/******************************************************************************* * --------------------------- * Log Script für ioBroker zum Aufbereiten des Logs für Visualisierungen (vis), oder um * auf Log-Ereignisse zu reagieren. * --------------------------- * * Das Script nimmt jeden neuen Logeintrag des ioBrokers und wendet entsprechend gesetzte * Filter an, um den Eintrag dann in den entsprechenden Datenpunkten dieses Scripts abzulegen. {1} * Es stehen auch JSON-Datenpunkte zur Verfügung, mit diesen kann im vis eine * Tabelle ausgegeben werden (z.B. über das Widget 'basic - Table')- * * Aktuelle Version: https://github.com/Mic-M/iobroker.logfile-script * Support: https://forum.iobroker.net/topic/13971/vorlage-log-datei-aufbereiten-f%C3%BCr-vis-javascript {1} * --------------------------- * Change Log: * 2.0.2 Mic + Changed certain functions to async to get rid of setTimout() and for the sake of better error handling. * + startTailingProcess(): ensure the tailing starts if the file is present (wait to be created) * 2.0.1a Mic Removed constant MERGE_LOGLINES_ACTIVE * 2.0.0a Mic Major improvements and fixes: * + Change from instant state update to schedule (STATE_UPDATE_SCHEDULE). The instant update, so once * new log entries coming in, caused several issues (setting and getting state values (getState() and * setState()) within <1ms simply does not work. * - Fix issue with merging log lines * + Moved global option MERGE_LOGLINES_ACTIVE to LOG_FILTER, for allowing turning on/off for each filter id. * + Several other code improvements * Note: For upgrading from previous version: replace script entirely, re-enter all your options, * and delete all existing states prior to first activation of this script. * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * 1.5.1 Mic - Set option MERGE_LOGLINES_ACTIVE to 'false' as default, as users reported issues. See * https://forum.iobroker.net/post/288772 . Also option MERGE_LOGLINES_ACTIVE being marked as "experimental" * in the comments. Requires further investigation. * 1.5 Mic - Fix issue with option MERGE_LOGLINES_ACTIVE * 1.4 Mic + New option MERGE_LOGLINES_TXT for an individual (e.g. localized) string other than 'entries'. - Fix JSON span class closing * 1.3 Mic + New option MERGE_LOGLINES_ACTIVE: Merge Loglines with same log message to only one line and adds leading * '[123 entries]' to log message. * 1.2 Mic - Fixed issue #6 (Button javascript.0.Log-Script.logXxxx.clearJSON not working reliably) * 1.1 Mic + 1. 1.0x script seems to work reliable per user feedback and my own test, so pushing into 1.1 stable. * + New state '.logMostRecent': provides just the most recent log entry to work with "on / * subscribe" on this state and trigger actions accordingly. * 1.02 alpha Mic - fix restarting at 0:00 (note: restarting is needed due to log file name change) * 1.01 alpha Mic - fix: creating new file system log file only if not yet existing * 1.00 alpha Mic + Entirely recoded to implement node-tail (https://github.com/lucagrulla/node-tail). * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * 0.8.1 Mic - Fix: L_SORT_ORDER_DESC was not defined (renamed constant name was not changed in config) * 0.8 Mic - Fix: Script caused a "file not found" error if executed right at or shortly after midnight. * 0.7 Mic - Fix: States "...clearDateTime" will not get an initial date value on first script start, * also fix for "on({id: ". * 0.6 Mic + Put 0.5.1 BETA into stable * + New option L_APPLY_CSS. If true, it will add xxx * to each log string. 'log-info' for level info, 'log-error' for error, etc. * This makes it easy to format a JSON table with CSS. * 0.5.1 BETA Mic + New States "Clear JSON log ..." and "Clear JSON log - Date/Time ...". * When the button "Clear JSON log" is pushed, the current date/time * will be set into the date/time state. Once refreshed * (per schedule in the script, e.g. after 2 minutes), the JSON * will be cleaned and display just newer logs. * Use Case: In vis, you can now add a button "clear log" or * "Mark as read". If you hit the button, the log will be * cleared and just new log items will be displayed. * *** THIS IS STILL BEING TESTED *** therefore a beta release... * 0.5 Mic + New parameter 'clean' to remove certain strings * from the log line. * + New parameter 'columns' for JSON output to specify which columns * to be shown, and in which order. * + New state "JSONcount" to have the number of log lines in state * - Fixed a few issues * 0.4 Mic - Bug fix: improved validation of log line consistency * 0.3 Mic + Added filtering and blacklist * - Several fixes * 0.2 Mic - Bug fix: corrected wrong function name * 0.1 Mic * Initial release *******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************* * WICHTIG - INSTALLATION ******************************************************************************/ /** * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Dieses Script benötigt node-tail (https://github.com/lucagrulla/node-tail). * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Option 1: Hinzufügen im JavaScript-Adapter: * 1. Im ioBroker links auf "Instanzen" klicken, dort den JS-Adapter wählen, etwa javascript.0 * 2. Unter "Zusätzliche NPM-Module" einfach "tail" (ohne Anführungszeichen) eingeben * 3. Speichern * * Option 2: Installation in der Konsole: * Wer das nicht im JS-Adapter hinzufügen möchte, kann auch so vorgehen: * 1. cd /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.js-controller/ * 2. npm install tail */ /******************************************************************************* * Konfiguration: Pfade ******************************************************************************/ // Pfad, unter dem die States (Datenpunkte) in den Objekten angelegt werden. // Kann man so bestehen lassen. const LOG_STATE_PATH = 'javascript.'+ instance + '.' + 'Log-Script'; // Pfad zum Log-Verzeichnis auf dem Server. // Standard-Pfad unter Linux: '/opt/iobroker/log/'. Wenn das bei dir auch so ist, dann einfach belassen. const LOG_FS_PATH = '/opt/iobroker/log/'; /******************************************************************************* * Konfiguration: Alle Logeinträge - Global ******************************************************************************/ // Zahl: Maximale Anzahl der letzten Logeinträge in den Datenpunkten. Alle älteren werden entfernt. // Bitte nicht allzu viele behalten, denn das kostet Performance. const LOG_NO_OF_ENTRIES = 100; // Sortierung der Logeinträge: true für descending (absteigend, also neuester oben), oder false für ascending (aufsteigend, also ältester oben) // Empfohlen ist true, damit neueste Einträge immer oben stehen. const L_SORT_ORDER_DESC = true; /** * Schwarze Liste (Black list) * Falls einer dieser Satzteile/Begriffe in einer Logzeile enthalten ist, dann wird der Log-Eintrag * komplett ignoriert, egal was weiter unten eingestellt wird. * Dies dient dazu, um penetrante Logeinträge gar nicht erst zu berücksichtigen. * Bitte beachten: * 1. Mindestens 3 Zeichen erforderlich, sonst wird es nicht berücksichtigt (würde auch wenig Sinn ergeben). * 2. Bestehende Datenpunkt-Inhalte dieses Scripts bei Anpassung dieser Option werden nicht nachträglich neu gefiltert, * sondern nur alle neu hinzugefügten Log-Einträge ab Speichern des Scripts werden berücksichtigt. */ const BLACKLIST_GLOBAL = [ '<==Disconnect system.user.admin from ::ffff:', // web.0 Adapter 'system.adapter.ical.0 terminated with code 0 (OK)', 'bring.0 Cannot get translations: RequestError', ' reconnected. Old secret ', // Sonoff 'Popup-News readed...', // info.0 Adapter '[warn] Projects disabled : set editorTheme.projects.enabled=true to enable', // see https://forum.iobroker.net/topic/12260/ 'snmp.0', '', ]; /** * Zusatz-Einstellung für Option "merge" unter "Konfiguration: Datenpunkte und Filter": * In MERGE_LOGLINES_TXT kann hier ein anderes Wort eingetragen werden, z.B. 'entries' oder 'Zeilen', damit [123 entries] * oder [123 Zeilen] vorangestellt wird anstatt [123 Einträge]. * HINWEIS: Falls MERGE_LOGLINES_TXT geändert wird: bitte alle Datenpunkte des Scripts löschen und dann Script neu starten. */ const MERGE_LOGLINES_TXT = 'Einträge'; /******************************************************************************* * Konfiguration: Datenpunkte und Filter ****************************************************************************** * Dies ist das Herzstück dieses Scripts: hier werden die Datenpunkte konfiguriert, die erstellt werden sollen. * Hierbei kannst du entsprechend Filter setzen, also Wörter/Begriffe, die in Logeinträgen enthalten sein * müssen, damit sie in den jeweiligen Datenpunkten aufgenommen werden. * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * id: Ein Begriff ohne Leerzeichen, z.B. "error", "sonoff", homematic, etc. Die ID wird dann Teil der * Datenpunkte, z.B. "javascript.0.Log-Script.logHomematic.log" mit automatisch vorangestelltem "log". * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * filter_all: ALLE Begriffe müssen in der Logzeile enthalten sein. Ist einer der Begriffe nicht enthalten, dann wird der * komplette Logeintrag auch nicht übernommen. Leeres Array [] eingeben, falls hier filtern nicht gewünscht. * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * filter_any: Mindestens einer der gelisteten Begriffe muss enthalten sein. Leeres Array [] eingeben, falls hier filtern * nicht gewünscht. * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * blacklist: Schwarze Liste: Wenn einer dieser Begriffe im Logeintrag enthalten ist, so wird der komplette Logeintrag * nicht übernommen, egal was vorher in filter_all oder filter_any definiert ist. * Mindestens 3 Zeichen erforderlich, sonst wird es nicht berücksichtigt. * HINWEIS: BLACKLIST_GLOBAL wird vorher schon angewendet, hier kannst du einfach nur noch eine individuelle * Blackliste pro id definieren. * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * clean: Der Log-Eintrag wird um diese Zeichenfolgen bereinigt, d.h. diese werden entfernt, aber die restliche Zeile * bleibt bestehen. Z.B. um unerwünschte Zeichenfolgen zu entfernen oder Log-Ausgaben zu kürzen. * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * columns: Nur für JSON (für vis). * Folgende Spalten gibt es: 'date','level','source','msg'. Hier können einzelne Spalten entfernt oder die * Reihenfolge verändert werden. Bitte keine anderen Spalten eintragen, sondern nur 'date','level','source','msg'. * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * merge: Log-Einträge mit gleichem Text zusammenfassen. Beispiel: * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * 2019-08-17 20:00:00.335 - info: javascript.0 script.js.Wetter: Wetterdaten abrufen. * 2019-08-17 20:15:00.335 - info: javascript.0 script.js.Wetter: Wetterdaten abrufen. * 2019-08-17 20:30:00.335 - info: javascript.0 script.js.Wetter: Wetterdaten abrufen. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Daraus wird dann nur noch eine Logzeile mit letztem Datum/Uhrzeit und hinzufügen von "[3 Einträge]": * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * 2019-08-17 20:30:00.335 - info: javascript.0 [3 Einträge] script.js.Wetter: Wetterdaten abrufen. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Zum aktivieren: true eintragen, zum deaktivieren: false eintragen. * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * WEITERER HINWEIS: * Bestehende Datenpunkt-Inhalte dieses Scripts bei Anpassung dieser Option werden nicht nachträglich neu * gefiltert, sondern nur alle neu hinzugefügten Log-Einträge ab Speichern des Scripts werden berücksichtigt. * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ const LOG_FILTER = [ // Beispiel für individuellen Eintrag. Hier wird euer Hubschrauber-Landeplatz überwacht :-) Wir wollen nur Einträge // vom Adapter 'hubschr.0'. Dabei sollen entweder Wetterwarnungen, Alarme, oder UFOs gemeldet werden. Alles unter // Windstärke "5 Bft" interessiert uns dabei nicht, daher haben wir '0 Bft' bis '4 Bft' auf die Blackliste gesetzt. // Außerdem entfernen wir von der Log-Zeile die Zeichenfolgen '****', '!!!!' und 'ufo gesichtet', der Rest bleibt // aber bestehen. Zudem haben wir unter columns die Spaltenreihenfolge geändert. 'level' herausgenommen, und Quelle // ganz vorne. /* { id: 'hubschrauberlandeplatz', filter_all: ['hubschr.0'], filter_any: ['wetterwarnung', 'alarm', 'ufo'], blacklist: ['0 Bft', '1 Bft', '2 Bft', '3 Bft', '4 Bft'], clean: ['****', '!!!!', 'ufo gesichtet'], columns: ['source','date','msg'], merge: true, }, */ /* { id: 'all', // Beispiel "all": hier kommen alle Logeinträge rein, keine Filterung filter_all: ['', ''], // wird ignoriert, wenn leer filter_any: ['', ''], // wird ignoriert, wenn leer blacklist: ['', ''], // wird ignoriert, wenn leer clean: ['', '', ''], // wird ignoriert, wenn leer columns: ['date','level','source','msg'], // Spaltenreihenfolge für JSON (Tabelle in vis) merge: true, }, */ { id: 'info', filter_all: [' - info: '], // nur Logeinträge mit Level 'info' filter_any: ['', ''], blacklist: ['', ''], clean: ['', '', ''], columns: ['date','level','source','msg'], merge: true, }, { id: 'error', filter_all: [' - error: ', ''], // nur Logeinträge mit Level 'error' filter_any: [''], blacklist: ['', '', ''], clean: ['', '', ''], columns: ['date','level','source','msg'], merge: true, }, { id: 'warn', filter_all: [' - warn: ', ''], // nur Logeinträge mit Level 'warn' filter_any: [''], blacklist: ['', '', ''], clean: ['', '', ''], columns: ['date','level','source','msg'], merge: true, }, /* { // Beispiel, um einen bestimmten Adapter zu überwachen. // Hier werden alle Fehler und Warnungen des Homematic-Adapters hm-rpc.0 gelistet. id: 'homematic', filter_all: ['hm-rpc.0', ''], // hm-rpc.0 muss enthalten sein. filter_any: [' - error: ', ' - warn: '], // entweder error oder warn blacklist: ['', '', ''], clean: ['', '', ''], columns: ['date','level','source','msg'], merge: true, }, */ ]; /******************************************************************************* * Konfiguration: JSON-Log (für Ausgabe z.B. im vis) ******************************************************************************/ // Datumsformat für JSON Log. Z.B. volles z.B. Datum mit 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS' oder nur Uhrzeit mit "HH:MM:SS". Die Platzhalter yyyy, mm, dd usw. // werden jeweils ersetzt. yyyy = Jahr, mm = Monat, dd = Tag, HH = Stunde, MM = Minute, SS = Sekunde. Auf Groß- und Kleinschreibung achten! // Die Verbinder (-, :, Leerzeichen, etc.) können im Prinzip frei gewählt werden. // Beispiele: 'HH:MM:SS' für 19:37:25, 'HH:MM' für 19:37, 'dd.mm. HH:MM' für '25.07. 19:37' const JSON_DATE_FORMAT = 'dd.mm. HH:MM'; // Max. Anzahl Zeichen der Log-Meldung im JSON Log. const JSON_LEN = 100; // Zahl: Maximale Anzahl der letzten Logeinträge in den Datenpunkten. Alle älteren werden entfernt. // Speziell für das JSON-Log zur Visualisierung, hier brauchen wir ggf. weniger als für L_NO_OF_ENTRIES gesamt. const JSON_NO_ENTRIES = 60; // Füge CSS-Klasse hinzu je nach Log-Level (error, warn, info, etc.), um Tabellen-Text zu formatieren. // Beispiel für Info: ersetzt "xxx" durch "xxx"" // Analog für error: log-error, warn: log-warn, etc. // Beim Widget "basic - Table" im vis können im Reiter "CSS" z.B. folgende Zeilen hinzugefügt werden, // um Warnungen in oranger und Fehler in roter Farbe anzuzeigen. // .log-warn { color: orange; } // .log-error { color: red; } const JSON_APPLY_CSS = true; // JSON_APPLY_CSS wird nur für die Spalte "level" (also error, info) angewendet, aber nicht für die // restlichen Spalten wie Datum, Log-Eintrag, etc. // Falls alle Zeilen formatiert werden sollen: auf false setzen. const JSON_APPLY_CSS_LIMITED_TO_LEVEL = true; /******************************************************************************* * Konfiguration: Wie oft Datenpunkte aktualisieren? ******************************************************************************/ // Neu reinkommende Logeinträge werden erst mal gesammelt (in Variable G_NewLogLinesArrayToProcess). Diese werden dann // regelmäßig in den Datenpunkten geschrieben. Sinnvoll ist hier nicht kürzer als 2-3 Sekunden, und nicht länger als // ein paar Minuten. Zu kurzes Intervall: Script kommt nicht mehr nach. Zu lange: falls viele Logeinträge reinkommen, // kann sich vieles "aufstauen" zur Abarbeitung. Benutze den "Cron"-Button oben rechts für komfortable Einstellung. const STATE_UPDATE_SCHEDULE = '*/20 * * * * *'; // alle 20 Sekunden /******************************************************************************* * Konfiguration: Konsolen-Ausgaben ******************************************************************************/ // Auf true setzen, wenn zur Fehlersuche einige Meldungen ausgegeben werden sollen. // Ansonsten bitte auf false stellen. const LOG_DEBUG = false; // Auf true setzen, wenn ein paar Infos dieses Scripts im Log ausgegeben werden dürfen, bei false bleiben die Infos komplett weg. const LOG_INFO = true; /******************************************************************************* * Experten-Konfiguration ******************************************************************************/ // Leer lassen! Nur setzen, falls ein eigener Filename für das Logfile verwendet wird für Debug. const DEBUG_CUSTOM_FILENAME = ''; // Regex für die Aufteilung des Logs in 1-Datum/Zeit, 3-Level, 5-Quelle und 7-Logtext. // Ggf. anzupassen bei anderem Datumsformat im Log. Wir erwarten ein Format // wie z.B.: '2018-07-22 12:45:02.769 - info: javascript.0 Stop script script.js.ScriptAbc' // Da als String, wurden alle Backslashes "\" mit einem zweiten Backslash escaped. const LOG_PATT = '([0-9_.\\-:\\s]*)(\\s+\\- )(silly|debug|info|warn|error|)(: )([a-z0-9.\\-]*)(\\s)(.*)'; // Debug: Ignore. Wenn dieses String in der Logzeile enthalten ist, dann ignorieren wir es. // Dient dazu, dass wir während des Scripts ins Log schreiben können, ohne dass das dieses Script berücksichtigt. const DEBUG_IGNORE_STR = '[LOGSCRIPT_IGNORE]'; // Muss ein individuelles String sein. Sonst gibt es ggf. eine Endlos-Schleife. // Debug: Prüfen, ob jede Logzeile erfasst wird, in dem wir diese direkt danach noch mal ins Log schreiben. // Bitte nur auf Anweisung vom Entwickler einschalten. Sonst wird jeder Logeintrag noch einmal wiederholt, // mit führendem DEBUG_EXTENDED_STR am Anfang und max. DEBUG_EXTENDED_NO_OF_CHARS an Anzahl Zeichen. const DEBUG_EXTENDED = false; const DEBUG_EXTENDED_STR = '[LOGSCRIPT_DEBUG_EXTENDED]'; // Muss ein individuelles String sein. Sonst gibt es ggf. eine Endlos-Schleife. const DEBUG_EXTENDED_NO_OF_CHARS = 120; /************************************************************************************************************************* * Ab hier nichts mehr ändern / Stop editing here! *************************************************************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************************************************************* * Global variables and constants *************************************************************************************************************************/ // Merge loglines: define pattern (and escape the merge text) // We added an additional backslash '\' to each backslash as these need to be escaped. const MERGE_REGEX_PATT = '^\[(\\d+)\\s' + escapeRegExp(MERGE_LOGLINES_TXT) + '\]\\s(.*)'; // This script requires tail. https://github.com/lucagrulla/node-tail let G_Tail = require('tail').Tail; // Please ignore the red wavy underline. The JavaScript editor does not recognize if node-tail is installed let G_tailOptions= {separator: /[\r]{0,1}\n/, fromBeginning: false} let G_tail; // being set later // Schedule for every midnight. So not set at this point. let G_Schedule_Midnight; // being set later // Schedule for logfile update let G_Schedule_StateUpdate; // being set later // We add here all the new log lines to be processed regularly (per STATE_UPDATE_SCHEDULE); let G_NewLogLinesArrayToProcess = []; /************************************************************************************************************************* * init - This is executed on every script (re)start. *************************************************************************************************************************/ // We do some timing here with setTimeout() to avoid warnings like if states not yet exist, etc. init(); function init() { // Create our states, if not yet existing. createLogStates(); // States should have been created, so continue setTimeout(function(){ // Subscribe on changes: Pressed button "clearJSON" subscribeClearJson(); // Start main function. main(); // Schedule writing changes into states clearSchedule(G_Schedule_StateUpdate); G_Schedule_StateUpdate = schedule(STATE_UPDATE_SCHEDULE, processNewLogsPerSchedule); // Every midnight at 0:00, we have a new log file. So, we schedule accordingly. clearSchedule(G_Schedule_Midnight); G_Schedule_Midnight = schedule('0 0 * * *', main); }, 2000); } /************************************************************************************************************************* * Main Function. Will be restarted every midnight by G_Schedule_Midnight. *************************************************************************************************************************/ async function main() { // First, we end the tailing. await endTailingProcess(); // now wait for endTailingProcess()... // Next, we start the new tailing process. let startTailingResult = await startTailingProcess(); // now wait for startTailingProcess()... if (startTailingResult) { monitorLogChanges(); } else { log('monitorLogChanges not executed as starting new Tailing Process was not successful', 'error'); } } function monitorLogChanges() { if (LOG_INFO) log('Start monitoring of the ioBroker log...') G_tail.on('line', function(newLogEntry) { // Check if we have DEBUG_IGNORE_STR in the new log line if(! newLogEntry.includes(DEBUG_IGNORE_STR)) { if (newLogEntry.length > 45) { // a log line with less than 45 chars is not a valid log line. // Cleanse and apply blacklist newLogEntry = cleanseLogLine(newLogEntry); // Push result into logArrayFinal G_NewLogLinesArrayToProcess.push(newLogEntry); // some debugging if (LOG_DEBUG) log (DEBUG_IGNORE_STR + '==============================================================='); if (LOG_DEBUG) log (DEBUG_IGNORE_STR + 'New Log Entry, Len (' + newLogEntry.length + '), content: [' + newLogEntry + ']'); // This is for debugging purposes, and it will log every new log entry once again. See DEBUG_EXTENDED option above. if (DEBUG_EXTENDED) { if (! newLogEntry.includes(DEBUG_EXTENDED_STR)) { // makes sure no endless loop here. log(DEBUG_EXTENDED_STR + newLogEntry.substring(0, DEBUG_EXTENDED_NO_OF_CHARS)); } } } } }); G_tail.on('error', function(error) { // Error Handling log('Tail error', error); if (error.includes('ENOENT: no such file or directory')) { // It looks like the log file was deleted. So we restart process. // Will also create a new log file if not existing. restartTailingProcess(); log('Tail process re-started due to file/directory not found error. It will create a new log file if it has been deleted.', 'warn') } else { log('Tailing process ended by the log script due to this error.', 'warn'); endTailingProcess(); } }); } /** * Called per schedule STATE_UPDATE_SCHEDULE. * It processes G_NewLogLinesArrayToProcess */ function processNewLogsPerSchedule() { if (! isLikeEmpty (G_NewLogLinesArrayToProcess) ) { // We use array spreads '...' to copy array. If not, array is changed by reference and not value. // That means, if we change the target array, it will also change the source array. // See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7486085/copy-array-by-value let logArrayToProcess = [...G_NewLogLinesArrayToProcess]; G_NewLogLinesArrayToProcess.length = 0; // emptying array. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4804235/difference-between-array-length-0-and-array /** * Apply the filters as set in LOG_FILTER and split up log levels into elements of an array * logArrayToProcessFiltered will look as follows: * logArrayToProcessFiltered = [ * ['info':'15.08.2019 09:27:55.476 info adapt.0 some log', 'error':''], * ['info':'15.08.2019 09:33:58.522 info adapt.0 some more log', 'error':''], * ['info':'', 'error':'15.08.2019 09:37:55.807 error adapt.0 some error log'] * ] */ let logArrayToProcessFiltered = []; for (let lpEntry of logArrayToProcess) { let logEntryFilteredArray = applyFilter(lpEntry); logArrayToProcessFiltered.push(logEntryFilteredArray); } // Further process and finally set states with our results. processLogArrayAndSetStates(logArrayToProcessFiltered); } } /************************************************************************************************************************* * Filtering *************************************************************************************************************************/ /** * This function applies the filters as set in LOG_FILTER. * Also, it splits up the log levels into elements of an array we return by this function. * @param {string} strLogEntry * @return {array} split up log levels as elements within this array, like: ['info':'logtext', 'error':'logtext'] etc. */ function applyFilter(strLogEntry) { // We add one element per each filter to the Array ('all', 'error', etc.) let logArrayProcessed = []; for (let j = 0; j < LOG_FILTER.length; j++) { logArrayProcessed[LOG_FILTER[j].id] = ''; } // We apply regex here. This will also eliminate all log lines without proper info // like date/time, log level, and entry. let arrSplitLogLine = logLineSplit(strLogEntry); if (arrSplitLogLine !== false) { if (isLikeEmpty(LOG_FILTER) === false) { // Now let's iterate over the filter array elements // We check if both the "all" and "any" filters apply. If yes, - and blacklist false - we add the log line. for (let k = 0; k < LOG_FILTER.length; k++) { if ( (strMatchesTerms(strLogEntry, LOG_FILTER[k].filter_all, 'every') === true) && (strMatchesTerms(strLogEntry, LOG_FILTER[k].filter_any, 'some') === true) && (strMatchesTerms(strLogEntry, LOG_FILTER[k].blacklist, 'blacklist') === false) ) { logArrayProcessed[LOG_FILTER[k].id] = logArrayProcessed[LOG_FILTER[k].id] + strLogEntry + "\n"; } // Now we remove terms if desired if (isLikeEmpty(LOG_FILTER[k].clean) === false) { for (let lpTerm of LOG_FILTER[k].clean) { if (lpTerm !== '') { logArrayProcessed[LOG_FILTER[k].id] = logArrayProcessed[LOG_FILTER[k].id].replace(lpTerm, ''); } } } } } } return logArrayProcessed; } /************************************************************************************************************************* * Further processing *************************************************************************************************************************/ /** * Further processes the log array and set states accordingly. * * @param arrayLogInput The Array of the log input. * Array is like: * [ * ['info':'15.08.2019 09:27:55.476 info adapt.0 some log', 'error':''], * ['info':'15.08.2019 09:33:58.522 info adapt.0 some more log', 'error':''], * ['info':'', 'error':'15.08.2019 09:37:55.807 error adapt.0 some error log'], * ] * Array is like: ['info':'logtext', 'error':'logtext'] etc. **/ function processLogArrayAndSetStates(arrayLogInput) { /***************** * [1] Build array from LOG_FILTER. Looks like: arrayFilterIds = ['info', 'error', 'warn']. * Also, build result array to keep our results. Lools like resultArr = [info: '', error: '', warn: ''] *****************/ let arrayFilterIds = []; let resultArr = []; for (let i = 0; i < LOG_FILTER.length; i++) { arrayFilterIds.push(LOG_FILTER[i].id); // each LOG_FILTER id into array resultArr[LOG_FILTER[i].id] = ''; } /***************** * [2] Process element by element, so ['info':'log test', 'error':'log test'] of given array. * We fill the result array accordingly. *****************/ for (let lpElement of arrayLogInput) { // Loop thru our new array arrayFilterIds and fill result array for (let k = 0; k < arrayFilterIds.length; k++) { // some variables let lpFilterId = arrayFilterIds[k]; // Filter ID from LOG_FILTER, like 'error', 'info', 'custom', etc. let lpNewLogLine = lpElement[lpFilterId]; // Current log line of provided array element of 'error', 'info', 'custom' etc. if (isLikeEmpty(lpNewLogLine)) { // No log content for the given filter id. if (LOG_DEBUG) log (DEBUG_IGNORE_STR + 'Filter [' + lpFilterId + ']: No match.'); } else { if (LOG_DEBUG) log (DEBUG_IGNORE_STR + 'Filter [' + lpFilterId + ']: Match! New Log Line length: (' + lpNewLogLine.length + ')'); // Append new log line to result array if (isLikeEmpty(resultArr[lpFilterId])) { resultArr[lpFilterId] = lpNewLogLine; } else { resultArr[lpFilterId] = lpNewLogLine + resultArr[lpFilterId]; // "\n" not needed, always added above } } } } /***************** * [3] We merge with the current state. *****************/ for (let k = 0; k < arrayFilterIds.length; k++) { let lpFilterId = arrayFilterIds[k]; // Filter ID from LOG_FILTER, like 'error', 'info', 'custom', etc. let lpStatePath1stPart = LOG_STATE_PATH + '.log' + cleanseStatePath(lpFilterId); // Get Path to state let lpNewFinalLog = resultArr[lpFilterId]; if (! isLikeEmpty(lpNewFinalLog) ) { // Get state value let strCurrentStateLog = getState(lpStatePath1stPart + '.log').val; // Get state contents of loop item // Add state log lines to our final log if (! isLikeEmpty(strCurrentStateLog)) { lpNewFinalLog = lpNewFinalLog + strCurrentStateLog; // "\n" not needed, always added above } // Convert to array for easier handling let lpNewFinalLogArray = lpNewFinalLog.split(/\r?\n/); // Remove duplicates lpNewFinalLogArray = arrayRemoveDublicates(lpNewFinalLogArray); // Remove empty values lpNewFinalLogArray = cleanArray(lpNewFinalLogArray); // Sort array descending lpNewFinalLogArray = sortLogArrayByDate(lpNewFinalLogArray, 'desc'); // Merge Loglines if multiple values and add leading '[123 entries]' to log message let doMerge = logFilterGetValueByKey(lpFilterId, 'merge'); if (doMerge || doMerge === 'true') { // also check for string 'true' in case user used string lpNewFinalLogArray = mergeLogLines(lpNewFinalLogArray); } // We need a separate array for JSON let lpNewFinalLogArrayJSON = lpNewFinalLogArray; // Let's remove elements if time of when button '.clearJSON' was pressed is greater than log date. lpNewFinalLogArrayJSON = clearJsonByDate(lpNewFinalLogArrayJSON, lpStatePath1stPart + '.clearJSON'); // Just keep the first x elements of the array lpNewFinalLogArray = lpNewFinalLogArray.slice(0, LOG_NO_OF_ENTRIES); lpNewFinalLogArrayJSON = lpNewFinalLogArrayJSON.slice(0, JSON_NO_ENTRIES); // Get just the most recent log entry into string let lpMostRecent = lpNewFinalLogArray[0]; // Sort ascending if desired if (!L_SORT_ORDER_DESC) { lpNewFinalLogArray = lpNewFinalLogArray.reverse(); lpNewFinalLogArrayJSON = lpNewFinalLogArrayJSON.reverse(); } // ** Finally set the states /////////////////////////////// // -1- Full Log, String, separated by "\n" /////////////////////////////// let strResult = lpNewFinalLogArray.join("\n"); if (LOG_DEBUG) log (DEBUG_IGNORE_STR + 'New length to be set into state: (' + strResult.length + '), state: [' + lpStatePath1stPart + '.log' + ']'); setState(lpStatePath1stPart + '.log', strResult); /////////////////////////////// // -2- JSON, with elements date and msg /////////////////////////////// // Let's put together the JSON let jsonArr = []; for (let j = 0; j < lpNewFinalLogArrayJSON.length; j++) { // Get 4 elements in array: datetime, level, source, message let arrSplitLogLine = logLineSplit(lpNewFinalLogArrayJSON[j]); if (arrSplitLogLine !== false) { let strLogMsg = arrSplitLogLine.message; // Reduce the length for each log message per configuration strLogMsg = strLogMsg.substr(0, JSON_LEN); // ++++++ // Build the final Array // ++++++ // We need this section to generate the JSON with the columns (which ones, and order) as specified in LOG_FILTER let objectJSONentry = {}; // object (https://stackoverflow.com/a/13488998) if (isLikeEmpty(LOG_FILTER[k].columns)) log('Columns not specified in LOG_FILTER', 'warn'); // Prepare CSS let strCSS1, strCSS2; let strCSS1_level, strCSS2_level; if (JSON_APPLY_CSS) { strCSS1 = ""; strCSS2 = ''; strCSS1_level = strCSS1; strCSS2_level = strCSS2; if (JSON_APPLY_CSS_LIMITED_TO_LEVEL) { strCSS1 = ''; strCSS2 = ''; } } for (let lpCol of LOG_FILTER[k].columns) { switch (lpCol) { case 'date' : objectJSONentry.date = strCSS1 + formatLogDateStr(arrSplitLogLine.datetime, JSON_DATE_FORMAT) + strCSS2; break; case 'level' : objectJSONentry.level = strCSS1_level + arrSplitLogLine.level + strCSS2_level; break; case 'source' : objectJSONentry.source = strCSS1 + arrSplitLogLine.source + strCSS2; break; case 'msg' : objectJSONentry.msg = strCSS1 + strLogMsg + strCSS2; break; default: //nothing; } } // Ok, so now we have the JSON entry. jsonArr.push(objectJSONentry); } } if (! isLikeEmpty(lpNewFinalLogArrayJSON)) { setState(lpStatePath1stPart + '.logJSON', JSON.stringify(jsonArr)); setState(lpStatePath1stPart + '.logJSONcount', lpNewFinalLogArrayJSON.length); } var datum = new Date(); var tag = datum.getDate(); var monat = (datum.getMonth()+ 1); var jahr = datum.getFullYear(); var stunde = datum.getHours(); var minute = datum.getMinutes(); var sekunde = datum.getSeconds(); if (tag < 10) tag = '0' + tag; if (monat < 10) monat= '0' + monat; if (stunde< 10) stunde= '0' + stunde; if (minute< 10) minute= '0' + minute; if (sekunde< 10) sekunde= '0' + sekunde; var ausführungsdatum = tag + "." + monat+"." + jahr; var ausführungszeit = stunde +":" + minute +":" + sekunde; setState('javascript.0.Log-Script.Stand', ausführungsdatum + ' - ' + ausführungszeit + ' Uhr'); } } } /************************************************************************************************************************* * Tailing functions *************************************************************************************************************************/ /** * Start new tailing process. */ async function startTailingProcess() { let tailStarted = false; // This // Path to iobroker log file let strFsFullPath = getCurrentFullFsLogPath(); // Create a new log file. It will created if it is not yet existing. // This will avoid an error if right after midnight the log file is not yet there const fs = require('fs'); if (fs.existsSync(strFsFullPath)) { // File is existing startTail(); } else { // File is not existing, so we create it. if (LOG_DEBUG) log (DEBUG_IGNORE_STR + 'Log file is not existing, so we need to create a blank file.'); fs.writeFile(strFsFullPath, '', function(err) { if (err) { log('The log file [' + strFsFullPath + '] could not be created.', 'error'); return log('fs.writeFile Error: ' + err, 'error'); } else { startTail(); } }); } function startTail() { // Now start new tailing instance if(LOG_INFO) log('Start new Tail process. File path to current log: [' + strFsFullPath + ']'); G_tail = new G_Tail(strFsFullPath, G_tailOptions); tailStarted = true; } return tailStarted; // We return true/false since this is an async function. } /************************ * Restart Tail. ************************/ function restartTailingProcess() { // End tailing endTailingProcess(); // Start new TAIL process, as we have a new log file every 0:00. startTailingProcess(); } /** * End the tailing gracefully. * Exit process: see here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5266152/how-to-exit-in-node-js/37592669#37592669 */ async function endTailingProcess() { // Properly set the exit code while letting the process exit gracefully. if ( typeof G_tail !== 'undefined' && G_tail ) { G_tail.unwatch(); // just in case. G_tail.exitCode = 1; if(LOG_DEBUG) log('Properly end the existing Tail process.'); } else { if(LOG_DEBUG) log('Tail process was not active, so nothing to stop.'); } return; // async return } /** * This will allow to set Json log to zero if button is pressed. */ function subscribeClearJson() { // Set current date to state if button is pressed let logSubscribe = ''; for (let i = 0; i < LOG_FILTER.length; i++) { let lpFilterId = cleanseStatePath(LOG_FILTER[i].id); let lpStateFirstPart = LOG_STATE_PATH + '.log' + lpFilterId; logSubscribe += ( (logSubscribe === '') ? '' : ', ') + lpFilterId; on({id: lpStateFirstPart + '.clearJSON', change: 'any', val: true}, function(obj) { let stateBtnPth = obj.id // e.g. [javascript.0.Log-Script.logInfo.clearJSON] let firstPart = stateBtnPth.substring(0, stateBtnPth.length-10); // get first part of obj.id, like "javascript.0.Log-Script.logInfo" let filterID = firstPart.slice(firstPart.lastIndexOf('.') + 1); // gets the filter id, like "logInfo" if (LOG_DEBUG) log(DEBUG_IGNORE_STR + 'Clear JSON states for [' + filterID + '].'); //______Forked by oliver: Show a notice in vis-Table, that log was deleted __________________________________________________ // We clear the according JSON states var datum = new Date(); var tag = datum.getDate(); var monat = (datum.getMonth()+ 1); var jahr = datum.getFullYear(); var stunde = datum.getHours(); var minute = datum.getMinutes(); var sekunde = datum.getSeconds(); if (tag < 10) tag = '0' + tag; if (monat < 10) monat= '0' + monat; if (stunde< 10) stunde= '0' + stunde; if (minute< 10) minute= '0' + minute; if (sekunde< 10) sekunde= '0' + sekunde; var loeschdatum = tag + "." + monat+"." + jahr; var loeschzeit = stunde +":" + minute +":" + sekunde; setState(firstPart + '.ClearDate', loeschdatum + ' - ' + loeschzeit + ' Uhr'); setState(firstPart + '.LetzterEintrag', ""); //____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ setState(firstPart + '.logJSON', '[]'); setState(firstPart + '.logJSONcount', 0); }); } if (LOG_DEBUG) log('Subscribing to Clear JSON Buttons: ' + logSubscribe) } /************************************************************************************************************************* * Script specific supporting functions *************************************************************************************************************************/ /** * Reformats a log date string accordingly * @param {string} strDate The date to convert * @param {string} format e.g. 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS'. * */ function formatLogDateStr(strDate, format) { let strResult = format; strResult = strResult.replace('yyyy', strDate.substr(0,4)); strResult = strResult.replace('mm', strDate.substr(5,2)); strResult = strResult.replace('dd', strDate.substr(8,2)); strResult = strResult.replace('HH', strDate.substr(11,2)); strResult = strResult.replace('MM', strDate.substr(14,2)); strResult = strResult.replace('SS', strDate.substr(17,2)); return strResult; } /** * Cleanse the log line * @param {string} logLine The log line to be cleansed. * @return {string} The cleaned log line */ function cleanseLogLine(logLine) { // Remove color escapes - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25245716/remove-all-ansi-colors-styles-from-strings let logLineResult = logLine.replace(/\u001b\[.*?m/g, ''); // Sometimes, a log line starts with the term "undefined", so we remove it. if (logLineResult.substr(0,9) === 'undefined') logLineResult = logLineResult.substr(9,99999); // Remove white space, tab stops, new line logLineResult = logLineResult.replace(/\s\s+/g, ' '); // Check against global blacklist if(strMatchesTerms(logLineResult, BLACKLIST_GLOBAL, 'blacklist')) logLineResult = ''; return logLineResult; } /** * Sorts the log array by date. We expect the first 23 chars of each element being a date in string format. * @param {array} inputArray Array to process * @param {string} order 'asc' or 'desc' for ascending or descending order */ function sortLogArrayByDate(inputArray, order) { var result = inputArray.sort(function(a,b){ // Turn your strings into dates, and then subtract them // to get a value that is either negative, positive, or zero. a = new Date(a.substr(0,23)); b = new Date(b.substr(0,23)); if (order === 'asc') { return a - b; } else { return b - a; } }); return result; } /** * Splits a given log entry into an array with 4 elements. * @param {string} inputValue Log line like '2018-07-22 11:47:53.019 - info: javascript.0 script.js ...' * @return {object} Array with 4 elements: * 0. datetime (e.g. 2018-07-22 11:47:53.019), * 1. level (e.g. info) * 2. source (e.g. javascript.0) * 3. message (e.g. script.js....) * Returns FALSE if no match or input value not valid */ function logLineSplit(inputValue) { // Get RegEx ready let mRegEx = new RegExp(LOG_PATT, 'g'); // Split let returnObj = {} let m; do { m = mRegEx.exec(inputValue); if (m) { returnObj.datetime = m[1]; returnObj.spaceAt2 = m[2]; returnObj.level = m[3]; returnObj.spaceAt4 = m[4]; returnObj.source = m[5]; returnObj.spaceAt6 = m[6]; returnObj.message = m[7]; } } while (m); // Now we check if we have valid entries we want if ((returnObj.datetime === undefined) || (returnObj.level === undefined) || (returnObj.source === undefined) || (returnObj.message === undefined) ) { return false; // no valid hits } // We can return the array now, since it meets all requirements return returnObj; } /** * Merges date/time, level, source and message to a logline * @param {array} inputValue Array with 4 elements: date/time, level, source, message * @return {string} Merged log line as string. Empty string '', if input value not valid. */ function logLineMerge(inputValue) { if (inputValue.length === 4) { let mergedLine = inputValue[0] + ' - ' + inputValue[1] + ': ' + inputValue[2] + ' ' + inputValue[3]; return mergedLine; } else { // We expect a size of 4, so go out return ''; } } /** * Merge Loglines if multiple values and add leading '[123 entries]' to log message * @param {array} logArray array of log entries * @return {array} the new merged log array */ function mergeLogLines(logArray) { // We use array spreads '...' to copy array. If not, array is changed by reference and not value. // That means, if we change the target array, it will also change the source array. // See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7486085/copy-array-by-value let arrCopy = [...logArray]; let arrNew = []; for (let i = 0; i < arrCopy.length; i++) { if (! isLikeEmpty(arrCopy[i])) { let lpEntry = arrCopy[i]; let lineWithoutDate = lpEntry.substring(23); let lpLineSplit = logLineSplit(lpEntry); // Get multiple values let lpMulti = arrayGetElements(arrCopy, removeLeading123entries(lpLineSplit.message), false); let result = lpEntry; let lineCounter = 0; if (lpMulti.length > 1) { // Treffer - die aktuelle Zeile zählt ja auch mit. lineCounter = lpMulti.length; let hitLeadingNumber = -1; for (let hitLine of lpMulti) { let hitLineSplit = logLineSplit(hitLine); // Check if hit contains '[123 entries]'. If yes, get the number out of it into lineCounter. // If not, we just count with 1. hitLeadingNumber = checkForMultiEntry(hitLineSplit.message); if (hitLeadingNumber > 1) { lineCounter = hitLeadingNumber + lpMulti.length - 1; } } } else { lineCounter = 1; } if (lineCounter > 1) { // remove from array by filling empty value arrCopy = arrayReplaceElementsByValue(arrCopy, removeLeading123entries(lpLineSplit.message), '', false); // new result result = logLineMerge([lpLineSplit.datetime, lpLineSplit.level, lpLineSplit.source, '[' + lineCounter + ' ' + MERGE_LOGLINES_TXT + '] ' + removeLeading123entries(lpLineSplit.message)]); } arrNew.push(result); } } return arrNew; /** * @param {string} strInput A log message with potential leading '[123 entries]' * @return {string} string without leading '[123 entries]', if it is there */ function removeLeading123entries(strInput) { let mRegEx = new RegExp(MERGE_REGEX_PATT); let matches = mRegEx.exec(strInput); if (matches === null) { return strInput; } else { return matches[2]; } } /** * @param {string} strInput A log message checking for leading '[123 entries]' * @return {number} returns the number 123 from '[123 entries]' if any match, or -1 if not found */ function checkForMultiEntry(strInput) { // Get RegEx ready let mRegEx = new RegExp(MERGE_REGEX_PATT); let matches = mRegEx.exec(strInput); if (matches === null) { return -1; } else { return parseInt(matches[1]); } } } /************* * Get the file system path and filename of the current log file. * * ioBroker creates a log file every midnight at 0:00 under '/opt/iobroker/log/' * Syntax of the log file is: iobroker.YYYY-MM-DD.log * This function returns the full path to the log file, considering the current date/time when this function is called. * @return {string} Path and file name to log file. */ function getCurrentFullFsLogPath() { let strLogPathFinal = LOG_FS_PATH; if (strLogPathFinal.slice(-1) !== '/') strLogPathFinal = strLogPathFinal + '/'; let strFullLogPath = strLogPathFinal + DEBUG_CUSTOM_FILENAME; if (DEBUG_CUSTOM_FILENAME === '') strFullLogPath = strLogPathFinal + 'iobroker.' + getCurrentISODate() + '.log'; return strFullLogPath; } /** * Clear array: if stateForTimeStamp is greater or equal than log date, we remove the entire log entry * @param {array} inputArray Array of log entries * @param {string} stateForTimeStamp state of which we need the time stamp * @return {array} cleaned log */ function clearJsonByDate(inputArray, stateForTimeStamp) { let dtState = new Date(getState(stateForTimeStamp).ts); if (LOG_DEBUG) log (DEBUG_IGNORE_STR + 'Time of last change of state [' + stateForTimeStamp + ']: ' + dtState); let newArray = []; for (let lpLog of inputArray) { let dtLog = new Date(lpLog.substr(0,23)); if (dtLog.getTime() >= dtState.getTime()) { newArray.push(lpLog); } } return newArray; } /** * Create all States we need at this time. */ function createLogStates() { let logCleanIDs = ''; let statesArray = []; if (! isLikeEmpty(LOG_FILTER)) { for(let i = 0; i < LOG_FILTER.length; i++) { if (LOG_FILTER[i].id !== '') { let lpIDClean = cleanseStatePath(LOG_FILTER[i].id); logCleanIDs += ((logCleanIDs === '') ? '' : '; ') + lpIDClean; statesArray.push({ id:'log' + lpIDClean + '.log', name:'Filtered Log - ' + lpIDClean, type:"string", role: "state", def: ""}); statesArray.push({ id:'log' + lpIDClean + '.logJSON', name:'Filtered Log - ' + lpIDClean + ' - JSON', type:"string", role: "state", def: ""}); statesArray.push({ id:'log' + lpIDClean + '.logJSONcount', name:'Filtered Log - Count of JSON ' + lpIDClean, role: "state", type:"number", def: 0}); statesArray.push({ id:'log' + lpIDClean + '.clearJSON', name:'Clear JSON log ' + lpIDClean, role: "button", type:"boolean", def: false}); statesArray.push({ id:'log' + lpIDClean + '.ClearDate', name:'Löschdatum - ' + lpIDClean, type:"string", role: "state", def: ""}); statesArray.push({ id:'log' + lpIDClean + '.LetzterEintrag', name:'Letzter Eintrag - ' + lpIDClean, type:"string", role: "state", def: ""}); /** * Backward compatibility & cleanup: removing states not needed */ // State .logMostRecent removed with script version 2.0a onwards as it does not make sense any longer due to scheduled update let lpRetiredState = LOG_STATE_PATH + '.log' + lpIDClean + '.logMostRecent'; if (isState(lpRetiredState, true)) { deleteState(lpRetiredState); if (LOG_INFO) log('Remove retired state: ' + lpRetiredState); } // State .clearJSONtime removed with script version 1.2 onwards as we use now time stamp of button '.clearJSON'. lpRetiredState = LOG_STATE_PATH + '.log' + lpIDClean + '.clearJSONtime'; if (isState(lpRetiredState, true)) { deleteState(lpRetiredState); if (LOG_INFO) log('Remove retired state: ' + lpRetiredState); } } } if (LOG_DEBUG) log('createLogStates(): Clean IDs: ' + logCleanIDs); } for (let s=0; s < statesArray.length; s++) { createState(LOG_STATE_PATH + '.' + statesArray[s].id, { 'name': statesArray[s].name, 'desc': statesArray[s].name, 'type': statesArray[s].type, 'read': true, 'write': true, 'role': statesArray[s].role, 'def': statesArray[s].def, }); } createState('javascript.0.Log-Script.Stand', '', { name: 'Letzte Ausführung', desc: '', type: 'string', role: '',read: true, write: true }); createState('javascript.0.Log-Script.Loganzeige', '', { name: 'Loganzeige', desc: '', type: 'string', role: '',read: true, write: true }); } /** * LOG_FILTER: Get value by key. So if we provide 'error' as id, then we get the content of any other element, like of 'blacklist'. * @param {string} id the id, like 'error', 'warn', etc. * @param element the element of which we need the value, e.g. 'blacklist', 'merge', etc. * Returns the element's value, or number -1 of nothing found. */ function logFilterGetValueByKey(id, element) { // We need to get all ids of LOG_FILTER into array for (let i = 0; i < LOG_FILTER.length; i++) { if ( LOG_FILTER[i].id === id ) { if (LOG_FILTER[i][element] === undefined) { return -1; } else { return LOG_FILTER[i][element]; } } } return -1; } /************************************************************************************************************************* * onStop - Being executed once this ioBroker Script stops. *************************************************************************************************************************/ // This is to end the Tale. Not sure, if we indeed need it, but just in case... onStop(function myScriptStop () { endTailingProcess(); clearSchedule(G_Schedule_Midnight); clearSchedule(G_Schedule_StateUpdate); if (LOG_INFO) log('Stop LogScript gracefully.'); }, 0); /************************************************************************************************************************* * General supporting functions *************************************************************************************************************************/ /** * Remove Duplicates from Array * Source - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23237704/nodejs-how-to-remove-duplicates-from-array * @param {array} inputArray Array to process * @return {array} Array without duplicates. */ function arrayRemoveDublicates(inputArray) { let uniqueArray; uniqueArray = inputArray.filter(function(elem, pos) { return inputArray.indexOf(elem) == pos; }); return uniqueArray; } /** * Clean Array: Removes all falsy values: undefined, null, 0, false, NaN and "" (empty string) * Source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/281264/remove-empty-elements-from-an-array-in-javascript * @param {array} inputArray Array to process * @return {array} Cleaned array */ function cleanArray(inputArray) { var newArray = []; for (let i = 0; i < inputArray.length; i++) { if (inputArray[i]) { newArray.push(inputArray[i]); } } return newArray; } /** * Checks if Array or String is not undefined, null or empty. * 08-Sep-2019: added check for [ and ] to also catch arrays with empty strings. * @param inputVar - Input Array or String, Number, etc. * @return true if it is undefined/null/empty, false if it contains value(s) * Array or String containing just whitespaces or >'< or >"< or >[< or >]< is considered empty */ function isLikeEmpty(inputVar) { if (typeof inputVar !== 'undefined' && inputVar !== null) { let strTemp = JSON.stringify(inputVar); strTemp = strTemp.replace(/\s+/g, ''); // remove all whitespaces strTemp = strTemp.replace(/\"+/g, ""); // remove all >"< strTemp = strTemp.replace(/\'+/g, ""); // remove all >'< strTemp = strTemp.replace(/\[+/g, ""); // remove all >[< strTemp = strTemp.replace(/]+/g, ""); // remove all >]< if (strTemp !== '') { return false; } else { return true; } } else { return true; } } /** * Returns the current date in ISO format "YYYY-MM-DD". * @return {string} Date in ISO format */ function getCurrentISODate() { let currDate = new Date(); return currDate.getFullYear() + '-' + zeroPad((currDate.getMonth() + 1), 2) + '-' + zeroPad(currDate.getDate(), 2); } /** * Fügt Vornullen zu einer Zahl hinzu, macht also z.B. aus 7 eine "007". * zeroPad(5, 4); // wird "0005" * zeroPad('5', 6); // wird "000005" * zeroPad(1234, 2); // wird "1234" :) * @param {string|number} num Zahl, die Vornull(en) bekommen soll * @param {number} places Anzahl Stellen. * @return {string} Zahl mit Vornullen wie gewünscht. */ function zeroPad(num, places) { let zero = places - num.toString().length + 1; return Array(+(zero > 0 && zero)).join("0") + num; } /** * Will just keep lower case letters, numbers, '-' and '_' and removes the rest * Also, capitalize first Letter. */ function cleanseStatePath(stringInput) { let strProcess = stringInput; strProcess = strProcess.replace(/([^a-z0-9_\-]+)/gi, ''); strProcess = strProcess.toLowerCase(); strProcess = strProcess.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + strProcess.slice(1); return strProcess; } /** * Checks if the string provided contains either every or some terms. * Source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36283767/javascript-select-the-string-if-it-matches-multiple-words-in-array * @param {string} strInput - The string on which we run this search * @param {array} arrayTerms - The terms we are searching, e.g. ["hue", "error", "raspberry"] * @param {string} type - 'every': all terms must match to be true, * 'some': at least one term (or more) must match * 'blacklist': different here: function will always * return FALSE, but if one of the arrayTerms contains * minimum 3 chars and is found in provided string, * we return TRUE (= blacklisted item found). * @return {boolean} true, if it contains ALL words, false if not all words (or none) * Also, will return true if arrayTerms is not array or an empty array */ function strMatchesTerms(strInput, arrayTerms, type) { if(type === 'blacklist') { if (Array.isArray(arrayTerms)) { let arrayTermsNew = []; for (let lpTerm of arrayTerms) { if (lpTerm.length >= 3) { arrayTermsNew.push(lpTerm); } } if(isLikeEmpty(arrayTermsNew) === false) { let bResultBL = arrayTermsNew.some(function(word) { return strInput.indexOf(word) > -1; }); return bResultBL; } else { return false; // return false if no items to be blacklisted } } else { return false; // we return false if the arrayTerms given is not an array. Want to make sure if we really should blacklist... } } else { if (Array.isArray(arrayTerms)) { if(type === 'every') { let bResultEvery = arrayTerms.every(function(word) { return strInput.indexOf(word) > -1; }); return bResultEvery; } else if(type === 'some') { let bResultSome = arrayTerms.some(function(word) { return strInput.indexOf(word) > -1; }); return bResultSome; } } else { return true; // we return true if the arrayTerms given is not an array } } } /** * Checks if a a given state or part of state is existing. * This is a workaround, as getObject() or getState() throw warnings in the log. * Set strict to true if the state shall match exactly. If it is false, it will add a wildcard * to the end. * See: https://forum.iobroker.net/topic/11354/ * @param {string} strStatePath Input string of state, like 'javas-cript.0.switches.Osram.Bedroom' * @param {boolean} [strict=true] Optional: Default is true. If true, it will work strict, if false, it will add a wildcard * to the end of the string * @return {boolean} true if state exists, false if not */ function isState(strStatePath, strict) { if(strict === undefined) strict = true; let mSelector; if (strict) { mSelector = $('state[id=' + strStatePath + '$]'); } else { mSelector = $('state[id=' + strStatePath + ']'); } if (mSelector.length > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Removing Array element(s) by input value. * @param {array} arr the input array * @param {string} valRemove the value to be removed * @param {boolean} [exact=true] OPTIONAL: default is true. if true, it must fully match. if false, it matches also if valRemove is part of element string * @return {array} the array without the element(s) */ function arrayRemoveElementsByValue(arr, valRemove, exact) { for ( let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){ if (exact) { if ( arr[i] === valRemove) { arr.splice(i, 1); i--; // required, see https://love2dev.com/blog/javascript-remove-from-array/ } } else { if (arr[i].indexOf(valRemove) != -1) { arr.splice(i, 1); i--; // see above } } } return arr; } /** * Escapes a string for use in RegEx as (part of) pattern * Source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3446170/escape-string-for-use-in-javascript-regex * @param {string} inputStr The input string to be escaped * @return {string} The escaped string */ function escapeRegExp(inputStr) { return inputStr.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[]\]/g, '\\$&'); // $& means the whole matched string } /** * Get all elements of an array if found * @param {array} arr the input array * @param {string} valFind the value to find * @param {boolean} [exact=true] OPTIONAL: default is true. if true, it must fully match. if false, it matches also if valRemove is part of element string * @return {array} an array with all hits or empty array if no hits. */ function arrayGetElements(arr, valFind, exact) { let resultArr = []; for ( let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){ if (exact) { if ( arr[i] === valFind) { resultArr.push(arr[i]); } } else { if (arr[i].indexOf(valFind) != -1) { resultArr.push(arr[i]); } } } return resultArr; } /** * Replace Array element(s) by input value. * @param {array} arr the input array * @param {string} valReplace the value to search for * @param {string} newValue the new value * @param {boolean} [exact=true] OPTIONAL: default is true. if true, it must fully match. if false, it matches also if valRemove is part of element string * @return {array} the array with replaced the element(s) */ function arrayReplaceElementsByValue(arr, valReplace, newValue, exact) { for ( let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){ if (exact) { if ( arr[i] === valReplace) { arr[i] = newValue; } } else { if (arr[i].indexOf(valReplace) != -1) { arr[i] = newValue; } } } return arr; }