ASTRO function. Does not work again
@iomountain Thank you, will enter and start it tonight
@ap2017 Please see log attached, ASTRO does not work. Server was restarted after scrip creation yesterday evening. Currently my script adapter configured for System ASTRO Settings, shows my street on the screen. I am wondering if possible to debug how system sees my location.
Tonight I will change Script Adapter ASTRO location to Germany and run same script over night.My script:
you can check the times at if you can get them.
@iomountain I mean is there a way to check how ioBroker see my location? Maybe ASTRO gets screwed up because location is screwed up.
I am not sure, but i think what astro uses is only this:
Is the Date and Time of your Operating System set right? -
@iomountain Here is the log with location in adapter ASTRO set to Germany. ASTRO seems to be working fine. As you can see, script reports ALL ASTRO events, while when my location was set to US it reported only few and then died.
10-30-19 log.txt -
@iomountain In all my tests location in Overview Settings set to my address, see picture. Not sure what you mean by Date and Time
@ap2017 sagte in ASTRO function:
Not sure what you mean by Date and Time
i use timedatectl on the command line of iobroker host to see all is set correct.
If you config:
you also will find Astro Settings for your location. -
@iomountain In adapter config I set location to Germany to make ASTRO work. So, why does it works for Germany but does not work for my location in US?
I set my location to:
restartet the Host.
Run this Blockly:
and got this
seems OK for your location.
What else could I check? -
@iomountain Please run with both system ASTRO and adapter ASTRO set to my location. Thank you.
I set the location to:
ssh on HOST sudo reboot -h now
Run this Blockly:
got this:
javascript was set to:
@iomountain Thanks! I will try again on new X64 computer with freshly loaded software.
@iomountain This script works fine when started, it creates objects, but I want to use ASTRO to turn ON my lights repeatably, that what I have trouble with.
@iomountain After all latest updates ASTRO seems to work fine. Don't exactly know what happened, but it works. Thank you for your help
schön das es jetzt läuft, hab noch viel Spass mit iobroker.
Vielleicht kannst du noch Deine Version posten und den Tread auf gelöst setzen.
Viele Grüße
Ralph -
Have this issue with ASTRO again after adding few different lights to control by ASTRO. Same problem as before, function ASTRO is ignored by the system - nothing in debug log.
Here is my script:
schedule({astro: "goldenHour", shift: 0}, function () {
// Florida Room
setState("zwave.0.NODE7.SWITCH_MULTILEVEL.Level_1"/Level/, 99);
// Living
setState("zwave.0.NODE2.SWITCH_BINARY.Switch_1"/Switch/, true);
// TV Room
setState("zigbee.0.000b57fffebcfc39.state"/TRADFRI bulb E26 W opal 1000lm Switch state/, true);
// Office
setState("zigbee.0.90fd9ffffe2bad6b.state"/TRADFRI bulb E26 W opal 1000lm Switch state/, true);
schedule({astro: "dusk", shift: 0}, function () {
// Outside
setState("zwave.0.NODE11.SWITCH_BINARY.Switch_1"/Switch/, true);
// Front Door
setState("zigbee.0.d0cf5efffe7d475c.state"/TRADFRI bulb E26 W opal 1000lm Switch state/, true);
schedule("30 23 * * *", function () {
// Florida Room
setState("zwave.0.NODE7.SWITCH_MULTILEVEL.Level_1"/Level/, 0);
// Living
setState("zwave.0.NODE2.SWITCH_BINARY.Switch_1"/Switch/, false);
// Outside
setState("zwave.0.NODE11.SWITCH_BINARY.Switch_1"/Switch/, false);
// TV Room
setState("zigbee.0.000b57fffebcfc39.state"/TRADFRI bulb E26 W opal 1000lm Switch state/, false);
// Office
setState("zigbee.0.90fd9ffffe2bad6b.state"/TRADFRI bulb E26 W opal 1000lm Switch state/, false);
// Front Door
setState("zigbee.0.d0cf5efffe7d475c.state"/TRADFRI bulb E26 W opal 1000lm Switch state/, false);
// Basement Light
on({id: "mysensors.0.9.3_DOOR.V_TRIPPED"/9.3_DOOR.V_TRIPPED/, val: true}, function (obj) {
var value = obj.state.val;
var oldValue = obj.oldState.val;
setState("zwave.0.NODE15.SWITCH_BINARY.Switch_1"/Switch/, true);
setState("zwave.0.NODE16.SWITCH_BINARY.Switch_1"/Switch/, true);
on({id: "mysensors.0.9.3_DOOR.V_TRIPPED"/9.3_DOOR.V_TRIPPED/, val: false}, function (obj) {
var value = obj.state.val;
var oldValue = obj.oldState.val;
setState("zwave.0.NODE15.SWITCH_BINARY.Switch_1"/Switch/, false);
setState("zwave.0.NODE16.SWITCH_BINARY.Switch_1"/Switch/, false);
}); -
Hello everybody,
first of all I'm new to ioBroker (I installed it on a Raspberry Pi 4 just recently).
However I'm having a similar problem.I have two scripts:
Switch by ping
Switch by power
In both of them I use:
schedule({astro: "sunset", shift: -20}, function () { console.log('Sonne untergegangen -20 Min'); /* additional code */ });
However the astro function today only triggered for the "Switch by ping" script- see logfile:
2020-04-01 19:35:27.992 - ^[[32minfo^[[39m: javascript.0 (665) script.js.common.Switch_by_ping: Sonne untergegangen -20 Min
Yesterday it was working for both scripts. (Also the days before it was already inconsistent - however I only had the "Switch by power" script at that time.)
I'm restarting my raspberry every night and only added the console.log by today so I cannot tell about the recent days.Any idea what could cause this issue?