Test Adapter iQontrol 2.0.x Vis (Entwicklungs-Thread)
@einstein2002 sagte in Test Adapter iQontrol 1.8.x Vis:
@s-bormann welche Version ist denn jetzt die Aktuelle??
Habe eben gerade ein Update gemacht vor ca. 5min. und habe jetzt auch nur eine leer Kachel.Habe 1.8.0 installiert
Installiere die Version von Github (Im Admin Tab Adapter das Katzen-Logo, dann iqontrol auswählen). Die Version hat keine eigene neue Versions-Nummer, da es die Entwicklerversion ist, man kann also nicht erkennen, dass es eine neuere Version ist, nachdem man die neueste Github-Variante installiert hat.
@s-bormann Hab ich gemacht, es geht jetzt zumindest wieder das Fenster auf worin ich den Modus sehen kann, Auto Manu und Boost. Der Partymodus wird auch angezeigt.
Nur ändern kann ich nicht.
D.H. ich drück Manu und er springt zurück auf Auto, das gleiche bei Boost.In den Optionen kann ich auch keine Änderung sehen.
keine Error mehr im Browser, aber mehr als das wird nicht angezeigt (Funktion habe ich nicht geprüft) Es wird beim automatischen erstellen HM erkannt (nicht HMIP) -
Das Schalten funktioniert nicht. Wenn ich auf auto klicke springt es zurück auf manu. Wenn ich auf manu klicke, dann kommt auto.EDIT: keine Anzeigen auf der Kachel.
@dslraser Wie bei mir.
@dslraser sagte in Test Adapter iQontrol 1.8.x Vis:
keine Error mehr im Browser, aber mehr als das wird nicht angezeigt (Funktion habe ich nicht geprüft) Es wird beim automatischen erstellen HM erkannt (nicht HMIP)@dslraser sagte in Test Adapter iQontrol 1.8.x Vis:
keine Error mehr im Browser, aber mehr als das wird nicht angezeigt (Funktion habe ich nicht geprüft) Es wird beim automatischen erstellen HM erkannt (nicht HMIP)Das automatische Erstellen habe ich jetzt auch mal angepasst, schau mal bitte, ob das jetzt klappt
@einstein2002 sagte in Test Adapter iQontrol 1.8.x Vis:
@dslraser Wie bei mir.
Was steht denn im Browser-Log beim Umschalten?
@s-bormann sagte in Test Adapter iQontrol 1.8.x Vis:
Das automatische Erstellen habe ich jetzt auch mal angepasst, schau mal bitte, ob das jetzt klappt
passt noch nichht
@s-bormann Umschalten geht immer noch nicht und das sehe ich im log
@s-bormann ```
Layout-Darstellung wurde erzwungen, bevor die Seite vollständig geladen war. Falls Stylesheet noch nicht geladen sind, kann dies zu einem kurzzeitigen Darstellung des Inhalts ohne Formatierung führen.
Passwort-Felder sind auf einer unsicheren (http://) Seite vorhanden. Dies ist ein Sicherheitsrisiko, durch das Zugangsdaten gestohlen werden können. index.html
[Socket] connected index.js:12539:11
Socket connected - getStarted index.js:12543:12- Get started... index.js:1366:10
- Fetch system config... index.js:1378:10
[Socket] getConfig index.js:1411:10 - System config received. index.js:1380:11
- Fetch config... index.js:1384:12
[Socket] getObject system.adapter.iqontrol.0 index.js:1431:11 - Creating options-object index.js:1437:14
- Config received. index.js:1386:13
- Handle options... index.js:1387:13
- Options handeled. index.js:1389:13
- Render toolbar... index.js:1390:13
- Toolbar rendered. index.js:1392:13
- Render actual|home view... index.js:1393:13
renderView iqontrol.0.Views.Home, triggeredByReconnection: true index.js:4061:10
Fetch object: sonoff.0.Sonoff_Basic_173_UFO_Lampe.POWER index.js:1478:11
[Socket] getObject sonoff.0.Sonoff_Basic_173_UFO_Lampe.POWER index.js:1479:11
Already waiting for object: sonoff.0.Sonoff_Basic_173_UFO_Lampe.POWER index.js:1468:11
Fetch object: milight-smart-light.0.Eingang-DG.fullColor8Zone-3.onoff index.js:1478:11
[Socket] getObject milight-smart-light.0.Eingang-DG.fullColor8Zone-3.onoff index.js:1479:11
Fetch object: milight-smart-light.0.Eingang-DG.fullColor8Zone-3.brightness index.js:1478:11
[Socket] getObject milight-smart-light.0.Eingang-DG.fullColor8Zone-3.brightness index.js:1479:11
Fetch object: milight-smart-light.0.Eingang-DG.fullColor8Zone-3.hue index.js:1478:11
[Socket] getObject milight-smart-light.0.Eingang-DG.fullColor8Zone-3.hue index.js:1479:11
Fetch object: milight-smart-light.0.Eingang-DG.fullColor8Zone-3.saturation index.js:1478:11
[Socket] getObject milight-smart-light.0.Eingang-DG.fullColor8Zone-3.saturation index.js:1479:11
Fetch object: milight-smart-light.0.Eingang-DG.fullColor8Zone-3.effectBrightness index.js:1478:11
[Socket] getObject milight-smart-light.0.Eingang-DG.fullColor8Zone-3.effectBrightness index.js:1479:11
Fetch object: milight-smart-light.0.Eingang-DG.fullColor8Zone-3.whiteTemperature index.js:1478:11
[Socket] getObject milight-smart-light.0.Eingang-DG.fullColor8Zone-3.whiteTemperature index.js:1479:11
Already waiting for object: milight-smart-light.0.Eingang-DG.fullColor8Zone-3.brightness index.js:1468:11
Fetch object: milight-smart-light.0.Küche.fullColor8Zone-1.rgb index.js:1478:11
[Socket] getObject milight-smart-light.0.Küche.fullColor8Zone-1.rgb index.js:1479:11
Already waiting for object: milight-smart-light.0.Eingang-DG.fullColor8Zone-3.onoff index.js:1468:11
Fetch object: milight-smart-light.0.Eingang-DG.fullColor8Zone-3.effectOnOff index.js:1478:11
[Socket] getObject milight-smart-light.0.Eingang-DG.fullColor8Zone-3.effectOnOff index.js:1479:11
Fetch object: milight-smart-light.0.Eingang-DG.fullColor8Zone-3.effectModeNext index.js:1478:11
[Socket] getObject milight-smart-light.0.Eingang-DG.fullColor8Zone-3.effectModeNext index.js:1479:11
Fetch object: milight-smart-light.0.Eingang-DG.fullColor8Zone-3.effectSpeedUp index.js:1478:11
[Socket] getObject milight-smart-light.0.Eingang-DG.fullColor8Zone-3.effectSpeedUp index.js:1479:11
Fetch object: milight-smart-light.0.Eingang-DG.fullColor8Zone-3.effectSpeedDown index.js:1478:11
[Socket] getObject milight-smart-light.0.Eingang-DG.fullColor8Zone-3.effectSpeedDown index.js:1479:11
Already waiting for object: milight-smart-light.0.Küche.fullColor8Zone-1.rgb index.js:1468:11
Buffered Callback index.js:1470:12
Fetch object: scene.0.Beleuchtung_BVB_Alle index.js:1478:11
[Socket] getObject scene.0.Beleuchtung_BVB_Alle index.js:1479:11
Already waiting for object: scene.0.Beleuchtung_BVB_Alle index.js:1468:11
resizeFullWidthDevicesToFitScreen with zoom-factor 1.0174180327868851 index.js:12246:11
resizeDevicesToFitScreen with zoom-factor 1.0174180327868851 index.js:12218:12
viewShuffleReshuffle {} index.js:6895:10
viewShuffleReshuffle: set timer id 22 to destinationTime 1622976712773 index.js:6924:12
viewShuffleReshuffle {"22":{"destinationTime":1622976712773}} index.js:6895:10
viewShuffleReshuffle: searching for nearby ReshuffleTimers - id: 22 - diff: -750 index.js:6904:11
viewShuffleReshuffle: set timer id 23 to destinationTime 1622976713523 index.js:6924:12
Starting shuffle resize observer index.js:6766:10
[Socket] getStates sonoff.0.Sonoff_Basic_173_UFO_Lampe.POWER,milight-smart-light.0.Eingang-DG.fullColor8Zone-3.onoff,milight-smart-light.0.Eingang-DG.fullColor8Zone-3.brightness,milight-smart-light.0.Eingang-DG.fullColor8Zone-3.hue,milight-smart-light.0.Eingang-DG.fullColor8Zone-3.saturation,milight-smart-light.0.Eingang-DG.fullColor8Zone-3.effectBrightness,milight-smart-light.0.Eingang-DG.fullColor8Zone-3.whiteTemperature,milight-smart-light.0.Küche.fullColor8Zone-1.rgb,milight-smart-light.0.Eingang-DG.fullColor8Zone-3.effectOnOff,milight-smart-light.0.Eingang-DG.fullColor8Zone-3.effectModeNext,milight-smart-light.0.Eingang-DG.fullColor8Zone-3.effectSpeedUp,milight-smart-light.0.Eingang-DG.fullColor8Zone-3.effectSpeedDown,scene.0.Beleuchtung_BVB_Alle index.js:1509:11 - Home rendered. index.js:1398:14
[Socket] getStates iqontrol.0.Popup.Message,iqontrol.0.Popup.Duration,iqontrol.0.Popup.ClickedValue,iqontrol.0.Popup.ClickedDestinationState,iqontrol.0.Popup.ButtonNames,iqontrol.0.Popup.ButtonValues,iqontrol.0.Popup.ButtonDestinationStates,iqontrol.0.Popup.ButtonCloses index.js:1509:11
Fetched Object: sonoff.0.Sonoff_Basic_173_UFO_Lampe.POWER index.js:1485:13
Add timestamp to Wohnzimmer Foscarini with value Aus index.js:6931:10
!stateFillsDevice or badge is invisible - remove padding-top index.js:7129:11
Already waiting for object: milight-smart-light.0.Eingang-DG.fullColor8Zone-3.onoff index.js:1468:11
Add timestamp to Büro/EA DG Bodenleiste with value NaN index.js:6931:10
!stateFillsDevice or badge is invisible - remove padding-top index.js:7129:11
Already waiting for object: milight-smart-light.0.Eingang-DG.fullColor8Zone-3.brightness index.js:1468:11
Add timestamp to Büro/EA DG Bodenleiste with value NaN index.js:6931:10
!stateFillsDevice or badge is invisible - remove padding-top index.js:7129:11
Already waiting for object: milight-smart-light.0.Eingang-DG.fullColor8Zone-3.hue index.js:1468:11
Already waiting for object: milight-smart-light.0.Eingang-DG.fullColor8Zone-3.saturation index.js:1468:11
Already waiting for object: milight-smart-light.0.Eingang-DG.fullColor8Zone-3.effectBrightness index.js:1468:11
Already waiting for object: milight-smart-light.0.Eingang-DG.fullColor8Zone-3.whiteTemperature index.js:1468:11
Already waiting for object: milight-smart-light.0.Küche.fullColor8Zone-1.rgb index.js:1468:11
Already waiting for object: milight-smart-light.0.Eingang-DG.fullColor8Zone-3.effectOnOff index.js:1468:11
Already waiting for object: milight-smart-light.0.Eingang-DG.fullColor8Zone-3.effectModeNext index.js:1468:11
Already waiting for object: milight-smart-light.0.Eingang-DG.fullColor8Zone-3.effectSpeedUp index.js:1468:11
Already waiting for object: milight-smart-light.0.Eingang-DG.fullColor8Zone-3.effectSpeedDown index.js:1468:11
Already waiting for object: scene.0.Beleuchtung_BVB_Alle index.js:1468:11
Add timestamp to Szene BVB Alle LED with value undefined index.js:6931:10
!stateFillsDevice or badge is invisible - remove padding-top index.js:7129:11
Starting marquee observer index.js:7060:10
!stateFillsDevice or badge is invisible - remove padding-top 3 index.js:7129:11
Fetched Object: milight-smart-light.0.Eingang-DG.fullColor8Zone-3.onoff index.js:1485:13
Add timestamp to Büro/EA DG Bodenleiste with value NaN index.js:6931:10
!stateFillsDevice or badge is invisible - remove padding-top index.js:7129:11
Fetched Object: milight-smart-light.0.Eingang-DG.fullColor8Zone-3.brightness index.js:1485:13
Add timestamp to Büro/EA DG Bodenleiste with value Aus index.js:6931:10
!stateFillsDevice or badge is invisible - remove padding-top 2 index.js:7129:11
Fetched Object: milight-smart-light.0.Eingang-DG.fullColor8Zone-3.hue index.js:1485:13
Fetched Object: milight-smart-light.0.Eingang-DG.fullColor8Zone-3.saturation index.js:1485:13
Fetched Object: milight-smart-light.0.Eingang-DG.fullColor8Zone-3.effectBrightness index.js:1485:13
Fetched Object: milight-smart-light.0.Eingang-DG.fullColor8Zone-3.whiteTemperature index.js:1485:13
Fetched Object: milight-smart-light.0.Küche.fullColor8Zone-1.rgb index.js:1485:13
[Socket] getStates milight-smart-light.0.Eingang-DG.fullColor8Zone-3.whiteTemperature index.js:1509:11
Fetched Object: milight-smart-light.0.Eingang-DG.fullColor8Zone-3.effectOnOff index.js:1485:13
Fetched Object: milight-smart-light.0.Eingang-DG.fullColor8Zone-3.effectModeNext index.js:1485:13
Fetched Object: milight-smart-light.0.Eingang-DG.fullColor8Zone-3.effectSpeedUp index.js:1485:13
Fetched Object: milight-smart-light.0.Eingang-DG.fullColor8Zone-3.effectSpeedDown index.js:1485:13
Fetched Object: scene.0.Beleuchtung_BVB_Alle index.js:1485:13
Add timestamp to Szene BVB Alle LED with value Aus index.js:6931:10
!stateFillsDevice or badge is invisible - remove padding-top index.js:7129:11
"K": {"en": "K", "de": "K", "ru": "K", "pt": "K", "nl": "K", "fr": "K"}, translate.js:24:17
Converting from #000000 to H|S|B/CT|B... index.js:2957:10
...result is null|null|null/null|null index.js:3066:10
"K": {"en": "K", "de": "K", "ru": "K", "pt": "K", "nl": "K", "fr": "K"}, translate.js:24:17
Converting H|S|B/CT|B from 54.43836111111112|100|49.494949494949495/16|0 to ... index.js:2901:10
...result is null index.js:2948:10
Add timestamp to Büro/EA DG Bodenleiste with value Aus index.js:6931:10
!stateFillsDevice or badge is invisible - remove padding-top index.js:7129:11
Converting from #000000 to H|S|B/CT|B... index.js:2957:10
...result is null|null|null/null|null index.js:3066:10
"K": {"en": "K", "de": "K", "ru": "K", "pt": "K", "nl": "K", "fr": "K"}, translate.js:24:17
Converting H|S|B/CT|B from 54.43836111111112|100|49.494949494949495/16|0 to ... index.js:2901:10
...result is null index.js:2948:10
Converting from #000000 to H|S|B/CT|B... index.js:2957:10
...result is null|null|null/null|null index.js:3066:10
"K": {"en": "K", "de": "K", "ru": "K", "pt": "K", "nl": "K", "fr": "K"}, translate.js:24:17
Converting H|S|B/CT|B from 54.43836111111112|100|49.494949494949495/16|0 to ... index.js:2901:10
...result is null index.js:2948:10
Converting from #000000 to H|S|B/CT|B... index.js:2957:10
...result is null|null|null/null|null index.js:3066:10
"K": {"en": "K", "de": "K", "ru": "K", "pt": "K", "nl": "K", "fr": "K"}, translate.js:24:17
Converting H|S|B/CT|B from 54.43836111111112|100|49.494949494949495/16|0 to ... index.js:2901:10
...result is null index.js:2948:10
Converting from #000000 to H|S|B/CT|B... index.js:2957:10
...result is null|null|null/null|null index.js:3066:10
"K": {"en": "K", "de": "K", "ru": "K", "pt": "K", "nl": "K", "fr": "K"}, translate.js:24:17
Converting H|S|B/CT|B from 54.43836111111112|100|49.494949494949495/16|0 to ... index.js:2901:10
...result is null index.js:2948:10
viewDeviceContextMenu end via SCROLL index.js:7188:12
viewDeviceContextMenu end function index.js:7235:10
viewDeviceContextMenu end function - end ignoreStart index.js:7240:11
viewShuffleReshuffle: Shuffle! id: 22 index.js:6917:13
viewShuffleReshuffle: Shuffle! id: 23 index.js:6917:13
toolbarContextMenu start via TOUCHSTART/MOUSEDOWN index.js:3953:11
toolbarContextMenu start function index.js:3978:10
viewDeviceContextMenu end function index.js:7235:10
toolbarContextMenu level: -0.18750000000000003 index.js:3996:12
toolbarContextMenu level: -0.125 index.js:3996:12
toolbarContextMenu end via TOUCHEND/MOUSEUP index.js:3964:11
toolbarContextMenu end function index.js:4014:10
viewDeviceContextMenu end via TOUCHEND/MOUSEUP index.js:7183:11
viewDeviceContextMenu end function index.js:7235:10
toolbarContextMenu end function index.js:4014:10
renderView iqontrol.0.Views.Funktionen, triggeredByReconnection: false index.js:4061:10
resizeFullWidthDevicesToFitScreen with zoom-factor 1.0174180327868851 index.js:12246:11
resizeDevicesToFitScreen with zoom-factor 1.0174180327868851 index.js:12218:12
viewShuffleReshuffle {} index.js:6895:10
viewShuffleReshuffle: set timer id 61 to destinationTime 1622976716085 index.js:6924:12
viewShuffleReshuffle {"61":{"destinationTime":1622976716085}} index.js:6895:10
viewShuffleReshuffle: searching for nearby ReshuffleTimers - id: 61 - diff: -750 index.js:6904:11
viewShuffleReshuffle: set timer id 62 to destinationTime 1622976716835 index.js:6924:12
Starting shuffle resize observer index.js:6766:10
Starting marquee observer index.js:7060:10
!stateFillsDevice or badge is invisible - remove padding-top 2 index.js:7129:11
toolbarContextMenu end function - find active Toolbar Index 2 index.js:4019:11
toolbarContextMenu ignore click ended after 100ms index.js:3987:11
viewDeviceContextMenu end function - end ignoreStart index.js:7240:11
toolbarContextMenu end function - end ignoreStart index.js:4033:11
viewDeviceContextMenu end function - end ignoreStart index.js:7240:11
toolbarContextMenu end function - end ignoreStart index.js:4033:11
viewShuffleReshuffle: Shuffle! id: 61 index.js:6917:13
viewShuffleReshuffle: Shuffle! id: 62 index.js:6917:13
viewDeviceContextMenu start via TOUCHSTART/MOUSEDOWN index.js:7172:11
viewDeviceContextMenu start function index.js:7195:10
toolbarContextMenu end function index.js:4014:10
toolbarContextMenu end function - find active Toolbar Index index.js:4019:11
viewDeviceContextMenu level: -0.18750000000000003 index.js:7217:12
viewDeviceContextMenu level: -0.125 index.js:7217:12
toolbarContextMenu end via TOUCHEND/MOUSEUP index.js:3964:11
toolbarContextMenu end function index.js:4014:10
viewDeviceContextMenu end via TOUCHEND/MOUSEUP index.js:7183:11
viewDeviceContextMenu end function index.js:7235:10
viewDeviceContextMenu end via TOUCHEND/MOUSEUP index.js:7183:11
viewDeviceContextMenu end function index.js:7235:10
viewDeviceContextMenu device CLICK index.js:7156:11
viewDeviceContextMenu end function index.js:7235:10
renderView Heizung, triggeredByReconnection: false index.js:4061:10
Fetch object: hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.1.SET_POINT_TEMPERATURE index.js:1478:11
[Socket] getObject hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.1.SET_POINT_TEMPERATURE index.js:1479:11
Fetch object: hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.1.ACTUAL_TEMPERATURE index.js:1478:11
[Socket] getObject hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.1.ACTUAL_TEMPERATURE index.js:1479:11
Fetch object: hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.1.HUMIDITY index.js:1478:11
[Socket] getObject hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.1.HUMIDITY index.js:1479:11
Fetch object: hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.1.CONTROL_MODE index.js:1478:11
[Socket] getObject hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.1.CONTROL_MODE index.js:1479:11
Fetch object: hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.1.BOOST_MODE index.js:1478:11
[Socket] getObject hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.1.BOOST_MODE index.js:1479:11
Fetch object: hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.1.PARTY_MODE index.js:1478:11
[Socket] getObject hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.1.PARTY_MODE index.js:1479:11
Fetch object: hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.1.WINDOW_STATE index.js:1478:11
[Socket] getObject hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.1.WINDOW_STATE index.js:1479:11
Fetch object: hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.0.LOW_BAT index.js:1478:11
[Socket] getObject hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.0.LOW_BAT index.js:1479:11
Fetch object: hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.0.UNREACH index.js:1478:11
[Socket] getObject hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.0.UNREACH index.js:1479:11
Fetch object: hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.0.ERROR_CODE index.js:1478:11
[Socket] getObject hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.0.ERROR_CODE index.js:1479:11
Fetch object: sonoff.0.Sonoff_POWR2_156_PK_Heizung.POWER index.js:1478:11
[Socket] getObject sonoff.0.Sonoff_POWR2_156_PK_Heizung.POWER index.js:1479:11
Fetch object: sonoff.0.Sonoff_POWR2_156_PK_Heizung.ENERGY_Power index.js:1478:11
[Socket] getObject sonoff.0.Sonoff_POWR2_156_PK_Heizung.ENERGY_Power index.js:1479:11
resizeFullWidthDevicesToFitScreen with zoom-factor 1.0174180327868851 index.js:12246:11
resizeDevicesToFitScreen with zoom-factor 1.0174180327868851 index.js:12218:12
viewShuffleReshuffle {} index.js:6895:10
viewShuffleReshuffle: set timer id 79 to destinationTime 1622976719134 index.js:6924:12
viewShuffleReshuffle {"79":{"destinationTime":1622976719134}} index.js:6895:10
viewShuffleReshuffle: searching for nearby ReshuffleTimers - id: 79 - diff: -750 index.js:6904:11
viewShuffleReshuffle: set timer id 80 to destinationTime 1622976719884 index.js:6924:12
Starting shuffle resize observer index.js:6766:10
[Socket] getStates hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.1.SET_POINT_TEMPERATURE,hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.1.ACTUAL_TEMPERATURE,hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.1.HUMIDITY,hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.1.CONTROL_MODE,hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.1.BOOST_MODE,hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.1.PARTY_MODE,hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.1.WINDOW_STATE,hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.0.LOW_BAT,hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.0.UNREACH,hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.0.ERROR_CODE,sonoff.0.Sonoff_POWR2_156_PK_Heizung.POWER,sonoff.0.Sonoff_POWR2_156_PK_Heizung.ENERGY_Power,sonoff.0.Sonoff_POWR2_156_PK_Heizung.ENERGY_Current index.js:1509:11
toolbarContextMenu end function - find active Toolbar Index index.js:4019:11
viewDeviceContextMenu ignore click ended after 100ms index.js:7204:11
Fetched Object: hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.1.SET_POINT_TEMPERATURE index.js:1485:13
Already waiting for object: hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.1.ACTUAL_TEMPERATURE index.js:1468:11
Already waiting for object: hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.1.HUMIDITY index.js:1468:11
Already waiting for object: hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.1.CONTROL_MODE index.js:1468:11
Already waiting for object: hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.1.BOOST_MODE index.js:1468:11
Already waiting for object: hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.1.PARTY_MODE index.js:1468:11
Already waiting for object: hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.1.WINDOW_STATE index.js:1468:11
Already waiting for object: hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.0.LOW_BAT index.js:1468:11
Already waiting for object: hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.0.UNREACH index.js:1468:11
Already waiting for object: hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.0.ERROR_CODE index.js:1468:11
Already waiting for object: sonoff.0.Sonoff_POWR2_156_PK_Heizung.POWER index.js:1468:11
Add timestamp to Partykeller with value undefined index.js:6931:10
!stateFillsDevice or badge is invisible - remove padding-top index.js:7129:11
Already waiting for object: sonoff.0.Sonoff_POWR2_156_PK_Heizung.ENERGY_Power index.js:1468:11
Fetch object: sonoff.0.Sonoff_POWR2_156_PK_Heizung.ENERGY_Current index.js:1478:11
[Socket] getObject sonoff.0.Sonoff_POWR2_156_PK_Heizung.ENERGY_Current index.js:1479:11
Starting marquee observer index.js:7060:10
!stateFillsDevice or badge is invisible - remove padding-top 2 index.js:7129:11
Fetched Object: hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.1.ACTUAL_TEMPERATURE index.js:1485:13
Fetched Object: hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.1.HUMIDITY index.js:1485:13
Fetched Object: hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.1.CONTROL_MODE index.js:1485:13
Fetched Object: hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.1.BOOST_MODE index.js:1485:13
Fetched Object: hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.1.PARTY_MODE index.js:1485:13
Fetched Object: hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.1.WINDOW_STATE index.js:1485:13
Fetched Object: hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.0.LOW_BAT index.js:1485:13
Fetched Object: hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.0.UNREACH index.js:1485:13
Fetched Object: hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.0.ERROR_CODE index.js:1485:13
Fetched Object: sonoff.0.Sonoff_POWR2_156_PK_Heizung.POWER index.js:1485:13
Add timestamp to Partykeller with value Aus index.js:6931:10
!stateFillsDevice or badge is invisible - remove padding-top 2 index.js:7129:11
Fetched Object: sonoff.0.Sonoff_POWR2_156_PK_Heizung.ENERGY_Power index.js:1485:13
"W": {"en": "W", "de": "W", "ru": "W", "pt": "W", "nl": "W", "fr": "W"}, translate.js:24:17
Fetched Object: sonoff.0.Sonoff_POWR2_156_PK_Heizung.ENERGY_Current index.js:1485:13
"A": {"en": "A", "de": "A", "ru": "A", "pt": "A", "nl": "A", "fr": "A"}, translate.js:24:17
toolbarContextMenu end function - end ignoreStart 2 index.js:4033:11
viewDeviceContextMenu end function - end ignoreStart 3 index.js:7240:11
viewShuffleReshuffle: Shuffle! id: 79 index.js:6917:13
viewDeviceContextMenu start via TOUCHSTART/MOUSEDOWN index.js:7172:11
viewDeviceContextMenu start function index.js:7195:10
toolbarContextMenu end function index.js:4014:10
toolbarContextMenu end function - find active Toolbar Index index.js:4019:11
viewDeviceContextMenu level: -0.18750000000000003 index.js:7217:12
viewDeviceContextMenu level: -0.125 index.js:7217:12
toolbarContextMenu end via TOUCHEND/MOUSEUP index.js:3964:11
toolbarContextMenu end function index.js:4014:10
viewDeviceContextMenu end via TOUCHEND/MOUSEUP index.js:7183:11
viewDeviceContextMenu end function index.js:7235:10
viewDeviceContextMenu end via TOUCHEND/MOUSEUP index.js:7183:11
viewDeviceContextMenu end function index.js:7235:10
viewDeviceContextMenu end via TOUCHEND/MOUSEUP index.js:7183:11
viewDeviceContextMenu end function index.js:7235:10
viewDeviceContextMenu device CLICK index.js:7156:11
viewDeviceContextMenu end function index.js:7235:10
renderDialog iqontrol.0.Views.Heizung.devices.0 index.js:7290:10
Array []
"Auto": {"en": "Auto", "de": "Auto", "ru": "Auto", "pt": "Auto", "nl": "Auto", "fr": "Auto"}, translate.js:24:17
Fetch object: hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.1.SET_POINT_MODE index.js:1478:11
[Socket] getObject hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.1.SET_POINT_MODE index.js:1479:11
[Socket] getStates hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.1.SET_POINT_MODE index.js:1509:11
toolbarContextMenu end function - find active Toolbar Index index.js:4019:11
viewDeviceContextMenu ignore click ended after 100ms index.js:7204:11
viewShuffleReshuffle: Shuffle! id: 80 index.js:6917:13
Fetched Object: hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.1.SET_POINT_MODE index.js:1485:13
"Auto": {"en": "Auto", "de": "Auto", "ru": "Auto", "pt": "Auto", "nl": "Auto", "fr": "Auto"}, translate.js:24:17
1 additional states fetched while rendering dialog. index.js:11609:13
"Auto": {"en": "Auto", "de": "Auto", "ru": "Auto", "pt": "Auto", "nl": "Auto", "fr": "Auto"}, translate.js:24:17
toolbarContextMenu end function - end ignoreStart 2 index.js:4033:11
viewDeviceContextMenu end function - end ignoreStart 4 index.js:7240:11
toolbarContextMenu end via TOUCHEND/MOUSEUP index.js:3964:11
toolbarContextMenu end function index.js:4014:10
viewDeviceContextMenu end via TOUCHEND/MOUSEUP index.js:7183:11
viewDeviceContextMenu end function index.js:7235:10
viewDeviceContextMenu end via TOUCHEND/MOUSEUP index.js:7183:11
viewDeviceContextMenu end function index.js:7235:10
viewDeviceContextMenu end via TOUCHEND/MOUSEUP index.js:7183:11
viewDeviceContextMenu end function index.js:7235:10
setState hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.1.SET_POINT_MODE: 0 --> 0 index.js:2143:11
[Socket] setState hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.1.SET_POINT_MODE index.js:1523:10
toolbarContextMenu end function - find active Toolbar Index index.js:4019:11ack: false val: 0 newVal: 0 index.js:2361:11
deliverState done index.js:1526:11ack: false val: 0 newVal: 0 index.js:2361:11
toolbarContextMenu end function - end ignoreStart index.js:4033:11
viewDeviceContextMenu end function - end ignoreStart 3 index.js:7240:11
Add timestamp to Partykeller with value Aus index.js:6931:10
!stateFillsDevice or badge is invisible - remove padding-top index.js:7129:11
"W": {"en": "W", "de": "W", "ru": "W", "pt": "W", "nl": "W", "fr": "W"}, translate.js:24:17
"A": {"en": "A", "de": "A", "ru": "A", "pt": "A", "nl": "A", "fr": "A"}, translate.js:24:17ack: true val: 0 newVal: 0 index.js:2361:11
<< ack-val reached new val: preventUpdate regular ended. index.js:2364:11
"Auto": {"en": "Auto", "de": "Auto", "ru": "Auto", "pt": "Auto", "nl": "Auto", "fr": "Auto"}, translate.js:24:17
toolbarContextMenu end via TOUCHEND/MOUSEUP index.js:3964:11
toolbarContextMenu end function index.js:4014:10
viewDeviceContextMenu end via TOUCHEND/MOUSEUP index.js:7183:11
viewDeviceContextMenu end function index.js:7235:10
viewDeviceContextMenu end via TOUCHEND/MOUSEUP index.js:7183:11
viewDeviceContextMenu end function index.js:7235:10
viewDeviceContextMenu end via TOUCHEND/MOUSEUP index.js:7183:11
viewDeviceContextMenu end function index.js:7235:10setState hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.1.BOOST_MODE: true --> true index.js:2143:11
[Socket] setState hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.1.BOOST_MODE --> val: true index.js:1523:10
toolbarContextMenu end function - find active Toolbar Index index.js:4019:11ack: false val: true newVal: true index.js:2361:11
deliverState done index.js:1526:11
"Auto": {"en": "Auto", "de": "Auto", "ru": "Auto", "pt": "Auto", "nl": "Auto", "fr": "Auto"}, translate.js:24:17ack: true val: true newVal: true index.js:2361:11
<< ack-val reached new val: preventUpdate regular ended. index.js:2364:11
"Auto": {"en": "Auto", "de": "Auto", "ru": "Auto", "pt": "Auto", "nl": "Auto", "fr": "Auto"}, translate.js:24:17
toolbarContextMenu end function - end ignoreStart index.js:4033:11
viewDeviceContextMenu end function - end ignoreStart 3 index.js:7240:11
"Auto": {"en": "Auto", "de": "Auto", "ru": "Auto", "pt": "Auto", "nl": "Auto", "fr": "Auto"}, translate.js:24:17
Add timestamp to Partykeller with value Aus index.js:6931:10
!stateFillsDevice or badge is invisible - remove padding-top index.js:7129:11
"W": {"en": "W", "de": "W", "ru": "W", "pt": "W", "nl": "W", "fr": "W"}, translate.js:24:17
"A": {"en": "A", "de": "A", "ru": "A", "pt": "A", "nl": "A", "fr": "A"}, translate.js:24:17
Add timestamp to Partykeller with value Aus index.js:6931:10
!stateFillsDevice or badge is invisible - remove padding-top index.js:7129:11
"W": {"en": "W", "de": "W", "ru": "W", "pt": "W", "nl": "W", "fr": "W"}, translate.js:24:17
"A": {"en": "A", "de": "A", "ru": "A", "pt": "A", "nl": "A", "fr": "A"}, translate.js:24:17
toolbarContextMenu end via TOUCHEND/MOUSEUP index.js:3964:11
toolbarContextMenu end function index.js:4014:10
viewDeviceContextMenu end via TOUCHEND/MOUSEUP index.js:7183:11
viewDeviceContextMenu end function index.js:7235:10
viewDeviceContextMenu end via TOUCHEND/MOUSEUP index.js:7183:11
viewDeviceContextMenu end function index.js:7235:10
viewDeviceContextMenu end via TOUCHEND/MOUSEUP index.js:7183:11
viewDeviceContextMenu end function index.js:7235:10
toolbarContextMenu end function - find active Toolbar Index index.js:4019:11
toolbarContextMenu end function - end ignoreStart index.js:4033:11
viewDeviceContextMenu end function - end ignoreStart 3 index.js:7240:11
viewDeviceContextMenu start via TOUCHSTART/MOUSEDOWN index.js:7172:11
viewDeviceContextMenu start function index.js:7195:10
toolbarContextMenu end function index.js:4014:10
toolbarContextMenu end function - find active Toolbar Index index.js:4019:11
viewDeviceContextMenu level: -0.18750000000000003 index.js:7217:12
viewDeviceContextMenu level: -0.125 index.js:7217:12
viewDeviceContextMenu level: -0.062499999999999986 index.js:7217:12
toolbarContextMenu end via TOUCHEND/MOUSEUP index.js:3964:11
toolbarContextMenu end function index.js:4014:10
viewDeviceContextMenu end via TOUCHEND/MOUSEUP index.js:7183:11
viewDeviceContextMenu end function index.js:7235:10
viewDeviceContextMenu end via TOUCHEND/MOUSEUP index.js:7183:11
viewDeviceContextMenu end function index.js:7235:10
viewDeviceContextMenu end via TOUCHEND/MOUSEUP index.js:7183:11
viewDeviceContextMenu end function index.js:7235:10
viewDeviceContextMenu device CLICK index.js:7156:11
viewDeviceContextMenu end function index.js:7235:10
renderDialog iqontrol.0.Views.Heizung.devices.0 index.js:7290:10
Array []
"Auto": {"en": "Auto", "de": "Auto", "ru": "Auto", "pt": "Auto", "nl": "Auto", "fr": "Auto"}, translate.js:24:17
toolbarContextMenu end function - find active Toolbar Index index.js:4019:11
viewDeviceContextMenu ignore click ended after 100ms index.js:7204:11
toolbarContextMenu end function - end ignoreStart 2 index.js:4033:11
viewDeviceContextMenu end function - end ignoreStart 4 index.js:7240:11
Add timestamp to Partykeller with value Aus index.js:6931:10
!stateFillsDevice or badge is invisible - remove padding-top index.js:7129:11
"W": {"en": "W", "de": "W", "ru": "W", "pt": "W", "nl": "W", "fr": "W"}, translate.js:24:17
"A": {"en": "A", "de": "A", "ru": "A", "pt": "A", "nl": "A", "fr": "A"}, translate.js:24:17
resizeFullWidthDevicesToFitScreen with zoom-factor 1.035860655737705 2 index.js:12246:11
viewDeviceContextMenu end via SCROLL index.js:7188:12
viewDeviceContextMenu end function index.js:7235:10
orientationchange / resize index.js:12192:12
resizeFullWidthDevicesToFitScreen with zoom-factor 1.035860655737705 index.js:12246:11
resizeDevicesToFitScreen with zoom-factor 1.035860655737705 index.js:12218:12
viewShuffleReshuffle {} index.js:6895:10
viewShuffleReshuffle: set timer id 290 to destinationTime 1622976754807 index.js:6924:12
viewShuffleReshuffle {"290":{"destinationTime":1622976754807}} index.js:6895:10
viewShuffleReshuffle: searching for nearby ReshuffleTimers - id: 290 - diff: -751 index.js:6904:11
viewShuffleReshuffle: set timer id 291 to destinationTime 1622976755558 index.js:6924:12
viewDeviceContextMenu end function - end ignoreStart index.js:7240:11
viewShuffleReshuffle: Shuffle! id: 290 index.js:6917:13
viewShuffleReshuffle: Shuffle! id: 291 index.js:6917:13
toolbarContextMenu end via TOUCHEND/MOUSEUP index.js:3964:11
toolbarContextMenu end function index.js:4014:10
viewDeviceContextMenu end via TOUCHEND/MOUSEUP index.js:7183:11
viewDeviceContextMenu end function index.js:7235:10
viewDeviceContextMenu end via TOUCHEND/MOUSEUP index.js:7183:11
viewDeviceContextMenu end function index.js:7235:10
viewDeviceContextMenu end via TOUCHEND/MOUSEUP index.js:7183:11
viewDeviceContextMenu end function index.js:7235:10setState hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.1.SET_POINT_MODE: 0 --> 0 index.js:2143:11
[Socket] setState hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.1.SET_POINT_MODE index.js:1523:10
toolbarContextMenu end function - find active Toolbar Index index.js:4019:11ack: false val: 0 newVal: 0 index.js:2361:11
deliverState done index.js:1526:11ack: false val: 0 newVal: 0 index.js:2361:11
toolbarContextMenu end function - end ignoreStart index.js:4033:11
viewDeviceContextMenu end function - end ignoreStart 3 index.js:7240:11ack: true val: 0 newVal: 0 index.js:2361:11
<< ack-val reached new val: preventUpdate regular ended. index.js:2364:11
"Auto": {"en": "Auto", "de": "Auto", "ru": "Auto", "pt": "Auto", "nl": "Auto", "fr": "Auto"}, 2 translate.js:24:17
Add timestamp to Partykeller with value Aus index.js:6931:10
!stateFillsDevice or badge is invisible - remove padding-top index.js:7129:11
"W": {"en": "W", "de": "W", "ru": "W", "pt": "W", "nl": "W", "fr": "W"}, translate.js:24:17
"A": {"en": "A", "de": "A", "ru": "A", "pt": "A", "nl": "A", "fr": "A"}, translate.js:24:17
toolbarContextMenu end via TOUCHEND/MOUSEUP index.js:3964:11
toolbarContextMenu end function index.js:4014:10
viewDeviceContextMenu end via TOUCHEND/MOUSEUP index.js:7183:11
viewDeviceContextMenu end function index.js:7235:10
viewDeviceContextMenu end via TOUCHEND/MOUSEUP index.js:7183:11
viewDeviceContextMenu end function index.js:7235:10
viewDeviceContextMenu end via TOUCHEND/MOUSEUP index.js:7183:11
viewDeviceContextMenu end function index.js:7235:10setState hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.1.SET_POINT_MODE: 0 --> 0 index.js:2143:11
[Socket] setState hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.1.SET_POINT_MODE index.js:1523:10
toolbarContextMenu end function - find active Toolbar Index index.js:4019:11ack: false val: 0 newVal: 0 index.js:2361:11
deliverState done index.js:1526:11ack: false val: 0 newVal: 0 index.js:2361:11
toolbarContextMenu end function - end ignoreStart index.js:4033:11
viewDeviceContextMenu end function - end ignoreStart 3 index.js:7240:11ack: true val: 0 newVal: 0 index.js:2361:11
<< ack-val reached new val: preventUpdate regular ended. index.js:2364:11
"Auto": {"en": "Auto", "de": "Auto", "ru": "Auto", "pt": "Auto", "nl": "Auto", "fr": "Auto"}, 2 translate.js:24:17
Add timestamp to Partykeller with value Aus index.js:6931:10
!stateFillsDevice or badge is invisible - remove padding-top index.js:7129:11
"W": {"en": "W", "de": "W", "ru": "W", "pt": "W", "nl": "W", "fr": "W"}, translate.js:24:17
"A": {"en": "A", "de": "A", "ru": "A", "pt": "A", "nl": "A", "fr": "A"}, translate.js:24:17
viewTimestampElapsedTimer for 0 states index.js:6710:12
Add timestamp to Partykeller with value Aus index.js:6931:10
!stateFillsDevice or badge is invisible - remove padding-top index.js:7129:11
"W": {"en": "W", "de": "W", "ru": "W", "pt": "W", "nl": "W", "fr": "W"}, translate.js:24:17
"A": {"en": "A", "de": "A", "ru": "A", "pt": "A", "nl": "A", "fr": "A"}, translate.js:24:17
Add timestamp to Partykeller with value Aus index.js:6931:10
!stateFillsDevice or badge is invisible - remove padding-top index.js:7129:11
"W": {"en": "W", "de": "W", "ru": "W", "pt": "W", "nl": "W", "fr": "W"}, translate.js:24:17
"A": {"en": "A", "de": "A", "ru": "A", "pt": "A", "nl": "A", "fr": "A"}, translate.js:24:17
Add timestamp to Partykeller with value Aus index.js:6931:10
!stateFillsDevice or badge is invisible - remove padding-top index.js:7129:11
"W": {"en": "W", "de": "W", "ru": "W", "pt": "W", "nl": "W", "fr": "W"}, translate.js:24:17
"A": {"en": "A", "de": "A", "ru": "A", "pt": "A", "nl": "A", "fr": "A"}, translate.js:24:17
Add timestamp to Partykeller with value Aus index.js:6931:10
!stateFillsDevice or badge is invisible - remove padding-top index.js:7129:11
"W": {"en": "W", "de": "W", "ru": "W", "pt": "W", "nl": "W", "fr": "W"}, translate.js:24:17
"A": {"en": "A", "de": "A", "ru": "A", "pt": "A", "nl": "A", "fr": "A"}, translate.js:24:17
Add timestamp to Partykeller with value Aus index.js:6931:10
!stateFillsDevice or badge is invisible - remove padding-top index.js:7129:11
"W": {"en": "W", "de": "W", "ru": "W", "pt": "W", "nl": "W", "fr": "W"}, translate.js:24:17
"A": {"en": "A", "de": "A", "ru": "A", "pt": "A", "nl": "A", "fr": "A"}, translate.js:24:17
Add timestamp to Partykeller with value Aus index.js:6931:10
!stateFillsDevice or badge is invisible - remove padding-top index.js:7129:11
"W": {"en": "W", "de": "W", "ru": "W", "pt": "W", "nl": "W", "fr": "W"}, translate.js:24:17
"A": {"en": "A", "de": "A", "ru": "A", "pt": "A", "nl": "A", "fr": "A"}, translate.js:24:17
viewTimestampElapsedTimer for 0 states index.js:6710:12
Add timestamp to Partykeller with value Aus index.js:6931:10
!stateFillsDevice or badge is invisible - remove padding-top index.js:7129:11
"W": {"en": "W", "de": "W", "ru": "W", "pt": "W", "nl": "W", "fr": "W"}, translate.js:24:17
"A": {"en": "A", "de": "A", "ru": "A", "pt": "A", "nl": "A", "fr": "A"}, translate.js:24:17
"Auto": {"en": "Auto", "de": "Auto", "ru": "Auto", "pt": "Auto", "nl": "Auto", "fr": "Auto"}, translate.js:24:17
Add timestamp to Partykeller with value Aus index.js:6931:10
!stateFillsDevice or badge is invisible - remove padding-top index.js:7129:11
"W": {"en": "W", "de": "W", "ru": "W", "pt": "W", "nl": "W", "fr": "W"}, translate.js:24:17
"A": {"en": "A", "de": "A", "ru": "A", "pt": "A", "nl": "A", "fr": "A"}, translate.js:24:17
Add timestamp to Partykeller with value Aus index.js:6931:10
!stateFillsDevice or badge is invisible - remove padding-top index.js:7129:11
"W": {"en": "W", "de": "W", "ru": "W", "pt": "W", "nl": "W", "fr": "W"}, translate.js:24:17
"A": {"en": "A", "de": "A", "ru": "A", "pt": "A", "nl": "A", "fr": "A"}, translate.js:24:17
"Auto": {"en": "Auto", "de": "Auto", "ru": "Auto", "pt": "Auto", "nl": "Auto", "fr": "Auto"}, 2 translate.js:24:17
Add timestamp to Partykeller with value Aus index.js:6931:10
!stateFillsDevice or badge is invisible - remove padding-top index.js:7129:11
"W": {"en": "W", "de": "W", "ru": "W", "pt": "W", "nl": "W", "fr": "W"}, translate.js:24:17
"A": {"en": "A", "de": "A", "ru": "A", "pt": "A", "nl": "A", "fr": "A"}, translate.js:24:17
toolbarContextMenu end via TOUCHEND/MOUSEUP index.js:3964:11
toolbarContextMenu end function index.js:4014:10
viewDeviceContextMenu end via TOUCHEND/MOUSEUP index.js:7183:11
viewDeviceContextMenu end function index.js:7235:10
viewDeviceContextMenu end via TOUCHEND/MOUSEUP index.js:7183:11
viewDeviceContextMenu end function index.js:7235:10
viewDeviceContextMenu end via TOUCHEND/MOUSEUP index.js:7183:11
viewDeviceContextMenu end function index.js:7235:10setState hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.1.SET_POINT_MODE: 0 --> 0 index.js:2143:11
[Socket] setState hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.1.SET_POINT_MODE index.js:1523:10
toolbarContextMenu end function - find active Toolbar Index index.js:4019:11ack: false val: 0 newVal: 0 index.js:2361:11
deliverState done index.js:1526:11ack: false val: 0 newVal: 0 index.js:2361:11
toolbarContextMenu end function - end ignoreStart index.js:4033:11
viewDeviceContextMenu end function - end ignoreStart 3 index.js:7240:11ack: true val: 0 newVal: 0 index.js:2361:11
<< ack-val reached new val: preventUpdate regular ended. index.js:2364:11
"Auto": {"en": "Auto", "de": "Auto", "ru": "Auto", "pt": "Auto", "nl": "Auto", "fr": "Auto"}, 2 translate.js:24:17
Add timestamp to Partykeller with value Aus index.js:6931:10
!stateFillsDevice or badge is invisible - remove padding-top index.js:7129:11
"W": {"en": "W", "de": "W", "ru": "W", "pt": "W", "nl": "W", "fr": "W"}, translate.js:24:17
"A": {"en": "A", "de": "A", "ru": "A", "pt": "A", "nl": "A", "fr": "A"}, translate.js:24:17
"Auto": {"en": "Auto", "de": "Auto", "ru": "Auto", "pt": "Auto", "nl": "Auto", "fr": "Auto"}, translate.js:24:17
toolbarContextMenu end via TOUCHEND/MOUSEUP index.js:3964:11
toolbarContextMenu end function index.js:4014:10
viewDeviceContextMenu end via TOUCHEND/MOUSEUP index.js:7183:11
viewDeviceContextMenu end function index.js:7235:10
viewDeviceContextMenu end via TOUCHEND/MOUSEUP index.js:7183:11
viewDeviceContextMenu end function index.js:7235:10
viewDeviceContextMenu end via TOUCHEND/MOUSEUP index.js:7183:11
viewDeviceContextMenu end function index.js:7235:10setState hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.1.BOOST_MODE: false --> true index.js:2143:11
[Socket] setState hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.1.BOOST_MODE --> val: true index.js:1523:10
toolbarContextMenu end function - find active Toolbar Index index.js:4019:11ack: false val: true newVal: true index.js:2361:11
deliverState done index.js:1526:11ack: false val: true newVal: true index.js:2361:11
toolbarContextMenu end function - end ignoreStart index.js:4033:11
viewDeviceContextMenu end function - end ignoreStart 3 index.js:7240:11
<< preventUpdate dexpired. index.js:2239:13
Add timestamp to Partykeller with value Aus index.js:6931:10
!stateFillsDevice or badge is invisible - remove padding-top index.js:7129:11
"W": {"en": "W", "de": "W", "ru": "W", "pt": "W", "nl": "W", "fr": "W"}, translate.js:24:17
"A": {"en": "A", "de": "A", "ru": "A", "pt": "A", "nl": "A", "fr": "A"}, translate.js:24:17
toolbarContextMenu end via TOUCHEND/MOUSEUP index.js:3964:11
toolbarContextMenu end function index.js:4014:10
viewDeviceContextMenu end via TOUCHEND/MOUSEUP index.js:7183:11
viewDeviceContextMenu end function index.js:7235:10
viewDeviceContextMenu end via TOUCHEND/MOUSEUP index.js:7183:11
viewDeviceContextMenu end function index.js:7235:10
viewDeviceContextMenu end via TOUCHEND/MOUSEUP index.js:7183:11
viewDeviceContextMenu end function index.js:7235:10setState hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.1.SET_POINT_MODE: 0 --> 1 index.js:2143:11
[Socket] setState hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.1.SET_POINT_MODE --> val: 1 index.js:1523:10
toolbarContextMenu end function - find active Toolbar Index index.js:4019:11ack: false val: 1 newVal: 1 index.js:2361:11
deliverState done index.js:1526:11ack: false val: 1 newVal: 1 index.js:2361:11
toolbarContextMenu end function - end ignoreStart index.js:4033:11
viewDeviceContextMenu end function - end ignoreStart 3 index.js:7240:11ack: true val: 0 newVal: 1 index.js:2361:11
toolbarContextMenu end via TOUCHEND/MOUSEUP index.js:3964:11
toolbarContextMenu end function index.js:4014:10
viewDeviceContextMenu end via TOUCHEND/MOUSEUP index.js:7183:11
viewDeviceContextMenu end function index.js:7235:10
viewDeviceContextMenu end via TOUCHEND/MOUSEUP index.js:7183:11
viewDeviceContextMenu end function index.js:7235:10
viewDeviceContextMenu end via TOUCHEND/MOUSEUP index.js:7183:11
viewDeviceContextMenu end function index.js:7235:10setState hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.1.BOOST_MODE: true --> true index.js:2143:11
[Socket] setState hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.1.BOOST_MODE --> val: true index.js:1523:10
toolbarContextMenu end function - find active Toolbar Index index.js:4019:11ack: false val: true newVal: true index.js:2361:11
deliverState done index.js:1526:11ack: true val: false newVal: true 2 index.js:2361:11
toolbarContextMenu end function - end ignoreStart index.js:4033:11
viewDeviceContextMenu end function - end ignoreStart 3 index.js:7240:11ack: true val: 0 newVal: 1 index.js:2361:11
ack: true val: false newVal: true index.js:2361:11
viewTimestampElapsedTimer for 0 states index.js:6710:12ack: true val: 0 newVal: 1 index.js:2361:11
ack: true val: true newVal: true index.js:2361:11
<< ack-val reached new val: preventUpdate regular ended. index.js:2364:11
<< preventUpdate dexpired. index.js:2239:13
"Auto": {"en": "Auto", "de": "Auto", "ru": "Auto", "pt": "Auto", "nl": "Auto", "fr": "Auto"}, 2 translate.js:24:17
Add timestamp to Partykeller with value Aus index.js:6931:10
!stateFillsDevice or badge is invisible - remove padding-top index.js:7129:11
"W": {"en": "W", "de": "W", "ru": "W", "pt": "W", "nl": "W", "fr": "W"}, translate.js:24:17
"A": {"en": "A", "de": "A", "ru": "A", "pt": "A", "nl": "A", "fr": "A"}, translate.js:24:17
Add timestamp to Partykeller with value Aus index.js:6931:10
!stateFillsDevice or badge is invisible - remove padding-top index.js:7129:11
"W": {"en": "W", "de": "W", "ru": "W", "pt": "W", "nl": "W", "fr": "W"}, translate.js:24:17
"A": {"en": "A", "de": "A", "ru": "A", "pt": "A", "nl": "A", "fr": "A"}, translate.js:24:17Bringt dir das was??
@s-bormann sagte in Test Adapter iQontrol 1.8.x Vis:
Was steht denn im Browser-Log beim Umschalten?
So sieht es bei HM-nichtIP aus:Wo ich das in der Konsole finde weiß ich nicht (sitze am Mac )
toolbarContextMenu end via TOUCHEND/MOUSEUP index.js:3964:11 toolbarContextMenu end function index.js:4014:10 viewDeviceContextMenu end via TOUCHEND/MOUSEUP index.js:7183:11 viewDeviceContextMenu end function index.js:7235:10 viewDeviceContextMenu end via TOUCHEND/MOUSEUP index.js:7183:11 viewDeviceContextMenu end function index.js:7235:10 viewDeviceContextMenu end via TOUCHEND/MOUSEUP index.js:7183:11 viewDeviceContextMenu end function index.js:7235:10 >>>>>> setState hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.1.SET_POINT_MODE: 0 --> 0 index.js:2143:11 [Socket] setState hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.1.SET_POINT_MODE index.js:1523:10 viewTimestampElapsedTimer for 0 states index.js:6710:12 toolbarContextMenu end function - find active Toolbar Index index.js:4019:11 >> ack: false val: 0 newVal: 0 index.js:2361:11 deliverState done index.js:1526:11 >> ack: false val: 0 newVal: 0 index.js:2361:11 toolbarContextMenu end function - end ignoreStart index.js:4033:11 viewDeviceContextMenu end function - end ignoreStart 3 index.js:7240:11 >> ack: true val: 0 newVal: 0 index.js:2361:11 << ack-val reached new val: preventUpdate regular ended. index.js:2364:11 "Auto": {"en": "Auto", "de": "Auto", "ru": "Auto", "pt": "Auto", "nl": "Auto", "fr": "Auto"}, 2 translate.js:24:17 toolbarContextMenu end via TOUCHEND/MOUSEUP index.js:3964:11 toolbarContextMenu end function index.js:4014:10 viewDeviceContextMenu end via TOUCHEND/MOUSEUP index.js:7183:11 viewDeviceContextMenu end function index.js:7235:10 viewDeviceContextMenu end via TOUCHEND/MOUSEUP index.js:7183:11 viewDeviceContextMenu end function index.js:7235:10 viewDeviceContextMenu end via TOUCHEND/MOUSEUP index.js:7183:11 viewDeviceContextMenu end function index.js:7235:10 >>>>>> setState hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.1.BOOST_MODE: true --> true index.js:2143:11 [Socket] setState hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.1.BOOST_MODE --> val: true index.js:1523:10 toolbarContextMenu end function - find active Toolbar Index index.js:4019:11 >> ack: false val: true newVal: true index.js:2361:11 deliverState done index.js:1526:11 Add timestamp to Partykeller with value Aus index.js:6931:10 !stateFillsDevice or badge is invisible - remove padding-top index.js:7129:11 "W": {"en": "W", "de": "W", "ru": "W", "pt": "W", "nl": "W", "fr": "W"}, translate.js:24:17 "A": {"en": "A", "de": "A", "ru": "A", "pt": "A", "nl": "A", "fr": "A"}, translate.js:24:17 >> ack: false val: true newVal: true index.js:2361:11 toolbarContextMenu end function - end ignoreStart index.js:4033:11 viewDeviceContextMenu end function - end ignoreStart 3 index.js:7240:11 "Auto": {"en": "Auto", "de": "Auto", "ru": "Auto", "pt": "Auto", "nl": "Auto", "fr": "Auto"}, translate.js:24:17 >> ack: true val: true newVal: true index.js:2361:11 << ack-val reached new val: preventUpdate regular ended. index.js:2364:11 "Auto": {"en": "Auto", "de": "Auto", "ru": "Auto", "pt": "Auto", "nl": "Auto", "fr": "Auto"}, translate.js:24:17 toolbarContextMenu end via TOUCHEND/MOUSEUP index.js:3964:11 toolbarContextMenu end function index.js:4014:10 viewDeviceContextMenu end via TOUCHEND/MOUSEUP index.js:7183:11 viewDeviceContextMenu end function index.js:7235:10 viewDeviceContextMenu end via TOUCHEND/MOUSEUP index.js:7183:11 viewDeviceContextMenu end function index.js:7235:10 viewDeviceContextMenu end via TOUCHEND/MOUSEUP index.js:7183:11 viewDeviceContextMenu end function index.js:7235:10 >>>>>> setState hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.1.SET_POINT_MODE: 0 --> 1 index.js:2143:11 [Socket] setState hm-rpc.2.INT0000002.1.SET_POINT_MODE --> val: 1 index.js:1523:10 toolbarContextMenu end function - find active Toolbar Index index.js:4019:11 >> ack: false val: 1 newVal: 1 index.js:2361:11 deliverState done index.js:1526:11 >> ack: false val: 1 newVal: 1 index.js:2361:11 toolbarContextMenu end function - end ignoreStart index.js:4033:11 viewDeviceContextMenu end function - end ignoreStart 3 index.js:7240:11 >> ack: true val: 0 newVal: 1 2 index.js:2361:11 << preventUpdate dexpired. index.js:2239:13 "Auto": {"en": "Auto", "de": "Auto", "ru": "Auto", "pt": "Auto", "nl": "Auto", "fr": "Auto"}, 2 translate.js:24:17 Add timestamp to Partykeller with value Aus index.js:6931:10 !stateFillsDevice or badge is invisible - remove padding-top index.js:7129:11 "W": {"en": "W", "de": "W", "ru": "W", "pt": "W", "nl": "W", "fr": "W"}, translate.js:24:17 "A": {"en": "A", "de": "A", "ru": "A", "pt": "A", "nl": "A", "fr": "A"}, translate.js:24:17
ich bin ab jetzt nur mal zwischendurch anwesend...Ich muß jetzt was anderes machen, leider. -
@dslraser Bin zwar keine große Hilfe aber ich bleib da. Brauche nur eine geführte Anleitung.
Und wenn Sebastian möchte gerne auch per Teamviewer. -
@einstein2002 sagte in Test Adapter iQontrol 1.8.x Vis:
@dslraser Bin zwar keine große Hilfe aber ich bleib da. Brauche nur eine geführte Anleitung.
Und wenn Sebastian möchte gerne auch per Teamviewer.Melde mich gleich wieder
@s-bormann Alles gut...
"Dann vielleicht erstmal einen alias machen bis EQ3 das gefixt hat."
Auf den Vorschlag des Experten habe ich gewartet
Wenn Du das gemacht hast wäre es super, wenn Du das erklären würdest. -
Alle noch da? Schon was passiert?
@einstein2002 Hallo, habe jetzt noch mal beides überarbeitet (autocreate und die Kachel). Bitte noch einmal testen. Wenn das nicht geht, können wir es ja tatsächlich mal über Teamviewer versuchen.