket :: Leaving thread. 2019-07-28 11:28:00 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Notification thread exiting... 2019-07-28 11:28:00 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-07-28 11:28:00 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli is restarting... 2019-07-28 11:28:00 - INFO :: MainThread : Restarting Tautulli with ['/usr/bin/python', '/opt/Tautulli/Tautulli.py', '--config', '/etc/tautulli.conf', '--datadir', '/opt/Tautulli', '--quiet', '--daemon', '--nolaunch'] 2019-07-28 11:28:01 - INFO :: MainThread : Starting Tautulli v2.1.33 2019-07-28 11:28:01 - INFO :: MainThread : Linux 4.15.18-16-pve (#1 SMP PVE 4.15.18-41 (Tue, 18 Jun 2019 07:36:54 +0200) - debian 9.9) 2019-07-28 11:28:01 - INFO :: MainThread : Europe/Berlin (UTC+0200) 2019-07-28 11:28:01 - INFO :: MainThread : Python 2.7.13 (default, Sep 26 2018, 18:42:22) [GCC 6.3.0 20170516] 2019-07-28 11:28:01 - INFO :: MainThread : Program Dir: /opt/Tautulli 2019-07-28 11:28:01 - INFO :: MainThread : Config File: /etc/tautulli.conf 2019-07-28 11:28:01 - INFO :: MainThread : Database File: /opt/Tautulli/tautulli.db 2019-07-28 11:28:01 - INFO :: MainThread : Checking if the database upgrades are required... 2019-07-28 11:28:01 - INFO :: MainThread : Checking if configuration upgrades are required... 2019-07-28 11:28:01 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Trying to execute: "git rev-parse HEAD" with shell in /opt/Tautulli 2019-07-28 11:28:01 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Git output: 1046b29c1a1f7d7bd2c72743aaec695b1938b709 2019-07-28 11:28:02 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Trying to execute: "git rev-parse --abbrev-ref --symbolic-full-name @{u}" with shell in /opt/Tautulli 2019-07-28 11:28:02 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Git output: origin/master 2019-07-28 11:28:02 - INFO :: MainThread : Retrieving latest version information from GitHub 2019-07-28 11:28:02 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Requesting URL via GET method: https://api.github.com/repos/Tautulli/Tautulli/commits/master 2019-07-28 11:28:02 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Latest version is 1046b29c1a1f7d7bd2c72743aaec695b1938b709 2019-07-28 11:28:02 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli is up to date 2019-07-28 11:28:02 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli PlexTV :: Requesting resources for server... 2019-07-28 11:28:02 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli PlexTV :: Plex Pass subscription not found. 2019-07-28 11:28:02 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-07-28 11:28:02 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli PlexTV :: Using user-defined URL. 2019-07-28 11:28:02 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-07-28 11:28:02 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Users :: Requesting users list refresh... 2019-07-28 11:28:04 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Users :: Users list refreshed. 2019-07-28 11:28:04 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Libraries :: Requesting libraries list refresh... 2019-07-28 11:28:05 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-07-28 11:28:05 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Libraries :: Libraries list refreshed. 2019-07-28 11:28:05 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Starting background notification handler (2 threads). 2019-07-28 11:28:05 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli Monitor :: Checking for active streams. 2019-07-28 11:28:06 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Tautulli WebSocket :: Opening websocket. 2019-07-28 11:28:06 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Tautulli WebSocket :: Ready 2019-07-28 11:28:06 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Scheduled background task: Check GitHub for updates 2019-07-28 11:28:06 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Scheduled background task: Backup Tautulli database 2019-07-28 11:28:06 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Scheduled background task: Backup Tautulli config 2019-07-28 11:28:06 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Scheduled background task: Refresh Plex server URLs 2019-07-28 11:28:06 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Scheduled background task: Refresh users list 2019-07-28 11:28:06 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Scheduled background task: Refresh libraries list 2019-07-28 11:28:06 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli WebStart :: Web server authentication is enabled: Tautulli admin (username is 'xxx@yyyy.zzz') and Plex admin. 2019-07-28 11:28:06 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli WebStart :: Starting Tautulli web server on 2019-07-28 11:28:08 - WARNING :: CP Server Thread-8 : No image input received. 2019-07-28 11:28:10 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 11 stopped. 2019-07-28 11:28:10 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Fetching metadata for item ratingKey 4947 2019-07-28 11:28:10 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 11:28:10 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 11:28:10 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 11 ratingKey 4947 from session queue 2019-07-28 11:28:50 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 20 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 1473 (Crazyhead - Ein verrücktes Pferd). 2019-07-28 11:28:50 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 11:28:52 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 11:29:05 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 20 stopped. 2019-07-28 11:29:05 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Fetching metadata for item ratingKey 1473 2019-07-28 11:29:05 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 20 ratingKey 1473 from session queue 2019-07-28 11:30:10 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 11:30:10 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 11:30:10 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 11:30:11 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 11:30:17 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 26 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 11:30:30 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 36 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 11:30:34 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 37 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 11:30:35 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 37 stopped. 2019-07-28 11:30:36 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 37 ratingKey 15 is 2 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 11:30:36 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 37 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 11:30:38 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 38 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 11:30:39 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 38 stopped. 2019-07-28 11:30:40 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 38 ratingKey 15 is 1 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 11:30:40 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 38 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 11:30:45 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 41 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 11:30:50 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 43 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 11:30:52 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 11:30:52 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 11:30:52 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 43 stopped. 2019-07-28 11:30:53 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 43 ratingKey 15 is 2 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 11:30:53 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 43 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 11:30:54 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 11:30:54 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 11:31:02 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 49 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 11:31:10 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 52 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 11:31:18 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 54 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 11:31:26 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 57 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 11:31:30 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 59 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 11:31:36 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 61 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 11:31:41 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 62 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 11:31:45 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 64 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 11:31:47 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 64 stopped. 2019-07-28 11:31:48 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 64 ratingKey 15 is 2 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 11:31:48 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 64 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 11:31:51 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 66 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 11:31:56 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 68 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 11:32:01 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 69 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 11:32:02 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 69 stopped. 2019-07-28 11:32:02 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 69 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 11:32:02 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 69 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 11:32:11 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 11:32:11 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 11:32:11 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 11:32:13 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 11:32:15 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 75 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 11 (12 Monkeys - Ankunft der 12). 2019-07-28 11:32:34 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 84 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 11 (12 Monkeys - Ankunft der 12). 2019-07-28 11:32:37 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 85 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 11 (12 Monkeys - Ankunft der 12). 2019-07-28 11:32:39 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 85 stopped. 2019-07-28 11:32:40 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 85 ratingKey 11 is 2 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 11:32:40 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 85 ratingKey 11 from session queue 2019-07-28 11:32:46 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 89 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 11 (12 Monkeys - Ankunft der 12). 2019-07-28 11:32:54 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 11:32:54 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 11:32:54 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 11:32:55 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 93 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 11 (12 Monkeys - Ankunft der 12). 2019-07-28 11:32:55 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 11:32:56 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 93 stopped. 2019-07-28 11:32:57 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 93 ratingKey 11 is 2 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 11:32:57 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 93 ratingKey 11 from session queue 2019-07-28 11:32:59 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 94 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 11 (12 Monkeys - Ankunft der 12). 2019-07-28 11:33:13 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 100 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 11 (12 Monkeys - Ankunft der 12). 2019-07-28 11:33:15 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 100 stopped. 2019-07-28 11:33:16 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 100 ratingKey 11 is 2 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 11:33:16 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 100 ratingKey 11 from session queue 2019-07-28 11:33:27 - DEBUG :: CP Server Thread-12 : Tautulli PlexTV :: Plex Pass subscription not found. 2019-07-28 11:33:27 - INFO :: CP Server Thread-12 : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-07-28 11:33:28 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 107 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 11 (12 Monkeys - Ankunft der 12). 2019-07-28 11:33:32 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 109 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 11 (12 Monkeys - Ankunft der 12). 2019-07-28 11:33:36 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 110 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 11 (12 Monkeys - Ankunft der 12). 2019-07-28 11:33:42 - INFO :: CP Server Thread-6 : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-07-28 11:33:42 - DEBUG :: CP Server Thread-11 : Tautulli PlexTV :: Plex Pass subscription not found. 2019-07-28 11:33:42 - INFO :: CP Server Thread-11 : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-07-28 11:33:43 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 113 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 11 (12 Monkeys - Ankunft der 12). 2019-07-28 11:33:49 - INFO :: MainThread : Received signal: restart 2019-07-28 11:33:49 - INFO :: MainThread : Stopping Tautulli web server... 2019-07-28 11:33:50 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 116 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 11 (12 Monkeys - Ankunft der 12). 2019-07-28 11:33:52 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 116 force stopped. 2019-07-28 11:33:53 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 116 ratingKey 11 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 11:33:53 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 116 ratingKey 125 from session queue 2019-07-28 11:33:54 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli WebSocket :: Disconnecting websocket... 2019-07-28 11:33:54 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-07-28 11:33:54 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli is restarting... 2019-07-28 11:33:54 - INFO :: MainThread : Restarting Tautulli with ['/usr/bin/python', '/opt/Tautulli/Tautulli.py', '--config', '/etc/tautulli.conf', '--datadir', '/opt/Tautulli', '--quiet', '--daemon', '--nolaunch'] 2019-07-28 11:33:59 - INFO :: MainThread : Starting Tautulli v2.1.33 2019-07-28 11:33:59 - INFO :: MainThread : Linux 4.15.18-16-pve (#1 SMP PVE 4.15.18-41 (Tue, 18 Jun 2019 07:36:54 +0200) - debian 9.9) 2019-07-28 11:33:59 - INFO :: MainThread : Europe/Berlin (UTC+0200) 2019-07-28 11:33:59 - INFO :: MainThread : Python 2.7.13 (default, Sep 26 2018, 18:42:22) [GCC 6.3.0 20170516] 2019-07-28 11:33:59 - INFO :: MainThread : Program Dir: /opt/Tautulli 2019-07-28 11:33:59 - INFO :: MainThread : Config File: /etc/tautulli.conf 2019-07-28 11:33:59 - INFO :: MainThread : Database File: /opt/Tautulli/tautulli.db 2019-07-28 11:33:59 - INFO :: MainThread : Checking if the database upgrades are required... 2019-07-28 11:33:59 - INFO :: MainThread : Checking if configuration upgrades are required... 2019-07-28 11:33:59 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Trying to execute: "git rev-parse HEAD" with shell in /opt/Tautulli 2019-07-28 11:34:00 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Git output: 1046b29c1a1f7d7bd2c72743aaec695b1938b709 2019-07-28 11:34:00 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Trying to execute: "git rev-parse --abbrev-ref --symbolic-full-name @{u}" with shell in /opt/Tautulli 2019-07-28 11:34:00 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Git output: origin/master 2019-07-28 11:34:00 - INFO :: MainThread : Retrieving latest version information from GitHub 2019-07-28 11:34:00 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Requesting URL via GET method: https://api.github.com/repos/Tautulli/Tautulli/commits/master 2019-07-28 11:34:04 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Latest version is 1046b29c1a1f7d7bd2c72743aaec695b1938b709 2019-07-28 11:34:04 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli is up to date 2019-07-28 11:34:04 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli PlexTV :: Requesting resources for server... 2019-07-28 11:34:05 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli PlexTV :: Plex Pass subscription not found. 2019-07-28 11:34:05 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-07-28 11:34:05 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli PlexTV :: Using user-defined URL. 2019-07-28 11:34:05 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-07-28 11:34:05 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Users :: Requesting users list refresh... 2019-07-28 11:34:06 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Users :: Users list refreshed. 2019-07-28 11:34:07 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Libraries :: Requesting libraries list refresh... 2019-07-28 11:34:09 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-07-28 11:34:09 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Libraries :: Libraries list refreshed. 2019-07-28 11:34:09 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Starting background notification handler (2 threads). 2019-07-28 11:34:09 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli Monitor :: Checking for active streams. 2019-07-28 11:34:09 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 26 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 11:34:09 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli Monitor :: Removing sessionKey 26 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 11:34:09 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 36 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 11:34:09 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli Monitor :: Removing sessionKey 36 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 11:34:09 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 41 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 11:34:09 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli Monitor :: Removing sessionKey 41 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 11:34:09 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 49 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 11:34:09 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli Monitor :: Removing sessionKey 49 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 11:34:09 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 52 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 11:34:09 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli Monitor :: Removing sessionKey 52 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 11:34:09 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 54 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 11:34:09 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli Monitor :: Removing sessionKey 54 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 11:34:09 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli Monitor :: Session 57 stopped. 2019-07-28 11:34:09 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 57 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 11:34:09 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli Monitor :: Removing sessionKey 57 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 11:34:09 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 59 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 11:34:09 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli Monitor :: Removing sessionKey 59 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 11:34:09 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 61 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 11:34:09 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 11:34:09 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli Monitor :: Removing sessionKey 61 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 11:34:09 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli Monitor :: Session 62 stopped. 2019-07-28 11:34:09 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 62 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 11:34:09 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli Monitor :: Removing sessionKey 62 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 11:34:09 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli Monitor :: Session 66 stopped. 2019-07-28 11:34:09 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 66 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 11:34:09 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli Monitor :: Removing sessionKey 66 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 11:34:09 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 68 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 11:34:09 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli Monitor :: Removing sessionKey 68 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 11:34:09 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 75 ratingKey 11 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 11:34:09 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli Monitor :: Removing sessionKey 75 ratingKey 11 from session queue 2019-07-28 11:34:09 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 84 ratingKey 11 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 11:34:09 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli Monitor :: Removing sessionKey 84 ratingKey 11 from session queue 2019-07-28 11:34:09 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 89 ratingKey 11 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 11:34:09 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli Monitor :: Removing sessionKey 89 ratingKey 11 from session queue 2019-07-28 11:34:09 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 94 ratingKey 11 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 11:34:09 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli Monitor :: Removing sessionKey 94 ratingKey 11 from session queue 2019-07-28 11:34:09 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli Monitor :: Session 107 stopped. 2019-07-28 11:34:09 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 107 ratingKey 11 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 11:34:09 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli Monitor :: Removing sessionKey 107 ratingKey 11 from session queue 2019-07-28 11:34:09 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 11:34:09 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 109 ratingKey 11 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 11:34:09 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli Monitor :: Removing sessionKey 109 ratingKey 11 from session queue 2019-07-28 11:34:09 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 110 ratingKey 11 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 11:34:09 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli Monitor :: Removing sessionKey 110 ratingKey 11 from session queue 2019-07-28 11:34:09 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 11:34:09 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 113 ratingKey 11 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 11:34:09 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli Monitor :: Removing sessionKey 113 ratingKey 11 from session queue 2019-07-28 11:34:09 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Tautulli WebSocket :: Opening websocket. 2019-07-28 11:34:09 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Tautulli WebSocket :: Ready 2019-07-28 11:34:09 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Scheduled background task: Check GitHub for updates 2019-07-28 11:34:09 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Scheduled background task: Backup Tautulli database 2019-07-28 11:34:09 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Scheduled background task: Backup Tautulli config 2019-07-28 11:34:09 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Scheduled background task: Refresh Plex server URLs 2019-07-28 11:34:09 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Scheduled background task: Refresh users list 2019-07-28 11:34:09 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Scheduled background task: Refresh libraries list 2019-07-28 11:34:10 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli WebStart :: Web server authentication is enabled: Tautulli admin (username is 'xxx@yyyy.zzz') and Plex admin. 2019-07-28 11:34:10 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli WebStart :: Starting Tautulli web server on 2019-07-28 11:34:10 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 11:34:14 - WARNING :: CP Server Thread-9 : No image input received. 2019-07-28 11:36:09 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 11:36:09 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 11:36:09 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 11:36:10 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 11:36:10 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 11:36:10 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 11:36:10 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 11:36:10 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 11:38:10 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 11:38:10 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 11:38:10 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 11:38:10 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 11:39:38 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 125 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 2027 (Elite - Willkommen). 2019-07-28 11:39:40 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 11:39:41 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 11:39:44 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 125 stopped. 2019-07-28 11:39:44 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 125 ratingKey 2027 is 5 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 11:39:44 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 125 ratingKey 2027 from session queue 2019-07-28 11:39:46 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 11:39:47 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 11:40:15 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 129 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 2027 (Elite - Willkommen). 2019-07-28 11:40:30 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 129 stopped. 2019-07-28 11:40:30 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Fetching metadata for item ratingKey 2027 2019-07-28 11:40:30 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 129 ratingKey 2027 from session queue 2019-07-28 11:40:32 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 130 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 2028 (Elite - Verlangen). 2019-07-28 11:40:33 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 130 stopped. 2019-07-28 11:40:33 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 130 ratingKey 2028 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 11:40:33 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 130 ratingKey 2028 from session queue 2019-07-28 11:40:45 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 131 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 2028 (Elite - Verlangen). 2019-07-28 11:41:41 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 11:41:41 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 11:41:41 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 11:41:42 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 11:41:45 - DEBUG :: CP Server Thread-8 : Tautulli PlexTV :: Plex Pass subscription not found. 2019-07-28 11:41:45 - INFO :: CP Server Thread-8 : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-07-28 11:41:47 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 11:41:47 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 11:41:47 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 11:41:48 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 11:42:35 - WARNING :: CP Server Thread-13 : No image input received. 2019-07-28 11:43:42 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 11:43:42 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 11:43:42 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 11:43:42 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 11:43:48 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 11:43:48 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 11:43:49 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 11:43:49 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 11:44:12 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 131 stopped. 2019-07-28 11:44:12 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Fetching metadata for item ratingKey 2028 2019-07-28 11:44:12 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 131 ratingKey 2028 from session queue 2019-07-28 11:45:42 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 11:45:42 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 11:45:42 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 11:45:44 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 11:45:49 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 11:45:49 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 11:45:49 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 11:45:49 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 11:46:41 - WARNING :: CP Server Thread-10 : No image input received. 2019-07-28 11:46:48 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 133 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 5327 (The Exorcist - Ratten unter dem Dach). 2019-07-28 11:47:44 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 11:47:44 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 11:47:44 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 11:47:45 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 11:47:49 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 11:47:49 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 11:48:59 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 133 force stopped. 2019-07-28 11:48:59 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Fetching metadata for item ratingKey 5327 2019-07-28 11:48:59 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 11:48:59 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 11:48:59 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 133 ratingKey 2032 from session queue 2019-07-28 11:49:17 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 134 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 2032 (Elite - Alles wird gut). 2019-07-28 11:49:45 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 11:49:45 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 11:49:46 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 11:49:49 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 11:50:10 - WARNING :: CP Server Thread-7 : Failed to access uri endpoint /servers/********df/sync_lists. Status code 401 2019-07-28 11:50:10 - WARNING :: CP Server Thread-7 : Tautulli PlexTV :: Unable to parse XML for get_synced_items: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'getElementsByTagName'. 2019-07-28 11:50:10 - WARNING :: CP Server Thread-7 : Unable to retrieve data for get_sync. 2019-07-28 11:50:43 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 134 stopped. 2019-07-28 11:50:43 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Fetching metadata for item ratingKey 2032 2019-07-28 11:50:43 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 134 ratingKey 2032 from session queue 2019-07-28 11:50:59 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 11:50:59 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 11:50:59 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 11:51:00 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 11:51:49 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 11:51:49 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 11:53:00 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 11:53:00 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 11:54:04 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 135 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 62 (1983 - Blowback). 2019-07-28 11:54:04 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 11:54:09 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 11:54:22 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 135 stopped. 2019-07-28 11:54:23 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Fetching metadata for item ratingKey 62 2019-07-28 11:54:23 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 11:54:23 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 11:54:23 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 135 ratingKey 62 from session queue 2019-07-28 11:56:09 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 11:56:09 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 11:56:23 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 11:56:23 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 12:01:12 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 145 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:01:12 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 12:01:12 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 12:01:14 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 146 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:01:16 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 12:01:17 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 12:01:30 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 155 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:01:46 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 166 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:02:06 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 176 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:02:10 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 178 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:02:21 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 183 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:02:25 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 186 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:02:31 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 189 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:02:37 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 192 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:02:42 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 193 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:02:49 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 196 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:02:55 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 197 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:03:07 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 201 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:03:10 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 202 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:03:12 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 12:03:12 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 12:03:12 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 202 stopped. 2019-07-28 12:03:13 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 202 ratingKey 15 is 2 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:03:13 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 202 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:03:13 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 12:03:13 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 12:03:14 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 203 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:03:16 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 203 stopped. 2019-07-28 12:03:17 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 12:03:17 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 12:03:17 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 12:03:17 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 203 ratingKey 15 is 3 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:03:17 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 203 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:03:18 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 12:03:19 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 204 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:03:21 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 205 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:03:23 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 205 stopped. 2019-07-28 12:03:24 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 205 ratingKey 15 is 2 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:03:24 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 205 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:03:30 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 209 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:03:32 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 209 stopped. 2019-07-28 12:03:33 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 209 ratingKey 15 is 2 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:03:33 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 209 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:03:39 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 211 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:03:48 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 215 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:03:56 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 218 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:03:59 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 218 stopped. 2019-07-28 12:04:00 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 218 ratingKey 15 is 2 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:04:00 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 218 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:04:02 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 218 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:04:09 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 221 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:04:17 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 224 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:04:22 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 226 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:04:28 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 229 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:04:30 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 229 stopped. 2019-07-28 12:04:30 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 229 ratingKey 15 is 2 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:04:30 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 229 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:04:35 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 232 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:04:44 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 235 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:04:50 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 238 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:04:58 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 241 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:05:05 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 243 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:05:11 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 245 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:05:13 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 12:05:13 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 12:05:13 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 12:05:15 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 12:05:18 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 12:05:18 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 12:05:18 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 12:05:19 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 12:05:21 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 248 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:05:27 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 250 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:05:29 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 250 stopped. 2019-07-28 12:05:29 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 250 ratingKey 15 is 2 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:05:29 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 250 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:05:32 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 251 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:05:37 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 254 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:05:47 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 256 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:05:55 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 259 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:06:06 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 262 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:06:10 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 262 stopped. 2019-07-28 12:06:11 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 262 ratingKey 15 is 4 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:06:11 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 262 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:06:13 - DEBUG :: Thread-15 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 145 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:06:13 - INFO :: Thread-15 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 145 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:06:14 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 265 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:06:16 - DEBUG :: Thread-15 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 146 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:06:16 - INFO :: Thread-15 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 146 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:06:20 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 267 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:06:32 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 271 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:06:34 - DEBUG :: Thread-16 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 155 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:06:34 - INFO :: Thread-16 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 155 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:06:43 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 275 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:06:48 - DEBUG :: Thread-15 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 166 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:06:48 - INFO :: Thread-15 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 166 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:06:50 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 278 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:06:52 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 278 stopped. 2019-07-28 12:06:53 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 278 ratingKey 15 is 2 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:06:53 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 278 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:06:55 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 278 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:07:06 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 282 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:07:08 - DEBUG :: Thread-17 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 176 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:07:08 - INFO :: Thread-17 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 176 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:07:11 - DEBUG :: Thread-16 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 178 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:07:11 - INFO :: Thread-16 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 178 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:07:12 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 284 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:07:15 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 12:07:15 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 12:07:16 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 12:07:16 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 12:07:17 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 285 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:07:19 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 12:07:19 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 12:07:19 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 12:07:20 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 12:07:22 - DEBUG :: Thread-18 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 183 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:07:22 - INFO :: Thread-18 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 183 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:07:23 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 286 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:07:27 - DEBUG :: Thread-15 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 186 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:07:27 - INFO :: Thread-15 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 186 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:07:28 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 289 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:07:33 - DEBUG :: Thread-19 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 189 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:07:33 - INFO :: Thread-19 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 189 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:07:36 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 292 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:07:39 - DEBUG :: Thread-17 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 192 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:07:39 - INFO :: Thread-17 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 192 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:07:42 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 294 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:07:45 - DEBUG :: Thread-20 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 193 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:07:45 - INFO :: Thread-20 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 193 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:07:49 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 297 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:07:51 - DEBUG :: Thread-16 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 196 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:07:51 - INFO :: Thread-16 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 196 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:07:59 - DEBUG :: Thread-21 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 197 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:07:59 - INFO :: Thread-21 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 197 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:07:59 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 300 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:08:00 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 300 stopped. 2019-07-28 12:08:01 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 300 ratingKey 15 is 2 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:08:01 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 300 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:08:03 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 301 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:08:05 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 301 stopped. 2019-07-28 12:08:05 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 301 ratingKey 15 is 1 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:08:05 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 301 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:08:09 - DEBUG :: Thread-18 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 201 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:08:09 - INFO :: Thread-18 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 201 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:08:12 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 305 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:08:19 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 308 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:08:21 - DEBUG :: Thread-22 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 204 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:08:21 - INFO :: Thread-22 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 204 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:08:22 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 309 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:08:29 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 312 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:08:35 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 314 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:08:37 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 314 stopped. 2019-07-28 12:08:38 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 314 ratingKey 15 is 2 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:08:38 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 314 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:08:41 - DEBUG :: Thread-15 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 211 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:08:41 - INFO :: Thread-15 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 211 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:08:44 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 317 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:08:50 - DEBUG :: Thread-23 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 215 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:08:50 - INFO :: Thread-23 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 215 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:08:53 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 320 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:08:55 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 320 stopped. 2019-07-28 12:08:55 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 320 ratingKey 15 is 1 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:08:55 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 320 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:08:58 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 322 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:09:04 - DEBUG :: Thread-19 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 218 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:09:04 - INFO :: Thread-19 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 218 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:09:08 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 325 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:09:12 - DEBUG :: Thread-24 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 221 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:09:12 - INFO :: Thread-24 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 221 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:09:16 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 12:09:16 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 12:09:16 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 12:09:18 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 12:09:19 - DEBUG :: Thread-17 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 224 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:09:19 - INFO :: Thread-17 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 224 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:09:20 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 12:09:20 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 12:09:20 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 12:09:21 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 12:09:24 - DEBUG :: Thread-20 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 226 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:09:24 - INFO :: Thread-20 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 226 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:09:25 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 329 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:09:32 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 332 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:09:35 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 333 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:09:38 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 333 stopped. 2019-07-28 12:09:38 - DEBUG :: Thread-16 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 232 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:09:38 - INFO :: Thread-16 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 232 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:09:38 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 333 ratingKey 15 is 2 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:09:38 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 333 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:09:40 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 334 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:09:46 - DEBUG :: Thread-21 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 235 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:09:46 - INFO :: Thread-21 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 235 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:09:47 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 337 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:09:52 - DEBUG :: Thread-18 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 238 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:09:52 - INFO :: Thread-18 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 238 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:09:57 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 339 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:10:03 - DEBUG :: Thread-22 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 241 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:10:03 - INFO :: Thread-22 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 241 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:10:07 - DEBUG :: Thread-15 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 243 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:10:07 - INFO :: Thread-15 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 243 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:10:08 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 343 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:10:13 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 344 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:10:15 - DEBUG :: Thread-23 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 245 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:10:15 - INFO :: Thread-23 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 245 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:10:18 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 345 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:10:24 - DEBUG :: Thread-19 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 248 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:10:24 - INFO :: Thread-19 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 248 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:10:27 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 349 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:10:33 - DEBUG :: Thread-24 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 251 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:10:33 - INFO :: Thread-24 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 251 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:10:36 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 352 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:10:43 - DEBUG :: Thread-17 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 254 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:10:43 - INFO :: Thread-17 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 254 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:10:49 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 356 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:10:52 - DEBUG :: Thread-20 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 256 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:10:52 - INFO :: Thread-20 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 256 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:10:53 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 358 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:10:59 - DEBUG :: Thread-16 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 259 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:10:59 - INFO :: Thread-16 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 259 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:11:02 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 360 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:11:09 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 362 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:11:18 - DEBUG :: Thread-21 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 265 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:11:18 - INFO :: Thread-21 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 265 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:11:18 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 12:11:18 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 12:11:19 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 12:11:19 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 12:11:21 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 366 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:11:21 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 12:11:21 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 12:11:24 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 12:11:25 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 12:11:25 - DEBUG :: Thread-18 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 267 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:11:25 - INFO :: Thread-18 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 267 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:11:26 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 368 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:11:33 - DEBUG :: Thread-22 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 271 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:11:33 - INFO :: Thread-22 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 271 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:11:34 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 371 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:11:44 - DEBUG :: Thread-15 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 275 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:11:44 - INFO :: Thread-15 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 275 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:11:46 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 375 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:11:51 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 377 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:12:01 - DEBUG :: Thread-23 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 278 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:12:01 - INFO :: Thread-23 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 278 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:12:03 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 380 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:12:08 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 381 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:12:10 - DEBUG :: Thread-19 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 282 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:12:10 - INFO :: Thread-19 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 282 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:12:14 - DEBUG :: Thread-24 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 284 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:12:14 - INFO :: Thread-24 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 284 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:12:15 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 384 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:12:18 - DEBUG :: Thread-17 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 285 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:12:18 - INFO :: Thread-17 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 285 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:12:25 - DEBUG :: Thread-20 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 286 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:12:25 - INFO :: Thread-20 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 286 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:12:29 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 388 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:12:31 - DEBUG :: Thread-16 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 289 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:12:31 - INFO :: Thread-16 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 289 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:12:35 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 392 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:12:38 - DEBUG :: Thread-21 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 292 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:12:38 - INFO :: Thread-21 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 292 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:12:41 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 393 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:12:44 - DEBUG :: Thread-18 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 294 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:12:44 - INFO :: Thread-18 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 294 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:12:48 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 396 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:12:52 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 397 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:12:54 - DEBUG :: Thread-22 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 297 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:12:54 - INFO :: Thread-22 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 297 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:13:02 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 401 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:13:04 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 401 stopped. 2019-07-28 12:13:05 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 401 ratingKey 15 is 2 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:13:05 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 401 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:13:10 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 404 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:13:14 - DEBUG :: Thread-15 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 305 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:13:14 - INFO :: Thread-15 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 305 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:13:19 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 12:13:19 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 12:13:19 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 12:13:19 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 12:13:21 - DEBUG :: Thread-23 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 308 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:13:21 - INFO :: Thread-23 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 308 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:13:22 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 409 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:13:23 - DEBUG :: Thread-19 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 309 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:13:23 - INFO :: Thread-19 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 309 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:13:25 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 12:13:25 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 12:13:25 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 12:13:26 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 12:13:27 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 411 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:13:32 - DEBUG :: Thread-24 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 312 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:13:32 - INFO :: Thread-24 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 312 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:13:34 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 413 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:13:35 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 413 stopped. 2019-07-28 12:13:36 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 413 ratingKey 15 is 2 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:13:36 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 413 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:13:43 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 417 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:13:46 - DEBUG :: Thread-17 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 317 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:13:46 - INFO :: Thread-17 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 317 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:13:49 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 418 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:13:50 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 418 stopped. 2019-07-28 12:13:51 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 418 ratingKey 15 is 2 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:13:51 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 418 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:13:54 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 420 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:13:56 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 420 stopped. 2019-07-28 12:13:57 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 420 ratingKey 15 is 2 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:13:57 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 420 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:14:01 - DEBUG :: Thread-20 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 322 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:14:01 - INFO :: Thread-20 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 322 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:14:11 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 425 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:14:15 - DEBUG :: Thread-16 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 325 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:14:15 - INFO :: Thread-16 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 325 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:14:16 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 427 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:14:20 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 429 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:14:23 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 429 stopped. 2019-07-28 12:14:24 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 429 ratingKey 15 is 3 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:14:24 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 429 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:14:26 - DEBUG :: Thread-21 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 329 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:14:26 - INFO :: Thread-21 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 329 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:14:28 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 431 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:14:34 - DEBUG :: Thread-18 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 332 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:14:34 - INFO :: Thread-18 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 332 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:14:38 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 436 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:14:42 - DEBUG :: Thread-22 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 334 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:14:42 - INFO :: Thread-22 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 334 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:14:48 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 439 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:14:54 - DEBUG :: Thread-15 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 337 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:14:54 - INFO :: Thread-15 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 337 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:14:55 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 441 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:15:00 - DEBUG :: Thread-23 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 339 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:15:00 - INFO :: Thread-23 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 339 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:15:04 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 444 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:15:10 - DEBUG :: Thread-19 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 343 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:15:10 - INFO :: Thread-19 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 343 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:15:13 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 447 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:15:16 - DEBUG :: Thread-24 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 344 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:15:16 - INFO :: Thread-24 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 344 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:15:19 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 12:15:19 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 12:15:20 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 12:15:20 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 12:15:21 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 451 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:15:22 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 451 stopped. 2019-07-28 12:15:22 - DEBUG :: Thread-17 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 345 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:15:22 - INFO :: Thread-17 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 345 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:15:22 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 451 ratingKey 15 is 1 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:15:22 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 451 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:15:26 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 12:15:26 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 12:15:26 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 12:15:27 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 12:15:28 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 453 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:15:30 - DEBUG :: Thread-20 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 349 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:15:30 - INFO :: Thread-20 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 349 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:15:34 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 456 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:15:38 - DEBUG :: Thread-16 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 352 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:15:38 - INFO :: Thread-16 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 352 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:15:39 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 457 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:15:42 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 459 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:15:50 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 462 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:15:53 - DEBUG :: Thread-21 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 356 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:15:53 - INFO :: Thread-21 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 356 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:15:55 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 463 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:15:56 - DEBUG :: Thread-18 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 358 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:15:56 - INFO :: Thread-18 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 358 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:16:00 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 465 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:16:05 - DEBUG :: Thread-22 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 360 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:16:05 - INFO :: Thread-22 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 360 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:16:05 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 466 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:16:12 - DEBUG :: Thread-15 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 362 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:16:12 - INFO :: Thread-15 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 362 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:16:15 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 470 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:16:21 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 472 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:16:23 - DEBUG :: Thread-23 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 366 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:16:23 - INFO :: Thread-23 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 366 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:16:27 - DEBUG :: Thread-19 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 368 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:16:27 - INFO :: Thread-19 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 368 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:16:30 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 475 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:16:32 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 475 stopped. 2019-07-28 12:16:33 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 475 ratingKey 15 is 2 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:16:33 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 475 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:16:35 - DEBUG :: Thread-24 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 371 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:16:35 - INFO :: Thread-24 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 371 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:16:44 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 478 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:16:48 - DEBUG :: Thread-17 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 375 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:16:48 - INFO :: Thread-17 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 375 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:16:55 - DEBUG :: Thread-20 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 377 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:16:55 - INFO :: Thread-20 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 377 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:16:57 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 481 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:16:59 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 481 stopped. 2019-07-28 12:17:00 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 481 ratingKey 15 is 2 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:17:00 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 481 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:17:04 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 482 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:17:07 - DEBUG :: Thread-16 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 380 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:17:07 - INFO :: Thread-16 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 380 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:17:10 - DEBUG :: Thread-21 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 381 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:17:10 - INFO :: Thread-21 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 381 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:17:11 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 484 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:17:19 - DEBUG :: Thread-18 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 384 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:17:19 - INFO :: Thread-18 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 384 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:17:21 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 12:17:21 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 12:17:24 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 12:17:25 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 489 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:17:25 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 12:17:27 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 12:17:27 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 12:17:27 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 12:17:29 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 12:17:32 - DEBUG :: Thread-22 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 388 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:17:32 - INFO :: Thread-22 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 388 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:17:34 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 492 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:17:38 - DEBUG :: Thread-15 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 392 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:17:38 - INFO :: Thread-15 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 392 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:17:40 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 493 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:17:43 - DEBUG :: Thread-23 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 393 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:17:43 - INFO :: Thread-23 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 393 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:17:51 - DEBUG :: Thread-19 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 396 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:17:51 - INFO :: Thread-19 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 396 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:17:51 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 497 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:17:54 - DEBUG :: Thread-24 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 397 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:17:54 - INFO :: Thread-24 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 397 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:18:01 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 500 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:18:12 - DEBUG :: Thread-17 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 404 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:18:12 - INFO :: Thread-17 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 404 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:18:13 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 503 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 19 (12 Monkeys - Treibende Kräfte). 2019-07-28 12:18:14 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 503 stopped. 2019-07-28 12:18:14 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 503 ratingKey 19 is 1 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:18:14 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 503 ratingKey 19 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:18:20 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 508 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 19 (12 Monkeys - Treibende Kräfte). 2019-07-28 12:18:23 - DEBUG :: Thread-20 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 409 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:18:23 - INFO :: Thread-20 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 409 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:18:26 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 509 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 19 (12 Monkeys - Treibende Kräfte). 2019-07-28 12:18:28 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 509 stopped. 2019-07-28 12:18:29 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 509 ratingKey 19 is 2 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:18:29 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 509 ratingKey 19 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:18:30 - DEBUG :: Thread-16 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 411 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:18:30 - INFO :: Thread-16 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 411 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:18:34 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 512 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 19 (12 Monkeys - Treibende Kräfte). 2019-07-28 12:18:41 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 513 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 19 (12 Monkeys - Treibende Kräfte). 2019-07-28 12:18:48 - DEBUG :: Thread-21 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 417 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:18:48 - INFO :: Thread-21 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 417 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:18:50 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 517 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 19 (12 Monkeys - Treibende Kräfte). 2019-07-28 12:18:59 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 519 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 19 (12 Monkeys - Treibende Kräfte). 2019-07-28 12:19:01 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 519 stopped. 2019-07-28 12:19:02 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 519 ratingKey 19 is 2 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:19:02 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 519 ratingKey 19 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:19:05 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 521 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 19 (12 Monkeys - Treibende Kräfte). 2019-07-28 12:19:12 - DEBUG :: Thread-18 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 425 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:19:12 - INFO :: Thread-18 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 425 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:19:17 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 525 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 19 (12 Monkeys - Treibende Kräfte). 2019-07-28 12:19:19 - DEBUG :: Thread-22 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 427 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:19:19 - INFO :: Thread-22 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 427 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:19:20 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 525 stopped. 2019-07-28 12:19:20 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 525 ratingKey 19 is 3 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:19:20 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 525 ratingKey 19 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:19:22 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 528 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 19 (12 Monkeys - Treibende Kräfte). 2019-07-28 12:19:25 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 12:19:25 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 12:19:25 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 12:19:26 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 12:19:27 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 529 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 19 (12 Monkeys - Treibende Kräfte). 2019-07-28 12:19:29 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 12:19:29 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 12:19:29 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 12:19:30 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 12:19:30 - DEBUG :: Thread-15 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 431 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:19:30 - INFO :: Thread-15 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 431 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:19:36 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 531 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 8 (12 Monkeys - The White Dragon). 2019-07-28 12:19:38 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 531 watched. 2019-07-28 12:19:41 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 532 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 8 (12 Monkeys - The White Dragon). 2019-07-28 12:19:44 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 534 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 8 (12 Monkeys - The White Dragon). 2019-07-28 12:19:45 - DEBUG :: Thread-23 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 436 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:19:45 - INFO :: Thread-23 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 436 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:19:45 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 534 stopped. 2019-07-28 12:19:45 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 534 ratingKey 8 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:19:45 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 534 ratingKey 8 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:19:47 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 535 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 8 (12 Monkeys - The White Dragon). 2019-07-28 12:19:52 - DEBUG :: Thread-19 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 439 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:19:52 - INFO :: Thread-19 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 439 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:20:01 - DEBUG :: Thread-24 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 441 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:20:01 - INFO :: Thread-24 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 441 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:20:04 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 541 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 10 (12 Monkeys - Das Paradoxon). 2019-07-28 12:20:06 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 541 stopped. 2019-07-28 12:20:06 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 541 ratingKey 10 is 1 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:20:06 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 541 ratingKey 10 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:20:06 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 541 watched. 2019-07-28 12:20:08 - DEBUG :: Thread-17 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 444 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:20:08 - INFO :: Thread-17 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 444 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:20:14 - DEBUG :: Thread-20 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 447 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:20:14 - INFO :: Thread-20 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 447 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:20:15 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 547 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 10 (12 Monkeys - Das Paradoxon). 2019-07-28 12:20:16 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 547 force stopped. 2019-07-28 12:20:17 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 547 ratingKey 10 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:20:17 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 547 ratingKey 18 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:20:21 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 550 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 18 (12 Monkeys - Rückschläge). 2019-07-28 12:20:24 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 550 force stopped. 2019-07-28 12:20:25 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 550 ratingKey 18 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:20:25 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 550 ratingKey 10 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:20:28 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 551 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 18 (12 Monkeys - Rückschläge). 2019-07-28 12:20:30 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 551 stopped. 2019-07-28 12:20:31 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 551 ratingKey 18 is 2 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:20:31 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 551 ratingKey 18 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:20:32 - DEBUG :: Thread-16 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 453 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:20:32 - INFO :: Thread-16 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 453 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:20:35 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 555 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 18 (12 Monkeys - Rückschläge). 2019-07-28 12:20:36 - DEBUG :: Thread-21 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 456 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:20:36 - INFO :: Thread-21 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 456 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:20:40 - DEBUG :: Thread-18 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 457 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:20:40 - INFO :: Thread-18 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 457 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:20:46 - DEBUG :: Thread-22 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 459 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:20:46 - INFO :: Thread-22 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 459 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:20:51 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 562 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 18 (12 Monkeys - Rückschläge). 2019-07-28 12:20:53 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 562 stopped. 2019-07-28 12:20:53 - DEBUG :: Thread-15 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 462 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:20:53 - INFO :: Thread-15 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 462 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:20:53 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 562 ratingKey 18 is 2 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:20:53 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 562 ratingKey 18 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:20:56 - DEBUG :: Thread-23 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 463 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:20:56 - INFO :: Thread-23 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 463 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:21:01 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 565 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 18 (12 Monkeys - Rückschläge). 2019-07-28 12:21:04 - DEBUG :: Thread-19 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 465 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:21:04 - INFO :: Thread-19 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 465 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:21:08 - DEBUG :: Thread-24 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 466 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:21:08 - INFO :: Thread-24 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 466 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:21:11 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 568 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 18 (12 Monkeys - Rückschläge). 2019-07-28 12:21:17 - DEBUG :: Thread-17 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 470 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:21:17 - INFO :: Thread-17 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 470 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:21:23 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 572 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 18 (12 Monkeys - Rückschläge). 2019-07-28 12:21:25 - DEBUG :: Thread-20 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 472 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:21:25 - INFO :: Thread-20 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 472 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:21:26 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 12:21:26 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 12:21:27 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 12:21:28 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 12:21:29 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 574 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 18 (12 Monkeys - Rückschläge). 2019-07-28 12:21:30 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 12:21:30 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 12:21:30 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 12:21:32 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 12:21:35 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 575 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 18 (12 Monkeys - Rückschläge). 2019-07-28 12:21:43 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 579 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 18 (12 Monkeys - Rückschläge). 2019-07-28 12:21:50 - DEBUG :: Thread-16 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 478 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:21:50 - INFO :: Thread-16 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 478 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:21:51 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 582 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 18 (12 Monkeys - Rückschläge). 2019-07-28 12:21:56 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 584 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 18 (12 Monkeys - Rückschläge). 2019-07-28 12:21:58 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 584 stopped. 2019-07-28 12:21:58 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 584 ratingKey 18 is 1 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:21:58 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 584 ratingKey 18 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:22:03 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 587 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 18 (12 Monkeys - Rückschläge). 2019-07-28 12:22:07 - DEBUG :: Thread-21 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 482 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:22:07 - INFO :: Thread-21 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 482 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:22:10 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 589 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 18 (12 Monkeys - Rückschläge). 2019-07-28 12:22:11 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 589 stopped. 2019-07-28 12:22:12 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 589 ratingKey 18 is 2 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:22:12 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 589 ratingKey 18 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:22:14 - DEBUG :: Thread-18 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 484 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:22:14 - INFO :: Thread-18 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 484 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:22:17 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 592 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 18 (12 Monkeys - Rückschläge). 2019-07-28 12:22:21 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 593 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 18 (12 Monkeys - Rückschläge). 2019-07-28 12:22:23 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 593 stopped. 2019-07-28 12:22:23 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 593 ratingKey 18 is 2 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:22:23 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 593 ratingKey 18 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:22:25 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 594 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 18 (12 Monkeys - Rückschläge). 2019-07-28 12:22:29 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 595 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 18 (12 Monkeys - Rückschläge). 2019-07-28 12:22:29 - DEBUG :: Thread-22 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 489 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:22:29 - INFO :: Thread-22 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 489 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:22:30 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 595 stopped. 2019-07-28 12:22:31 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 595 ratingKey 18 is 2 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:22:31 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 595 ratingKey 18 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:22:33 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 596 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 18 (12 Monkeys - Rückschläge). 2019-07-28 12:22:35 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 596 stopped. 2019-07-28 12:22:36 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 596 ratingKey 18 is 2 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:22:36 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 596 ratingKey 18 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:22:37 - DEBUG :: Thread-15 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 492 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:22:37 - INFO :: Thread-15 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 492 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:22:38 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 597 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 18 (12 Monkeys - Rückschläge). 2019-07-28 12:22:43 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 599 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 18 (12 Monkeys - Rückschläge). 2019-07-28 12:22:45 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 599 stopped. 2019-07-28 12:22:46 - DEBUG :: Thread-23 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 493 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:22:46 - INFO :: Thread-23 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 493 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:22:46 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 599 ratingKey 18 is 2 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:22:46 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 599 ratingKey 18 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:22:48 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 600 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 18 (12 Monkeys - Rückschläge). 2019-07-28 12:22:53 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 603 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 18 (12 Monkeys - Rückschläge). 2019-07-28 12:22:56 - DEBUG :: Thread-19 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 497 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:22:56 - INFO :: Thread-19 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 497 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:22:58 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 604 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 18 (12 Monkeys - Rückschläge). 2019-07-28 12:23:06 - DEBUG :: Thread-24 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 500 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:23:06 - INFO :: Thread-24 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 500 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:23:10 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 607 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 18 (12 Monkeys - Rückschläge). 2019-07-28 12:23:17 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 610 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 18 (12 Monkeys - Rückschläge). 2019-07-28 12:23:23 - DEBUG :: Thread-17 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 508 ratingKey 19 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:23:23 - INFO :: Thread-17 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 508 ratingKey 19 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:23:26 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 613 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 18 (12 Monkeys - Rückschläge). 2019-07-28 12:23:28 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 12:23:28 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 12:23:28 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 12:23:30 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 12:23:32 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 12:23:32 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 12:23:32 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 12:23:33 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 12:23:34 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 616 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 18 (12 Monkeys - Rückschläge). 2019-07-28 12:23:36 - DEBUG :: Thread-20 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 512 ratingKey 19 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:23:36 - INFO :: Thread-20 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 512 ratingKey 19 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:23:38 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 617 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 18 (12 Monkeys - Rückschläge). 2019-07-28 12:23:40 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 617 stopped. 2019-07-28 12:23:41 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 617 ratingKey 18 is 2 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:23:41 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 617 ratingKey 18 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:23:44 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 619 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 18 (12 Monkeys - Rückschläge). 2019-07-28 12:23:46 - DEBUG :: Thread-16 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 513 ratingKey 19 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:23:46 - INFO :: Thread-16 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 513 ratingKey 19 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:23:46 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 619 stopped. 2019-07-28 12:23:46 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 619 ratingKey 18 is 1 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:23:46 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 619 ratingKey 18 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:23:50 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 621 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 18 (12 Monkeys - Rückschläge). 2019-07-28 12:23:53 - DEBUG :: Thread-21 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 517 ratingKey 19 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:23:53 - INFO :: Thread-21 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 517 ratingKey 19 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:23:56 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 624 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 18 (12 Monkeys - Rückschläge). 2019-07-28 12:24:02 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 626 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 18 (12 Monkeys - Rückschläge). 2019-07-28 12:24:06 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 626 stopped. 2019-07-28 12:24:06 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 626 ratingKey 18 is 3 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:24:06 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 626 ratingKey 18 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:24:08 - DEBUG :: Thread-18 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 521 ratingKey 19 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:24:08 - INFO :: Thread-18 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 521 ratingKey 19 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:24:09 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 627 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 18 (12 Monkeys - Rückschläge). 2019-07-28 12:24:14 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 628 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 18 (12 Monkeys - Rückschläge). 2019-07-28 12:24:25 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 631 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 18 (12 Monkeys - Rückschläge). 2019-07-28 12:24:27 - DEBUG :: Thread-22 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 528 ratingKey 19 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:24:27 - INFO :: Thread-22 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 528 ratingKey 19 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:24:30 - DEBUG :: Thread-15 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 529 ratingKey 19 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:24:30 - INFO :: Thread-15 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 529 ratingKey 19 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:24:32 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 634 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 18 (12 Monkeys - Rückschläge). 2019-07-28 12:24:40 - DEBUG :: Thread-23 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 531 ratingKey 8 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:24:40 - INFO :: Thread-23 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 531 ratingKey 8 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:24:41 - DEBUG :: CP Server Thread-13 : Tautulli PlexTV :: Plex Pass subscription not found. 2019-07-28 12:24:42 - INFO :: CP Server Thread-13 : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-07-28 12:24:42 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 637 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 18 (12 Monkeys - Rückschläge). 2019-07-28 12:24:43 - DEBUG :: Thread-19 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 532 ratingKey 8 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:24:43 - INFO :: Thread-19 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 532 ratingKey 8 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:24:49 - DEBUG :: Thread-24 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 535 ratingKey 8 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:24:49 - INFO :: Thread-24 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 535 ratingKey 8 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:24:50 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 639 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 18 (12 Monkeys - Rückschläge). 2019-07-28 12:24:54 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 642 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 18 (12 Monkeys - Rückschläge). 2019-07-28 12:25:00 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 643 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 18 (12 Monkeys - Rückschläge). 2019-07-28 12:25:07 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 645 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 18 (12 Monkeys - Rückschläge). 2019-07-28 12:25:16 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 648 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 18 (12 Monkeys - Rückschläge). 2019-07-28 12:25:30 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 12:25:30 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 12:25:30 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 12:25:31 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 12:25:31 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 654 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 18 (12 Monkeys - Rückschläge). 2019-07-28 12:25:33 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 12:25:33 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 12:25:33 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 12:25:35 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 12:25:37 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 656 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 18 (12 Monkeys - Rückschläge). 2019-07-28 12:25:39 - DEBUG :: Thread-17 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 555 ratingKey 18 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:25:39 - INFO :: Thread-17 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 555 ratingKey 18 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:25:42 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 658 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 18 (12 Monkeys - Rückschläge). 2019-07-28 12:25:50 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 661 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 18 (12 Monkeys - Rückschläge). 2019-07-28 12:26:05 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 666 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 18 (12 Monkeys - Rückschläge). 2019-07-28 12:26:05 - DEBUG :: Thread-20 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 565 ratingKey 18 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:26:05 - INFO :: Thread-20 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 565 ratingKey 18 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:26:12 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 669 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 18 (12 Monkeys - Rückschläge). 2019-07-28 12:26:14 - DEBUG :: Thread-16 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 568 ratingKey 18 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:26:14 - INFO :: Thread-16 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 568 ratingKey 18 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:26:23 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 673 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 18 (12 Monkeys - Rückschläge). 2019-07-28 12:26:25 - DEBUG :: Thread-21 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 572 ratingKey 18 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:26:25 - INFO :: Thread-21 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 572 ratingKey 18 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:26:29 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 676 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 18 (12 Monkeys - Rückschläge). 2019-07-28 12:26:32 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 676 force stopped. 2019-07-28 12:26:33 - DEBUG :: Thread-18 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 574 ratingKey 18 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:26:33 - INFO :: Thread-18 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 574 ratingKey 18 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:26:33 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 676 ratingKey 18 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:26:33 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 676 ratingKey 12 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:26:34 - WARNING :: CP Server Thread-8 : No image input received. 2019-07-28 12:26:38 - DEBUG :: Thread-22 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 575 ratingKey 18 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:26:38 - INFO :: Thread-22 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 575 ratingKey 18 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:26:41 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 680 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 12 (12 Monkeys - Patientin 248). 2019-07-28 12:26:43 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 680 stopped. 2019-07-28 12:26:43 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 680 ratingKey 12 is 1 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:26:43 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 680 ratingKey 12 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:26:46 - DEBUG :: Thread-15 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 579 ratingKey 18 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:26:46 - INFO :: Thread-15 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 579 ratingKey 18 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:26:48 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 683 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 12 (12 Monkeys - Patientin 248). 2019-07-28 12:26:52 - DEBUG :: Thread-23 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 582 ratingKey 18 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:26:52 - INFO :: Thread-23 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 582 ratingKey 18 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:26:55 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 686 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 12 (12 Monkeys - Patientin 248). 2019-07-28 12:26:58 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 687 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 12 (12 Monkeys - Patientin 248). 2019-07-28 12:27:06 - DEBUG :: Thread-19 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 587 ratingKey 18 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:27:06 - INFO :: Thread-19 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 587 ratingKey 18 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:27:06 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 690 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 12 (12 Monkeys - Patientin 248). 2019-07-28 12:27:15 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 693 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 12 (12 Monkeys - Patientin 248). 2019-07-28 12:27:19 - DEBUG :: Thread-24 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 592 ratingKey 18 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:27:19 - INFO :: Thread-24 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 592 ratingKey 18 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:27:23 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 696 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 12 (12 Monkeys - Patientin 248). 2019-07-28 12:27:27 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 697 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 12 (12 Monkeys - Patientin 248). 2019-07-28 12:27:28 - DEBUG :: Thread-17 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 594 ratingKey 18 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:27:28 - INFO :: Thread-17 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 594 ratingKey 18 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:27:31 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 12:27:31 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 12:27:31 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 12:27:32 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 698 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 12 (12 Monkeys - Patientin 248). 2019-07-28 12:27:32 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 12:27:35 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 12:27:35 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 12:27:35 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 12:27:36 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 12:27:39 - DEBUG :: Thread-20 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 597 ratingKey 18 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:27:39 - INFO :: Thread-20 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 597 ratingKey 18 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:27:40 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 701 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 12 (12 Monkeys - Patientin 248). 2019-07-28 12:27:50 - DEBUG :: Thread-16 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 600 ratingKey 18 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:27:50 - INFO :: Thread-16 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 600 ratingKey 18 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:27:50 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 704 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 12 (12 Monkeys - Patientin 248). 2019-07-28 12:27:56 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 706 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 12 (12 Monkeys - Patientin 248). 2019-07-28 12:27:56 - DEBUG :: Thread-21 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 603 ratingKey 18 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:27:56 - INFO :: Thread-21 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 603 ratingKey 18 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:27:58 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 706 stopped. 2019-07-28 12:27:58 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 706 ratingKey 12 is 2 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:27:58 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 706 ratingKey 12 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:28:00 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 707 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 12 (12 Monkeys - Patientin 248). 2019-07-28 12:28:02 - DEBUG :: Thread-18 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 604 ratingKey 18 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:28:02 - INFO :: Thread-18 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 604 ratingKey 18 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:28:07 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 711 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 12 (12 Monkeys - Patientin 248). 2019-07-28 12:28:12 - DEBUG :: Thread-22 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 607 ratingKey 18 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:28:12 - INFO :: Thread-22 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 607 ratingKey 18 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:28:14 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 714 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 12 (12 Monkeys - Patientin 248). 2019-07-28 12:28:20 - DEBUG :: Thread-15 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 610 ratingKey 18 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:28:20 - INFO :: Thread-15 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 610 ratingKey 18 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:28:22 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 717 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 12 (12 Monkeys - Patientin 248). 2019-07-28 12:28:27 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 719 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 12 (12 Monkeys - Patientin 248). 2019-07-28 12:28:29 - DEBUG :: Thread-23 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 613 ratingKey 18 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:28:29 - INFO :: Thread-23 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 613 ratingKey 18 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:28:35 - DEBUG :: Thread-19 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 616 ratingKey 18 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:28:35 - INFO :: Thread-19 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 616 ratingKey 18 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:28:37 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 723 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 12 (12 Monkeys - Patientin 248). 2019-07-28 12:28:43 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 726 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 12 (12 Monkeys - Patientin 248). 2019-07-28 12:28:47 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 728 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 12 (12 Monkeys - Patientin 248). 2019-07-28 12:28:49 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 730 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 12 (12 Monkeys - Patientin 248). 2019-07-28 12:28:52 - DEBUG :: Thread-24 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 621 ratingKey 18 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:28:52 - INFO :: Thread-24 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 621 ratingKey 18 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:28:52 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 731 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 12 (12 Monkeys - Patientin 248). 2019-07-28 12:28:58 - DEBUG :: Thread-17 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 624 ratingKey 18 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:28:58 - INFO :: Thread-17 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 624 ratingKey 18 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:29:00 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 734 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 12 (12 Monkeys - Patientin 248). 2019-07-28 12:29:05 - DEBUG :: CP Server Thread-13 : Tautulli PlexTV :: Plex Pass subscription not found. 2019-07-28 12:29:05 - INFO :: CP Server Thread-13 : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-07-28 12:29:08 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 737 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 12 (12 Monkeys - Patientin 248). 2019-07-28 12:29:12 - DEBUG :: Thread-20 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 627 ratingKey 18 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:29:12 - INFO :: Thread-20 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 627 ratingKey 18 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:29:19 - DEBUG :: Thread-16 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 628 ratingKey 18 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:29:19 - INFO :: Thread-16 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 628 ratingKey 18 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:29:20 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 741 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 12 (12 Monkeys - Patientin 248). 2019-07-28 12:29:21 - INFO :: CP Server Thread-6 : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-07-28 12:29:21 - DEBUG :: CP Server Thread-14 : Tautulli PlexTV :: Plex Pass subscription not found. 2019-07-28 12:29:21 - INFO :: CP Server Thread-14 : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-07-28 12:29:28 - DEBUG :: Thread-21 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 631 ratingKey 18 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:29:28 - INFO :: Thread-21 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 631 ratingKey 18 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:29:29 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 745 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 12 (12 Monkeys - Patientin 248). 2019-07-28 12:29:32 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 12:29:32 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 12:29:33 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 12:29:33 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 12:29:35 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 747 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:29:36 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 747 watched. 2019-07-28 12:29:36 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 12:29:36 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 12:29:37 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 12:29:37 - DEBUG :: Thread-18 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 634 ratingKey 18 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:29:37 - INFO :: Thread-18 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 634 ratingKey 18 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:29:40 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 12:29:44 - DEBUG :: Thread-22 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 637 ratingKey 18 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:29:44 - INFO :: Thread-22 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 637 ratingKey 18 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:29:51 - DEBUG :: Thread-15 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 639 ratingKey 18 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:29:51 - INFO :: Thread-15 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 639 ratingKey 18 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:29:51 - INFO :: CP Server Thread-8 : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-07-28 12:29:52 - DEBUG :: CP Server Thread-7 : Tautulli PlexTV :: Plex Pass subscription not found. 2019-07-28 12:29:52 - INFO :: CP Server Thread-7 : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-07-28 12:29:53 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 756 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:29:55 - INFO :: CP Server Thread-7 : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-07-28 12:29:56 - DEBUG :: CP Server Thread-10 : Tautulli PlexTV :: Plex Pass subscription not found. 2019-07-28 12:29:56 - INFO :: CP Server Thread-10 : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-07-28 12:29:56 - DEBUG :: Thread-23 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 642 ratingKey 18 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:29:56 - INFO :: Thread-23 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 642 ratingKey 18 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:30:01 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 760 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:30:04 - DEBUG :: Thread-19 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 643 ratingKey 18 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:30:04 - INFO :: Thread-19 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 643 ratingKey 18 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:30:10 - DEBUG :: Thread-24 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 645 ratingKey 18 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:30:10 - INFO :: Thread-24 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 645 ratingKey 18 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:30:11 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 763 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:30:12 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 763 stopped. 2019-07-28 12:30:13 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 763 ratingKey 15 is 2 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:30:13 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 763 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:30:19 - DEBUG :: Thread-17 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 648 ratingKey 18 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:30:19 - INFO :: Thread-17 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 648 ratingKey 18 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:30:22 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 768 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 15 (12 Monkeys - Das Nachtzimmer). 2019-07-28 12:30:32 - WARNING :: Thread-3 : Tautulli WebSocket :: Connection has closed. 2019-07-28 12:30:32 - WARNING :: Thread-3 : Tautulli WebSocket :: Reconnection attempt 1. 2019-07-28 12:30:32 - ERROR :: Thread-3 : Tautulli WebSocket :: [Errno 111] Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt. 2019-07-28 12:30:34 - DEBUG :: Thread-20 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 654 ratingKey 18 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:30:34 - INFO :: Thread-20 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 654 ratingKey 18 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:30:37 - WARNING :: Thread-3 : Tautulli WebSocket :: Reconnection attempt 2. 2019-07-28 12:30:39 - DEBUG :: Thread-16 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 656 ratingKey 18 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:30:39 - INFO :: Thread-16 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 656 ratingKey 18 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:30:41 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Tautulli WebSocket :: Ready 2019-07-28 12:30:45 - DEBUG :: Thread-21 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 658 ratingKey 18 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:30:45 - INFO :: Thread-21 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 658 ratingKey 18 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:30:55 - DEBUG :: Thread-18 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 661 ratingKey 18 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:30:55 - INFO :: Thread-18 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 661 ratingKey 18 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:31:07 - DEBUG :: Thread-22 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 666 ratingKey 18 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:31:07 - INFO :: Thread-22 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 666 ratingKey 18 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:31:16 - DEBUG :: Thread-15 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 669 ratingKey 18 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:31:16 - INFO :: Thread-15 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 669 ratingKey 18 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:31:24 - DEBUG :: Thread-23 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 673 ratingKey 18 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:31:24 - INFO :: Thread-23 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 673 ratingKey 18 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:31:34 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 12:31:34 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 12:31:34 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 12:31:35 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 12:31:40 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 12:31:40 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 12:31:40 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 12:31:40 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 12:31:49 - DEBUG :: Thread-19 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 683 ratingKey 12 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:31:49 - INFO :: Thread-19 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 683 ratingKey 12 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:31:57 - DEBUG :: Thread-24 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 686 ratingKey 12 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:31:57 - INFO :: Thread-24 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 686 ratingKey 12 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:32:00 - DEBUG :: Thread-17 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 687 ratingKey 12 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:32:00 - INFO :: Thread-17 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 687 ratingKey 12 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:32:08 - DEBUG :: Thread-20 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 690 ratingKey 12 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:32:08 - INFO :: Thread-20 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 690 ratingKey 12 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:32:12 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 1 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 173 (Alphas - Zeit zu töten). 2019-07-28 12:32:14 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 1 stopped. 2019-07-28 12:32:14 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 1 ratingKey 173 is 1 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:32:14 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 1 ratingKey 173 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:32:17 - DEBUG :: Thread-16 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 693 ratingKey 12 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:32:17 - INFO :: Thread-16 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 693 ratingKey 12 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:32:20 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 1 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 173 (Alphas - Zeit zu töten). 2019-07-28 12:32:24 - DEBUG :: Thread-21 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 696 ratingKey 12 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:32:24 - INFO :: Thread-21 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 696 ratingKey 12 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:32:30 - DEBUG :: Thread-18 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 697 ratingKey 12 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:32:30 - INFO :: Thread-18 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 697 ratingKey 12 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:32:34 - DEBUG :: Thread-22 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 698 ratingKey 12 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:32:34 - INFO :: Thread-22 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 698 ratingKey 12 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:32:44 - DEBUG :: Thread-15 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 701 ratingKey 12 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:32:44 - INFO :: Thread-15 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 701 ratingKey 12 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:32:54 - DEBUG :: Thread-23 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 704 ratingKey 12 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:32:54 - INFO :: Thread-23 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 704 ratingKey 12 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:32:58 - WARNING :: CP Server Thread-12 : No image input received. 2019-07-28 12:33:03 - DEBUG :: Thread-19 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 707 ratingKey 12 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:33:03 - INFO :: Thread-19 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 707 ratingKey 12 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:33:10 - DEBUG :: Thread-24 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 711 ratingKey 12 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:33:10 - INFO :: Thread-24 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 711 ratingKey 12 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:33:16 - DEBUG :: Thread-17 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 714 ratingKey 12 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:33:16 - INFO :: Thread-17 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 714 ratingKey 12 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:33:25 - DEBUG :: Thread-20 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 717 ratingKey 12 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:33:25 - INFO :: Thread-20 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 717 ratingKey 12 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:33:29 - DEBUG :: Thread-16 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 719 ratingKey 12 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:33:29 - INFO :: Thread-16 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 719 ratingKey 12 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:33:35 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 12:33:35 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 12:33:35 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 12:33:37 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 12:33:39 - DEBUG :: Thread-21 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 723 ratingKey 12 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:33:39 - INFO :: Thread-21 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 723 ratingKey 12 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:33:40 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 12:33:40 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 12:33:40 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 12:33:42 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 12:33:45 - DEBUG :: Thread-18 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 726 ratingKey 12 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:33:45 - INFO :: Thread-18 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 726 ratingKey 12 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:33:48 - DEBUG :: Thread-22 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 728 ratingKey 12 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:33:48 - INFO :: Thread-22 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 728 ratingKey 12 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:33:51 - DEBUG :: Thread-15 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 730 ratingKey 12 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:33:51 - INFO :: Thread-15 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 730 ratingKey 12 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:33:55 - DEBUG :: Thread-23 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 731 ratingKey 12 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:33:55 - INFO :: Thread-23 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 731 ratingKey 12 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:34:04 - DEBUG :: Thread-19 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 734 ratingKey 12 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:34:04 - INFO :: Thread-19 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 734 ratingKey 12 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:34:13 - DEBUG :: Thread-24 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 737 ratingKey 12 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:34:13 - INFO :: Thread-24 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 737 ratingKey 12 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:34:22 - DEBUG :: Thread-17 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 741 ratingKey 12 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:34:22 - INFO :: Thread-17 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 741 ratingKey 12 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:34:30 - DEBUG :: Thread-20 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 745 ratingKey 12 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:34:30 - INFO :: Thread-20 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 745 ratingKey 12 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:34:38 - DEBUG :: Thread-16 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 747 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:34:38 - INFO :: Thread-16 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 747 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:34:54 - DEBUG :: Thread-21 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 756 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:34:54 - INFO :: Thread-21 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 756 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:35:04 - DEBUG :: Thread-18 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 760 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:35:04 - INFO :: Thread-18 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 760 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:35:24 - DEBUG :: Thread-22 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 768 ratingKey 15 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:35:24 - INFO :: Thread-22 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 768 ratingKey 15 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:35:37 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 12:35:37 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 12:35:37 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 12:35:38 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 12:35:42 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 12:35:42 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 12:35:42 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 12:35:44 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 12:35:55 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 1 stopped. 2019-07-28 12:35:56 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Fetching metadata for item ratingKey 173 2019-07-28 12:35:56 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 1 ratingKey 173 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:37:38 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 12:37:38 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 12:37:40 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 12:37:40 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 12:37:44 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 12:37:44 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 12:37:44 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 12:37:45 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 12:39:36 - DEBUG :: CP Server Thread-7 : Tautulli PlexTV :: Plex Pass subscription not found. 2019-07-28 12:39:36 - INFO :: CP Server Thread-7 : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-07-28 12:39:40 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 12:39:40 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 12:39:40 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 12:39:40 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 12:39:45 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 12:39:45 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 12:39:46 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 12:39:47 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 12:41:40 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 12:41:40 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 12:41:40 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 12:41:41 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 12:41:47 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 12:41:47 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 12:41:47 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 12:41:49 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 12:42:17 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 6 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 290 (Ashvsevil - Episode 7). 2019-07-28 12:43:41 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 12:43:41 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 12:43:41 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 12:43:43 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 12:43:49 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 12:43:49 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 12:43:49 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 12:43:51 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 12:45:43 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 12:45:43 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 12:45:43 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 12:45:45 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 12:45:51 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 12:45:51 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 12:45:51 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 12:45:52 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 12:46:54 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 16 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 84 (8 Tage - Krieg). 2019-07-28 12:47:18 - DEBUG :: Thread-15 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Play duration for session 6 ratingKey 290 is 0 secs which is less than 10 seconds, so we're not logging it. 2019-07-28 12:47:18 - INFO :: Thread-15 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing stale stream with sessionKey 6 ratingKey 290 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:47:31 - DEBUG :: CP Server Thread-14 : Tautulli PlexTV :: Plex Pass subscription not found. 2019-07-28 12:47:31 - INFO :: CP Server Thread-14 : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-07-28 12:47:45 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 12:47:45 - ERROR :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 12:47:45 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 12:47:45 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 12:47:52 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 12:47:52 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 12:47:52 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 12:47:52 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 12:48:05 - INFO :: CP Server Thread-6 : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-07-28 12:48:05 - DEBUG :: CP Server Thread-10 : Tautulli PlexTV :: Plex Pass subscription not found. 2019-07-28 12:48:05 - INFO :: CP Server Thread-10 : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-07-28 12:48:11 - INFO :: MainThread : Received signal: restart 2019-07-28 12:48:11 - INFO :: MainThread : Stopping Tautulli web server... 2019-07-28 12:48:16 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli WebSocket :: Disconnecting websocket... 2019-07-28 12:48:16 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli WebSocket :: Leaving thread. 2019-07-28 12:48:16 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-07-28 12:48:17 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli is restarting... 2019-07-28 12:48:17 - INFO :: MainThread : Restarting Tautulli with ['/usr/bin/python', '/opt/Tautulli/Tautulli.py', '--config', '/etc/tautulli.conf', '--datadir', '/opt/Tautulli', '--quiet', '--daemon', '--nolaunch'] 2019-07-28 12:48:21 - INFO :: MainThread : Starting Tautulli v2.1.33 2019-07-28 12:48:21 - INFO :: MainThread : Linux 4.15.18-16-pve (#1 SMP PVE 4.15.18-41 (Tue, 18 Jun 2019 07:36:54 +0200) - debian 9.9) 2019-07-28 12:48:21 - INFO :: MainThread : Europe/Berlin (UTC+0200) 2019-07-28 12:48:21 - INFO :: MainThread : Python 2.7.13 (default, Sep 26 2018, 18:42:22) [GCC 6.3.0 20170516] 2019-07-28 12:48:21 - INFO :: MainThread : Program Dir: /opt/Tautulli 2019-07-28 12:48:21 - INFO :: MainThread : Config File: /etc/tautulli.conf 2019-07-28 12:48:21 - INFO :: MainThread : Database File: /opt/Tautulli/tautulli.db 2019-07-28 12:48:21 - INFO :: MainThread : Checking if the database upgrades are required... 2019-07-28 12:48:21 - INFO :: MainThread : Checking if configuration upgrades are required... 2019-07-28 12:48:21 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Trying to execute: "git rev-parse HEAD" with shell in /opt/Tautulli 2019-07-28 12:48:21 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Git output: 1046b29c1a1f7d7bd2c72743aaec695b1938b709 2019-07-28 12:48:21 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Trying to execute: "git rev-parse --abbrev-ref --symbolic-full-name @{u}" with shell in /opt/Tautulli 2019-07-28 12:48:21 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Git output: origin/master 2019-07-28 12:48:21 - INFO :: MainThread : Retrieving latest version information from GitHub 2019-07-28 12:48:21 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Requesting URL via GET method: https://api.github.com/repos/Tautulli/Tautulli/commits/master 2019-07-28 12:48:21 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Latest version is 1046b29c1a1f7d7bd2c72743aaec695b1938b709 2019-07-28 12:48:21 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli is up to date 2019-07-28 12:48:21 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli PlexTV :: Requesting resources for server... 2019-07-28 12:48:22 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli PlexTV :: Plex Pass subscription not found. 2019-07-28 12:48:22 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-07-28 12:48:22 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli PlexTV :: Using user-defined URL. 2019-07-28 12:48:22 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-07-28 12:48:22 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Users :: Requesting users list refresh... 2019-07-28 12:48:23 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Users :: Users list refreshed. 2019-07-28 12:48:23 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Libraries :: Requesting libraries list refresh... 2019-07-28 12:48:24 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-07-28 12:48:24 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Libraries :: Libraries list refreshed. 2019-07-28 12:48:24 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Starting background notification handler (2 threads). 2019-07-28 12:48:24 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Tautulli Monitor :: Checking for active streams. 2019-07-28 12:48:24 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Tautulli WebSocket :: Opening websocket. 2019-07-28 12:48:24 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli WebStart :: Web server authentication is enabled: Tautulli admin (username is 'xxx@yyyy.zzz') and Plex admin. 2019-07-28 12:48:24 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli WebStart :: Starting Tautulli web server on 2019-07-28 12:48:24 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Tautulli WebSocket :: Ready 2019-07-28 12:48:24 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Scheduled background task: Check GitHub for updates 2019-07-28 12:48:24 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Scheduled background task: Backup Tautulli database 2019-07-28 12:48:24 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Scheduled background task: Backup Tautulli config 2019-07-28 12:48:24 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Scheduled background task: Refresh Plex server URLs 2019-07-28 12:48:24 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Scheduled background task: Refresh users list 2019-07-28 12:48:24 - INFO :: Thread-3 : Scheduled background task: Refresh libraries list 2019-07-28 12:48:26 - WARNING :: CP Server Thread-10 : No image input received. 2019-07-28 12:48:56 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 18 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 28 (12 Monkeys - Entstehung). 2019-07-28 12:48:58 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 12:48:58 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 12:50:57 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 18 stopped. 2019-07-28 12:50:58 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 12:50:58 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Fetching metadata for item ratingKey 28 2019-07-28 12:50:58 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 12:50:58 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Removing sessionKey 18 ratingKey 28 from session queue 2019-07-28 12:50:58 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification failed. 2019-07-28 12:50:58 - ERROR :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Unable to connect to remote host. Check if the remote host is up and running. 2019-07-28 12:51:24 - WARNING :: CP Server Thread-9 : No image input received. 2019-07-28 12:51:34 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 23 started by user 4934118 (xxx@yyyy.zzz) with ratingKey 146 (Against the Wall - Pilot). 2019-07-28 12:51:35 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 1. 2019-07-28 12:51:35 - INFO :: Thread-1 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification... 2019-07-28 12:51:47 - WARNING :: CP Server Thread-11 : No image input received.