Adapter: fireTv
hab den Adapter fireTV zum laufen gebracht, da das was ich brauche fehlt wollte ich es selbst erweitern.
Ich hätte gerne zwei Infos, bei denen ich auch weiß wie ich die Abgreifen kann.
- Aktuelle App
- Wird gerade was wiedergegeben
Hab den passenden ADB-Shell Befehl mal in "shell" gesendet, jedoch kommt nichts zurück.
Dachte dann, ach mach ich halt den sauberen Weg und bau das in den Adapter als Datenpunkt, jedoch komme ich nicht weiter.Der Datenpunkt wird nicht befüllt, aber angelegt. Auch bekomme ich keine Logmeldungen.
Hier meine angepasste firetv.js:
"use strict"; var soef = require(`${__dirname}/lib/dontBeSoSoef`), adb = require('adbkit'), path = require('path'), Mdns = require('mdns-discovery'); let Client; try { Client = require('./node_modules/adbkit/lib/adb/client.js'); } catch (e) { Client = require('../adbkit/lib/adb/client'); } soef.extendAll(); Client.prototype.shellEx = function(id, command, cb) { // this, id, command, function (err, stream) {, command, function (err, stream) { if (err || !stream) return cb & cb(err, 0); adb.util.readAll(stream, function (err, output) { if (err || !stream) return cb && cb(err); var ar = output.toString().split('\r\n'); ar.length--; for (var i=ar.length-1; i > ar.length-10; i++) { adapter.log.debug(ar[i]); } cb && cb(0, ar); }); }) }; // Client.prototype.shell1 = function (id, command, cb) { // return this.shellEx(id, command, function (err, ar) { // cb && cb(err, (ar && ar.length) ? ar[0] : ''); // }); // }; Client.prototype.getIP = function(id, cb) { var self = this; this.getProperties(id, function (err, properties) { if (!err && properties) { var ip = soef.getProp(properties, "dhcp.eth0.ipaddress"); ip = ip || soef.getProp(properties, "dhcp.wlan0.ipaddress"); if (ip) return cb && cb(0, ip); } self.shellEx(id, "ifconfig wlan0", function (err, ar) { if (err || !ar) return cb && cb(''); ar.forEach(function (line) { var a = line.trim().split(' '); if (a && a.length) { a = a[0].split(':'); if (a && a.length && a[0] === 'inet addr') { ip = a [1]; if (ip) return cb && cb(ip); } } }); cb && cb(''); }); }); }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var fireTVs = {}; var g_client; var isWin = process.platform === 'win32'; var knownAppPathes = { kodi: 'org.xbmc.kodi/.Splash', xbmc: 'org.xbmc.kodi/.Splash', netflix: '', tvnow: 'de.cbc.tvnow.firetv/de.cbc.tvnowfiretv.MainActivity', nowtv: 'de.cbc.tvnow.firetv/de.cbc.tvnowfiretv.MainActivity', zdf: '', ard: 'com.daserste.daserste', daserste: 'com.daserste.daserste' }; //am start -n //am start -W -S -n var adapter = soef.Adapter ( main, onStateChange, onUnload, onMessage, 'firetv' ); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var usedStateNames = { online: { n: 'online', val: false, common: { write: false, min: false, max: true }}, currentApp: { n: 'currentApp', val: '', common: { write: false }}, currentActivity: { n: 'currentActivity', val: '',common: { write: false }}, startApp: { n: 'startApp', val: '', common: { desc: 'start an application e.g.:'}}, stopApp: { n: 'stopApp', val: '', common: { desc: 'stops an application e.g.:'}}, sendKeyCode: { n: 'sendKeyCode', val: 0, common: { }}, sendKeyCodeArray: { n: '', val: '', common: { desc: 'Can be an array of keys and delays. e.g.: 4000, DOWN, 100, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, ENTER, 5000, LEFT' }}, reboot: { n: 'reboot', val: false, common: { min: false, max: true}}, screencap: { n: 'screencap', val: false, common: { min: false, max: true}}, result: { n: 'result', val: '', common: { write: false }}, swapPower: { n: 'swapPower', val: false, common: { min: false, max: true}}, on: { n: 'on', val: false, common: { min: false, max: true}}, state: { n: 'state', val: '', common: { }}, shell: { n: 'shell', val: '', common: { desc: 'send an adb shell command'}}, text: { n: 'text', val: '', common: { desc: 'send "text" to the device'}}, sendevent: { n: 'sendevent', val: '', common: { } }, //framebuffer: { n: 'framebuffer', val: '', common: { } }, enter: { n: 'keys.enter', val: false, common: { min: false, max: true, code: adb.Keycode.KEYCODE_ENTER }}, left: { n: 'keys.left', val: false, common: { min: false, max: true, code: adb.Keycode.KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT }}, right: { n: 'keys.right', val: false, common: { min: false, max: true, code: adb.Keycode.KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT }}, up: { n: 'keys.up', val: false, common: { min: false, max: true, code: adb.Keycode.KEYCODE_DPAD_UP }}, down: { n: 'keys.down', val: false, common: { min: false, max: true, code: adb.Keycode.KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN }}, home: { n: 'keys.home', val: false, common: { min: false, max: true, code: adb.Keycode.KEYCODE_HOME }}, back: { n: 'keys.back', val: false, common: { min: false, max: true, code: adb.Keycode.KEYCODE_BACK }}, menu: { n: '', val: false, common: { min: false, max: true, code: adb.Keycode.KEYCODE_MENU }}, escape: { n: 'keys.escape', val: false, common: { min: false, max: true, code: adb.Keycode.KEYCODE_ESCAPE}} }; for (var i in usedStateNames) { var o = usedStateNames[i]; if (!o.n) o.n = i; } function prepareStates() { var o = {}; for (var i in adb.Keycode) { o[adb.Keycode[i]] = i.substr(8); } usedStateNames.sendKeyCode.common.states = o; } prepareStates(); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function onStateChange(id, state) { var dcs = adapter.idToDCS(id); var ftv = fireTVs[dcs.device]; if (ftv) { if (ftv.onStateChange(, dcs.state, state.val) === true) {, false); } } } function onMessage (obj) { if (!obj) return; switch (obj.command) { case 'discovery': var mdns = Mdns({ timeout: 3, name: '_amzn-wplay._tcp.local', find: 'amzn.dmgr:' }); mdns.setFilter('ip', adapter.config.devices).run (function(res) { if (obj.callback) { res.forEach(function(v) { v.enabled = true; }); adapter.sendTo (obj.from, obj.command, JSON.stringify(res), obj.callback); } }); return true; default: adapter.log.warn("Unknown command: " + obj.command); break; } if (obj.callback) adapter.sendTo (obj.from, obj.command, obj.message, obj.callback); return true; } function closeAllFireTVs() { for (var i in fireTVs) { fireTVs[i].close(); delete fireTVs[i]; } } function onUnload(callback) { closeAllFireTVs(); g_client.close(); callback && callback(); } function new_g_client() { if (g_client) return; g_client = adb.createClient({bin: adapter.config.adbPath}); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function trackDevices() { function set(device, val) { if (!device || ! return; var ar =':'); var ftv = fireTVs[normalizedName(ar[0])]; if (ftv) { ftv.setOnline(val); ftv.updatePowerState(); ftv.updateCurrentApp(); ftv.updateState(); } } new_g_client(); g_client.trackDevices() .then(function (tracker) { tracker.on('add', function (device) { set(device, true); adapter.log.debug('Device ' + + ' + type=' + device.type + ' was plugged in'); }); tracker.on('remove', function (device) { set(device, false); adapter.log.debug('Device ' + + ' was unplugged'); }); tracker.on('end', function () { adapter.log.debug('Tracking stopped'); }); }) .catch(function (err) { adapter.log.debug('Something went wrong:' + err.message) }) } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var FireTV = function (entry) { = new devices.CDevice(entry.ip,; = entry.ip; adapter.log.debug("FireTV: " + entry.ip); var d =''); fireTVs [d] = this; }; FireTV.prototype.startClient = function(cb) { var self = this; this.client = adb.createClient({ bin: adapter.config.adbPath }); this.client.connect(, 5555, function(err, id) { if (err || !id) { adapter.log.error('can not connect to ' + + ' Error=' + err.message); return; } = id; self.client.getState(id, function(err,state) { adapter.log.debug('Connected to ' + + ' id=' + id + ((!err && state) ? ' state=' + state : "")); self.updateState(state); }); // self.client.getProperties(id, function(err, properties) { // }); // self.client.getPackages(id, function(err, packages) { // if (err || !packages) return; // }); self.client.version(function(err, version) { self.getAndroidVersion(function(androidVersion) { self.getAPILevel(function (apiLevel) { soef.log("%s: ADB version: %s, Android Version: %s, API Level: %s",, version, androidVersion, apiLevel); }); }); }); self.updatePowerState(); self.updateCurrentApp(); }); cb && cb(); }; FireTV.prototype.createStates = function (cb) { for (var j in usedStateNames) { var st = Object.assign({}, usedStateNames[j]);, st); } devices.update(function() { this.startClient(cb); }.bind(this)); }; FireTV.prototype.close = function() { if (this.client && { this.client.disconnect( (err) { adapter.log.debug('Something went wrong:' + err.message) }); this.client.kill(function(err) { if (err) adapter.log('error killing adb server: ' + err.message); }); this.client = undefined; } }; FireTV.prototype.getAndroidVersion = function (cb) { return this.shell1('getprop', cb); }; FireTV.prototype.getAPILevel = function (cb) { return this.shell1('getprop', cb); }; FireTV.prototype.setOnline = function (online) {, !!online); }; FireTV.prototype.handleCallback = function (err, stream, cb) { if (err || !stream) { adapter.log.error('ID: ' + + ' Error=' + err.message); if (err && err.message)'error', err.message); return cb && cb(); } var self = this; adb.util.readAll(stream, function(err, output) { if (!err && output) { var ar = output.toString().split('\r\n'); ar.length--; // for (var i = Math.max(0, ar.length-10); i < ar.length; i++) { // var line = ar[i]; // adapter.log.debug(line); //'result', line); // } if (ar.length < 10) ar.forEach(function (line) { adapter.log.debug(line);'result', line); }); } if (cb) cb (ar); }); }; FireTV.prototype.shell1 /*Line*/ = function (cmd, cb) { (cmd, function(ar) { if (ar && ar.length) return cb && cb(ar[0]); cb && cb(''); }) }; = function (command, cb) { if (!this.client || ! return cb && cb(' not set');, command, function(err, stream) { this.handleCallback(err, stream, cb); }.bind(this)); }; function lines2Object(lines) { var o = {}; if (!lines) return o; if (typeof lines === 'string') lines = lines.split('\r\n'); lines.forEach(function(line) { line = line.trim().replace(/ |:/g, '_'); var ar = line.split('='); if (ar && ar.length >= 2) { o [ar[0]] = valtype(ar[1]); } }); return o; } FireTV.prototype.updatePowerState = function (cb) { this.getPowerState(function (on) {, on); cb && cb(on); }.bind(this)); }; FireTV.prototype.updateCurrentApp = function (cb) { this.getCurrentApp(function (currentApp) {, currentApp); cb && cb(currentApp); }.bind(this)); }; FireTV.prototype.updateState = function (state) {, state); }; FireTV.prototype.getPowerState = function (cb) {'dumpsys power', function (ar) { // var value = ar.join('\r'); // var RE_KEYVAL = /^\s*(\S*)=(\S)\r?$/gm; // var properties = {}; // var match; // value = value.substr(52); // while (match = RE_KEYVAL.exec(value)) { // properties[match[1]] = match[2]; // } var power = lines2Object(ar); var on = power.Display_Power__state; //var i = power.mScreenOn; // power.mSystemReady // power.mDisplayReady; cb && cb(on === 'ON'); }); }; FireTV.prototype.getCurrentApp = function (cb) {'dumpsys window windows | grep mCurrentFocus', function (ar) { var value = ar; adapter.log.debug('Shell:' + ar); var RE_APP = /mCurrentFocus=Window{e\d+\s[a-z0-9]+\s(.*)\/(.*)}/gm; // var properties = {}; var match; // value = value.substr(52); var currentApp; while (match = RE_APP.exec(value)) {'currentApp', match[1]);'currentActivity', match[2]); currentApp = match[1]; // properties[match[1]] = match[2]; } cb && cb(currentApp); }); }; function getKeyValue(key) { var val = ~~key; if (val) return val; key = key.replace(/"|'|\s/g, '').toUpperCase(); if ((val = adb.Keycode[key]) !== undefined) return val; if ((val = adb.Keycode['KEYCODE_DPAD_' + key]) !== undefined) return val; val = adb.Keycode['KEYCODE_' + key]; return val; } function buildInputEvent(key, longpress) { key = getKeyValue(key); var SEP = ' && '; //var SEP = '\n'; var eventNo = 7; var cmd = //"sendevent /dev/input/event" + eventNo + " 4 4 0007004f" + SEP + "sendevent /dev/input/event" + eventNo + " 1 " + key + " 1" + SEP + "sendevent /dev/input/event" + eventNo + " 0 0 0" + SEP; if (longpress) cmd += 'sleep 1'; cmd += //"sendevent /dev/input/event" + eventNo + " 4 4 0007004f" + SEP + "sendevent /dev/input/event" + eventNo + " 1 " + key + " 0" + SEP + "sendevent /dev/input/event" + eventNo + " 0 0 0"; return cmd; } var reInputKey = /^[\"|\'](.*)[\"|\']$/; FireTV.prototype.inputKeyevent = function (val) { if (~~val !== 0) return"input keyevent " + val); // (4000, 'DOWN', 1000, 'DOWN', 100, 'DOWN', 'RIGHT', 'RIGHT', 'RIGHT', 'RIGHT', 'ENTER', 500, 'DOWN'); var ar = val.split(','); if (ar.length <= 1) ar = val.split(' '); var number, i = 0, delay = 0; var self = this; //self.stopKeyevents function doIt() { if (i < ar.length && !self.stopKeyevents) { var v = ar[i++].trim(); if ((number = ~~v)) { //adapter.log.debug('sendKeys: number, delay=' + v); delay = number; setTimeout (doIt, delay); } else { //adapter.log.debug('sendKeys: ' + v + ' (' + keys[v] + ')'); var key; if (reInputKey.test(v)) { key = "input text " + normalizeInputText(v.replace(reInputKey, '$1')); } else if (v === 'callback') {'result', 'callback'); } else { key = "input keyevent " + getKeyValue(v); } //console.log('Sending: ' + key + ' i=' + i); key, function(lines) { if (i <ar.length && ~~ar[i] > 0) doIt(); else setTimeout(doIt, delay); }); } } if (self.stopKeyevents) self.stopKeyevents--; } doIt(); }; FireTV.prototype.frameBuffer = function (val) { this.client.framebuffer(, 'raw', function(err, stream) { if (err || !stream) return; adb.util.readAll(stream, function(err, output) { err = err; }); }); }; function normalizeInputText(t) { return t.toString().replace(/\s/g, '%s'); } FireTV.prototype.onStateChange = function (channel, state, val) { var self = this; switch(channel) { case 'framebuffer': this.frameBuffer(val); break; case; break; case usedStateNames.text.n: val = val.replace(/\s/g, '%s');'input text ' + normalizeInputText(val)); break; case 'keys': var code = usedStateNames[state].common.code;"input keyevent " + code); return true; case usedStateNames.startApp.n: var appPath = knownAppPathes[val.toLowerCase()]; if (!appPath) appPath = val; var ar = appPath.split('/'); if (ar.length < 2) appPath += '/.MainActivity';'am start -n ' + appPath); break; case usedStateNames.stopApp.n: var appPath = knownAppPathes[val.toLowerCase()]; if (!appPath) appPath = val; var ar = appPath.split('/');'am force-stop ' + ar[0]); break; case 'sendevent': case usedStateNames.sendKeyCodeArray.n: case usedStateNames.sendKeyCode.n: this.inputKeyevent(val); //"input keyevent " + val); break; case usedStateNames.reboot.n: this.client.reboot(, this.handleCallback.bind(this)); break; case usedStateNames.screencap.n: this.client.screencap(, this.handleCallback.bind(this)); break; case usedStateNames.swapPower.n:"input keyevent " + adb.Keycode.KEYCODE_POWER); return true; case 'power': case usedStateNames.on.n: this.getPowerState(function(on) { if (val !== on)"input keyevent " + adb.Keycode.KEYCODE_POWER); }.bind(this)); break; } }; function checkIP(cb) { if (adapter.config.devices.length) cb && cb(); cb = undefined; var mdns = Mdns({ timeout: 4, //returnOnFirstFound: true, name: '_amzn-wplay._tcp.local', find: 'amzn.dmgr:' }); (function(res) { res.removeDup('ip', adapter.config.devices); if (!res.length) return cb && cb(); soef.changeAdapterConfig(adapter, function(config){ res.forEach(function(dev) { if (!config.devices.find(function(v) { return v.ip === dev.ip; })) { config.devices.push({ enabled: true, name:, ip: dev.ip }) } }); if (config.devices.length !== adapter.config.devices.length) { adapter.config.devices = config.devices; if (cb === undefined) { closeAllFireTVs(); startFireTVs(); } } }, cb ); }); } function checkPATH() { var fn, ar = process.env.PATH.split(path.delimiter); var exe = isWin ? 'adb.exe' : 'adb'; ar.find(function(v) { if (v.toLowerCase().indexOf('adb') >= 0) { var _fn = path.join(v, exe); if (soef.existFile(_fn)) { fn = _fn; return true; } } return false; }); return fn; } var defaultMinimalABAndFastboot = 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Minimal ADB and Fastboot/adb.exe'; function normalizeConfig() { var oldAdbPath = adapter.config.adbPath; if (!soef.existFile(adapter.config.adbPath)) { if (isWin && adapter.config.adbPath && soef.existFile(adapter.config.adbPath + '.exe')) { adapter.config.adbPath += '.exe'; } else { var p = adapter.config.adbPath + '/adb'; p = p.replace(/\\/g, '/').replace(/\/\//g, '/'); if (!isWin && soef.existFile(p)) { adapter.config.adbPath = p; } else if (isWin && soef.existFile(p + '.exe')) { adapter.config.adbPath = p + '.exe'; } else if (isWin && soef.existFile(defaultMinimalABAndFastboot)) { adapter.config.adbPath = defaultMinimalABAndFastboot; } else { adapter.config.adbPath = checkPATH(); if (!adapter.config.adbPath) { adapter.log.error('adb executable not found. ' + adapter.config.adbPath); adapter.config.adbPath = 'adb' } } } adapter.config.adbPath = path.normalize(adapter.config.adbPath); } if (oldAdbPath !== adapter.config.adbPath || adapter.config.devices.unique('ip')) { soef.changeAdapterConfig(adapter, function(config) { config.devices = adapter.config.devices; config.adbPath = adapter.config.adbPath; }); } } function startFireTVs(cb) { var i = 0; function doIt() { if (i >= adapter.config.devices.length) return cb && cb(); var device = adapter.config.devices[i++]; if (device.enabled) { var firetv = new FireTV(device); firetv.createStates(doIt); } else { doIt(); } } doIt(); } function prepareDevices(cb) { var re = /^\d*\.\d*\.\d*\.\d*:\d*$/; new_g_client(); g_client.listDevices(function (err, devices) { if (err || !devices) return cb && cb(err); devices.forEach(function (device) { if (!re.test( g_client.tcpip(, function (err, port) { if (err || !port) return cb && cb(err); g_client.waitForDevice(, function(err, data) { g_client.getIP(, function(ip) { if (ip) g_client.connect(ip, port, function(err,data) { cb && cb(err); }); }); }); }); }) }) } function main() { normalizeConfig(); prepareDevices(); soef.deleteOrphanedDevices('ip', adapter.config.devices); checkIP(function () { startFireTVs(function () { trackDevices(); }) }); adapter.subscribeStates('*'); //adapter.subscribeObjects('*'); }
@HenryH said in Adapter: fireTv:
Dachte dann, ach mach ich halt den sauberen Weg und bau das in den Adapter als Datenpunkt, jedoch komme ich nicht weiter.
Hallo Henry,
bis Du hier schon weitergekommen?
oberstel -
Hi @oberstel,
leider nicht.
Habe das dann auch nicht mehr weiter verfolgt, da die ADB Schnittstelle unzuverlässig auf dem FireTV Stick läuft und häufig deaktiviert und wieder aktiviert werden muss um dann wieder zu funktionieren.
Habe zwar gefunden dass es Schnittstellen von Amazon gibt, jedoch schien das eher Aufwendig und hatte nicht ganz verstanden wie das genau funktioniert.Gruß
@HenryH Morgen darf ich fragen wie du es geschafft hast. Finde keine Anleitung dazu. Habe ein Firetv Cube. Iobroker läuft auf einer Synology im Docker. Danke