//-----------------AB HIER NICHTS MEHR ÄNDERN------------------------------------------------------
const versionNr = "06102019-1.2"
const dpPrefix = "javascript."+ instance +".";
// Hier Definition iqontrol-Style für Popup
const format = "
const format2 = "Clients";
const format3 = "";
const format6 =" | |
const apHead = "Voucher"
const apTable = "";
const request = require('request-promise-native').defaults({ rejectUnauthorized: false });
const pathVoucher = "/htmlvoucher.html"; const pathClient = "/htmlclients.html"; const pathInfo = "/htmlinfo.html"; const pathAlarm = "/htmlalarm.html"; const pathAbmelung = "/htmlLog.html";
let cookies = [];
let loggedIn = false;
let debug = false;
let mylogs = false;
let clientPause = false;
let clientPauseVal;
let wifiDPs = [];
let vouchiesDPs=[];
let myname = 'hostname';
let respv; let respc; let respw; let resph; let respgv; let respa; let respal; //geholte Daten
let countFalse=0;
let statusarr=[];
let writeFileVar =0;
let listValue=[]; //iqontrol löschen kachel
let listValue2; //iqontrol löschen kachel
let listValue3; //iqontrol löschen VIS
let nichtSchalten=true;
//let nichtSchalten2=false; //iqontrol löschen kachel
let versuch;
let listeDatenpunkte = [];
let listeDatenpunkteControl=[];
let countie;
let binAmArbeiten=false;
let apListeTable;
let apListe;
let healthListe;
let healthListeTable;
let notSeen=[];
let lastChange=[];
let mybodyVouchers2; // create-one-click-standard-voucher
let expire_var; // create-one-click-standard-voucher
let n_var; // create-one-click-standard-voucher
let quota_var; // create-one-click-standard-voucher
let note_var; // create-one-click-standard-voucher
let up_var; // create-one-click-standard-voucher
let down_var; // create-one-click-standard-voucher
let MBytes_var; // create-one-click-standard-voucher
let testerral=false; let testerrc=false; let testerrl=false; let testerrv=false; let testerrs=false; let testerrh=false; let testerrcv=false; let testerrdv=false; let testerrws=false; let testerrap=false;
var scriptCounter=0;
let health = true; // Angaben zum Systemstatus - die Healtdaten werden nur alle 5 Abfragezyklen geholt
let alarmSwitch =false;
let alarmCounter =0;
let firstTime=0;
let mybodyVouchers;
var wifiLength=0;
for(let wifi_name in wifis) {
wifiLength++; }
if (aliasname) myname="name";
if (ohneClientAbfrage) anwesenheit=false;
writeMyFile("neugestartet ... bitte warten", pathClient);
writeMyFile("neugestartet ... bitte warten", pathVoucher);
writeMyFile("neugestartet ... bitte warten", pathAlarm);
writeMyFile("neugestartet ... bitte warten", pathInfo);
if ( !anwesenheit) writeMyFile("variable anwesenheit und/oder iqontrol ist nicht im unifiscript aktiviert - auf true setzen", pathClient);
if ( !anwesenheit) writeMyFile("variable vouchers und/oder iqontrol ist nicht im unifiscript aktiviert - auf true setzen", pathVoucher);
//Erstelle Datenpunkte für die WLANs automatisch
for(let wifi_name in wifis) {
wifiDPs.push(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi." + wifis[wifi_name].name);
createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi."+ wifi_name, { name: wifis[wifi_name].desc, role: 'switch', read: true, write: true, type: "boolean",
smartName: { de: wifis[wifi_name].smart, smartType: "SWITCH" } });}
createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Clients", "not available",{ name: 'Clients_HTML_Table_VIS', role: 'string', read: true, write: true,});
createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.SiteLED", false, { name: 'SiteLED', type: 'boolean', role: 'switch', read: true, write: true,});
createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Alarm.Alarm", { name: 'Alarm_Table_not_archieved', desc: 'Alarm_Table', type: 'string', unit: '', role: '',read: true, write: true });
createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Missing_Name", "not available", { name: 'Missing_Name', desc: 'Missing_Name', type: 'string', unit: '', role: '',read: true, write: true });
createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Alarm.Alarm_Anzahl", { name: 'Alarm_Anzahl', desc: 'Alarm_Table', type: 'number', unit: '', role: '',read: true, write: true });
createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.ZyklusZaehler", 1, { name: 'ZyklusZaehler', desc: 'ZyklusZaehler', type: 'number', unit: '', role: '',read: true, write: true });
createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.xxxScriptVersionxxx", versionNr,{ name: 'ScriptVersion', desc: 'ScriptVersion', type: 'string', unit: '', role: '',read: true, write: true });
if (anwesenheit) createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Clients_Log", { name: 'Clients_HTML_Table_VIS_Log', role: 'string', read: true, write: true,});
var foo = (aliasname) ? true : false;
createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.AliasName", foo, { name: ' AliasName', desc: 'schaltet Aliasnamen ein', role: 'switch', type: 'boolean', read: true, write: true,
} , function() {setStateDelayed(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.AliasName", foo, 200)});
//createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Aussortiert", { name: 'Aussortiert', role: 'string', read: true, write: true,});
if (vouchers) {
createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Vouchers", { name: 'Vouchers_HTML_Table_VIS', role: 'string', read: true, write: true,});
createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Vouchers_List", { name: 'Vouchers_ID_List', role: 'string', read: true, write: true,});
createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Vouchers_CodeList", { name: 'Vouchers_Texte_Delete_VIS_Widget', role: 'string', read: true, write: true,});
createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Vouchers_CodeList2", { name: 'Vouchers_Werte_Delete_VIS_Widget', role: 'string', read: true, write: true,});
createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Vouchers_ValueCodeList", { name: 'Vouchers_ValueList_IQontrol', desc:"ValueCodeList", role: "", type:'number', states: "1:please wait ...;2:refresh webpage", def:1, min: 0, max: 20, read: true, write: true,});
createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Vouchers-CODES.A_New_Voucher.Create", false, { name: 'A_New_Voucher_Create', role: 'switch', type: 'boolean', read: true, write: true,});
createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Vouchers_DeleteVIS", { name: 'Vouchers_Schalter_Delete_VIS_Widget', role: 'switch', type: 'number', read: true, write: true,});
createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Vouchers_CreateStandard", 1, { name: 'Vouchers_Schalter_Create_VIS_Widget', role: 'switch', type: 'number', read: true, write: true,});
//createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Create_Standard_Voucher", false, { name: 'A_Delete_Voucher', role: 'switch', type: 'boolean', read: true, write: true,});
createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Vouchers-CODES.A_Delete_Voucher.Delete", false, { name: 'Voucher_Delete__Botton_VIS', role: 'switch', type: 'boolean', read: true, write: true,});
createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Vouchers-CODES.A_Delete_Voucher.Voucher_ID", "must be set",{ name: 'A_Delete_Voucher.Voucher_ID', role: 'string', read: true, write: true,});
createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Vouchers-CODES.A_New_Voucher.Dauer", "must be set",{ name: ' A_New_Voucher_Dauer', role: 'string', read: true, write: true,});
createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Vouchers-CODES.A_New_Voucher.MultiUse", "must be set",{ name: ' A_New_Voucher_MultiUse', role: 'string', read: true, write: true,});
createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Vouchers-CODES.A_New_Voucher.Anzahl", "must be set",{ name: ' A_New_Voucher_Anzahl', role: 'string', read: true, write: true,});
createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Vouchers-CODES.A_New_Voucher.Notiz", "",{ name: ' A_New_Voucher_Notiz', role: 'string', read: true, write: true,});
createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Vouchers-CODES.A_New_Voucher.Upload", "",{ name: ' A_New_Voucher_Uplaod', role: 'string', read: true, write: true,});
createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Vouchers-CODES.A_New_Voucher.Download", "",{ name: ' A_New_Voucher_Download', role: 'string', read: true, write: true,});
createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Vouchers-CODES.A_New_Voucher.Mb_Begrenzung", "", { name: ' A_New_Voucher_Mb_Begrenzung', role: 'string', read: true, write: true,});
for (var i = 1; i < 21; i++) {
var x=i.toString();
if (i<10) x="0"+x;
createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Vouchers-CODES.CODE"+x, { name: 'Unifi Voucher_Code'+x, role: 'string', read: true, write: true, });
createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Vouchers-CODES.CODE"+x+".code"+x, { name: 'Unifi Voucher_Code_code'+x, role: 'string', read: true, write: true, });
createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Vouchers-CODES.CODE"+x+".erstellt", { name: 'Unifi Voucher_Code_erstellt'+x, role: 'string', read: true, write: true, });
createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Vouchers-CODES.CODE"+x+".dauer", { name: 'Unifi Voucher_Code_duration'+x, role: 'string', read: true, write: true, });
createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Vouchers-CODES.CODE"+x+".abgelaufen", { name: 'Unifi Voucher_Code_expires'+x, role: 'string', read: true, write: true, });
createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Vouchers-CODES.CODE"+x+".id", { name: 'Unifi Voucher_Code_id'+x, role: 'string', read: true, write: true, });
createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Vouchers-CODES.CODE"+x+".notiz", { name: 'Unifi Voucher_Code_notiz'+x, role: 'string', read: true, write: true, });
let vouchiesHelper="" //Werteliste-Datenpunkt für StandardVouchies
let vouchiesHelper2="Wähle Standard;"
let vouchiesHelper3="1;"
for(let vouchies in standardVouchers){
vouchiesHelper2 = vouchiesHelper2 + vouchies + " ("+standardVouchers[vouchies].notiz +");"
vouchiesHelper3 = vouchiesHelper3+(countie+1)+";"
vouchiesHelper = vouchiesHelper+countie + ":" + vouchies + " (" +standardVouchers[vouchies].notiz +");"
// + " " + "("+standardVouchers[vouchies].notiz+");"}
// vouchiesHelper=vouchiesHelper.substr(0, vouchiesHelper.length-1);
vouchiesHelper=vouchiesHelper + (countie+1)+":"+"Standard-Voucher-Auswahl";
createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Vouchers_StandardList", { name: 'Vouchers_StandardList_IQontrol', desc:"Vouchers_StandardList", role: "", type:'number', states: vouchiesHelper, def:(countie+1), min: 0, max: 20, read: true, write: true,});
createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Vouchers_CreateList", { name: 'Vouchers_Texte_Create_VIS_Widget', desc:"Wifi_Vouchers_CreateList", role: "string", type:'string', read: true, write: true}, function() {
mylog("created"); setState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Vouchers_CreateList",vouchiesHelper2)});
createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Vouchers_CreateListStandard", { name: 'Vouchers_Werte_Create_VIS_Widget', desc:"Wifi_Vouchers_CreateList", role: "string", type:'string', read: true, write: true}, function() {
mylog("created"); setState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Vouchers_CreateListStandard",vouchiesHelper3)});
createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Client_Pause", false, { name: 'Wifi_Client_Pause', role: 'switch', type: 'boolean', read: true, write: true,});
createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Clients_Anzahl", { name: 'Wifi_Clients_Anzahl', desc: 'Wifi_Clients_Anzahl', type: 'number',def:0, unit: '', min: '0', max: '100', role: '',read: true, write: true });
if (vouchers) createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Vouchers_Anzahl", { name: 'Wifi_Vouchers_Anzahl', desc: 'Wifi_Vouchers_Anzahl', type: 'number', unit: '', min: '0', max: '100', role: '',read: true, write: true });
createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Info", { name: 'Info_HTML_Table_VIS', role: 'string', read: true, write: true,});
if (health) {createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Health.WLAN.Status", { name: 'Health_Status', desc: 'Health_Status', type: 'string', unit: '', role: '',read: true, write: true });
createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Health.WLAN.Users", { name: 'Health_Users', desc: 'Health_Users', type: 'number', unit: '', min: '0', max: '1000', role: '',read: true, write: true });
createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Health.WLAN.Guests", { name: 'Health_Guests', desc: 'Health_Guests', type: 'number', unit: '', min: '0', max: '100', role: '',read: true, write: true });
createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Health.WLAN.TXBytes", { name: 'Health_TXBytes', desc: 'Health_TXBytes', type: 'number', unit: '', min: '0', max: '9999999', role: '',read: true, write: true });
createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Health.WLAN.RXBytes", { name: 'Health_RXBytes', desc: 'Health_RXBytes', type: 'number', unit: '', min: '0', max: '9999999', role: '',read: true, write: true });
createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Health.WLAN.Adopted", { name: 'Health_Adopted', desc: 'Health_Adopted', type: 'number', unit: '', min: '0', max: '100', role: '',read: true, write: true });
createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Health.WLAN.Disabled", { name: 'Health_Disabled', desc: 'Health_Disabled', type: 'number', unit: '', min: '0', max: '100', role: '',read: true, write: true });
createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Health.WLAN.Disconnected", { name: 'Health_Disconnected', desc: 'Health_Disconnected', type: 'number', unit: '', min: '0', max: '100', role: '',read: true, write: true }); }
if (apInfo) {
for(let ap_name in apName) {
createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.APInfo."+ apName[ap_name].aname, {name: apName[ap_name].aname,role: 'state',read: true,write: true,type: "string" } );
createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.APInfo."+ apName[ap_name].aname+".Model", {name: "Model",role: 'state',read: true,write: true,type: "string" } );
createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.APInfo."+ apName[ap_name].aname+".IP_Adresse", {name:"IP_Adresse",role: 'state',read: true,write: true,type: "string" } );
createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.APInfo."+ apName[ap_name].aname+".Satisfaction", {name:"Satisfaction",role: 'state',read: true,write: true,type: "number" } );
createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.APInfo."+ apName[ap_name].aname+".LoadAVG1", {name:"Durchschnitt Wartezeit pro Min",role: 'state',read: true,write: true, type: "number" } );
createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.APInfo."+ apName[ap_name].aname+".LoadAVG5", {name:"Durchschnitt Wartezeit pro 5Min",role: 'state',read: true,write: true, type: "number" } );
createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.APInfo."+ apName[ap_name].aname+".LoadAVG15", {name:"Durchschnitt Wartezeit pro 15Min",role: 'state',read: true,write: true, type: "number" } );
createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.APInfo."+ apName[ap_name].aname+".Adopted", {name:"Adopted",role: 'state',read: true,write: true,type: "boolean" } );
createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.APInfo."+ apName[ap_name].aname+".ToController", {name:"ToController",role: 'state',read: true,write: true,type: "string" } );}
createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.APInfo.SpeedTest.Xput-Download", "not available", {name:"SpeedTest_Xput_Download",role: 'state',read: true,write: true,type: "number" } );
createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.APInfo.SpeedTest.Xput-Upload", "not available", {name:"SpeedTest_Xput_Upload",role: 'state',read: true,write: true,type: "number" } );
createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.APInfo.SpeedTest.Latency", "not available", {name:"SpeedTest_Latency",role: 'state',read: true,write: true,type: "number" } );
createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.WWW-OnlineTest.Online", false, {name:"WWW_OnlineTest_Online",role: 'state',read: true,write: true,type: "boolean" } );
function dlog(message) {
function mylog(message) {
async function login() {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
let respl = await request.post({
resolveWithFullResponse: true,
url: unifi_controller + "/api/login",
body: JSON.stringify({ username: unifi_username, password: unifi_password }),
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }
}).catch((e) => { log("login: reject"), reject(e); loggedIn =false;return respl=[];});
if(respl != null) {
mylog("login: login war erfolgreich! " + ((respl.headers && respl.headers.hasOwnProperty("set-cookie")) ? "Mit Cookies":"Ohne Cookies"));
if(respl.headers && respl.headers.hasOwnProperty("set-cookie")) {
let set_cookies = respl.headers["set-cookie"];
for(i = 0; i < set_cookies.length; i++) {
let cookie = set_cookies[i];
cookie = cookie.split(";")[0];
} else {
log("login: no cookies to set!")
loggedIn = true;
} else {
log("login: rejected")
loggedIn = false;
reject("respl = null");
async function logout() {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
let respo = await request.get({
url: unifi_controller + "/logout",
headers: { Cookie: cookies.join("; ") }
}).catch((e) => { log("logout fehler" + e)/*reject(e)*/ ;return testerrl=true;} );
if (!testerrl) {
if(respo != null) {
log("Du bist nun ausgedloggt.");
log("BIN raus aus LOGOUT");
loggedIn = true;
} else {
reject("resp = null");
} else {log("reject weil resplogin ist 00"); log("BIN raus aus LOGOUT"); reject();}
log("BIN raus aus LOGOUT");
//-----------------------------------------STATUS WIFI ---------------------------------------------------------
//Updatet status vom Wifi
//wifi: wifi object aus der konstanten wifis
function getStatus(wifi) {
mylog("BIN IN STATUS");
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
dlog("nur mal so");
if (!loggedIn) await login().catch((e) => reject(e));
let resp = await request.get({
url: unifi_controller + "/api/s/"+siteName+"/rest/wlanconf/" + wifi.id,
headers: { Cookie: cookies.join("; ") }
}).catch((e) => { dlog("getStatus reject " + e); /*reject(e)*/ return testerrs=true; });
if (!testerrs) {
dlog("got response " + JSON.stringify(resp));
resp = JSON.parse(resp);
let wlanOn = resp.data[0].enabled;
dlog("WLAN " + wifi.name + " ist: " + (wlanOn ? "an" : "aus"));
if (resp != null && resp.meta && resp.meta.rc == "ok") {
dlog("Status erfolgreich geholt!");
let wlanOn = resp.data[0].enabled;
dlog("WLAN ist: " + (wlanOn ? "an" : "aus"));
setStateDelayed(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi." + wifi.name, wlanOn, 200);
} else {
log("nicht ok... getStatusWifi")
} else {mylog("reject weil respslogin ist 00"); mylog("BIN raus aus LOGOUT"); reject();}
mylog("BIN aus STATUS raus");
async function getClients() {
mylog("BIN IN getclients");
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
dlog("getclient nur mal so" + loggedIn);
if(!loggedIn) await login().catch((e) => reject(e));
respc = await request.get({
url: unifi_controller + "/api/s/"+siteName+"/stat/sta",
headers: { Cookie: cookies.join("; ") }
}).catch((e) => { log("getStatus reject " + e); /*reject(e)*/ return testerrc=true; });
if (!testerrc) {
dlog("got respconse nach log in getclient " + JSON.stringify(respc));
dlog(typeof respc);
dlog("--------------------- " + respc);
//respc = JSON.stringify(testemal2);
//Sortierung Daten und Verwandlung Json
var unfiltered = [];
unfiltered = JSON.parse(respc).data;
dlog("bin da");
dlog(unfiltered[5][myname] + unfiltered[2].mac);
versuch = [];
let trash="";
//let county=0
for(var index in unfiltered) {
let device = unfiltered[index];
let switchHelper3=0;
let fehlerName=false;
if (!unfiltered[index].hasOwnProperty("ip") || unfiltered[index].ip == undefined ||unfiltered[index].ip == null || unfiltered[index].ip == "undefined") {switchHelper3=3;mylog("_____________________fehler")}
if (unfiltered[index].hasOwnProperty(myname) && device[myname] !== undefined && device[myname] !== null && device[myname] !== "") {switchHelper3=2;} else {fehlerName=true;}
if (unfiltered[index].hasOwnProperty("name") && device.name !== undefined && device.name !== null && device.name !== "") {switchHelper3=1;}} //Alias hat vorrang
switch (switchHelper3) {
case 0: // kein hostname und kein alias
unfiltered[index].essid="MISSING ALIAS"
trash = trash+"
"+unfiltered[index].ip.replace(".","-")+"-missing: client alias in controller |
mylog("ein fehler: -----------------"+device[myname])
case 1: // kein hostname
if (device[myname].indexOf(".")>-1) { device[myname]=device[myname].replace(/\./g, "-");trash = trash+""+device[myname]+" - hat Punkt im Alias !!! |
";unfiltered[index].essid="PKT IM ALIAS"} else{dlog(device[myname])}
mylog("hat nur alias: -----------------"+device[myname])
if ( fehlerName) trash = trash+""+unfiltered[index].ip.replace(".","-")+"-missing: hostname |
case 2: // alles in ordnung mit client
// if (device[myname].indexOf(".")>-1) { device[myname]=device[myname].replace(/\./g, "-")+"---change-alias";trash = trash+device[myname]+" hat Punkt im Namen !!!"} else{dlog(device[myname])}
mylog("ein richtiger: -----------------"+device[myname])
case 3: //IP FEHLT - DANGER
//log("IP Adresse fehlt (Unifi Client): -----------------"+device[myname],"warn");
if (unfiltered[index].hasOwnProperty("name")) {
trash = trash+""+unfiltered[index].name + " -- IP Adresse fehlt"+" |
else {trash = trash+""+unfiltered[index].hostname + " IP Adresse fehlt"+" |
unfiltered[index].ip="IP Adresse fehlt"
mylog("trash -------------"+trash);
setState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Missing_Name", "");
versuch.sort(function (alpha, beta) {
if (alpha[myname].toLowerCase() < beta[myname].toLowerCase())
return -1;
if (alpha[myname].toLowerCase() > beta[myname].toLowerCase())
return 1;
return 0;
} else {log("reject weil respc 00"); reject() } mylog("bin raus aus getclients");
}); //new promise
} //getclientend
function workClients() {
mylog("BIN IN workclients");
dlog("got respconse versuch " + JSON.stringify(versuch));
dlog(typeof respc);
dlog("--------------------- " + respc);
//let writeFile = true;
let writeFileVar = 0;
let fileeWriteHelper=false;
let writeClientTable = true;
let writeAnwesenheit = true;
var anzahlClients = versuch.length;
//setStateDelayed(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Clients_Anzahl",anzahlClients,100);
// überprüfe ob aliasname einen punkt enthält !!! ist in getclient !!!!
/*if(aliasname) {for (var i = 0; i < versuch.length; i++) {
if (versuch[i][myname].indexOf(".")>-1) { versuch[i][myname]=versuch[i][myname].replace(/\./g, "-")+"---change-alias";log(versuch[i][myname])} else{dlog(versuch[i][myname])}
var clientListe = "";
var clientListeArray=[];
var listeDatenpunkteNew=[]; //erstelle aktuelles array von controller daten
for (var i = 0; i < versuch.length; i++) {
listeDatenpunkteNew[i] = versuch[i][myname];
dlog (listeDatenpunkteNew[22]);
if (true) {
// sind clients von controller in verzeichnisliste ?
for (var z = 0; z < listeDatenpunkteNew.length; z++) {
if ( listeDatenpunkte.indexOf(listeDatenpunkteNew[z]) == -1 ){ //ist controller-client existent nicht in verzeichnis-list
mylog("Datenpunktanlegen" + listeDatenpunkteNew[z] +"index:"+ listeDatenpunkte.indexOf(listeDatenpunkteNew[z]).toString());
var ipWandler= versuch[z].ip;
var data = dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Client_States."+listeDatenpunkteNew[z];
createState(data, true, {name: ipWandler, role: 'boolean',read: true, write: true, }, function() {mylog("created"); });
//setState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Client_States."+ versuch[z][myname], true);
mylog("Datenpunktanlegen fertig" + listeDatenpunkteNew[z] + listeDatenpunkte[z]) ;
//sind datenpunkte noch in controller vorhanden
if (anwesenheit) {
for (var z = 0; z < listeDatenpunkte.length; z++) {
if ( listeDatenpunkteNew.indexOf(listeDatenpunkte[z]) == -1 ){ //ist datenpunkt-verzeihnis existent und nicht in controller liste
notSeen.push(listeDatenpunkte[z]);//log(listeDatenpunkte[z]); //array der notSeen datenpunkte sind nicht im controller
if (getState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Client_States."+listeDatenpunkte[z]).val) { // setze datenpunkt auf false - nur wenn true war
mylog("bin davor")
if (countFalse==countFalseSetting) {
setStateDelayed(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Client_States."+listeDatenpunkte[z], false, 200);
mylog("Datenpunkt ist falsch zu setzen"+listeDatenpunkte[z]);}}
} else {dlog("ist noch im controller" + listeDatenpunkte[z]); }
} }
//sind datenpunkte nicht in controller vorhanden
// setze datenpunkte nach last_seen_by_uap - ausnahme: controller-clients sind nicht mehr connectet aber in vereichnis
let lastChangeList;
if (anwesenheit) {
var timeout = setTimeout(function () { //wegen createstate und zu schnelles setstate
let caseHelper=0;
for (var z = 0; z < listeDatenpunkteNew.length; z++) {
if(versuch[z].hasOwnProperty("last_seen")) caseHelper=1;
if(versuch[z].hasOwnProperty("_last_seen_by_ugw")) caseHelper=2;
if(versuch[z].hasOwnProperty("_last_seen_by_usw")) caseHelper=3;
if(versuch[z].hasOwnProperty("_last_seen_by_uap")) caseHelper=4;
switch (caseHelper) {
case 1: /*________________________------------------------------------_____CASE1*/
var tester = parseInt((new Date().getTime())) - (versuch[z].last_seen*1000);
dlog(tester.toString() + "laenge : " +listeDatenpunkteNew.length);
if (parseInt((new Date().getTime())) - (versuch[z].last_seen*1000) > abfragezyklus+abfageoffset && getState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Client_States."+versuch[z][myname]).val) {
setStateDelayed(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Client_States."+versuch[z][myname], false, 100); fileeWriteHelper=true;
mylog("abgesetzt: " +listeDatenpunkteNew[z] + " um " +formatDate(getDateObject((parseFloat((new Date().getTime())) - tester)), "SS:mm:ss") + " Uhr");
if (lastChange.length>=10) lastChange.shift()
lastChange.push(""+listeDatenpunkteNew[z]+" | "+formatDate(getDateObject((parseFloat((new Date().getTime())) - tester)), "SS:mm:ss")+" | out | vor: "+tester/1000+" Sek |
if (parseFloat((new Date().getTime())) - (versuch[z].last_seen*1000) < abfragezyklus && !getState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Client_States."+versuch[z][myname]).val || getState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Client_States."+versuch[z][myname]).val ==null ) {
setStateDelayed(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Client_States."+versuch[z][myname], true, 100);fileeWriteHelper=true;
mylog("gesetzt" +listeDatenpunkteNew[z]+" " +formatDate(getDateObject((parseFloat((new Date().getTime())) - tester)), "SS:mm:ss") + " Uhr");
if (lastChange.length>=10) lastChange.shift()
lastChange.push(""+listeDatenpunkteNew[z]+" | "+formatDate(getDateObject((parseFloat((new Date().getTime())) - tester)), "SS:mm:ss")+" | in | vor: " + tester/1000+" Sek |
break; /*________________________------------------------------------_____CASE1*/
case 2: /*________________________------------------------------------_____CASE2*/
var tester = parseInt((new Date().getTime())) - (versuch[z]._last_seen_by_ugw*1000);
dlog(tester.toString() + "laenge : " +listeDatenpunkteNew.length);
if (parseInt((new Date().getTime())) - (versuch[z]._last_seen_by_ugw*1000) > abfragezyklus+abfageoffset && getState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Client_States."+versuch[z][myname]).val) {
setStateDelayed(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Client_States."+versuch[z][myname], false, 100);fileeWriteHelper=true;
mylog("abgesetzt: " +listeDatenpunkteNew[z] + " um " +formatDate(getDateObject((parseFloat((new Date().getTime())) - tester)), "SS:mm:ss") + " Uhr");
if (lastChange.length>=10) lastChange.shift()
lastChange.push(""+listeDatenpunkteNew[z]+" | "+formatDate(getDateObject((parseFloat((new Date().getTime())) - tester)), "SS:mm:ss")+" | out | vor: "+tester/1000+" Sek |
if (parseFloat((new Date().getTime())) - (versuch[z]._last_seen_by_ugw*1000) < abfragezyklus && !getState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Client_States."+versuch[z][myname]).val || getState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Client_States."+versuch[z][myname]).val ==null ) {
setStateDelayed(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Client_States."+versuch[z][myname], true, 100);fileeWriteHelper=true;
mylog("gesetzt" +listeDatenpunkteNew[z]+" " +formatDate(getDateObject((parseFloat((new Date().getTime())) - tester)), "SS:mm:ss") + " Uhr");
if (lastChange.length>=10) lastChange.shift()
lastChange.push(""+listeDatenpunkteNew[z]+" | "+formatDate(getDateObject((parseFloat((new Date().getTime())) - tester)), "SS:mm:ss")+" | in | vor: " + tester/1000+" Sek |
break; /*________________________------------------------------------_____CASE2*/
case 3: /*________________________------------------------------------_____CASE3*/
var tester = parseInt((new Date().getTime())) - (versuch[z]._last_seen_by_usw*1000);
dlog(tester.toString() + "laenge : " +listeDatenpunkteNew.length);
if (parseInt((new Date().getTime())) - (versuch[z]._last_seen_by_usw*1000) > abfragezyklus+abfageoffset && getState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Client_States."+versuch[z][myname]).val) {
setStateDelayed(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Client_States."+versuch[z][myname], false, 100);fileeWriteHelper=true;
mylog("abgesetzt: " +listeDatenpunkteNew[z] + " um " +formatDate(getDateObject((parseFloat((new Date().getTime())) - tester)), "SS:mm:ss") + " Uhr");
if (lastChange.length>=10) lastChange.shift()
lastChange.push(""+listeDatenpunkteNew[z]+" | "+formatDate(getDateObject((parseFloat((new Date().getTime())) - tester)), "SS:mm:ss")+" | out | vor: "+tester/1000+" Sek |
if (parseFloat((new Date().getTime())) - (versuch[z]._last_seen_by_uap*1000) < abfragezyklus && !getState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Client_States."+versuch[z][myname]).val || getState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Client_States."+versuch[z][myname]).val ==null ) {
setStateDelayed(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Client_States."+versuch[z][myname], true, 100);fileeWriteHelper=true;
mylog("gesetzt" +listeDatenpunkteNew[z]+" " +formatDate(getDateObject((parseFloat((new Date().getTime())) - tester)), "SS:mm:ss") + " Uhr");
if (lastChange.length>=10) lastChange.shift()
lastChange.push(""+listeDatenpunkteNew[z]+" | "+formatDate(getDateObject((parseFloat((new Date().getTime())) - tester)), "SS:mm:ss")+" | in | vor: " + tester/1000+" Sek |
case 4: /*________________________------------------------------------_____CASE4*/
var tester = parseInt((new Date().getTime())) - (versuch[z]._last_seen_by_uap*1000);
dlog(tester.toString() + "laenge : " +listeDatenpunkteNew.length);
if (parseInt((new Date().getTime())) - (versuch[z]._last_seen_by_uap*1000) > abfragezyklus+abfageoffset && getState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Client_States."+versuch[z][myname]).val) {
setStateDelayed(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Client_States."+versuch[z][myname], false, 100);fileeWriteHelper=true;
mylog("abgesetzt: " +listeDatenpunkteNew[z] + " um " +formatDate(getDateObject((parseFloat((new Date().getTime())) - tester)), "SS:mm:ss") + " Uhr");
if (lastChange.length>=10) lastChange.shift()
lastChange.push(""+listeDatenpunkteNew[z]+" | "+formatDate(getDateObject((parseFloat((new Date().getTime())) - tester)), "SS:mm:ss")+" | out | vor: "+tester/1000+" Sek |
if (parseFloat((new Date().getTime())) - (versuch[z]._last_seen_by_uap*1000) < abfragezyklus && !getState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Client_States."+versuch[z][myname]).val || getState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Client_States."+versuch[z][myname]).val ==null ) {
setStateDelayed(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Client_States."+versuch[z][myname], true, 100);fileeWriteHelper=true;
mylog("gesetzt" +listeDatenpunkteNew[z]+" " +formatDate(getDateObject((parseFloat((new Date().getTime())) - tester)), "SS:mm:ss") + " Uhr");
if (lastChange.length>=10) lastChange.shift()
lastChange.push(""+listeDatenpunkteNew[z]+" | "+formatDate(getDateObject((parseFloat((new Date().getTime())) - tester)), "SS:mm:ss")+" | in | vor: " + tester/1000+" Sek |
break; /*________________________------------------------------------_____CASE4*/
// erstelle htmlclientliste
for (var i = 0; i < versuch.length; i++) {
if(versuch[i].hasOwnProperty("last_seen")) caseHelper=1;
if(versuch[i].hasOwnProperty("_last_seen_by_ugw")) caseHelper=2;
if(versuch[i].hasOwnProperty("_last_seen_by_usw")) caseHelper=3;
if(versuch[i].hasOwnProperty("_last_seen_by_uap")) caseHelper=4;
switch (caseHelper) {
case 1:
if (parseInt((new Date().getTime())) - (versuch[i].last_seen*1000) < abfragezyklus+abfageoffset) {
for(let device_name in apName) { //Abfrage welcher AP
dlog(versuch[i].ap_mac +" - " + device_name +" - " + apName[device_name].aname);
if (versuch[i].sw_mac==device_name) var apTransfer = apName[device_name].aname};
clientListe = clientListe.concat(""+versuch[i][myname]+" | LAN | "+versuch[i].ip+" | "+apTransfer+" |
clientListeArray.push(""+versuch[i][myname]+" | LAN | "+versuch[i].ip+" | "+apTransfer+" |
else {anzahlClients=anzahlClients-1; clientListe = clientListe.concat(""+versuch[i][myname]+" | LAN | "+versuch[i].ip+" | noConn |
clientListeArray.push(""+versuch[i][myname]+" | LAN | "+versuch[i].ip+" | noConn |
case 2:
if (parseInt((new Date().getTime())) - (versuch[i]._last_seen_by_ugw*1000) < abfragezyklus+abfageoffset) {
for(let device_name in apName) { //Abfrage welcher AP
dlog(versuch[i].ap_mac +" - " + device_name +" - " + apName[device_name].aname);
if (versuch[i].sw_mac==device_name) var apTransfer = apName[device_name].aname};
clientListe = clientListe.concat(""+versuch[i][myname]+" | LAN | "+versuch[i].ip+" | "+apTransfer+" |
clientListeArray.push(""+versuch[i][myname]+" | LAN | "+versuch[i].ip+" | "+apTransfer+" |
else {anzahlClients=anzahlClients-1; clientListe = clientListe.concat(""+versuch[i][myname]+" | LAN | "+versuch[i].ip+" | noConn |
clientListeArray.push(""+versuch[i][myname]+" | LAN | "+versuch[i].ip+" | noConn |
case 3:
dlog(versuch[i][myname] + " --- " + versuch[i].essid + " --- " + versuch[i].ip);
if (parseInt((new Date().getTime())) - (versuch[i]._last_seen_by_usw*1000) < abfragezyklus+abfageoffset) {
for(let device_name in apName) { //Abfrage welcher AP
dlog(versuch[i].ap_mac +" - " + device_name +" - " + apName[device_name].aname);
if (versuch[i].sw_mac==device_name) var apTransfer = apName[device_name].aname};
clientListe = clientListe.concat(""+versuch[i][myname]+" | LAN | "+versuch[i].ip+" | "+apTransfer+" |
clientListeArray.push(""+versuch[i][myname]+" | LAN | "+versuch[i].ip+" | "+apTransfer+" |
else {anzahlClients=anzahlClients-1; clientListe = clientListe.concat(""+versuch[i][myname]+" | LAN | "+versuch[i].ip+" | noConn |
clientListeArray.push(""+versuch[i][myname]+" | LAN | "+versuch[i].ip+" | noConn |
dlog("------------------ist nicht war");
case 4:
dlog("------------------uap ist war");
dlog(versuch[i][myname] + " --- " + versuch[i].essid + " --- " + versuch[i].ip);
if (parseInt((new Date().getTime())) - (versuch[i]._last_seen_by_uap*1000) < abfragezyklus+abfageoffset) {
for(let device_name in apName) { //Abfrage welcher AP
dlog(versuch[i].ap_mac +" - " + device_name +" - " + apName[device_name].aname);
if (versuch[i].ap_mac==device_name) var apTransfer = apName[device_name].aname};
clientListe = clientListe.concat(""+versuch[i][myname]+" | "+versuch[i].essid+" | "+versuch[i].ip+" | "+apTransfer+" |
clientListeArray.push(""+versuch[i][myname]+" | "+versuch[i].essid+" | "+versuch[i].ip+" | "+apTransfer+" |
else {anzahlClients=anzahlClients-1; clientListe = clientListe.concat(""+versuch[i][myname]+" | "+versuch[i].essid+" | "+versuch[i].ip+" | noConn |
clientListeArray.push(""+versuch[i][myname]+" | "+versuch[i].essid+" | "+versuch[i].ip+" | noConn |
setStateDelayed(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Clients_Anzahl",anzahlClients,100); //korrigiert
for (var h =0; h"+notSeen[h]+
" | noConn | noConn | noConn | ");
" | noConn | noConn | noConn |
//setStateDelayed(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Clients_Anzahl",anzahlClients,100); //korrigiert
for (var g = lastChange.length-1; g >= 0 ; g--) {
// log(clientListeArray.toString());
var testing=format2;
for (var wz=0; wz < clientListeArray.length ; wz++){
} testing = testing+"
Geamtanzahl angemeldeter Clients:"+anzahlClients+"
Insgesamt Clients registriert: "+ listeDatenpunkte.length+
Letztes File Update: "+formatDate(getDateObject((parseFloat((new Date().getTime())))), "SS:mm:ss")+"
"Letzter Wechsel im Netzwerk:
; //log(testing);
if (iqontrol && anwesenheit && fileeWriteHelper ) {
//log("clientfile wird geschrieben","error");
let dataHelp = format2+clientListe.concat("
Geamtanzahl angemeldeter Clients:"+anzahlClients+"
Insgesamt Clients registriert: "+ listeDatenpunkte.length+
Letztes File Update: "+formatDate(getDateObject((parseFloat((new Date().getTime())))), "SS:mm:ss")+"
"Letzter Wechsel im Netzwerk:
writeMyFile(dataHelp, pathClient);
//if (lastChange.length>10) lastChange=[];
dlog("ClientFile schreibt! "+iqontrol.toString()+writeClientTable.toString());
if (true) setState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Clients", "
")); //schreibe client table
if (anwesenheit) setState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Clients_Log", "Letzter Wechsel im Netzwerk:"+lastChangeList+"
}, 3000);}
mylog("bin raus aus workclients");
} //workclientend
//-----------------------------------------WRITING FILES---------------------------------------------------------------
function writeMyFile(dataHelpWrite, path) {
mylog("bin in writemyfile")
writeFile('iqontrol.meta', path ,dataHelpWrite, function (error) {
mylog('file written');
//readFile('iqontrol.meta', '/htmltest3.html', function (error, data) {
// mylog("mein text: ----:"+data.substring(0, 50));});
mylog("bin raus aus writemyfile")
//-----------------------------------------EXISTING CLIENTS---------------------------------------------------------------
function getExistingClients() {
listeDatenpunkte = [];
var cacheSelectorState = $("state[state.id=" + dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Client_States.*]");
cacheSelectorState.each(function (id, c) {
if (!id.includes("undefined")) {
listeDatenpunkte[c] = id.replace(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Client_States.", "");}
dlog("bin raus a existing clients");
async function getVouchers() {
if (vouchers) {
mylog("BIN IN getvouchers");
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
dlog("nur mal so");
if(!loggedIn) await login().catch((e) => reject(e));
respv = await request.get({
url: unifi_controller + "/api/s/"+siteName+"/stat/voucher",
headers: { Cookie: cookies.join("; ") }
}).catch((e) => { dlog("getStatus reject " + e); /*reject(e)*/ return testerrv=true; });
if (!testerrv) {
dlog("got response " + JSON.stringify(respv));
dlog(typeof respv);
dlog("--------------------- " + respv);
} else {log("reject weil respv ist 00"); reject();}
mylog("bin raus a GET vouchers");
function workVouchers() {
if (vouchers) {
// mylog("BIN IN workvouchers");
dlog("got response " + JSON.stringify(respv));
dlog(typeof respv);
dlog("--------------------- " + respv);
respv = JSON.parse(respv);
//if (respv.data == null) log("respv ist NULLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL -"+ respv.length)
mylog(JSON.stringify(respv.data).length.toString() + "----------------------writeFilevr : " + writeFileVar.toString())
var writeDatei=true;
var laengeMessage=JSON.stringify(respv.data).length;
if (laengeMessage==writeFileVar) {writeDatei = false;} else {writeDatei=true}
mylog("writefile: "+ writeDatei)
if (writeDatei) {
var list ="";
var listCode="";
let listHelper2='';
//zuerst Datenpunktealt löschen
for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
var y=i+1;
var yy=y.toString();
if (y<10 ) yy="0"+yy;
setState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Vouchers-CODES.CODE"+yy+".code"+yy, " na " );
setState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Vouchers-CODES.CODE"+yy+".erstellt", " na " );
setState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Vouchers-CODES.CODE"+yy+".dauer", " na " );
setState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Vouchers-CODES.CODE"+yy+".abgelaufen", " na " );
setState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Vouchers-CODES.CODE"+yy+".id", "na" );
setState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Vouchers-CODES.CODE"+yy+".notiz", "na" );
//tabelle vorbereiten
var clientListe = "Nr. | DAUER | FERTIG | CODE | ERSTELLT | NOTIZ |
for (var r = 1; r < 21; r++) {
var x=r.toString();
if ( r < 10) { var yyy="0"+x;} else {yyy=x};
setStateDelayed(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Vouchers-CODES.CODE"+yyy, "", 100);
for (var i = 0; i < respv.data.length; i++) {
var zeit= respv.data[i].create_time*1000
list=list.concat(respv.data[i]._id,";") // für VIS anzeige - löschen
let zeit1 = formatDate(getDateObject(zeit), "TT.MM.JJJJ SS:mm").toString();
let notizen;
if (respv.data[i].note !== null) { notizen=respv.data[i].note} else {notizen= " - ";}
var y=i+1;
var yy=y.toString();
if (y<10 ) yy="0"+yy;
clientListe = clientListe.concat(""+yy+" | "+respv.data[i].duration+" | "+respv.data[i].status_expires+" | "+respv.data[i].code.slice(0,5)
+"-"+respv.data[i].code.slice(5)+" | " +zeit1 + " | "+notizen+" |
if (i<20 ) {
listCode = listCode.concat("CODE"+yy , ";"); // für VIS anzeige - löschen
setState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Vouchers-CODES.CODE"+yy+".code"+yy, respv.data[i].code.slice(0,5)+"-"+respv.data[i].code.slice(5) ); //respv.data[i].code
setState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Vouchers-CODES.CODE"+yy+".erstellt", zeit1 );
setState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Vouchers-CODES.CODE"+yy+".dauer", respv.data[i].duration );
setState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Vouchers-CODES.CODE"+yy+".abgelaufen", respv.data[i].status_expires );
setState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Vouchers-CODES.CODE"+yy+".id", respv.data[i]._id );
if(respv.data[i].note !== null) {
setState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Vouchers-CODES.CODE"+yy+".notiz", respv.data[i].note );}
else {setState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Vouchers-CODES.CODE"+yy+".notiz", " - " );}
//nur für Löschen Iqontrol VIS
listCode=listCode+"Wähle Code"
setState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Vouchers_CodeList2",listValue3.join(";"))
setState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Vouchers_DeleteVIS",(respv.data.length+1))
//setState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Vouchers-CODES.A_Delete_Voucher.Voucher_ID",(respv.data.length+1))
//nur für Löschen Iqontrol Kachel
for (i=0; iGeamtanzahl Vouchers:"+respv.data.length+"
")+"Letztes File Update: "+formatDate(getDateObject((parseFloat((new Date().getTime())))), "SS:mm:ss")+"
//fs.writeFileSync(datei, dataHelp);
writeMyFile(dataHelp, pathVoucher);}
if (writeDatei) setState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Vouchers", "Geamtanzahl Vouchers:"+respv.data.length+"
if (writeDatei) {setState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Vouchers_Anzahl", respv.data.length);
mylog(listCode +" -- " +list)
setState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Vouchers_List", list ); // für VIS anzeige - löschen
setState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Vouchers_CodeList", listCode ); } // für VIS anzeige - löschen
//mylog("BIN RAUS AUS workvouchers");
async function getHealth() {
if (health) {
mylog("BIN IN gethealth");
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
dlog("nur mal so");
if(!loggedIn) await login().catch((e) => reject(e));
resph = await request.get({
url: unifi_controller + "/api/s/"+siteName+"/stat/health",
headers: { Cookie: cookies.join("; ") }
}).catch((e) => { log("getStatus reject " + e); /*reject(e)*/ return testerrh=true; });
if (!testerrh) {
dlog("got response " + JSON.stringify(resph));
dlog(typeof resph);
mylog("--------------------- " + resph);
} else {log("reject weil resph ist 00"); reject();}
mylog("bin raus a GET health");
function workHealth() {
mylog("BIN IN workhealth");
dlog("got response " + JSON.stringify(resph));
dlog(typeof resph);
mylog("--------------------- " + resph);
resph=resph.replace(/-r/g, "_r")
resph = JSON.parse(resph);
if(resph.data[1].hasOwnProperty("wan_ip")) { createState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Health.WAN.WAN_IP", {name: 'WAN_Adresse', desc: 'WAN_IP', role: 'state',read: true,write: true,type: 'string' });
var ipWAN=true;} else {ipWAN=false;}
setState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Health.WLAN.Status",resph.data[0].status );
setState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Health.WLAN.Users",resph.data[0].num_user);
setState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Health.WLAN.Guests",resph.data[0].num_guest );
setState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Health.WLAN.TXBytes",resph.data[0].tx_bytes_r );
setState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Health.WLAN.RXBytes",resph.data[0].rx_bytes_r );
setState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Health.WLAN.Adopted",resph.data[0].num_adopted );
setState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Health.WLAN.Disabled",resph.data[0].num_disabled );
setState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Health.WLAN.Disconnected",resph.data[0].num_disconnected );
if (ipWAN) setStateDelayed(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Health.WAN.WAN_IP",resph.data[1].wan_ip, 1000 );
// if (apInfo) healthListe = apHead;
healthListe = "";
//healthListe = apHead + apTable +"Health-Daten: | |
healthListeTable = "Status | "+resph.data[0].status+
" |
Users | "+resph.data[0].num_user +
" |
Gäste | " +resph.data[0].num_guest +
" |
TxBytes | "+resph.data[0].tx_bytes_r +
" |
RxBytes | "+resph.data[0].rx_bytes_r+
" |
Disabled | "+resph.data[0].num_disabled+
" |
Adopted | "+resph.data[0].num_adopted+
" |
Disconnected | "+resph.data[0].num_disconnected+
" |
healthListe = apHead + apTable +"Health-Daten: | |
" + healthListeTable;
healthListeTable="Health Daten: | |
" + healthListeTable;
mylog("bin raus a work health");
//-----------------------------------------SET WIFIS - WIFI EIN-AUSSCHALTEN----------------------------------------------
//Wifi an-/ausschalten
//enabled: true = anschalten; false = ausschalten
//wifi: wifi object aus der konstanten wifis
async function setWifi(enabled, wifi) {
if (!clientPause) {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
dlog("setWifi: start set Wifi_haupt");
if (!loggedIn) { dlog("need to login"); await login().catch((e) => reject(e)); }
dlog("setWifi: now setting Wifi_haupt");
let resp = request.post({
url: unifi_controller + "/api/s/"+siteName+"/upd/wlanconf/" + wifi.id,
body: JSON.stringify({ enabled }),
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', Cookie: cookies.join("; ") }
}).catch((e) => { dlog("setWifi: rejected: " + e); /*reject(e)*/ return testerrws=true; });
dlog("setWifi: got response")
if (resp != null) {
dlog("setWifi: Wifi wurde erfolgreich " + (enabled ? "eingeschaltet" : "ausgeschaltet"));
// getclient() Pause für umschalten
if (firstTime>=wifiLength) {
// if (true) {
clientPause = true;
setState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Client_Pause",true);
clientPauseVal=parseInt((new Date().getTime())); //clientPauseConst
var timeoutClientPause = setTimeout(function () {
clientPause = false;
setState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Wifi_Client_Pause",false);
}, clientPauseConst);
setState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi." + wifi.name, enabled, enabled);
} else {
dlog("setWifi: rejetced")
dlog("resp: " + JSON.stringify(resp));
reject("msg: " + JSON.parse(resp.body).meta.msg);}
} else { log("WLAN wird gerade umgeschaltet"); }
//-----------------------------------------CREATE VOUCHERS----------------------------------------------
async function createVoucher (mybody) {
mylog(JSON.stringify( mybody ));
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
mylog("createVoucher in aktion");
if (!loggedIn) { mylog("need to login"); await login().catch((e) => reject(e)); }
mylog("do it !");
let respcv = request.post({
url: unifi_controller + "/api/s/"+siteName+"/cmd/hotspot/" ,
body: JSON.stringify( mybody ),
// body: mybody,
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', Cookie: cookies.join("; ") }
}).catch((e) => { log("setWifi: rejected: " + e); /*reject(e)*/ return testerrcv=true; });
dlog("setWifi: got response")
dlog("------------: "+respcv);
dlog("resp: " + JSON.stringify(respcv));
//-----------------------------------------DELETE VOUCHERS----------------------------------------------
async function deleteVoucher (mybody) {
mylog(JSON.stringify( mybody ));
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
dlog("deleteVoucher in aktion");
if (!loggedIn) { mylog("need to login"); await login().catch((e) => reject(e)); }
mylog("do it !");
let respdv = request.post({
url: unifi_controller + "/api/s/"+siteName+"/cmd/hotspot/" ,
body: JSON.stringify( mybody ),
// body: mybody,
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', Cookie: cookies.join("; ") }
}).catch((e) => { log("setWifi: rejected: " + e); /*reject(e)*/ return testerrdv=true; });
dlog("setWifi: got response")
dlog("------------: "+respdv);
dlog("resp: " + JSON.stringify(respdv));
dlog("resp: " + JSON.parse(respdv));
async function getAp(id) {
if (apInfo) {
mylog("BIN IN getap mit Wert" + id);
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
dlog("nur mal so");
if(!loggedIn) await login().catch((e) => reject(e));
respa = await request.get({
url: unifi_controller + "/api/s/"+siteName+"/stat/device/"+id,
headers: { Cookie: cookies.join("; ") }
}).catch((e) => { dlog("getStatus reject " + e); /*reject(e)*/ return testerrap=true; });
if (!testerrv) {
dlog("got response " + JSON.stringify(respv));
dlog(typeof respa);
dlog("--------------------- " + respa);
} else {log("reject weil respv ist 00"); reject();}
mylog("bin raus a GETap");
function workAP (aliasAPname) {
log("BIN IN work ap");
let satisfy;
let speedyUp;
let speedyDown;
let lacy;
let onlinee;
dlog("got response " + JSON.stringify(respa));
dlog(typeof respa);
dlog("--------------------- " + respa);
let abfrage = respa.indexOf("satisfaction");
let abfrage2 = respa.indexOf("xput_download");
let abfrage3 = respa.indexOf("xput_upload");
let abfrage4 = false; //latency
let abfrage5 = false; //www-online
//if(respa.data[0].wan1.up !== undefined) log("ist undefined");
respa = JSON.parse(respa);
if(respa.data[0].hasOwnProperty("speedtest-status")) {
if(respa.data[0]["speedtest-status"].hasOwnProperty("latency")) {abfrage4=true;log("hat system-status.latency");} else {log("hat nicht beide- latency")}
} else {log("hat nicht system-status")}
if(respa.data[0].hasOwnProperty("wan1")) {
if(respa.data[0].wan1.hasOwnProperty("up")) {abfrage5=true;log("hat wan1.up");} else {log("hat nicht beide wan1-up")}
} else {log("hat nicht wan1")}
// {log("hat property type")}else{log("hat nicht type")};
// if(respa.data[0].hasOwnProperty("wifi_tx_latency_mov")) {log("hat property latency")}else{log("hat nich latency t")};
if(abfrage>-1) { dlog("------------------ist war"); satisfy = respa.data[0].satisfaction;
} else { satisfy = 777 ;dlog("------------------ist nicht war");}
if(abfrage2>-1) { speedyDown = respa.data[0]["speedtest-status"].xput_download;log("------------------ist war---Wert ist :"+speedyDown)
setState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.APInfo.SpeedTest.Xput-Download", speedyDown );
} else { speedyDown = 777 ;log("------------------ist nicht war :"+speedyDown);}
if(abfrage3>-1) { speedyUp = respa.data[0]["speedtest-status"].xput_upload; log("------------------ist war---Wert ist :"+speedyUp);
setState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.APInfo.SpeedTest.Xput-Upload", speedyUp );
} else { speedyUp = 777 ;log("------------------ist nicht war :"+speedyUp);}
if(abfrage4) {log("------------------ist war---Wert ist :"+lacy); lacy = respa.data[0]["speedtest-status"].latency; ;
setState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.APInfo.SpeedTest.Latency", lacy );
} else { lacy = 777 ;log("------------------ist nicht war :"+lacy);}
if(abfrage5) { lacy = respa.data[0].wan1.up; dlog("------------------ist war---Wert ist :"+onlinee);
setState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.WWW-OnlineTest.Online", onlinee );
} else { onlinee = 777 ;log("------------------ist nicht war :"+onlinee);}
setState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.APInfo.SpeedTest.Xput-Download", 44 );
setState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.APInfo.SpeedTest.Xput-Upload", 11);
setState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.APInfo.WWW-OnlineTest.Online", true );
setState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.APInfo.SpeedTest.Latency", 13 );
speedyDown = 776;
speedyUp = 775
setState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.APInfo."+ aliasAPname+".Model",respa.data[0].model );
setState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.APInfo."+ aliasAPname+".IP_Adresse",respa.data[0].connect_request_ip );
setState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.APInfo."+ aliasAPname+".Satisfaction", satisfy /*respa.data[0].satisfaction*/ );
setState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.APInfo."+ aliasAPname+".Adopted",respa.data[0].adopted );
setState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.APInfo."+ aliasAPname+".LoadAVG1",parseFloat(respa.data[0].sys_stats.loadavg_1));
setState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.APInfo."+ aliasAPname+".LoadAVG5",parseFloat(respa.data[0].sys_stats.loadavg_5));
setState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.APInfo."+ aliasAPname+".LoadAVG15",parseFloat(respa.data[0].sys_stats.loadavg_15));
setState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.APInfo."+ aliasAPname+".ToController",respa.data[0].inform_ip );
var apListeHelfer= /*apListeTable +*/ "Model | "+respa.data[0].model+
" |
IP-Adresse | "+respa.data[0].connect_request_ip +
" |
Satisfaction | " + satisfy + //respa.data[0].satisfaction +
" |
Adopted | "+respa.data[0].adopted +
" |
LoadAVG1 | "+respa.data[0].sys_stats.loadavg_1 +
" |
ToController | "+respa.data[0].inform_ip+" |
apListeTable= apListeTable + apListeHelfer ;
apListe = apListe + " | |
"+"AP-Daten: | "+aliasAPname+" |
mylog (apListe)
if (abfrage5) {
apListe = apListe +
" | |
"+"WWW-Online: | - |
"WAN-Online | " + onlinee +" |
apListeTable= apListeTable + " | |
"+"WWW-Online: | - |
"WAN-Online | " + onlinee +" |
if(speedyDown!=777 && speedyUp!=777){
apListe = apListe +
" | |
"+"SpeedTest: | - |
"Xput-Download | " + speedyDown +
" |
Xput-Upload | " + speedyUp+
" |
Latency | " + lacy+" |
apListeTable= apListeTable + " | |
"+"SpeedTest: | - |
"Xput-Download | " + speedyDown +
" |
Xput-Upload | " + speedyUp+
" |
Latency | " + lacy+" |
log("bin raus a work ap");
function getAlarm() {
dlog("BIN IN ALARM");
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
dlog("nur mal so");
if (!loggedIn) await login().catch((e) => reject(e));
respal = await request.get({
url: unifi_controller + "/api/s/"+siteName+"/rest/alarm?archived=false", //?archived=false
headers: { Cookie: cookies.join("; ") }
}).catch((e) => { dlog("getStatus reject " + e); /*reject(e)*/ return testerral=true; });
dlog("got response " + JSON.stringify(respal));
//resp = JSON.parse(resp);
if (!testerral) {
mylog("BIN raus aus ALARM");}
function workAlarm() {
mylog("BIN IN work ALARM")
respal = JSON.parse(respal).data;
dlog("--------------------- " + JSON.stringify(respal));
let alarmHelfer="";
let alarmLength = Object.keys(respal).length;
setState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Alarm.Alarm_Anzahl", alarmLength);
if (alarmLength >0) {
for (var j=0; j < alarmLength; j++) {
let datum = new Date (respal[j].time).toString();
alarmHelfer=alarmHelfer +""+ datum.slice(0,datum.indexOf("GMT"))+" | "+respal[j].msg.slice(0, 50) + " |
alarmHelfer= alarmHelfer + "";
setState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Alarm.Alarm", ""+alarmHelfer);
if (iqontrol) { var dataHelp = apHead + "Geamtanzahl nicht archivierter Alarme:"+alarmLength+"
" +apTable +alarmHelfer+"Letztes File Update: "+formatDate(getDateObject((parseFloat((new Date().getTime())))), "SS:mm:ss")+"
" ;
writeMyFile(dataHelp, pathAlarm);}
} else {setState(dpPrefix + "WLANUnifi.Alarm.Alarm", "keine neuen Alarme");
if (iqontrol) {
var dataHelp= apHead + "Geamtanzahl nicht archivierter Alarme:"+alarmLength+"
"+"Letztes File Update: "+formatDate(getDateObject((parseFloat((new Date().getTime())))), "SS:mm:ss")+"