VIS von Sigi234
@Segway sagte in VIS von Sigi234:
Diese Tunein View ?
Ja , eher geeignet.
Wenn per HTTP dann das:
@sigi234 sagte in VIS von Sigi234:
@Segway sagte in VIS von Sigi234:
Diese Tunein View ?
Ja , eher geeignet.
Wenn per HTTP dann das:
Ich mach das per upnp Adapter da ich direkt den Stream an den Wlan Lautsprecher möchte damit nicht irgendein App auf dem Handy oder Pc laufen muss!
Ich schau mal nach dem TuneIn View
@sigi234 Mich würde aber deine Menü Lösung auch Intressieren
Hab so viele schöne Seiten aber das richtig gute Menü fehlt irgendwie noch
Kannst du bitte mal deine komplette Vis sowie die Logos als zip-Export hier posten?
Die Alarm viev .txt hier sind die Umlaute kaputt
Hab das icons-mfd-svg geladen und Aktiviert. Jedoch ist im Verzeichnis nichts drin ..
/icons-mfd-svg/ ist leer. -
@ChrisXY sagte in VIS von Sigi234:
Die Alarm viev .txt hier sind die Umlaute kaputt
Nein, wurde nur nicht richtig von dir runtergeladen.
direkt im Browser geöffnet
Speichern unter und mit Notepad++ geöffnet
Rechtsklick auf Link --> speichern unter --> mit vernünftigem Editor öffnen (zB Notepad++)
@Negalein sagte in VIS von Sigi234:
Rechtsklick auf Link --> speichern unter --> mit vernünftigem Editor öffnen (zB Notepad++)
Guter Hinweis, habe es mal im 1.Post hinzugefügt.
@sigi234 Hallo Sigi,
ich setze deinen Alarm View zum Alarm Adapter ein. Nun bin ich auf die Idee gekommen, den Vis-Material Adapter gegen den Vis-Material-Advanced zu tauschen (also alten deinstallieren und neuen zu installieren).
Nun sind bei den Fensterkontakten und den Bewegungsmeldern die roten bzw. grünen Einfärbungen verschwunden.
In der VIS sehe ich nur CSS Klassen.
Kannst du mir hier weiterhelfen?
Muss ich mir ansehen -
@sigi234 Hier noch einige Infos:
Die Einstellung von Widget:
Das Widget:
[{"tpl":"tplImage","data":{"g_fixed":true,"g_visibility":true,"g_css_font_text":false,"g_css_background":false,"g_css_shadow_padding":false,"g_css_border":false,"g_gestures":false,"g_signals":false,"g_last_change":false,"visibility-cond":"==","visibility-val":"true","visibility-groups-action":"hide","refreshInterval":"0","signals-cond-0":"==","signals-val-0":true,"signals-icon-0":"/vis/signals/lowbattery.png","signals-icon-size-0":0,"signals-blink-0":false,"signals-horz-0":0,"signals-vert-0":0,"signals-hide-edit-0":false,"signals-cond-1":"==","signals-val-1":true,"signals-icon-1":"/vis/signals/lowbattery.png","signals-icon-size-1":0,"signals-blink-1":false,"signals-horz-1":0,"signals-vert-1":0,"signals-hide-edit-1":false,"signals-cond-2":"==","signals-val-2":true,"signals-icon-2":"/vis/signals/lowbattery.png","signals-icon-size-2":0,"signals-blink-2":false,"signals-horz-2":0,"signals-vert-2":0,"signals-hide-edit-2":false,"lc-type":"last-change","lc-is-interval":true,"lc-is-moment":false,"lc-format":"","lc-position-vert":"top","lc-position-horz":"right","lc-offset-vert":0,"lc-offset-horz":0,"lc-font-size":"12px","lc-font-family":"","lc-font-style":"","lc-bkg-color":"","lc-color":"","lc-border-width":"0","lc-border-style":"","lc-border-color":"","lc-border-radius":10,"lc-zindex":0,"src":"/icons-mfd-svg/message_presence.svg","stretch":false,"visibility-oid":"hm-rpc.2.000918A98BEDEF.1.MOTION","name":"Alarm Bewegung Vorraum red","filterkey":"Bild","class":"mdui-red-glow"},"style":{"left":"340px","top":"632px","z-index":"5","width":"79px","height":"66px"},"widgetSet":"basic"}]
Hier CSS (Ist zu lang für das Code-Feld):
@MartyBr sagte in VIS von Sigi234:
Nun sind bei den Fensterkontakten und den Bewegungsmeldern die roten bzw. grünen Einfärbungen verschwunden.
Funktioniert bei mir, aber was hat das mit Vis-Material-Advanced zu tun?
@sigi234 Das ist ja die einzige Änderung, die ich gemacht habe. Ich finde auch keinen Punkt, der darauf hinweist. Daher mein Hilferuf an die Spezialisten.
@MartyBr sagte in VIS von Sigi234:
Das ist ja die einzige Änderung
Aha, seit dieser geht es nicht mehr?
Hast du unter CSS das? (gekürzt sind ca.4472 Zeilen)
/* ##### Material Design CSS for ioBroker.vis (c) 2017ff Uhula, MIT License source: changelog: */ :root { --release : 'MDCSS v2.5'; --release-date : '30.04.2020';
Und unter Skripte auch was?
Mach mal:
iobroker stop vis iobroker upload vis iobroker start vis
Browser Cache leeren.
@sigi234 Wo finde ich das MDCSS v2.5?
VIS reload have ich schon gemacht. Ohne Erfolg.
Im CSS habe ich eigentlich nur das CCS für den Pollenadapter.
Der Code ist leider sehr lang. -
Habe den Thread gefunden.Hier der Inhalt im Reiter Script
function hslToRgb(h, s, l){ var r, g, b; if(s === 0) { r = g = b = l; // achromatic }else{ var hue2rgb = function hue2rgb(p, q, t){ if(t < 0) t += 1; if(t > 1) t -= 1; if(t < 1/6) return p + (q - p) * 6 * t; if(t < 1/2) return q; if(t < 2/3) return p + (q - p) * (2/3 - t) * 6; return p; } var q = l < 0.5 ? l * (1 + s) : l + s - l * s; var p = 2 * l - q; r = hue2rgb(p, q, h + 1/3); g = hue2rgb(p, q, h); b = hue2rgb(p, q, h - 1/3); } return [Math.round(r * 255), Math.round(g * 255), Math.round(b * 255)]; } function numberToColorHsl(i) { // as the function expects a value between 0 and 1, and red = 0° and green = 120° // we convert the input to the appropriate hue value var hue = i * 1.2 / 360; // we convert hsl to rgb (saturation 100%, lightness 50%) var rgb = hslToRgb(hue, 1, .5); // we format to css value and return return 'rgb(' + rgb[0] + ',' + rgb[1] + ',' + rgb[2] + ')'; } setTimeout(function () { // click-Eventhandler für "mdui-scale-" setzen $("#vis_container").on("click", "[class*='PINbutton']", function (event) { addNumber($(this)); console.log("test"); //$("[id*='w00027']")["0"].innerText='16'; console.log($("[id*='w00040']")); //["0"].attributes["0"].value }); $("#vis_container").on("click", "[class*='PINbutton clear']", function (event) { clearForm($(this)); console.log("test"); //$("[id*='w00040']")["0"].innerText='16'; console.log($("[id*='w00040']")["0"].innerText); //["0"].attributes["0"].value }); }, 1000); function addNumber(e) { //document.getElementById('PINbox').value = document.getElementById('PINbox').value+element.value; var id = MDUI.getTargetID(e); var v = $("[id*='w00040']")["0"].innerText; $("[id*='w00040']")["0"].innerText = (v + e.attr("data-val")); console.log("V=" + v + " eigen: " + e.attr("data-val") + " td_ " + id); } function clearForm(e) { //document.getElementById('PINbox').value = ""; $("[id*='w00040']")["0"].innerText = ""; } function submitForm(e) { if (e.value === "") { alert("Enter a PIN"); } else { alert("Your PIN has been sent! - " + e.value); data = { pin: e.value } /* apiCall( data, function( r ) { $( "#logo" ).attr( "src", r.site_logo ); $( ".title-msg" ).text( r.site_msg ); accent = r.accent; $( ".accent-bg" ).css( "background-color", accent ); }); */ //document.getElementById('PINbox').value = ""; $("#PINbox").val(""); } }
Ich habe jetzt mal den CSS Code in der Version 2.5 eingespielt und einen neuen upload VIS gemacht.Keine Besserung.
@MartyBr sagte in VIS von Sigi234:
Ich habe jetzt mal den CSS Code in der Version 2.5 eingespielt und einen neuen upload VIS gemacht.Keine Besserung.
Skripte auch? Und CSS unter Projekt?
/* #### Material Design CSS for ioBroker.vis (c) 2017ff Uhula, MIT License version: v2.5 30.04.2020 source: changelog: */ // Zur sicheren CSS-Erkennung der Runtime eine CSS-Klasse anlegen document.documentElement.className += " mdui-runtime"; // Überprüfen ob touch zur Verfügung steht und entsprechend eine // CSS Klasse touch bzw no-touch erzeugen document.documentElement.className += (("ontouchstart" in document.documentElement) ? " mdui-touch" : " mdui-notouch"); /* ----- MDUI ----- Sammlung von JS-Funktionen für das Material Design (c) 2017ff Uhula, MIT License */ var MDUI = (function () { let defConfig = {"primary_color":"indigo", "secondary_color":"blue", "content_color":"#f8f8f8", "color1":"#ff0000", "color1_dark":"#800000", "color2":"#00ff00", "color2_dark":"#008000", "color3":"#0000ff", "color3_dark":"#000080" }, lastConfig = defConfig, styleSheet = null, lastPageID = ""; observerSlider = null; observerConfig = null; observerPage = null; observerDialog = null; swipe = {enabled:false}; tooltip = {hint:null, timeout:null}; lockclick = false; // light normal dark let colors = { red: {c200:"#ff7961", c500:"#f44336", c700:"#ba000d" }, pink: {c200:"#ff6090", c500:"#e91e63", c700:"#b0003a" }, purple: {c200:"#d05ce3", c500:"#9c27b0", c700:"#6a0080" }, deeppurple: {c200:"#9a67ea", c500:"#673ab7", c700:"#320b86" }, indigo: {c200:"#757de8", c500:"#3f51b5", c700:"#002984" }, blue: {c200:"#6ec6ff", c500:"#2196f3", c700:"#0069c0" }, lightblue: {c200:"#67daff", c500:"#03a9f4", c700:"#007ac1" }, cyan: {c200:"#62efff", c500:"#00bcd4", c700:"#008ba3" }, teal: {c200:"#52c7b8", c500:"#009688", c700:"#00675b" }, green: {c200:"#80e27e", c500:"#4caf50", c700:"#087f23" }, lightgreen: {c200:"#bef67a", c500:"#8bc34a", c700:"#5a9216" }, lime: {c200:"#ffff6e", c500:"#cddc39", c700:"#99aa00" }, yellow: {c200:"#ffff72", c500:"#ffeb3b", c700:"#c8b900" }, amber: {c200:"#fff350", c500:"#ffc107", c700:"#c79100" }, orange: {c200:"#ffc947", c500:"#ff9800", c700:"#c66900" }, deeporange: {c200:"#ff8a50", c500:"#ff5722", c700:"#c41c00" }, brown: {c200:"#a98274", c500:"#795548", c700:"#4b2c20" }, grey: {c200:"#cfcfcf", c500:"#9e9e9e", c700:"#707070" }, darkgrey: {c200:"#383838", c500:"#303030", c700:"#212121" }, bluegrey: {c200:"#8eacbb", c500:"#607d8b", c700:"#34515e" }, white: {c200:"#ffffff", c500:"#f8f8f8", c700:"#f0f0f0" }, black: {c200:"#303030", c500:"#212121", c700:"#000000" } }; function _init() { observerSlider = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) { mutations.forEach(function(mutation) { _onChangeSlider( ); }); }); observerConfig = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) { mutations.forEach(function(mutation) { _onChangeConfig( ); }); }); observerPage = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) { mutations.forEach(function(mutation) { _onChangePage( ); }); }); observerDialog = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) { mutations.forEach(function(mutation) { _onChangeDialog( ); }); }); } // für alle ui-slider-handle Instanzen "style" überwachen um die Wertanzeige via css // durchführen zu können (vis rendert dort die left/bottom neu) function _initObserverSlider() { observerSlider.disconnect(); let nodelist = document.querySelectorAll('.mdui-slider .ui-slider-handle'); if (nodelist) { let i; for (i = 0; i < nodelist.length; i++) { _onChangeSlider( nodelist[i] ); observerSlider.observe(nodelist[i], { attributes: true, attributeFilter: ["style"] }); } } } // für mdui-config Elemente überwachen function _initObserverConfig() { observerConfig.disconnect(); let nodelist = document.querySelectorAll('.mdui-config'); if (nodelist) { let i; for (i = 0; i < nodelist.length; i++) { observerConfig.observe(nodelist[i], { subtree: true, childList: true }); } } } // vis_container überwachen: childlist function _initObserverPage() { observerPage.disconnect(); let nodelist = document.querySelectorAll('#vis_container'); if (nodelist) { let i; for (i = 0; i < nodelist.length; i++) { observerPage.observe(nodelist[i], { subtree: true, childList: true }); } } } // ui-dialog function _initObserverDialog() { observerDialog.disconnect(); let nodelist = document.querySelectorAll('.ui-dialog'); if (nodelist) { let i; for (i = 0; i < nodelist.length; i++) { observerDialog.observe(nodelist[i], { attributes: true, attributeFilter: ["style"] }); } } } // ui-slider haben keine Werte im HTML, lediglich "left" bzw. "bottom" (bei vertikal) // werden für das ui-slider-handle gerendert. Hier wird dieser Wert in ein // neues Attribut "mdui-slider-value" gesetzt um dieses via CSS als Bubble // anzeigen zu können function _onChangeSlider( ele ) { let value = "0%"; if (!=="") value =; if (!=="") value =; // nn% -> nn value = value.replace(/%/g, ""); if (!=="") = (100 - value) + "%"; if (!=="") = (100 - value) + "%"; // mdui-range angegeben? let values = ele.parentElement.parentElement.className; values = _getSuffix(values, "mdui-range-"); if (values!="") { values = values.split("-"); if (values.length>1) value = value/100 * (values[1]-values[0]) + values[0] * 1.0; else if (values.length>0) value = value/100 * values[0]; } if (Math.abs(value)<10) value = Math.round( value*10 ) / 10; else value = Math.round( value ); ele.setAttribute("mdui-slider-value",value); } // wenn sich die config ändert, muss evtl ein reload der Seite stattfinden function _onChangeConfig( ele ) { _getConfig(); _patchColors(); _patchWidgetColors(); _initObserverConfig(); } function _onLoad() { let sel = "#"+lastPageID+" "; try { $(sel+"[class*='mdui-onload'][class*='mdui-expand']:not(.mdui-active)").each( function (index) { _toggleExpand( $(this) ); }); $(sel+"[class*='mdui-onload'][class*='mdui-toggle']:not(.mdui-active)").each( function (index) { _handleToggle( $(this) ); }); $(sel+"[class*='mdui-onload'][class*='mdui-fullscreen']:not(.mdui-active)").each( function (index) { _toggleFullscreen( $(this) ); }); } catch(err) { console.log("[MDUI._onLoad] ",err.message ); } } // wenn sich die config ändert, muss evtl ein reload der Seite stattfinden function _onChangePage( ele ) { let pageID = ""; let $eles = $( "#vis_container>:not([style*='display: none'])[id*='visview_']" ); if ( $eles.length < 1 || $eles.length > 2) return; pageID = $eles[$eles.length-1].id; //console.log("[MDUI.onChangePage] ",lastPageID," ",pageID); // wenn ein ui-datepicker hinzugekommen ist, dann dort die Farben anpassen if (this.datepickerCount != $(".ui-datepicker").length ) { this.datepickerCount = $(".ui-datepicker").length; _patchColors(); } // beim Seitenwechsel ausführen if ( (pageID!="") && (lastPageID!=pageID) ) { lastPageID=pageID; setTimeout( function () { _getConfig(); _patchColors(); _patchWidgetColors(); _handleTables(); _handleDialogs(); _handleInputs(); _handleVIS(); _initObserverSlider(); _initObserverConfig(); _initObserverDialog(); _onResizeWindow( $(window) ); _onLoad(); // favicon anpassen $("#vis_container>:not([style*='display: none']) .mdui-favicon img").each( function (index) { if ($(this)[0].src) $("link[rel='shortcut icon']").attr("href", $(this)[0].src); }); // page-name anpassen let pagename = decodeURI( window.location.hash.substr(1,255) ); $(".mdui-page-name").each( function (index) { $(this).html( pagename ); }); $(".mdui-page-title").each( function (index) { // "pageMeine_ioBroker_Vis" -> "Meine ioBroker Vis" let title = ''; let c; for (let i=0; i<pagename.length; i++) { c = pagename[i]; if (title=='') { if (c==c.toUpperCase()) title += c; } else { if (c=='_') c = ' '; title += c; } } $(this).html( title ); }); }, 100); } _initObserverPage(); } // wenn ein Dialog sichtbar wird, dann seine Farben anpassen function _onChangeDialog( ele ) { _patchWidgetColors(); //_handleDialogs(); _initObserverDialog(); } // liefert den suffix einer gegebenen class zurück // Bsp: mdui-target-w00002 -> w00002 // mdui-range-100-200 -> 100-200 function _getSuffix( s, classname ) { let suf = ""; if (s.includes(classname)) { suf = s.substr(s.indexOf(classname)+classname.length,1000)+" "; suf = suf.substr(0,suf.indexOf(" ")); } return suf; } // liefert den suffix einer gegebenen class eine $ele zurück function _getClassSuffix( $ele, classname ) { if ($ele) return _getSuffix($ele.attr( "class" ),classname); else return ""; } // aktuelle mdui-config entladen function _getConfig() { $("#vis_container>:not([style*='display: none']) [class*='mdui-config ']").each( function (index) { try { lastConfig = JSON.parse("{"+$(this)[0].innerText+"}"); } catch(err) { console.log( "MDUI._getConfig: ", err.message ); } }); if (!lastConfig.hasOwnProperty("primary_color")) lastConfig.primary_color = defConfig.primary_color if (!lastConfig.hasOwnProperty("secondary_color")) lastConfig.secondary_color = defConfig.secondary_color; if (!lastConfig.hasOwnProperty("content_color")) lastConfig.content_color = defConfig.content_color; } // function _getGroupID( ele ) { return _getClassSuffix(ele, "mdui-group-" ); } // function _getTargetID( ele ) { return _getClassSuffix(ele, "mdui-target-" ); } // function _getScrollbarWidth() { let $outer = $('<div>').css({visibility: 'hidden', width: 100, overflow: 'scroll'}).appendTo('body'), widthWithScroll = $('<div>').css({width: '100%'}).appendTo($outer).outerWidth(); $outer.remove(); return 100 - widthWithScroll; } // function _getScrollbarHeight() { var $outer = $('<div>').css({visibility: 'hidden', height: 100, overflow: 'scroll'}).appendTo('body'), heightWithScroll = $('<div>').css({height: '100%'}).appendTo($outer).outerHeight(); $outer.remove(); return 100 - heightWithScroll; } // action: command(param1,param2,...) function _executeAction(action){ try { if (action) { let cmd = action.split('(')[0]; let param = action.split('(')[1]; param = param.slice(0,param.length-1); param = param.split(','); switch (cmd.toUpperCase() ) { case 'SETVALUE' : vis.setValue(param[0], param[1]); break; case 'CHANGEVIEW' : vis.changeView( param[0] ); break; //showMessage(message, title, icon, width, callback) case 'SHOWMESSAGE' : vis.showMessage( param[0], param[1], param[2], param[3] ); _patchColors(); break; } } } catch(err) { console.log( "[MDUI._executeAction] " + err.message ); } } function _isDarkTheme(ele) { while (ele) { if (ele.classList.contains('mdui-dark')) return true; ele = ele.parentElement; }; return false; } function _formatDatetime(date, format) { function fill(comp) { return ((parseInt(comp) < 10) ? ('0' + comp) : comp) } var months = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mär', 'Apr', 'Mai', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Okt', 'Nov', 'Dez']; var d = format; var o = { "y+": date.getFullYear(), // year "m+": fill(date.getMonth()+1), //month "M+": months[date.getMonth()], //month "d+": fill(date.getDate()), //day "H+": fill((date.getHours() > 12) ? date.getHours() % 12 : date.getHours()), //hour "h+": fill(date.getHours()), //hour "n+": fill(date.getMinutes()), //minute "s+": fill(date.getSeconds()), //second "S+": fill(date.getMilliseconds()), //millisecond, "b+": (date.getHours() >= 12) ? 'PM' : 'AM' }; for (var k in o) { if (new RegExp("(" + k + ")").test(format)) { d = d.replace(RegExp.$1, o[k]); } } return d; } // alle Elemente mit class "mdui-group-XXX" togglen, in denen // XXX aus class "mdui-group-XXX" des ele ist UND // alle Elemente mit class "mdui-target-XXX" togglen, in denen // XXX aus class "mdui-target-XXX" des ele ist function _handleToggle( $ele ) { $ele.toggleClass("ui-state-active"); $ele.toggleClass("mdui-active"); var id = _getGroupID( $ele ); if (id!=="") $("[class*='mdui-group-"+id+"']").not("[class*='mdui-toggle']").each( function (index) { $(this).toggleClass("mdui-hide"); $(this).toggleClass("mdui-hide-show"); }); id = _getTargetID( $ele ); if (id!=="") $( "[class*='mdui-target-"+id+"']").not("[class*='mdui-toggle']").each( function (index) { $(this).toggleClass("mdui-hide"); $(this).toggleClass("mdui-hide-show"); }); } // das nächste übergeordnete .mdui-card* Element wird // - collapsed, wenn es expanded ist // - expanded, wenn es collapsed ist function _toggleExpand( $ele ){ if (!$ele) return; let $target = $ele.closest("[class*='mdui-listitem']"); if ($target.length===0) $target = $ele.closest("[class*='mdui-card']"); if ($target.length===0) return; // wurde im ele eine Höhe mit angegeben? let h = _getClassSuffix( $ele, "mdui-expand-" ) ; if (h==="") h="64"; // element um 180° drehen let styleold = $ele.attr("styleold"); $ele.toggleClass("mdui-active"); if (styleold) { $ele.attr("style",styleold); $ele.removeAttr("styleold"); } else { styleold = $ele.attr("style"); $ele.attr("styleold",styleold); $ele.attr("style",styleold + " transform:rotate(180deg); transition:transform 0.33s; "); } // target Element expandieren oder collabieren styleold = $target.attr("styleold") || ""; if (styleold!=="") { $target.attr("style",styleold + " transition:all 0.33s;"); $target.removeAttr("styleold"); } else { styleold = $target.attr("style") || ""; if (styleold==="") styleold="top:0;"; $target.attr("styleold",styleold); $target.attr("style",styleold + " max-height:"+h+"px !important; " + " min-height:"+h+"px !important; transition:all 0.33s; "); } } // das nächste übergeordnete .vis-view Element wird // - fullscreen angezeigt, wenn es noch nicht fullscreen ist // - wieder normal angezeigt, wenn es fullscreen ist /* <div class="vis-widget mdui-button mdui-fullscreen mdui-center vis-tpl-basic-HTML" style="width: 36px; height: 36px; left: calc(100% - 52px); top: 16px; z-index: 1;" id="w00005"> <div class="vis-widget-body"> <i class="material-icons">fullscreen</i> </div> </div> */ function _toggleFullscreen( $ele ){ if (!$ele) return; let $target = $ele.closest(".vis-view"); if (!$target) return; var styleold = $target.attr("styleold"); $ele.toggleClass("mdui-active"); if (styleold) { let html = $ele.html(); html = html.replace(/fullscreen_exit/g, "fullscreen"); $ele.html( html ); $target.attr("style",styleold); $target.removeAttr("styleold"); $target.appendTo(".mdui-id-"+$target.attr("id")); } else { let html = $ele.html(); html = html.replace(/fullscreen/g, "fullscreen_exit"); $ele.html( html ); $target.parent().addClass("mdui-id-"+$target.attr("id")); $target.attr("styleold",$target.attr("style")); // dark-theme? if ($ele.closest(".mdui-content.mdui-dark").length) $target.addClass("mdui-dark"); $target.attr("style","position:fixed; left:8px; top:8px; min-width:0; width:calc(100% - 16px); min-height:0; height:calc(100% - 16px); z-index: 2147483647 !important; background-color: "+lastConfig.content_color+" !important; box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.3), 0 14px 28px rgba(0,0,0,0.65), 0 10px 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.62); border-radius: 4px;"); $target.appendTo( "body" ); } } // ele muss class Einträge für das Target und den Skalierungsmodus haben // "mdui-target-(id) mdui-scale-(scalemode)" // id: Ziel-Element mit id=id, welches ein zu skalierendes img enthält // scalemode: fit / hfit / vfit / in / out / (number) // number: Zahl in % function _scale( ele ) { var id = _getTargetID( ele ); var $img = $( "#"+id+" img" ); if ($img) { var scale = _getClassSuffix(ele, "mdui-scale-" ); $img.width("1px"); // Scrollbars entfernen um die echte Höhe zu bekommen $img.height("1px"); var dim = { pw : $img.parent().width(), ph : $img.parent().height(), w : $img[0].naturalWidth, h : $img[0].naturalHeight }; switch(scale) { case "fit": if ( / dim.w < / dim.h ) scale = / dim.w; else scale = / dim.h; break; case "hfit": if ( / dim.w < / dim.h ) scale = / dim.w; else scale = ( - _getScrollbarWidth() - 4 ) / dim.w; break; case "vfit": if ( / dim.w > / dim.h ) scale = / dim.h; else scale = ( - _getScrollbarHeight() - 4 ) / dim.h; break; case "in": case "out": var old = $img.attr( "style" ); old = old.substr(old.indexOf("scale(")+6,20); old = old.substr(0,old.indexOf(")")); if (old * 1==0) scale = 1; else if (scale=="in") scale = old * 1.41; else scale = old / 1.41; break; default: if (scale<=0 || scale>10000) scale = 100; scale = scale/100; } scale = Math.round(scale*100)/100; $img.attr( "style", "position:absolute;top:0;left:0;transform-origin:0 0;transition: transform 0.3s ease-out; transform:scale("+scale+");" ); } } // ersetzt im src-Attribute des Unter-Elements von (id) den "&range=& // durch den Wert des in ele angegebenen (span). Für flot-Diagramme // "mdui-target-(id) mdui-timespan-(span)" // id: Ziel-Element mit id=id, welches das flot (src) enthält // span: inc / dec / (number) // number: Zahl in Minuten function _timespan( ele ) { var src = ""; function __patchParam( paramName, offset ) { let reParam = RegExp(paramName+"=[^&]*", "i"); let reVal = RegExp("[+-][0-9]*", "i"); let param = src.match(reParam); console.log("timespan param:",param); if ( param ) { param = param[0]; let paramval = param.match( reVal ); if (paramval) { paramval = Math.floor(paramval) + offset; param = param.replace( reVal, paramval<0 ? paramval : "-0" ); } else { if ( (param[param.length-2]=="/") && ("smhdwMy".indexOf(param[param.length-1])>=0) ) param = param.substr(0,param.length-2) + (offset<0 ? offset : "-0") + param[param.length-1] + param.substr(param.length-2,2); } console.log("timespan src:",src); src = src.replace(reParam, param); console.log("timespan src:",src); } } var id = _getTargetID( ele ); var target = $( "#"+id+" [src]" ); if (target) { let timespan = _getClassSuffix(ele, "mdui-timespan-" ); src = target.attr( "src" ); // flot if (src.indexOf("&range=">=0)) { let min = src.substr(src.indexOf("&range=")+7,20); min = min.substr(0,min.indexOf("&")); switch(timespan) { case "inc": min = min * 2; break; case "dec": min = min / 2; break; default: if ( timespan<=0 ) timespan = 1440; min = timespan; } src = src.replace(/&range=[0-9]*&/g, "&range="+min+"&"); target.attr("src",src); } // grafana // from=now/d, from=now-1d/d if (src.indexOf("from=">=0) && src.indexOf("to=">=0)) { __patchParam( "from", timespan=="inc" ? +1 : -1); __patchParam( "to", timespan=="inc" ? +1 : -1); target.attr("src",src); } } } // ersetzt im src-Attribute des Unter-Elements von (id) einen url-Parameter function _srcparam( ele ) { var id = _getTargetID( ele ); var target = $( "#"+id+" [src]" ); if (target) { let params = _getClassSuffix(ele, "mdui-srcparam-" ).split("&"); let src = target.attr( "src" ); // grafana // for (let i=0; i<params.length; i++) { let key = params[i].substr(0,params[i].indexOf("=")); let value = params[i].substr(key.length+1,1000); let re = new RegExp(key+"=[^&]*", 'g'); src = src.replace(re, key+"="+value); // encodeURI() } target.attr("src",src); } } /* */ function _resetTable( $ele, $table ) { $table.find("tbody>tr").each( function(index) { $(this).width("auto"); $(this).height("auto"); $(this).find("td").each( function(index) { $(this).attr("labelth",""); }); }); } /* */ function _handleTable( $ele, $table, opt ) { function setColWidth( colwidth ) { $table.find("tbody>tr").each( function(index) { $(this).outerWidth(colwidth); }); } function setColHeight() { var height = 0; $table.find("tbody>tr").each( function(index) { if ($(this).height() > height ) height = $(this).height(); }); if ( height > 0 ) $table.find("tbody>tr").each( function(index) { $(this).height( height ); }); } var innerWidth = $ele.innerWidth(); _resetTable($ele, $table); if (opt.label) { // Zellen mit Labels aus <th> ergänzen ? var labels = []; $table.find("thead>tr>th").each( function(index) { labels[index] = $(this).text(); }); $table.find("tbody>tr").each( function(index) { $(this).find("td").each( function(index) { if (index < labels.length) $(this).attr("labelth",labels[index]); }); }); } if (opt.colwidth>1) setColWidth(opt.colwidth); if (opt.colwidth>2) setColHeight(); return true; } /* Alle mdui-table durchlaufen und überprüfen, ob die minimale Width erreicht wurde um sie in den responsive State zu überführen mdui-table-(mode)(-opt1)(-opt2)...(-optn) mdui-table-ascard-r600-w200-l */ function _handleTables( ) { $("[class*='mdui-table-']").each( function (index) { var $ele = $(this); var $table; $table = $ele; if (!$"table")) $table=$table.find("table"); if (!$"table")) return true; // next each var innerWidth = $ele.innerWidth(); var classes = $ele.attr("class") .split(" ") .filter( function ( ele ) { return (ele.indexOf("mdui-table-opt") > -1); }); var opts = []; var opt; for (var i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) { opts[i] = []; opts[i].reswidth = 9999; opts[i].colwidth = 0; opts[i].label = false; opt = classes[i].substr(15,200).split("-"); for (var j = 0; j < opt.length; j++) { switch(opt[j][0]) { case "r": opts[i].reswidth = parseInt(opt[j].substr(1,5)); break; case "w": opts[i].colwidth = parseInt(opt[j].substr(1,5)); break; case "c": opts[i].colwidth = parseInt(opt[j].substr(1,5)); if (opts[i].colwidth>0) opts[i].colwidth = (innerWidth-_getScrollbarWidth()) / opts[i].colwidth - 10; break; case "l": opts[i].label = true; break; default: } } } opts.sort(function(a, b){return a.reswidth-b.reswidth}); if (opts.length === 0) return true; // next each var handled = false; for (i = 0; i < opts.length; i++) { if ( innerWidth < opts[i].reswidth ) handled = _handleTable( $ele, $table, opts[i]); if (handled) break; } if (!handled) _resetTable($ele, $table); }); } /* Dialogtitle|class=mdui-red-bg|style=min-width:50%;min-height:90%; */ function _handleDialogs( ) { try { $("[class*='ui-dialog ']").each( function (index) { var $ele = $(this); var $title = $ele.find("div>span[class*='ui-dialog-title']"); if ( ($title) && ($title.html()!=="") ) { var html = ''; var params = $title.html().split("|"); var param = ''; for (var p = 0; p < params.length; p++) { param = params[p]; if (param.substr(0,6)=="class=") $ele.addClass(param.substr(6,1024)); else if (param.substr(0,6)=="style=") { var csss = $ele.attr('style') + param.substr(6,1024); $ele.attr('style', csss ); } else html = html + param + " "; } $title.html( html ); } }); } catch(err) { console.log("[MDUI.handleDialogs] ", err.message ); } } /* Aus dem "text" Input bei mdui-input-number ein "number" machen */ function _handleInputs( ) { try { $("[class*='mdui-placeholder-']").each( function (index) { let s = _getClassSuffix( $(this), "mdui-placeholder-" ); $(this).find("input").each( function (index) { $(this)[0].placeholder = s; } ); }); $(".mdui-input-number input").each( function () { let $ele = $(this); $ele[0].type = "number"; }); $(".mdui-input-color input").each( function () { let $ele = $(this); $ele[0].type = "color"; }); $(".mdui-input-date input").each( function () { let $ele = $(this); $ele[0].type = "date"; }); $(".mdui-input-time input").each( function () { let $ele = $(this); $ele[0].type = "time"; }); } catch(err) { console.log("[MDUI.handleInputs] ", err.message ); } } /* */ function _handleVIS( ) { try { function _addHeadline(headline) { return `<tr> <td class='mdui-value mdui-blue'>${headline}</td> <td></td> </tr>`; } function _addRow(key, keydef, val) { let icon = keydef.hasOwnProperty('icon')?keydef.icon:''; return `<tr> <td class='mdui-subtitle' style='width:50%;'>${key}</td> <td class='mdui-label' style='width:50%;'>${val}</td> </tr>`; } const VIS_INFO = { 'version':{'icon':'build'}, 'user':{'icon':'person'}, 'language':{'icon':'language'}, 'instance':{'icon':'looks_one'}, 'activeView':{'icon':'crop_square'}, 'isTouch':{'icon':'touch_app'}, '__views_count':{}, '__states_count':{} }; const VIS_INFO_CONN = { 'namespace':{}, '_isConnected':{}, '_reloadInterval':{}, '_reconnectInterval':{} }; const HEAD = `<table style='width:100%; table-layout:fixed; word-break:break-all;'>`; const FOOT = `</table>`; vis.__views_count = Object.keys(vis.views).length; vis.__states_count = Math.round( Object.keys(vis.states).length / 4); $(".mdui-vis-info").each( function () { let ele = $(this)[0]; let html='', key=''; html += _addHeadline('vis'); for (key in VIS_INFO) html += _addRow(key,VIS_INFO[key],vis[key]); html += _addHeadline('vis connection'); for (key in VIS_INFO_CONN) html += _addRow(key,VIS_INFO_CONN[key],vis.conn[key]); html += _addHeadline('views'); for (key in vis.views) { let val=vis.views[key].hasOwnProperty('widgets')?Object.keys(vis.views[key].widgets).length:'0'; html += _addRow(key,{},val+' Widgets'); } html += _addHeadline('states'); for (key in vis.states) { if (key.includes('.val')) html += _addRow(key,{},vis.states[key]); } ele.innerHTML = HEAD + html + FOOT; }); } catch(err) { console.log("[MDUI.handleVIS] ", err.message ); } } // wandelt ein integer in die #rrggbb Darstellung um function _toRGB(n) { if ( (n.length>0) && ((n[0]<"0") || (n[0]>"9")) ) return n; if(n < 0) { n = 0xFFFFFFFF + n + 1; } return "#" + ("000000" + n.toString(16).toUpperCase()).substr(-6); } // wandelt eine Farbe im hex-Format (#000000) in ein RGB-Array[2] um function _hexToRGB(hex) { var result = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i.exec(hex); return result ? [parseInt(result[1],16),parseInt(result[2],16),parseInt(result[3],16)] : [0,0,0]; }; // function _hexToRGBA(hex, transparence) { let RGB = _hexToRGB(hex); return 'rgba('+RGB[0]+','+RGB[1]+','+RGB[2]+','+transparence+')'; } function _getLuminance(r, g, b) { var a = [r, g, b].map(function (v) { v /= 255; return v <= 0.03928 ? v / 12.92 : Math.pow( (v + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4 ); }); return a[0] * 0.2126 + a[1] * 0.7152 + a[2] * 0.0722; } function _contrast(rgb1, rgb2) { var l1 = _getLuminance(rgb1[0], rgb1[1], rgb1[2]) + 0.05; var l2 = _getLuminance(rgb2[0], rgb2[1], rgb2[2]) + 0.05; if ( l1 > l2 ) return l1 / l2 else return l2 / l1; } // liefert die fontColor auf Basis der backgroundColor durch Berechnung // des Kontrasts function _getFontColor(bc) { if ( _contrast(_hexToRGB(bc),_hexToRGB("#000000")) < 6 ) return "#ffffff"; else return "#000000"; } // ersetzt in bekannten WIdgets schwarze und weisse Font function _patchWidgetColors( ) { let fontColor = _getFontColor( _getColorFromConfig("content_color",lastConfig.content_color,200,defConfig.content_color) ); let isDark = fontColor=="#ffffff"; // flot Widget $("#vis_container:not([style*='display: none']) iframe[src*='flot'],.ui-dialog iframe[src*='flot']").each( function (index) { var $ele = $(this)[0]; var src = $ele.src; /* src = src.replace(/&bg=%23[0-9]*&/g, "&bg=%23f00000&"); src = src.replace(/&x_labels_color=%23[0-9]*&/g, "&x_labels_color=%23f00000&"); */ if (isDark) { src = src.replace(/%23000000/g, "%23111111"); src = src.replace(/%23ffffff/g, "%23000001"); src = src.replace(/%23111111/g, "%23fffffe"); } else { src = src.replace(/%23000001/g, "%23111111"); src = src.replace(/%23fffffe/g, "%23000000"); src = src.replace(/%23111111/g, "%23ffffff"); } $ele.src = src; }); // svg-clock /* Striche, Ticks */ $(".svg--clock defs line").each( function (index) { $(this)[0].style.stroke = fontColor; }); /* Stundenzeiger */ $("#hands > g.hand--h").each( function (index) { $(this)[0].style.stroke = fontColor; }); $("#hands > g.hand--h > line").each( function (index) { $(this)[0].style.stroke = fontColor; }); /* Minutenzeiger */ $("#hands > g.hand--m").each( function (index) { $(this)[0].style.stroke = fontColor; }); $("#hands > g.hand--m > line").each( function (index) { $(this)[0].style.stroke = fontColor; }); /* Ziffern */ $(".svg--clock .svg--ticks text").each( function (index) { $(this)[0].style.fill = fontColor; }); // meteoblue (Wetter) $("#vis_container:not([style*='display: none']) iframe[src*='meteoblue'], .ui-dialog iframe[src*='meteoblue']").each( function (index) { var $ele = $(this)[0]; var src = $ele.src; if (isDark) { src = src.replace(/layout=light/g, "layout=dark"); } else { src = src.replace(/layout=dark/g, "layout=light"); } $ele.src = src; }); // flot Widget $("#vis_container:not([style*='display: none']) iframe[src*='orgId='],.ui-dialog iframe[src*='orgId=']").each( function (index) { var $ele = $(this)[0]; var src = $ele.src; /* src = src.replace(/&bg=%23[0-9]*&/g, "&bg=%23f00000&"); src = src.replace(/&x_labels_color=%23[0-9]*&/g, "&x_labels_color=%23f00000&"); */ if (isDark) { src = src.replace(/&theme=light/ig, "&theme=dark"); } else { src = src.replace(/&theme=dark/ig, "&theme=light"); } $ele.src = src; }); } // holt den CSSFarbwert aus dem Colors-Array function _getColorFromColors( color, luminance ) { // colorType in Config? if (colors.hasOwnProperty(color) ) switch(luminance) { case 200: color = colors[color].c200; break; case 700: color = colors[color].c700; break; default: color = colors[color].c500; } return color; } // wandelt den gewünschten Color-Wert in eine CSSColor um function _getColorFromConfig( colorType, color, luminance, defColor ) { //console.log("[_getColorFromConfig]:",colorType,color,luminance,defColor); // colorType in Config? if (lastConfig.hasOwnProperty(colorType) && colors.hasOwnProperty(lastConfig[colorType]) ) { color = _getColorFromColors(lastConfig[colorType], luminance); } // Check color try { let $div = $("<div>"); $div.css("border", "1px solid "+color); $div = $div.css("border-color"); if ( ($div=="") || ($div=="initial") ) color = _getColorFromColors(defColor,luminance); } catch(err) { console.log( "[MDUI.getColorFromConfig] (",color,") ", err.message ); color = _getColorFromColors(defColor,luminance); } //console.log("[_getColorFromConfig] return:",color); return color; } function _setBKColor(selector, bkcolor, varname) { // wenn die fc=#ffffff ist, also dark-scheme, dann mdui-dark setzen if (_getFontColor( bkcolor )=='#ffffff') $(selector).addClass("mdui-dark") else $(selector).removeClass("mdui-dark"); if (varname!=""), bkcolor); } function _patchColors() { try { let primary_color = defConfig.primary_color, secondary_color = defConfig.secondary_color, content_color = defConfig.content_color; // lastConfig entladen primary_color = _getColorFromConfig("primary_color",lastConfig.primary_color,500,defConfig.primary_color); let abar_color=primary_color; let tnav_color=primary_color; let bnav_color=primary_color; // abar abar_color = _getColorFromConfig("abar_color",lastConfig.abar_color,700,abar_color); _setBKColor('.mdui-abar',abar_color,'--abar-background'); // tnav tnav_color = _getColorFromConfig("tnav_color",lastConfig.tnav_color,700,tnav_color); _setBKColor('.mdui-tnav',tnav_color,'--tnav-background'); // bnav bnav_color = _getColorFromConfig("bnav_color",lastConfig.bnav_color,700,bnav_color); _setBKColor('.mdui-bnav',bnav_color,'--bnav-background'); // content content_color = _getColorFromConfig("content_color",lastConfig.content_color,200,defConfig.content_color); let lnav_color = content_color; let rnav_color = content_color; _setBKColor('.mdui-content',content_color,'--content-background'); _setBKColor('.ui-dialog',content_color,''); _setBKColor('.ui-datepicker',content_color,''); // lnav lnav_color = _getColorFromConfig("lnav_color",lastConfig.lnav_color,500,lnav_color); _setBKColor('.mdui-lnav',lnav_color,'--lnav-background'); // rnav rnav_color = _getColorFromConfig("rnav_color",lastConfig.rnav_color,500,rnav_color); _setBKColor('.mdui-rnav',rnav_color,'--rnav-background'); // secondary secondary_color = _getColorFromConfig("secondary_color",lastConfig.secondary_color,500,defConfig.secondary_color);'--accent-color', secondary_color);'--accent-color-033', _hexToRGBA(secondary_color, 0.33)); // custom let custom = _getColorFromConfig("color1",lastConfig.color1,200,defConfig.color1);'--color1', custom); custom = _getColorFromConfig("color1_dark",lastConfig.color1_dark,500,defConfig.color1_dark);'--color1-dark', custom); custom = _getColorFromConfig("color2",lastConfig.color2,200,defConfig.color2);'--color2', custom); custom = _getColorFromConfig("color2_dark",lastConfig.color2_dark,500,defConfig.color2_dark);'--color2-dark', custom); custom = _getColorFromConfig("color3",lastConfig.color3,200,defConfig.color3);'--color3', custom); custom = _getColorFromConfig("color3_dark",lastConfig.color3_dark,500,defConfig.color3_dark);'--color3-dark', custom); //console.log("primary:",primary_color,"secondary:",secondary_color,"content:",content_color," abar:",abar_color," tnav:",tnav_color," lnav:",lnav_color); } catch(err) { console.log( "[MDUI.patchColors] " + err.message ); } } function _onResizeWindow( $ele ) { var win = $ele; //this = window //console.log("[MDUI.onResizeWindow] width:",win.width()); // lnav als fixiertes Seitenmenü? if (lastConfig.hasOwnProperty("lnav_fixed_width")) { if (win.width() >= lastConfig.lnav_fixed_width) { $( "#vis_container" ).addClass("mdui-lnav-fixed"); // sofort öffnen? if ( (lastConfig.hasOwnProperty("lnav_fixed_open")) && (lastConfig.lnav_fixed_open=="true") ) { $( "#vis_container" ).addClass( "mdui-lnav-fixed-open" ); } } else { $( "#vis_container" ).removeClass("mdui-lnav-fixed-open"); $( "#vis_container" ).removeClass("mdui-lnav-fixed"); } } } // ---------------------------- // swipe // ---------------------------- // mdui-swipe-left?dist=48&background=red&icon=delete&text=Löschen&action=setValue(demo_listitem,listitem0+swipeleft+delete) function _checkSwipeTo(swipeTo, swipeX) { try { swipeX.enabled = false; let s = _getSuffix( swipe.ele.className, 'mdui-swipe-'+swipeTo+'?' ); if (!s || s=='') return; s = '{"'+s.replace(/:/g,'":"')+'"}'; s = s.replace(/;/g,'","'); s = s.replace(/\+/g,' '); swipeX.opt = JSON.parse(s); swipeX.enabled = swipeX.opt.dist!=null; if (swipeX.enabled) { swipeX.ele = document.createElement('div'); = 'absolute'; = 'hidden'; = '32000'; switch (swipeTo) { case 'left' : = (swipe.ele.offsetLeft + swipe.ele.offsetWidth - 2)+'px'; = swipe.ele.offsetTop+'px'; = swipe.ele.offsetHeight+'px'; = '0px'; break; case 'right' : = swipe.ele.offsetLeft + 2 +'px'; = swipe.ele.offsetTop+'px'; = swipe.ele.offsetHeight+'px'; = '0px'; break; case 'up' : = swipe.ele.offsetLeft+'px'; = (swipe.ele.offsetTop+swipe.ele.offsetHeight-2)+'px'; = '0px'; = swipe.ele.offsetWidth+'px'; break; case 'down' : = swipe.ele.offsetLeft+'px'; = swipe.ele.offsetTop+2+'px'; = '0px'; = swipe.ele.offsetWidth+'px'; break; } if (swipeX.opt.background) { = _getColorFromColors( swipeX.opt.background, swipe.isDarkTheme?500:200 ); } = 'flex'; = 'center'; = 'center'; = 'wrap'; s=''; if (swipeX.opt.icon) s ='<div class="mdui-icon">'+swipeX.opt.icon+'</div>'; if (swipeX.opt.text) s+= '<div style="font-size:0.7em">'+swipeX.opt.text+'</div>' swipeX.ele.innerHTML=s; // als sibling anhängen swipe.ele.parentNode.insertBefore(swipeX.ele, swipe.ele.nextSibling); } } catch(err) { console.log( "[MDUI._checkSwipeTo] " + err.message ); } } // function _swipeStart() { swipe.swipeLeft={enabled:false}; swipe.swipeRight={enabled:false}; swipe.swipeUp={enabled:false}; swipe.swipeDown={enabled:false}; // swipe.ele.classList.remove('mdui-lockclick'); lockclick = false; swipe.isDarkTheme = _isDarkTheme(swipe.ele); // auf jede swipe-Art untersuchen _checkSwipeTo('left',swipe.swipeLeft); _checkSwipeTo('right',swipe.swipeRight); _checkSwipeTo('up',swipe.swipeUp); _checkSwipeTo('down',swipe.swipeDown); swipe.enabled = swipe.swipeLeft.enabled || swipe.swipeRight.enabled || swipe.swipeUp.enabled || swipe.swipeDown.enabled; } // // function _swipeMove() { if (!swipe.enabled) return false; let x=0, y=0; const tresholdStart = 0.25; const tresholdEnd = 0.90; // welche swipes sind aktiv? if (swipe.swipeLeft.enabled) { swipe.swipeLeft.val = swipe.clientX - swipe.fromX; if ( 0-swipe.swipeLeft.val > swipe.swipeLeft.opt.dist ) swipe.swipeLeft.val = 0-swipe.swipeLeft.opt.dist; = swipe.swipeLeft.val <= 0-swipe.swipeLeft.opt.dist*tresholdStart; swipe.swipeLeft.swiped = swipe.swipeLeft.val <= (0-swipe.swipeLeft.opt.dist)*tresholdEnd; if ( x = swipe.swipeLeft.val; } if (swipe.swipeRight.enabled) { swipe.swipeRight.val = swipe.clientX - swipe.fromX; if ( swipe.swipeRight.val > swipe.swipeRight.opt.dist ) swipe.swipeRight.val = swipe.swipeRight.opt.dist; = swipe.swipeRight.val >= swipe.swipeRight.opt.dist*tresholdStart; swipe.swipeRight.swiped = swipe.swipeRight.val >= swipe.swipeRight.opt.dist*tresholdEnd; if ( x = swipe.swipeRight.val; } if (swipe.swipeUp.enabled) { swipe.swipeUp.val = swipe.clientY - swipe.fromY; if ( 0-swipe.swipeUp.val > swipe.swipeUp.opt.dist ) swipe.swipeUp.val = 0-swipe.swipeUp.opt.dist; = swipe.swipeUp.val <= 0-swipe.swipeUp.opt.dist*tresholdStart; swipe.swipeUp.swiped = swipe.swipeUp.val <= (0-swipe.swipeUp.opt.dist)*tresholdEnd; if ( y = swipe.swipeUp.val; } if (swipe.swipeDown.enabled) { swipe.swipeDown.val = swipe.clientY - swipe.fromY; if ( swipe.swipeDown.val > swipe.swipeDown.opt.dist ) swipe.swipeDown.val = swipe.swipeDown.opt.dist; = swipe.swipeDown.val >= swipe.swipeDown.opt.dist*tresholdStart; swipe.swipeDown.swiped = swipe.swipeDown.val >= swipe.swipeDown.opt.dist*tresholdEnd; if ( y = swipe.swipeDown.val; } // aktive swipes anwenden if (swipe.swipeLeft.enabled) if ( ) { = (0-swipe.swipeLeft.val)+'px'; = 'translate('+swipe.swipeLeft.val+'px,'+y+'px)'; if (swipe.swipeLeft.swiped) = '0'; else = '0 5em 5em 0'; } else { = '0'; } if (swipe.swipeRight.enabled) if ( ) { = swipe.swipeRight.val+'px'; = 'translate(0px,'+y+'px)'; if (swipe.swipeRight.swiped) = '0'; else = '5em 0 0 5em'; } else { = '0'; } if (swipe.swipeUp.enabled) if ( { = (0-swipe.swipeUp.val)+'px'; = 'translate('+x+'px,'+swipe.swipeUp.val+'px)'; if (swipe.swipeUp.swiped) = '0'; else = '0 0 5em 5em'; } else { = '0'; } if (swipe.swipeDown.enabled) if ( ) { = swipe.swipeDown.val+'px'; = 'translate('+x+'px,0px)'; if (swipe.swipeDown.swiped) = '0'; else = '5em 5em 0 0'; } else { = '0'; } if (x==0 && y==0) { = 'none'; return true; } else { = 'translate('+x+'px,'+y+'px)'; // nach dem 1.swipe click sperren // swipe.ele.classList.add('mdui-lockclick'); lockclick = true; return false; } } function _swipeEnd() { if (!swipe.enabled) return; if (swipe.swipeLeft.enabled) swipe.swipeLeft.ele.remove(); if (swipe.swipeRight.enabled) swipe.swipeRight.ele.remove(); if (swipe.swipeUp.enabled) swipe.swipeUp.ele.remove(); if (swipe.swipeDown.enabled) swipe.swipeDown.ele.remove(); = 'none'; if ( swipe.swipeLeft.swiped ) _executeAction(swipe.swipeLeft.opt.action); if ( swipe.swipeRight.swiped ) _executeAction(swipe.swipeRight.opt.action); if ( swipe.swipeUp.swiped ) _executeAction(swipe.swipeUp.opt.action); if ( swipe.swipeDown.swiped ) _executeAction(swipe.swipeDown.opt.action); swipe.enabled = false; } function _swipeTouchStart(event, $ele) { let touchobj = event.originalEvent.changedTouches[0]; // erster Finger swipe.fromX = parseInt(touchobj.clientX); swipe.fromY = parseInt(touchobj.clientY); swipe.ele = $ele[0]; _swipeStart(); } function _swipeTouchMove(event, $ele) { if (!swipe.enabled) return; let touchobj = event.originalEvent.changedTouches[0]; // erster Finger swipe.clientX = parseInt(touchobj.clientX); swipe.clientY = parseInt(touchobj.clientY); _swipeMove(); event.preventDefault(); event.stopImmediatePropagation(); } function _swipeTouchEnd(event, $ele) { if (!swipe.enabled) return; _swipeEnd(); } function _swipeMouseDown(event, $ele) { if (swipe.enabled) return; swipe.fromX = parseInt(event.originalEvent.x); swipe.fromY = parseInt(event.originalEvent.y); swipe.ele = $ele[0]; _swipeStart(); if (swipe.enabled) { _captureMouseEvents(_swipeMouseMove, _swipeMouseUp); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); event.stopImmediatePropagation(); } } function _swipeMouseMove(event, $ele) { if (!swipe.enabled) return; swipe.clientX = parseInt(event.originalEvent.x); swipe.clientY = parseInt(event.originalEvent.y); if (_swipeMove()) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); event.stopImmediatePropagation(); } } function _swipeMouseUp(event, $ele) { console.log('_swipeMouseUp' ); if (!swipe.enabled) return; event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); event.stopImmediatePropagation(); _swipeEnd(); _releaseMouseEvents(_swipeMouseMove, _swipeMouseUp); } function _releaseMouseEvents(move,up) { document.removeEventListener ('mousemove', move, true); document.removeEventListener ('mouseup', up, true); } function _captureMouseEvents (move,up) { document.addEventListener ('mousemove', move, true); document.addEventListener ('mouseup', up, true); } // ---------------------------- // click // ---------------------------- function _click(event, $ele) { try { console.log('_click'); // durch swipe gelockt? /* if (ele.classList.contains('mdui-lockclick')) { ele.classList.remove('mdui-lockclick'); return; } */ if (lockclick) { lockclick=false; return; } let s = _getSuffix( $ele[0].className, 'mdui-click?' ); if (!s || s=='') return; s = '{"'+s.replace(/:/g,'":"')+'"}'; s = s.replace(/;/g,'","'); s = s.replace(/\+/g,' '); let opt = JSON.parse(s); if (opt.action) _executeAction(opt.action); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); event.stopImmediatePropagation(); } catch(err) { console.log( "[MDUI._click] " + err.message ); } } // ---------------------------- // tooltip // ---------------------------- // mdui-tooltip?text:(text);background:(color);state:(stateid) function _tooltipShow(ele) { try { if (tooltip.timeout!=null) clearTimeout(tooltip.timeout); tooltip.timeout = null; if (tooltip.hint!=null) tooltip.hint.remove(); tooltip.ele = ele; tooltip.timeout = setTimeout( () => { let s = _getSuffix( tooltip.ele.className, 'mdui-tooltip?' ); if (!s || s=='') return; s = '{"'+s.replace(/:/g,'":"')+'"}'; s = s.replace(/;/g,'","'); s = s.replace(/\+/g,' '); tooltip.opt = JSON.parse(s); // text aus state ? if (tooltip.opt.state && vis.states.hasOwnProperty(tooltip.opt.state+'.val')) tooltip.opt.text += ' ' + vis.states[tooltip.opt.state+'.val']; let rect = tooltip.ele.getBoundingClientRect(); let win = tooltip.ele.ownerDocument.defaultView; = + win.pageYOffset, rect.left = rect.left + win.pageXOffset tooltip.hint = document.createElement('div'); tooltip.hint.classList.add('mdui-tooltip'); = rect.left+'px'; ='px'; if (tooltip.opt.background) = _getColorFromColors( tooltip.opt.background, 500) ; tooltip.hint.innerHTML=tooltip.opt.text; document.documentElement.appendChild(tooltip.hint); tooltip.width = tooltip.hint.clientWidth; tooltip.height = tooltip.hint.clientHeight; let x = (rect.left-tooltip.width/2+tooltip.ele.offsetWidth/2); if (x<0) x = 8; if (x+tooltip.width > document.documentElement.clientWidth) x=document.documentElement.clientWidth - tooltip.width - 8; = Math.floor(x)+'px'; let y = + tooltip.ele.offsetHeight + 8; if (y+tooltip.height > document.documentElement.clientHeight) y= document.documentElement.clientHeight - tooltip.height - rect.height - 8; = Math.floor(y)+'px'; tooltip.timeout = setTimeout(_tooltipHide, 1000 + s.length * 40); }, 700); } catch(err) { console.log( "[MDUI._tooltipShow] " + err.message ); } } function _tooltipHide() { if (tooltip.timeout!=null) clearTimeout(tooltip.timeout); tooltip.timeout = null; if (tooltip.hint==null) return; tooltip.hint.remove(); tooltip.hint = null; } function _tooltipMouseEnter(event, $ele) { _tooltipShow($ele[0]); event.preventDefault(); event.stopImmediatePropagation(); } function _tooltipMouseLeave(event, $ele) { _tooltipHide(); event.preventDefault(); event.stopImmediatePropagation(); } return { init: _init, initObserverPage:_initObserverPage, handleToggle: _handleToggle, toggleFullscreen: _toggleFullscreen, toggleExpand: _toggleExpand, scale: _scale, timespan: _timespan, srcparam: _srcparam, handleTables: _handleTables, handleDialogs: _handleDialogs, onChangePage : _onChangePage, onLoad : _onLoad, patchColors : _patchColors, swipeTouchStart : _swipeTouchStart, swipeTouchMove : _swipeTouchMove, swipeTouchEnd : _swipeTouchEnd, swipeMouseDown : _swipeMouseDown, swipeMouseMove : _swipeMouseMove, swipeMouseUp : _swipeMouseUp, tooltipMouseEnter : _tooltipMouseEnter, tooltipMouseLeave : _tooltipMouseLeave, click : _click, onResizeWindow : _onResizeWindow }; })(); // Eventhandler für body-Delegators setzen (früher:#vis_container) function mdui_init() { MDUI.init(); // click-Event für das left-nav Element zum Öffnen $("body").on( "click", ".mdui-lnavbutton", function() { // lnav als popupmenu oder fixed? if ($( "#vis_container.mdui-lnav-fixed" ).length==0) $( ".mdui-lnav" ).toggleClass( "mdui-lnav-open" ); else $( "#vis_container" ).toggleClass( "mdui-lnav-fixed-open" ); } ); // click-Event für die left-nav zum Schließen $("body").on( "click", ".mdui-lnav", function() { if ($( "#vis_container.mdui-lnav-fixed" ).length==0) $( ".mdui-lnav" ).removeClass( "mdui-lnav-open" ); } ); // click-Event für das right-nav Element zum Öffnen $("body").on( "click", ".mdui-rnavbutton", function() { $( ".mdui-rnav" ).addClass( "mdui-rnav-open" ); } ); // click-Event für die right-nav zum Schließen $("body").on( "click", ".mdui-rnav", function() { $( ".mdui-rnav" ).removeClass( "mdui-rnav-open" ); } ); // click-Eventhandler für "mdui-scale-" setzen $("body").on( "click", "[class*='mdui-scale-']", function(event) { MDUI.scale( $(this) ); } ); // click-Handler für "mdui-toggle" $("body").on( "click", "[class*='mdui-toggle']", function(event) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopImmediatePropagation(); MDUI.handleToggle( $(this) ); } ); // click-Handler für "mdui-info" $("body").on( "click", ".mdui-info", function(event) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopImmediatePropagation(); $(this).toggleClass("mdui-hide"); $(this).toggleClass("mdui-hide-show"); } ); // click-Handler für "mdui-expand" $("body").on( "click", "[class*='mdui-expand']", function(event) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopImmediatePropagation(); MDUI.toggleExpand( $(this) ); } ); // click-Handler für "mdui-fullscreen" $("body").on( "click", ".mdui-fullscreen", function(event) { MDUI.toggleFullscreen( $(this) ); } ); // click-Handler für "mdui-timepsan-" $("body").on( "click", "[class*='mdui-timespan-']", function(event) { MDUI.timespan( $(this) ); } ); // click-Handler für "mdui-srcparam-" $("body").on( "click", "[class*='mdui-srcparam-']", function(event) { MDUI.srcparam( $(this) ); } ); // event-Handler für "mdui-swipe" $("body").on( "touchstart", "[class*='mdui-swipe']", function(event) { MDUI.swipeTouchStart(event, $(this) ); } ); $("body").on( "touchmove", "[class*='mdui-swipe']", function(event) { MDUI.swipeTouchMove(event, $(this) ); } ); $("body").on( "touchend", "[class*='mdui-swipe']", function(event) { MDUI.swipeTouchEnd(event, $(this) ); } ); $("body").on( "mousedown", "[class*='mdui-swipe']", function(event) { MDUI.swipeMouseDown(event, $(this) ); } ); $("body").on( "mousemove", "[class*='mdui-swipe']", function(event) { MDUI.swipeMouseMove(event, $(this) ); } ); $("body").on( "mouseup", "[class*='mdui-swipe']", function(event) { MDUI.swipeMouseUp(event, $(this) ); } ); // event-Handler für "mdui-click" $("body").on( "click", "[class*='mdui-click']", function(event) {, $(this) ); } ); // event-Handler für tooltips $("body").on( "mouseenter", "[class*='mdui-tooltip']", function(event) { MDUI.tooltipMouseEnter(event, $(this) ); } ); $("body").on( "mouseleave", "[class*='mdui-tooltip']", function(event) { MDUI.tooltipMouseLeave(event, $(this) ); } ); $("body").on( "click", "[class*='mdui-tooltip']", function(event) { MDUI.tooltipMouseLeave(event, $(this) ); } ); $( window ).on("resize", function() { MDUI.handleTables( $(this) ); MDUI.onResizeWindow( $(this) ); }); MDUI.initObserverPage(); // für den ersten load einmal aufrufen setTimeout( MDUI.onChangePage(), 100); }; setTimeout( mdui_init(), 100); // vis ... Menu ausblenden if (typeof app !== 'undefined') $('#cordova_menu').hide();
@sigi234 Das Script ist auch eingespielt, ich habe den ioBroker komplett neu gestartet. Keine Änderung.
Cache im Browser geleert, auch anderen Browser getestet, keine Änderung.
Komisch, ist es schon mal gegangen? Welche Vis Version?
@sigi234 Das lief ja die ganze Zeit, genau bis heute. Bis ich auf die Idee mit dem Material Advanced Adapter gekommen bin. In der Test Umgebung hatte ich auch keine Probleme, es betrifft nur genau diese Icons / Widgets im Alarm View
VIS: 1.2.4
Web: 3.0.9Kannst du mir mal ein Bewegungsmelder Widget posten? Das teste ich dann mal.