_thermostat _dp WaitWhileUpdate _wert homematic dp_value thermostat tmpProfil get_hm_value cmV0dXJuIGdldFN0YXRlKFsnaG0tcnBjLjAuJyxfdGhlcm1vc3RhdCxfZHBdLmpvaW4oJycpKS52YWw7DQovL3JldHVybiBbJ2htLXJwYy4wLicsX3RoZXJtb3N0YXQsX2RwXS5qb2luKCcnKTs= Describe this function... ne 0_userdata.0.Heizung.Modus_Arbeitszimmer 0_userdata.0.Heizung.Modus_Schlafzimmer log Gesetzt ioBroker EQ id 0_userdata.0.Heizung.Modus_Arbeitszimmer thermostat 000A1D89A5F7D9 EQ id 0_userdata.0.Heizung.Modus_Schlafzimmer thermostat 000A1D89A60D41 WaitWhileUpdate TRUE EQ state.val 0 thermostat 1 hm-rpc.0.000A1D89A5F7D9.1.CONTROL_MODE FALSE 1 thermostat 4.5 hm-rpc.0.000A1D89A5F7D9.1.SET_POINT_TEMPERATURE FALSE 4.5 EQ state.val 1 thermostat 1 hm-rpc.0.000A1D89A5F7D9.1.CONTROL_MODE FALSE 1 thermostat val 0_userdata.0.Heizung.Wert_Man_Arbeitszimmer hm-rpc.0.000A1D89A5F7D9.1.SET_POINT_TEMPERATURE FALSE val 0_userdata.0.Heizung.Wert_Man_Arbeitszimmer EQ state.val 2 thermostat 0 hm-rpc.0.000A1D89A5F7D9.1.CONTROL_MODE FALSE 0 tmpProfil val hm-rpc.0.000A1D89A5F7D9.1.ACTIVE_PROFILE thermostat 4 hm-rpc.0.000A1D89A5F7D9.1.ACTIVE_PROFILE FALSE 4 thermostat tmpProfil hm-rpc.0.000A1D89A5F7D9.1.ACTIVE_PROFILE FALSE tmpProfil EQ state.val 3 thermostat 1 hm-rpc.0.000A1D89A5F7D9.1.CONTROL_MODE FALSE 1 thermostat 30.5 hm-rpc.0.000A1D89A5F7D9.1.SET_POINT_TEMPERATURE FALSE 30.5 5 sec WaitWhileUpdate FALSE WaitWhileUpdate FALSE ne hm-rpc.0.000A1D89A5F7D9.1.SET_POINT_MODE hm-rpc.0.000A1D89A5F7D9.1.SET_POINT_TEMPERATURE hm-rpc.0.000A1D89A60D41.1.SET_POINT_MODE hm-rpc.0.000A1D89A60D41.1.SET_POINT_TEMPERATURE log Gesetzt Homematic id thermostat FROM_START FROM_START FROM_START FROM_START id FIRST id . LAST id . 2 MINUS 1 abc FROM_START FROM_START id FIRST id . LAST id . 1 thermostat FROM_START FROM_START FROM_START FROM_START thermostat FIRST thermostat . LAST thermostat . 2 MINUS 1 abc FROM_START FROM_START thermostat FIRST thermostat . LAST thermostat . 1 log Gesetzt Homematic thermostat EQ WaitWhileUpdate FALSE AND EQ thermostat .1.SET_POINT_MODE 1 EQ thermostat .1.SET_POINT_TEMPERATURE 4.5 log Zu thermostat 0 AND EQ thermostat .1.SET_POINT_MODE 1 AND GTE thermostat .1.SET_POINT_TEMPERATURE 5 LTE thermostat .1.SET_POINT_TEMPERATURE 30 log Manuell thermostat 1 thermostat thermostat .1.SET_POINT_TEMPERATURE EQ thermostat .1.SET_POINT_MODE 0 log Automatik thermostat 2 AND EQ thermostat .1.SET_POINT_MODE 1 EQ thermostat .1.SET_POINT_TEMPERATURE 30.5 log Auf thermostat 3 warn Kein Status zuzuordnen set_control_mode Describe this function... homematic hm-rpc.0. dp_value .1.CONTROL_MODE false FALSE Object ID homematic _thermostat dp_value TRUE _wert 0 set_set_temperature Describe this function... homematic hm-rpc.0. dp_value .1.SET_POINT_TEMPERATURE false FALSE Object ID homematic _thermostat dp_value TRUE _wert 0 set_modus4vis Describe this function... EQ _thermostat 000A1D89A5F7D9 Arbeitszimmer 0_userdata.0.Heizung.Modus_Arbeitszimmer FALSE _wert EQ _thermostat 000A1D89A60D41 Schlafzimmer 0_userdata.0.Heizung.Modus_Schlafzimmer FALSE _wert set_profile Describe this function... homematic hm-rpc.0. dp_value .1.ACTIV_PROFILE false FALSE Object ID homematic _thermostat dp_value TRUE _wert 0 set_tmpTemp Describe this function... EQ _thermostat 000A1D89A5F7D9 Arbeitszimmer 0_userdata.0.Heizung.Wert_Man_Arbeitszimmer FALSE _wert EQ _thermostat 000A1D89A60D41 Schlafzimmer 0_userdata.0.Heizung.Wert_Man_Schlafzimmer FALSE _wert