Test Adapter HeatingControl v2.12.x
@Rene_HM said in Test Adapter HeatingControl v0.3.x:
@martinschm sagte in Test Adapter HeatingControl v0.3.x:
Oder wird das nicht beachtet wenn Absent oder Vacation true ist ?
WindowOpen wird als erstes geprüft. Damit sollten alle anderen Absenkungen keine Rolle spielen. Außerdem wird geprüft, ob die Absenkungstemperatur ungleich 0 ist.
Kannst du ein debug-log davon erstellen?2019-12-29 23:08:13.040 - info: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) Schlafzimmer window open on SZ Links 2019-12-29 23:08:13.042 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) got sensor state {"val":false,"ack":true,"ts":1577647666493,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.mihome.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1577647666493} from mihome.0.devices.magnet_158d0001de8c5e.state 2019-12-29 23:08:13.044 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) room to check is Schlafzimmer 2019-12-29 23:08:13.044 - info: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) calculating new target temperatures 2019-12-29 23:08:13.045 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) ### 222 not handled yet 2019-12-29 23:08:13.046 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) ### not handled mihome.0.devices.magnet_158d0001fd6f2f.state {"val":true,"ack":true,"ts":1577657293033,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.mihome.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1577657293033} 2019-12-29 23:08:13.049 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) profile type 2 2019-12-29 23:08:13.050 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) get profile 2019-12-29 23:08:13.051 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) profile 0 2019-12-29 23:08:13.051 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) check room Schlafzimmer 2019-12-29 23:08:13.052 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) VacationAbsentDecrease {"val":0,"ack":true,"ts":1576691313966,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1576691313966} 2019-12-29 23:08:13.053 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) number of periods 4 2019-12-29 23:08:13.053 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) check ID Profiles.0.Schlafzimmer.Sa-So.Periods.0.time 2019-12-29 23:08:13.055 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) check time for Schlafzimmer Profiles.0.Schlafzimmer.Sa-So.Periods.0.time 19 2019-12-29 23:08:13.055 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) check ID Profiles.0.Schlafzimmer.Sa-So.Periods.1.time 2019-12-29 23:08:13.057 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) check time for Schlafzimmer Profiles.0.Schlafzimmer.Sa-So.Periods.1.time 16 2019-12-29 23:08:13.057 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) check ID Profiles.0.Schlafzimmer.Sa-So.Periods.2.time 2019-12-29 23:08:13.059 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) check time for Schlafzimmer Profiles.0.Schlafzimmer.Sa-So.Periods.2.time 16 2019-12-29 23:08:13.059 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) check ID Profiles.0.Schlafzimmer.Sa-So.Periods.3.time 2019-12-29 23:08:13.060 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) check time for Schlafzimmer Profiles.0.Schlafzimmer.Sa-So.Periods.3.time 16 2019-12-29 23:08:13.061 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) ### current > 1 3 2 2019-12-29 23:08:13.061 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) ### new target temp16 2019-12-29 23:08:13.061 - info: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) room Schlafzimmer Thermostat HM-CC-RT-DN OEQ1733333 set to 16 2019-12-29 23:08:13.063 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) thermostat hm-rpc.0.OEQ1733333.4.SET_TEMPERATURE nothing to do, already 16 2019-12-29 23:08:13.069 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) HandleActorsGeneral: not implemented yet 2019-12-29 23:08:13.072 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) [INFO] status = true next event: 30 Dec 2019 09:00:00 2019-12-29 23:08:13.075 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) [INFO] status = true next event: 30 Dec 2019 21:00:00 2019-12-29 23:08:13.079 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) [INFO] status = true next event: 30 Dec 2019 21:15:00 2019-12-29 23:08:13.084 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) [INFO] status = true next event: 30 Dec 2019 21:30:00 2019-12-29 23:08:13.086 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) [INFO] status = true next event: 4 Jan 2020 09:00:00 2019-12-29 23:08:13.089 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) [INFO] status = true next event: 4 Jan 2020 21:00:00 2019-12-29 23:08:13.093 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) [INFO] status = true next event: 4 Jan 2020 21:15:00 2019-12-29 23:08:13.098 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) [INFO] status = true next event: 4 Jan 2020 21:30:00 2019-12-29 23:08:13.100 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) [INFO] status = true next event: 30 Dec 2019 08:00:00 2019-12-29 23:08:13.103 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) [INFO] status = true next event: 30 Dec 2019 14:20:00 2019-12-29 23:08:13.107 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) [INFO] status = true next event: 30 Dec 2019 18:00:00 2019-12-29 23:08:13.109 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) [INFO] status = true next event: 4 Jan 2020 08:00:00 2019-12-29 23:08:13.114 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) [INFO] status = true next event: 4 Jan 2020 18:00:00 2019-12-29 23:08:13.120 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) [INFO] status = true next event: 4 Jan 2020 18:30:00 2019-12-29 23:08:13.123 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) [INFO] status = true next event: 4 Jan 2020 19:00:00 2019-12-29 23:08:13.124 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) [INFO] status = true next event: 30 Dec 2019 00:00:00 2019-12-29 23:08:13.126 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) [INFO] status = true next event: 30 Dec 2019 12:00:00 2019-12-29 23:08:13.128 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) [INFO] status = true next event: 30 Dec 2019 16:00:00 2019-12-29 23:08:13.129 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) [INFO] status = true next event: 4 Jan 2020 05:00:00 2019-12-29 23:08:13.132 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) [INFO] status = true next event: 4 Jan 2020 12:00:00 2019-12-29 23:08:13.134 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) [INFO] status = true next event: 4 Jan 2020 16:00:00 2019-12-29 23:08:30.413 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) ### handle state change mihome.0.devices.magnet_158d0001fd6f2f.state {"val":false,"ack":true,"ts":1577657310411,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.mihome.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1577657310411} 2019-12-29 23:08:30.414 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) ### mihome.0.devices.magnet_158d0001fd6f2f.state mihome.0.devices.magnet_158d0001fd6f2f.state false true 2019-12-29 23:08:30.414 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) ### 111 not handled yet 2019-12-29 23:08:30.415 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) handle id mihome.0.devices.magnet_158d0001fd6f2f.state state {"val":false,"ack":true,"ts":1577657310411,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.mihome.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1577657310411} 2019-12-29 23:08:30.415 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) ### handle devices [{"id":10,"name":"SZ Links","OID_Current":"mihome.0.devices.magnet_158d0001fd6f2f.state","isActive":true,"type":3,"room":"Schlafzimmer"}] 2019-12-29 23:08:30.415 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) Check sensors for Schlafzimmer 2019-12-29 23:08:30.416 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) got sensor state {"val":false,"ack":true,"ts":1577570644198,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.mihome.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1570535086507} from mihome.0.devices.magnet_158d0001de89bc.state 2019-12-29 23:08:30.418 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) got sensor state {"val":false,"ack":true,"ts":1577570653647,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.mihome.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1570535086496} from mihome.0.devices.magnet_158d0001e459f9.state 2019-12-29 23:08:30.419 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) got sensor state {"val":false,"ack":true,"ts":1577657310411,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.mihome.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1577657310411} from mihome.0.devices.magnet_158d0001fd6f2f.state 2019-12-29 23:08:30.420 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) got sensor state {"val":false,"ack":true,"ts":1577647666493,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.mihome.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1577647666493} from mihome.0.devices.magnet_158d0001de8c5e.state 2019-12-29 23:08:30.421 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) room to check is Schlafzimmer 2019-12-29 23:08:30.422 - info: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) calculating new target temperatures 2019-12-29 23:08:30.422 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) ### 222 not handled yet 2019-12-29 23:08:30.423 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) ### not handled mihome.0.devices.magnet_158d0001fd6f2f.state {"val":false,"ack":true,"ts":1577657310411,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.mihome.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1577657310411} 2019-12-29 23:08:30.427 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) profile type 2 2019-12-29 23:08:30.428 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) get profile 2019-12-29 23:08:30.428 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) profile 0 2019-12-29 23:08:30.429 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) check room Schlafzimmer 2019-12-29 23:08:30.430 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) VacationAbsentDecrease {"val":0,"ack":true,"ts":1576691313966,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1576691313966} 2019-12-29 23:08:30.430 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) number of periods 4 2019-12-29 23:08:30.430 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) check ID Profiles.0.Schlafzimmer.Sa-So.Periods.0.time 2019-12-29 23:08:30.435 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) check time for Schlafzimmer Profiles.0.Schlafzimmer.Sa-So.Periods.0.time 19 2019-12-29 23:08:30.435 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) check ID Profiles.0.Schlafzimmer.Sa-So.Periods.1.time 2019-12-29 23:08:30.437 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) check time for Schlafzimmer Profiles.0.Schlafzimmer.Sa-So.Periods.1.time 16 2019-12-29 23:08:30.437 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) check ID Profiles.0.Schlafzimmer.Sa-So.Periods.2.time 2019-12-29 23:08:30.439 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) check time for Schlafzimmer Profiles.0.Schlafzimmer.Sa-So.Periods.2.time 16 2019-12-29 23:08:30.440 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) check ID Profiles.0.Schlafzimmer.Sa-So.Periods.3.time 2019-12-29 23:08:30.443 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) check time for Schlafzimmer Profiles.0.Schlafzimmer.Sa-So.Periods.3.time 16 2019-12-29 23:08:30.443 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) ### current > 1 3 2 2019-12-29 23:08:30.445 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) ### new target temp16 2019-12-29 23:08:30.445 - info: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) room Schlafzimmer Thermostat HM-CC-RT-DN OEQ1733333 set to 16 2019-12-29 23:08:30.446 - debug: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) thermostat hm-rpc.0.OEQ1733333.4.SET_TEMPERATURE nothing to do, already 16
Ich hoffe das ist der Teil den du gebrauchen kannst.
noch eine andere Frage. Ich nutze zur Visualisierung iqontrol. Kann ich die heatingcontrol Steuerung über die iqontrol Gui für einzelne Räume deaktivieren ?Quasi die Settings des Adapters ändern ?
Bin demnächst einige Zeit weg und falls etwas nicht funktioniert wäre es super wenn meine Frau wenigstens auf manuelle Steuerung umschalten kann ohne in den iobroker Admin zu müssen.
Ich hab ein Problem, da ich heute frei habe wollte ich gerade auf Feiertag schalten aber da ändert sich nichts an der Temp. am Thermostat in den objekten des controlers aber schon. Woran kann das liegen? Wenn ich in der vis Boost schalte sowie alle anderen Signale wie eben Feiertag und abwesend... kommt es in den Objekten an aber eben nur der Boostbefehl am Heizkörper.
ich habe mir eine VIS gebastelt um die Uhrzeiten und Temperaturen bequem einstellen zu können.
Die Uhrzeiten setzte ich dabei per Blockly aus der Variable "hours", dem ":" und der Variablen "minutes" zusammen.
Wenn ich diesen Wert - ja ein String - in den entsprechenden Datenpunkt schreiben möchte bekomme ich eine Warnmeldung im Log ich sollte das Datumsformat verwenden.
(5916) You are assigning a string to the state "heatingcontrol.0.Profiles.0.Arbeitszimmer.Mon.Periods.0.time" which expects a date. Please fix your code to use a date or change the state type to stri
Wie mache ich das?
Ich habe den Konvertierungsblock "Datum" und "Datum/Zeit nach SS:mm" versucht aber bekomme immer wieder die gleiche Fehlermeldung.
Was kann ich da machen?
Viele Grüße
Holger -
@martinschm sagte in Test Adapter HeatingControl v0.3.x:
noch eine andere Frage. Ich nutze zur Visualisierung iqontrol. Kann ich die heatingcontrol Steuerung über die iqontrol Gui für einzelne Räume deaktivieren ?
Für einzelne Räume nicht. Wenn du aber HeatingPeriodActive auf false setzt, macht der Adapter (fast) nichts mehr...
@martinschm bzgl. des logs mit dem Fenstersensor.
Eigentlich sieht das log wie erwartet aus:- um 23:08:13 wird erkannt, dass ein Fenster offen ist
- um 23:08:30 wird erkannt, dass alle 4 Fenster wieder zu sind
Trotzdem läuft er in beiden Fällen in den Abwesenheits-Zweig, was im ersten Fall nicht sein sollte. Im ersten Fall sollte er in den FensterAuf-Modus laufen... Deshalb folgende Fragen:
- welche Absenkung fährst du (relative oder absolut)?
- ist das Verhalten anders, wenn du mihome.0.devices.magnet_158d0001de8c5e öffnest? Das ist der letzte Sensor, der für den Raum geprüft wird...
- wird im Datenpunkt heatingcontrol.0.Rooms.Schlafzimmer.WindowIsOpen angezeigt, dass ein Fenster offen ist?
- SensorDelay verwendest du nicht?
@moppel2810 sagte in Test Adapter HeatingControl v0.3.x:
Ich hab ein Problem,
Bitte in so einem Fall möglichst ein debug-Log posten. Danke.
@Rene_HM Wie mach ich das? Bin noch nicht so ewig im iobroker unterwegs
@moppel2810 Der Thermostat muss ja durch die Software erstmal angesprochen werden, das kann ein wenig dauern
Ansonsten Den Adapter in den debug-Log schalten und hier posten -
@moppel2810 Iobroker-Instanzen- Expertenmoduns (das Männchen anclicken oben) und den Adapter dann in der Log-Stufe auf debug stellen
@Hobi Nimm das Widget (vis-jqui-mfd muss installiert sein):
[{"tpl":"tplJquiInputDatetime","data":{"oid":"heatingcontrol.0.Profiles.0.Bad.Mon.Periods.0.time","g_fixed":true,"g_visibility":false,"g_css_font_text":true,"g_css_background":false,"g_css_shadow_padding":false,"g_css_border":true,"g_gestures":false,"g_signals":false,"timeOnly":true,"hideSeconds":true,"size":"4","class":"","filterkey":"","name":"Mo Zeit bis","locked":false,"g_last_change":false,"lc-type":"last-change","lc-is-interval":true,"lc-is-moment":false,"lc-format":"","lc-position-vert":"top","lc-position-horz":"right","lc-offset-vert":0,"lc-offset-horz":0,"lc-font-size":"12px","lc-font-family":"","lc-font-style":"","lc-bkg-color":"","lc-color":"","lc-border-width":"0","lc-border-style":"","lc-border-color":"","lc-border-radius":10,"lc-zindex":0,"signals-cond-0":"==","signals-val-0":true,"signals-icon-0":"/vis/signals/lowbattery.png","signals-icon-size-0":0,"signals-blink-0":false,"signals-horz-0":0,"signals-vert-0":0,"signals-hide-edit-0":false,"signals-cond-1":"==","signals-val-1":true,"signals-icon-1":"/vis/signals/lowbattery.png","signals-icon-size-1":0,"signals-blink-1":false,"signals-horz-1":0,"signals-vert-1":0,"signals-hide-edit-1":false,"signals-cond-2":"==","signals-val-2":true,"signals-icon-2":"/vis/signals/lowbattery.png","signals-icon-size-2":0,"signals-blink-2":false,"signals-horz-2":0,"signals-vert-2":0,"signals-hide-edit-2":false,"visibility-cond":"==","visibility-val":1,"visibility-groups-action":"hide"},"style":{"left":"140px","top":"470px","width":"77px","height":"25px","font-weight":"bold","font-size":"","word-spacing":"","letter-spacing":"","line-height":"","z-index":"10","color":"","border-width":"","border-style":"","border-radius":"4px"},"widgetSet":"jqui"}]
@Hobi sagte in Test Adapter HeatingControl v0.3.x:
Was kann ich da machen?
In JS würde ich jetzt sagen den richtigen Datentyp nehmen, wie das aber in Blockly geht, keine Ahnung.
Was ich mich allerdings frage, ist, wozu Du da überhaupt ein Script meinst zu brauchen. Es gibt ein fertiges Vis zum Adapter welches ohne Blockly Gedöns auskommt, was spricht dagegen das zu verwenden? Und selbst wenn Du es nicht verwendest, dann nimms zum spicken.
@Rene_HM said in Test Adapter HeatingControl v0.3.x:
@martinschm bzgl. des logs mit dem Fenstersensor.
Eigentlich sieht das log wie erwartet aus:- um 23:08:13 wird erkannt, dass ein Fenster offen ist
- um 23:08:30 wird erkannt, dass alle 4 Fenster wieder zu sind
Trotzdem läuft er in beiden Fällen in den Abwesenheits-Zweig, was im ersten Fall nicht sein sollte. Im ersten Fall sollte er in den FensterAuf-Modus laufen... Deshalb folgende Fragen:
- welche Absenkung fährst du (relative oder absolut)?
- ist das Verhalten anders, wenn du mihome.0.devices.magnet_158d0001de8c5e öffnest? Das ist der letzte Sensor, der für den Raum geprüft wird...
- wird im Datenpunkt heatingcontrol.0.Rooms.Schlafzimmer.WindowIsOpen angezeigt, dass ein Fenster offen ist?
- SensorDelay verwendest du nicht?
ich verwende
- absolute Absenkung.
- SensorDelay ist 0
- WindowisOpen wird angezeigt als true
- der magnet_158d0001de8c5e ist der SZ Mitte, Log hab ich unten angehängt. Funktioniert leider auch nicht.
2019-12-30 19:43:48.075 - [32minfo[39m: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) Schlafzimmer window open on SZ Mitte 2019-12-30 19:43:48.076 - [34mdebug[39m: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) room to check is Schlafzimmer 2019-12-30 19:43:48.077 - [32minfo[39m: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) calculating new target temperatures 2019-12-30 19:43:48.077 - [34mdebug[39m: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) ### 222 not handled yet 2019-12-30 19:43:48.077 - [34mdebug[39m: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) ### not handled mihome.0.devices.magnet_158d0001de8c5e.state {"val":true,"ack":true,"ts":1577731428070,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.mihome.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1577731428070} 2019-12-30 19:43:48.080 - [34mdebug[39m: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) profile type 2 2019-12-30 19:43:48.080 - [34mdebug[39m: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) get profile 2019-12-30 19:43:48.081 - [34mdebug[39m: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) profile 0 2019-12-30 19:43:48.081 - [34mdebug[39m: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) check room Schlafzimmer 2019-12-30 19:43:48.081 - [34mdebug[39m: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) VacationAbsentDecrease {"val":0,"ack":true,"ts":1576691313966,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1576691313966} 2019-12-30 19:43:48.082 - [34mdebug[39m: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) number of periods 4 2019-12-30 19:43:48.082 - [34mdebug[39m: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) check ID Profiles.0.Schlafzimmer.Sa-So.Periods.0.time 2019-12-30 19:43:48.083 - [34mdebug[39m: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) check time for Schlafzimmer Profiles.0.Schlafzimmer.Sa-So.Periods.0.time 19 2019-12-30 19:43:48.083 - [34mdebug[39m: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) check ID Profiles.0.Schlafzimmer.Sa-So.Periods.1.time 2019-12-30 19:43:48.083 - [34mdebug[39m: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) check ID Profiles.0.Schlafzimmer.Sa-So.Periods.2.time 2019-12-30 19:43:48.084 - [34mdebug[39m: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) check ID Profiles.0.Schlafzimmer.Sa-So.Periods.3.time 2019-12-30 19:43:48.084 - [34mdebug[39m: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) ### current > 1 0 2 2019-12-30 19:43:48.085 - [34mdebug[39m: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) ### new target temp19 2019-12-30 19:43:48.085 - [32minfo[39m: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) room Schlafzimmer Thermostat HM-CC-RT-DN OEQ1733333 set to 19 2019-12-30 19:43:48.085 - [34mdebug[39m: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) thermostat hm-rpc.0.OEQ1733333.4.SET_TEMPERATURE nothing to do, already 19 2019-12-30 19:43:48.089 - [33mwarn[39m: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) HandleActorsGeneral: not implemented yet 2019-12-30 19:43:48.090 - [34mdebug[39m: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) [INFO] status = true next event: 31 Dec 2019 09:00:00 2019-12-30 19:43:48.091 - [34mdebug[39m: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) [INFO] status = true next event: 30 Dec 2019 21:00:00 2019-12-30 19:43:48.092 - [34mdebug[39m: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) [INFO] status = true next event: 30 Dec 2019 21:15:00 2019-12-30 19:43:48.094 - [34mdebug[39m: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) [INFO] status = true next event: 30 Dec 2019 21:30:00 2019-12-30 19:43:48.095 - [34mdebug[39m: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) [INFO] status = true next event: 4 Jan 2020 09:00:00 2019-12-30 19:43:48.096 - [34mdebug[39m: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) [INFO] status = true next event: 4 Jan 2020 21:00:00 2019-12-30 19:43:48.101 - [34mdebug[39m: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) [INFO] status = true next event: 4 Jan 2020 21:15:00 2019-12-30 19:43:48.103 - [34mdebug[39m: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) [INFO] status = true next event: 4 Jan 2020 21:30:00 2019-12-30 19:43:48.104 - [34mdebug[39m: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) [INFO] status = true next event: 31 Dec 2019 08:00:00 2019-12-30 19:43:48.106 - [34mdebug[39m: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) [INFO] status = true next event: 31 Dec 2019 14:20:00 2019-12-30 19:43:48.107 - [34mdebug[39m: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) [INFO] status = true next event: 31 Dec 2019 18:00:00 2019-12-30 19:43:48.108 - [34mdebug[39m: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) [INFO] status = true next event: 4 Jan 2020 08:00:00 2019-12-30 19:43:48.109 - [34mdebug[39m: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) [INFO] status = true next event: 4 Jan 2020 18:00:00 2019-12-30 19:43:48.112 - [34mdebug[39m: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) [INFO] status = true next event: 4 Jan 2020 18:30:00 2019-12-30 19:43:48.113 - [34mdebug[39m: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) [INFO] status = true next event: 4 Jan 2020 19:00:00 2019-12-30 19:43:48.114 - [34mdebug[39m: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) [INFO] status = true next event: 31 Dec 2019 00:00:00 2019-12-30 19:43:48.115 - [34mdebug[39m: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) [INFO] status = true next event: 31 Dec 2019 12:00:00 2019-12-30 19:43:48.116 - [34mdebug[39m: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) [INFO] status = true next event: 31 Dec 2019 16:00:00 2019-12-30 19:43:48.117 - [34mdebug[39m: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) [INFO] status = true next event: 4 Jan 2020 05:00:00 2019-12-30 19:43:48.117 - [34mdebug[39m: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) [INFO] status = true next event: 4 Jan 2020 12:00:00 2019-12-30 19:43:48.119 - [34mdebug[39m: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) [INFO] status = true next event: 4 Jan 2020 16:00:00 2019-12-30 19:44:08.370 - [34mdebug[39m: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) ### handle state change hm-rpc.0.OEQ1711111.4.ACTUAL_TEMPERATURE {"val":20.9,"ack":true,"ts":1577731448369,"q":0,"from":"","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1577731448369} 2019-12-30 19:44:08.370 - [34mdebug[39m: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) ### hm-rpc.0.OEQ1711111.4.ACTUAL_TEMPERATURE mihome.0.devices.magnet_158d0001de8c5e.state 20.9 true 2019-12-30 19:44:08.371 - [34mdebug[39m: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) ### handle state change hm-rpc.0.OEQ1711111.4.SET_TEMPERATURE {"val":16,"ack":true,"ts":1577731448369,"q":0,"from":"","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1577705436500} 2019-12-30 19:44:08.371 - [34mdebug[39m: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) ### hm-rpc.0.OEQ1711111.4.SET_TEMPERATURE hm-rpc.0.OEQ1711111.4.ACTUAL_TEMPERATURE 16 20.9 2019-12-30 19:44:08.371 - [34mdebug[39m: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) ### 111 not handled yet 2019-12-30 19:44:08.371 - [34mdebug[39m: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) handle id hm-rpc.0.OEQ1711111.4.ACTUAL_TEMPERATURE state {"val":20.9,"ack":true,"ts":1577731448369,"q":0,"from":"","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1577731448369} 2019-12-30 19:44:08.371 - [34mdebug[39m: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) ### handle devices [{"id":12,"name":"HM-CC-RT-DN OEQ1711111","OID_Current":"hm-rpc.0.OEQ1711111.4.ACTUAL_TEMPERATURE","OID_Target":"hm-rpc.0.OEQ1711111.4.SET_TEMPERATURE","isActive":true,"type":1,"room":"Kinderschlafzimmer"}] 2019-12-30 19:44:08.371 - [34mdebug[39m: heatingcontrol.0 (8950) ### 111 not handled yet
Die Absenkung scheint auch in den anderen Räumen nicht zu funktionieren. Habe es grade mal in einem anderen Zimmer versucht.
undefined2019-12-30 22:14:29.828 - info: host.RasPi "system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0" enabled 2019-12-30 22:14:29.855 - info: host.RasPi instance system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0 started with pid 26464 2019-12-30 22:14:32.420 - info: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) starting. Version 0.3.13 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.heatingcontrol, node: v8.16.1 2019-12-30 22:14:33.184 - info: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) initial check for heating period based on settings between 01.10. and 31.03. 2019-12-30 22:14:33.185 - info: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) heating period is true 2019-12-30 22:14:33.317 - info: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) check for heating period based on settings between 01.10. and 31.03. 2019-12-30 22:14:33.732 - info: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) checking all actors 2019-12-30 22:14:33.741 - info: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) 0 actors are on of 1 2019-12-30 22:14:33.752 - info: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) checking all external states 2019-12-30 22:14:33.757 - info: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) setting PublicHolidyToday to false 2019-12-30 22:14:33.764 - info: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) setting Present to false 2019-12-30 22:14:33.769 - info: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) setting VacationAbsent to false 2019-12-30 22:14:33.775 - info: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) setting GuestsPresent to false 2019-12-30 22:14:33.780 - info: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) setting PartyNow to false 2019-12-30 22:14:33.785 - info: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) setting HolidayPresent to false 2019-12-30 22:14:33.788 - info: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) external states checked, done 2019-12-30 22:14:33.794 - info: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) calculating new target temperatures 2019-12-30 22:14:33.835 - info: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) setting to reduced/increased temperature in Wohnzimmer to 16 2019-12-30 22:14:33.836 - info: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) room Wohnzimmer Thermostat zigbee.0.00158d000237dead.temperature target is 16 2019-12-30 22:14:33.839 - error: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) exception in CheckTemperatureChange [invalid id ""] 2019-12-30 22:14:33.849 - info: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) subscribe heatingcontrol.0.PublicHolidyToday 2019-12-30 22:14:33.851 - info: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) subscribe heatingcontrol.0.Present 2019-12-30 22:14:33.853 - info: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) subscribe heatingcontrol.0.VacationAbsent 2019-12-30 22:14:33.855 - info: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) subscribe heatingcontrol.0.HolidayPresent 2019-12-30 22:14:33.857 - info: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) subscribe heatingcontrol.0.GuestsPresent 2019-12-30 22:14:33.859 - info: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) subscribe heatingcontrol.0.PartyNow 2019-12-30 22:14:33.861 - info: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) subscribe Schlafzimmer / zigbee.0.00158d000232392b.temperature 2019-12-30 22:14:33.864 - info: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) subscribe Bad / zigbee.0.00158d0002739ff4.temperature 2019-12-30 22:14:33.868 - info: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) subscribe Wohnzimmer / zigbee.0.00158d000237dead.temperature 2019-12-30 22:14:36.821 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.yeelight-2.0.alive 2019-12-30 22:14:36.823 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.yeelight-2.0.connected 2019-12-30 22:14:36.824 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.yeelight-2.0.memRss 2019-12-30 22:14:36.825 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.yeelight-2.0.memHeapTotal 2019-12-30 22:14:36.826 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.yeelight-2.0.memHeapUsed 2019-12-30 22:14:36.826 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.yeelight-2.0.eventLoopLag 2019-12-30 22:14:36.827 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.yeelight-2.0.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:36.828 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.yeelight-2.0.inputCount 2019-12-30 22:14:36.829 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.yeelight-2.0.outputCount 2019-12-30 22:14:36.830 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.yeelight-2.0.cpu 2019-12-30 22:14:36.830 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.yeelight-2.0.cputime 2019-12-30 22:14:37.159 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#68FAB3#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:37.398 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.history.0.alive 2019-12-30 22:14:37.399 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.history.0.connected 2019-12-30 22:14:37.400 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.history.0.memRss 2019-12-30 22:14:37.401 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.history.0.memHeapTotal 2019-12-30 22:14:37.402 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.history.0.memHeapUsed 2019-12-30 22:14:37.403 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.history.0.eventLoopLag 2019-12-30 22:14:37.404 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.history.0.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:37.405 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.history.0.inputCount 2019-12-30 22:14:37.406 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.history.0.outputCount 2019-12-30 22:14:37.422 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.history.0.cpu 2019-12-30 22:14:37.423 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.history.0.cputime 2019-12-30 22:14:37.424 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#00B675#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:37.657 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.zigbee.0.alive 2019-12-30 22:14:37.673 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.zigbee.0.connected 2019-12-30 22:14:37.674 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.zigbee.0.memRss 2019-12-30 22:14:37.676 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.zigbee.0.memHeapTotal 2019-12-30 22:14:37.677 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.zigbee.0.memHeapUsed 2019-12-30 22:14:37.678 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.zigbee.0.eventLoopLag 2019-12-30 22:14:37.678 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.zigbee.0.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:37.679 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.zigbee.0.inputCount 2019-12-30 22:14:37.680 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.zigbee.0.outputCount 2019-12-30 22:14:37.694 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.zigbee.0.cpu 2019-12-30 22:14:37.695 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.zigbee.0.cputime 2019-12-30 22:14:38.413 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#693D47#1.temperature 2019-12-30 22:14:38.419 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#693D47#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:38.420 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#693D47#1.rssi 2019-12-30 22:14:38.902 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#BA1016#1.temperature 2019-12-30 22:14:38.907 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#BA1016#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:39.283 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.admin.0.alive 2019-12-30 22:14:39.300 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.admin.0.connected 2019-12-30 22:14:39.301 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.admin.0.memRss 2019-12-30 22:14:39.302 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.admin.0.memHeapTotal 2019-12-30 22:14:39.303 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.admin.0.memHeapUsed 2019-12-30 22:14:39.304 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.admin.0.eventLoopLag 2019-12-30 22:14:39.305 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.admin.0.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:39.321 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.admin.0.inputCount 2019-12-30 22:14:39.323 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.admin.0.outputCount 2019-12-30 22:14:39.325 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.admin.0.cpu 2019-12-30 22:14:39.327 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.admin.0.cputime 2019-12-30 22:14:39.352 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.web.0.alive 2019-12-30 22:14:39.354 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.web.0.connected 2019-12-30 22:14:39.355 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.web.0.memRss 2019-12-30 22:14:39.356 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.web.0.memHeapTotal 2019-12-30 22:14:39.359 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.web.0.memHeapUsed 2019-12-30 22:14:39.360 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.web.0.eventLoopLag 2019-12-30 22:14:39.361 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.web.0.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:39.362 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.web.0.inputCount 2019-12-30 22:14:39.363 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.web.0.outputCount 2019-12-30 22:14:39.364 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.web.0.cpu 2019-12-30 22:14:39.365 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.web.0.cputime 2019-12-30 22:14:39.400 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found 2019-12-30 22:14:39.412 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found 2019-12-30 22:14:39.414 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found 2019-12-30 22:14:39.416 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found 2019-12-30 22:14:39.418 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found 2019-12-30 22:14:39.432 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found 2019-12-30 22:14:39.433 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found 2019-12-30 22:14:39.434 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found 2019-12-30 22:14:39.435 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found 2019-12-30 22:14:39.436 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found 2019-12-30 22:14:39.436 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found 2019-12-30 22:14:39.437 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found 2019-12-30 22:14:39.438 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found 2019-12-30 22:14:39.438 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found 2019-12-30 22:14:39.439 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found 2019-12-30 22:14:39.450 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found 2019-12-30 22:14:39.451 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found 2019-12-30 22:14:39.470 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#BA1B09#1.temperature 2019-12-30 22:14:39.474 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#BA1B09#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:39.543 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.milight.0.alive 2019-12-30 22:14:39.544 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.milight.0.connected 2019-12-30 22:14:39.545 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.milight.0.memRss 2019-12-30 22:14:39.545 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.milight.0.memHeapTotal 2019-12-30 22:14:39.546 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.milight.0.memHeapUsed 2019-12-30 22:14:39.547 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.milight.0.eventLoopLag 2019-12-30 22:14:39.547 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.milight.0.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:39.548 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.milight.0.inputCount 2019-12-30 22:14:39.549 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.milight.0.outputCount 2019-12-30 22:14:39.559 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.milight.0.cpu 2019-12-30 22:14:39.560 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.milight.0.cputime 2019-12-30 22:14:39.864 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#BA81CB#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:40.112 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#00B8C6#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:40.116 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#00B8C6#1.rssi 2019-12-30 22:14:40.292 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#B1DA7C#1.temperature 2019-12-30 22:14:40.297 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#B1DA7C#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:40.298 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#B1DA7C#1.rssi 2019-12-30 22:14:40.448 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-1#5B2D5C#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:40.451 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-1#5B2D5C#1.rssi 2019-12-30 22:14:40.662 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found zigbee.0.84182600000ead8e.available 2019-12-30 22:14:40.786 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#B1DA1C#1.temperature 2019-12-30 22:14:40.791 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#B1DA1C#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:40.792 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#B1DA1C#1.rssi 2019-12-30 22:14:41.008 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#B1D265#1.Relay0.Power 2019-12-30 22:14:41.074 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#B1D265#1.temperature 2019-12-30 22:14:41.079 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#B1D265#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:41.080 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#B1D265#1.rssi 2019-12-30 22:14:41.198 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#BA53DC#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:42.562 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#68FAB3#1.temperature 2019-12-30 22:14:42.566 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#68FAB3#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:42.788 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#00B675#1.temperature 2019-12-30 22:14:42.792 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#00B675#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:42.793 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#00B675#1.rssi 2019-12-30 22:14:43.813 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#693D47#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:44.104 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#BA1016#1.temperature 2019-12-30 22:14:44.108 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#BA1016#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:44.730 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#BA1B09#1.temperature 2019-12-30 22:14:44.736 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#BA1B09#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:44.737 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#BA1B09#1.rssi 2019-12-30 22:14:45.279 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#BA81CB#1.temperature 2019-12-30 22:14:45.282 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#BA81CB#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:45.514 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#00B8C6#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:45.652 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-1#5B2D5C#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:45.656 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-1#5B2D5C#1.rssi 2019-12-30 22:14:45.922 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#B1DA1C#1.Relay0.Power 2019-12-30 22:14:45.960 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.shelly.0.alive 2019-12-30 22:14:45.971 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.shelly.0.connected 2019-12-30 22:14:45.972 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.shelly.0.memRss 2019-12-30 22:14:45.973 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.shelly.0.memHeapTotal 2019-12-30 22:14:45.974 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.shelly.0.memHeapUsed 2019-12-30 22:14:45.984 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.shelly.0.eventLoopLag 2019-12-30 22:14:45.985 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.shelly.0.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:45.986 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.shelly.0.inputCount 2019-12-30 22:14:45.988 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.shelly.0.outputCount 2019-12-30 22:14:45.989 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.shelly.0.cpu 2019-12-30 22:14:45.991 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.shelly.0.cputime 2019-12-30 22:14:46.000 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#B1DA1C#1.temperature 2019-12-30 22:14:46.001 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#B1DA1C#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:46.002 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#B1DA1C#1.rssi 2019-12-30 22:14:46.209 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#B1D265#1.Relay0.Power 2019-12-30 22:14:46.277 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#B1D265#1.temperature 2019-12-30 22:14:46.281 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#B1D265#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:46.282 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#B1D265#1.rssi 2019-12-30 22:14:46.400 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#BA53DC#1.temperature 2019-12-30 22:14:46.404 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#BA53DC#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:46.528 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#B1DA7C#1.temperature 2019-12-30 22:14:46.532 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#B1DA7C#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:46.533 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#B1DA7C#1.rssi 2019-12-30 22:14:46.737 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.javascript.0.alive 2019-12-30 22:14:46.747 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.javascript.0.connected 2019-12-30 22:14:46.748 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.javascript.0.memRss 2019-12-30 22:14:46.749 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.javascript.0.memHeapTotal 2019-12-30 22:14:46.750 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.javascript.0.memHeapUsed 2019-12-30 22:14:46.750 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.javascript.0.eventLoopLag 2019-12-30 22:14:46.751 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.javascript.0.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:46.752 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.javascript.0.inputCount 2019-12-30 22:14:46.753 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.javascript.0.outputCount 2019-12-30 22:14:46.762 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.javascript.0.cpu 2019-12-30 22:14:46.763 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.javascript.0.cputime 2019-12-30 22:14:47.442 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0.alive 2019-12-30 22:14:47.443 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0.connected 2019-12-30 22:14:47.444 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0.memRss 2019-12-30 22:14:47.445 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0.memHeapTotal 2019-12-30 22:14:47.445 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0.memHeapUsed 2019-12-30 22:14:47.446 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0.eventLoopLag 2019-12-30 22:14:47.447 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:47.448 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0.inputCount 2019-12-30 22:14:47.450 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0.outputCount 2019-12-30 22:14:47.467 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0.cpu 2019-12-30 22:14:47.470 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0.cputime 2019-12-30 22:14:47.968 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#68FAB3#1.temperature 2019-12-30 22:14:47.972 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#68FAB3#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:48.182 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#00B675#1.temperature 2019-12-30 22:14:48.186 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#00B675#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:49.171 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#693D47#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:49.182 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.mclighting.0.alive 2019-12-30 22:14:49.193 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.mclighting.0.connected 2019-12-30 22:14:49.194 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.mclighting.0.memRss 2019-12-30 22:14:49.195 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.mclighting.0.memHeapTotal 2019-12-30 22:14:49.195 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.mclighting.0.memHeapUsed 2019-12-30 22:14:49.196 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.mclighting.0.eventLoopLag 2019-12-30 22:14:49.197 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.mclighting.0.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:49.197 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.mclighting.0.inputCount 2019-12-30 22:14:49.198 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.mclighting.0.outputCount 2019-12-30 22:14:49.211 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.mclighting.0.cpu 2019-12-30 22:14:49.212 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.mclighting.0.cputime 2019-12-30 22:14:49.307 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#BA1016#1.temperature 2019-12-30 22:14:49.318 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#BA1016#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:49.319 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#BA1016#1.rssi 2019-12-30 22:14:49.928 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#BA1B09#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:49.931 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#BA1B09#1.rssi 2019-12-30 22:14:50.299 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.ble.0.alive 2019-12-30 22:14:50.309 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.ble.0.connected 2019-12-30 22:14:50.310 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.ble.0.memRss 2019-12-30 22:14:50.311 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.ble.0.memHeapTotal 2019-12-30 22:14:50.311 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.ble.0.memHeapUsed 2019-12-30 22:14:50.312 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.ble.0.eventLoopLag 2019-12-30 22:14:50.313 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.ble.0.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:50.313 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.ble.0.inputCount 2019-12-30 22:14:50.314 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.ble.0.outputCount 2019-12-30 22:14:50.322 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.ble.0.cpu 2019-12-30 22:14:50.323 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.ble.0.cputime 2019-12-30 22:14:50.717 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#BA81CB#1.temperature 2019-12-30 22:14:50.721 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#BA81CB#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:50.848 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-1#5B2D5C#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:50.851 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-1#5B2D5C#1.rssi 2019-12-30 22:14:50.915 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#00B8C6#1.temperature 2019-12-30 22:14:50.919 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#00B8C6#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:50.920 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#00B8C6#1.rssi 2019-12-30 22:14:51.005 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found 2019-12-30 22:14:51.006 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found 2019-12-30 22:14:51.007 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found 2019-12-30 22:14:51.007 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found 2019-12-30 22:14:51.008 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found yeelight-2.0.KuechePendelleuchte.control.power 2019-12-30 22:14:51.130 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#B1DA1C#1.Relay0.Power 2019-12-30 22:14:51.198 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#B1DA1C#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:51.434 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.yeelight-2.0.alive 2019-12-30 22:14:51.435 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.yeelight-2.0.connected 2019-12-30 22:14:51.441 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.yeelight-2.0.memRss 2019-12-30 22:14:51.442 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.yeelight-2.0.memHeapTotal 2019-12-30 22:14:51.442 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.yeelight-2.0.memHeapUsed 2019-12-30 22:14:51.443 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.yeelight-2.0.eventLoopLag 2019-12-30 22:14:51.444 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.yeelight-2.0.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:51.445 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.yeelight-2.0.inputCount 2019-12-30 22:14:51.445 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.yeelight-2.0.outputCount 2019-12-30 22:14:51.477 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.yeelight-2.0.cpu 2019-12-30 22:14:51.479 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.yeelight-2.0.cputime 2019-12-30 22:14:51.480 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#B1D265#1.Relay0.Power 2019-12-30 22:14:51.489 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#B1D265#1.temperature 2019-12-30 22:14:51.493 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#B1D265#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:51.600 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#BA53DC#1.temperature 2019-12-30 22:14:51.616 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#BA53DC#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:51.617 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#BA53DC#1.rssi 2019-12-30 22:14:51.732 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#B1DA7C#1.temperature 2019-12-30 22:14:51.733 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#B1DA7C#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:51.734 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#B1DA7C#1.rssi 2019-12-30 22:14:52.388 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.history.0.alive 2019-12-30 22:14:52.389 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.history.0.connected 2019-12-30 22:14:52.390 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.history.0.memRss 2019-12-30 22:14:52.390 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.history.0.memHeapTotal 2019-12-30 22:14:52.391 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.history.0.memHeapUsed 2019-12-30 22:14:52.402 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.history.0.eventLoopLag 2019-12-30 22:14:52.403 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.history.0.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:52.404 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.history.0.inputCount 2019-12-30 22:14:52.404 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.history.0.outputCount 2019-12-30 22:14:52.405 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.history.0.cpu 2019-12-30 22:14:52.405 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.history.0.cputime 2019-12-30 22:14:52.666 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.zigbee.0.alive 2019-12-30 22:14:52.667 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.zigbee.0.connected 2019-12-30 22:14:52.667 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.zigbee.0.memRss 2019-12-30 22:14:52.668 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.zigbee.0.memHeapTotal 2019-12-30 22:14:52.669 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.zigbee.0.memHeapUsed 2019-12-30 22:14:52.669 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.zigbee.0.eventLoopLag 2019-12-30 22:14:52.670 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.zigbee.0.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:52.670 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.zigbee.0.inputCount 2019-12-30 22:14:52.671 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.zigbee.0.outputCount 2019-12-30 22:14:52.679 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.zigbee.0.cpu 2019-12-30 22:14:52.680 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.zigbee.0.cputime 2019-12-30 22:14:53.381 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#68FAB3#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:53.575 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#00B675#1.temperature 2019-12-30 22:14:53.578 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#00B675#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:54.286 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.admin.0.alive 2019-12-30 22:14:54.291 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.admin.0.connected 2019-12-30 22:14:54.292 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.admin.0.memRss 2019-12-30 22:14:54.296 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.admin.0.memHeapTotal 2019-12-30 22:14:54.306 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.admin.0.memHeapUsed 2019-12-30 22:14:54.307 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.admin.0.eventLoopLag 2019-12-30 22:14:54.308 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.admin.0.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:54.309 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.admin.0.inputCount 2019-12-30 22:14:54.310 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.admin.0.outputCount 2019-12-30 22:14:54.315 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.admin.0.cpu 2019-12-30 22:14:54.318 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.admin.0.cputime 2019-12-30 22:14:54.330 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.web.0.alive 2019-12-30 22:14:54.332 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.web.0.connected 2019-12-30 22:14:54.333 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.web.0.memRss 2019-12-30 22:14:54.334 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.web.0.memHeapTotal 2019-12-30 22:14:54.334 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.web.0.memHeapUsed 2019-12-30 22:14:54.335 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.web.0.eventLoopLag 2019-12-30 22:14:54.335 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.web.0.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:54.343 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.web.0.inputCount 2019-12-30 22:14:54.344 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.web.0.outputCount 2019-12-30 22:14:54.345 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.web.0.cpu 2019-12-30 22:14:54.346 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.web.0.cputime 2019-12-30 22:14:54.397 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found 2019-12-30 22:14:54.398 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found 2019-12-30 22:14:54.398 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found 2019-12-30 22:14:54.399 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found 2019-12-30 22:14:54.399 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found 2019-12-30 22:14:54.400 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found 2019-12-30 22:14:54.400 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found 2019-12-30 22:14:54.401 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found 2019-12-30 22:14:54.401 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found 2019-12-30 22:14:54.402 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found 2019-12-30 22:14:54.402 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found 2019-12-30 22:14:54.403 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found 2019-12-30 22:14:54.404 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found 2019-12-30 22:14:54.414 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found 2019-12-30 22:14:54.415 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found 2019-12-30 22:14:54.416 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found 2019-12-30 22:14:54.416 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found 2019-12-30 22:14:54.511 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#BA1016#1.temperature 2019-12-30 22:14:54.514 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#BA1016#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:54.534 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.milight.0.alive 2019-12-30 22:14:54.543 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.milight.0.connected 2019-12-30 22:14:54.544 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.milight.0.memRss 2019-12-30 22:14:54.545 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.milight.0.memHeapTotal 2019-12-30 22:14:54.547 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.milight.0.memHeapUsed 2019-12-30 22:14:54.555 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.milight.0.eventLoopLag 2019-12-30 22:14:54.555 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.milight.0.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:54.556 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.milight.0.inputCount 2019-12-30 22:14:54.557 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.milight.0.outputCount 2019-12-30 22:14:54.557 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.milight.0.cpu 2019-12-30 22:14:54.558 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.milight.0.cputime 2019-12-30 22:14:54.588 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#693D47#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:54.591 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#693D47#1.rssi 2019-12-30 22:14:55.124 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#BA1B09#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:56.052 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-1#5B2D5C#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:56.185 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#BA81CB#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:56.188 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#BA81CB#1.rssi 2019-12-30 22:14:56.313 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#00B8C6#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:56.316 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#00B8C6#1.rssi 2019-12-30 22:14:56.346 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#B1DA1C#1.Relay0.Power 2019-12-30 22:14:56.414 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#B1DA1C#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:56.803 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#BA53DC#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:56.804 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#BA53DC#1.rssi 2019-12-30 22:14:56.938 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#B1DA7C#1.temperature 2019-12-30 22:14:56.942 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#B1DA7C#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:57.143 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#B1D265#1.Relay0.Power 2019-12-30 22:14:57.208 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#B1D265#1.temperature 2019-12-30 22:14:57.212 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#B1D265#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:57.213 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#B1D265#1.rssi 2019-12-30 22:14:58.787 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#68FAB3#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:58.983 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#00B675#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:58.986 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#00B675#1.rssi 2019-12-30 22:14:59.712 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#BA1016#1.temperature 2019-12-30 22:14:59.717 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#BA1016#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:59.991 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#693D47#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:14:59.994 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#693D47#1.rssi 2019-12-30 22:15:00.324 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#BA1B09#1.temperature 2019-12-30 22:15:00.327 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#BA1B09#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:15:00.959 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.shelly.0.alive 2019-12-30 22:15:00.966 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.shelly.0.connected 2019-12-30 22:15:00.967 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.shelly.0.memRss 2019-12-30 22:15:00.968 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.shelly.0.memHeapTotal 2019-12-30 22:15:00.977 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.shelly.0.memHeapUsed 2019-12-30 22:15:00.978 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.shelly.0.eventLoopLag 2019-12-30 22:15:00.978 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.shelly.0.uptime 2019-12-30 22:15:00.979 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.shelly.0.inputCount 2019-12-30 22:15:00.979 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.shelly.0.outputCount 2019-12-30 22:15:00.980 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.shelly.0.cpu 2019-12-30 22:15:00.980 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.shelly.0.cputime 2019-12-30 22:15:01.554 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#B1DA1C#1.Relay0.Power 2019-12-30 22:15:01.557 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#B1DA1C#1.Relay0.Energy 2019-12-30 22:15:01.598 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#BA81CB#1.temperature 2019-12-30 22:15:01.603 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#BA81CB#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:15:01.604 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#BA81CB#1.rssi 2019-12-30 22:15:01.624 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#B1DA1C#1.temperature 2019-12-30 22:15:01.627 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#B1DA1C#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:15:01.706 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#00B8C6#1.temperature 2019-12-30 22:15:01.709 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#00B8C6#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:15:01.738 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.javascript.0.alive 2019-12-30 22:15:01.748 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.javascript.0.connected 2019-12-30 22:15:01.748 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.javascript.0.memRss 2019-12-30 22:15:01.749 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.javascript.0.memHeapTotal 2019-12-30 22:15:01.749 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.javascript.0.memHeapUsed 2019-12-30 22:15:01.750 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.javascript.0.eventLoopLag 2019-12-30 22:15:01.751 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.javascript.0.uptime 2019-12-30 22:15:01.751 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.javascript.0.inputCount 2019-12-30 22:15:01.752 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.javascript.0.outputCount 2019-12-30 22:15:01.759 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.javascript.0.cpu 2019-12-30 22:15:01.760 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.javascript.0.cputime 2019-12-30 22:15:02.142 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#B1DA7C#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:15:02.145 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#B1DA7C#1.rssi 2019-12-30 22:15:02.277 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-1#5B2D5C#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:15:02.350 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#B1D265#1.Relay0.Power 2019-12-30 22:15:02.354 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#B1D265#1.Relay0.Energy 2019-12-30 22:15:02.413 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#B1D265#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:15:02.416 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#B1D265#1.rssi 2019-12-30 22:15:02.442 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0.alive 2019-12-30 22:15:02.443 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0.connected 2019-12-30 22:15:02.444 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0.memRss 2019-12-30 22:15:02.445 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0.memHeapTotal 2019-12-30 22:15:02.445 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0.memHeapUsed 2019-12-30 22:15:02.446 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0.eventLoopLag 2019-12-30 22:15:02.446 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0.uptime 2019-12-30 22:15:02.447 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0.inputCount 2019-12-30 22:15:02.447 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0.outputCount 2019-12-30 22:15:02.460 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0.cpu 2019-12-30 22:15:02.464 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0.cputime 2019-12-30 22:15:03.050 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#BA53DC#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:15:04.185 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.mclighting.0.alive 2019-12-30 22:15:04.196 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.mclighting.0.connected 2019-12-30 22:15:04.197 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.mclighting.0.memRss 2019-12-30 22:15:04.198 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.mclighting.0.memHeapTotal 2019-12-30 22:15:04.198 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.mclighting.0.memHeapUsed 2019-12-30 22:15:04.199 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.mclighting.0.eventLoopLag 2019-12-30 22:15:04.199 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.mclighting.0.uptime 2019-12-30 22:15:04.200 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.mclighting.0.inputCount 2019-12-30 22:15:04.200 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.mclighting.0.outputCount 2019-12-30 22:15:04.208 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.mclighting.0.cpu 2019-12-30 22:15:04.209 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.mclighting.0.cputime 2019-12-30 22:15:04.210 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#68FAB3#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:15:04.386 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#00B675#1.temperature 2019-12-30 22:15:04.390 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#00B675#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:15:04.391 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#00B675#1.rssi 2019-12-30 22:15:04.906 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#BA1016#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:15:04.909 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#BA1016#1.rssi 2019-12-30 22:15:05.301 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.ble.0.alive 2019-12-30 22:15:05.311 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.ble.0.connected 2019-12-30 22:15:05.312 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.ble.0.memRss 2019-12-30 22:15:05.313 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.ble.0.memHeapTotal 2019-12-30 22:15:05.313 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.ble.0.memHeapUsed 2019-12-30 22:15:05.314 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.ble.0.eventLoopLag 2019-12-30 22:15:05.314 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.ble.0.uptime 2019-12-30 22:15:05.315 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.ble.0.inputCount 2019-12-30 22:15:05.316 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.ble.0.outputCount 2019-12-30 22:15:05.322 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.ble.0.cpu 2019-12-30 22:15:05.323 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.ble.0.cputime 2019-12-30 22:15:05.395 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#693D47#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:15:05.530 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#BA1B09#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:15:06.406 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.yeelight-2.0.alive 2019-12-30 22:15:06.414 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.yeelight-2.0.connected 2019-12-30 22:15:06.415 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.yeelight-2.0.memRss 2019-12-30 22:15:06.416 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.yeelight-2.0.memHeapTotal 2019-12-30 22:15:06.417 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.yeelight-2.0.memHeapUsed 2019-12-30 22:15:06.418 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.yeelight-2.0.eventLoopLag 2019-12-30 22:15:06.425 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.yeelight-2.0.uptime 2019-12-30 22:15:06.426 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.yeelight-2.0.inputCount 2019-12-30 22:15:06.427 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.yeelight-2.0.outputCount 2019-12-30 22:15:06.428 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.yeelight-2.0.cpu 2019-12-30 22:15:06.428 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.yeelight-2.0.cputime 2019-12-30 22:15:06.832 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#B1DA1C#1.temperature 2019-12-30 22:15:06.837 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#B1DA1C#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:15:06.838 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#B1DA1C#1.rssi 2019-12-30 22:15:07.011 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#BA81CB#1.temperature 2019-12-30 22:15:07.018 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#BA81CB#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:15:07.020 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#BA81CB#1.rssi 2019-12-30 22:15:07.122 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#00B8C6#1.temperature 2019-12-30 22:15:07.127 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#00B8C6#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:15:07.344 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#B1DA7C#1.temperature 2019-12-30 22:15:07.353 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#B1DA7C#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:15:07.354 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#B1DA7C#1.rssi 2019-12-30 22:15:07.392 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.history.0.alive 2019-12-30 22:15:07.393 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.history.0.connected 2019-12-30 22:15:07.394 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.history.0.memRss 2019-12-30 22:15:07.395 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.history.0.memHeapTotal 2019-12-30 22:15:07.395 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.history.0.memHeapUsed 2019-12-30 22:15:07.396 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.history.0.eventLoopLag 2019-12-30 22:15:07.397 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.history.0.uptime 2019-12-30 22:15:07.413 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.history.0.inputCount 2019-12-30 22:15:07.415 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.history.0.outputCount 2019-12-30 22:15:07.416 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.history.0.cpu 2019-12-30 22:15:07.417 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.history.0.cputime 2019-12-30 22:15:07.476 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-1#5B2D5C#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:15:07.549 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#B1D265#1.Relay0.Power 2019-12-30 22:15:07.611 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#B1D265#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:15:07.661 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.zigbee.0.alive 2019-12-30 22:15:07.673 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.zigbee.0.connected 2019-12-30 22:15:07.675 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.zigbee.0.memRss 2019-12-30 22:15:07.676 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.zigbee.0.memHeapTotal 2019-12-30 22:15:07.676 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.zigbee.0.memHeapUsed 2019-12-30 22:15:07.677 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.zigbee.0.eventLoopLag 2019-12-30 22:15:07.678 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.zigbee.0.uptime 2019-12-30 22:15:07.679 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.zigbee.0.inputCount 2019-12-30 22:15:07.680 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.zigbee.0.outputCount 2019-12-30 22:15:07.691 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.zigbee.0.cpu 2019-12-30 22:15:07.692 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.zigbee.0.cputime 2019-12-30 22:15:08.250 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#BA53DC#1.temperature 2019-12-30 22:15:08.256 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#BA53DC#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:15:08.258 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#BA53DC#1.rssi 2019-12-30 22:15:09.292 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.admin.0.alive 2019-12-30 22:15:09.305 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.admin.0.connected 2019-12-30 22:15:09.307 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.admin.0.memRss 2019-12-30 22:15:09.308 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.admin.0.memHeapTotal 2019-12-30 22:15:09.309 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.admin.0.memHeapUsed 2019-12-30 22:15:09.310 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.admin.0.eventLoopLag 2019-12-30 22:15:09.316 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.admin.0.uptime 2019-12-30 22:15:09.347 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.admin.0.inputCount 2019-12-30 22:15:09.349 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.admin.0.outputCount 2019-12-30 22:15:09.350 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.admin.0.cpu 2019-12-30 22:15:09.351 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.admin.0.cputime 2019-12-30 22:15:09.366 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.web.0.alive 2019-12-30 22:15:09.367 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.web.0.connected 2019-12-30 22:15:09.368 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.web.0.memRss 2019-12-30 22:15:09.369 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.web.0.memHeapTotal 2019-12-30 22:15:09.370 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.web.0.memHeapUsed 2019-12-30 22:15:09.370 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.web.0.eventLoopLag 2019-12-30 22:15:09.371 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.web.0.uptime 2019-12-30 22:15:09.372 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.web.0.inputCount 2019-12-30 22:15:09.373 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.web.0.outputCount 2019-12-30 22:15:09.374 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.web.0.cpu 2019-12-30 22:15:09.374 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.web.0.cputime 2019-12-30 22:15:09.402 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found 2019-12-30 22:15:09.424 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found 2019-12-30 22:15:09.425 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found 2019-12-30 22:15:09.426 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found 2019-12-30 22:15:09.427 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found 2019-12-30 22:15:09.428 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found 2019-12-30 22:15:09.428 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found 2019-12-30 22:15:09.429 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found 2019-12-30 22:15:09.430 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found 2019-12-30 22:15:09.430 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found 2019-12-30 22:15:09.431 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found 2019-12-30 22:15:09.446 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found 2019-12-30 22:15:09.447 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found 2019-12-30 22:15:09.448 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found 2019-12-30 22:15:09.449 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found 2019-12-30 22:15:09.450 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found 2019-12-30 22:15:09.451 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found 2019-12-30 22:15:09.548 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.milight.0.alive 2019-12-30 22:15:09.549 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.milight.0.connected 2019-12-30 22:15:09.551 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.milight.0.memRss 2019-12-30 22:15:09.552 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.milight.0.memHeapTotal 2019-12-30 22:15:09.563 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.milight.0.memHeapUsed 2019-12-30 22:15:09.564 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.milight.0.eventLoopLag 2019-12-30 22:15:09.565 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.milight.0.uptime 2019-12-30 22:15:09.566 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.milight.0.inputCount 2019-12-30 22:15:09.567 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.milight.0.outputCount 2019-12-30 22:15:09.567 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.milight.0.cpu 2019-12-30 22:15:09.568 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.milight.0.cputime 2019-12-30 22:15:09.601 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#68FAB3#1.temperature 2019-12-30 22:15:09.605 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#68FAB3#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:15:09.787 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#00B675#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:15:10.110 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#BA1016#1.temperature 2019-12-30 22:15:10.116 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#BA1016#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:15:10.117 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#BA1016#1.rssi 2019-12-30 22:15:10.724 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#BA1B09#1.temperature 2019-12-30 22:15:10.728 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#BA1B09#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:15:11.304 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#693D47#1.temperature 2019-12-30 22:15:11.308 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#693D47#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:15:11.309 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#693D47#1.rssi 2019-12-30 22:15:12.179 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#B1DA1C#1.Relay0.Power 2019-12-30 22:15:12.247 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#B1DA1C#1.temperature 2019-12-30 22:15:12.250 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#B1DA1C#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:15:12.417 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#BA81CB#1.temperature 2019-12-30 22:15:12.422 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#BA81CB#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:15:12.423 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#BA81CB#1.rssi 2019-12-30 22:15:12.519 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#00B8C6#1.temperature 2019-12-30 22:15:12.523 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#00B8C6#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:15:12.537 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#B1DA7C#1.temperature 2019-12-30 22:15:12.541 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#B1DA7C#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:15:12.542 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#B1DA7C#1.rssi 2019-12-30 22:15:12.678 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-1#5B2D5C#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:15:12.689 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-1#5B2D5C#1.rssi 2019-12-30 22:15:12.750 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#B1D265#1.Relay0.Power 2019-12-30 22:15:12.815 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#B1D265#1.temperature 2019-12-30 22:15:12.819 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#B1D265#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:15:13.448 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#BA53DC#1.temperature 2019-12-30 22:15:13.452 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#BA53DC#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:15:13.453 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#BA53DC#1.rssi 2019-12-30 22:15:15.009 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#68FAB3#1.temperature 2019-12-30 22:15:15.014 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#68FAB3#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:15:15.184 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#00B675#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:15:15.310 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#BA1016#1.temperature 2019-12-30 22:15:15.316 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#BA1016#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:15:15.317 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#BA1016#1.rssi 2019-12-30 22:15:15.922 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#BA1B09#1.temperature 2019-12-30 22:15:15.927 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-PM#BA1B09#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:15:15.990 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.shelly.0.alive 2019-12-30 22:15:15.991 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.shelly.0.connected 2019-12-30 22:15:15.992 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.shelly.0.memRss 2019-12-30 22:15:15.993 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.shelly.0.memHeapTotal 2019-12-30 22:15:15.994 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.shelly.0.memHeapUsed 2019-12-30 22:15:15.995 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.shelly.0.eventLoopLag 2019-12-30 22:15:15.996 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.shelly.0.uptime 2019-12-30 22:15:15.997 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.shelly.0.inputCount 2019-12-30 22:15:15.998 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.shelly.0.outputCount 2019-12-30 22:15:16.009 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.shelly.0.cpu 2019-12-30 22:15:16.011 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.shelly.0.cputime 2019-12-30 22:15:16.705 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#693D47#1.uptime 2019-12-30 22:15:16.708 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found shelly.0.SHSW-25#693D47#1.rssi 2019-12-30 22:15:16.750 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.javascript.0.alive 2019-12-30 22:15:16.762 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.javascript.0.connected 2019-12-30 22:15:16.764 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.javascript.0.memRss 2019-12-30 22:15:16.764 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.javascript.0.memHeapTotal 2019-12-30 22:15:16.765 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.javascript.0.memHeapUsed 2019-12-30 22:15:16.766 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.javascript.0.eventLoopLag 2019-12-30 22:15:16.767 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.javascript.0.uptime 2019-12-30 22:15:16.767 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.javascript.0.inputCount 2019-12-30 22:15:16.768 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.javascript.0.outputCount 2019-12-30 22:15:16.777 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.javascript.0.cpu 2019-12-30 22:15:16.778 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.javascript.0.cputime 2019-12-30 22:15:16.815 - info: host.RasPi "system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0" disabled 2019-12-30 22:15:16.817 - info: host.RasPi stopInstance system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0 (force=false, process=true) 2019-12-30 22:15:16.822 - info: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) Adapter is disabled => stop 2019-12-30 22:15:16.823 - info: host.RasPi stopInstance system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0 send kill signal 2019-12-30 22:15:16.826 - info: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) cleaned everything up... 2019-12-30 22:15:16.836 - info: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) Got terminate signal TERMINATE_YOURSELF 2019-12-30 22:15:16.839 - info: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) Got terminate signal TERMINATE_YOURSELF 2019-12-30 22:15:16.841 - info: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) terminating 2019-12-30 22:15:16.844 - info: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) Terminated (NO_ERROR): Without reason 2019-12-30 22:15:16.851 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0.sigKill 2019-12-30 22:15:16.857 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0.alive 2019-12-30 22:15:16.858 - warn: heatingcontrol.0 (26464) device not found heatingcontrol.0.system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0.sigKill 2019-12-30 22:15:17.367 - info: host.RasPi instance system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0 terminated with code 0 (NO_ERROR)
wenn ich den adapter starte bekomme ich neuerdings dieses log. Und das scheint ewig so weiter zu gehen.
Ideas anyone?verwende aqara sensoren für temperatur und shellys sollen stellantriebe für die fbh schalten.
Was machen da die warnungen mit bezug auf yeelight, mclighting etc im log?
@piscator83 schau dir mal deine Konfiguration an. Du musst die TargetOID in den Thermostaten setzen. Nur die Ist-OID reicht nicht!
siehe im logexception in CheckTemperatureChange [invalid id ""]
Dadurch werden alle states im System subscribed, was zu den vielen Warnungen führt...
Wenn du nur Temperatur-Sensoren hast, musst du dir die Target-OID's irgendwo anders (evtl. in einem script) anlegen. Wir brauchen die, um die aktuelle Zieltemperatur zu speichern. Normalerweise passiert das in den Thermostaten...
heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.457 debug (2068) got sensor state {"val":false,"ack":true,"ts":1577717574990,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.deconz.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1576933362844} from heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.455 debug (2068) got sensor state {"val":false,"ack":true,"ts":1577717574989,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.deconz.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1577638441163} from heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.453 debug (2068) got sensor state {"val":false,"ack":true,"ts":1577717574989,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.deconz.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1576933207327} from heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.452 debug (2068) got sensor state {"val":false,"ack":true,"ts":1577717574987,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.deconz.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1576933122635} from heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.451 debug (2068) got sensor state {"val":false,"ack":true,"ts":1577717574976,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.deconz.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1576933025797} from heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.450 debug (2068) got sensor state {"val":false,"ack":true,"ts":1577717574976,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.deconz.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1576932905933} from heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.449 debug (2068) got sensor state {"val":false,"ack":true,"ts":1577717574976,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.deconz.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1577007719646} from heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.448 debug (2068) Check sensors for Wohnzimmer heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.435 debug (2068) got sensor state {"val":false,"ack":true,"ts":1577717574990,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.deconz.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1577644284922} from heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.435 debug (2068) got sensor state {"val":0,"ack":true,"ts":1577778970470,"q":0,"from":"","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1577778970470} from hm-rpc.1.0007D5699E9605.1.STATE heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.434 debug (2068) Check sensors for Küche heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.430 warn (2068) Badezimmer no valid result from hm-rpc.1.0000D56996187D heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.429 debug (2068) got sensor state null from hm-rpc.1.0000D56996187D heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.425 debug (2068) Check sensors for Badezimmer heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.420 debug (2068) got sensor state {"val":false,"ack":true,"ts":1577717574990,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.deconz.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1577705276875} from heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.420 debug (2068) got sensor state {"val":false,"ack":true,"ts":1577717574976,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.deconz.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1576925832752} from heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.418 debug (2068) Check sensors for Arbeitszimmer heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.418 debug (2068) [INFO] status = true next event: 4 Jan 2020 20:00:00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.417 debug (2068) [INFO] status = true next event: 4 Jan 2020 15:00:00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.416 debug (2068) [INFO] status = true next event: 4 Jan 2020 11:00:00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.415 debug (2068) [INFO] status = true next event: 4 Jan 2020 07:00:00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.415 debug (2068) [INFO] status = true next event: 4 Jan 2020 04:00:00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.414 debug (2068) [INFO] status = true next event: 31 Dec 2019 20:00:00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.414 debug (2068) [INFO] status = true next event: 31 Dec 2019 15:00:00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.413 debug (2068) [INFO] status = true next event: 31 Dec 2019 11:00:00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.413 debug (2068) [INFO] status = true next event: 1 Jan 2020 07:00:00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.411 debug (2068) [INFO] status = true next event: 1 Jan 2020 04:00:00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.401 debug (2068) create cron job #9 at 21:0 string: 0 0 21 * * 0,6 Europe/Berlin heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.399 debug (2068) create cron job #8 at 16:0 string: 0 0 16 * * 0,6 Europe/Berlin heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.398 debug (2068) create cron job #7 at 12:0 string: 0 0 12 * * 0,6 Europe/Berlin heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.396 debug (2068) create cron job #6 at 8:0 string: 0 0 8 * * 0,6 Europe/Berlin heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.392 debug (2068) create cron job #5 at 5:0 string: 0 0 5 * * 0,6 Europe/Berlin heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.391 debug (2068) create cron job #4 at 21:0 string: 0 0 21 * * 1-5 Europe/Berlin heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.390 debug (2068) create cron job #3 at 16:0 string: 0 0 16 * * 1-5 Europe/Berlin heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.388 debug (2068) create cron job #2 at 12:0 string: 0 0 12 * * 1-5 Europe/Berlin heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.380 debug (2068) create cron job #1 at 8:0 string: 0 0 8 * * 1-5 Europe/Berlin heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.367 debug (2068) create cron job #0 at 5:0 string: 0 0 5 * * 1-5 Europe/Berlin heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.366 debug (2068) ---2 found time for Wohnzimmer at {"val":"21:00","ack":true,"ts":1577378276535,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1577378276535} 21:00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.365 debug (2068) ---2 found time for Wohnzimmer at {"val":"16:00","ack":true,"ts":1577378276535,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1577378276535} 16:00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.365 debug (2068) ---2 found time for Wohnzimmer at {"val":"12:00","ack":true,"ts":1577378276535,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1577378276535} 12:00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.364 debug (2068) ---2 found time for Wohnzimmer at {"val":"08:00","ack":true,"ts":1577378276535,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1577378276535} 08:00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.364 debug (2068) ---2 found time for Wohnzimmer at {"val":"05:00","ack":true,"ts":1577378276535,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1577378276535} 05:00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.363 debug (2068) setting Sa - Su heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.363 debug (2068) ---1 found time for Wohnzimmer at {"val":"21:00","ack":true,"ts":1577378276535,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1577378276535} 21:00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.362 debug (2068) ---1 found time for Wohnzimmer at {"val":"16:00","ack":true,"ts":1577378276535,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1577378276535} 16:00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.361 debug (2068) ---1 found time for Wohnzimmer at {"val":"12:00","ack":false,"ts":1577542409214,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.web.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1577542409214} 12:00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.079 debug (2068) ---1 found time for Wohnzimmer at {"val":"08:00","ack":true,"ts":1577378276535,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1577378276535} 08:00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.078 debug (2068) ---1 found time for Wohnzimmer at {"val":"05:00","ack":true,"ts":1577378276535,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1577378276535} 05:00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.077 debug (2068) setting Mo - Fr heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.077 debug (2068) ---2 found time for Küche at {"val":"21:00","ack":true,"ts":1577378276535,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1577378276535} 21:00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.077 debug (2068) ---2 found time for Küche at {"val":"16:00","ack":true,"ts":1577378276535,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1577378276535} 16:00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.076 debug (2068) ---2 found time for Küche at {"val":"12:00","ack":true,"ts":1577378276534,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1577378276534} 12:00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.075 debug (2068) ---2 found time for Küche at {"val":"08:00","ack":true,"ts":1577378276534,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1577378276534} 08:00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.074 debug (2068) ---2 found time for Küche at {"val":"05:00","ack":true,"ts":1577378276534,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1577378276534} 05:00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.074 debug (2068) setting Sa - Su heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.073 debug (2068) ---1 found time for Küche at {"val":"21:00","ack":true,"ts":1577378276534,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1577378276534} 21:00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.067 debug (2068) ---1 found time for Küche at {"val":"16:00","ack":true,"ts":1577378276534,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1577378276534} 16:00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.066 debug (2068) ---1 found time for Küche at {"val":"12:00","ack":true,"ts":1577378276534,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1577378276534} 12:00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.064 debug (2068) ---1 found time for Küche at {"val":"08:00","ack":true,"ts":1577378276534,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1577378276534} 08:00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.064 debug (2068) ---1 found time for Küche at {"val":"05:00","ack":true,"ts":1577378276534,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1577378276534} 05:00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.063 debug (2068) setting Mo - Fr heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.063 debug (2068) ---2 found time for Badezimmer at {"val":"21:00","ack":true,"ts":1577378276534,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1577378276534} 21:00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.062 debug (2068) ---2 found time for Badezimmer at {"val":"16:00","ack":true,"ts":1577378276534,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1577378276534} 16:00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.061 debug (2068) ---2 found time for Badezimmer at {"val":"12:00","ack":true,"ts":1577378276534,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1577378276534} 12:00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.061 debug (2068) ---2 found time for Badezimmer at {"val":"08:00","ack":true,"ts":1577378276534,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1577378276534} 08:00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.060 debug (2068) ---2 found time for Badezimmer at {"val":"05:00","ack":true,"ts":1577378276534,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1577378276534} 05:00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.060 debug (2068) setting Sa - Su heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.059 debug (2068) ---1 found time for Badezimmer at {"val":"21:00","ack":true,"ts":1577378276534,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1577378276534} 21:00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.059 debug (2068) ---1 found time for Badezimmer at {"val":"16:00","ack":true,"ts":1577378276534,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1577378276534} 16:00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.057 debug (2068) ---1 found time for Badezimmer at {"val":"12:00","ack":true,"ts":1577378276534,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1577378276534} 12:00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.057 debug (2068) ---1 found time for Badezimmer at {"val":"08:00","ack":true,"ts":1577378276534,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1577378276534} 08:00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.056 debug (2068) ---1 found time for Badezimmer at {"val":"05:00","ack":true,"ts":1577378276534,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1577378276534} 05:00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.056 debug (2068) setting Mo - Fr heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.055 debug (2068) push to list = 21,00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.055 debug (2068) ---2 found time for Arbeitszimmer at {"val":"21:00","ack":true,"ts":1577378276534,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1577378276534} 21:00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.054 debug (2068) push to list = 16,00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.054 debug (2068) ---2 found time for Arbeitszimmer at {"val":"16:00","ack":true,"ts":1577378276534,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1577378276534} 16:00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.054 debug (2068) push to list = 12,00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.054 debug (2068) ---2 found time for Arbeitszimmer at {"val":"12:00","ack":true,"ts":1577378276534,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1577378276534} 12:00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.053 debug (2068) push to list = 08,00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.053 debug (2068) ---2 found time for Arbeitszimmer at {"val":"08:00","ack":true,"ts":1577378276534,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1577378276534} 08:00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.053 debug (2068) push to list = 05,00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.052 debug (2068) ---2 found time for Arbeitszimmer at {"val":"05:00","ack":true,"ts":1577378276534,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1577378276534} 05:00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.052 debug (2068) setting Sa - Su heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.052 debug (2068) push to list = 21,00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.052 debug (2068) ---1 found time for Arbeitszimmer at {"val":"21:00","ack":true,"ts":1577378276534,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1577378276534} 21:00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.051 debug (2068) push to list = 16,00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.051 debug (2068) ---1 found time for Arbeitszimmer at {"val":"16:00","ack":true,"ts":1577378276534,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1577378276534} 16:00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.050 debug (2068) push to list = 12,00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.050 debug (2068) ---1 found time for Arbeitszimmer at {"val":"12:00","ack":true,"ts":1577378276534,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1577378276534} 12:00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.007 debug (2068) push to list = 08,00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.007 debug (2068) ---1 found time for Arbeitszimmer at {"val":"08:00","ack":true,"ts":1577378276534,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1577378276534} 08:00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:33.967 debug (2068) push to list = 05,00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:33.967 debug (2068) ---1 found time for Arbeitszimmer at {"val":"05:00","ack":true,"ts":1577378276534,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.heatingcontrol.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1577378276534} 05:00 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:33.965 debug (2068) setting Mo - Fr heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:33.965 debug (2068) profile 0 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:33.963 debug (2068) get profile heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:33.963 debug (2068) start CalculateNextTime, profile type 2 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:33.954 debug (2068) system date format DD.MM.YYYY heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:33.952 debug (2068) CreateDatepoints done heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:33.952 debug (2068) not active.... Kinderzimmer heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:33.952 debug (2068) not active.... Schlafzimmer heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:33.951 debug (2068) add state Profiles.0.Wohnzimmer.Sa-So.Periods.4 max 5 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:33.951 debug (2068) add state Profiles.0.Wohnzimmer.Sa-So.Periods.3 max 5 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:33.951 debug (2068) add state Profiles.0.Wohnzimmer.Sa-So.Periods.2 max 5 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:33.951 debug (2068) add state Profiles.0.Wohnzimmer.Sa-So.Periods.1 max 5 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:33.951 debug (2068) add state Profiles.0.Wohnzimmer.Sa-So.Periods.0 max 5 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:33.951 debug (2068) add state Profiles.0.Wohnzimmer.Mo-Fr.Periods.4 max 5 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:33.950 debug (2068) add state Profiles.0.Wohnzimmer.Mo-Fr.Periods.3 max 5 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:33.950 debug (2068) add state Profiles.0.Wohnzimmer.Mo-Fr.Periods.2 max 5 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:33.950 debug (2068) add state Profiles.0.Wohnzimmer.Mo-Fr.Periods.1 max 5 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:33.950 debug (2068) add state Profiles.0.Wohnzimmer.Mo-Fr.Periods.0 max 5 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:33.950 debug (2068) Profile Type Mo-FR + Sa-So, profiles 1 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:33.949 debug (2068) room Wohnzimmer with 5 periods heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:33.893 debug (2068) create data profile points (absolute) for Wohnzimmer heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:33.892 debug (2068) add state Profiles.0.Küche.Sa-So.Periods.4 max 5 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:33.892 debug (2068) add state Profiles.0.Küche.Sa-So.Periods.3 max 5 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:33.892 debug (2068) add state Profiles.0.Küche.Sa-So.Periods.2 max 5 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:33.892 debug (2068) add state Profiles.0.Küche.Sa-So.Periods.1 max 5 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:33.892 debug (2068) add state Profiles.0.Küche.Sa-So.Periods.0 max 5 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:33.892 debug (2068) add state Profiles.0.Küche.Mo-Fr.Periods.4 max 5 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:33.891 debug (2068) add state Profiles.0.Küche.Mo-Fr.Periods.3 max 5 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:33.891 debug (2068) add state Profiles.0.Küche.Mo-Fr.Periods.2 max 5 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:33.891 debug (2068) add state Profiles.0.Küche.Mo-Fr.Periods.1 max 5 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:33.891 debug (2068) add state Profiles.0.Küche.Mo-Fr.Periods.0 max 5 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:33.891 debug (2068) Profile Type Mo-FR + Sa-So, profiles 1 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:33.891 debug (2068) room Küche with 5 periods heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:33.747 debug (2068) create data profile points (absolute) for Küche heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:33.746 debug (2068) add state Profiles.0.Badezimmer.Sa-So.Periods.4 max 5 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:33.741 debug (2068) add state Profiles.0.Badezimmer.Sa-So.Periods.3 max 5 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:33.740 debug (2068) add state Profiles.0.Badezimmer.Sa-So.Periods.2 max 5 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:33.740 debug (2068) add state Profiles.0.Badezimmer.Sa-So.Periods.1 max 5 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:33.740 debug (2068) add state Profiles.0.Badezimmer.Sa-So.Periods.0 max 5 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:33.739 debug (2068) add state Profiles.0.Badezimmer.Mo-Fr.Periods.4 max 5 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:33.739 debug (2068) add state Profiles.0.Badezimmer.Mo-Fr.Periods.3 max 5 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:33.739 debug (2068) add state Profiles.0.Badezimmer.Mo-Fr.Periods.2 max 5 heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:33.739 debug (2068) add state Profiles.0.Badezimmer.Mo-Fr.Periods.1 max 5
Moin, das ist jetzt der Debug hoffe ihr könnt mir weiter helfen.
heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:57:18.828 debug (2068) system.adapter.admin.0: logging true heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:57:07.314 debug (2068) system.adapter.admin.0: logging false heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:46:41.174 debug (2068) system.adapter.admin.0: logging true heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.461 error (2068) exception in main [invalid id ""] heatingcontrol.0 2019-12-31 08:43:34.460 info (2068) checking all actors
Das ist da jetzt noch dazu gekommen. Ich glaube auch das meine Uhr falsch geht bzw wenn ich auf die admin Uhr gucke stimmt die zeit aber die Zeit jetzt im debug ist ne Std hinterher.
@moppel2810 sagte in Test Adapter HeatingControl v0.3.x:
exception in main [invalid id ""]
Hier stimmt eine Konfiguration nicht. Eine OID ist nicht gesetzt...
@moppel2810 sagte in Test Adapter HeatingControl v0.3.x:
Badezimmer no valid result from hm-rpc.1.0000D56996187D
Hier muss der gesamte Pfad zum Datenpunkt in die Konfiguration, nicht nur der Name des Gerätes. ich denke hier fehlt .state
Ansonsten sehe ich nur, dass alle Fenster geschlossen sind.
Bzgl. des Feiertag-Problems sehe ich nichts im log. Hier wäre der Start des Adapters und das Schalten auf Feiertag interessant, das fehlt aber im log. -
@Rene_HM ich weiß du bist kein Hellseher
aber hast du eine Idee was da fehlen könnte? Ich verzweifel hier bald bei der Suche