Das lügt daran wann und wie oft du Backups machst.
5 pro Tag macht natürlich wenig Sinn, wenn du nur einmal am Tag ein Backup machst.
Prune lets you specify which backup snapshots you want to keep. The following retention options are available:
keep-last <N>
Keep the last <N> backup snapshots.
keep-hourly <N>
Keep backups for the last <N> hours. If there is more than one backup for a single hour, only the latest is retained.
keep-daily <N>
Keep backups for the last <N> days. If there is more than one backup for a single day, only the latest is retained.
keep-weekly <N>
Keep backups for the last <N> weeks. If there is more than one backup for a single week, only the latest is retained.
Weeks start on Monday and end on Sunday. The software uses the ISO week date system and handles weeks at the end of the year correctly.
keep-monthly <N>
Keep backups for the last <N> months. If there is more than one backup for a single month, only the latest is retained.
keep-yearly <N>
Keep backups for the last <N> years. If there is more than one backup for a single year, only the latest is retained.
Ich verwahre alles einfach 30 Tage auf.
Der Platz reicht bestimmt auch für 3 Monate.
Ich überlege mir einen TB zu holen um mein Truenas mit zu sichern.