Test Adapter HeatingControl v2.12.x
@Rene_HM 0.3.17? Ich habe aktuell 0.3.18 installiert.
@Chaot Auf github steht auch die 0.3.18... aber das heisst ja nicht, dass die "stable" ist!
Ein neues, zur stable Version passendes, Vis 2.0 wird in Kürze von mir released.
Ihr dürft euch freuen auf:- Nur noch eine Vis-Seite nötig, für beliebig viele Räume und Profile
- Keine übereinanderliegenden Widgets mehr
- Farben (Schrift/Hintergrund/etc) via Dialog Einstellbar
- Selbsständige Anpassung des Vis bei Änderungen der Adapter Konfiguration (Profilzahl, DecreaseMode, Profiltyp, Perioden)
- Responsive Design
- Zusammenklappbare Elemente um Platz zu sparen
- Leichtere Installation auch für Einsteiger da komplettes eigenständiges Vis Projekt.
- Zusätzliche Beispielseiten z.B. für Raumstati und Fensterstatus für eigene Erweiterungen der Grundfunktionen
Alle denen das zuviel Gedöns ist, auch die alte V1 Version ist kompatibel, wird jedoch nicht mehr aktualisiert.
@Pittini Wow - so viele "gefällt mir" kann ich ja gar nicht vergeben!
@Pittini sagte in Test Adapter HeatingControl v0.3.x:
Ein neues, zur stable Version passendes, Vis 2.0 wird in Kürze von mir released.
Ihr dürft euch freuen auf:Was bedeutet denn "in Kürze"?
@Beliar_666 sagte in Test Adapter HeatingControl v0.3.x:
Was bedeutet denn "in Kürze"?
Hehe, genau diese Frage hätte ich auch gestellt
. An sich ist es fertig und bei mir im produktiven Testbetrieb und geht sobald ich die Doku geschrieben hab noch an einen Beta-Tester. Wenn da keine Probleme auftreten geb ichs raus. Hängt also von mehreren Faktoren ab, aber ich denke, paar Tage, max. ne Woche (aber ohne Gewähr).
@Pittini sagte in Test Adapter HeatingControl v0.3.x:
aber ich denke, paar Tage, max. ne Woche (aber ohne Gewähr).
Wuaaaah, noch so lange warten...
@Beliar_666 sagte in Test Adapter HeatingControl v0.3.x:
Wuaaaah, noch so lange warten...
Schneller gehts nur wenn Du Beta Tester spielen magst.
@Pittini Das würde sich grad anbieten, da ich eh eine neue Vis baue
da wäre es also kein Problem etwas zu testen. Meine neue Vis basiert letzten Endes auch auf einem Testadapter.....
@Beliar_666 sagte in Test Adapter HeatingControl v0.3.x:
Meine neue Vis basiert letzten Endes auch auf einem Testadapter.....
Na da hoffe ich mal das der Testadapter nicht MaterialDesign ist, damit ist mein Vis inkompatibel weil ich das MD von Uhula verwende (wie auch schon in der V1). Aber ich kann Dir gern Bescheid geben, sobald ichs auf Git geworfen hab, bezweifle aber dass Du das so auf die schnelle in Dein Vis integriert kriegst, aber ich kenn natürlich Deinen Skill Level nicht.
@Pittini Nein, kein MaterialDesign. Ist der mit dem ich arbeite. Macht aber soweit gar nichts aus, da die Heizungsdarstellung bisher auch nur per IFrame eingebunden war. Sprich die läuft in einem Projekt, wo die bisherige Heizungsvis von dir auch lief. Somit kann ich solche inkompatiblitäten bestens umgehen.
Hallo, gehen auch Fritz!Dect 301 Adapter oder kommen die noch?
Comet Dect wäre auch nice, sind fast identisch -
@sigi234 @Stephan-Schleich Wenn die Geräte ein SetPoint oder ähnlichen Datenpunkt zum Setzen der Zieltemperatur haben, gehen die Geräte jetzt schon. Sie werden zwar nicht automatisch erkannt, eine manuelle Konfiguration ist aber einfach machbar...
@Oli kannst du mal auf debug schalten und das log nochmal posten (bitte als text und nicht als Bild)?
ja kommt sofort, es kamen noch mehrere Fehler hinterher
heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:22:02.139 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Thu.Periods.0.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:22:02.139 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Thu.Periods.0.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:22:02.138 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Thu.Periods.0.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:22:02.138 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Thu.Periods.0.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:22:02.138 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Thu.Periods.0.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:22:02.137 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Thu.Periods.0.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:22:02.137 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Thu.Periods.0.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:22:02.137 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Thu.Periods.0.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:22:02.136 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Thu.Periods.0.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:22:02.136 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Thu.Periods.0.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:22:02.135 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Thu.Periods.0.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:22:02.135 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Thu.Periods.0.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:22:02.134 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Thu.Periods.0.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:22:02.134 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Thu.Periods.0.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:22:02.134 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Thu.Periods.0.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:22:02.133 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Thu.Periods.0.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:22:02.133 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Thu.Periods.0.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:22:02.133 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Thu.Periods.0.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:22:02.132 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Thu.Periods.0.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:22:02.132 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Thu.Periods.0.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:22:02.132 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Thu.Periods.0.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:22:02.131 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Thu.Periods.0.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:22:02.131 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Thu.Periods.0.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:22:02.131 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Thu.Periods.0.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:22:02.130 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Thu.Periods.0.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:22:02.130 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Thu.Periods.0.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:22:02.130 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Thu.Periods.0.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:22:02.129 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Thu.Periods.0.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:22:02.129 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Thu.Periods.0.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:22:02.128 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Thu.Periods.0.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:22:02.128 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Thu.Periods.0.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:22:02.128 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Thu.Periods.0.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:22:02.127 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Thu.Periods.0.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:22:02.127 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Thu.Periods.0.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:22:02.127 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Thu.Periods.0.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:22:02.126 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Thu.Periods.0.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:22:02.126 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Thu.Periods.0.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:22:02.126 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Thu.Periods.0.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:22:02.125 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Thu.Periods.0.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:22:02.125 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Thu.Periods.0.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:22:02.125 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Thu.Periods.0.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:22:02.124 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Thu.Periods.0.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:22:02.124 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Thu.Periods.0.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:22:02.123 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Thu.Periods.0.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:22:02.123 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Thu.Periods.0.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:22:02.123 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Thu.Periods.0.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:22:02.122 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Thu.Periods.0.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:22:02.122 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Thu.Periods.0.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:22:02.122 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Thu.Periods.0.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:22:02.121 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Thu.Periods.0.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:59.099 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.4.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:59.099 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.4.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:59.099 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.4.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:59.098 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.4.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:59.098 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.4.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:59.097 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.4.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:59.097 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.4.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:59.096 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.4.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:59.096 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.4.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:59.096 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.4.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:59.095 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.4.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:59.095 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.4.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:59.094 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.4.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:59.094 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.4.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:59.094 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.4.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:59.093 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.4.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:59.093 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.4.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:59.092 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.4.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:59.092 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.4.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:59.092 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.4.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:59.091 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.4.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:59.091 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.4.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:59.091 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.4.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:59.090 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.4.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:59.090 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.4.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:59.089 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.4.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:59.089 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.4.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:59.089 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.4.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:59.088 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.4.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:59.088 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.4.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:59.088 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.4.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:59.087 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.4.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:59.087 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.4.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:59.086 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.4.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:59.086 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.4.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:59.086 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.4.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:59.085 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.4.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:59.085 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.4.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:59.085 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.4.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:59.084 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.4.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:59.084 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.4.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:59.084 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.4.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:59.083 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.4.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:59.083 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.4.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:59.082 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.4.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:59.082 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.4.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:59.082 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.4.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:59.081 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.4.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:59.069 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.4.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:59.069 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.4.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.841 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.3.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.841 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.3.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.840 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.3.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.840 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.3.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.840 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.3.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.839 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.3.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.839 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.3.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.839 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.3.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.838 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.3.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.838 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.3.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.838 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.3.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.837 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.3.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.837 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.3.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.837 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.3.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.836 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.3.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.836 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.3.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.836 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.3.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.835 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.3.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.835 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.3.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.834 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.3.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.834 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.3.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.834 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.3.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.833 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.3.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.833 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.3.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.833 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.3.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.832 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.3.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.832 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.3.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.832 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.3.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.831 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.3.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.831 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.3.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.831 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.3.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.830 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.3.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.830 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.3.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.830 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.3.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.829 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.3.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.829 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.3.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.829 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.3.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.828 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.3.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.828 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.3.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.828 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.3.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.827 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.3.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.827 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.3.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.827 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.3.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.826 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.3.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.826 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.3.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.825 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.3.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.825 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.3.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.825 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.3.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.810 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.3.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.810 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.3.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.614 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.2.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.614 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.2.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.613 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.2.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.613 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.2.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.612 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.2.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.612 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.2.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.612 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.2.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.611 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.2.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.611 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.2.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.610 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.2.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.610 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.2.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.609 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.2.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.609 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.2.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.608 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.2.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.608 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.2.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.608 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.2.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.607 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.2.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.607 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.2.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.607 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.2.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.606 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.2.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.606 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.2.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.605 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.2.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.605 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.2.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.604 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.2.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.604 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.2.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.604 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.2.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.603 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.2.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.603 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.2.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.603 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.2.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.602 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.2.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.601 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.2.time heatingcontrol.0 2020-03-11 18:21:58.601 error (29320) nextTime.val should be a string but is object for Profiles.2.Wohnzimmer.Fri.Periods.2.time
Zusätliche Meldungen kommen auch im debug nicht
@Oli dann zeig bitte mal das debug log, wenn der Adapter startet...
ich glaube ich mach da was falsch, wie lasse ich mir das debug anzeigen? -