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communication disconnected\";\n break;\n case 0x0304:\n msg.payload = \"Shutdown: power limited\";\n break;\n case 0x0305:\n msg.payload = \"Shutdown: manual startup required\";\n break;\n case 0x0306:\n msg.payload = \"Shutdown: DC switches disconnected\";\n break;\n case 0x0307:\n msg.payload = \"Shutdown: rapid cutoff\";\n break;\n case 0x0308:\n msg.payload = \"Shutdown: input underpower\";\n break;\n case 0x0401:\n msg.payload = \"Grid scheduling: cosφ-P curve\";\n break;\n case 0x0402:\n msg.payload = \"Grid scheduling: Q-U curve\";\n break;\n case 0x0403:\n msg.payload = \"Grid scheduling: PF-U curve\";\n break;\n case 0x0404:\n msg.payload = \"Grid scheduling: dry contact\";\n break;\n case 0x0405:\n msg.payload = \"Grid scheduling: Q-P curve\";\n break;\n case 0x0500:\n msg.payload = \"Spot-check ready\";\n break;\n case 0x0501:\n msg.payload = \"Spot-checking\";\n break;\n case 0x0600:\n msg.payload = \"Inspecting\";\n break;\n case 0x0700:\n msg.payload = \"AFCI self check\";\n break;\n case 0x0800:\n msg.payload = \"I-V scanning\";\n break;\n case 0x0900:\n msg.payload = \"DC input detection\";\n break;\n case 0x0A00:\n msg.payload = \"Running: off-grid charging\";\n break;\n case 0xA000:\n msg.payload = \"Standby: no irradiation\";\n break; \n default:\n msg.payload = \"shed unknown sensor\";\n}\n\nreturn msg;", "outputs": 1, "noerr": 0, "initialize": "", "finalize": "", "libs": [], "x": 770, "y": 2240, "wires": [ [ "711c5cdee96a4311" ] ] }, { "id": "ef3499c324df297d", "type": "ioBroker out", "z": "23aa1b344c7e86c1", "name": "32016 - PV1 voltage [V]", "topic": "0_userdata.0.Photovoltaik.Huawei.Inverter2.PV1_voltage", "ack": "true", "autoCreate": "true", "stateName": "PV1_voltage", "role": "Power", "payloadType": "number", "readonly": "false", "stateUnit": "V", "stateMin": "", "stateMax": "", "x": 2070, "y": 1240, "wires": [] }, { "id": "cd4689a195a434b6", "type": "ioBroker out", "z": "23aa1b344c7e86c1", "name": "32017 - PV1 current [A]", "topic": 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"0_userdata.0.Photovoltaik.Huawei.Inverter2.Phase_B_voltage", "ack": "true", "autoCreate": "true", "stateName": "Phase_B_voltage", "role": "Power", "payloadType": "number", "readonly": "false", "stateUnit": "V", "stateMin": "", "stateMax": "", "x": 2080, "y": 1600, "wires": [] }, { "id": "8d01ae40cdb82f92", "type": "ioBroker out", "z": "23aa1b344c7e86c1", "name": "32071 - Phase C voltage [V]", "topic": "0_userdata.0.Photovoltaik.Huawei.Inverter2.Phase_C_voltage", "ack": "true", "autoCreate": "true", "stateName": "Phase_C_voltage", "role": "Power", "payloadType": "number", "readonly": "false", "stateUnit": "V", "stateMin": "", "stateMax": "", "x": 2080, "y": 1660, "wires": [] }, { "id": "135c316ad8b47bee", "type": "ioBroker out", "z": "23aa1b344c7e86c1", "name": "32072 - Phase A current [A]", "topic": "0_userdata.0.Photovoltaik.Huawei.Inverter2.Phase_A_current", "ack": "true", "autoCreate": "true", "stateName": "Phase_A_current", "role": "Power", "payloadType": "number", "readonly": 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"Efficiency", "role": "Power", "payloadType": "number", "readonly": "false", "stateUnit": "%", "stateMin": "", "stateMax": "", "x": 2060, "y": 2140, "wires": [] }, { "id": "98ef41ddb4a42c23", "type": "ioBroker out", "z": "23aa1b344c7e86c1", "name": "32089 - Device status [N/A]", "topic": "0_userdata.0.Photovoltaik.Huawei.Inverter2.Device_status", "ack": "true", "autoCreate": "true", "stateName": "Device_status", "role": "Power", "payloadType": "string", "readonly": "false", "stateUnit": "", "stateMin": "", "stateMax": "", "x": 2080, "y": 2260, "wires": [] }, { "id": "b8e7add92ed7e72a", "type": "ioBroker out", "z": "23aa1b344c7e86c1", "name": "32087 - Internal temperature [°C]", "topic": "0_userdata.0.Photovoltaik.Huawei.Inverter2.Internal_temperature", "ack": "true", "autoCreate": "true", "stateName": "Internal_temperature", "role": "Power", "payloadType": "number", "readonly": "false", "stateUnit": "°C", "stateMin": "", "stateMax": "", "x": 2100, "y": 2200, "wires": [] }, { "id": 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"autoCreate": "true", "stateName": "Fault_code", "role": "Power", "payloadType": "number", "readonly": "false", "stateUnit": "", "stateMin": "", "stateMax": "", "x": 2070, "y": 2320, "wires": [] }, { "id": "d851834dcd803efc", "type": "ioBroker out", "z": "23aa1b344c7e86c1", "name": "32091 - Startup time [date]", "topic": "0_userdata.0.Photovoltaik.Huawei.Inverter2.Startup_time", "ack": "true", "autoCreate": "true", "stateName": "Startup_time", "role": "Power", "payloadType": "string", "readonly": "false", "stateUnit": "", "stateMin": "", "stateMax": "", "x": 2080, "y": 2380, "wires": [] }, { "id": "02f2fdbc397337b4", "type": "ioBroker out", "z": "23aa1b344c7e86c1", "name": "32093 - Shutdown time [date]", "topic": "0_userdata.0.Photovoltaik.Huawei.Inverter2.Shutdown_time", "ack": "true", "autoCreate": "true", "stateName": "Shutdown_time", "role": "Power", "payloadType": "string", "readonly": "false", "stateUnit": "", "stateMin": "", "stateMax": "", "x": 2080, "y": 2440, "wires": [] }, { 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"02f2fdbc397337b4" ] ] }, { "id": "1e718addb43afefd", "type": "function", "z": "23aa1b344c7e86c1", "name": "Device status Text", "func": "\nswitch (parseInt(msg.payload)) {\n case 0x0000:\n msg.payload = \"Standby: initializing\";\n break;\n case 0x0001:\n msg.payload = \"Standby: detecting insulation resistance\";\n break;\n case 0x0002:\n msg.payload = \"Standby: detecting irradiation\";\n break;\n case 0x0003:\n msg.payload = \"Standby: drid detecting\";\n break;\n case 0x0100:\n msg.payload = \"Starting\";\n break;\n case 0x0200:\n msg.payload = \"On-grid\";\n break;\n case 0x0201:\n msg.payload = \"Grid connection: power limited\";\n break;\n case 0x0202:\n msg.payload = \"Grid connection: self-derating\";\n break;\n case 0x0203:\n msg.payload = \"Off-grid Running\";\n break;\n case 0x0300:\n msg.payload = \"Shutdown: fault\";\n break;\n case 0x0301:\n msg.payload = \"Shutdown: command\";\n break;\n case 0x0302:\n msg.payload = \"Shutdown: OVGR\";\n break;\n case 0x0303:\n msg.payload = \"Shutdown: communication disconnected\";\n break;\n case 0x0304:\n msg.payload = \"Shutdown: power limited\";\n break;\n case 0x0305:\n msg.payload = \"Shutdown: manual startup required\";\n break;\n case 0x0306:\n msg.payload = \"Shutdown: DC switches disconnected\";\n break;\n case 0x0307:\n msg.payload = \"Shutdown: rapid cutoff\";\n break;\n case 0x0308:\n msg.payload = \"Shutdown: input underpower\";\n break;\n case 0x0401:\n msg.payload = \"Grid scheduling: cosφ-P curve\";\n break;\n case 0x0402:\n msg.payload = \"Grid scheduling: Q-U curve\";\n break;\n case 0x0403:\n msg.payload = \"Grid scheduling: PF-U curve\";\n break;\n case 0x0404:\n msg.payload = \"Grid scheduling: dry contact\";\n break;\n case 0x0405:\n msg.payload = \"Grid scheduling: Q-P curve\";\n break;\n case 0x0500:\n msg.payload = \"Spot-check ready\";\n break;\n case 0x0501:\n msg.payload = \"Spot-checking\";\n break;\n case 0x0600:\n msg.payload = \"Inspecting\";\n break;\n case 0x0700:\n msg.payload = \"AFCI self check\";\n break;\n case 0x0800:\n msg.payload = \"I-V scanning\";\n break;\n case 0x0900:\n msg.payload = \"DC input detection\";\n break;\n case 0x0A00:\n msg.payload = \"Running: off-grid charging\";\n break;\n case 0xA000:\n msg.payload = \"Standby: no irradiation\";\n break; \n default:\n msg.payload = \"Unknown state\";\n}\n\nreturn msg;", "outputs": 1, "noerr": 0, "initialize": "", "finalize": "", "libs": [], "x": 1790, "y": 2260, "wires": [ [ "98ef41ddb4a42c23" ] ] }, { "id": "39cb109e28332708", "type": "ioBroker out", "z": "23aa1b344c7e86c1", "name": "37001 - Charge and discharge power [W]", "topic": "0_userdata.0.Photovoltaik.Huawei.Inverter.Battery_Power", "ack": "true", "autoCreate": "true", "stateName": "Charge_and_discharge_power", "role": "Power", "payloadType": "number", "readonly": "true", "stateUnit": "W", "stateMin": "", "stateMax": "", "x": 3220, "y": 1100, "wires": [] }, { "id": "bc355377425a4643", "type": "ioBroker out", "z": "23aa1b344c7e86c1", "name": "37003 - Bus voltage [V]", "topic": "0_userdata.0.Photovoltaik.Huawei.Battery.Bus_voltage", "ack": "true", "autoCreate": "true", "stateName": "Bus_voltage", "role": "Power", "payloadType": "number", "readonly": "false", "stateUnit": "V", "stateMin": "", "stateMax": "", "x": 3170, "y": 1160, "wires": [] }, { "id": "500d91c51f7fb2f2", "type": "ioBroker out", "z": "23aa1b344c7e86c1", "name": "37004 - Battery SOC [%]", "topic": "0_userdata.0.Photovoltaik.Huawei.Battery.Battery_SOC", "ack": "true", "autoCreate": "true", "stateName": "Battery_SOC", "role": "Power", "payloadType": "number", "readonly": "true", "stateUnit": "%", "stateMin": "", "stateMax": "", "x": 3170, "y": 1220, "wires": [] }, { "id": "53a2c8e6de1689e8", "type": "ioBroker out", "z": "23aa1b344c7e86c1", "name": "37006 - Working mode [N/A]", "topic": "0_userdata.0.Photovoltaik.Huawei.Battery.Working_mode", "ack": "true", "autoCreate": "true", "stateName": "Working_mode", "role": "Power", "payloadType": "string", "readonly": "false", "stateUnit": "", "stateMin": "", "stateMax": "", "x": 3180, "y": 1280, "wires": [] }, { "id": "355de67c94cb765b", "type": "function", "z": "23aa1b344c7e86c1", "name": "Working mode Text", "func": "\nswitch (parseInt(msg.payload)) {\n case 0:\n msg.payload = \"None\";\n break;\n case 1:\n msg.payload = \"Forcible charge/discharge\";\n break;\n case 2:\n msg.payload = \"Time of Use (LG)\";\n break;\n case 3:\n msg.payload = \"Fixed charge/discharge\";\n break;\n case 4:\n msg.payload = \"Maximise self consumption\";\n break; \n case 5:\n msg.payload = \"Fully fed to grid\";\n break; \n case 6:\n msg.payload = \"Time of Use (LUNA2000)\";\n break; \n case 7:\n msg.payload = \"Remote scheduling maximum selfuse\";\n break; \n case 8:\n msg.payload = \"Remote scheduling - full Internet access\";\n break; \n case 9:\n msg.payload = \"Remote scheduling - TOU\";\n break; \n case 10:\n msg.payload = \"AI energy management and scheduling\";\n break; \n default:\n msg.payload = \"Unknown state\";\n}\n\nreturn msg;", "outputs": 1, "noerr": 0, "initialize": "", "finalize": "", "libs": [], "x": 2910, "y": 1280, "wires": [ [ "53a2c8e6de1689e8" ] ] }, { "id": "131e96a30e2e2668", "type": "ioBroker out", "z": "23aa1b344c7e86c1", "name": "37014 - Fault ID [N/A]", "topic": "0_userdata.0.Photovoltaik.Huawei.Battery.Fault_ID", "ack": "true", "autoCreate": "true", "stateName": "Fault_ID", "role": "Power", "payloadType": "number", "readonly": "false", "stateUnit": "", "stateMin": "", "stateMax": "", "x": 3160, "y": 1340, "wires": [] }, { "id": "7f45759690f05beb", "type": "ioBroker out", "z": "23aa1b344c7e86c1", "name": "37015 - Current-day charge capacity [kWh]", "topic": "0_userdata.0.Photovoltaik.Huawei.Battery.Current-day_charge_capacity", "ack": "true", "autoCreate": "true", "stateName": "Current-day_charge_capacity", "role": "Power", "payloadType": "number", "readonly": "false", "stateUnit": "kWh", "stateMin": "", "stateMax": "", "x": 3230, "y": 1400, "wires": [] }, { "id": "3e5bbfc2a4dc4d6a", "type": "ioBroker out", "z": "23aa1b344c7e86c1", "name": "37017 - Current-day discharge capacity [kWh]", "topic": "0_userdata.0.Photovoltaik.Huawei.Battery.Current-day_discharge_capacity", "ack": "true", "autoCreate": "true", "stateName": "Current-day_discharge_capacity", "role": "Power", "payloadType": "number", "readonly": "false", "stateUnit": "kWh", "stateMin": "", "stateMax": "", "x": 3240, "y": 1460, "wires": [] }, { "id": "d5cf3ea563e39f0a", "type": "ioBroker out", "z": "23aa1b344c7e86c1", "name": "37021 - Bus current [A]", "topic": "0_userdata.0.Photovoltaik.Huawei.Battery.Bus_current", "ack": "true", "autoCreate": "true", "stateName": "Bus_current", "role": "Power", "payloadType": "number", "readonly": "false", "stateUnit": "A", "stateMin": "", "stateMax": "", "x": 3170, "y": 1520, "wires": [] }, { "id": "65443d4a3267fcd3", "type": "ioBroker out", "z": "23aa1b344c7e86c1", "name": "37022 - Battery temperature [℃]", "topic": "0_userdata.0.Photovoltaik.Huawei.Battery.Battery_temperature", "ack": "true", "autoCreate": "true", "stateName": "Battery_temperature", "role": "Power", "payloadType": "number", "readonly": "false", "stateUnit": "°C", "stateMin": "", "stateMax": "", "x": 3190, "y": 1580, "wires": [] }, { "id": "912a7cc40bab2b79", "type": "ioBroker out", "z": "23aa1b344c7e86c1", "name": "37066 - Total charge [kWh]", "topic": "0_userdata.0.Photovoltaik.Huawei.Battery.Battery_Total_Charge", "ack": "true", "autoCreate": "true", "stateName": "Total_charge", "role": "Power", "payloadType": "number", "readonly": "true", "stateUnit": "kWh", "stateMin": "", "stateMax": "", "x": 3180, "y": 1640, "wires": [] }, { "id": "39ce1af0e96fc231", "type": "ioBroker out", "z": "23aa1b344c7e86c1", "name": "37068 - Total discharge [kWh]", "topic": "0_userdata.0.Photovoltaik.Huawei.Battery.Battery_Total_DisCharge", "ack": "true", "autoCreate": "true", "stateName": "Total_discharge", "role": "Power", "payloadType": "number", "readonly": "true", "stateUnit": "kWh", "stateMin": "", "stateMax": "", "x": 3190, "y": 1700, "wires": [] }, { "id": "a47b48c6d064072b", "type": "ioBroker out", "z": "23aa1b344c7e86c1", "name": "37100 - Meter status [N/A]", "topic": "0_userdata.0.Photovoltaik.Huawei.Meter.Meter_status", "ack": "true", "autoCreate": "true", "stateName": "Meter_status", "role": "Power", "payloadType": "string", "readonly": "false", "stateUnit": "", "stateMin": "", "stateMax": "", "x": 3170, "y": 1760, "wires": [] }, { "id": "dc85a7bc9e36a155", "type": "function", "z": "23aa1b344c7e86c1", "name": "Meter status Text", "func": "\nswitch (parseInt(msg.payload)) {\n case 0:\n msg.payload = \"Offline\";\n break;\n case 1:\n msg.payload = \"Normal\";\n break; \n default:\n msg.payload = \"Unknown state\";\n}\n\nreturn msg;", "outputs": 1, "noerr": 0, "initialize": "", "finalize": "", "libs": [], "x": 2930, "y": 1760, "wires": [ [ "a47b48c6d064072b" ] ] }, { "id": "0b653749c14639c8", "type": "ioBroker out", "z": "23aa1b344c7e86c1", "name": "37101 - A phase voltage [V]", "topic": "0_userdata.0.Photovoltaik.Huawei.Meter.A_phase_voltage", "ack": "true", "autoCreate": "true", "stateName": "A_phase_voltage", "role": "Power", "payloadType": "number", "readonly": "false", "stateUnit": "V", "stateMin": "", "stateMax": "", "x": 3180, "y": 1820, "wires": [] }, { "id": "bfb15b56c928f122", "type": "ioBroker out", "z": "23aa1b344c7e86c1", "name": "37103 - B phase voltage [V]", "topic": "0_userdata.0.Photovoltaik.Huawei.Meter.B_phase_voltage", "ack": "true", "autoCreate": "true", "stateName": "B_phase_voltage", "role": "Power", "payloadType": "number", "readonly": "false", "stateUnit": "V", "stateMin": "", "stateMax": "", "x": 3180, "y": 1880, "wires": [] }, { "id": "81237af14a1682af", "type": "ioBroker out", "z": "23aa1b344c7e86c1", "name": "37105 - C phase voltage [V]", "topic": "0_userdata.0.Photovoltaik.Huawei.Meter.C_phase_voltage", "ack": "true", "autoCreate": "true", "stateName": "C_phase_voltage", "role": "Power", "payloadType": "number", "readonly": "false", "stateUnit": "V", "stateMin": "", "stateMax": "", "x": 3180, "y": 1940, "wires": [] }, { "id": "5dfd83f6ba6d7f52", "type": "ioBroker out", "z": "23aa1b344c7e86c1", "name": "37107 - A phase current [A]", "topic": "0_userdata.0.Photovoltaik.Huawei.Meter.A_phase_current", "ack": "true", "autoCreate": "true", "stateName": "A_phase_current", "role": "Power", "payloadType": "number", "readonly": "false", "stateUnit": "A", "stateMin": "", "stateMax": "", "x": 3180, "y": 2000, "wires": [] }, { "id": "9870062250ad3a58", "type": "ioBroker out", "z": "23aa1b344c7e86c1", "name": "37109 - B phase current [A]", "topic": "0_userdata.0.Photovoltaik.Huawei.Meter.B_phase_current", "ack": "true", "autoCreate": "true", "stateName": "B_phase_current", "role": "Power", "payloadType": "number", "readonly": "false", "stateUnit": "A", "stateMin": "", "stateMax": "", "x": 3180, "y": 2060, "wires": [] }, { "id": "f37b3ce685a7b205", "type": "ioBroker out", "z": "23aa1b344c7e86c1", "name": "37111 - C phase current [A]", "topic": "0_userdata.0.Photovoltaik.Huawei.Meter.C_phase_current", "ack": "true", "autoCreate": "true", "stateName": "C_phase_current", "role": "Power", "payloadType": "number", "readonly": "false", "stateUnit": "A", "stateMin": "", "stateMax": "", "x": 3180, "y": 2120, "wires": [] }, { "id": "d196bff4f8749475", "type": "ioBroker out", "z": "23aa1b344c7e86c1", "name": "37113 - Active power [W]", "topic": "0_userdata.0.Photovoltaik.Huawei.Meter.Active_Power", "ack": "true", "autoCreate": "true", "stateName": "Active_power ", "role": "Power", "payloadType": "number", "readonly": "true", "stateUnit": "W", "stateMin": "", "stateMax": "", "x": 3170, "y": 2180, "wires": [] }, { "id": "a75ae30f10e33ae4", "type": "ioBroker out", "z": "23aa1b344c7e86c1", "name": "37118 - Grid frequency [Hz]", "topic": "0_userdata.0.Photovoltaik.Huawei.Meter.Grid_frequency", "ack": "true", "autoCreate": "true", "stateName": "Grid_frequency", "role": "Power", "payloadType": "number", "readonly": "false", "stateUnit": "Hz", "stateMin": "", "stateMax": "", "x": 3180, "y": 2240, "wires": [] }, { "id": "08747040e641e61c", "type": "ioBroker out", "z": "23aa1b344c7e86c1", "name": "37119 - Positive active electricity [kWh]", "topic": "0_userdata.0.Photovoltaik.Huawei.Meter.Positive_active_electricity", "ack": "true", "autoCreate": "true", "stateName": "Positive_active_electricity", "role": "Power", "payloadType": "number", "readonly": "false", "stateUnit": "kWh", "stateMin": "", "stateMax": "", "x": 3210, "y": 2300, "wires": [] }, { "id": "2448a00d459ade87", "type": "ioBroker out", "z": "23aa1b344c7e86c1", "name": "37121 - Reverse active power [kWh]", "topic": "0_userdata.0.Photovoltaik.Huawei.Meter.Reverse_active_power", "ack": "true", "autoCreate": "true", "stateName": "Reverse_active_power", "role": "Power", "payloadType": "number", "readonly": "false", "stateUnit": "kWh", "stateMin": "", "stateMax": "", "x": 3210, "y": 2360, "wires": [] }, { "id": "f690c6bfee0d944b", "type": "comment", "z": "23aa1b344c7e86c1", "name": "Debug only", "info": "", "x": 930, "y": 40, "wires": [] }, { "id": "f60ed8815953ab09", "type": "ioBroker out", "z": "23aa1b344c7e86c1", "name": "47075 - Battery_Max_Charge_Power", "topic": "0_userdata.0.Photovoltaik.Huawei.Change.Battery.Battery_Max_Charge_Power", "ack": "true", "autoCreate": "true", "stateName": "Huawei", "role": "Power", "payloadType": "number", "readonly": "true", "stateUnit": "W", "stateMin": "", "stateMax": "", "x": 2170, "y": 260, "wires": [] }, { "id": "b556f1cac7b6f6d1", "type": "ioBroker out", "z": "23aa1b344c7e86c1", "name": "47077 - Battery_Max_Discharge_Power", "topic": "0_userdata.0.Photovoltaik.Huawei.Change.Battery.Battery_Max_Discharge_Power", "ack": "true", "autoCreate": "true", "stateName": "Huawei", "role": "Power", "payloadType": "number", "readonly": "true", "stateUnit": "W", "stateMin": "", "stateMax": "", "x": 2180, "y": 320, "wires": [] }, { "id": "888c859c9921d9f1", "type": "ioBroker out", "z": "23aa1b344c7e86c1", "name": "47087 - Battery_AC_Load", "topic": "0_userdata.0.Photovoltaik.Huawei.Change.Battery.Battery_AC_Load", "ack": "true", "autoCreate": "true", "stateName": "Huawei", "role": "Power", "payloadType": "number", "readonly": "true", "stateUnit": "", "stateMin": "", "stateMax": "", "x": 2130, "y": 380, "wires": [] }, { "id": "e753ffb4c9a2e593", "type": "function", "z": "23aa1b344c7e86c1", "name": "", "func": "var fc=16;\nvar sa=50;\nvar addresses=2;\nvar buf=Buffer.alloc(4);//create buffer\nbuf.writeInt32BE(msg.payload);\nvar values=[(buf[0]*256+buf[1]),(buf[2]*256)+buf[3]]\nmsg.slave_ip=\"\";\nmsg.payload=values;\nreturn msg;", "outputs": 1, "noerr": 0, "initialize": "", "finalize": "", "libs": [], "x": 520, "y": 2640, "wires": [ [ "5662c9284ba59555" ] ] }, { "id": "f99935aa900d72d2", "type": "ioBroker in", "z": "23aa1b344c7e86c1", "name": "Battery_Max_Charge_Power_SET", "topic": "0_userdata.0.Photovoltaik.Huawei.Change.Battery.Battery_Max_Charge_Power_SET", "payloadType": "value", "onlyack": "", "func": "all", "gap": "", "fireOnStart": "false", "outFormat": "MQTT", "x": 260, "y": 2640, "wires": [ [ "e753ffb4c9a2e593", "1cd1781bb44abe41" ] ] }, { "id": "6dd82452742459ab", "type": "function", "z": "23aa1b344c7e86c1", "name": "", "func": "var fc=16;\nvar sa=50;\nvar addresses=2;\nvar buf=Buffer.alloc(4);//create buffer\nbuf.writeInt32BE(msg.payload);\nvar values=[(buf[0]*256+buf[1]),(buf[2]*256)+buf[3]]\nmsg.slave_ip=\"\";\nmsg.payload=values;\nreturn msg;", "outputs": 1, "noerr": 0, "initialize": "", "finalize": "", "libs": [], "x": 520, "y": 2720, "wires": [ [ "a4d9aad128f9d34b" ] ] }, { "id": "64cfd70508e9243c", "type": "ioBroker in", "z": "23aa1b344c7e86c1", "name": "Battery_Max_Discharge_Power_SET", "topic": "0_userdata.0.Photovoltaik.Huawei.Change.Battery.Battery_Max_Discharge_Power_SET", "payloadType": "value", "onlyack": "", "func": "all", "gap": "", "fireOnStart": "false", "outFormat": "MQTT", "x": 270, "y": 2720, "wires": [ [ "6dd82452742459ab", "1cd1781bb44abe41" ] ] }, { "id": "362f5ce5ad5ee93d", "type": "ioBroker in", "z": "23aa1b344c7e86c1", "name": "Battery_AC_Load_On_OFF", "topic": "0_userdata.0.Photovoltaik.Huawei.Change.Battery.Battery_AC_Load_On_OFF", "payloadType": "value", "onlyack": "", "func": "all", "gap": "", "fireOnStart": "false", "outFormat": "MQTT", "x": 240, "y": 2800, "wires": [ [ "1df7b0ebb7cf0d8f", "1cd1781bb44abe41" ] ] }, { "id": "865a8873a6b7e47f", "type": "delay", "z": "23aa1b344c7e86c1", "d": true, "name": "", "pauseType": "delay", "timeout": "5", "timeoutUnits": "seconds", "rate": "1", "nbRateUnits": "1", "rateUnits": "second", "randomFirst": "1", "randomLast": "5", "randomUnits": "seconds", "drop": false, "allowrate": false, "outputs": 1, "x": 280, "y": 1460, "wires": [ [ "31a6cf722f8cc561" ] ] }, { "id": "1df7b0ebb7cf0d8f", "type": "function", "z": "23aa1b344c7e86c1", "name": "", "func": "var sa = 50; // Startadresse des Registers\nvar address = 1; // Adressen des Registers\nvar value = msg.payload; // Wert, den du schreiben möchtest (16-Bit)\n\nvar buf = Buffer.alloc(2);\nbuf.writeUInt16BE(value); // Schreibe den 16-Bit Wert in den Buffer\n\nmsg.payload = {\n 'fc': 6, // Funktion 6 für das Schreiben eines einzelnen Registers\n 'unitid': 1, // Modbus-Geräte-ID\n 'value': buf.readUInt16BE(0) // Lese den Wert aus dem Buffer\n};\n\nreturn msg;\n", "outputs": 1, "noerr": 0, "initialize": "", "finalize": "", "libs": [], "x": 540, "y": 2800, "wires": [ [ "c2c2c4b1aef1d751" ] ] }, { "id": "597eab6da4897f92", "type": "function", "z": "23aa1b344c7e86c1", "name": "Working mode Text", "func": "\nswitch (parseInt(msg.payload)) {\n case 0:\n msg.payload = \"0 Adaptive(Self Consumtion)\";\n break;\n case 1:\n msg.payload = \"1 Fix\";\n break;\n case 2:\n msg.payload = \"2 Maximise self consumtion\";\n break;\n case 3:\n msg.payload = \"3 Time of Use (LG)\";\n break;\n case 4:\n msg.payload = \"4 Fully fed to grid\";\n break; \n case 5:\n msg.payload = \"5 Time of Use (LUNA2000)\";\n break; \n \n default:\n msg.payload = \"Unknown state\";\n}\n\nreturn msg;", "outputs": 1, "noerr": 0, "initialize": "", "finalize": "", "libs": [], "x": 1890, "y": 440, "wires": [ [ "88fdaf6413cef85a" ] ] }, { "id": "88fdaf6413cef85a", "type": "ioBroker out", "z": "23aa1b344c7e86c1", "name": "47086 - Working mode [N/A]", "topic": "0_userdata.0.Photovoltaik.Huawei.Change.Battery.Working_mode", "ack": "true", "autoCreate": "true", "stateName": "Working_mode", "role": "Power", "payloadType": "string", "readonly": "false", "stateUnit": "", "stateMin": "", "stateMax": "", "x": 2140, "y": 440, "wires": [] }, { "id": "bb9da33cc3fefd46", "type": "ioBroker in", "z": "23aa1b344c7e86c1", "name": "Workingmode_Change_2 max self_ 5TOU", "topic": "0_userdata.0.Photovoltaik.Huawei.Change.Battery.Mode_2Self_5TOU", "payloadType": "value", "onlyack": "", "func": "all", "gap": "", "fireOnStart": "false", "outFormat": "MQTT", "x": 280, "y": 2860, "wires": [ [ "438d5d3694b9854d", "1cd1781bb44abe41" ] ] }, { "id": "438d5d3694b9854d", "type": "function", "z": "23aa1b344c7e86c1", "name": "", "func": "var sa = 50; // Startadresse des Registers\nvar address = 1; // Adressen des Registers\nvar value = msg.payload; // Wert, den du schreiben möchtest (16-Bit)\n\nvar buf = Buffer.alloc(2);\nbuf.writeUInt16BE(value); // Schreibe den 16-Bit Wert in den Buffer\n\nmsg.payload = {\n 'fc': 6, // Funktion 6 für das Schreiben eines einzelnen Registers\n 'unitid': 1, // Modbus-Geräte-ID\n 'value': buf.readUInt16BE(0) // Lese den Wert aus dem Buffer\n};\n\nreturn msg;\n", "outputs": 1, "noerr": 0, "initialize": "", "finalize": "", "libs": [], "x": 540, "y": 2860, "wires": [ [ "b6305caa6276a895" ] ] }, { "id": "e382caf6840ddbd9", "type": "buffer-parser", "z": "23aa1b344c7e86c1", "name": "Inverter", "data": "payload", "dataType": "msg", "specification": "spec", "specificationType": "ui", "items": [ { "type": 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