Test Adapter HeatingControl v2.12.x
@AhleWurscht75 Ich hatte vergessen zu sagen, den Adapter bitte im debug-Mode starten.
siehe -
@Rene_HM macht natürlich Sinn...
2019-10-31 21:22:10.218 - info: host.ioBroker instance system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0 terminated with code null () 2019-10-31 21:22:12.715 - info: host.ioBroker instance system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0 started with pid 1339 2019-10-31 21:22:13.510 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 objectDB connected 2019-10-31 21:22:13.566 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 statesDB connected 2019-10-31 21:22:13.677 - info: heatingcontrol.0 starting. Version 0.3.1 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.heatingcontrol, node: v8.12.0 2019-10-31 21:22:13.681 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 devices [{"id":1,"name":"TestThermostat","isActive":true,"room":"Office","type":1,"OID_Current":"Test_OID"},{"id":2,"name":"maxcube.0.devices.thermostat_16a13f.temp","OID_Current":"maxcube.0.devices.thermostat_16a13f.temp","OID_Target":"maxcube.0.devices.thermostat_16a13f.setpoint","isActive":true,"type":1,"room":"Büro"},{"id":3,"name":"Is opened","OID_Current":"mihome.0.devices.magnet_158d0001c314f5.state","isActive":true,"type":3,"room":"Büro"}] 2019-10-31 21:22:13.684 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 CreateDatepoints 2019-10-31 21:22:13.868 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 rooms 15 2019-10-31 21:22:13.868 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 create data points for Büro 2019-10-31 21:22:13.912 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 room Büro with 5 periods 2019-10-31 21:22:13.912 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 Profile Type Mo-FR + Sa-So, profiles 1 2019-10-31 21:22:13.913 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Büro.Mo-Fr.Periods.0 max 5 2019-10-31 21:22:13.914 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Büro.Mo-Fr.Periods.1 max 5 2019-10-31 21:22:13.914 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Büro.Mo-Fr.Periods.2 max 5 2019-10-31 21:22:13.915 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Büro.Mo-Fr.Periods.3 max 5 2019-10-31 21:22:13.915 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Büro.Mo-Fr.Periods.4 max 5 2019-10-31 21:22:13.915 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Büro.Su-So.Periods.0 max 5 2019-10-31 21:22:13.916 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Büro.Su-So.Periods.1 max 5 2019-10-31 21:22:13.916 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Büro.Su-So.Periods.2 max 5 2019-10-31 21:22:13.916 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Büro.Su-So.Periods.3 max 5 2019-10-31 21:22:13.916 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Büro.Su-So.Periods.4 max 5 2019-10-31 21:22:13.917 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 not active.... Flur OG 2019-10-31 21:22:13.917 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 not active.... Bad 2019-10-31 21:22:13.917 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 not active.... Garage 2019-10-31 21:22:13.917 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 not active.... Wohnzimmer 2019-10-31 21:22:13.917 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 not active.... Schlafzimmer 2019-10-31 21:22:13.917 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 not active.... Flur EG 2019-10-31 21:22:13.917 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 not active.... Bad EG 2019-10-31 21:22:13.918 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 not active.... Küche 2019-10-31 21:22:13.918 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 not active.... Aussen 2019-10-31 21:22:13.918 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 not active.... Esszimmer 2019-10-31 21:22:13.918 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 not active.... Waschküche 2019-10-31 21:22:13.918 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 not active.... Hannah Schafzimmer 2019-10-31 21:22:13.918 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 not active.... Hannah Wohnzimmer 2019-10-31 21:22:13.918 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 not active.... Leer 2019-10-31 21:22:13.919 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 #start subscribtion 2019-10-31 21:22:13.920 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 no subscribe Path2FeiertagAdapter 2019-10-31 21:22:13.920 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 no subscribe Path2PresentDP 2019-10-31 21:22:13.920 - error: heatingcontrol.0 exception in SubscribeStates [TypeError: Cannot read property 'isActive' of null] 2019-10-31 21:22:13.923 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 start CalculateNextTime, profile type 2 2019-10-31 21:22:13.923 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 get profile 2019-10-31 21:22:13.927 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 profile 0 2019-10-31 21:22:13.928 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 setting Mo - Fr 2019-10-31 21:22:13.933 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---1 found time for Büro at {"val":"05:00","ack":true,"ts":1572375462656,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572375462656} 05:00 2019-10-31 21:22:13.934 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 push to list = 05,00 2019-10-31 21:22:13.942 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---1 found time for Büro at {"val":"08:00","ack":true,"ts":1572375462657,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572375462657} 08:00 2019-10-31 21:22:13.942 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 push to list = 08,00 2019-10-31 21:22:13.949 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---1 found time for Büro at {"val":"12:00","ack":true,"ts":1572375462661,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572375462661} 12:00 2019-10-31 21:22:13.949 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 push to list = 12,00 2019-10-31 21:22:13.975 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---1 found time for Büro at {"val":"16:00","ack":true,"ts":1572375462680,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572375462680} 16:00 2019-10-31 21:22:13.976 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 push to list = 16,00 2019-10-31 21:22:14.006 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---1 found time for Büro at {"val":"21:00","ack":true,"ts":1572375462683,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572375462683} 21:00 2019-10-31 21:22:14.007 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 push to list = 21,00 2019-10-31 21:22:14.008 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 setting Sa - Su 2019-10-31 21:22:14.014 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---2 found time for Büro at {"val":"05:00","ack":true,"ts":1572375462695,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572375462695} 05:00 2019-10-31 21:22:14.015 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 push to list = 05,00 2019-10-31 21:22:14.020 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---2 found time for Büro at {"val":"08:00","ack":true,"ts":1572375462697,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572375462697} 08:00 2019-10-31 21:22:14.020 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 push to list = 08,00 2019-10-31 21:22:14.023 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---2 found time for Büro at {"val":"12:00","ack":true,"ts":1572375462698,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572375462698} 12:00 2019-10-31 21:22:14.023 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 push to list = 12,00 2019-10-31 21:22:14.026 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---2 found time for Büro at {"val":"16:00","ack":true,"ts":1572375462699,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572375462699} 16:00 2019-10-31 21:22:14.026 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 push to list = 16,00 2019-10-31 21:22:14.029 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---2 found time for Büro at {"val":"21:00","ack":true,"ts":1572375462703,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572375462703} 21:00 2019-10-31 21:22:14.029 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 push to list = 21,00 2019-10-31 21:22:14.031 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 create cron job #0 at 5:0 string: 0 0 5 * * 1-5 Europe/Berlin 2019-10-31 21:22:14.070 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 create cron job #1 at 8:0 string: 0 0 8 * * 1-5 Europe/Berlin 2019-10-31 21:22:14.083 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 create cron job #2 at 12:0 string: 0 0 12 * * 1-5 Europe/Berlin 2019-10-31 21:22:14.094 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 create cron job #3 at 16:0 string: 0 0 16 * * 1-5 Europe/Berlin 2019-10-31 21:22:14.100 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 create cron job #4 at 21:0 string: 0 0 21 * * 1-5 Europe/Berlin 2019-10-31 21:22:14.113 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 create cron job #5 at 5:0 string: 0 0 5 * * 0,6 Europe/Berlin 2019-10-31 21:22:14.118 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 create cron job #6 at 8:0 string: 0 0 8 * * 0,6 Europe/Berlin 2019-10-31 21:22:14.125 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 create cron job #7 at 12:0 string: 0 0 12 * * 0,6 Europe/Berlin 2019-10-31 21:22:14.130 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 create cron job #8 at 16:0 string: 0 0 16 * * 0,6 Europe/Berlin 2019-10-31 21:22:14.137 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 create cron job #9 at 21:0 string: 0 0 21 * * 0,6 Europe/Berlin 2019-10-31 21:22:14.147 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 [INFO] status = true next event: 1 Nov 2019 05:00:00 2019-10-31 21:22:14.150 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 [INFO] status = true next event: 1 Nov 2019 08:00:00 2019-10-31 21:22:14.158 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 [INFO] status = true next event: 1 Nov 2019 12:00:00 2019-10-31 21:22:14.162 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 [INFO] status = true next event: 1 Nov 2019 16:00:00 2019-10-31 21:22:14.172 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 [INFO] status = true next event: 1 Nov 2019 21:00:00 2019-10-31 21:22:14.174 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 [INFO] status = true next event: 2 Nov 2019 05:00:00 2019-10-31 21:22:14.177 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 [INFO] status = true next event: 2 Nov 2019 08:00:00 2019-10-31 21:22:14.180 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 [INFO] status = true next event: 2 Nov 2019 12:00:00 2019-10-31 21:22:14.183 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 [INFO] status = true next event: 2 Nov 2019 16:00:00 2019-10-31 21:22:14.189 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 [INFO] status = true next event: 2 Nov 2019 21:00:00 2019-10-31 21:22:14.190 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 Check sensors for Büro 2019-10-31 21:22:14.202 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 got sensor state {"val":false,"ack":true,"ts":1572515728024,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.mihome.0","lc":1572515728024} from mihome.0.devices.magnet_158d0001c314f5.state 2019-10-31 21:22:14.205 - info: heatingcontrol.0 calculating new target temperatures 2019-10-31 21:22:14.233 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 profile type 2 2019-10-31 21:22:14.234 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 get profile 2019-10-31 21:22:14.238 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 profile 0 2019-10-31 21:22:14.239 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check room Büro 2019-10-31 21:22:14.239 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 number of periods 5 2019-10-31 21:22:14.239 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check ID Profiles.0.Büro.Mo-Fr.Periods.0.time 2019-10-31 21:22:14.249 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check time for Büro Profiles.0.Büro.Mo-Fr.Periods.0.time 19 2019-10-31 21:22:14.250 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check ID Profiles.0.Büro.Mo-Fr.Periods.1.time 2019-10-31 21:22:14.261 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check time for Büro Profiles.0.Büro.Mo-Fr.Periods.1.time 20 2019-10-31 21:22:14.261 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check ID Profiles.0.Büro.Mo-Fr.Periods.2.time 2019-10-31 21:22:14.271 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check time for Büro Profiles.0.Büro.Mo-Fr.Periods.2.time 20 2019-10-31 21:22:14.271 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check ID Profiles.0.Büro.Mo-Fr.Periods.3.time 2019-10-31 21:22:14.279 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check time for Büro Profiles.0.Büro.Mo-Fr.Periods.3.time 19 2019-10-31 21:22:14.279 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check ID Profiles.0.Büro.Mo-Fr.Periods.4.time 2019-10-31 21:22:14.298 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check time for Büro Profiles.0.Büro.Mo-Fr.Periods.4.time 21 2019-10-31 21:22:14.298 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ### 21 0 0 0 0 0 2019-10-31 21:22:14.298 - info: heatingcontrol.0 room Büro Thermostat maxcube.0.devices.thermostat_16a13f.temp set to 21 2019-10-31 21:22:14.313 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 thermostat maxcube.0.devices.thermostat_16a13f.setpoint to 21 2019-10-31 21:22:14.320 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 [INFO] status = true next event: 1 Nov 2019 05:00:00 2019-10-31 21:22:14.325 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 [INFO] status = true next event: 1 Nov 2019 08:00:00 2019-10-31 21:22:14.333 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 [INFO] status = true next event: 1 Nov 2019 12:00:00 2019-10-31 21:22:14.337 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 [INFO] status = true next event: 1 Nov 2019 16:00:00 2019-10-31 21:22:14.347 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 [INFO] status = true next event: 1 Nov 2019 21:00:00 2019-10-31 21:22:14.349 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 [INFO] status = true next event: 2 Nov 2019 05:00:00 2019-10-31 21:22:14.351 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 [INFO] status = true next event: 2 Nov 2019 08:00:00 2019-10-31 21:22:14.354 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 [INFO] status = true next event: 2 Nov 2019 12:00:00 2019-10-31 21:22:14.358 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 [INFO] status = true next event: 2 Nov 2019 16:00:00
@AhleWurscht75 Danke. Ich sehe schon das Problem... Ich baue den bug fix morgen ein...
perfekt, Danke -
ich richte gerade das erste Mal den Adapter richtig bei mir ein. Da hab ich eine winzige Verständnisfrage:die Periode wird mit "Period from" angezeigt. Bedeutet dies, dass die Perioden, anders als im Heizungsscript, quasi ihre Startzeit statt einer Endzeit eingetragen bekommen?
@mrMuppet genau. Ab einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt (="time") wird die Temperatur (="temperature") verwendet. Das gilt solange, bis die nächste Periode startet... übrigens auch über 00:00 Uhr hinaus. Man muss also keinen Zeitpunkt 00:00 Uhr anlegen...
Wenn man den Adapter im debug-Mode startet, werden übrigens die nächste Zeitpunkte, wann der Adapter Umstellungen vornimmt, ausgeloggt.
Das sieht so aus:heatingcontrol.0 2019-11-01 13:46:04.129 debug (7507) [INFO] status = true next event: 1 Nov 2019 21:00:00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-11-01 13:46:04.125 debug (7507) [INFO] status = true next event: 1 Nov 2019 16:00:00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-11-01 13:46:04.123 debug (7507) [INFO] status = true next event: 2 Nov 2019 12:00:00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-11-01 13:46:04.119 debug (7507) [INFO] status = true next event: 2 Nov 2019 08:00:00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-11-01 13:46:04.115 debug (7507) [INFO] status = true next event: 2 Nov 2019 05:00:00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-11-01 13:46:04.112 debug (7507) [INFO] status = true next event: 31 Mar 2020 23:55:00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-11-01 13:46:04.098 debug (7507) [INFO] status = true next event: 1 Oct 2020 00:05:00
@AhleWurscht75 im npm und im github liegt die Version 0.3.2, die das Problem mit subscribe beheben sollte...
@Rene_HM Vielen Dank.
Ich glaube da gibts auch noch einen Tippfehler: Su-So müsste doch Sa-Su heißen, oder?
Wie gehe ich am besten mit überzähligen Perioden um? Also in manchen Zimmern benötige ich nur 2 Schaltzeiten, in anderen vier... Wie kann ich nicht benötigte Periodeneinträge einfach deaktivieren damit ich nicht so viele überflüssige Zeiten einstellen muss?
Edit: Ist es sinnvoller die überzähliugen alle auf die selbe Zeit zu stellen? Oder besser andere Zeiten?
Edit2: Oder werden Schaltzeiten die in der Reihenfolge quasi zu spät kommen einfach übersprungen? Für mich wäre es dann jedenfalls angnehmer, wenn alle Punkte pe default auf 00:00 oder 23:59 liegen würden. -
Super! Herzlichen Dank für den schnellen support. Ich habe soeben installiert und es läuft.
Werde jetzt mal alles einrichten und so wie es aussieht werde ich dann das "alte Heizungsscript" in die Rente schicken. Es fehlt jetzt nur noch eine schicke VIS dazu, die alte ist mir zu unübersichtlich und sieht auch nicht so hübsch aus. Ectl. bastele ich dazu mal was und kann damit mal was zurückgeben an die Community.Eine Anmerkung von mir noch. Ich würde es für sinnvoll erachten, wenn man bei der Reaktion auf die Sensoren und die anschließende Absenkung der Temperatur eine variable, also auswählbare, Zeitverzögerung einbauen könnte. Wir haben einen Hund und immer, wenn wir den rauslassen, Balkontür auf und wieder zu, löst natürlich das Script aus und senkt die Temperatur und hebt sie dann sofort wieder an. Diesen "Datentraffic" könnte man sich sparen. Evtl. ist eine Berücksichtigung in der weiteren Entwicklung möglich.
An dieser Stelle nochmals Danke für Deine Arbeit in dieser Sache!!!!
@mrMuppet sagte in Test Adapter HeatingControl v0.3.x:
Oder werden Schaltzeiten die in der Reihenfolge quasi zu spät kommen einfach übersprungen?
So ist es. Ich prüfe, die Reihenfolge, und Zeitpunkte aus der "Vergangenheit" werden ignoriert. Du musst aber dann aber mit eine Warnung leben "wrong order of periods: ..."
@Rene_HM sagte in Test Adapter HeatingControl v0.3.x:
@mrMuppet sagte in Test Adapter HeatingControl v0.3.x:
Oder werden Schaltzeiten die in der Reihenfolge quasi zu spät kommen einfach übersprungen?
So ist es. Ich prüfe, die Reihenfolge, und Zeitpunkte aus der "Vergangenheit" werden ignoriert. Du musst aber dann aber mit eine Warnung leben "wrong order of periods: ..."
Leider habe ich deine Antwort genau falsch herum verstanden. Ich muss anscheinend alle Perioden einzeln durchgehen, weil er obwohl z.B.:
P1: ab 7:00
P2: ab 20:00
P3 ab 16:00 auf P3 steht.
Da wäre es imo ganz praktisch, wenn direkt alle Presets auf 0:00 Uhr stehen würden. Dann schaltet man quasi nur die Perioden aktiv in die man etwas einträgt.
@mrMuppet sagte in Test Adapter HeatingControl v0.3.x:
Ich muss anscheinend alle Perioden einzeln durchgehen, weil er obwohl z.B.:
P1: ab 7:00
P2: ab 20:00
P3 ab 16:00
jetzt auf P3 hängt.Das sollte so nicht sein. Welchen Profiltype verwendest du? Was sagt das log bzgl. cron?
@Rene_HM Sieht alles ganz normal aus. Typ: Mo-Fr/Sa-So. Hab jetzt aber auch alle Werte händisch korrigiert.
heatingcontrol.0 2019-11-01 18:45:00.746 info (27170) room Wohnzimmer Thermostat Thermostat Wohnzimmer 1.SETPOINT set to 20 heatingcontrol.0 2019-11-01 18:45:00.644 info (27170) room Flur Thermostat Thermostat Flur 1.SETPOINT set to 19 heatingcontrol.0 2019-11-01 18:45:00.537 info (27170) room Dachzimmer Thermostat HmIP-eTRV-2 000A18A98E70C1 set to 20 heatingcontrol.0 2019-11-01 18:45:00.435 info (27170) room Bad Thermostat Funk- Wandthermostat Bad 1.SETPOINT set to 21 heatingcontrol.0 2019-11-01 18:45:00.326 info (27170) room Kinderzimmer 2 Thermostat Thermostat K2 1.SETPOINT set to 20 heatingcontrol.0 2019-11-01 18:45:00.223 info (27170) room Kinderzimmer 1 Thermostat Thermostat K1 1.SETPOINT set to 20 heatingcontrol.0 2019-11-01 18:45:00.120 info (27170) room Schlafzimmer Thermostat Thermostat Schlafzimmer 1.SETPOINT set to 19 heatingcontrol.0 2019-11-01 18:45:00.008 info (27170) calculating new target temperatures heatingcontrol.0 2019-11-01 18:07:21.455 info (27170) room Wohnzimmer Thermostat Thermostat Wohnzimmer 1.SETPOINT set to 20 heatingcontrol.0 2019-11-01 18:07:21.452 info (27170) room Flur Thermostat Thermostat Flur 1.SETPOINT set to 19 heatingcontrol.0 2019-11-01 18:07:21.448 info (27170) room Dachzimmer Thermostat HmIP-eTRV-2 000A18A98E70C1 set to 20 heatingcontrol.0 2019-11-01 18:07:21.446 info (27170) room Bad Thermostat Funk- Wandthermostat Bad 1.SETPOINT set to 21 heatingcontrol.0 2019-11-01 18:07:21.444 info (27170) room Kinderzimmer 2 Thermostat Thermostat K2 1.SETPOINT set to 20 heatingcontrol.0 2019-11-01 18:07:21.442 info (27170) room Kinderzimmer 1 Thermostat Thermostat K1 1.SETPOINT set to 20 heatingcontrol.0 2019-11-01 18:07:21.439 info (27170) room Schlafzimmer Thermostat Thermostat Schlafzimmer 1.SETPOINT set to 19 heatingcontrol.0 2019-11-01 18:07:21.325 info (27170) calculating new target temperatures heatingcontrol.0 2019-11-01 18:07:20.988 info (27170) subscribe feiertage.0.heute.boolean heatingcontrol.0 2019-11-01 18:07:19.885 info (27170) starting. Version 0.3.2 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.heatingcontrol, node: v10.16.3
@Rene_HM hätte da noch nen kleinen Feature request. Könntest du vllt noch einen State einbauen der bei offenem/geschlossenem Fenster true/false wird? Also sobald die Absenkung greift.
Dürfte ja eigentlich keine große Sache sein. Oder soll ich ein GitHub issue aufmachen? -
@coyote das issue gibt's schon
@Rene_HM Ups sorry, hab in Git noch nicht geschaut. Alles klar
@mrMuppet in dem Mode ist noch ein Fehler drin, den ich gleich in der nächsten Version behebe. Der check auf die richtige Reihenfolge geht hier schief...
Hallo @Rene_HM
muss nochmal etwas melden. Wenn ich nachträglich Räume / Geräte im Adapter eintrage, dann legt er unter Objekten nicht die Ordner mit den Zeitperioden an. Erst wenn ich über den Adapter alles lösche und dann alles zusammenanlege, dann funktioniert es. D.h. konkret, nachträgliche Einträge etc. funktionieren nicht. Anbei mein Log, evtl. hilft das.Bin auf Version 0.3.2
undefined2019-11-02 18:37:18.248 - info: host.ioBroker object change system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0 2019-11-02 18:37:18.249 - info: host.ioBroker stopInstance system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0 2019-11-02 18:37:18.249 - info: host.ioBroker stopInstance system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0 killing pid 25274 2019-11-02 18:37:18.251 - info: heatingcontrol.0 cleaned everything up... 2019-11-02 18:37:18.269 - info: heatingcontrol.0 cleaned everything up... 2019-11-02 18:37:18.300 - info: host.ioBroker instance system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0 terminated with code 0 (OK) 2019-11-02 18:37:20.772 - info: host.ioBroker instance system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0 started with pid 5355 2019-11-02 18:37:21.799 - info: heatingcontrol.0 starting. Version 0.3.2 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.heatingcontrol, node: v8.12.0 2019-11-02 18:37:22.354 - info: heatingcontrol.0 start temperature override for room Leer 2019-11-02 18:37:22.361 - info: heatingcontrol.0 subscribe Büro mihome.0.devices.magnet_158d0001c314f5.state 2019-11-02 18:37:22.363 - info: heatingcontrol.0 subscribe Flur EG mihome.0.devices.magnet_158d0001c0a352.state 2019-11-02 18:37:22.363 - info: heatingcontrol.0 subscribe Leer maxcube.0.devices.contact_1665a4.opened 2019-11-02 18:37:22.519 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 override temperature not valid: 0 2019-11-02 18:37:22.772 - error: heatingcontrol.0 exception in CheckValidTime [TypeError: Cannot read property 'val' of null] for Profiles.0.Leer.Mo-Fr.Periods.0.time null 2019-11-02 18:37:22.775 - error: heatingcontrol.0 exception in CheckValidTime [TypeError: Cannot read property 'val' of null] for Profiles.0.Leer.Mo-Fr.Periods.1.time null 2019-11-02 18:37:22.782 - error: heatingcontrol.0 exception in CheckValidTime [TypeError: Cannot read property 'val' of null] for Profiles.0.Leer.Mo-Fr.Periods.2.time null 2019-11-02 18:37:22.789 - error: heatingcontrol.0 exception in CheckValidTime [TypeError: Cannot read property 'val' of null] for Profiles.0.Leer.Mo-Fr.Periods.3.time null 2019-11-02 18:37:22.796 - error: heatingcontrol.0 exception in CheckValidTime [TypeError: Cannot read property 'val' of null] for Profiles.0.Leer.Mo-Fr.Periods.4.time null 2019-11-02 18:37:22.803 - error: heatingcontrol.0 exception in CheckValidTime [TypeError: Cannot read property 'val' of null] for Profiles.0.Leer.Su-So.Periods.0.time null 2019-11-02 18:37:22.810 - error: heatingcontrol.0 exception in CheckValidTime [TypeError: Cannot read property 'val' of null] for Profiles.0.Leer.Su-So.Periods.1.time null 2019-11-02 18:37:22.817 - error: heatingcontrol.0 exception in CheckValidTime [TypeError: Cannot read property 'val' of null] for Profiles.0.Leer.Su-So.Periods.2.time null 2019-11-02 18:37:22.823 - error: heatingcontrol.0 exception in CheckValidTime [TypeError: Cannot read property 'val' of null] for Profiles.0.Leer.Su-So.Periods.3.time null 2019-11-02 18:37:22.832 - error: heatingcontrol.0 exception in CheckValidTime [TypeError: Cannot read property 'val' of null] for Profiles.0.Leer.Su-So.Periods.4.time null 2019-11-02 18:37:23.107 - info: heatingcontrol.0 calculating new target temperatures 2019-11-02 18:37:23.875 - info: heatingcontrol.0 room Büro Thermostat Büro setpoint set to 19 2019-11-02 18:37:23.916 - info: heatingcontrol.0 room Flur EG Thermostat Thermostat Flur EG setpoint set to 16 2019-11-02 18:37:23.951 - info: heatingcontrol.0 room Leer Thermostat Thermostat Hannah setpoint set to 19 2019-11-02 18:38:03.348 - info: host.ioBroker object change system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0 2019-11-02 18:38:03.351 - info: heatingcontrol.0 cleaned everything up... 2019-11-02 18:38:03.349 - info: host.ioBroker stopInstance system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0 2019-11-02 18:38:03.349 - info: host.ioBroker stopInstance system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0 killing pid 5355 2019-11-02 18:38:03.366 - info: heatingcontrol.0 cleaned everything up... 2019-11-02 18:38:03.398 - info: host.ioBroker instance system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0 terminated with code 0 (OK) 2019-11-02 18:38:03.409 - info: host.ioBroker object change system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0 2019-11-02 18:38:03.435 - info: host.ioBroker instance system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0 started with pid 6126 2019-11-02 18:38:04.319 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 objectDB connected 2019-11-02 18:38:04.379 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 statesDB connected 2019-11-02 18:38:04.495 - info: heatingcontrol.0 starting. Version 0.3.2 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.heatingcontrol, node: v8.12.0 2019-11-02 18:38:04.499 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 devices [{"id":1,"name":"Büro setpoint","OID_Current":"mihome.0.devices.weather_v1_158d00023202ab.temperature","OID_Target":"maxcube.0.devices.thermostat_16a13f.setpoint","isActive":true,"type":1,"room":"Büro"},{"id":2,"name":"Is opened","OID_Current":"mihome.0.devices.magnet_158d0001c314f5.state","isActive":true,"type":3,"room":"Büro"},{"id":3,"name":"Thermostat Flur EG setpoint","OID_Current":"mihome.0.devices.weather_v1_158d0002387a24.temperature","OID_Target":"maxcube.0.devices.thermostat_196b47.setpoint","isActive":true,"type":1,"room":"Flur EG"},{"id":4,"name":"Is opened","OID_Current":"mihome.0.devices.magnet_158d0001c0a352.state","isActive":true,"type":3,"room":"Flur EG"},{"id":5,"name":"Thermostat Hannah setpoint","OID_Current":"maxcube.0.devices.thermostat_1a33ea.temp","OID_Target":"maxcube.0.devices.thermostat_1a33ea.setpoint","isActive":true,"type":1,"room":"Leer"},{"id":6,"name":"Balkontür is opened","OID_Current":"maxcube.0.devices.contact_1665a4.opened","isActive":true,"type":3,"room":"Leer"}] 2019-11-02 18:38:04.502 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 CreateDatepoints 2019-11-02 18:38:04.686 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 rooms 15 2019-11-02 18:38:04.686 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 create data points for Büro 2019-11-02 18:38:04.726 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 room Büro with 5 periods 2019-11-02 18:38:04.727 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 Profile Type Mo-FR + Sa-So, profiles 1 2019-11-02 18:38:04.727 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Büro.Mo-Fr.Periods.0 max 5 2019-11-02 18:38:04.729 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Büro.Mo-Fr.Periods.1 max 5 2019-11-02 18:38:04.729 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Büro.Mo-Fr.Periods.2 max 5 2019-11-02 18:38:04.729 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Büro.Mo-Fr.Periods.3 max 5 2019-11-02 18:38:04.730 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Büro.Mo-Fr.Periods.4 max 5 2019-11-02 18:38:04.730 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Büro.Su-So.Periods.0 max 5 2019-11-02 18:38:04.730 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Büro.Su-So.Periods.1 max 5 2019-11-02 18:38:04.730 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Büro.Su-So.Periods.2 max 5 2019-11-02 18:38:04.731 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Büro.Su-So.Periods.3 max 5 2019-11-02 18:38:04.731 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Büro.Su-So.Periods.4 max 5 2019-11-02 18:38:04.731 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 not active.... Flur OG 2019-11-02 18:38:04.731 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 not active.... Bad 2019-11-02 18:38:04.731 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 not active.... Garage 2019-11-02 18:38:04.731 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 not active.... Wohnzimmer 2019-11-02 18:38:04.732 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 not active.... Schlafzimmer 2019-11-02 18:38:04.732 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 create data points for Flur EG 2019-11-02 18:38:04.800 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 room Flur EG with 5 periods 2019-11-02 18:38:04.801 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 Profile Type Mo-FR + Sa-So, profiles 1 2019-11-02 18:38:04.801 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Flur EG.Mo-Fr.Periods.0 max 5 2019-11-02 18:38:04.802 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Flur EG.Mo-Fr.Periods.1 max 5 2019-11-02 18:38:04.802 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Flur EG.Mo-Fr.Periods.2 max 5 2019-11-02 18:38:04.802 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Flur EG.Mo-Fr.Periods.3 max 5 2019-11-02 18:38:04.803 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Flur EG.Mo-Fr.Periods.4 max 5 2019-11-02 18:38:04.803 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Flur EG.Su-So.Periods.0 max 5 2019-11-02 18:38:04.803 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Flur EG.Su-So.Periods.1 max 5 2019-11-02 18:38:04.803 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Flur EG.Su-So.Periods.2 max 5 2019-11-02 18:38:04.804 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Flur EG.Su-So.Periods.3 max 5 2019-11-02 18:38:04.804 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Flur EG.Su-So.Periods.4 max 5 2019-11-02 18:38:04.804 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 not active.... Bad EG 2019-11-02 18:38:04.804 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 not active.... Küche 2019-11-02 18:38:04.804 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 not active.... Aussen 2019-11-02 18:38:04.805 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 not active.... Esszimmer 2019-11-02 18:38:04.805 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 not active.... Waschküche 2019-11-02 18:38:04.805 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 not active.... Hannah Schafzimmer 2019-11-02 18:38:04.805 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 not active.... Hannah Wohnzimmer 2019-11-02 18:38:04.805 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 create data points for Leer 2019-11-02 18:38:04.872 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 room Leer with 5 periods 2019-11-02 18:38:04.872 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 Profile Type Mo-FR + Sa-So, profiles 1 2019-11-02 18:38:04.873 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Leer.Mo-Fr.Periods.0 max 5 2019-11-02 18:38:04.873 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Leer.Mo-Fr.Periods.1 max 5 2019-11-02 18:38:04.874 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Leer.Mo-Fr.Periods.2 max 5 2019-11-02 18:38:04.874 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Leer.Mo-Fr.Periods.3 max 5 2019-11-02 18:38:04.875 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Leer.Mo-Fr.Periods.4 max 5 2019-11-02 18:38:04.875 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Leer.Su-So.Periods.0 max 5 2019-11-02 18:38:04.875 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Leer.Su-So.Periods.1 max 5 2019-11-02 18:38:04.875 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Leer.Su-So.Periods.2 max 5 2019-11-02 18:38:04.876 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Leer.Su-So.Periods.3 max 5 2019-11-02 18:38:04.876 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Leer.Su-So.Periods.4 max 5 2019-11-02 18:38:04.877 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 #start subscribtion 2019-11-02 18:38:04.877 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 no subscribe Path2FeiertagAdapter 2019-11-02 18:38:04.877 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 no subscribe Path2PresentDP 2019-11-02 18:38:04.878 - info: heatingcontrol.0 subscribe Büro mihome.0.devices.magnet_158d0001c314f5.state 2019-11-02 18:38:04.879 - info: heatingcontrol.0 subscribe Flur EG mihome.0.devices.magnet_158d0001c0a352.state 2019-11-02 18:38:04.880 - info: heatingcontrol.0 subscribe Leer maxcube.0.devices.contact_1665a4.opened 2019-11-02 18:38:04.880 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 #subscribtion finished 2019-11-02 18:38:04.883 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 start CalculateNextTime, profile type 2 2019-11-02 18:38:04.883 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 get profile 2019-11-02 18:38:04.888 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 profile 0 2019-11-02 18:38:04.889 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 setting Mo - Fr 2019-11-02 18:38:04.957 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---1 found time for Büro at {"val":"05:00","ack":true,"ts":1572375462656,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572375462656} 05:00 2019-11-02 18:38:04.958 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 push to list = 05,00 2019-11-02 18:38:04.975 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---1 found time for Büro at {"val":"08:00","ack":true,"ts":1572375462657,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572375462657} 08:00 2019-11-02 18:38:04.975 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 push to list = 08,00 2019-11-02 18:38:04.978 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---1 found time for Büro at {"val":"12:00","ack":true,"ts":1572375462661,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572375462661} 12:00 2019-11-02 18:38:04.979 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 push to list = 12,00 2019-11-02 18:38:04.982 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---1 found time for Büro at {"val":"16:00","ack":true,"ts":1572375462680,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572375462680} 16:00 2019-11-02 18:38:04.982 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 push to list = 16,00 2019-11-02 18:38:04.985 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---1 found time for Büro at {"val":"21:00","ack":true,"ts":1572375462683,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572375462683} 21:00 2019-11-02 18:38:04.986 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 push to list = 21,00 2019-11-02 18:38:04.986 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 setting Sa - Su 2019-11-02 18:38:05.055 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---2 found time for Büro at {"val":"04:30","ack":true,"ts":1572712355411,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572712355406} 04:30 2019-11-02 18:38:05.056 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 push to list = 04,30 2019-11-02 18:38:05.063 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---2 found time for Büro at {"val":"08:00","ack":true,"ts":1572375462697,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572375462697} 08:00 2019-11-02 18:38:05.063 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 push to list = 08,00 2019-11-02 18:38:05.066 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---2 found time for Büro at {"val":"12:00","ack":true,"ts":1572375462698,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572375462698} 12:00 2019-11-02 18:38:05.066 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 push to list = 12,00 2019-11-02 18:38:05.069 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---2 found time for Büro at {"val":"16:00","ack":true,"ts":1572710430466,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572375462699} 16:00 2019-11-02 18:38:05.069 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 push to list = 16,00 2019-11-02 18:38:05.071 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---2 found time for Büro at {"val":"21:00","ack":true,"ts":1572375462703,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572375462703} 21:00 2019-11-02 18:38:05.072 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 push to list = 21,00 2019-11-02 18:38:05.072 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 setting Mo - Fr 2019-11-02 18:38:05.075 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---1 found time for Flur EG at {"val":"05:00","ack":true,"ts":1572715292758,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572715292758} 05:00 2019-11-02 18:38:05.077 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---1 found time for Flur EG at {"val":"08:00","ack":true,"ts":1572715292761,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572715292761} 08:00 2019-11-02 18:38:05.079 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---1 found time for Flur EG at {"val":"12:00","ack":true,"ts":1572715292773,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572715292773} 12:00 2019-11-02 18:38:05.082 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---1 found time for Flur EG at {"val":"16:00","ack":true,"ts":1572715292784,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572715292784} 16:00 2019-11-02 18:38:05.084 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---1 found time for Flur EG at {"val":"21:00","ack":true,"ts":1572715292788,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572715292788} 21:00 2019-11-02 18:38:05.085 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 setting Sa - Su 2019-11-02 18:38:05.087 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---2 found time for Flur EG at {"val":"05:00","ack":true,"ts":1572715292789,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572715292789} 05:00 2019-11-02 18:38:05.087 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 push to list = 05,00 2019-11-02 18:38:05.118 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---2 found time for Flur EG at {"val":"08:00","ack":true,"ts":1572715292790,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572715292790} 08:00 2019-11-02 18:38:05.121 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---2 found time for Flur EG at {"val":"12:00","ack":true,"ts":1572715292791,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572715292791} 12:00 2019-11-02 18:38:05.125 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---2 found time for Flur EG at {"val":"16:00","ack":true,"ts":1572715292792,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572715292792} 16:00 2019-11-02 18:38:05.128 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---2 found time for Flur EG at {"val":"21:00","ack":true,"ts":1572715292794,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572715292794} 21:00 2019-11-02 18:38:05.128 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 setting Mo - Fr 2019-11-02 18:38:05.131 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---1 found time for Leer at {"val":"05:00","ack":true,"ts":1572716243194,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572716243194} 05:00 2019-11-02 18:38:05.133 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---1 found time for Leer at {"val":"08:00","ack":true,"ts":1572716243202,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572716243202} 08:00 2019-11-02 18:38:05.136 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---1 found time for Leer at {"val":"12:00","ack":true,"ts":1572716243207,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572716243207} 12:00 2019-11-02 18:38:05.139 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---1 found time for Leer at {"val":"16:00","ack":true,"ts":1572716243209,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572716243209} 16:00 2019-11-02 18:38:05.141 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---1 found time for Leer at {"val":"21:00","ack":true,"ts":1572716243210,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572716243210} 21:00 2019-11-02 18:38:05.142 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 setting Sa - Su 2019-11-02 18:38:05.144 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---2 found time for Leer at {"val":"05:00","ack":true,"ts":1572716243248,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572716243248} 05:00 2019-11-02 18:38:05.182 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---2 found time for Leer at {"val":"08:00","ack":true,"ts":1572716243249,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572716243249} 08:00 2019-11-02 18:38:05.189 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---2 found time for Leer at {"val":"12:00","ack":true,"ts":1572716243250,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572716243250} 12:00 2019-11-02 18:38:05.192 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---2 found time for Leer at {"val":"16:00","ack":true,"ts":1572716243251,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572716243251} 16:00 2019-11-02 18:38:05.194 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---2 found time for Leer at {"val":"21:00","ack":true,"ts":1572716243252,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572716243252} 21:00 2019-11-02 18:38:05.195 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 create cron job #0 at 5:0 string: 0 0 5 * * 1-5 Europe/Berlin 2019-11-02 18:38:05.231 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 create cron job #1 at 8:0 string: 0 0 8 * * 1-5 Europe/Berlin 2019-11-02 18:38:05.243 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 create cron job #2 at 12:0 string: 0 0 12 * * 1-5 Europe/Berlin 2019-11-02 18:38:05.253 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 create cron job #3 at 16:0 string: 0 0 16 * * 1-5 Europe/Berlin 2019-11-02 18:38:05.259 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 create cron job #4 at 21:0 string: 0 0 21 * * 1-5 Europe/Berlin 2019-11-02 18:38:05.266 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 create cron job #5 at 4:30 string: 0 30 4 * * 0,6 Europe/Berlin 2019-11-02 18:38:05.276 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 create cron job #6 at 8:0 string: 0 0 8 * * 0,6 Europe/Berlin 2019-11-02 18:38:05.283 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 create cron job #7 at 12:0 string: 0 0 12 * * 0,6 Europe/Berlin 2019-11-02 18:38:05.289 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 create cron job #8 at 16:0 string: 0 0 16 * * 0,6 Europe/Berlin 2019-11-02 18:38:05.296 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 create cron job #9 at 21:0 string: 0 0 21 * * 0,6 Europe/Berlin 2019-11-02 18:38:05.301 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 create cron job #10 at 5:0 string: 0 0 5 * * 0,6 Europe/Berlin 2019-11-02 18:38:05.309 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 [INFO] status = true next event: 4 Nov 2019 05:00:00 2019-11-02 18:38:05.312 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 [INFO] status = true next event: 4 Nov 2019 08:00:00 2019-11-02 18:38:05.315 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 [INFO] status = true next event: 4 Nov 2019 12:00:00 2019-11-02 18:38:05.319 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 [INFO] status = true next event: 4 Nov 2019 16:00:00 2019-11-02 18:38:05.323 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 [INFO] status = true next event: 4 Nov 2019 21:00:00 2019-11-02 18:38:05.330 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 [INFO] status = true next event: 3 Nov 2019 04:30:00 2019-11-02 18:38:05.334 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 [INFO] status = true next event: 3 Nov 2019 08:00:00 2019-11-02 18:38:05.337 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 [INFO] status = true next event: 3 Nov 2019 12:00:00 2019-11-02 18:38:05.342 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 [INFO] status = true next event: 3 Nov 2019 16:00:00 2019-11-02 18:38:05.343 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 [INFO] status = true next event: 2 Nov 2019 21:00:00 2019-11-02 18:38:05.347 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 [INFO] status = true next event: 3 Nov 2019 05:00:00 2019-11-02 18:38:05.348 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 Check sensors for Büro 2019-11-02 18:38:05.353 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 got sensor state {"val":false,"ack":true,"ts":1572711961775,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.mihome.0","lc":1572711961775} from mihome.0.devices.magnet_158d0001c314f5.state 2019-11-02 18:38:05.354 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 Check sensors for Flur EG 2019-11-02 18:38:05.357 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 got sensor state {"val":false,"ack":true,"ts":1572709544274,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.mihome.0","lc":1572709544274} from mihome.0.devices.magnet_158d0001c0a352.state 2019-11-02 18:38:05.357 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 Check sensors for Leer 2019-11-02 18:38:05.361 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 got sensor state {"val":false,"ack":true,"ts":1570345680277,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.maxcube.0","lc":1570345680277} from maxcube.0.devices.contact_1665a4.opened 2019-11-02 18:38:05.364 - info: heatingcontrol.0 calculating new target temperatures 2019-11-02 18:38:05.390 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 profile type 2 2019-11-02 18:38:05.390 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 get profile 2019-11-02 18:38:05.393 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 profile 0 2019-11-02 18:38:05.393 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check room Büro 2019-11-02 18:38:05.393 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 number of periods 5 2019-11-02 18:38:05.394 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check ID Profiles.0.Büro.Su-So.Periods.0.time 2019-11-02 18:38:05.399 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check time for Büro Profiles.0.Büro.Su-So.Periods.0.time 19 2019-11-02 18:38:05.400 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check ID Profiles.0.Büro.Su-So.Periods.1.time 2019-11-02 18:38:05.406 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check time for Büro Profiles.0.Büro.Su-So.Periods.1.time 21 2019-11-02 18:38:05.406 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check ID Profiles.0.Büro.Su-So.Periods.2.time 2019-11-02 18:38:05.412 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check time for Büro Profiles.0.Büro.Su-So.Periods.2.time 21 2019-11-02 18:38:05.413 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check ID Profiles.0.Büro.Su-So.Periods.3.time 2019-11-02 18:38:05.418 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check time for Büro Profiles.0.Büro.Su-So.Periods.3.time 19 2019-11-02 18:38:05.418 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check ID Profiles.0.Büro.Su-So.Periods.4.time 2019-11-02 18:38:05.422 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ### 19 0 0 0 0 0 2019-11-02 18:38:05.422 - info: heatingcontrol.0 room Büro Thermostat Büro setpoint set to 19 2019-11-02 18:38:05.425 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 thermostat maxcube.0.devices.thermostat_16a13f.setpoint nothing to do, already 19 2019-11-02 18:38:05.432 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check room Flur EG 2019-11-02 18:38:05.432 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 number of periods 5 2019-11-02 18:38:05.432 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check ID Profiles.0.Flur EG.Su-So.Periods.0.time 2019-11-02 18:38:05.438 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check time for Flur EG Profiles.0.Flur EG.Su-So.Periods.0.time 16 2019-11-02 18:38:05.439 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check ID Profiles.0.Flur EG.Su-So.Periods.1.time 2019-11-02 18:38:05.444 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check time for Flur EG Profiles.0.Flur EG.Su-So.Periods.1.time 16 2019-11-02 18:38:05.444 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check ID Profiles.0.Flur EG.Su-So.Periods.2.time 2019-11-02 18:38:05.450 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check time for Flur EG Profiles.0.Flur EG.Su-So.Periods.2.time 16 2019-11-02 18:38:05.450 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check ID Profiles.0.Flur EG.Su-So.Periods.3.time 2019-11-02 18:38:05.456 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check time for Flur EG Profiles.0.Flur EG.Su-So.Periods.3.time 16 2019-11-02 18:38:05.456 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check ID Profiles.0.Flur EG.Su-So.Periods.4.time 2019-11-02 18:38:05.459 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ### 16 0 0 0 0 0 2019-11-02 18:38:05.459 - info: heatingcontrol.0 room Flur EG Thermostat Thermostat Flur EG setpoint set to 16 2019-11-02 18:38:05.463 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 thermostat maxcube.0.devices.thermostat_196b47.setpoint nothing to do, already 16 2019-11-02 18:38:05.469 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check room Leer 2019-11-02 18:38:05.469 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 number of periods 5 2019-11-02 18:38:05.470 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check ID Profiles.0.Leer.Su-So.Periods.0.time 2019-11-02 18:38:05.475 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check time for Leer Profiles.0.Leer.Su-So.Periods.0.time 19 2019-11-02 18:38:05.476 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check ID Profiles.0.Leer.Su-So.Periods.1.time 2019-11-02 18:38:05.481 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check time for Leer Profiles.0.Leer.Su-So.Periods.1.time 21 2019-11-02 18:38:05.482 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check ID Profiles.0.Leer.Su-So.Periods.2.time 2019-11-02 18:38:05.487 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check time for Leer Profiles.0.Leer.Su-So.Periods.2.time 21 2019-11-02 18:38:05.488 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check ID Profiles.0.Leer.Su-So.Periods.3.time 2019-11-02 18:38:05.493 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check time for Leer Profiles.0.Leer.Su-So.Periods.3.time 19 2019-11-02 18:38:05.494 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check ID Profiles.0.Leer.Su-So.Periods.4.time 2019-11-02 18:38:05.497 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ### 19 0 0 0 0 0 2019-11-02 18:38:05.497 - info: heatingcontrol.0 room Leer Thermostat Thermostat Hannah setpoint set to 19 2019-11-02 18:38:05.525 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 thermostat maxcube.0.devices.thermostat_1a33ea.setpoint to 19 2019-11-02 18:38:05.538 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 [INFO] status = true next event: 4 Nov 2019 05:00:00 2019-11-02 18:38:05.541 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 [INFO] status = true next event: 4 Nov 2019 08:00:00 2019-11-02 18:38:05.545 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 [INFO] status = true next event: 4 Nov 2019 12:00:00 2019-11-02 18:38:05.549 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 [INFO] status = true next event: 4 Nov 2019 16:00:00 2019-11-02 18:38:05.554 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 [INFO] status = true next event: 4 Nov 2019 21:00:00 2019-11-02 18:38:05.562 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 [INFO] status = true next event: 3 Nov 2019 04:30:00 2019-11-02 18:38:05.565 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 [INFO] status = true next event: 3 Nov 2019 08:00:00 2019-11-02 18:38:05.569 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 [INFO] status = true next event: 3 Nov 2019 12:00:00 2019-11-02 18:38:05.576 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 [INFO] status = true next event: 3 Nov 2019 16:00:00 2019-11-02 18:38:05.578 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 [INFO] status = true next event: 2 Nov 2019 21:00:00 2019-11-02 18:38:05.581 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 [INFO] status = true next event: 3 Nov 2019 05:00:00 2019-11-02 18:38:08.247 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 system.adapter.admin.0: logging true 2019-11-02 18:38:36.086 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 system.adapter.admin.0: logging false 2019-11-02 18:39:17.324 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ### start ListFunctions 2019-11-02 18:39:17.330 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 all rooms done [{"id":1,"name":"Büro setpoint","OID_Current":"mihome.0.devices.weather_v1_158d00023202ab.temperature","OID_Target":"maxcube.0.devices.thermostat_16a13f.setpoint","isActive":true,"type":1,"room":"Büro"},{"id":2,"name":"Is opened","OID_Current":"mihome.0.devices.magnet_158d0001c314f5.state","isActive":true,"type":3,"room":"Büro"},{"id":3,"name":"Thermostat Flur EG setpoint","OID_Current":"mihome.0.devices.weather_v1_158d0002387a24.temperature","OID_Target":"maxcube.0.devices.thermostat_196b47.setpoint","isActive":true,"type":1,"room":"Flur EG"},{"id":4,"name":"Is opened","OID_Current":"mihome.0.devices.magnet_158d0001c0a352.state","isActive":true,"type":3,"room":"Flur EG"},{"id":5,"name":"Thermostat Hannah setpoint","OID_Current":"maxcube.0.devices.thermostat_1a33ea.temp","OID_Target":"maxcube.0.devices.thermostat_1a33ea.setpoint","isActive":true,"type":1,"room":"Leer"},{"id":6,"name":"Balkontür is opened","OID_Current":"maxcube.0.devices.contact_1665a4.opened","isActive":true,"type":3,"room":"Leer"}] 2019-11-02 18:39:17.331 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 sendTo "listDevices" to system.adapter.admin.0 from system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0 2019-11-02 18:39:17.334 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 all rooms done [{"id":1,"name":"Büro setpoint","OID_Current":"mihome.0.devices.weather_v1_158d00023202ab.temperature","OID_Target":"maxcube.0.devices.thermostat_16a13f.setpoint","isActive":true,"type":1,"room":"Büro"},{"id":2,"name":"Is opened","OID_Current":"mihome.0.devices.magnet_158d0001c314f5.state","isActive":true,"type":3,"room":"Büro"},{"id":3,"name":"Thermostat Flur EG setpoint","OID_Current":"mihome.0.devices.weather_v1_158d0002387a24.temperature","OID_Target":"maxcube.0.devices.thermostat_196b47.setpoint","isActive":true,"type":1,"room":"Flur EG"},{"id":4,"name":"Is opened","OID_Current":"mihome.0.devices.magnet_158d0001c0a352.state","isActive":true,"type":3,"room":"Flur EG"},{"id":5,"name":"Thermostat Hannah setpoint","OID_Current":"maxcube.0.devices.thermostat_1a33ea.temp","OID_Target":"maxcube.0.devices.thermostat_1a33ea.setpoint","isActive":true,"type":1,"room":"Leer"},{"id":6,"name":"Balkontür is opened","OID_Current":"maxcube.0.devices.contact_1665a4.opened","isActive":true,"type":3,"room":"Leer"}] 2019-11-02 18:39:17.335 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 sendTo "listRooms" to system.adapter.admin.0 from system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0 2019-11-02 18:39:17.366 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 function enums: {"result":{"enum.functions.color":{"_id":"enum.functions.color","common":{"name":"Color","members":[]},"type":"enum","native":{},"from":"","ts":1562830525027}},"requestEnum":"enum.functions"} 2019-11-02 18:39:17.377 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 all functions done [{"name":"Color"}] 2019-11-02 18:39:17.381 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 sendTo "listFunctions" to system.adapter.admin.0 from system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0 2019-11-02 18:40:41.159 - info: host.ioBroker object change system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0 2019-11-02 18:40:41.161 - info: heatingcontrol.0 cleaned everything up... 2019-11-02 18:40:41.159 - info: host.ioBroker stopInstance system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0 2019-11-02 18:40:41.159 - info: host.ioBroker stopInstance system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0 killing pid 6126 2019-11-02 18:40:41.162 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 delete 11 cron jobs 2019-11-02 18:40:41.163 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 cron job stopped 2019-11-02 18:40:41.163 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 cron job stopped 2019-11-02 18:40:41.163 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 cron job stopped 2019-11-02 18:40:41.164 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 cron job stopped 2019-11-02 18:40:41.164 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 cron job stopped 2019-11-02 18:40:41.164 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 cron job stopped 2019-11-02 18:40:41.165 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 cron job stopped 2019-11-02 18:40:41.165 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 cron job stopped 2019-11-02 18:40:41.165 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 cron job stopped 2019-11-02 18:40:41.166 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 cron job stopped 2019-11-02 18:40:41.166 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 cron job stopped 2019-11-02 18:40:41.188 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 [OBJECT CHANGE] ==== system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0 === {"_id":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","type":"instance","common":{"name":"heatingcontrol","version":"0.3.1","news":{"0.2.0":{"en":"path to Feiertag-Adapter can also include a complete datapoint path ","de":"Pfad zum Feiertag-Adapter kann auch einen vollständigen Datenpunktpfad enthalten","ru":"путь к Feiertag-Adapter может также включать полный путь к точке данных","pt":"O caminho para o Feiertag-Adapter também pode incluir um caminho completo do ponto de dados","nl":"pad naar Feiertag-Adapter kan ook een compleet datapuntpad bevatten","fr":"Le chemin vers Feiertag-Adapter peut également inclure un chemin complet de point de données.","it":"Il percorso di Feiertag-Adapter può anche includere un percorso completo di punti dati","es":"ruta a Feiertag-Adapter también puede incluir una ruta completa de punto de datos","pl":"ścieżka do Feiertag-Adapter może również zawierać pełną ścieżkę punktu danych","zh-cn":"Feiertag-Adapter的路径还可以包含完整的数据点路径"},"0.1.0":{"en":"redesign data structure","de":"Neugestaltung der Datenstruktur","ru":"перепроектировать структуру данных","pt":"redesenhar estrutura de dados","nl":"gegevensstructuur opnieuw ontwerpen","fr":"refonte de la structure de données","it":"riprogettare la struttura dei dati","es":"rediseño de estructura de datos","pl":"przeprojektowanie struktury danych","zh-cn":"重新设计数据结构"},"0.0.5":{"en":"support for max! thermostats","de":"Unterstützung für max!-Thermostate","ru":"поддержка термостатов max!","pt":"suporte para termostatos max!","nl":"ondersteuning voor max!-thermostaten","fr":"support pour les thermostats max!","it":"supporto per i termostati max!","es":"soporte para termostatos max!","pl":"obsługa termostatów max!","zh-cn":"支持max!恒温器"},"0.0.3":{"en":"ready for first publish","pt":"pronto para primeiro publicar","de":"bereit für die erste Veröffentlichung","nl":"klaar voor de eerste publicatie","it":"pronto per la prima pubblicazione","es":"listo para primera publicacion","pl":"gotowy do pierwszego opublikowania","zh-cn":"准备好首次发布","fr":"prêt pour la première publication","ru":"готов к первой публикации"},"0.0.2":{"en":"actuator handling added","de":"Aktuatorhandling hinzugefügt","pl":"dodano obsługę siłownika","zh-cn":"执行器处理添加","nl":"actuator handling toegevoegd","fr":"actionneur manipulation ajouté","ru":"добавлена обработка привода","pt":"manuseio do atuador adicionado","it":"aggiunta della movimentazione dell'attuatore","es":"manejo del actuador agregado"},"0.3.1":{"en":"some bug fixes","de":"einige Bugfixes","ru":"некоторые исправления ошибок","pt":"algumas correções de bugs","nl":"enkele bugfixes","fr":"quelques corrections de bugs","it":"alcune correzioni di bug","es":"algunas correcciones de errores","pl":"niektóre poprawki błędów","zh-cn":"一些错误修复"},"0.3.0":{"en":"manuel temperature setting, configurable heating period and more","de":"Manuelle Temperatureinstellung, konfigurierbare Heizperiode und mehr","ru":"настройка температуры в мануале, настраиваемый период нагрева и многое другое","pt":"ajuste da temperatura de manuel, período de aquecimento configurável e muito mais","nl":"handmatige temperatuurinstelling, configureerbare verwarmingsperiode en meer","fr":"réglage manuel de la température, période de chauffage configurable et plus","it":"impostazione della temperatura manuale, periodo di riscaldamento configurabile e altro","es":"ajuste de temperatura manual, período de calentamiento configurable y más","pl":"ustawienie temperatury manuel, konfigurowalny okres ogrzewania i więcej","zh-cn":"手动设定温度,可设定的加热时间等"},"0.2.3":{"en":"some bug fixes","de":"einige Bugfixes","ru":"некоторые исправления ошибок","pt":"algumas correções de bugs","nl":"enkele bugfixes","fr":"quelques corrections de bugs","it":"alcune correzioni di bug","es":"algunas correcciones de errores","pl":"niektóre poprawki błędów","zh-cn":"一些错误修复"},"0.2.1":{"en":"bug fixes in actuator handling","de":"Fehlerbehebungen im Umgang mit Aktuatoren","ru":"исправлены ошибки в работе привода","pt":"correções de erros no manuseio do atuador","nl":"bugfixes bij bediening van de actuator","fr":"corrections de bugs dans la manipulation des actionneurs","it":"correzioni di errori nella gestione dell'attuatore","es":"correcciones de errores en el manejo del actuador","pl":"poprawki błędów w obsłudze siłowników","zh-cn":"执行器处理中的错误修复"}},"title":"HeatingControl","desc":{"en":"Heating Control ","de":"Heizungsregelung","ru":"Управление отоплением","pt":"Controle de aquecimento","nl":"Verwarmingsregeling","fr":"Contrôle de chauffage","pl":"Sterowanie ogrzewaniem","zh-cn":"加热控制","it":"Controllo del riscaldamento","es":"Control de calefacción"},"platform":"Javascript/Node.js","mode":"daemon","icon":"heatingcontrol.png","enabled":true,"messagebox":true,"extIcon":"","keywords":["heating"],"readme":"","loglevel":"debug","stopBeforeUpdate":true,"type":"climate-control","license":"MIT","materialize":true,"compact":true,"authors":[{"name":"René G.","email":""}],"installedVersion":"0.3.1","host":"ioBroker"},"native":{"rooms":[{"name":"Büro","isActive":true,"WindowIsOpen":false},{"name":"Flur OG","isActive":true,"WindowIsOpen":false},{"name":"Bad","isActive":false,"WindowIsOpen":false},{"name":"Garage","isActive":false,"WindowIsOpen":false},{"name":"Wohnzimmer","isActive":false,"WindowIsOpen":false},{"name":"Schlafzimmer","isActive":false,"WindowIsOpen":false},{"name":"Flur EG","isActive":true,"WindowIsOpen":false},{"name":"Bad EG","isActive":false,"WindowIsOpen":false},{"name":"Küche","isActive":false,"WindowIsOpen":false},{"name":"Aussen","isActive":false,"WindowIsOpen":false},{"name":"Esszimmer","isActive":false,"WindowIsOpen":false},{"name":"Waschküche","isActive":false,"WindowIsOpen":false},{"name":"Hannah Schafzimmer","isActive":false,"WindowIsOpen":false},{"name":"Hannah Wohnzimmer","isActive":false,"WindowIsOpen":false},{"name":"Leer","isActive":true,"WindowIsOpen":false}],"UseActors":false,"Gewerk":"1","ProfileType":"2","NumberOfProfiles":"1","NumberOfPeriods":"5","timezone":"Europe/Berlin","deleteall":false,"UseActorsIfNotHeating":"1","UseActorsIfNoThermostat":"1","Path2FeiertagAdapter":"","PublicHolidayLikeSunday":true,"UseSensors":true,"devices":[{"id":1,"name":"Büro setpoint","OID_Current":"mihome.0.devices.weather_v1_158d00023202ab.temperature","OID_Target":"maxcube.0.devices.thermostat_16a13f.setpoint","isActive":true,"type":1,"room":"Büro"},{"id":2,"name":"Is opened","OID_Current":"mihome.0.devices.magnet_158d0001c314f5.state","isActive":true,"type":3,"room":"Büro"},{"id":3,"name":"Thermostat Flur EG setpoint","OID_Current":"mihome.0.devices.weather_v1_158d0002387a24.temperature","OID_Target":"maxcube.0.devices.thermostat_196b47.setpoint","isActive":true,"type":1,"room":"Flur EG"},{"id":4,"name":"Is opened","OID_Current":"mihome.0.devices.magnet_158d0001c0a352.state","isActive":true,"type":3,"room":"Flur EG"},{"id":5,"name":"Thermostat Hannah setpoint","OID_Current":"maxcube.0.devices.thermostat_1a33ea.temp","OID_Target":"maxcube.0.devices.thermostat_1a33ea.setpoint","isActive":true,"type":1,"room":"Leer"},{"id":6,"name":"Balkontür is opened","OID_Current":"maxcube.0.devices.contact_1665a4.opened","isActive":true,"type":3,"room":"Leer"},{"id":7,"name":"Thermostat 1 setpoint","OID_Current":"mihome.0.devices.weather_v1_158d0002387a24.temperature","OID_Target":"maxcube.0.devices.thermostat_1a33d9.setpoint","isActive":true,"type":1,"room":"Flur OG"},{"id":8,"name":"Is opened","OID_Current":"mihome.0.devices.magnet_158d0001b77aee.state","isActive":true,"type":3,"room":"Flur OG"}],"Path2PresentDP":"","UseFixHeatingPeriod":false,"FixHeatingPeriodStart":"01.10.","FixHeatingPeriodEnd":"31.03."},"from":"system.adapter.admin.0","ts":1572716283393} 2019-11-02 18:40:41.212 - info: host.ioBroker instance system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0 terminated with code 0 (OK) 2019-11-02 18:40:43.683 - info: host.ioBroker instance system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0 started with pid 8714 2019-11-02 18:40:44.477 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 objectDB connected 2019-11-02 18:40:44.529 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 statesDB connected 2019-11-02 18:40:44.645 - info: heatingcontrol.0 starting. Version 0.3.2 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.heatingcontrol, node: v8.12.0 2019-11-02 18:40:44.649 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 devices [{"id":1,"name":"Büro setpoint","OID_Current":"mihome.0.devices.weather_v1_158d00023202ab.temperature","OID_Target":"maxcube.0.devices.thermostat_16a13f.setpoint","isActive":true,"type":1,"room":"Büro"},{"id":2,"name":"Is opened","OID_Current":"mihome.0.devices.magnet_158d0001c314f5.state","isActive":true,"type":3,"room":"Büro"},{"id":3,"name":"Thermostat Flur EG setpoint","OID_Current":"mihome.0.devices.weather_v1_158d0002387a24.temperature","OID_Target":"maxcube.0.devices.thermostat_196b47.setpoint","isActive":true,"type":1,"room":"Flur EG"},{"id":4,"name":"Is opened","OID_Current":"mihome.0.devices.magnet_158d0001c0a352.state","isActive":true,"type":3,"room":"Flur EG"},{"id":5,"name":"Thermostat Hannah setpoint","OID_Current":"maxcube.0.devices.thermostat_1a33ea.temp","OID_Target":"maxcube.0.devices.thermostat_1a33ea.setpoint","isActive":true,"type":1,"room":"Leer"},{"id":6,"name":"Balkontür is opened","OID_Current":"maxcube.0.devices.contact_1665a4.opened","isActive":true,"type":3,"room":"Leer"},{"id":7,"name":"Thermostat 1 setpoint","OID_Current":"mihome.0.devices.weather_v1_158d0002387a24.temperature","OID_Target":"maxcube.0.devices.thermostat_1a33d9.setpoint","isActive":true,"type":1,"room":"Flur OG"},{"id":8,"name":"Is opened","OID_Current":"mihome.0.devices.magnet_158d0001b77aee.state","isActive":true,"type":3,"room":"Flur OG"}] 2019-11-02 18:40:44.652 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 CreateDatepoints 2019-11-02 18:40:44.854 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 rooms 15 2019-11-02 18:40:44.855 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 create data points for Büro 2019-11-02 18:40:44.904 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 room Büro with 5 periods 2019-11-02 18:40:44.905 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 Profile Type Mo-FR + Sa-So, profiles 1 2019-11-02 18:40:44.905 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Büro.Mo-Fr.Periods.0 max 5 2019-11-02 18:40:44.906 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Büro.Mo-Fr.Periods.1 max 5 2019-11-02 18:40:44.907 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Büro.Mo-Fr.Periods.2 max 5 2019-11-02 18:40:44.907 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Büro.Mo-Fr.Periods.3 max 5 2019-11-02 18:40:44.907 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Büro.Mo-Fr.Periods.4 max 5 2019-11-02 18:40:44.908 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Büro.Su-So.Periods.0 max 5 2019-11-02 18:40:44.908 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Büro.Su-So.Periods.1 max 5 2019-11-02 18:40:44.908 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Büro.Su-So.Periods.2 max 5 2019-11-02 18:40:44.909 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Büro.Su-So.Periods.3 max 5 2019-11-02 18:40:44.909 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Büro.Su-So.Periods.4 max 5 2019-11-02 18:40:44.909 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 create data points for Flur OG 2019-11-02 18:40:45.125 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ### handle state change heatingcontrol.0.Profiles.0.Flur OG.TemperaturOverrideTime {"val":"00:00","ack":true,"ts":1572716445118,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572716445118} 2019-11-02 18:40:45.125 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ### heatingcontrol.0.Profiles.0.Flur OG.TemperaturOverrideTime 00:00 1 2019-11-02 18:40:45.127 - info: heatingcontrol.0 start temperature override for room Flur OG 2019-11-02 18:40:45.128 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 get profile 2019-11-02 18:40:45.132 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 room Flur OG with 5 periods 2019-11-02 18:40:45.132 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 Profile Type Mo-FR + Sa-So, profiles 1 2019-11-02 18:40:45.133 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Flur OG.Mo-Fr.Periods.0 max 5 2019-11-02 18:40:45.134 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Flur OG.Mo-Fr.Periods.1 max 5 2019-11-02 18:40:45.134 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Flur OG.Mo-Fr.Periods.2 max 5 2019-11-02 18:40:45.135 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Flur OG.Mo-Fr.Periods.3 max 5 2019-11-02 18:40:45.135 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Flur OG.Mo-Fr.Periods.4 max 5 2019-11-02 18:40:45.135 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Flur OG.Su-So.Periods.0 max 5 2019-11-02 18:40:45.136 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Flur OG.Su-So.Periods.1 max 5 2019-11-02 18:40:45.136 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Flur OG.Su-So.Periods.2 max 5 2019-11-02 18:40:45.136 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Flur OG.Su-So.Periods.3 max 5 2019-11-02 18:40:45.136 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Flur OG.Su-So.Periods.4 max 5 2019-11-02 18:40:45.137 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 not active.... Bad 2019-11-02 18:40:45.137 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 not active.... Garage 2019-11-02 18:40:45.137 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 not active.... Wohnzimmer 2019-11-02 18:40:45.137 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 not active.... Schlafzimmer 2019-11-02 18:40:45.138 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 create data points for Flur EG 2019-11-02 18:40:45.138 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 profile 0 2019-11-02 18:40:45.181 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 override temperature not valid: 0 2019-11-02 18:40:45.188 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ### 111 handled 2019-11-02 18:40:45.188 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ### all StateChange handled 2019-11-02 18:40:45.494 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 room Flur EG with 5 periods 2019-11-02 18:40:45.494 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 Profile Type Mo-FR + Sa-So, profiles 1 2019-11-02 18:40:45.495 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Flur EG.Mo-Fr.Periods.0 max 5 2019-11-02 18:40:45.495 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Flur EG.Mo-Fr.Periods.1 max 5 2019-11-02 18:40:45.496 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Flur EG.Mo-Fr.Periods.2 max 5 2019-11-02 18:40:45.496 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Flur EG.Mo-Fr.Periods.3 max 5 2019-11-02 18:40:45.496 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Flur EG.Mo-Fr.Periods.4 max 5 2019-11-02 18:40:45.497 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Flur EG.Su-So.Periods.0 max 5 2019-11-02 18:40:45.497 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Flur EG.Su-So.Periods.1 max 5 2019-11-02 18:40:45.497 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Flur EG.Su-So.Periods.2 max 5 2019-11-02 18:40:45.497 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Flur EG.Su-So.Periods.3 max 5 2019-11-02 18:40:45.498 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Flur EG.Su-So.Periods.4 max 5 2019-11-02 18:40:45.498 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 not active.... Bad EG 2019-11-02 18:40:45.498 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 not active.... Küche 2019-11-02 18:40:45.498 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 not active.... Aussen 2019-11-02 18:40:45.498 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 not active.... Esszimmer 2019-11-02 18:40:45.498 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 not active.... Waschküche 2019-11-02 18:40:45.498 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 not active.... Hannah Schafzimmer 2019-11-02 18:40:45.499 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 not active.... Hannah Wohnzimmer 2019-11-02 18:40:45.499 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 create data points for Leer 2019-11-02 18:40:45.638 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 room Leer with 5 periods 2019-11-02 18:40:45.639 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 Profile Type Mo-FR + Sa-So, profiles 1 2019-11-02 18:40:45.639 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Leer.Mo-Fr.Periods.0 max 5 2019-11-02 18:40:45.641 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Leer.Mo-Fr.Periods.1 max 5 2019-11-02 18:40:45.642 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Leer.Mo-Fr.Periods.2 max 5 2019-11-02 18:40:45.642 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Leer.Mo-Fr.Periods.3 max 5 2019-11-02 18:40:45.643 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Leer.Mo-Fr.Periods.4 max 5 2019-11-02 18:40:45.643 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Leer.Su-So.Periods.0 max 5 2019-11-02 18:40:45.644 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Leer.Su-So.Periods.1 max 5 2019-11-02 18:40:45.644 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Leer.Su-So.Periods.2 max 5 2019-11-02 18:40:45.645 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Leer.Su-So.Periods.3 max 5 2019-11-02 18:40:45.645 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 add state Profiles.0.Leer.Su-So.Periods.4 max 5 2019-11-02 18:40:45.649 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 #start subscribtion 2019-11-02 18:40:45.650 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 no subscribe Path2FeiertagAdapter 2019-11-02 18:40:45.650 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 no subscribe Path2PresentDP 2019-11-02 18:40:45.650 - info: heatingcontrol.0 subscribe Büro mihome.0.devices.magnet_158d0001c314f5.state 2019-11-02 18:40:45.653 - info: heatingcontrol.0 subscribe Flur EG mihome.0.devices.magnet_158d0001c0a352.state 2019-11-02 18:40:45.653 - info: heatingcontrol.0 subscribe Leer maxcube.0.devices.contact_1665a4.opened 2019-11-02 18:40:45.654 - info: heatingcontrol.0 subscribe Flur OG mihome.0.devices.magnet_158d0001b77aee.state 2019-11-02 18:40:45.654 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 #subscribtion finished 2019-11-02 18:40:45.657 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 start CalculateNextTime, profile type 2 2019-11-02 18:40:45.658 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 get profile 2019-11-02 18:40:45.674 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 profile 0 2019-11-02 18:40:45.674 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 setting Mo - Fr 2019-11-02 18:40:45.816 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---1 found time for Büro at {"val":"05:00","ack":true,"ts":1572375462656,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572375462656} 05:00 2019-11-02 18:40:45.817 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 push to list = 05,00 2019-11-02 18:40:45.892 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---1 found time for Büro at {"val":"08:00","ack":true,"ts":1572375462657,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572375462657} 08:00 2019-11-02 18:40:45.893 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 push to list = 08,00 2019-11-02 18:40:45.912 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---1 found time for Büro at {"val":"12:00","ack":true,"ts":1572375462661,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572375462661} 12:00 2019-11-02 18:40:45.913 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 push to list = 12,00 2019-11-02 18:40:45.925 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---1 found time for Büro at {"val":"16:00","ack":true,"ts":1572375462680,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572375462680} 16:00 2019-11-02 18:40:45.926 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 push to list = 16,00 2019-11-02 18:40:45.935 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---1 found time for Büro at {"val":"21:00","ack":true,"ts":1572375462683,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572375462683} 21:00 2019-11-02 18:40:45.935 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 push to list = 21,00 2019-11-02 18:40:45.936 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 setting Sa - Su 2019-11-02 18:40:45.945 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---2 found time for Büro at {"val":"04:30","ack":true,"ts":1572712355411,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572712355406} 04:30 2019-11-02 18:40:45.952 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 push to list = 04,30 2019-11-02 18:40:45.979 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---2 found time for Büro at {"val":"08:00","ack":true,"ts":1572375462697,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572375462697} 08:00 2019-11-02 18:40:45.979 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 push to list = 08,00 2019-11-02 18:40:46.036 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---2 found time for Büro at {"val":"12:00","ack":true,"ts":1572375462698,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572375462698} 12:00 2019-11-02 18:40:46.036 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 push to list = 12,00 2019-11-02 18:40:46.042 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---2 found time for Büro at {"val":"16:00","ack":true,"ts":1572710430466,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572375462699} 16:00 2019-11-02 18:40:46.042 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 push to list = 16,00 2019-11-02 18:40:46.045 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---2 found time for Büro at {"val":"21:00","ack":true,"ts":1572375462703,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572375462703} 21:00 2019-11-02 18:40:46.045 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 push to list = 21,00 2019-11-02 18:40:46.045 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 setting Mo - Fr 2019-11-02 18:40:46.049 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---1 found time for Flur OG at {"val":"05:00","ack":true,"ts":1572716445245,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572716445245} 05:00 2019-11-02 18:40:46.052 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---1 found time for Flur OG at {"val":"08:00","ack":true,"ts":1572716445255,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572716445255} 08:00 2019-11-02 18:40:46.055 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---1 found time for Flur OG at {"val":"12:00","ack":true,"ts":1572716445266,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572716445266} 12:00 2019-11-02 18:40:46.058 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---1 found time for Flur OG at {"val":"16:00","ack":true,"ts":1572716445278,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572716445278} 16:00 2019-11-02 18:40:46.061 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---1 found time for Flur OG at {"val":"21:00","ack":true,"ts":1572716445285,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572716445285} 21:00 2019-11-02 18:40:46.061 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 setting Sa - Su 2019-11-02 18:40:46.064 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---2 found time for Flur OG at {"val":"05:00","ack":true,"ts":1572716445287,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572716445287} 05:00 2019-11-02 18:40:46.065 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 push to list = 05,00 2019-11-02 18:40:46.068 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---2 found time for Flur OG at {"val":"08:00","ack":true,"ts":1572716445288,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572716445288} 08:00 2019-11-02 18:40:46.071 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---2 found time for Flur OG at {"val":"12:00","ack":true,"ts":1572716445289,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572716445289} 12:00 2019-11-02 18:40:46.074 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---2 found time for Flur OG at {"val":"16:00","ack":true,"ts":1572716445312,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572716445312} 16:00 2019-11-02 18:40:46.079 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---2 found time for Flur OG at {"val":"21:00","ack":true,"ts":1572716445324,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572716445324} 21:00 2019-11-02 18:40:46.079 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 setting Mo - Fr 2019-11-02 18:40:46.089 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---1 found time for Flur EG at {"val":"05:00","ack":true,"ts":1572715292758,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572715292758} 05:00 2019-11-02 18:40:46.133 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---1 found time for Flur EG at {"val":"08:00","ack":true,"ts":1572715292761,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572715292761} 08:00 2019-11-02 18:40:46.136 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---1 found time for Flur EG at {"val":"12:00","ack":true,"ts":1572715292773,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572715292773} 12:00 2019-11-02 18:40:46.138 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---1 found time for Flur EG at {"val":"16:00","ack":true,"ts":1572715292784,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572715292784} 16:00 2019-11-02 18:40:46.142 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---1 found time for Flur EG at {"val":"21:00","ack":true,"ts":1572715292788,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572715292788} 21:00 2019-11-02 18:40:46.142 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 setting Sa - Su 2019-11-02 18:40:46.145 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---2 found time for Flur EG at {"val":"05:00","ack":true,"ts":1572715292789,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572715292789} 05:00 2019-11-02 18:40:46.197 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---2 found time for Flur EG at {"val":"08:00","ack":true,"ts":1572715292790,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572715292790} 08:00 2019-11-02 18:40:46.431 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---2 found time for Flur EG at {"val":"12:00","ack":true,"ts":1572715292791,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572715292791} 12:00 2019-11-02 18:40:46.573 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---2 found time for Flur EG at {"val":"16:00","ack":true,"ts":1572715292792,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572715292792} 16:00 2019-11-02 18:40:46.595 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---2 found time for Flur EG at {"val":"21:00","ack":true,"ts":1572715292794,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572715292794} 21:00 2019-11-02 18:40:46.595 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 setting Mo - Fr 2019-11-02 18:40:46.610 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---1 found time for Leer at {"val":"05:00","ack":true,"ts":1572716243194,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572716243194} 05:00 2019-11-02 18:40:46.620 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---1 found time for Leer at {"val":"08:00","ack":true,"ts":1572716243202,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572716243202} 08:00 2019-11-02 18:40:46.625 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---1 found time for Leer at {"val":"12:00","ack":true,"ts":1572716243207,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572716243207} 12:00 2019-11-02 18:40:46.629 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---1 found time for Leer at {"val":"16:00","ack":true,"ts":1572716243209,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572716243209} 16:00 2019-11-02 18:40:46.633 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---1 found time for Leer at {"val":"21:00","ack":true,"ts":1572716243210,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572716243210} 21:00 2019-11-02 18:40:46.634 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 setting Sa - Su 2019-11-02 18:40:46.637 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---2 found time for Leer at {"val":"05:00","ack":true,"ts":1572716243248,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572716243248} 05:00 2019-11-02 18:40:46.641 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---2 found time for Leer at {"val":"08:00","ack":true,"ts":1572716243249,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572716243249} 08:00 2019-11-02 18:40:46.646 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---2 found time for Leer at {"val":"12:00","ack":true,"ts":1572716243250,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572716243250} 12:00 2019-11-02 18:40:46.649 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---2 found time for Leer at {"val":"16:00","ack":true,"ts":1572716243251,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572716243251} 16:00 2019-11-02 18:40:46.654 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ---2 found time for Leer at {"val":"21:00","ack":true,"ts":1572716243252,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","lc":1572716243252} 21:00 2019-11-02 18:40:46.656 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 create cron job #0 at 5:0 string: 0 0 5 * * 1-5 Europe/Berlin 2019-11-02 18:40:46.691 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 create cron job #1 at 8:0 string: 0 0 8 * * 1-5 Europe/Berlin 2019-11-02 18:40:46.703 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 create cron job #2 at 12:0 string: 0 0 12 * * 1-5 Europe/Berlin 2019-11-02 18:40:46.713 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 create cron job #3 at 16:0 string: 0 0 16 * * 1-5 Europe/Berlin 2019-11-02 18:40:46.720 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 create cron job #4 at 21:0 string: 0 0 21 * * 1-5 Europe/Berlin 2019-11-02 18:40:46.728 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 create cron job #5 at 4:30 string: 0 30 4 * * 0,6 Europe/Berlin 2019-11-02 18:40:46.739 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 create cron job #6 at 8:0 string: 0 0 8 * * 0,6 Europe/Berlin 2019-11-02 18:40:46.746 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 create cron job #7 at 12:0 string: 0 0 12 * * 0,6 Europe/Berlin 2019-11-02 18:40:46.753 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 create cron job #8 at 16:0 string: 0 0 16 * * 0,6 Europe/Berlin 2019-11-02 18:40:46.761 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 create cron job #9 at 21:0 string: 0 0 21 * * 0,6 Europe/Berlin 2019-11-02 18:40:46.766 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 create cron job #10 at 5:0 string: 0 0 5 * * 0,6 Europe/Berlin 2019-11-02 18:40:46.775 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 [INFO] status = true next event: 4 Nov 2019 05:00:00 2019-11-02 18:40:46.779 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 [INFO] status = true next event: 4 Nov 2019 08:00:00 2019-11-02 18:40:46.783 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 [INFO] status = true next event: 4 Nov 2019 12:00:00 2019-11-02 18:40:46.787 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 [INFO] status = true next event: 4 Nov 2019 16:00:00 2019-11-02 18:40:46.793 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 [INFO] status = true next event: 4 Nov 2019 21:00:00 2019-11-02 18:40:46.801 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 [INFO] status = true next event: 3 Nov 2019 04:30:00 2019-11-02 18:40:46.805 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 [INFO] status = true next event: 3 Nov 2019 08:00:00 2019-11-02 18:40:46.809 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 [INFO] status = true next event: 3 Nov 2019 12:00:00 2019-11-02 18:40:46.814 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 [INFO] status = true next event: 3 Nov 2019 16:00:00 2019-11-02 18:40:46.815 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 [INFO] status = true next event: 2 Nov 2019 21:00:00 2019-11-02 18:40:46.819 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 [INFO] status = true next event: 3 Nov 2019 05:00:00 2019-11-02 18:40:46.820 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 Check sensors for Büro 2019-11-02 18:40:46.823 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 got sensor state {"val":false,"ack":true,"ts":1572711961775,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.mihome.0","lc":1572711961775} from mihome.0.devices.magnet_158d0001c314f5.state 2019-11-02 18:40:46.823 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 Check sensors for Flur OG 2019-11-02 18:40:46.825 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 got sensor state {"val":false,"ack":true,"ts":1572714248405,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.mihome.0","lc":1572714248405} from mihome.0.devices.magnet_158d0001b77aee.state 2019-11-02 18:40:46.826 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 Check sensors for Flur EG 2019-11-02 18:40:46.838 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 got sensor state {"val":false,"ack":true,"ts":1572709544274,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.mihome.0","lc":1572709544274} from mihome.0.devices.magnet_158d0001c0a352.state 2019-11-02 18:40:46.838 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 Check sensors for Leer 2019-11-02 18:40:46.851 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 got sensor state {"val":false,"ack":true,"ts":1570345680277,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.maxcube.0","lc":1570345680277} from maxcube.0.devices.contact_1665a4.opened 2019-11-02 18:40:46.854 - info: heatingcontrol.0 calculating new target temperatures 2019-11-02 18:40:46.882 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 profile type 2 2019-11-02 18:40:46.883 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 get profile 2019-11-02 18:40:46.885 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 profile 0 2019-11-02 18:40:46.885 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check room Büro 2019-11-02 18:40:46.885 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 number of periods 5 2019-11-02 18:40:46.885 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check ID Profiles.0.Büro.Su-So.Periods.0.time 2019-11-02 18:40:46.901 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check time for Büro Profiles.0.Büro.Su-So.Periods.0.time 19 2019-11-02 18:40:46.901 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check ID Profiles.0.Büro.Su-So.Periods.1.time 2019-11-02 18:40:46.910 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check time for Büro Profiles.0.Büro.Su-So.Periods.1.time 21 2019-11-02 18:40:46.910 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check ID Profiles.0.Büro.Su-So.Periods.2.time 2019-11-02 18:40:46.917 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check time for Büro Profiles.0.Büro.Su-So.Periods.2.time 21 2019-11-02 18:40:46.918 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check ID Profiles.0.Büro.Su-So.Periods.3.time 2019-11-02 18:40:46.923 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check time for Büro Profiles.0.Büro.Su-So.Periods.3.time 19 2019-11-02 18:40:46.923 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check ID Profiles.0.Büro.Su-So.Periods.4.time 2019-11-02 18:40:46.927 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ### 19 0 0 0 0 0 2019-11-02 18:40:46.928 - info: heatingcontrol.0 room Büro Thermostat Büro setpoint set to 19 2019-11-02 18:40:46.932 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 thermostat maxcube.0.devices.thermostat_16a13f.setpoint nothing to do, already 19 2019-11-02 18:40:46.940 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check room Flur OG 2019-11-02 18:40:46.941 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 number of periods 5 2019-11-02 18:40:46.941 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check ID Profiles.0.Flur OG.Su-So.Periods.0.time 2019-11-02 18:40:46.950 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check time for Flur OG Profiles.0.Flur OG.Su-So.Periods.0.time 19 2019-11-02 18:40:46.950 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check ID Profiles.0.Flur OG.Su-So.Periods.1.time 2019-11-02 18:40:46.958 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check time for Flur OG Profiles.0.Flur OG.Su-So.Periods.1.time 21 2019-11-02 18:40:46.959 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check ID Profiles.0.Flur OG.Su-So.Periods.2.time 2019-11-02 18:40:46.967 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check time for Flur OG Profiles.0.Flur OG.Su-So.Periods.2.time 21 2019-11-02 18:40:46.967 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check ID Profiles.0.Flur OG.Su-So.Periods.3.time 2019-11-02 18:40:46.979 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check time for Flur OG Profiles.0.Flur OG.Su-So.Periods.3.time 19 2019-11-02 18:40:46.979 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check ID Profiles.0.Flur OG.Su-So.Periods.4.time 2019-11-02 18:40:47.000 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ### 19 0 0 0 0 0 2019-11-02 18:40:47.000 - info: heatingcontrol.0 room Flur OG Thermostat Thermostat 1 setpoint set to 19 2019-11-02 18:40:47.018 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 thermostat maxcube.0.devices.thermostat_1a33d9.setpoint to 19 2019-11-02 18:40:47.036 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check room Flur EG 2019-11-02 18:40:47.037 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 number of periods 5 2019-11-02 18:40:47.037 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check ID Profiles.0.Flur EG.Su-So.Periods.0.time 2019-11-02 18:40:47.047 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check time for Flur EG Profiles.0.Flur EG.Su-So.Periods.0.time 16 2019-11-02 18:40:47.047 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check ID Profiles.0.Flur EG.Su-So.Periods.1.time 2019-11-02 18:40:47.059 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check time for Flur EG Profiles.0.Flur EG.Su-So.Periods.1.time 16 2019-11-02 18:40:47.059 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check ID Profiles.0.Flur EG.Su-So.Periods.2.time 2019-11-02 18:40:47.069 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check time for Flur EG Profiles.0.Flur EG.Su-So.Periods.2.time 16 2019-11-02 18:40:47.070 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check ID Profiles.0.Flur EG.Su-So.Periods.3.time 2019-11-02 18:40:47.077 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check time for Flur EG Profiles.0.Flur EG.Su-So.Periods.3.time 16 2019-11-02 18:40:47.078 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check ID Profiles.0.Flur EG.Su-So.Periods.4.time 2019-11-02 18:40:47.080 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ### 16 0 0 0 0 0 2019-11-02 18:40:47.080 - info: heatingcontrol.0 room Flur EG Thermostat Thermostat Flur EG setpoint set to 16 2019-11-02 18:40:47.087 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 thermostat maxcube.0.devices.thermostat_196b47.setpoint nothing to do, already 16 2019-11-02 18:40:47.096 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check room Leer 2019-11-02 18:40:47.096 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 number of periods 5 2019-11-02 18:40:47.096 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check ID Profiles.0.Leer.Su-So.Periods.0.time 2019-11-02 18:40:47.105 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check time for Leer Profiles.0.Leer.Su-So.Periods.0.time 19 2019-11-02 18:40:47.105 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check ID Profiles.0.Leer.Su-So.Periods.1.time 2019-11-02 18:40:47.114 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check time for Leer Profiles.0.Leer.Su-So.Periods.1.time 21 2019-11-02 18:40:47.114 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check ID Profiles.0.Leer.Su-So.Periods.2.time 2019-11-02 18:40:47.121 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check time for Leer Profiles.0.Leer.Su-So.Periods.2.time 21 2019-11-02 18:40:47.121 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check ID Profiles.0.Leer.Su-So.Periods.3.time 2019-11-02 18:40:47.129 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check time for Leer Profiles.0.Leer.Su-So.Periods.3.time 19 2019-11-02 18:40:47.129 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 check ID Profiles.0.Leer.Su-So.Periods.4.time 2019-11-02 18:40:47.134 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 ### 19 0 0 0 0 0 2019-11-02 18:40:47.135 - info: heatingcontrol.0 room Leer Thermostat Thermostat Hannah setpoint set to 19 2019-11-02 18:40:47.152 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 thermostat maxcube.0.devices.thermostat_1a33ea.setpoint to 19 2019-11-02 18:40:47.166 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 [INFO] status = true next event: 4 Nov 2019 05:00:00 2019-11-02 18:40:47.169 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 [INFO] status = true next event: 4 Nov 2019 08:00:00 2019-11-02 18:40:47.172 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 [INFO] status = true next event: 4 Nov 2019 12:00:00 2019-11-02 18:40:47.180 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 [INFO] status = true next event: 4 Nov 2019 16:00:00 2019-11-02 18:40:47.193 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 [INFO] status = true next event: 4 Nov 2019 21:00:00 2019-11-02 18:40:47.200 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 [INFO] status = true next event: 3 Nov 2019 04:30:00 2019-11-02 18:40:47.203 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 [INFO] status = true next event: 3 Nov 2019 08:00:00 2019-11-02 18:40:47.207 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 [INFO] status = true next event: 3 Nov 2019 12:00:00 2019-11-02 18:40:47.211 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 [INFO] status = true next event: 3 Nov 2019 16:00:00 2019-11-02 18:40:47.213 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 [INFO] status = true next event: 2 Nov 2019 21:00:00 2019-11-02 18:40:47.216 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 [INFO] status = true next event: 3 Nov 2019 05:00:00 2019-11-02 18:41:15.819 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 system.adapter.admin.0: logging false 2019-11-02 18:41:27.636 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 system.adapter.admin.0: logging true
Hallo Rene,
vielen Dank für diesen tollen Adapter!
Ich würde mir einen zusätzlichen Datenpunkt "MinimalTemperatur" wünschen, gerne global:
Zur Zeit kann ich nur Temperaturbeträge angeben, um die bei Abwesenheit/Urlaub abgesenkt wird.
Ich fahre unterschiedliche Temperaturen über den Tag verteilt. Diese Staffelung bleibt bei einer Absenkung um einen fixen Betrag erhalten, was für eine generelle Absenkung auf z.B. 18° im Urlaub/Ferienwohnung nicht gewünscht ist.
Gäbe es nun eine MinimalTemperatur von z.B. 18°, könnte ich die Absenkung für den Urlaubszeitraum dann z.B auf 10° einstellen. Wegen der Unterschwelle von 18° würden alle gestaffelten Temperaturen auf diesen gleichen Wert abgesenkt.Ich hoffe, meine Vorstellung verständlich formuliert zu haben.
Andernfalls bitte nachfragen!Ulrich