Datenpunkte in influxDB/Grafana nicht da
Du hast zwei .list-Dateien zu influx:
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 117 23. Feb 11:33 influxdata.list -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 54 23. Feb 11:56 influxdb.list
Eine davon enthält den Verweis auf
. Die löschen, denn die andere hat den Verweis aufstable
drin. -
Tja, nu ist es egal. Jetzt ist er hin.
Der Pi bootet nicht mehr. Ich komm nicht mehr per SSH drauf.
Was haste gemacht?
Nachdem ich die list-dateien geändert habe, habe ich nochmal dieses gemacht
sudo apt update sudo apt full-upgrade
Dort wurde dann jede Menge aktualisiert.
Dann reboot und das war´s.
Wenn ich nun die aktuelle Version von bullseye, Grafana und influx installiere und dann ein restore über ioBroker mache, schaufel ich mir dann den ganzen Müll wieder drauf, oder wird nur die Datenbank mit den Werten wieder aufgespielt?
@beowolf sagte in Datenpunkte in influxDB/Grafana nicht da:
Dort wurde dann jede Menge aktualisiert.
Da hast du ja auch lange geschludert. Je größer die Menge an Updates wird umso komplexer wird natürlich auch der Update-Vorgang. Deshalb macht man das ja auch regelmäßig in dann kleinerem Umfang.
reicht ein regelmäßiges update und upgrade nicht aus? -
iobroker restore hat nichts mit den Paketen des Betriebssystems zu schaffen.
Wie gehe ich denn jetzt am besten vor? Nur die drei Sachen installieren und dann ein restore?
@beowolf sagte in Datenpunkte in influxDB/Grafana nicht da:
reicht ein regelmäßiges update und upgrade nicht aus?
Ja, aber man muss es auch machen. Ich zitiere:
164 nicht aktualisiert.
Und die Quellen konsistent haben. Ein Mix aus verschiedenen releases kann auch zu so verfahrenen Situationen führen.
@beowolf sagte in Datenpunkte in influxDB/Grafana nicht da:
Nur die drei Sachen installieren
Welche 'drei Sachen' meinst du?
bullseye, Grafana und influx
Wäre ein Ansatz.
Erst einmal ein wenig schlafen - morgen geht es weiter.
Vielen Dank für die ganze Hilfe.
Manfred -
So, bin wieder da.
Neu aufgesetzt.
Wenn ich nun versuche die Daten von Grafana per Restore wieder zu laden, bekomme ich diese Meldung unter ioBroker
Started restore ... [DEBUG] [grafana] - Start Grafana Restore ... [DEBUG] [grafana] - filename for restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_2023_05_15-10_02_00_backupiobroker.tar.gz [DEBUG] [grafana] - Grafana tmp directory created: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp [DEBUG] [grafana] - start decompress [DEBUG] [grafana] - Grafana request started [DEBUG] [grafana] - Grafana is available ... Status: 200 [DEBUG] [grafana] - Try to Restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp/datasource/InfluxDB.json [DEBUG] [grafana] - Try to Restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp/datasource/MySQL.json [DEBUG] [grafana] - cannot restore datasource "InfluxDB": "data source with the same name already exists" [DEBUG] [grafana] - datasoure restore "MySQL" finish: {"datasource":{"id":5,"uid":"T4QlxHigk","orgId":1,"name":"MySQL","type":"mysql","typeLogoUrl":"","access":"proxy","url":"","user":"224_wetter","database":"224_wetter","basicAuth":false,"basicAuthUser":"","withCredentials":false,"isDefault":false,"jsonData":{"tlsAuth":false},"secureJsonFields":{},"version":1,"readOnly":false},"id":5,"message":"Datasource added","name":"MySQL"} [DEBUG] [grafana] - Try to Restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp/dashboards/anzuchtschrank.json [DEBUG] [grafana] - Try to Restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp/dashboards/brutkasten.json [DEBUG] [grafana] - Try to Restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp/dashboards/dachgeschoss.json [DEBUG] [grafana] - Try to Restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp/dashboards/energieubersicht.json [DEBUG] [grafana] - Try to Restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp/dashboards/erdgeschoss.json [DEBUG] [grafana] - Try to Restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp/dashboards/kellergeschoss.json [DEBUG] [grafana] - Try to Restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp/dashboards/huhnerhaus.json [DEBUG] [grafana] - Try to Restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp/dashboards/heizung.json [DEBUG] [grafana] - Try to Restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp/dashboards/obergeschoss.json [DEBUG] [grafana] - Try to Restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp/dashboards/new-dashboard-copy.json [DEBUG] [grafana] - Try to Restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp/dashboards/pflanzbeet-pflox.json [DEBUG] [grafana] - Try to Restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp/dashboards/olheizung.json [DEBUG] [grafana] - Try to Restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp/dashboards/pflanzkasten-pflox.json [DEBUG] [grafana] - Try to Restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp/dashboards/pflanzstreifen-garage.json [DEBUG] [grafana] - Try to Restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp/dashboards/pflanzstreifen-eingang.json [DEBUG] [grafana] - Try to Restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp/dashboards/ubersicht-wassertanks.json [DEBUG] [grafana] - Try to Restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp/dashboards/phase-1.json [DEBUG] [grafana] - Try to Restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp/dashboards/rosenpflanzkasten.json [DEBUG] [grafana] - Try to Restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp/dashboards/umweltdaten-stall.json [DEBUG] [grafana] - Try to Restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp/dashboards/umweltdaten.json [DEBUG] [grafana] - Try to Restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp/dashboards/wasserspiel.json [DEBUG] [grafana] - Try to Restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp/dashboards/wohnhaus.json [DEBUG] [grafana] - Try to Restore: /opt/iobroker/backups/grafana_tmp/dashboards/wetterdaten-stall.json [DEBUG] [grafana] - cannot restore dashboard "anzuchtschrank": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":""} [DEBUG] [grafana] - cannot restore dashboard "energieubersicht": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":""} [DEBUG] [grafana] - Grafana dashboard restore not possible: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'data') [DEBUG] [grafana] - Grafana request ended [DEBUG] [grafana] - Try deleting the Grafana tmp directory [DEBUG] [grafana] - Grafana tmp directory was successfully deleted [DEBUG] [grafana] - cannot restore dashboard "umweltdaten": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":""} [DEBUG] [grafana] - cannot restore dashboard "wasserspiel": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":""} [DEBUG] [grafana] - cannot restore dashboard "wohnhaus": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":""} [DEBUG] [grafana] - cannot restore dashboard "brutkasten": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":""} [DEBUG] [grafana] - cannot restore dashboard "olheizung": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":""} [DEBUG] [grafana] - cannot restore dashboard "huhnerhaus": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":""} [DEBUG] [grafana] - cannot restore dashboard "obergeschoss": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":""} [DEBUG] [grafana] - cannot restore dashboard "dachgeschoss": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":""} [DEBUG] [grafana] - cannot restore dashboard "phase-1": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":""} [DEBUG] [grafana] - cannot restore dashboard "pflanzstreifen-garage": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":""} [DEBUG] [grafana] - cannot restore dashboard "ubersicht-wassertanks": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":""} [DEBUG] [grafana] - cannot restore dashboard "pflanzstreifen-eingang": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":""} [DEBUG] [grafana] - cannot restore dashboard "kellergeschoss": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":""} [DEBUG] [grafana] - cannot restore dashboard "erdgeschoss": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":""} [DEBUG] [grafana] - cannot restore dashboard "pflanzbeet-pflox": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":""} [DEBUG] [grafana] - cannot restore dashboard "new-dashboard-copy": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":""} [DEBUG] [grafana] - cannot restore dashboard "pflanzkasten-pflox": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":""} [DEBUG] [grafana] - cannot restore dashboard "umweltdaten-stall": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":""} [DEBUG] [grafana] - cannot restore dashboard "rosenpflanzkasten": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":""} [DEBUG] [grafana] - cannot restore dashboard "wetterdaten-stall": {"message":"invalid API key","traceID":""} [DEBUG] [grafana] - Grafana Restore completed successfully [EXIT] Grafana restore done
Was ist das mit dem
{"message":"invalid API key","traceID":""}
Habe es gefunden. Neuen Token unter Grafana erzeugen.
Benötige noch einmal etwas Hilfe.
Was habe ich vergessen?
Started iobroker ... [DEBUG] [mount] - Wake on LAN wait 90 Seconds for NAS! [DEBUG] [mount] - Wake on LAN MAC-Address: 38:EA:A7:A0:22:2B [DEBUG] [mount] - noserverino option: false [DEBUG] [mount] - cifs-mount command: "sudo mount -t cifs -o username=Administrator,password=****,rw,uid=iobroker,gid=iobroker,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,vers=3.1.1 // /opt/iobroker/backups" [DEBUG] [mount] - first mount attempt with smb option failed. try next mount attempt without smb option ... [DEBUG] [mount] - cifs-mount command: "sudo mount -t cifs -o username=Administrator,password=****,rw,uid=iobroker,gid=iobroker,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 // /opt/iobroker/backups" [DEBUG] [mount] - mount successfully completed [DEBUG] [mount] - done [DEBUG] [iobroker] - host.ioBroker-Master 8983 states saved [DEBUG] [iobroker] - host.ioBroker-Master 9775 objects saved [DEBUG] [iobroker] - Backup created: /opt/iobroker/backups/iobroker_2023_05_16-13_06_54_backupiobroker.tar.gz [DEBUG] [iobroker] - done [DEBUG] [influxDB] - InfluxDB-Backup started ... [DEBUG] [influxDB] - Start InfluxDB Backup ... [DEBUG] [influxDB] - InfluxDB Backup tmp directory created [DEBUG] [influxDB] - Try deleting the InfluxDB tmp directory: "/opt/iobroker/backups/influxDB_2023_05_16-13_07_08_backupiobroker" [DEBUG] [influxDB] - InfluxDB tmp directory "/opt/iobroker/backups/influxDB_2023_05_16-13_07_08_backupiobroker" successfully deleted [DEBUG] [influxDB] - 2023/05/16 13:07:08 backing up metastore to /opt/iobroker/backups/influxDB_2023_05_16-13_07_08_backupiobroker/meta.00 [ERROR] [influxDB] - Error: Command failed: influxd backup -portable -database home -host "/opt/iobroker/backups/influxDB_2023_05_16-13_07_08_backupiobroker" 2023/05/16 13:07:09 Download shard 0 failed dial tcp connect: connection refused. Waiting 2s and retrying (0)... 2023/05/16 13:07:11 Download shard 0 failed dial tcp connect: connection refused. Waiting 2s and retrying (1)... 2023/05/16 13:07:13 Download shard 0 failed dial tcp connect: connection refused. Waiting 2s and retrying (2)... 2023/05/16 13:07:15 Download shard 0 failed dial tcp connect: connection refused. Waiting 2s and retrying (3)... 2023/05/16 13:07:17 Download shard 0 failed dial tcp connect: connection refused. Waiting 2s and retrying (4)... 2023/05/16 13:07:19 Download shard 0 failed dial tcp connect: connection refused. Waiting 2s and retrying (5)... 2023/05/16 13:07:21 Download shard 0 failed dial tcp connect: connection refused. Waiting 3.01s and retrying (6)... 2023/05/16 13:07:24 Download shard 0 failed dial tcp connect: connection refused. Waiting 11.441s and retrying (7)... 2023/05/16 13:07:35 Download shard 0 failed dial tcp connect: connection refused. Waiting 43.477s and retrying (8)... 2023/05/16 13:08:19 Download shard 0 failed dial tcp connect: connection refused. Waiting 2m45.216s and retrying (9)... backup: dial tcp connect: connection refused
Ich kann die influxdb nicht sichern.
Mist, hatte wieder in der influxdb.conf den
bind-address = "<InfluxDB-IP>:8088"
Eintrag vergessen.
Nun läuft wieder alles. Es erscheinen nun auch alle Datenpunkte die vorher nicht da waren.