IKEA Tradfri Pairing SOLVED
Just got an IKEA Tradfri gateway and LED1623G12 bulb. Installed and configured adapter, but having trouble adding bulb. Do I really need IKEA steering device for pairing?
Tried turning bulb on/off in close proximity to gateway - does not help.For some reason search in ioBroker forum does not seem to be operational (or I am loosing my mind) - system finds multiple records related to search criteria, but after selecting one of them nothing happens. Same behavior under Chrome or Edge.
I have a number of questions:- which adapter are you using ?
- Which hardware are you using
- what is the gateway you mention in your post ?
@Asgothian said in IKEA Tradfri Pairing:
I have a number of questions:and L- which adapter are you using ?
- Which hardware are you using
- what is the gateway you mention in your post ?
I am using IKEA Tradfri adapter, IKEA Tradfri gateway and LED bulb model that I mentioned in my post.
I am afraid you seem to be out of luck there. As far as i know, the Ikea gateway will always require some form of remote for the lamp, both for pairing and for controlling.A.
@Asgothian I hope that you are wrong, especially for controlling. What is the point to have ioBroker if it needs remote for controlling? I've seen people recommend resetting bulb by switching on/off 6 times, then turning on for paring - I tried, did not not work for me.
I am thinking about returning IKEA gateway to store and getting CC2531 USB Zigbee dongle. People seem to have more luck with it.
I just could't pass Zigbee bulbs on sale at IKEA for $5...
Well.. you can use the gateway to control the bulbs, but that is not the key use case Ikea is aiming for, which is why for pairing lamps with the gateway, they still expect you to have at least one remote.As far as the cc2531 goes - this should work with the Ikea lamp - without any need for an ikea remote. Although there are two zigbee sticks under development/review which seem to give better results - a development board from TI and a different sniffer. Unfortunately, all the links i can give you on short notice are in german, though.
@Asgothian After spending some time with gateway and bulb I was able to make it work. Few several important things:
- reset device (in case of bulb, turn on/off 6 times)
- place bulb really close to gateway, like few inches at most
- press pair button on gateway, hold it for 10 seconds
Bulb is paired and is under full ioBroker control (brightness and on/off), no hardware remote control needed
I ordered cc2531 Zigbee USB adapter and will play with it regardless
@ap2017 said in IKEA Tradfri Pairing SOLVED:
For some reason search in ioBroker forum does not seem to be operational (or I am loosing my mind) - system finds multiple records related to search criteria, but after selecting one of them nothing happens. Same behavior under Chrome or Edge.
I noticed the same behavior when searching for topics regarding my TRADFRI repeater... Still could not get it to work and also I could not find a user who definitely got it working.
@Squelsh said in IKEA Tradfri Pairing SOLVED:
@ap2017 said in IKEA Tradfri Pairing SOLVED:
For some reason search in ioBroker forum does not seem dqfansurvey to be operational (or I am loosing my mind) - system finds multiple records related to search criteria, but after selecting one of them nothing happens. Same behavior under Chrome or Edge.
I noticed the same behavior when searching for topics regarding my TRADFRI repeater... Still could not get it to work and also I could not find a user who definitely got it working.
I've seen people recommend resetting bulb by switching on/off 6 times, then turning on for paring - I tried, did not not work for me.
I am thinking about returning IKEA gateway to store and getting CC2531 USB Zigbee dongle. People seem to have more luck with it.
@trouseredwi sagte in IKEA Tradfri Pairing SOLVED:
I am thinking about returning IKEA gateway to store and getting CC2531 USB Zigbee dongle. People seem to have more luck with it.
I strongly suggest to review the options here - the cc2531 is the weakest of the bunch, even though it is the cheapest. Most people have far better results using a CC2538 or CC26X2R1 based coordinator.
@Asgothian cc2531 work for me without any issue since January.
@ap2017 sagte in IKEA Tradfri Pairing SOLVED:
@Asgothian cc2531 work for me without any issue since January.
I do not doubt that. I had my network running with one for over a year myself before i shifted to a different adapter.
Overall, the CC2531 has the weakest hardware of the compatible adapters and may cause problems when trying to handle large networks, both for covered area as well as number of devices in the network. I am not saying that the CC2531 will not work. But i do advise to read through the descriptions and check the alternatives.
just for solving a solved thread - to help others with IKEA pairing problems:
to pair a tradfri device - in my case a bulb.
I switched it off for 10 sek, then on/off for 6 times and on again:
now it is ready to pair (brightness changed smooth from dark to bright and back)