Viessmann API
Hallo Zusammen,
ich habe gestern eine E-Mail von Viessmann bekommen, dass die neue API nun für Tests freigegeben wurde. Gibt es dazu schon Neuigkeiten bzw. geplante Anpassungen des Viessmann Adapter?
Anbei der Text:
"It has been a while since we announced that Viessmann is working on a Developer Portal that provides users with access to the API of our devices. Furthermore, we are pleased to inform you that we are starting with testing of the Developer Portal and would like to invite you as one of our first users!
Here is how you get started using the Developer Portal:
Use this form and send us your Viessmann Account Login ID. The Login ID is equivalent to the user name you are using for e.g. ViCare.
Use the same account you used for registering your heating device. Otherwise you won’t be able to get access to your heating device via API.
We will inform you as soon as we activate your account for the Developer Portal. After this, you can go on and login with your account.
Your API client created through the Developer Portal has a separate rate limitation on your API requests. This means your ViCare app (and other applications that use a different API client) will continue working independently of your API calls via the Developer Portal.We also have three advices we would like you to consider already in your current implementations:
For authorization, switch to the IDP v2 endpoint:
The v1 endpoint is deprecated and will be deactivated soon, so make sure not to use this endpoint anymore for any implementations.
You can retrieve all accessible features with one single API request. To do this, use the following endpoint:
Device features:{installationId}/gateways/{gatewaySerial}/devices/{deviceId}/features
Installation features:{installationId}/features
This saves you a API requests.With the Developer Portal, you will be able to access features that cover the most relevant use cases. Since the Developer Portal will soon be the way to access the API, make sure to use features for your applications that are available within the documentation:
As you are one of the first test users, the Portal is still in development. We will approach you in a separate mail to ask you for your specific feedback.
We are very happy to welcome you to our Developer Portal! In case you have any questions, feel free to contact us under
All the best!
Your Viessmann Developer Portal Team"
Ich nehme an, du sprichst von folgendem Adapter:
Ich würde dir vorschlagen, in GitHub ein Issue zu erfassen, so erhält der Entwickler das gleich mit. Kannst ja auf dieses Thema hier verweisen.
@unclesam nein es geht um den Viessmann API Adapter
Hi, ich habe gerade ne neue Viesmann bekommen ( Gas ) ... die App auf dem Handy dafür ist ViCare.
Gibt es dafür einen Adapter ? Wie heisst der ?Besten Dank
@skokarl Ja, Viessmannapi