Test Coronavirus Statistics for ioBroker
Stimmt, aber es gibt Quellen...
-> -
@Scrounger dafür kommt aber nun dieses bei allen neu hinzugefügten, als Beispiel Tanzania....
coronavirus-statistics.0 2020-03-26 22:50:03.965 warn (12113) Used invalid characters: coronavirus-statistics.0.Tanzania,_United_Republic_of.deathsPerOneMillion changed to coronavirus-statistics.0.Tanzania__United_Republic_of.deathsPerOneMillion coronavirus-statistics.0 2020-03-26 22:50:03.853 warn (12113) Used invalid characters: coronavirus-statistics.0.Tanzania,_United_Republic_of.casesPerOneMillion changed to coronavirus-statistics.0.Tanzania__United_Republic_of.casesPerOneMillion coronavirus-statistics.0 2020-03-26 22:50:03.810 warn (12113) Used invalid characters: coronavirus-statistics.0.Tanzania,_United_Republic_of.critical changed to coronavirus-statistics.0.Tanzania__United_Republic_of.critical coronavirus-statistics.0 2020-03-26 22:50:03.789 warn (12113) Used invalid characters: coronavirus-statistics.0.Tanzania, changed to coronavirus-statistics.0 2020-03-26 22:50:03.768 warn (12113) Used invalid characters: coronavirus-statistics.0.Tanzania,_United_Republic_of.recovered changed to coronavirus-statistics.0.Tanzania__United_Republic_of.recovered coronavirus-statistics.0 2020-03-26 22:50:03.689 warn (12113) Used invalid characters: coronavirus-statistics.0.Tanzania,_United_Republic_of.todayDeaths changed to coronavirus-statistics.0.Tanzania__United_Republic_of.todayDeaths coronavirus-statistics.0 2020-03-26 22:50:03.563 warn (12113) Used invalid characters: coronavirus-statistics.0.Tanzania,_United_Republic_of.deaths changed to coronavirus-statistics.0.Tanzania__United_Republic_of.deaths coronavirus-statistics.0 2020-03-26 22:50:03.518 warn (12113) Used invalid characters: coronavirus-statistics.0.Tanzania,_United_Republic_of.todayCases changed to coronavirus-statistics.0.Tanzania__United_Republic_of.todayCases coronavirus-statistics.0 2020-03-26 22:50:03.383 warn (12113) Used invalid characters: coronavirus-statistics.0.Tanzania,_United_Republic_of.cases changed to coronavirus-statistics.0.Tanzania__United_Republic_of.cases coronavirus-statistics.0 2020-03-26 22:50:02.790 warn (12113) Used invalid characters: coronavirus-statistics.0.Tanzania,_United_Republic_of.flag changed to coronavirus-statistics.0.Tanzania__United_Republic_of.flag
nach welchem wert richtet sich denn die Top 5 - > Cases?
- China: 81285
- USA: 82179
müsste USA nicht jetzt auf Platz 1 stehen, mit den meisten infizierten Menschen?
@dos1973 wenn ich mir den Code richtig anschaue, dann kann der Programmierer dieses Widgets das nicht ändern, da diese Daten in exakt dieser Reihenfolge von der ab zu rufenden Seite übergeben werden. Das müsste dann der ändern, der die abzurufende Seite zur Verfügung stellt.
ich dachte der Adapter wertet das aus und bestimmt die Reihenfolge... -
aktuelle countryTranslator:hallo kann mir mal einer helfen stehe auf dem schlauch wo ich das genau einfüge
bei NATIV oder RAW oder ganz wo anderdanke
Ist hier beschrieben: hier in dem Thread auf deutsch weiter oben
danke euch beiden
aber ohne sigi234 betrag häte ich das nicht geraftt jetzt fliesst wieder wasser durch den schlach LOL
Jup Danke euch zweien jetzt hab auch ich es kapiert -
@dos1973 habe gerade ein Issue erstellt, da ich herausgefunden habe, dass die Abfrage der API für die Top5 ein bisschen verändert werden müsste, damit es in der richtigen Reihenfolge dann auch abgefragt wird.
Be jedem Aufruf kommen diese Warn-Meldungen
coronavirus-statistics.0 2020-03-27 20:00:23.179 warn (1939) Libyan_Arab_Jamahiriya not found in lib! Must be added to the country name translator. coronavirus-statistics.0 2020-03-27 20:00:22.989 warn (1939) Holy_See_(Vatican_City_State) not found in lib! Must be added to the country name translator. coronavirus-statistics.0 2020-03-27 20:00:22.930 warn (1939) Syrian_Arab_Republic not found in lib! Must be added to the country name translator. coronavirus-statistics.0 2020-03-27 20:00:22.819 warn (1939) Lao_People's_Democratic_Republic not found in lib! Must be added to the country name translator. coronavirus-statistics.0 2020-03-27 20:00:22.228 warn (1939) Tanzania,_United_Republic_of not found in lib! Must be added to the country name translator. coronavirus-statistics.0 2020-03-27 20:00:21.965 warn (1939) Congo,_the_Democratic_Republic_of_the not found in lib! Must be added to the country name translator. coronavirus-statistics.0 2020-03-27 20:00:21.701 warn (1939) Palestinian_Territory,_Occupied not found in lib! Must be added to the country name translator. coronavirus-statistics.0 2020-03-27 20:00:21.629 warn (1939) Coast_D'Ivoire not found in lib! Must be added to the country name translator. coronavirus-statistics.0 2020-03-27 20:00:21.585 warn (1939) Venezuela,_Bolivarian_Republic_of not found in lib! Must be added to the country name translator. coronavirus-statistics.0 2020-03-27 20:00:19.638 warn (1939) Moldova,_Republic_of not found in lib! Must be added to the country name translator. coronavirus-statistics.0 2020-03-27 20:00:19.554 warn (1939) Bosnia not found in lib! Must be added to the country name translator.
3 Beiträge unten.......
Nicht immer nur den letzten Post lesen sondern diesen Thread aufmerksam verfolgen könnte zu einer Lösung führen. -
Ich glaube, gerade gibt es ein Problem bei der Abfrage oder?
Error getting loadCountries API response, will retry at next shedule RequestError: Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND
@stimezo sagte in Test Coronavirus Statistics for ioBroker:
Kann man sich aber auch schnell selber basteln :
ChristianHi Christian, würdest du vielleicht deinen View zur Verfügung stellen? Wäre super.
Johnny -
Ich habe in coronavirus-statistics.0.countryTranslator die in meinen Log angezeigten Länder eingetragen:
{ "Libyan_Arab_Jamahiriya": "Libyen", "MS_Zaandam": "MS Zaandam", "Holy_See_(Vatican_City_State)": "Vatikanstadt", "Syrian_Arab_Republic": "Syrien", "Lao_People's_Democratic_Republic": "Laos", "Tanzania,_United_Republic_of": "Tansania", "Congo,_the_Democratic_Republic_of_the": "Demokratische Republik Kongo", "Palestinian_Territory,_Occupied": "Palästinensische Autonomiegebiete", "Coast_D'Ivoire": "Elfenbeinküste", "Venezuela,_Bolivarian_Republic_of": "Venezuela", "Moldova,_Republic_of": "Moldawien", "Bosnia": "Bosnien und Herzegowina" }
Im Log erscheint aber trotzdem
coronavirus-statistics.0 2020-03-28 10:00:18.014 warn (4058) Holy_See_(Vatican_City_State) not found in lib! Must be added to the country name translator. coronavirus-statistics.0 2020-03-28 10:00:17.981 warn (4058) Syrian_Arab_Republic not found in lib! Must be added to the country name translator. coronavirus-statistics.0 2020-03-28 10:00:16.966 warn (4058) Tanzania,_United_Republic_of not found in lib! Must be added to the country name translator. coronavirus-statistics.0 2020-03-28 10:00:16.653 warn (4058) Congo,_the_Democratic_Republic_of_the not found in lib! Must be added to the country name translator. coronavirus-statistics.0 2020-03-28 10:00:16.185 warn (4058) Palestinian_Territory,_Occupied not found in lib! Must be added to the country name translator. coronavirus-statistics.0 2020-03-28 10:00:16.096 warn (4058) Coast_D'Ivoire not found in lib! Must be added to the country name translator. coronavirus-statistics.0 2020-03-28 10:00:15.826 warn (4058) Moldova,_Republic_of not found in lib! Must be added to the country name translator. coronavirus-statistics.0 2020-03-28 10:00:15.762 warn (4058) Bosnia not found in lib! Must be added to the country name translator. coronavirus-statistics.0 2020-03-28 10:00:07.839 info (4058) user defined country translation added: Bosnia -> Bosnien und Herzegowina coronavirus-statistics.0 2020-03-28 10:00:07.839 info (4058) user defined country translation added: Moldova,_Republic_of -> Moldawien coronavirus-statistics.0 2020-03-28 10:00:07.839 info (4058) user defined country translation added: Venezuela,_Bolivarian_Republic_of -> Venezuela coronavirus-statistics.0 2020-03-28 10:00:07.839 info (4058) user defined country translation added: Coast_D'Ivoire -> Elfenbeinküste coronavirus-statistics.0 2020-03-28 10:00:07.839 info (4058) user defined country translation added: Palestinian_Territory,_Occupied -> Palästinensische Autonomiegebiete coronavirus-statistics.0 2020-03-28 10:00:07.838 info (4058) user defined country translation added: Congo,_the_Democratic_Republic_of_the -> Demokratische Republik Kongo coronavirus-statistics.0 2020-03-28 10:00:07.838 info (4058) user defined country translation added: Tanzania,_United_Republic_of -> Tansania coronavirus-statistics.0 2020-03-28 10:00:07.838 info (4058) user defined country translation added: Lao_People's_Democratic_Republic -> Laos coronavirus-statistics.0 2020-03-28 10:00:07.838 info (4058) user defined country translation added: Syrian_Arab_Republic -> Syrien coronavirus-statistics.0 2020-03-28 10:00:07.838 info (4058) user defined country translation added: Holy_See_(Vatican_City_State) -> Vatikanstadt coronavirus-statistics.0 2020-03-28 10:00:07.838 info (4058) user defined country translation added: MS_Zaandam -> MS Zaandam coronavirus-statistics.0 2020-03-28 10:00:07.838 info (4058) user defined country translation added: Libyan_Arab_Jamahiriya -> Libyen
@CKMartens Instanz neustarten
@Yetiberg Schon passiert, aber trotzdem:
coronavirus-statistics.0 2020-03-28 10:05:35.514 warn (4302) Libyan_Arab_Jamahiriya not found in lib! Must be added to the country name translator. coronavirus-statistics.0 2020-03-28 10:05:35.493 warn (4302) MS_Zaandam not found in lib! Must be added to the country name translator. coronavirus-statistics.0 2020-03-28 10:05:35.464 warn (4302) Holy_See_(Vatican_City_State) not found in lib! Must be added to the country name translator. coronavirus-statistics.0 2020-03-28 10:05:35.448 warn (4302) Syrian_Arab_Republic not found in lib! Must be added to the country name translator. coronavirus-statistics.0 2020-03-28 10:05:35.097 warn (4302) Tanzania,_United_Republic_of not found in lib! Must be added to the country name translator. coronavirus-statistics.0 2020-03-28 10:05:35.034 warn (4302) Congo,_the_Democratic_Republic_of_the not found in lib! Must be added to the country name translator. coronavirus-statistics.0 2020-03-28 10:05:34.734 warn (4302) Palestinian_Territory,_Occupied not found in lib! Must be added to the country name translator. coronavirus-statistics.0 2020-03-28 10:05:34.716 warn (4302) Coast_D'Ivoire not found in lib! Must be added to the country name translator. coronavirus-statistics.0 2020-03-28 10:05:34.653 warn (4302) Moldova,_Republic_of not found in lib! Must be added to the country name translator. coronavirus-statistics.0 2020-03-28 10:05:34.633 warn (4302) Bosnia not found in lib! Must be added to the country name translator. coronavirus-statistics.0 2020-03-28 10:05:29.272 info (4302) user defined country translation added: Bosnia -> Bosnien und Herzegowina coronavirus-statistics.0 2020-03-28 10:05:29.272 info (4302) user defined country translation added: Moldova,_Republic_of -> Moldawien coronavirus-statistics.0 2020-03-28 10:05:29.272 info (4302) user defined country translation added: Venezuela,_Bolivarian_Republic_of -> Venezuela coronavirus-statistics.0 2020-03-28 10:05:29.272 info (4302) user defined country translation added: Coast_D'Ivoire -> Elfenbeinküste coronavirus-statistics.0 2020-03-28 10:05:29.272 info (4302) user defined country translation added: Palestinian_Territory,_Occupied -> Palästinensische Autonomiegebiete coronavirus-statistics.0 2020-03-28 10:05:29.272 info (4302) user defined country translation added: Congo,_the_Democratic_Republic_of_the -> Demokratische Republik Kongo coronavirus-statistics.0 2020-03-28 10:05:29.272 info (4302) user defined country translation added: Tanzania,_United_Republic_of -> Tansania coronavirus-statistics.0 2020-03-28 10:05:29.272 info (4302) user defined country translation added: Lao_People's_Democratic_Republic -> Laos coronavirus-statistics.0 2020-03-28 10:05:29.271 info (4302) user defined country translation added: Syrian_Arab_Republic -> Syrien coronavirus-statistics.0 2020-03-28 10:05:29.271 info (4302) user defined country translation added: Holy_See_(Vatican_City_State) -> Vatikanstadt coronavirus-statistics.0 2020-03-28 10:05:29.271 info (4302) user defined country translation added: MS_Zaandam -> MS Zaandam coronavirus-statistics.0 2020-03-28 10:05:29.271 info (4302) user defined country translation added: Libyan_Arab_Jamahiriya -> Libyeb coronavirus-statistics.0 2020-03-28 10:05:22.036 info (4302) starting. Version 0.4.8 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.coronavirus-statistics, node: v10.19.0