Fehler bei der Migration von jsonl zu redis
@ro75 sagte in Fehler bei der Migration von jsonl zu redis:
Wie hast du den Redis-Server installiert
und wo!?
Werde immer hellhörig bei
@dlehmann sagte in Fehler bei der Migration von jsonl zu redis:
LXC unter Proxmox auf NUC
redis ist im gleich lxc installiert wie iobroker, Standardkonfiguration ohne Änderungen und läuft auch, ist mit redis-cli erreichbar.
Gestartet habe ich die Migration mit "iobroker setup custom", dort habe ich die notwendige Angaben gemacht (hauptsächlich mit Enter bestätigt, da keine Änderungen notwendig waren)
Oben genannte Meldung war dann der Abschluss von "iobroker setuo custom".
Wie ich die Fehlermeldung verstehe, kommen wir gar nicht bis redis sondern brechen bereits vorher ab.
@dlehmann bitte alle Eingaben zeigen.
Current configuration: - Objects database: - Type: jsonl - Host/Unix Socket: - Port: 9001 - States database: - Type: jsonl - Host/Unix Socket: - Port: 9000 - Data Directory: ../../iobroker-data/ Type of objects DB [(j)sonl, (f)ile, (r)edis, ...], default [jsonl]: r When Objects and Files are stored in a Redis database please consider the following: 1. All data will be stored in RAM, make sure to have enough free RAM available! 2. Make sure to check Redis persistence options to make sure a Redis problem will not cause data loss! 3. The Redis persistence files can get big, make sure not to use an SD card to store them. Host / Unix Socket of objects DB(redis), default[]: Port of objects DB(redis), default[6379]: Do you use a TLS connection for your "objects" redis-server? [y/N]: Type of states DB [(j)sonl, (f)file, (r)edis, ...], default [redis]: Host / Unix Socket of states DB (redis), default[]: Port of states DB (redis), default[6379]: Do you use a TLS connection for your "states" redis-server? [y/N]: Host name of this machine [iobroker]: Please choose if this is a Master/single host (enter "m") or a Slave host (enter "S") you are about to edit. For Slave hosts the data migration will be skipped. [S/m]: m Important: Using redis for the Objects database is only supported with js-controller 2.0 or higher! When your system consists of multiple hosts please make sure to have js-controller 2.0 or higher installed on ALL hosts *before* continuing! Important #2: If you already did the migration on an other host please *do not* migrate again! This can destroy your system! Important #3: The process will migrate all files that were officially uploaded into the ioBroker system. If you have manually copied files into iobroker-data/files/... into own directories then these files will NOT be migrated! Make sure all files are in adapter directories inside the files directory! Do you want to migrate objects and states from "jsonl/jsonl" to "redis/redis" [y/N]: y Migrating the objects database will overwrite all objects! Are you sure that this is not a slave host and you want to migrate the data? [y/N]: y Connecting to previous DB "jsonl/jsonl"... Creating backup ... This can take some time ... please be patient! host.iobroker 15067 objects saved host.iobroker 12330 states saved host.iobroker Validating backup ... host.iobroker Backup not created: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.js-controller/tmp/backup/config.json' Uncaught Rejection: IoBrokerError: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.js-controller/tmp/backup/config.json' at BackupRestore.createBackup (file:///opt/iobroker/node_modules/@iobroker/js-controller-cli/src/lib/setup/setupBackup.ts:382:19) at file:///opt/iobroker/node_modules/@iobroker/js-controller-cli/src/lib/setup/setupSetup.ts:597:36 This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). The promise rejected with the reason: IoBrokerError: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.js-controller/tmp/backup/config.json' at BackupRestore.createBackup (file:///opt/iobroker/node_modules/@iobroker/js-controller-cli/src/lib/setup/setupBackup.ts:382:19) at file:///opt/iobroker/node_modules/@iobroker/js-controller-cli/src/lib/setup/setupSetup.ts:597:36
@dlehmann ioBroker zuvor gestoppt? Und das Custom Setup nicht als oder mit root oder sudo gestartet?
@ro75 jawohl
@ro75 ist aktuell im Beta
@dlehmann Sorry, aber für meine Begriffe macht man solche Sachen nicht mit Beta.
@dlehmann sagte in Fehler bei der Migration von jsonl zu redis:
ist aktuell im Beta
dann melde das mal im Tester-Thread und nicht hier als Bug
Deswegen ist die Version ja noch Beta! -
@homoran getan
@dlehmann sagte in Fehler bei der Migration von jsonl zu redis:
@homoran getan
Dann mach ich hier zu!