S7 CPU and Alexa
Hi to all,
I am using a S7-CPU for my home automation and Alexa over iobroker , to contorl my lights I have the wall swich (who gener a pusle to my plc ) and Alexa . My question is : there is a way if I turn on the light from Alexa and turn off the light from the wall swich to rewrite the last comand sent from Alexa to FALSE, so next time when I want to turn on the light from Alexa not to set it off first time and after on to start the light (a feedback from my plc to iobroker) . Thanks!
my solution is a seperate Alexamarker.
I have a switch at the wall (as Pusher) so you can push the butten to switch the light on and at the neyt push the light is off.
The S7 CPU knows also is the light on or off.
If you now creat a separte Marker only for Alexa you can control the light on or off.
If the light is off you can switch it with Alexa "Alexa, switch the light on" on, if the light is on and you say "Alexa, switch the light on" nothing happens.
If you switch the light with the wallswitch on so you can say "Alexa, switch the light off" and the light goes off.