Script mit "request" umbauen
Ein ähnliches Problem gab es hier schon, aber ich kann mit der Lösung dort nichts anfangen
Kann kein JS (bis jetzt)
Hab folgendes Script
const printerName = 'K1'; // Replace with your actual printer name const printerBaseUrl = ''; // Replace with your actual moonraker ip const updateInterval = 20000; // 20 seconds // Function to make an HTTP request and return a promise function getPrinterStatus(url) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const request = require('request'); request(url, { json: true }, (err, res, body) => { if (err) { reject(err); } else { resolve(body); } }); }); } // Function to get metadata for the given filename function getFileMetadata(filename) { const metadataUrl = printerBaseUrl + `/server/files/metadata?filename=${encodeURIComponent(filename)}`; return getPrinterStatus(metadataUrl); // Reusing the HTTP request function } // Function to convert seconds to HH:MM:SS function toHHMMSS(seconds) { const hours = Math.floor(seconds / 3600); const minutes = Math.floor((seconds % 3600) / 60); const sec = Math.floor(seconds % 60); return [hours, minutes, sec] .map(v => v < 10 ? "0" + v : v) .join(":"); } // Function to update the online status of the printer function updatePrinterOnlineStatus(isOnline) { const onlineStateName = `${printerName}.onlineStatus`; createOrUpdateState(onlineStateName, isOnline); } // Function to create or update ioBroker states function createOrUpdateState(fullStateName, value, key='') { // Check if the key contains 'duration' and format it if it does if (key.includes('duration')) { value = toHHMMSS(value); } // Check if the key contains 'progress' and multiply by 100 and round it if it does if (key.includes('progress')) { value = Math.round(value * 100); // Converts to percentage and rounds to the nearest integer } if (!existsState(fullStateName)) { createState(fullStateName, { type: typeof value, read: true, write: false, desc: 'Printer status value' }, () => { setState(fullStateName, value, true); }); } else { setState(fullStateName, value, true); } } // Function to process the printer status and update the ioBroker states function processPrinterStatus(printerData, parentKey = '') { Object.keys(printerData).forEach(key => { const value = printerData[key]; let fullStateName = `${printerName}`; if (parentKey) { fullStateName += `.${parentKey}`; } fullStateName += `.${key}`; if (value !== null && typeof value === 'object' && !(value instanceof Array)) { // It's a nested object, so we need to recurse processPrinterStatus(value, key); } else { // It's a value, so we create or update the state createOrUpdateState(fullStateName, value, key); } }); } // Function to nullify file metadata states in ioBroker function nullifyFileMetadataStates() { var states = $(`*.${printerName}.file_metadata.*`/*Printer file metadata*/); states.each(function(id, i){ setState(id, {val: null, ack: true}); }); } // Polling function function startPolling() { setInterval(() => { if (getState('sonoff.0.DVES_C38B13.POWER').val == true) getPrinterStatus(printerBaseUrl + '/printer/objects/query?display_status&print_stats&extruder&heater_bed&system_stats') .then(response => { if (response && response.result) { const printStats = response.result.status.print_stats || {}; const filename = printStats.filename; // Update printer status processPrinterStatus(response.result); // If there is a filename, get and process the file metadata if (filename) { getFileMetadata(filename).then(metadataResponse => { if (metadataResponse && metadataResponse.result) { processPrinterStatus(metadataResponse.result, 'file_metadata'); } }).catch(error => { console.error('Error fetching file metadata:', error); }); } else { // If filename is empty, nullify all file_metadata states nullifyFileMetadataStates(); } updatePrinterOnlineStatus(true); // Printer is online } }) .catch(error => { console.log('Error fetching printer status... setting Printer offline'); updatePrinterOnlineStatus(false); // Printer is offline }); }, updateInterval); } // Start the polling process startPolling();
Da soll das request raus.
Hatte mit ChatGPT mein Glück versucht und den request block so ersetzt:// Function to make an HTTP request and return a promise const axios = require('axios'); function getPrinterStatus(url) { return axios.get(url) .then(response => .catch(error => { throw error; }); }
Reicht aber anscheinend nicht...
Was muss ich da noch umbauen? -
@merlin123 Hab es jetzt mal anders umbauen lassen:
const http = require('http'); // Function to make an HTTP request and return a promise function getPrinterStatus(url) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const req = http.get(url, (res) => { let data = ''; // A chunk of data has been received res.on('data', (chunk) => { data += chunk; }); // The whole response has been received res.on('end', () => { try { const parsedData = JSON.parse(data); resolve(parsedData); } catch (error) { reject(error); } }); }); // Error handling for the request req.on('error', (error) => { reject(error); }); }); }
Wirft zumindest nicht gleich nen Fehler. Mal testen, wenn ich das nächste Mal was drucke
War leider nix.... Wirft keinen Fehler, aber es geht leider nicht mehr
@merlin123 sagte in Script mit "request" umbauen:
Kann kein JS
ich auch nicht, aber denke das sollte so in etwas passen -
@merlin123 Ungetestet, aber das wäre die Grundlage. Ginge auch mit
.const printerName = 'K1'; // Replace with your actual printer name const printerBaseUrl = ''; // Replace with your actual moonraker ip const updateInterval = 20000; // 20 seconds // Function to make an HTTP request and return a promise async function getPrinterStatus(url) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { httpGet(url, { timeout: 2000 }, (err, response) => { if (err) { reject(err); } else { resolve(JSON.parse(; } }); }); } // Function to get metadata for the given filename async function getFileMetadata(filename) { return getPrinterStatus(`${printerBaseUrl}/server/files/metadata?filename=${encodeURIComponent(filename)}`); // Reusing the HTTP request function } // Function to convert seconds to HH:MM:SS function toHHMMSS(seconds) { const hours = Math.floor(seconds / 3600); const minutes = Math.floor((seconds % 3600) / 60); const sec = Math.floor(seconds % 60); return [hours, minutes, sec] .map(v => v < 10 ? '0' + v : v) .join(':'); } // Function to update the online status of the printer function updatePrinterOnlineStatus(isOnline) { createOrUpdateState(`${printerName}.onlineStatus`, isOnline); } // Function to create or update ioBroker states function createOrUpdateState(fullStateName, value, key='') { // Check if the key contains 'duration' and format it if it does if (key.includes('duration')) { value = toHHMMSS(value); } // Check if the key contains 'progress' and multiply by 100 and round it if it does if (key.includes('progress')) { value = Math.round(value * 100); // Converts to percentage and rounds to the nearest integer } if (!existsState(fullStateName)) { createState(fullStateName, { type: typeof value, read: true, write: false, desc: 'Printer status value' }, () => { setState(fullStateName, value, true); }); } else { setState(fullStateName, value, true); } } // Function to process the printer status and update the ioBroker states function processPrinterStatus(printerData, parentKey = '') { Object.keys(printerData).forEach(key => { const value = printerData[key]; let fullStateName = `${printerName}`; if (parentKey) { fullStateName += `.${parentKey}`; } fullStateName += `.${key}`; if (value !== null && typeof value === 'object' && !(value instanceof Array)) { // It's a nested object, so we need to recurse processPrinterStatus(value, key); } else { // It's a value, so we create or update the state createOrUpdateState(fullStateName, value, key); } }); } // Function to nullify file metadata states in ioBroker function nullifyFileMetadataStates() { const states = $(`*.${printerName}.file_metadata.*`); states.each((id, i) => { setState(id, { val: null, ack: true }); }); } // Polling function function startPolling() { setInterval(() => { if (getState('sonoff.0.DVES_C38B13.POWER').val) { getPrinterStatus(`${printerBaseUrl}/printer/objects/query?display_status&print_stats&extruder&heater_bed&system_stats`) .then(data => { const printStats = data.status.print_stats || {}; const filename = printStats.filename; // Update printer status processPrinterStatus(data); // If there is a filename, get and process the file metadata if (filename) { getFileMetadata(filename) .then(data => { processPrinterStatus(data, 'file_metadata'); }).catch(error => { console.error('Error fetching file metadata:', error); }); } else { // If filename is empty, nullify all file_metadata states nullifyFileMetadataStates(); } updatePrinterOnlineStatus(true); // Printer is online }) .catch(error => { console.log('Error fetching printer status... setting Printer offline'); updatePrinterOnlineStatus(false); // Printer is offline }); } }, updateInterval); } // Start the polling process startPolling();
@haus-automatisierung Dank Dir! Werde es testen
@haus-automatisierung Auf den ersten Blick sieht es gut aus. Riesigen Dank! Ich schau mir das mal in Ruhe an und versuche es zu verstehen