Test Adapter Awtrix-Light (Awtrix 3)
@ben1983 sagte in Test Adapter Awtrix-Light:
Ich habe von blueforcer diesen github Eintrag zu den Sichtbarkeiten der Apps:
Gut, dann werfe ich die Datenpunkte komplett aus dem ioBroker raus. Macht ja dann keinen Sinn die Sichtbarkeit darüber einstellen zu können (wenn es eh deprecated ist).
Mittlerweile kann ich den Adapter über die URL installieren.
Ich sehe ihn in der Adapterübersicht, auch in den Objekten aber ich habe keine Instanz und kann somit auch nix einstellen.
Was habe ich da für ein Problem/Denkfehler? -
@infinity über das + eine Instanz erstellen !
@infinity sagte in Test Adapter Awtrix-Light:
Was habe ich da für ein Problem/Denkfehler?
Dass Adapter und Instanz zwei paar Schuhe sind
Grundlagen anschauen
Warum kann ich denn hier nicht speichern?
Hag rot umrandete Icons auch noch nie gesehen...Version:
iobroker.awtrix-light@0.0.11 (git+ssh://
@haus-automatisierung sagte in Test Adapter Awtrix-Light:
Ich glaube es sollte nur anders gemacht werden, denn er schrieb in dem issue, dass es normal persistent ist.
Ich denke das ist schon sinnvoll, denn man möchte ja bspw. nicht die app bat und hub und temp sehen.
wie gesagt, es soll persistet sein. -
@haus-automatisierung hast Du mein Log zum Thema Graphen gesehen?
@thomas-braun said in Test Adapter Awtrix-Light:
Warum kann ich denn hier nicht speichern?
Hag rot umrandete Icons auch noch nie gesehen...Version:
iobroker.awtrix-light@0.0.11 (git+ssh://
schau mal bei den Namen nach die müssen alle klein geschrieben sein
hatte auch das problem das ich dann nicht speichern konnte -
@ben1983 sagte in Test Adapter Awtrix-Light:
er schrieb in dem issue, dass es normal persistent ist.
Er schrieb dass man die Apps am besten über das Onscreen menu ausschalten soll - dann ist es persistent
Die Namen der App erlauben nur noch Kleinbuchstaben und keine Leerzeichen.
Dann ist das Speichern auch möglich -
Oder stört der Unterstrich da auch? Das sollte aber eigentlich ein zugelassenes Zeichen sein.
[Edit:] Es war der Unterstrich.
@haus-automatisierung ach direkt an der Uhr. ok
OK, das scheint zu funktionieren.
Ps. Konntest DU was bezüglich der Graphen finden in dem Log?
@ben1983 sagte in Test Adapter Awtrix-Light:
Ps. Konntest DU was bezüglich der Graphen finden in dem Log?
Da kamen scheinbar keine Daten zurück... daher wird nix angezeigt. Bitte mit der nächsten Version testen.
@ben1983 sagte in Test Adapter Awtrix-Light:
ach direkt an der Uhr. ok
OK, das scheint zu funktionieren.Welche Knöpfle muss man dazu drücken ??
@haus-automatisierung OK. Ich werde es Testen
@djmarc75 den Mittleren länger drücken, dann kannst DU durch das Menü naviegieren, bis zum Punkt APPS
@djmarc75 sagte in Test Adapter Awtrix-Light:
Welche Knöpfle muss man dazu drücken ??
@haus-automatisierung Habe ich versucht... keine Änderung.
mit der 0.0.12
auch hat er tzotz der Einstellung 0 und 1 Dezimalstelle 3 dargestellt.
(Dezimalstellen können auch in den negativen Bereich konfiguriert werden.2023-06-08 12:34:26.951 - info: host.buanet-iobroker "system.adapter.awtrix-light.0" enabled 2023-06-08 12:34:27.104 - info: host.buanet-iobroker instance system.adapter.awtrix-light.0 started with pid 23842 2023-06-08 12:34:27.635 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) Redis Objects: Use Redis connection: 2023-06-08 12:34:27.677 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) Objects client ready ... initialize now 2023-06-08 12:34:27.678 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) Objects create System PubSub Client 2023-06-08 12:34:27.679 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) Objects create User PubSub Client 2023-06-08 12:34:27.720 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) Objects client initialize lua scripts 2023-06-08 12:34:27.724 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) Objects connected to redis: 2023-06-08 12:34:27.746 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) Redis States: Use Redis connection: 2023-06-08 12:34:27.757 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) States create System PubSub Client 2023-06-08 12:34:27.758 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) States create User PubSub Client 2023-06-08 12:34:27.818 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) States connected to redis: 2023-06-08 12:34:28.710 - info: awtrix-light.0 (23842) starting. Version 0.0.12 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.awtrix-light, node: v18.16.0, js-controller: 4.0.24 2023-06-08 12:34:28.729 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) API is offline 2023-06-08 12:34:28.730 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) refreshing device state 2023-06-08 12:34:28.730 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) re-creating refresh state timeout 2023-06-08 12:34:28.730 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) sending "GET" request to "/api/stats" without data 2023-06-08 12:34:28.852 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) received 200 response from "/api/stats" with content: {"bat":68,"bat_raw":606,"lux":"8","ldr_raw":558,"ram":141244,"bri":120,"temp":"26","hum":"27","uptime":"1645","wifi_signal":-60,"up_available":false,"messages":0,"version":"0.67","indicator1":false,"indicator2":true,"indicator3":true} 2023-06-08 12:34:28.853 - warn: awtrix-light.0 (23842) You should update your Awtrix Light - supported version of this adapter is 0.68 (or later). Your current version is 0.67 2023-06-08 12:34:28.916 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) sending "GET" request to "/api/settings" without data 2023-06-08 12:34:29.057 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) received 200 response from "/api/settings" with content: {"FPS":23,"ABRI":true,"BRI":120,"ATRANS":true,"TCOL":65535,"TSPEED":400,"ATIME":7000,"TFORMAT":"%H:%M:%S","DFORMAT":"%d.%m.%y","SOM":true,"CEL":true,"BLOCKN":false,"MAT":0,"SOUND":true,"GAMMA":0,"UPPERCASE":true,"CCORRECTION":"","CTEMP":"","WD":true,"WDCA":7327,"WDCI":27501,"TIME_COL":0,"DATE_COL":0,"HUM_COL":0,"TEMP_COL":0,"BAT_COL":0} 2023-06-08 12:34:29.113 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [initCustomApps] Found custom app "gridpower" with objId alias.0.Allgemein.Leistung.WirkleistungGesamt - subscribed to changes 2023-06-08 12:34:29.118 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [initCustomApps] Found custom app "externaltemperature" with objId alias.0.Talstrasse1A.Temperatur.Aussentemperatur - subscribed to changes 2023-06-08 12:34:29.122 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [initCustomApps] Found custom app "pvpower" with objId alias.0.PV-Anlage.Leistung.WirkleistungPv - subscribed to changes 2023-06-08 12:34:29.128 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [initCustomApps] Found custom app "storagesoc" with objId alias.0.Speicher.Batterie.SOC - subscribed to changes 2023-06-08 12:34:29.132 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [initCustomApps] Found custom app "storagepower" with objId alias.0.Speicher.Leistung.WirkleistungSpeicher - subscribed to changes 2023-06-08 12:34:29.133 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [refreshCustomApp] Refreshing custom app "gridpower" with icon "49243" and text "%s %u" 2023-06-08 12:34:29.133 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [refreshCustomApp] formatted value of "alias.0.Allgemein.Leistung.WirkleistungGesamt" from 26.03667449951172 to 26,037 (3 decimals) 2023-06-08 12:34:29.134 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) sending "POST" request to "/api/custom?name=gridpower" with data: {"text":"26,037 W","icon":"49243","duration":5} 2023-06-08 12:34:29.257 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) received 200 response from "/api/custom?name=gridpower" with content: "OK" 2023-06-08 12:34:29.257 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [refreshCustomApp] Refreshing custom app "externaltemperature" with icon "38231" and text "%s %u" 2023-06-08 12:34:29.258 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [refreshCustomApp] formatted value of "alias.0.Talstrasse1A.Temperatur.Aussentemperatur" from 24.923294067382812 to 24,9 (1 decimals) 2023-06-08 12:34:29.258 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) sending "POST" request to "/api/custom?name=externaltemperature" with data: {"text":"24,9 °C","icon":"38231","duration":5} 2023-06-08 12:34:29.286 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) received 200 response from "/api/custom?name=externaltemperature" with content: "OK" 2023-06-08 12:34:29.287 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [refreshCustomApp] Refreshing custom app "pvpower" with icon "15124" and text "%s %u" 2023-06-08 12:34:29.287 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [refreshCustomApp] formatted value of "alias.0.PV-Anlage.Leistung.WirkleistungPv" from 1075.0546875 to 1.075,055 (3 decimals) 2023-06-08 12:34:29.287 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) sending "POST" request to "/api/custom?name=pvpower" with data: {"text":"1.075,055 W","icon":"15124","duration":5} 2023-06-08 12:34:29.317 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) received 200 response from "/api/custom?name=pvpower" with content: "OK" 2023-06-08 12:34:29.317 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [refreshCustomApp] Refreshing custom app "storagesoc" with icon "49520" and text "%s %u" 2023-06-08 12:34:29.318 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) sending "POST" request to "/api/custom?name=storagesoc" with data: {"text":"17 %","icon":"49520","duration":5} 2023-06-08 12:34:29.349 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) received 200 response from "/api/custom?name=storagesoc" with content: "OK" 2023-06-08 12:34:29.349 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [refreshCustomApp] Refreshing custom app "storagepower" with icon "49520" and text "%s %u" 2023-06-08 12:34:29.350 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [refreshCustomApp] formatted value of "alias.0.Speicher.Leistung.WirkleistungSpeicher" from 992.4154052734375 to 992,415 (3 decimals) 2023-06-08 12:34:29.350 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) sending "POST" request to "/api/custom?name=storagepower" with data: {"text":"992,415 W","icon":"49520","duration":5} 2023-06-08 12:34:29.381 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) received 200 response from "/api/custom?name=storagepower" with content: "OK" 2023-06-08 12:34:29.382 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [initHistoryApps] getting history data for app "netz" of "alias.0.Allgemein.Leistung.WirkleistungGesamt" from influxdb.0 2023-06-08 12:34:30.054 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Allgemein.Leistung.WirkleistungGesamt" to 41.51405334472656 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:34:30.064 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.PV-Anlage.Leistung.WirkleistungPv" to 1073.4298095703125 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:34:30.076 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Speicher.Leistung.WirkleistungSpeicher" to 980.4588623046875 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:34:32.063 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Allgemein.Leistung.WirkleistungGesamt" to 25.6341552734375 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:34:32.079 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.PV-Anlage.Leistung.WirkleistungPv" to 1074.4156494140625 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:34:32.087 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Speicher.Leistung.WirkleistungSpeicher" to 982.1852416992188 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:34:34.074 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Allgemein.Leistung.WirkleistungGesamt" to 29.07257843017578 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:34:34.083 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.PV-Anlage.Leistung.WirkleistungPv" to 1073.947265625 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:34:34.094 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Speicher.Leistung.WirkleistungSpeicher" to 989.5995483398438 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:34:36.076 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Allgemein.Leistung.WirkleistungGesamt" to 17.389389038085938 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:34:36.083 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.PV-Anlage.Leistung.WirkleistungPv" to 1067.658935546875 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:34:36.093 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Speicher.Leistung.WirkleistungSpeicher" to 994.9559936523438 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:34:38.055 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Allgemein.Leistung.WirkleistungGesamt" to 42.191253662109375 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:34:38.063 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.PV-Anlage.Leistung.WirkleistungPv" to 1073.6866455078125 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:34:38.071 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Speicher.Leistung.WirkleistungSpeicher" to 966.4230346679688 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:34:40.068 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Allgemein.Leistung.WirkleistungGesamt" to 34.37359619140625 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:34:40.078 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.PV-Anlage.Leistung.WirkleistungPv" to 1073.1005859375 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:34:40.086 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Speicher.Leistung.WirkleistungSpeicher" to 977.9344482421875 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:34:42.057 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Allgemein.Leistung.WirkleistungGesamt" to 28.61560821533203 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:34:42.067 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.PV-Anlage.Leistung.WirkleistungPv" to 1072.6226806640625 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:34:42.077 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Speicher.Leistung.WirkleistungSpeicher" to 980.1719360351562 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:34:44.049 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Allgemein.Leistung.WirkleistungGesamt" to 24.090599060058594 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:34:44.061 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.PV-Anlage.Leistung.WirkleistungPv" to 1072.5955810546875 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:34:44.071 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Speicher.Leistung.WirkleistungSpeicher" to 984.1316528320312 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:34:44.074 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Talstrasse1A.Temperatur.Aussentemperatur" to 25.02789306640625 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:34:46.047 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Allgemein.Leistung.WirkleistungGesamt" to 32.416526794433594 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:34:46.052 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.PV-Anlage.Leistung.WirkleistungPv" to 1072.4130859375 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:34:46.146 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Speicher.Leistung.WirkleistungSpeicher" to 974.3511962890625 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:34:46.148 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Talstrasse1A.Temperatur.Aussentemperatur" to 25.02789306640625 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:34:48.050 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Allgemein.Leistung.WirkleistungGesamt" to 29.598251342773438 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:34:48.057 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.PV-Anlage.Leistung.WirkleistungPv" to 1067.0916748046875 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:34:48.064 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Speicher.Leistung.WirkleistungSpeicher" to 990.41357421875 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:34:48.069 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Talstrasse1A.Temperatur.Aussentemperatur" to 25.062789916992188 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:34:48.555 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Speicher.Batterie.SOC" to 16 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:34:50.037 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Allgemein.Leistung.WirkleistungGesamt" to 17.227439880371094 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:34:50.041 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.PV-Anlage.Leistung.WirkleistungPv" to 1071.722900390625 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:34:50.045 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Speicher.Leistung.WirkleistungSpeicher" to 994.4326171875 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:34:50.051 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Talstrasse1A.Temperatur.Aussentemperatur" to 25.062789916992188 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:34:52.070 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Allgemein.Leistung.WirkleistungGesamt" to 26.324874877929688 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:34:52.081 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.PV-Anlage.Leistung.WirkleistungPv" to 1071.307373046875 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:34:52.093 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Speicher.Leistung.WirkleistungSpeicher" to 990.74072265625 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:34:52.100 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Talstrasse1A.Temperatur.Aussentemperatur" to 24.993026733398438 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:34:54.048 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Allgemein.Leistung.WirkleistungGesamt" to 18.498321533203125 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:34:54.058 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.PV-Anlage.Leistung.WirkleistungPv" to 1068.7779541015625 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:34:54.069 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Speicher.Leistung.WirkleistungSpeicher" to 992.2620239257812 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:34:54.074 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Talstrasse1A.Temperatur.Aussentemperatur" to 24.993026733398438 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:34:56.070 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Allgemein.Leistung.WirkleistungGesamt" to 25.875946044921875 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:34:56.078 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.PV-Anlage.Leistung.WirkleistungPv" to 1070.4967041015625 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:34:56.091 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Speicher.Leistung.WirkleistungSpeicher" to 990.0593872070312 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:34:56.095 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Talstrasse1A.Temperatur.Aussentemperatur" to 24.993026733398438 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:34:58.046 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Allgemein.Leistung.WirkleistungGesamt" to 16.48052215576172 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:34:58.052 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.PV-Anlage.Leistung.WirkleistungPv" to 1070.841064453125 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:34:58.058 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Speicher.Leistung.WirkleistungSpeicher" to 996.2488403320312 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:34:58.062 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Talstrasse1A.Temperatur.Aussentemperatur" to 24.993026733398438 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:34:59.393 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [initHistoryApps] History data for app "netz" of "alias.0.Allgemein.Leistung.WirkleistungGesamt: {"result":[],"error":{"name":"RequestTimedOutError","message":"Request timed out"}} - filtered: [] 2023-06-08 12:34:59.393 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [initHistoryApps] No history data. Going to remove history app "netz" 2023-06-08 12:34:59.394 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) sending "POST" request to "/api/custom?name=netz" without data 2023-06-08 12:34:59.454 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) received 200 response from "/api/custom?name=netz" with content: "OK" 2023-06-08 12:34:59.454 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) re-creating history apps timeout (60 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:34:59.455 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) sending "GET" request to "/api/apps" without data 2023-06-08 12:34:59.457 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) Updating indicator with index 1 2023-06-08 12:34:59.478 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) sending "POST" request to "/api/indicator1" without data 2023-06-08 12:34:59.492 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) received 200 response from "/api/apps" with content: [{"name":"time"},{"name":"date"},{"name":"storagepower","icon":"49520.jpg"},{"name":"gridpower","icon":"49243.gif"},{"name":"pvpower","icon":"15124.gif"},{"name":"externaltemperature","icon":"38231.jpg"},{"name":"storagesoc","icon":"49520.jpg"}] 2023-06-08 12:34:59.492 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [createAppObjects] existing apps on awtrix light: ["time","date","storagepower","gridpower","pvpower","externaltemperature","storagesoc"] 2023-06-08 12:34:59.508 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [createAppObjects] found (keep): apps.time 2023-06-08 12:34:59.511 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) received 200 response from "/api/indicator1" with content: "OK" 2023-06-08 12:34:59.511 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) Updating indicator with index 2 2023-06-08 12:34:59.566 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) sending "POST" request to "/api/indicator2" with data: {"color":"#FF0000"} 2023-06-08 12:34:59.570 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [createAppObjects] found (keep): apps.eyes 2023-06-08 12:34:59.578 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [createAppObjects] found (keep): 2023-06-08 12:34:59.585 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [createAppObjects] found (keep): apps.temp 2023-06-08 12:34:59.592 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [createAppObjects] found (keep): apps.hum 2023-06-08 12:34:59.599 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [createAppObjects] found (keep): apps.bat 2023-06-08 12:34:59.608 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [createAppObjects] found (keep): apps.gridpower 2023-06-08 12:34:59.622 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [createAppObjects] found (keep): apps.externaltemperature 2023-06-08 12:34:59.629 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [createAppObjects] found (keep): apps.pvpower 2023-06-08 12:34:59.637 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [createAppObjects] found (keep): apps.storagesoc 2023-06-08 12:34:59.644 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [createAppObjects] found (keep): apps.storagepower 2023-06-08 12:34:59.647 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) received 200 response from "/api/indicator2" with content: "OK" 2023-06-08 12:34:59.649 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) Updating indicator with index 3 2023-06-08 12:34:59.706 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) sending "POST" request to "/api/indicator3" with data: {"color":"#FF0000"} 2023-06-08 12:34:59.715 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [createAppObjects] found (keep): apps.netz 2023-06-08 12:34:59.759 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) received 200 response from "/api/indicator3" with content: "OK" 2023-06-08 12:34:59.760 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) Updating moodlight 2023-06-08 12:34:59.783 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) sending "POST" request to "/api/moodlight" without data 2023-06-08 12:34:59.804 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) received 200 response from "/api/moodlight" with content: "OK" 2023-06-08 12:35:00.042 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [refreshCustomApp] Refreshing custom app "gridpower" with icon "49243" and text "%s %u" 2023-06-08 12:35:00.042 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [refreshCustomApp] formatted value of "alias.0.Allgemein.Leistung.WirkleistungGesamt" from 32.68567657470703 to 32,686 (3 decimals) 2023-06-08 12:35:00.042 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) sending "POST" request to "/api/custom?name=gridpower" with data: {"text":"32,686 W","icon":"49243","duration":5} 2023-06-08 12:35:00.051 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [refreshCustomApp] Refreshing custom app "pvpower" with icon "15124" and text "%s %u" 2023-06-08 12:35:00.052 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [refreshCustomApp] formatted value of "alias.0.PV-Anlage.Leistung.WirkleistungPv" from 1066.747802734375 to 1.066,748 (3 decimals) 2023-06-08 12:35:00.052 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) sending "POST" request to "/api/custom?name=pvpower" with data: {"text":"1.066,748 W","icon":"15124","duration":5} 2023-06-08 12:35:00.059 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [refreshCustomApp] Refreshing custom app "storagepower" with icon "49520" and text "%s %u" 2023-06-08 12:35:00.059 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [refreshCustomApp] formatted value of "alias.0.Speicher.Leistung.WirkleistungSpeicher" from 991.3538818359375 to 991,354 (3 decimals) 2023-06-08 12:35:00.059 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) sending "POST" request to "/api/custom?name=storagepower" with data: {"text":"991,354 W","icon":"49520","duration":5} 2023-06-08 12:35:00.066 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [refreshCustomApp] Refreshing custom app "externaltemperature" with icon "38231" and text "%s %u" 2023-06-08 12:35:00.068 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [refreshCustomApp] formatted value of "alias.0.Talstrasse1A.Temperatur.Aussentemperatur" from 24.888399124145508 to 24,9 (1 decimals) 2023-06-08 12:35:00.068 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) sending "POST" request to "/api/custom?name=externaltemperature" with data: {"text":"24,9 °C","icon":"38231","duration":5} 2023-06-08 12:35:00.187 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) received 200 response from "/api/custom?name=gridpower" with content: "OK" 2023-06-08 12:35:00.204 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) received 200 response from "/api/custom?name=pvpower" with content: "OK" 2023-06-08 12:35:00.215 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) received 200 response from "/api/custom?name=storagepower" with content: "OK" 2023-06-08 12:35:00.246 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) received 200 response from "/api/custom?name=externaltemperature" with content: "OK" 2023-06-08 12:35:02.046 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Allgemein.Leistung.WirkleistungGesamt" to -4.751686096191406 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:35:02.053 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.PV-Anlage.Leistung.WirkleistungPv" to 1071.3848876953125 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:35:02.061 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Speicher.Leistung.WirkleistungSpeicher" to 1013.8812255859375 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:35:04.112 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Allgemein.Leistung.WirkleistungGesamt" to 58.20667266845703 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:35:04.124 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.PV-Anlage.Leistung.WirkleistungPv" to 1072.02685546875 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:35:04.135 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Speicher.Leistung.WirkleistungSpeicher" to 952.8958740234375 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:35:06.091 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Allgemein.Leistung.WirkleistungGesamt" to 8.598648071289062 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:35:06.101 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.PV-Anlage.Leistung.WirkleistungPv" to 1068.78857421875 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:35:06.111 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Speicher.Leistung.WirkleistungSpeicher" to 1008.16650390625 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:35:08.082 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Allgemein.Leistung.WirkleistungGesamt" to -15.956344604492188 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:35:08.093 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.PV-Anlage.Leistung.WirkleistungPv" to 1074.3370361328125 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:35:08.107 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Speicher.Leistung.WirkleistungSpeicher" to 1017.3811645507812 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:35:10.056 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Allgemein.Leistung.WirkleistungGesamt" to 6.235755920410156 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:35:10.064 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.PV-Anlage.Leistung.WirkleistungPv" to 1074.08447265625 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:35:10.072 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Speicher.Leistung.WirkleistungSpeicher" to 1003.8346557617188 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:35:12.053 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Allgemein.Leistung.WirkleistungGesamt" to 34.189491271972656 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:35:12.061 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.PV-Anlage.Leistung.WirkleistungPv" to 1071.2518310546875 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:35:12.071 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Speicher.Leistung.WirkleistungSpeicher" to 980.1087036132812 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:35:14.044 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Allgemein.Leistung.WirkleistungGesamt" to 18.320518493652344 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:35:14.052 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.PV-Anlage.Leistung.WirkleistungPv" to 1075.56640625 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:35:14.068 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Speicher.Leistung.WirkleistungSpeicher" to 996.189697265625 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:35:16.070 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Allgemein.Leistung.WirkleistungGesamt" to 5.822418212890625 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:35:16.083 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.PV-Anlage.Leistung.WirkleistungPv" to 1076.7867431640625 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:35:16.095 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Speicher.Leistung.WirkleistungSpeicher" to 997.6926879882812 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:35:18.035 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Allgemein.Leistung.WirkleistungGesamt" to -33.871803283691406 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:35:18.042 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.PV-Anlage.Leistung.WirkleistungPv" to 1073.54833984375 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:35:18.050 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Speicher.Leistung.WirkleistungSpeicher" to 1035.56689453125 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:35:18.056 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Talstrasse1A.Temperatur.Aussentemperatur" to 24.9581298828125 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:35:20.039 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Allgemein.Leistung.WirkleistungGesamt" to -28.208633422851562 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:35:20.047 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.PV-Anlage.Leistung.WirkleistungPv" to 1080.5753173828125 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:35:20.056 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Speicher.Leistung.WirkleistungSpeicher" to 1022.98876953125 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:35:20.059 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Talstrasse1A.Temperatur.Aussentemperatur" to 24.9581298828125 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:35:22.032 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Allgemein.Leistung.WirkleistungGesamt" to -7.009925842285156 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:35:22.038 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.PV-Anlage.Leistung.WirkleistungPv" to 1083.38330078125 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:35:22.043 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Speicher.Leistung.WirkleistungSpeicher" to 1000.3990478515625 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:35:22.047 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Talstrasse1A.Temperatur.Aussentemperatur" to 25.02789306640625 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:35:24.037 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Allgemein.Leistung.WirkleistungGesamt" to 48.65162658691406 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:35:24.043 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.PV-Anlage.Leistung.WirkleistungPv" to 1083.2974853515625 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:35:24.046 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Speicher.Leistung.WirkleistungSpeicher" to 999.0458374023438 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:35:24.049 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Talstrasse1A.Temperatur.Aussentemperatur" to 25.09765625 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:35:26.032 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Allgemein.Leistung.WirkleistungGesamt" to 41.94557189941406 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:35:26.036 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.PV-Anlage.Leistung.WirkleistungPv" to 1086.7281494140625 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:35:26.041 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Speicher.Leistung.WirkleistungSpeicher" to 997.2949829101562 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:35:26.044 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Talstrasse1A.Temperatur.Aussentemperatur" to 25.09765625 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:35:28.039 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Allgemein.Leistung.WirkleistungGesamt" to 42.36408996582031 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:35:28.046 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.PV-Anlage.Leistung.WirkleistungPv" to 1089.8355712890625 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:35:28.048 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Speicher.Leistung.WirkleistungSpeicher" to 1004.7303466796875 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:35:28.051 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Talstrasse1A.Temperatur.Aussentemperatur" to 25.09765625 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:35:28.731 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) refreshing device state 2023-06-08 12:35:28.731 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) re-creating refresh state timeout 2023-06-08 12:35:28.732 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) sending "GET" request to "/api/stats" without data 2023-06-08 12:35:28.814 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) received 200 response from "/api/stats" with content: {"bat":69,"bat_raw":607,"lux":"9","ldr_raw":560,"ram":138092,"bri":120,"temp":"26","hum":"27","uptime":"1705","wifi_signal":-58,"up_available":false,"messages":0,"version":"0.67","indicator1":false,"indicator2":true,"indicator3":true} 2023-06-08 12:35:29.036 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) sending "GET" request to "/api/settings" without data 2023-06-08 12:35:29.119 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) received 200 response from "/api/settings" with content: {"FPS":23,"ABRI":true,"BRI":120,"ATRANS":true,"TCOL":65535,"TSPEED":400,"ATIME":7000,"TFORMAT":"%H:%M:%S","DFORMAT":"%d.%m.%y","SOM":true,"CEL":true,"BLOCKN":false,"MAT":0,"SOUND":true,"GAMMA":0,"UPPERCASE":true,"CCORRECTION":"","CTEMP":"","WD":true,"WDCA":7327,"WDCI":27501,"TIME_COL":0,"DATE_COL":0,"HUM_COL":0,"TEMP_COL":0,"BAT_COL":0} 2023-06-08 12:35:30.034 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Allgemein.Leistung.WirkleistungGesamt" to 53.57196044921875 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:35:30.039 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.PV-Anlage.Leistung.WirkleistungPv" to 1087.718994140625 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:35:30.045 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Speicher.Leistung.WirkleistungSpeicher" to 1007.8636474609375 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:35:30.050 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Talstrasse1A.Temperatur.Aussentemperatur" to 25.062789916992188 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) 2023-06-08 12:35:31.959 - info: awtrix-light.0 (23842) Adapter is disabled => stop 2023-06-08 12:35:31.960 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) API is offline 2023-06-08 12:35:31.961 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) clearing refresh state timeout 2023-06-08 12:35:31.961 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (23842) clearing history apps timeout 2023-06-08 12:35:31.961 - info: host.buanet-iobroker "system.adapter.awtrix-light.0" disabled 2023-06-08 12:35:31.962 - info: host.buanet-iobroker stopInstance system.adapter.awtrix-light.0 (force=false, process=true) 2023-06-08 12:35:32.019 - info: awtrix-light.0 (23842) Got terminate signal TERMINATE_YOURSELF 2023-06-08 12:35:32.031 - info: awtrix-light.0 (23842) terminating 2023-06-08 12:35:32.032 - info: awtrix-light.0 (23842) Terminated (NO_ERROR): Without reason 2023-06-08 12:35:32.104 - info: host.buanet-iobroker stopInstance system.adapter.awtrix-light.0 send kill signal 2023-06-08 12:35:32.579 - info: host.buanet-iobroker instance system.adapter.awtrix-light.0 terminated with code 0 (NO_ERROR)
@ben1983 Die Datenbank hat einen Timeout für die Abfrage geliefert. Eventuell hängt das mit den „nicht so performanten“ Abfragen des InfluxDB Adapters zusammen. Dafür gibt es schon einen Issue und Pull Request.
@haus-automatisierung OK. Kann ich jetzt nichts dran machen, oder?
Ps. Der Bug mit der Anzahl der dezimalstellen ist nachvollziehbar?