01:34:40.684 DRIVER ███████╗ ██╗ ██╗ █████╗ ██╗ ██╗ ███████╗ ██╗ ███████╗ ╚══███╔╝ ██║ ██║ ██╔══██╗ ██║ ██║ ██╔════╝ ██║ ██╔════╝ ███╔╝ ██║ █╗ ██║ ███████║ ██║ ██║ █████╗ █████╗ ██║ ███████╗ ███╔╝ ██║███╗██║ ██╔══██║ ╚██╗ ██╔╝ ██╔══╝ ╚════╝ ██ ██║ ╚════██║ ███████╗ ╚███╔███╔╝ ██║ ██║ ╚████╔╝ ███████╗ ╚█████╔╝ ███████║ ╚══════╝ ╚══╝╚══╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═══╝ ╚══════╝ ╚════╝ ╚══════╝ 01:34:40.688 DRIVER version 2.12.1 01:34:40.689 DRIVER 01:34:40.690 DRIVER starting driver... 01:34:40.690 DRIVER opening serial port /dev/ttyACM1 01:34:40.709 DRIVER serial port opened 01:34:40.713 SERIAL » [NAK] (0x15) 01:34:42.215 DRIVER loading configuration... 01:34:42.756 DRIVER beginning interview... 01:34:42.771 SERIAL » 0x01030015e9 (5 bytes) 01:34:42.758 DRIVER added request handler for AddNodeToNetwork (0x4a)... 1 registered 01:34:42.758 DRIVER added request handler for RemoveNodeFromNetwork (0x4b)... 1 registered 01:34:42.770 DRIVER » [REQ] [GetControllerVersion] [P: Controller] 01:34:42.763 CNTRLR beginning interview... 01:34:42.764 CNTRLR querying version info... 01:34:42.775 SERIAL « [ACK] (0x06) 01:34:42.776 DRIVER ACK received from controller for current transaction 01:34:42.777 SERIAL « 0x06011001155a2d5761766520342e353400 (17 bytes) 01:34:42.778 SERIAL [incomplete] Buffer := 0x011001155a2d5761766520342e353400 (16 bytes) 01:34:42.786 DRIVER « [RES] [GetControllerVersion] [final] payload: 0x5a2d5761766520342e35340001 01:34:42.788 CNTRLR received version info: controller type: Static Controller library version: Z-Wave 4.54 01:34:42.780 SERIAL « 0x0193 (2 bytes) 01:34:42.781 SERIAL Buffer := 0x011001155a2d5761766520342e3534000193 (18 bytes) 01:34:42.783 SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06) 01:34:42.790 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:34:42.791 SERIAL » 0x01030020dc (5 bytes) 01:34:42.787 DRIVER ACK already received, resolving transaction 01:34:42.787 DRIVER resuming send queue 01:34:42.791 DRIVER » [REQ] [GetControllerId] [P: Controller] 01:34:42.792 DRIVER The send queue is empty 01:34:42.788 CNTRLR querying controller IDs... 01:34:42.794 SERIAL « [ACK] (0x06) 01:34:42.794 DRIVER ACK received from controller for current transaction 01:34:42.794 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:34:42.797 DRIVER « [RES] [GetControllerId] [final] payload: 0xe84eb05701 01:34:42.799 CNTRLR received controller IDs: home ID: 0xe84eb057 own node ID: 1 01:34:42.795 SERIAL « 0x01080120e84eb0570196 (10 bytes) 01:34:42.795 SERIAL Buffer := 0x01080120e84eb0570196 (10 bytes) 01:34:42.796 SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06) 01:34:42.800 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:34:42.801 SERIAL » 0x01030005f9 (5 bytes) 01:34:42.797 DRIVER ACK already received, resolving transaction 01:34:42.798 DRIVER resuming send queue 01:34:42.801 DRIVER » [REQ] [GetControllerCapabilities] [P: Controller] 01:34:42.802 DRIVER The send queue is empty 01:34:42.799 CNTRLR querying controller capabilities... 01:34:42.803 SERIAL « [ACK] (0x06) 01:34:42.804 DRIVER ACK received from controller for current transaction 01:34:42.804 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:34:42.806 DRIVER « [RES] [GetControllerCapabilities] [final] payload: 0x08 01:34:42.808 CNTRLR received controller capabilities: controller role: primary is in other network: false is SIS present: false was real primary: true is a SUC: false 01:34:42.805 SERIAL « 0x0104010508f7 (6 bytes) 01:34:42.805 SERIAL Buffer := 0x0104010508f7 (6 bytes) 01:34:42.806 SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06) 01:34:42.809 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:34:42.810 SERIAL » 0x01030007fb (5 bytes) 01:34:42.806 DRIVER ACK already received, resolving transaction 01:34:42.807 DRIVER resuming send queue 01:34:42.810 DRIVER » [REQ] [GetSerialApiCapabilities] [P: Controller] 01:34:42.811 DRIVER The send queue is empty 01:34:42.808 CNTRLR querying API capabilities... 01:34:42.812 SERIAL « [ACK] (0x06) 01:34:42.812 DRIVER ACK received from controller for current transaction 01:34:42.813 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:34:42.814 SERIAL « 0x012b0107010100860001005afe81ff884f1f0000fb9f7d (23 bytes) 01:34:42.814 SERIAL [incomplete] Buffer := 0x012b0107010100860001005afe81ff884f1f0000fb (23 bytes) 9f7d 01:34:42.815 SERIAL « 0xa067000080008086000000e87300000e000060 (19 bytes) 01:34:42.815 SERIAL [incomplete] Buffer := 0x012b0107010100860001005afe81ff884f1f0000fb (42 bytes) 9f7da067000080008086000000e87300000e000060 01:34:42.818 DRIVER « [RES] [GetSerialApiCapabilities] [final] payload: 0x010100860001005afe81ff884f1f0000fb9f7da067000080008086000000e8730 0000e0000600000 01:34:42.819 CNTRLR received API capabilities: serial API version: 1.1 manufacturer ID: 0x86 product type: 0x01 product ID: 0x5a supported functions: · GetSerialApiInitData (0x02) · FUNC_ID_SERIAL_API_APPL_NODE_INFORMATION (0x03) · ApplicationCommand (0x04) · GetControllerCapabilities (0x05) · SetSerialApiTimeouts (0x06) · GetSerialApiCapabilities (0x07) · FUNC_ID_SERIAL_API_SOFT_RESET (0x08) · UNKNOWN_FUNC_UNKNOWN_0x09 (0x09) · UNKNOWN_FUNC_RF_RECEIVE_MODE (0x10) · UNKNOWN_FUNC_SET_SLEEP_MODE (0x11) · FUNC_ID_ZW_SEND_NODE_INFORMATION (0x12) · SendData (0x13) · UNKNOWN_FUNC_SEND_DATA_MULTI (0x14) · GetControllerVersion (0x15) · UNKNOWN_FUNC_SEND_DATA_ABORT (0x16) · FUNC_ID_ZW_R_F_POWER_LEVEL_SET (0x17) · UNKNOWN_FUNC_SEND_DATA_META (0x18) · FUNC_ID_ZW_GET_RANDOM (0x1c) · GetControllerId (0x20) · UNKNOWN_FUNC_MEMORY_GET_BYTE (0x21) · UNKNOWN_FUNC_MEMORY_PUT_BYTE (0x22) · UNKNOWN_FUNC_MEMORY_GET_BUFFER (0x23) · UNKNOWN_FUNC_MEMORY_PUT_BUFFER (0x24) · UNKNOWN_FUNC_UNKNOWN_0x27 (0x27) · UNKNOWN_FUNC_UNKNOWN_0x29 (0x29) · UNKNOWN_FUNC_UNKNOWN_0x2a (0x2a) · UNKNOWN_FUNC_UNKNOWN_0x2b (0x2b) · UNKNOWN_FUNC_UNKNOWN_0x2c (0x2c) · UNKNOWN_FUNC_UNKNOWN_0x2d (0x2d) · GetNodeProtocolInfo (0x41) · HardReset (0x42) · FUNC_ID_ZW_REPLICATION_COMMAND_COMPLETE (0x44) · FUNC_ID_ZW_REPLICATION_SEND_DATA (0x45) · FUNC_ID_ZW_ASSIGN_RETURN_ROUTE (0x46) · FUNC_ID_ZW_DELETE_RETURN_ROUTE (0x47) · RequestNodeNeighborUpdate (0x48) · ApplicationUpdateRequest (0x49) · AddNodeToNetwork (0x4a) · RemoveNodeFromNetwork (0x4b) · FUNC_ID_ZW_CREATE_NEW_PRIMARY (0x4c) · FUNC_ID_ZW_CONTROLLER_CHANGE (0x4d) · FUNC_ID_ZW_SET_LEARN_MODE (0x50) · FUNC_ID_ZW_ASSIGN_SUC_RETURN_ROUTE (0x51) · FUNC_ID_ZW_REQUEST_NETWORK_UPDATE (0x53) · FUNC_ID_ZW_SET_SUC_NODE_ID (0x54) · FUNC_ID_ZW_DELETE_SUC_RETURN_ROUTE (0x55) · GetSUCNodeId (0x56) · UNKNOWN_FUNC_SEND_SUC_ID (0x57) · FUNC_ID_ZW_EXPLORE_REQUEST_INCLUSION (0x5e) · RequestNodeInfo (0x60) · RemoveFailedNode (0x61) · IsFailedNode (0x62) · FUNC_ID_ZW_REPLACE_FAILED_NODE (0x63) · UNKNOWN_FUNC_UNKNOWN_0x66 (0x66) · UNKNOWN_FUNC_UNKNOWN_0x67 (0x67) · GetRoutingInfo (0x80) · UNKNOWN_FUNC_LOCK_ROUTE_RESPONSE (0x90) · UNKNOWN_FUNC_UNKNOWN_0x92 (0x92) · UNKNOWN_FUNC_UNKNOWN_0x93 (0x93) · UNKNOWN_FUNC_UNKNOWN_0x98 (0x98) · UNKNOWN_FUNC_UNKNOWN_0xB4 (0xb4) · UNKNOWN_FUNC_WATCH_DOG_ENABLE (0xb6) · UNKNOWN_FUNC_WATCH_DOG_DISABLE (0xb7) · UNKNOWN_FUNC_WATCH_DOG_KICK (0xb8) · UNKNOWN_FUNC_UNKNOWN_0xB9 (0xb9) · UNKNOWN_FUNC_RF_POWERLEVEL_GET (0xba) · UNKNOWN_FUNC_GET_LIBRARY_TYPE (0xbd) · UNKNOWN_FUNC_SEND_TEST_FRAME (0xbe) · UNKNOWN_FUNC_GET_PROTOCOL_STATUS (0xbf) · UNKNOWN_FUNC_UNKNOWN_0xD2 (0xd2) · UNKNOWN_FUNC_UNKNOWN_0xD3 (0xd3) · UNKNOWN_FUNC_UNKNOWN_0xD4 (0xd4) · undefined (0xee) · UNKNOWN_FUNC_UNKNOWN_0xEF (0xef) 01:34:42.816 SERIAL « 0x0000fa (3 bytes) 01:34:42.816 SERIAL Buffer := 0x012b0107010100860001005afe81ff884f1f0000fb9f7da06700008 (45 bytes) 0008086000000e87300000e0000600000fa 01:34:42.817 SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06) 01:34:42.821 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:34:42.822 SERIAL » 0x01030056aa (5 bytes) 01:34:42.818 DRIVER ACK already received, resolving transaction 01:34:42.818 DRIVER resuming send queue 01:34:42.822 DRIVER » [REQ] [GetSUCNodeId] [P: Controller] 01:34:42.823 DRIVER The send queue is empty 01:34:42.820 CNTRLR finding SUC... 01:34:42.824 SERIAL « [ACK] (0x06) 01:34:42.824 DRIVER ACK received from controller for current transaction 01:34:42.825 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:34:42.827 DRIVER « [RES] [GetSUCNodeId] [final] payload: 0x00 01:34:42.828 CNTRLR no SUC present 01:34:42.826 SERIAL « 0x0104015600ac (6 bytes) 01:34:42.826 SERIAL Buffer := 0x0104015600ac (6 bytes) 01:34:42.827 SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06) 01:34:42.835 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:34:42.836 SERIAL » 0x01030002fe (5 bytes) 01:34:42.827 DRIVER ACK already received, resolving transaction 01:34:42.828 DRIVER resuming send queue 01:34:42.836 DRIVER » [REQ] [GetSerialApiInitData] [P: Controller] 01:34:42.836 DRIVER The send queue is empty 01:34:42.829 CNTRLR querying node information... 01:34:42.838 SERIAL « [ACK] (0x06) 01:34:42.839 DRIVER ACK received from controller for current transaction 01:34:42.839 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:34:42.934 SERIAL « 0x0125010205001d (7 bytes) 01:34:42.935 SERIAL [incomplete] Buffer := 0x0125010205001d (7 bytes) 01:34:42.936 SERIAL « 0x2d0f00000000000000000000000000000000000000 (21 bytes) 01:34:42.936 SERIAL [incomplete] Buffer := 0x0125010205001d2d0f000000000000000000000000 (28 bytes) 00000000000000 01:34:42.939 DRIVER « [RES] [GetSerialApiInitData] [final] payload: 0x05001d2d0f0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 500 01:34:42.940 CNTRLR received node information: controller role: primary controller is a SUC: false controller is a slave: false controller supports timers: false nodes in the network: 1, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12 01:34:42.937 SERIAL « 0x00000000000000000500e6 (11 bytes) 01:34:42.937 SERIAL Buffer := 0x0125010205001d2d0f0000000000000000000000000000000000000 (39 bytes) 000000000000000000500e6 01:34:42.938 SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06) 01:34:42.947 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:34:42.948 SERIAL » 0x01050006640f97 (7 bytes) 01:34:42.939 DRIVER ACK already received, resolving transaction 01:34:42.939 DRIVER resuming send queue 01:34:42.948 DRIVER » [REQ] [SetSerialApiTimeouts] [P: Controller] payload: 0x640f 01:34:42.949 DRIVER The send queue is empty 01:34:42.945 CNTRLR setting serial API timeouts: ack = 1000 ms, byte = 150 ms 01:34:42.951 SERIAL « [ACK] (0x06) 01:34:42.951 DRIVER ACK received from controller for current transaction 01:34:42.952 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:34:42.955 DRIVER « [RES] [SetSerialApiTimeouts] [final] payload: 0x640f 01:34:42.958 CNTRLR serial API timeouts overwritten. The old values were: ack = 1000 ms, byte = 15 0 ms 01:34:42.953 SERIAL « 0x01050106640f96 (7 bytes) 01:34:42.953 SERIAL Buffer := 0x01050106640f96 (7 bytes) 01:34:42.954 SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06) 01:34:42.959 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:34:42.955 DRIVER ACK already received, resolving transaction 01:34:42.955 DRIVER resuming send queue 01:34:42.959 DRIVER driver ready 01:34:42.967 DRIVER The send queue is empty 01:34:42.959 CNTRLR Interview completed 01:34:42.968 DRIVER Cache file for homeId 0xe84eb057 found, attempting to restore the network from cache... 01:34:43.010 CNTRLR [Node 003] trying to load device config 01:34:43.023 CNTRLR [Node 003] device config loaded 01:34:43.029 CNTRLR [Node 004] trying to load device config 01:34:43.033 CNTRLR [Node 004] no device config loaded 01:34:43.039 CNTRLR [Node 006] trying to load device config 01:34:43.054 CNTRLR [Node 006] device config loaded 01:34:43.057 CNTRLR [Node 009] trying to load device config 01:34:43.063 CNTRLR [Node 009] device config loaded 01:34:43.091 DRIVER Restoring the network from cache was successful! 01:34:43.074 CNTRLR [Node 010] trying to load device config 01:34:43.077 CNTRLR [Node 010] no device config loaded 01:34:43.082 CNTRLR [Node 011] trying to load device config 01:34:43.084 CNTRLR [Node 011] no device config loaded 01:34:43.088 CNTRLR [Node 012] trying to load device config 01:34:43.091 CNTRLR [Node 012] no device config loaded 01:34:43.094 CNTRLR [Node 001] Beginning interview - last completed stage: RestartFromCache 01:34:43.170 CNTRLR [Node 001] Interview stage completed: CommandClasses 01:34:43.174 DRIVER » [Node 001] [REQ] [GetRoutingInfo] [P: Controller] removeNonRepeaters: false removeBadLinks: false 01:34:43.175 SERIAL » 0x010700800100000079 (9 bytes) 01:34:43.171 CNTRLR [Node 001] Interview stage completed: OverwriteConfig 01:34:43.172 CNTRLR » [Node 001] requesting node neighbors... 01:34:43.177 SERIAL « [ACK] (0x06) 01:34:43.177 DRIVER ACK received from controller for current transaction 01:34:43.178 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:34:43.179 SERIAL « 0x012001800c0e000000000000000000 (15 bytes) 01:34:43.180 SERIAL [incomplete] Buffer := 0x012001800c0e000000000000000000 (15 bytes) 01:34:43.183 DRIVER « [RES] [GetRoutingInfo] [final] node ids: 3, 4, 10, 11, 12 01:34:43.185 CNTRLR « [Node 001] node neighbors received: 3, 4, 10, 11, 12 01:34:43.181 SERIAL « 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000005c (19 bytes) 01:34:43.181 SERIAL Buffer := 0x012001800c0e0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 (34 bytes) 000000000005c 01:34:43.182 SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06) 01:34:43.185 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:34:43.183 DRIVER ACK already received, resolving transaction 01:34:43.184 DRIVER resuming send queue 01:34:43.187 DRIVER The send queue is empty 01:34:43.186 CNTRLR [Node 001] Interview stage completed: Neighbors 01:34:43.327 CNTRLR [Node 001] Interview completed 01:34:43.432 DRIVER » [Node 004] [REQ] [SendData] [P: Normal] │ transmitOptions: 0x25 │ callbackId: 1 └─[BatteryCCGet] 01:34:43.435 SERIAL » 0x0109001304028002250145 (11 bytes) 01:34:43.330 CNTRLR [Node 001] The node is ready to be used 01:34:43.333 CNTRLR [Node 003] Beginning interview - last completed stage: RestartFromCache 01:34:43.341 CNTRLR [Node 003] ManufacturerSpecificCC: doing a partial interview... 01:34:43.344 CNTRLR [Node 003] [~] [Manufacturer Specific] interviewComple [Endpoint 0] [internal] te: true => true 01:34:43.345 CNTRLR [Node 004] Beginning interview - last completed stage: RestartFromCache 01:34:43.350 CNTRLR [Node 004] ManufacturerSpecificCC: doing a partial interview... 01:34:43.351 CNTRLR [Node 004] [~] [Manufacturer Specific] interviewComple [Endpoint 0] [internal] te: true => true 01:34:43.351 CNTRLR [Node 006] Beginning interview - last completed stage: RestartFromCache 01:34:43.354 CNTRLR [Node 006] ManufacturerSpecificCC: doing a partial interview... 01:34:43.355 CNTRLR [Node 006] [~] [Manufacturer Specific] interviewComple [Endpoint 0] [internal] te: true => true 01:34:43.355 CNTRLR [Node 009] Beginning interview - last completed stage: RestartFromCache 01:34:43.358 CNTRLR [Node 009] ManufacturerSpecificCC: doing a partial interview... 01:34:43.359 CNTRLR [Node 009] [~] [Manufacturer Specific] interviewComple [Endpoint 0] [internal] te: true => true 01:34:43.360 CNTRLR [Node 010] Beginning interview - last completed stage: RestartFromCache 01:34:43.363 CNTRLR [Node 010] ManufacturerSpecificCC: doing a partial interview... 01:34:43.364 CNTRLR [Node 010] [~] [Manufacturer Specific] interviewComple [Endpoint 0] [internal] te: true => true 01:34:43.365 CNTRLR [Node 011] Beginning interview - last completed stage: RestartFromCache 01:34:43.370 CNTRLR [Node 011] ManufacturerSpecificCC: doing a partial interview... 01:34:43.371 CNTRLR [Node 011] [~] [Manufacturer Specific] interviewComple [Endpoint 0] [internal] te: true => true 01:34:43.371 CNTRLR [Node 012] Beginning interview - last completed stage: RestartFromCache 01:34:43.374 CNTRLR [Node 012] ManufacturerSpecificCC: doing a partial interview... 01:34:43.375 CNTRLR [Node 012] [~] [Manufacturer Specific] interviewComple [Endpoint 0] [internal] te: true => true 01:34:43.377 CNTRLR [Node 004] VersionCC: doing a partial interview... 01:34:43.378 CNTRLR [Node 004] [~] [Version] interviewComplete: true => tr [Endpoint 0] [internal] ue 01:34:43.379 CNTRLR [Node 006] VersionCC: doing a partial interview... 01:34:43.380 CNTRLR [Node 006] [~] [Version] interviewComplete: true => tr [Endpoint 0] [internal] ue 01:34:43.381 CNTRLR [Node 009] VersionCC: doing a partial interview... 01:34:43.382 CNTRLR [Node 009] [~] [Version] interviewComplete: true => tr [Endpoint 0] [internal] ue 01:34:43.383 CNTRLR [Node 010] VersionCC: doing a partial interview... 01:34:43.383 CNTRLR [Node 010] [~] [Version] interviewComplete: true => tr [Endpoint 0] [internal] ue 01:34:43.384 CNTRLR [Node 011] VersionCC: doing a partial interview... 01:34:43.385 CNTRLR [Node 011] [~] [Version] interviewComplete: true => tr [Endpoint 0] [internal] ue 01:34:43.385 CNTRLR [Node 012] VersionCC: doing a partial interview... 01:34:43.386 CNTRLR [Node 012] [~] [Version] interviewComplete: true => tr [Endpoint 0] [internal] ue 01:34:43.386 CNTRLR [Node 004] trying to load device config 01:34:43.389 CNTRLR [Node 006] trying to load device config 01:34:43.391 CNTRLR [Node 009] trying to load device config 01:34:43.392 CNTRLR [Node 010] trying to load device config 01:34:43.394 CNTRLR [Node 011] trying to load device config 01:34:43.397 CNTRLR [Node 012] trying to load device config 01:34:43.400 CNTRLR [Node 004] no device config loaded 01:34:43.401 CNTRLR [Node 010] no device config loaded 01:34:43.401 CNTRLR [Node 011] no device config loaded 01:34:43.401 CNTRLR [Node 012] no device config loaded 01:34:43.404 CNTRLR [Node 004] ZWavePlusCC: doing a partial interview... 01:34:43.405 CNTRLR [Node 004] [~] [Z-Wave Plus Info] interviewComplete: t [Endpoint 0] [internal] rue => true 01:34:43.406 CNTRLR [Node 010] ZWavePlusCC: doing a partial interview... 01:34:43.407 CNTRLR [Node 010] [~] [Z-Wave Plus Info] interviewComplete: t [Endpoint 0] [internal] rue => true 01:34:43.409 CNTRLR [Node 011] ZWavePlusCC: doing a partial interview... 01:34:43.410 CNTRLR [Node 011] [~] [Z-Wave Plus Info] interviewComplete: t [Endpoint 0] [internal] rue => true 01:34:43.411 CNTRLR [Node 012] ZWavePlusCC: doing a partial interview... 01:34:43.412 CNTRLR [Node 012] [~] [Z-Wave Plus Info] interviewComplete: t [Endpoint 0] [internal] rue => true 01:34:43.415 CNTRLR [Node 004] BatteryCC: doing a partial interview... 01:34:43.416 CNTRLR » [Node 004] querying battery status... 01:34:43.421 CNTRLR [Node 010] BatteryCC: doing a partial interview... 01:34:43.421 CNTRLR » [Node 010] querying battery status... 01:34:43.424 CNTRLR [Node 011] BatteryCC: doing a partial interview... 01:34:43.424 CNTRLR » [Node 011] querying battery status... 01:34:43.426 CNTRLR [Node 012] BatteryCC: doing a partial interview... 01:34:43.426 CNTRLR » [Node 012] querying battery status... 01:34:43.436 DRIVER workOffSendQueue > skipping because a transaction is pending 01:34:43.436 DRIVER workOffSendQueue > skipping because a transaction is pending 01:34:43.437 DRIVER workOffSendQueue > skipping because a transaction is pending 01:34:43.524 SERIAL « [ACK] (0x06) 01:34:43.524 DRIVER ACK received from controller for current transaction 01:34:43.525 SERIAL « 0x060104011301e8 (7 bytes) 01:34:43.525 SERIAL Buffer := 0x0104011301e8 (6 bytes) 01:34:43.526 SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06) 01:34:43.528 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:34:43.527 DRIVER « [RES] [SendData] [confirmation] wasSent: true 01:34:43.535 CNTRLR [Node 006] device config loaded 01:34:43.568 DRIVER workOffSendQueue > skipping because a transaction is pending 01:34:43.538 CNTRLR [Node 009] device config loaded 01:34:43.542 CNTRLR [Node 009] ZWavePlusCC: doing a partial interview... 01:34:43.543 CNTRLR [Node 009] [~] [Z-Wave Plus Info] interviewComplete: t [Endpoint 0] [internal] rue => true 01:34:43.545 CNTRLR [Node 009] ConfigurationCC: Loading configuration parameters from device confi g 01:34:43.550 CNTRLR [Node 009] [+] [Configuration] isParamInformationFromConfig: false [internal] 01:34:43.554 CNTRLR [Node 009] [Configuration] 250: metadata updated 01:34:43.561 CNTRLR [Node 009] [~] [Configuration] isParamInformationFromConfig: false [internal] => true 01:34:43.563 CNTRLR » [Node 009] querying parameter #250 value... 01:34:43.565 CNTRLR [Node 003] VersionCC: doing a partial interview... 01:34:43.566 CNTRLR [Node 003] [~] [Version] interviewComplete: true => tr [Endpoint 0] [internal] ue 01:34:43.566 CNTRLR [Node 003] trying to load device config 01:34:43.638 CNTRLR [Node 003] device config loaded 01:34:43.643 DRIVER workOffSendQueue > skipping because a transaction is pending 01:34:43.640 CNTRLR [Node 003] BinarySwitchCC: doing a partial interview... 01:34:43.641 CNTRLR » [Node 003] querying Binary Switch state... 01:34:43.690 CNTRLR [Node 006] BinarySensorCC: doing a partial interview... 01:34:43.693 DRIVER workOffSendQueue > skipping because a transaction is pending 01:34:43.691 CNTRLR » [Node 006] querying current value for Tilt... 01:34:48.579 SERIAL « 0x0107001301010202eb (9 bytes) 01:34:48.583 DRIVER « [REQ] [SendData] [fatal_node] callbackId: 1 transmitStatus: NoAck 01:34:48.586 CNTRLR [Node 004] The node did not respond to the current transaction, scheduling att empt (2/3) in 500 ms... 01:34:48.580 SERIAL Buffer := 0x0107001301010202eb (9 bytes) 01:34:48.582 SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06) 01:34:48.587 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:34:49.087 DRIVER » [Node 004] [REQ] [SendData] [attempt 2/3] │ transmitOptions: 0x25 │ callbackId: 1 └─[BatteryCCGet] 01:34:49.088 SERIAL » 0x0109001304028002250145 (11 bytes) 01:34:49.091 SERIAL « [ACK] (0x06) 01:34:49.091 DRIVER ACK received from controller for current transaction 01:34:49.092 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:34:49.100 SERIAL « 0x0104011301e8 (6 bytes) 01:34:49.101 DRIVER « [RES] [SendData] [confirmation] wasSent: true 01:34:49.100 SERIAL Buffer := 0x0104011301e8 (6 bytes) 01:34:49.101 SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06) 01:34:49.102 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:34:54.299 SERIAL « 0x010700130101 (6 bytes) 01:34:54.299 SERIAL [incomplete] Buffer := 0x010700130101 (6 bytes) 01:34:54.302 DRIVER « [REQ] [SendData] [fatal_node] callbackId: 1 transmitStatus: NoAck 01:34:54.302 CNTRLR [Node 004] The node did not respond to the current transaction, scheduling att empt (3/3) in 500 ms... 01:34:54.300 SERIAL « 0x0209e0 (3 bytes) 01:34:54.300 SERIAL Buffer := 0x0107001301010209e0 (9 bytes) 01:34:54.301 SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06) 01:34:54.303 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:34:54.803 DRIVER » [Node 004] [REQ] [SendData] [attempt 3/3] │ transmitOptions: 0x25 │ callbackId: 1 └─[BatteryCCGet] 01:34:54.804 SERIAL » 0x0109001304028002250145 (11 bytes) 01:34:54.806 SERIAL « [ACK] (0x06) 01:34:54.806 DRIVER ACK received from controller for current transaction 01:34:54.807 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:34:54.815 SERIAL « 0x0104011301e8 (6 bytes) 01:34:54.817 DRIVER « [RES] [SendData] [confirmation] wasSent: true 01:34:54.816 SERIAL Buffer := 0x0104011301e8 (6 bytes) 01:34:54.816 SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06) 01:34:54.817 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:35:00.000 SERIAL « 0x0107001301 (5 bytes) 01:35:00.001 SERIAL [incomplete] Buffer := 0x0107001301 (5 bytes) 01:35:00.003 DRIVER « [REQ] [SendData] [fatal_node] callbackId: 1 transmitStatus: NoAck 01:35:00.004 CNTRLR [Node 004] The node did not respond to the current transaction after 3 attempt s. It is probably asleep, moving its messages to the wakeup queue. 01:35:00.002 SERIAL « 0x010207ee (4 bytes) 01:35:00.002 SERIAL Buffer := 0x0107001301010207ee (9 bytes) 01:35:00.003 SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06) 01:35:00.010 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:35:00.015 DRIVER » [Node 010] [REQ] [SendData] [P: Normal] │ transmitOptions: 0x25 │ callbackId: 2 └─[BatteryCCGet] 01:35:00.006 CNTRLR [Node 004] The node is now asleep. 01:35:00.010 CNTRLR [Node 004] The node is ready to be used 01:35:00.015 SERIAL » 0x010900130a028002250248 (11 bytes) 01:35:00.017 SERIAL « [ACK] (0x06) 01:35:00.018 DRIVER ACK received from controller for current transaction 01:35:00.018 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:35:00.027 SERIAL « 0x0104011301e8 (6 bytes) 01:35:00.028 DRIVER « [RES] [SendData] [confirmation] wasSent: true 01:35:00.028 SERIAL Buffer := 0x0104011301e8 (6 bytes) 01:35:00.028 SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06) 01:35:00.029 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:35:05.212 SERIAL « 0x0107001302 (5 bytes) 01:35:05.213 SERIAL [incomplete] Buffer := 0x0107001302 (5 bytes) 01:35:05.216 DRIVER « [REQ] [SendData] [fatal_node] callbackId: 2 transmitStatus: NoAck 01:35:05.216 CNTRLR [Node 010] The node did not respond to the current transaction, scheduling att empt (2/3) in 500 ms... 01:35:05.214 SERIAL « 0x010207ed (4 bytes) 01:35:05.215 SERIAL Buffer := 0x0107001302010207ed (9 bytes) 01:35:05.215 SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06) 01:35:05.216 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:35:05.718 DRIVER » [Node 010] [REQ] [SendData] [attempt 2/3] │ transmitOptions: 0x25 │ callbackId: 2 └─[BatteryCCGet] 01:35:05.719 SERIAL » 0x010900130a028002250248 (11 bytes) 01:35:05.721 SERIAL « [ACK] (0x06) 01:35:05.722 DRIVER ACK received from controller for current transaction 01:35:05.722 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:35:05.731 SERIAL « 0x0104011301 (5 bytes) 01:35:05.731 SERIAL [incomplete] Buffer := 0x0104011301 (5 bytes) 01:35:05.733 DRIVER « [RES] [SendData] [confirmation] wasSent: true 01:35:05.732 SERIAL « 0xe8 (1 bytes) 01:35:05.732 SERIAL Buffer := 0x0104011301e8 (6 bytes) 01:35:05.733 SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06) 01:35:05.733 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:35:10.897 SERIAL « 0x01070013020102 (7 bytes) 01:35:10.898 SERIAL [incomplete] Buffer := 0x01070013020102 (7 bytes) 01:35:10.901 DRIVER « [REQ] [SendData] [fatal_node] callbackId: 2 transmitStatus: NoAck 01:35:10.901 CNTRLR [Node 010] The node did not respond to the current transaction, scheduling att empt (3/3) in 500 ms... 01:35:10.899 SERIAL « 0x06ec (2 bytes) 01:35:10.899 SERIAL Buffer := 0x0107001302010206ec (9 bytes) 01:35:10.900 SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06) 01:35:10.902 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:35:11.402 DRIVER » [Node 010] [REQ] [SendData] [attempt 3/3] │ transmitOptions: 0x25 │ callbackId: 2 └─[BatteryCCGet] 01:35:11.402 SERIAL » 0x010900130a028002250248 (11 bytes) 01:35:11.404 SERIAL « [ACK] (0x06) 01:35:11.405 DRIVER ACK received from controller for current transaction 01:35:11.405 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:35:11.414 SERIAL « 0x0104011301e8 (6 bytes) 01:35:11.416 DRIVER « [RES] [SendData] [confirmation] wasSent: true 01:35:11.414 SERIAL Buffer := 0x0104011301e8 (6 bytes) 01:35:11.415 SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06) 01:35:11.417 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:35:16.581 SERIAL « 0x0107001302010205ef (9 bytes) 01:35:16.582 DRIVER « [REQ] [SendData] [fatal_node] callbackId: 2 transmitStatus: NoAck 01:35:16.583 CNTRLR [Node 010] The node did not respond to the current transaction after 3 attempt s. It is probably asleep, moving its messages to the wakeup queue. 01:35:16.581 SERIAL Buffer := 0x0107001302010205ef (9 bytes) 01:35:16.582 SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06) 01:35:16.589 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:35:16.591 SERIAL » 0x010900130b028002250348 (11 bytes) 01:35:16.590 DRIVER » [Node 011] [REQ] [SendData] [P: Normal] │ transmitOptions: 0x25 │ callbackId: 3 └─[BatteryCCGet] 01:35:16.584 CNTRLR [Node 010] The node is now asleep. 01:35:16.586 CNTRLR [Node 010] The node is ready to be used 01:35:16.595 SERIAL « [ACK] (0x06) 01:35:16.596 DRIVER ACK received from controller for current transaction 01:35:16.597 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:35:16.618 SERIAL « 0x0104011301e8 (6 bytes) 01:35:16.620 DRIVER « [RES] [SendData] [confirmation] wasSent: true 01:35:16.618 SERIAL Buffer := 0x0104011301e8 (6 bytes) 01:35:16.619 SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06) 01:35:16.621 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:35:21.883 SERIAL « 0x01070013030102 (7 bytes) 01:35:21.883 SERIAL [incomplete] Buffer := 0x01070013030102 (7 bytes) 01:35:21.885 DRIVER « [REQ] [SendData] [fatal_node] callbackId: 3 transmitStatus: NoAck 01:35:21.886 CNTRLR [Node 011] The node did not respond to the current transaction, scheduling att empt (2/3) in 500 ms... 01:35:21.884 SERIAL « 0x10fb (2 bytes) 01:35:21.884 SERIAL Buffer := 0x0107001303010210fb (9 bytes) 01:35:21.885 SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06) 01:35:21.886 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:35:22.387 DRIVER » [Node 011] [REQ] [SendData] [attempt 2/3] │ transmitOptions: 0x25 │ callbackId: 3 └─[BatteryCCGet] 01:35:22.388 SERIAL » 0x010900130b028002250348 (11 bytes) 01:35:22.391 SERIAL « [ACK] (0x06) 01:35:22.392 DRIVER ACK received from controller for current transaction 01:35:22.393 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:35:22.400 SERIAL « 0x0104011301e8 (6 bytes) 01:35:22.404 DRIVER « [RES] [SendData] [confirmation] wasSent: true 01:35:22.401 SERIAL Buffer := 0x0104011301e8 (6 bytes) 01:35:22.402 SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06) 01:35:22.405 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:35:27.601 SERIAL « 0x0107001303010209e2 (9 bytes) 01:35:27.602 DRIVER « [REQ] [SendData] [fatal_node] callbackId: 3 transmitStatus: NoAck 01:35:27.603 CNTRLR [Node 011] The node did not respond to the current transaction, scheduling att empt (3/3) in 500 ms... 01:35:27.601 SERIAL Buffer := 0x0107001303010209e2 (9 bytes) 01:35:27.602 SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06) 01:35:27.604 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:35:28.105 DRIVER » [Node 011] [REQ] [SendData] [attempt 3/3] │ transmitOptions: 0x25 │ callbackId: 3 └─[BatteryCCGet] 01:35:28.105 SERIAL » 0x010900130b028002250348 (11 bytes) 01:35:28.107 SERIAL « [ACK] (0x06) 01:35:28.108 DRIVER ACK received from controller for current transaction 01:35:28.110 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:35:28.117 SERIAL « 0x0104011301e8 (6 bytes) 01:35:28.118 DRIVER « [RES] [SendData] [confirmation] wasSent: true 01:35:28.117 SERIAL Buffer := 0x0104011301e8 (6 bytes) 01:35:28.118 SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06) 01:35:28.119 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:35:33.271 SERIAL « 0x0107001303010204ef (9 bytes) 01:35:33.274 DRIVER « [REQ] [SendData] [fatal_node] callbackId: 3 transmitStatus: NoAck 01:35:33.275 CNTRLR [Node 011] The node did not respond to the current transaction after 3 attempt s. It is probably asleep, moving its messages to the wakeup queue. 01:35:33.272 SERIAL Buffer := 0x0107001303010204ef (9 bytes) 01:35:33.273 SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06) 01:35:33.281 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:35:33.284 SERIAL » 0x010900130c028002250448 (11 bytes) 01:35:33.283 DRIVER » [Node 012] [REQ] [SendData] [P: Normal] │ transmitOptions: 0x25 │ callbackId: 4 └─[BatteryCCGet] 01:35:33.276 CNTRLR [Node 011] The node is now asleep. 01:35:33.278 CNTRLR [Node 011] The node is ready to be used 01:35:33.292 SERIAL « [ACK] (0x06) 01:35:33.293 DRIVER ACK received from controller for current transaction 01:35:33.293 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:35:33.299 SERIAL « 0x0104011301e8 (6 bytes) 01:35:33.303 DRIVER « [RES] [SendData] [confirmation] wasSent: true 01:35:33.302 SERIAL Buffer := 0x0104011301e8 (6 bytes) 01:35:33.303 SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06) 01:35:33.304 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:35:38.498 SERIAL « 0x010700130401 (6 bytes) 01:35:38.499 SERIAL [incomplete] Buffer := 0x010700130401 (6 bytes) 01:35:38.501 DRIVER « [REQ] [SendData] [fatal_node] callbackId: 4 transmitStatus: NoAck 01:35:38.501 CNTRLR [Node 012] The node did not respond to the current transaction, scheduling att empt (2/3) in 500 ms... 01:35:38.500 SERIAL « 0x0209e5 (3 bytes) 01:35:38.500 SERIAL Buffer := 0x0107001304010209e5 (9 bytes) 01:35:38.500 SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06) 01:35:38.502 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:35:39.002 DRIVER » [Node 012] [REQ] [SendData] [attempt 2/3] │ transmitOptions: 0x25 │ callbackId: 4 └─[BatteryCCGet] 01:35:39.003 SERIAL » 0x010900130c028002250448 (11 bytes) 01:35:39.004 SERIAL « [ACK] (0x06) 01:35:39.005 DRIVER ACK received from controller for current transaction 01:35:39.005 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:35:39.014 SERIAL « 0x01040113 (4 bytes) 01:35:39.014 SERIAL [incomplete] Buffer := 0x01040113 (4 bytes) 01:35:39.016 DRIVER « [RES] [SendData] [confirmation] wasSent: true 01:35:39.015 SERIAL « 0x01e8 (2 bytes) 01:35:39.015 SERIAL Buffer := 0x0104011301e8 (6 bytes) 01:35:39.016 SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06) 01:35:39.016 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:35:44.232 SERIAL « 0x01070013040102 (7 bytes) 01:35:44.235 DRIVER « [REQ] [SendData] [fatal_node] callbackId: 4 transmitStatus: NoAck 01:35:44.236 CNTRLR [Node 012] The node did not respond to the current transaction, scheduling att empt (3/3) in 500 ms... 01:35:44.233 SERIAL [incomplete] Buffer := 0x01070013040102 (7 bytes) 01:35:44.234 SERIAL « 0x0ae6 (2 bytes) 01:35:44.234 SERIAL Buffer := 0x010700130401020ae6 (9 bytes) 01:35:44.234 SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06) 01:35:44.237 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:35:44.736 DRIVER » [Node 012] [REQ] [SendData] [attempt 3/3] │ transmitOptions: 0x25 │ callbackId: 4 └─[BatteryCCGet] 01:35:44.736 SERIAL » 0x010900130c028002250448 (11 bytes) 01:35:44.739 SERIAL « [ACK] (0x06) 01:35:44.739 DRIVER ACK received from controller for current transaction 01:35:44.740 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:35:44.748 SERIAL « 0x0104011301e8 (6 bytes) 01:35:44.750 DRIVER « [RES] [SendData] [confirmation] wasSent: true 01:35:44.749 SERIAL Buffer := 0x0104011301e8 (6 bytes) 01:35:44.749 SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06) 01:35:44.751 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:35:49.883 SERIAL « 0x010700130401 (6 bytes) 01:35:49.888 DRIVER « [REQ] [SendData] [fatal_node] callbackId: 4 transmitStatus: NoAck 01:35:49.889 CNTRLR [Node 012] The node did not respond to the current transaction after 3 attempt s. It is probably asleep, moving its messages to the wakeup queue. 01:35:49.883 SERIAL [incomplete] Buffer := 0x010700130401 (6 bytes) 01:35:49.884 SERIAL « 0x0202ee (3 bytes) 01:35:49.884 SERIAL Buffer := 0x0107001304010202ee (9 bytes) 01:35:49.888 SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06) 01:35:49.894 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:35:49.899 DRIVER » [Node 009] [REQ] [SendData] [P: Normal] │ transmitOptions: 0x25 │ callbackId: 5 └─[ConfigurationCCGet] payload: 0xfa 01:35:49.890 CNTRLR [Node 012] The node is now asleep. 01:35:49.891 CNTRLR [Node 012] The node is ready to be used 01:35:49.900 SERIAL » 0x010a001309037005fa250543 (12 bytes) 01:35:49.902 SERIAL « [ACK] (0x06) 01:35:49.903 DRIVER ACK received from controller for current transaction 01:35:49.903 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:35:49.913 SERIAL « 0x0104011301e8 (6 bytes) 01:35:49.916 DRIVER « [RES] [SendData] [confirmation] wasSent: true 01:35:49.914 SERIAL Buffer := 0x0104011301e8 (6 bytes) 01:35:49.914 SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06) 01:35:49.917 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:35:53.980 SERIAL « 0x0107001305 (5 bytes) 01:35:53.981 SERIAL [incomplete] Buffer := 0x0107001305 (5 bytes) 01:35:53.982 DRIVER « [REQ] [SendData] [fatal_node] callbackId: 5 transmitStatus: NoAck 01:35:53.983 CNTRLR [Node 009] The node did not respond to the current transaction, scheduling att empt (2/3) in 500 ms... 01:35:53.981 SERIAL « 0x01019779 (4 bytes) 01:35:53.982 SERIAL Buffer := 0x010700130501019779 (9 bytes) 01:35:53.982 SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06) 01:35:53.983 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:35:54.484 DRIVER » [Node 009] [REQ] [SendData] [attempt 2/3] │ transmitOptions: 0x25 │ callbackId: 5 └─[ConfigurationCCGet] payload: 0xfa 01:35:54.485 SERIAL » 0x010a001309037005fa250543 (12 bytes) 01:35:54.488 SERIAL « [ACK] (0x06) 01:35:54.488 DRIVER ACK received from controller for current transaction 01:35:54.489 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:35:54.498 SERIAL « 0x0104011301 (5 bytes) 01:35:54.499 SERIAL [incomplete] Buffer := 0x0104011301 (5 bytes) 01:35:54.504 DRIVER « [RES] [SendData] [confirmation] wasSent: true 01:35:54.502 SERIAL « 0xe8 (1 bytes) 01:35:54.502 SERIAL Buffer := 0x0104011301e8 (6 bytes) 01:35:54.503 SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06) 01:35:54.504 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:35:58.656 SERIAL « 0x0107001305 (5 bytes) 01:35:58.657 SERIAL [incomplete] Buffer := 0x0107001305 (5 bytes) 01:35:58.659 DRIVER « [REQ] [SendData] [fatal_node] callbackId: 5 transmitStatus: NoAck 01:35:58.659 CNTRLR [Node 009] The node did not respond to the current transaction, scheduling att empt (3/3) in 500 ms... 01:35:58.657 SERIAL « 0x0101a14f (4 bytes) 01:35:58.658 SERIAL Buffer := 0x01070013050101a14f (9 bytes) 01:35:58.658 SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06) 01:35:58.660 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:35:59.160 DRIVER » [Node 009] [REQ] [SendData] [attempt 3/3] │ transmitOptions: 0x25 │ callbackId: 5 └─[ConfigurationCCGet] payload: 0xfa 01:35:59.161 SERIAL » 0x010a001309037005fa250543 (12 bytes) 01:35:59.163 SERIAL « [ACK] (0x06) 01:35:59.164 DRIVER ACK received from controller for current transaction 01:35:59.164 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:35:59.174 SERIAL « 0x0104011301e8 (6 bytes) 01:35:59.176 DRIVER « [RES] [SendData] [confirmation] wasSent: true 01:35:59.175 SERIAL Buffer := 0x0104011301e8 (6 bytes) 01:35:59.175 SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06) 01:35:59.176 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:36:03.303 SERIAL « 0x010700130501019d73 (9 bytes) 01:36:03.305 DRIVER « [REQ] [SendData] [fatal_node] callbackId: 5 transmitStatus: NoAck 01:36:03.306 CNTRLR [Node 009] The node did not respond to the current transaction after 3 attempt s. It is probably asleep, moving its messages to the wakeup queue. 01:36:03.304 SERIAL Buffer := 0x010700130501019d73 (9 bytes) 01:36:03.304 SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06) 01:36:03.311 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:36:03.317 SERIAL » 0x01090013030225022506e0 (11 bytes) 01:36:03.316 DRIVER » [Node 003] [REQ] [SendData] [P: Normal] │ transmitOptions: 0x25 │ callbackId: 6 └─[BinarySwitchCCGet] 01:36:03.307 CNTRLR [Node 009] The node is now asleep. 01:36:03.309 CNTRLR [Node 009] The node is ready to be used 01:36:03.322 SERIAL « [ACK] (0x06) 01:36:03.323 DRIVER ACK received from controller for current transaction 01:36:03.324 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:36:03.331 SERIAL « 0x0104011301e8 (6 bytes) 01:36:03.333 DRIVER « [RES] [SendData] [confirmation] wasSent: true 01:36:03.332 SERIAL Buffer := 0x0104011301e8 (6 bytes) 01:36:03.333 SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06) 01:36:03.336 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:36:03.348 SERIAL « 0x01070013060000 (7 bytes) 01:36:03.348 SERIAL [incomplete] Buffer := 0x01070013060000 (7 bytes) 01:36:03.351 DRIVER « [REQ] [SendData] [confirmation] callbackId: 6 transmitStatus: OK 01:36:03.349 SERIAL « 0x03ee (2 bytes) 01:36:03.350 SERIAL Buffer := 0x0107001306000003ee (9 bytes) 01:36:03.350 SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06) 01:36:03.353 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:36:03.352 DRIVER ACK received from node for current transaction. RTT = 36.56 ms 01:36:03.374 SERIAL « 0x010900040003 (6 bytes) 01:36:03.375 SERIAL [incomplete] Buffer := 0x010900040003 (6 bytes) 01:36:03.380 CNTRLR [Node 003] [~] [Binary Switch] currentValue: false => false [Endpoint 0] 01:36:03.383 DRIVER « [Node 003] [REQ] [ApplicationCommand] [final] └─[BinarySwitchCCReport] payload: 0x00 01:36:03.375 SERIAL « 0x03250300d4 (5 bytes) 01:36:03.376 SERIAL Buffer := 0x01090004000303250300d4 (11 bytes) 01:36:03.382 SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06) 01:36:03.385 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:36:03.388 SERIAL » 0x010a0013060330020b2507f8 (12 bytes) 01:36:03.385 CNTRLR « [Node 003] received Binary Switch state: current value: false 01:36:03.386 CNTRLR [Node 003] [~] [Binary Switch] interviewComplete: true [Endpoint 0] [internal] => true 01:36:03.384 DRIVER ACK already received, resolving transaction 01:36:03.384 DRIVER resuming send queue 01:36:03.388 DRIVER » [Node 006] [REQ] [SendData] [P: Normal] │ transmitOptions: 0x25 │ callbackId: 7 └─[BinarySensorCCGet] payload: 0x0b 01:36:03.442 SERIAL « [ACK] (0x06) 01:36:03.442 DRIVER ACK received from controller for current transaction 01:36:03.442 SERIAL « 0x060104011301e8 (7 bytes) 01:36:03.443 SERIAL Buffer := 0x0104011301e8 (6 bytes) 01:36:03.443 SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06) 01:36:03.444 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:36:03.443 DRIVER « [RES] [SendData] [confirmation] wasSent: true 01:36:03.629 CNTRLR [Node 003] ZWavePlusCC: doing a partial interview... 01:36:03.630 CNTRLR [Node 003] [~] [Z-Wave Plus Info] interviewComplete: t [Endpoint 0] [internal] rue => true 01:36:03.870 CNTRLR [Node 003] ConfigurationCC: Loading configuration parameters from device confi g 01:36:03.894 DRIVER workOffSendQueue > skipping because a transaction is pending 01:36:03.872 CNTRLR [Node 003] [+] [Configuration] isParamInformationFromConfig: false [internal] 01:36:03.873 CNTRLR [Node 003] [Configuration] 37: metadata updated 01:36:03.876 CNTRLR [Node 003] [Configuration] 80: metadata updated 01:36:03.880 CNTRLR [Node 003] [Configuration] 252: metadata updated 01:36:03.882 CNTRLR [Node 003] [Configuration] 37[15]: metadata updated 01:36:03.883 CNTRLR [Node 003] [Configuration] 37[3840]: metadata updated 01:36:03.885 CNTRLR [Node 003] [~] [Configuration] isParamInformationFromConfig: false [internal] => true 01:36:03.886 CNTRLR » [Node 003] querying parameter #37 value... 01:36:08.597 SERIAL « 0x0107001307010209e6 (9 bytes) 01:36:08.599 DRIVER « [REQ] [SendData] [fatal_node] callbackId: 7 transmitStatus: NoAck 01:36:08.600 CNTRLR [Node 006] The node did not respond to the current transaction, scheduling att empt (2/3) in 500 ms... 01:36:08.598 SERIAL Buffer := 0x0107001307010209e6 (9 bytes) 01:36:08.598 SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06) 01:36:08.601 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:36:09.099 DRIVER » [Node 006] [REQ] [SendData] [attempt 2/3] │ transmitOptions: 0x25 │ callbackId: 7 └─[BinarySensorCCGet] payload: 0x0b 01:36:09.100 SERIAL » 0x010a0013060330020b2507f8 (12 bytes) 01:36:09.102 SERIAL « [ACK] (0x06) 01:36:09.102 DRIVER ACK received from controller for current transaction 01:36:09.102 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:36:09.228 SERIAL « 0x0104011301 (5 bytes) 01:36:09.229 SERIAL [incomplete] Buffer := 0x0104011301 (5 bytes) 01:36:09.230 DRIVER « [RES] [SendData] [confirmation] wasSent: true 01:36:09.229 SERIAL « 0xe8 (1 bytes) 01:36:09.230 SERIAL Buffer := 0x0104011301e8 (6 bytes) 01:36:09.230 SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06) 01:36:09.231 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:36:14.151 SERIAL « 0x01070013070101f915 (9 bytes) 01:36:14.153 DRIVER « [REQ] [SendData] [fatal_node] callbackId: 7 transmitStatus: NoAck 01:36:14.154 CNTRLR [Node 006] The node did not respond to the current transaction, scheduling att empt (3/3) in 500 ms... 01:36:14.152 SERIAL Buffer := 0x01070013070101f915 (9 bytes) 01:36:14.153 SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06) 01:36:14.156 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:36:14.655 DRIVER » [Node 006] [REQ] [SendData] [attempt 3/3] │ transmitOptions: 0x25 │ callbackId: 7 └─[BinarySensorCCGet] payload: 0x0b 01:36:14.655 SERIAL » 0x010a0013060330020b2507f8 (12 bytes) 01:36:14.657 SERIAL « [ACK] (0x06) 01:36:14.658 DRIVER ACK received from controller for current transaction 01:36:14.658 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:36:14.784 SERIAL « 0x0104011301 (5 bytes) 01:36:14.784 SERIAL [incomplete] Buffer := 0x0104011301 (5 bytes) 01:36:14.785 DRIVER « [RES] [SendData] [confirmation] wasSent: true 01:36:14.785 SERIAL « 0xe8 (1 bytes) 01:36:14.785 SERIAL Buffer := 0x0104011301e8 (6 bytes) 01:36:14.785 SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06) 01:36:14.786 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:36:19.658 SERIAL « 0x010700130701 (6 bytes) 01:36:19.659 SERIAL [incomplete] Buffer := 0x010700130701 (6 bytes) 01:36:19.661 DRIVER « [REQ] [SendData] [fatal_node] callbackId: 7 transmitStatus: NoAck 01:36:19.662 CNTRLR [Node 006] The node did not respond to the current transaction after 3 attempt s. It is probably asleep, moving its messages to the wakeup queue. 01:36:19.660 SERIAL « 0x01f418 (3 bytes) 01:36:19.660 SERIAL Buffer := 0x01070013070101f418 (9 bytes) 01:36:19.661 SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06) 01:36:19.667 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:36:19.669 SERIAL » 0x010a0013030370052525089b (12 bytes) 01:36:19.668 DRIVER » [Node 003] [REQ] [SendData] [P: Normal] │ transmitOptions: 0x25 │ callbackId: 8 └─[ConfigurationCCGet] payload: 0x25 01:36:19.663 CNTRLR [Node 006] The node is now asleep. 01:36:19.665 CNTRLR [Node 006] The node is ready to be used 01:36:19.692 SERIAL « [ACK] (0x06) 01:36:19.693 DRIVER ACK received from controller for current transaction 01:36:19.693 SERIAL « 0x060104011301e8 (7 bytes) 01:36:19.694 SERIAL Buffer := 0x0104011301e8 (6 bytes) 01:36:19.694 SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06) 01:36:19.695 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:36:19.694 DRIVER « [RES] [SendData] [confirmation] wasSent: true 01:36:19.712 SERIAL « 0x0107001308000003e0 (9 bytes) 01:36:19.714 DRIVER « [REQ] [SendData] [confirmation] callbackId: 8 transmitStatus: OK 01:36:19.712 SERIAL Buffer := 0x0107001308000003e0 (9 bytes) 01:36:19.713 SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06) 01:36:19.730 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:36:19.729 DRIVER ACK received from node for current transaction. RTT = 61.28 ms 01:36:19.736 SERIAL « 0x010e00040003087006250201030000ad (16 bytes) 01:36:19.740 CNTRLR [Node 003] [~] [Configuration] 37[15]: 3 => 3 01:36:19.748 DRIVER « [Node 003] [REQ] [ApplicationCommand] [final] └─[ConfigurationCCReport] payload: 0x250201030000 01:36:19.736 SERIAL Buffer := 0x010e00040003087006250201030000ad (16 bytes) 01:36:19.747 SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06) 01:36:19.750 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:36:19.759 SERIAL » 0x010a001303037005502509ef (12 bytes) 01:36:19.744 CNTRLR [Node 003] [~] [Configuration] 37[3840]: 1 => 1 01:36:19.751 CNTRLR » [Node 003] querying parameter #80 value... 01:36:19.748 DRIVER ACK already received, resolving transaction 01:36:19.749 DRIVER resuming send queue 01:36:19.758 DRIVER » [Node 003] [REQ] [SendData] [P: Normal] │ transmitOptions: 0x25 │ callbackId: 9 └─[ConfigurationCCGet] payload: 0x50 01:36:19.760 DRIVER workOffSendQueue > skipping because a transaction is pending 01:36:19.774 SERIAL « [ACK] (0x06) 01:36:19.775 DRIVER ACK received from controller for current transaction 01:36:19.775 SERIAL « 0x060104011301e8 (7 bytes) 01:36:19.775 SERIAL Buffer := 0x0104011301e8 (6 bytes) 01:36:19.776 SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06) 01:36:19.777 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:36:19.776 DRIVER « [RES] [SendData] [confirmation] wasSent: true 01:36:19.791 SERIAL « 0x010700130900 (6 bytes) 01:36:19.791 SERIAL [incomplete] Buffer := 0x010700130900 (6 bytes) 01:36:19.793 DRIVER « [REQ] [SendData] [confirmation] callbackId: 9 transmitStatus: OK 01:36:19.792 SERIAL « 0x0002e0 (3 bytes) 01:36:19.792 SERIAL Buffer := 0x0107001309000002e0 (9 bytes) 01:36:19.792 SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06) 01:36:19.793 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:36:19.793 DRIVER ACK received from node for current transaction. RTT = 35.91 ms 01:36:19.818 SERIAL « 0x010e000400 (5 bytes) 01:36:19.819 SERIAL [incomplete] Buffer := 0x010e000400 (5 bytes) 01:36:19.821 CNTRLR [Node 003] [~] [Configuration] 80: 0 => 0 01:36:19.823 DRIVER « [Node 003] [REQ] [ApplicationCommand] [final] └─[ConfigurationCCReport] payload: 0x500100000000 01:36:19.819 SERIAL « 0x03087006500100000000d9 (11 bytes) 01:36:19.820 SERIAL Buffer := 0x010e00040003087006500100000000d9 (16 bytes) 01:36:19.823 SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06) 01:36:19.824 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:36:19.830 SERIAL » 0x010a001303037005fc250a40 (12 bytes) 01:36:19.825 CNTRLR » [Node 003] querying parameter #252 value... 01:36:19.824 DRIVER ACK already received, resolving transaction 01:36:19.824 DRIVER resuming send queue 01:36:19.829 DRIVER » [Node 003] [REQ] [SendData] [P: Normal] │ transmitOptions: 0x25 │ callbackId: 10 └─[ConfigurationCCGet] payload: 0xfc 01:36:19.830 DRIVER workOffSendQueue > skipping because a transaction is pending 01:36:19.833 SERIAL « [ACK] (0x06) 01:36:19.834 DRIVER ACK received from controller for current transaction 01:36:19.834 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:36:19.839 SERIAL « 0x0104011301 (5 bytes) 01:36:19.839 SERIAL [incomplete] Buffer := 0x0104011301 (5 bytes) 01:36:19.841 DRIVER « [RES] [SendData] [confirmation] wasSent: true 01:36:19.840 SERIAL « 0xe8 (1 bytes) 01:36:19.840 SERIAL Buffer := 0x0104011301e8 (6 bytes) 01:36:19.840 SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06) 01:36:19.841 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:36:19.860 SERIAL « 0x010700130a (5 bytes) 01:36:19.860 SERIAL [incomplete] Buffer := 0x010700130a (5 bytes) 01:36:19.863 DRIVER « [REQ] [SendData] [confirmation] callbackId: 10 transmitStatus: OK 01:36:19.861 SERIAL « 0x000002e3 (4 bytes) 01:36:19.861 SERIAL Buffer := 0x010700130a000002e3 (9 bytes) 01:36:19.862 SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06) 01:36:19.864 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:36:19.863 DRIVER ACK received from node for current transaction. RTT = 36.59 ms 01:36:19.888 SERIAL « 0x010e00040003087006fc01 (11 bytes) 01:36:19.888 SERIAL [incomplete] Buffer := 0x010e00040003087006fc01 (11 bytes) 01:36:19.894 CNTRLR [Node 003] [~] [Configuration] 252: 0 => 0 01:36:19.896 DRIVER « [Node 003] [REQ] [ApplicationCommand] [final] └─[ConfigurationCCReport] payload: 0xfc0100000000 01:36:19.892 SERIAL « 0x0000000075 (5 bytes) 01:36:19.893 SERIAL Buffer := 0x010e00040003087006fc010000000075 (16 bytes) 01:36:19.896 SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06) 01:36:19.898 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:36:19.898 CNTRLR [Node 003] [~] [Configuration] interviewComplete: true [Endpoint 0] [internal] => true 01:36:19.897 DRIVER ACK already received, resolving transaction 01:36:19.897 DRIVER resuming send queue 01:36:19.899 DRIVER The remaining 6 messages are for sleeping nodes, not sending anything! 01:36:19.901 DRIVER Send queue: (6 messages) · [REQ] SendData (BatteryCCGet) [Node 4, asleep] · [REQ] SendData (BatteryCCGet) [Node 10, asleep] · [REQ] SendData (BatteryCCGet) [Node 11, asleep] · [REQ] SendData (BatteryCCGet) [Node 12, asleep] · [REQ] SendData (ConfigurationCCGet) [Node 9, asleep] · [REQ] SendData (BinarySensorCCGet) [Node 6, asleep] 01:36:19.960 CNTRLR [Node 003] AssociationCC: doing a partial interview... 01:36:19.964 DRIVER » [Node 003] [REQ] [SendData] [P: Normal] │ transmitOptions: 0x25 │ callbackId: 11 └─[AssociationCCGet] groupId: 1 01:36:19.964 SERIAL » 0x010a00130303850201250b4e (12 bytes) 01:36:19.961 CNTRLR » [Node 003] querying association group #1... 01:36:19.969 SERIAL « [ACK] (0x06) 01:36:19.970 DRIVER ACK received from controller for current transaction 01:36:19.970 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:36:19.973 SERIAL « 0x01040113 (4 bytes) 01:36:19.973 SERIAL [incomplete] Buffer := 0x01040113 (4 bytes) 01:36:19.976 DRIVER « [RES] [SendData] [confirmation] wasSent: true 01:36:19.974 SERIAL « 0x01e8 (2 bytes) 01:36:19.974 SERIAL Buffer := 0x0104011301e8 (6 bytes) 01:36:19.975 SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06) 01:36:19.977 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:36:19.994 SERIAL « 0x010700130b000003 (8 bytes) 01:36:19.995 SERIAL [incomplete] Buffer := 0x010700130b000003 (8 bytes) 01:36:19.997 DRIVER « [REQ] [SendData] [confirmation] callbackId: 11 transmitStatus: OK 01:36:19.995 SERIAL « 0xe3 (1 bytes) 01:36:19.996 SERIAL Buffer := 0x010700130b000003e3 (9 bytes) 01:36:19.996 SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06) 01:36:19.999 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:36:19.998 DRIVER ACK received from node for current transaction. RTT = 35.22 ms 01:36:20.026 SERIAL « 0x010c000400030685030105000171 (14 bytes) 01:36:20.033 DRIVER « [Node 003] [REQ] [ApplicationCommand] [final] └─[AssociationCCReport] groupId: 1 maxNodes: 5 nodeIds: 1 reportsToFollow: 0 01:36:20.036 CNTRLR « [Node 003] received information for association group #1: maximum # of nodes: 5 currently assigned nodes: 1 01:36:20.026 SERIAL Buffer := 0x010c000400030685030105000171 (14 bytes) 01:36:20.029 SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06) 01:36:20.035 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:36:20.045 SERIAL » 0x010b0013030485010101250c4d (13 bytes) 01:36:20.033 DRIVER ACK already received, resolving transaction 01:36:20.035 DRIVER resuming send queue 01:36:20.044 DRIVER » [Node 003] [REQ] [SendData] [P: Normal] │ transmitOptions: 0x25 │ callbackId: 12 └─[AssociationCCSet] payload: 0x0101 01:36:20.046 DRIVER workOffSendQueue > skipping because a transaction is pending 01:36:20.039 CNTRLR » [Node 003] supports Z-Wave+, assigning ourselves to the Lifeline group... 01:36:20.051 SERIAL « [ACK] (0x06) 01:36:20.051 DRIVER ACK received from controller for current transaction 01:36:20.053 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:36:20.054 SERIAL « 0x010401 (3 bytes) 01:36:20.055 SERIAL [incomplete] Buffer := 0x010401 (3 bytes) 01:36:20.062 DRIVER « [RES] [SendData] [confirmation] wasSent: true 01:36:20.059 SERIAL « 0x1301e8 (3 bytes) 01:36:20.060 SERIAL Buffer := 0x0104011301e8 (6 bytes) 01:36:20.061 SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06) 01:36:20.064 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:36:20.076 SERIAL « 0x01070013 (4 bytes) 01:36:20.076 SERIAL [incomplete] Buffer := 0x01070013 (4 bytes) 01:36:20.078 DRIVER « [REQ] [SendData] [final] callbackId: 12 transmitStatus: OK 01:36:20.081 CNTRLR [Node 003] [~] [Association] hasLifeline: true => true [internal] 01:36:20.077 SERIAL « 0x0c000003e4 (5 bytes) 01:36:20.077 SERIAL Buffer := 0x010700130c000003e4 (9 bytes) 01:36:20.077 SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06) 01:36:20.080 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:36:20.079 DRIVER ACK already received, resolving transaction 01:36:20.079 DRIVER resuming send queue 01:36:20.083 DRIVER The remaining 6 messages are for sleeping nodes, not sending anything! 01:36:20.085 DRIVER Send queue: (6 messages) · [REQ] SendData (BatteryCCGet) [Node 4, asleep] · [REQ] SendData (BatteryCCGet) [Node 10, asleep] · [REQ] SendData (BatteryCCGet) [Node 11, asleep] · [REQ] SendData (BatteryCCGet) [Node 12, asleep] · [REQ] SendData (ConfigurationCCGet) [Node 9, asleep] · [REQ] SendData (BinarySensorCCGet) [Node 6, asleep] 01:36:20.082 CNTRLR [Node 003] [~] [Association] interviewComplete: true = [Endpoint 0] [internal] > true 01:36:20.126 CNTRLR [Node 003] AssociationGroupInfoCC: doing a partial interview... 01:36:20.130 DRIVER » [Node 003] [REQ] [GetRoutingInfo] [P: Controller] removeNonRepeaters: false removeBadLinks: false 01:36:20.130 SERIAL » 0x01070080030000007b (9 bytes) 01:36:20.127 CNTRLR [Node 003] [~] [Association Group Information] intervi [Endpoint 0] [internal] ewComplete: true => true 01:36:20.128 CNTRLR [Node 003] Interview stage completed: CommandClasses 01:36:20.128 CNTRLR [Node 003] Interview stage completed: OverwriteConfig 01:36:20.129 CNTRLR » [Node 003] requesting node neighbors... 01:36:20.132 SERIAL « [ACK] (0x06) 01:36:20.133 DRIVER ACK received from controller for current transaction 01:36:20.134 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:36:20.135 SERIAL « 0x01200180290e00000000000000000000000000000000 (22 bytes) 01:36:20.135 SERIAL [incomplete] Buffer := 0x01200180290e000000000000000000000000000000 (22 bytes) 00 01:36:20.137 DRIVER « [RES] [GetRoutingInfo] [final] node ids: 1, 4, 6, 10, 11, 12 01:36:20.139 CNTRLR « [Node 003] node neighbors received: 1, 4, 6, 10, 11, 12 01:36:20.136 SERIAL « 0x000000000000000000000079 (12 bytes) 01:36:20.136 SERIAL Buffer := 0x01200180290e0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 (34 bytes) 0000000000079 01:36:20.137 SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06) 01:36:20.141 SERIAL The receive buffer is empty, waiting for the next chunk... 01:36:20.138 DRIVER ACK already received, resolving transaction 01:36:20.138 DRIVER resuming send queue 01:36:20.143 DRIVER The remaining 6 messages are for sleeping nodes, not sending anything! 01:36:20.144 DRIVER Send queue: (6 messages) · [REQ] SendData (BatteryCCGet) [Node 4, asleep] · [REQ] SendData (BatteryCCGet) [Node 10, asleep] · [REQ] SendData (BatteryCCGet) [Node 11, asleep] · [REQ] SendData (BatteryCCGet) [Node 12, asleep] · [REQ] SendData (ConfigurationCCGet) [Node 9, asleep] · [REQ] SendData (BinarySensorCCGet) [Node 6, asleep] 01:36:20.141 CNTRLR [Node 003] Interview stage completed: Neighbors 01:36:20.190 CNTRLR [Node 003] Interview completed 01:36:20.192 CNTRLR [Node 003] The node is ready to be used 01:36:20.194 CNTRLR All nodes are ready to be used 01:57:57.613 DRIVER destroying driver instance...