* ---------------------------
* Script: An- und Abwesenheitserkennung über TR-064-Adapter
* ---------------------------
* Autor: Mic (ioBroker-Forum) / Mic-M (Github)
* ---------------------------
* Das Script nutzt den TR-064-Adapter, der die WLAN-Verfügbarkeit von allen Geräten überwacht.
* Funktionen:
* - Ermittlung der anwesenden und abwesenden Personen
* - State 'anyonePresent': wird 'true' gesetzt, wenn 1 oder mehr Personen anwesend, und 'false', wenn keiner.
* Dies kann als Trigger genutzt werden, um zum Beispiel alles auszuschalten, wenn keiner mehr zu Hause.
* - Speichern von Kommen- und Gehen-Zeiten
* - Führen einer An- und Abwesenheitsliste als Json und HTML
* - optional: Datei-Log für jede Aktualisierung der An- und Abwesenheit
* ---------------------------
* Ressourcen:
* - Script ist hier veröffentlicht: https://github.com/Mic-M/iobroker.presence-script-for-tr-064-community-adapter
* - Support ioBroker-Forum: https://forum.iobroker.net/topic/4538/anwesenheitscontrol-basierend-auf-tr64-adapter-script
* - Link zum TR-064-Adapter: https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.tr-064
* ---------------------------
* Change log:
* 1.1 - Mic: * Change path of TR-064 adapter
* 1.0 - Mic: * Code improvements and fix
* 0.8 - Mic: + JSON: Add css class "trRecentDate" for highlighting the date of most recent action.
* If state is "anwesend", CSS class will be applied to value in column "Kommt"
* If state is "abwesend", CSS class will be applied to value in column "Geht"
* + JSON: Add css class "trStatusPresent" / "trStatusLeft" to status values
* 0.7 - Mic: Change statepath from javascript.0 to 0_userdata.0
* 0.6 - Mic: Neuer State 'persons.xxx.offsetEntryLeave', zeigt wie lange die Person an-/abwesend war.
* entweder nur in Stunden gerundet (z.B. 49), oder in Stunden:Minuten (z.B. 48:36).
* Siehe Erweiterte Einstellungen, OFFSET_HOURS_AND_MINS, hier im Script.
* 0.5 - Mic: State 'presentPersonsString': Alphabetische Sortierung und Trennzeichen kann in den erweiterten Einstellungen
* des Scripts geändert werden (PRESENT_PERSONS_DELIMITER). Außerdem kann Text vergeben werden, wenn niemand
* 0.4 - Mic: kleine Korrekturen
* 0.3 - Mic:
* - Diverse Verbesserungen: Sourcecode, Logging, States neu gegliedert,
* besserer Scriptstart, Bereinigung, Abfangen von Fehlern, usw.
* - Neue Option FIX_ERROR für FritzBox und iPhone (siehe Beschreibung in Konfiguration)
* 0.2 - NightWatcher: optimiert, nun unlimitierte Geräte möglich, HTML String Liste für das Material Design
* 0.1 - Looxer01: Initiale Version
* ---------------------------
* Credits: Vielen dank an den ursprünglichen Autor Looxer01, der am 01.01.2017 das Script veröffentlichte.
* Ebenso danke an NightWatcher, der eine Aktualisierung am 31.10.2018 veröffentlichte.
* Einstellungen
// Pfad, unter dem die States (Datenpunkte) in den Objekten angelegt werden.
// Es wird die Anlage sowohl unterhalb '0_userdata.0' als auch 'javascript.x' unterstützt.
const STATE_PATH = '0_userdata.0.Anwesenheit.Status';
// Hier ist der State des TR-064-Adapters, unter dem die einzelnen Geräte geführt sind
const STATEPATH_TR064_DEVICES = 'tr-064.0.devices.';
// Hier die zu überwachenden Geräte vom TR-064-Adapter eintragen.
// Es können beliebig viele Personen mit neuen Zeilen ergänzt werden.
// Links: Gerät aus Spalte "Name" vom TR-064-Adapter
// Rechts: Name des Besitzers, der angezeigt werden soll
const DEVICES = {
'HandyStefan': 'Stefan',
'HandyMichi': 'Michi',
// Logging in Datei
const LOGFLAG = false; // Logging ein- oder ausschalten
const LOGPATH_FS = "/opt/iobroker/iobroker-data/Anwesenheiten.csv"; // Pfad und Dateiname der Log-Datei
// Falls eine Anwesenheitssimulation verknüpft werden soll dann hier TRUE eintragen, sowie
// die Zeit in Sekunden nach Abwesenheit, die vergehen soll bis die Simulation aktiviert wird
const SIMULATION_ACTIVE = false;
// Erweiterter Log im ioBroker
const LOG_INFO = true; // Informationen loggen
const LOG_DEBUG = false; // Erweiterter Log für Debugging
// Behebe FritzBox-Fehler (zumindest mit iOS): Wenn ein Gerät nicht mehr im WLAN ist, wird manchmal direkt
// auf "nicht anwesend" im Adapter gesetzt, dann ca. 15 Sekunden später wieder auf "anwesend", dann ca. 5-10 Minuten
// später dauerhaft auf "nicht anwesend". Um dieses Verhalten zu umgehen, wird hier ein Delay eingebaut,
// um nach x Sekunden (FIX_ERROR_DELAY) zu prüfen, ob lt. Adapter tatsächlich abwesend.
// Siehe auch Github Issue: https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.tr-064-community/issues/55
const FIX_ERROR = true;
const FIX_ERROR_DELAY = 25;
* Erweiterte Einstellungen
* Option für Datenpunkt "presentPersonsString" (Zeigt die derzeit anwesenden Personen)
// Trennzeichen für 'presentPersonsString'. Dieses wird zwischen den einzelnen anwesenden Namen gesetzt.
// Text in für 'presentPersonsString', falls niemand anwesend.
* Option für Datenpunkt "persons.xxx.offsetEntryLeave" (zeigt , wie lange die Person an- oder abwesend war.)
// Wenn true: Im Datenpunkt werden Stunden und Minuten angezeigt, z.B. 10:36 (bei 10 Stunden 36 Min.), oder 48:12 (bei 48 Std. 12 Min.)
// Wenn false: Es werden nur Stunden gerundet angezeigt, z.B. 11 (bei 10 Stunden 36 Minuten) oder 48 (bei 48 Std. 12 Min.)
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ab hier nichts mehr ändern / Stop editing here! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
* Global variables and constants
// Final state path
const FINAL_STATE_LOCATION = validateStatePath(STATE_PATH, false);
const FINAL_STATE_PATH = validateStatePath(STATE_PATH, true) + '.';
* Executed on every script start.
function init() {
* First, validate some of the options
let passed = false;
// Prüfen ob der jeweilige State im TR-064-Adapter existert
for (let lpDevice in DEVICES) {
if (getObject(STATEPATH_TR064_DEVICES + lpDevice)) {
passed = true;
if (LOG_DEBUG) log('Prüfung erfolgreich: state [' + STATEPATH_TR064_DEVICES + lpDevice + '] existiert.')
} else {
passed = false;
log('Das im Script angegebene Gerät [' + lpDevice + '] von ' + cl(DEVICES[lpDevice]) + ' existiert nicht in den TR-064-Community-Adapter-Objekten.', 'warn')
log('Prüfe, ob Gerät [' + lpDevice + '] in den TR-064-Adapteroptionen so angelegt ist und Gerätename 1:1 übereinstimmt mit diesem Script.', 'warn')
if (passed) {
// Create states.
createUserStates(FINAL_STATE_LOCATION, false, buildScriptStates(), function() {
// Now, states are created.
// Delete state, if SIMULATION_ACTIVE is false and if state exists. Just to clean up if it was true before and user changed it to false.
if (isState(FINAL_STATE_PATH + 'presenceSimulationActive'), false) {
deleteState(FINAL_STATE_PATH + 'presenceSimulationActive');
// Execute main() to get initial status with TR-064 adapter
// Schedule for each user
for (let lpDevice in DEVICES){
on({id: STATEPATH_TR064_DEVICES + lpDevice, change:'ne'}, function(obj) {
let deviceName = obj.id.split('.').pop();
if (obj.state.ack) {
// Only continue if adapter presence state differs to the script state
if( obj.state.val !== (getState(FINAL_STATE_PATH + 'persons.' + cl(DEVICES[deviceName]) + '.isPresent')).val) {
if (LOG_DEBUG) log('Presence status of ' + cl(DEVICES[deviceName]) + ' actually changed');
if (FIX_ERROR && !obj.state.val) { // if fix Fritzbox error is active and if device is no longer in WiFi per Adapter
if (LOG_DEBUG) log('Fix Error being triggert, Person: ' + cl(DEVICES[deviceName]));
setTimeout(function() {
if (!getState(obj.id).val) {
// OK, so user is indeed no longer present
if (LOG_DEBUG) log ('Getriggert: Eine Person geht (FIX_ERROR Funktion erfolgreich)');
}, FIX_ERROR_DELAY * 1000);
} else {
if (LOG_DEBUG) log ('Getriggert: Eine Person kommt oder geht');
} else {
log('Script wird nicht weiter ausgeführt aufgrund der ausgegebenen Fehler.', 'warn');
* Haupt-Skript
function main(userKey) {
let currentDateTime = formatDate(new Date(), 'TT.MM.JJJJ SS:mm:ss');
let presentPersons = '';
let isAnyonePresent = false;
let jsonArr = [];
let HTMLString = "<table style='width:100%'><thead><tr><th style='text-align:left;'>Name</th><th style='text-align:left;'>Status</th><th style='text-align:left;'>Kommt</th><th style='text-align:left;'>Geht</th></tr></thead><tbody>";
let counter = 0;
let message = '';
for (let lpDevice in DEVICES) {
if (LOG_DEBUG) log('Loop: Device ' + lpDevice);
// Anwesenheitsstatus auslesen aus TR064
let isLoopUserPresent = getState(STATEPATH_TR064_DEVICES + lpDevice).val;
// Status setzen
setState(FINAL_STATE_PATH + 'persons.' + cl(DEVICES[lpDevice]) + '.isPresent', isLoopUserPresent);
// Get state times of last leave/entry
let lpTimeLastLeave = getState(FINAL_STATE_PATH + 'persons.' + cl(DEVICES[lpDevice]) + '.timeLastLeave').val;
let lpTimeLastEntry = getState(FINAL_STATE_PATH + 'persons.' + cl(DEVICES[lpDevice]) + '.timeLastEntry').val;
if (lpDevice === userKey) {
setState(FINAL_STATE_PATH + 'persons.' + cl(DEVICES[lpDevice]) + (isLoopUserPresent ? '.timeLastEntry': '.timeLastLeave'), currentDateTime);
setState(FINAL_STATE_PATH + 'persons.' + cl(DEVICES[lpDevice]) + '.timeMostRecent', currentDateTime);
if(isLoopUserPresent) {
lpTimeLastEntry = currentDateTime;
} else {
lpTimeLastLeave = currentDateTime;
if (LOGFLAG) writelog(cl(DEVICES[lpDevice]) + ";" + lpDevice + ";" + (isLoopUserPresent ? "Kommt": "Geht"));
message = cl(DEVICES[lpDevice]) + (isLoopUserPresent ? ' kommt':' geht');
// Set statuses
if (!isLoopUserPresent && !isAnyonePresent) {
isAnyonePresent = false;
if (isLoopUserPresent) {
counter += 1;
if (presentPersons === '') {
presentPersons = cl(DEVICES[lpDevice]);
} else {
presentPersons += '######' + cl(DEVICES[lpDevice]);
isAnyonePresent = true;
* Calculate offset leave/entry and set states accordingly
let lpCurrentOffset = '';
let stateLeave = FINAL_STATE_PATH + 'persons.' + cl(DEVICES[lpDevice]) + '.timeLastLeave';
let stateEntry = FINAL_STATE_PATH + 'persons.' + cl(DEVICES[lpDevice]) + '.timeLastEntry';
if ( (!isEmpty(getState(stateLeave).val) && isLoopUserPresent) || (!isEmpty(getState(stateEntry).val) && !isLoopUserPresent ) ) {
// As the states are string format, we simply get the last change of the state, which is a date/time variable
let dtLeave = getState(stateLeave).lc; // '.lc' property gets us the date/time when the state changed last time
let dtEntry = getState(stateEntry).lc;
let offsetMs = Math.abs(dtLeave - dtEntry); // remove minus '-', so get absolute number
let intHoursFull = offsetMs / 1000 / 60 /60; // convert milliseconds into hours
let intHoursDecimal = parseInt(intHoursFull.toString().substring(0, intHoursFull.toString().indexOf("."))); // not rounded
let offsetJustMins = Math.round ( (intHoursFull - Math.round(intHoursDecimal)) * 60); // gets us just the minutes, without the hours
let resultStrHoursOnly = Math.round(intHoursFull).toString();
let resultStrHoursSec = zeroPad(intHoursDecimal, 2) + ':' + zeroPad(offsetJustMins, 2)
if(LOG_DEBUG) log (cl(DEVICES[lpDevice]) + ' Offset hours only: ' + resultStrHoursOnly + ', Offset hours:seconds: ' + resultStrHoursSec);
let finalOffsetStr = (OFFSET_HOURS_AND_MINS) ? resultStrHoursSec : resultStrHoursOnly;
setState(FINAL_STATE_PATH + 'persons.' + cl(DEVICES[lpDevice]) + '.offsetEntryLeave', finalOffsetStr);
lpCurrentOffset = finalOffsetStr;
} else {
// nothing to calculate, so empty state
setState(FINAL_STATE_PATH + 'persons.' + cl(DEVICES[lpDevice]) + '.offsetEntryLeave', '');
lpCurrentOffset = '';
* Generate JSON
let lpObjJ = {};
lpObjJ['Name'] = cl(DEVICES[lpDevice]);
lpObjJ['Status'] = (isLoopUserPresent ? "<span class='trStatusPresent'>anwesend</span>" : "<span class='trStatusLeave'>abwesend</span>");
lpObjJ['Letzte Ankunft'] = ((isLoopUserPresent) ? "<span class='trRecentDate'>" : '') + lpTimeLastEntry + ((isLoopUserPresent) ? '</span>' : '');
lpObjJ['Letzte Abwesenheit'] = ((!isLoopUserPresent) ? "<span class='trRecentDate'>" : '') + lpTimeLastLeave + ((!isLoopUserPresent) ? '</span>' : '');
lpObjJ['Dauer'] = lpCurrentOffset;
* Generate HTML String
HTMLString+="<td>"+(isLoopUserPresent ? '<div class="mdui-green-bg mdui-state mdui-card">anwesend</div>' : '<div class="mdui-red-bg mdui-state mdui-card">abwesend</div>')+"</td>"
} // for (let lpDevice in DEVICES) {
// Prepare present persons string
if (!isAnyonePresent) {
} else {
// sort present persons alphabetically and add delimiter from options, when converting back to string
let presPersArr = presentPersons.split('######');
presentPersons = presPersArr.join(PRESENT_PERSONS_DELIMITER);
// Log
if (LOG_INFO && (message != '')) {
if (isAnyonePresent) {
log(message + ', damit ' + (counter <= 1 ? 'ist':'sind') + ' jetzt ' + counter + (counter <= 1 ? ' Person anwesend: ':' Personen anwesend: ') + presentPersons);
} else {
log(message + ', damit ist jetzt niemand mehr anwesend.');
HTMLString += "</body></table>";
setState(FINAL_STATE_PATH + 'presentPersonsJson', JSON.stringify(jsonArr));
setState(FINAL_STATE_PATH + 'presentPersonsHTML', HTMLString);
setState(FINAL_STATE_PATH + 'anyonePresent', isAnyonePresent);
setState(FINAL_STATE_PATH + 'allPresentPersonsCount', counter);
setState(FINAL_STATE_PATH + 'presentPersonsString', presentPersons);
if(presentPersons.length > 0) {
postMessage("PERSONS_AVAILABLE_INFO", presentPersons, counter);
} else {
// Anwesenheitssimulation ein-oder ausschalten
if (isAnyonePresent) {
setState(FINAL_STATE_PATH + 'presenceSimulationActive', false);
} else {
if (! getState(FINAL_STATE_PATH + 'presenceSimulationActive').val) {
// Presence simulation is currently off, so we set flag to true
setStateDelayed(FINAL_STATE_PATH + 'presenceSimulationActive', true, SIMULATION_DELAY * 1000);
if (LOG_INFO) log('Presence Simulation flag will be activated in ' + SIMULATION_DELAY + ' seconds.');
* Schreibt einen Logeintrag in das Filesystem
* @param {string} string Logeintrag
function writelog(string) {
let fs = require('fs');
let logdate = formatDate(new Date(),"TT.MM.JJJJ");
let logtime = formatDate(new Date(),"SS:mm:ss");
if (fs.existsSync(LOGPATH_FS)) {
fs.appendFileSync(LOGPATH_FS, logdate + ";" + logtime + ";" + string + "\n"); // Füge Zeile in Datei ein
} else {
if (LOG_DEBUG) log('Logfile [' + LOGPATH_FS + '] nicht vorhanden, wird daher neu angelegt.');
let headerLine = "Datum;Uhrzeit;Name;Gerät;Kommt-Geht";
fs.appendFileSync(LOGPATH_FS, headerLine + "\n"); // Füge Zeile in Datei ein
fs.appendFileSync(LOGPATH_FS, logdate + ";" + logtime + ";" + string + "\n"); // Füge Zeile in Datei ein
* Prepare states we need to create
* @return {object} Array of all states to be created with createUserStates()
function buildScriptStates() {
let finalStates = [];
for (const lpDevice in DEVICES) {
finalStates.push([FINAL_STATE_PATH + 'persons.' + cl(DEVICES[lpDevice]) + '.isPresent', {name: 'Is '+ cl(DEVICES[lpDevice]) + ' currently present?', type: 'boolean', read: true, write: false, def:false }]);
finalStates.push([FINAL_STATE_PATH + 'persons.' + cl(DEVICES[lpDevice]) + '.timeLastLeave', {name: 'Time of last LEAVE of ' + cl(DEVICES[lpDevice]), type: 'string', read: true, write: false, def:'' }]);
finalStates.push([FINAL_STATE_PATH + 'persons.' + cl(DEVICES[lpDevice]) + '.timeLastEntry', {name: 'Time of last ENTRY of ' + cl(DEVICES[lpDevice]), type: 'string', read: true, write: false, def:'' }]);
finalStates.push([FINAL_STATE_PATH + 'persons.' + cl(DEVICES[lpDevice]) + '.timeMostRecent', {name: 'Time of most recent entry or leave of ' + cl(DEVICES[lpDevice]), type: 'string', read: true, write: false, def:'' }]);
finalStates.push([FINAL_STATE_PATH + 'persons.' + cl(DEVICES[lpDevice]) + '.offsetEntryLeave', {name:'Offset: Leave date/time - Entry date/time', type:'string', read:true, write:false, def:'' }]);
finalStates.push([FINAL_STATE_PATH + 'anyonePresent', {name: 'Is any person present?', type: 'boolean', read: true, write: false, def: false }]);
finalStates.push([FINAL_STATE_PATH + 'presentPersonsString', {name: 'List of present persons: String', type: 'string', read: true, write: false, def: '' }]);
finalStates.push([FINAL_STATE_PATH + 'presentPersonsJson', {name: 'List of present persons: JSON', type: 'string', read: true, write: false, def: '' }]);
finalStates.push([FINAL_STATE_PATH + 'presentPersonsHTML', {name: 'List of present persons: HTML', type: 'string', read: true, write: false, def: '' }]);
finalStates.push([FINAL_STATE_PATH + 'allPresentPersonsCount', {name:'Number of present persons', type: 'number', read: true, write: false, def: 0 }]);
if (SIMULATION_ACTIVE) finalStates.push([FINAL_STATE_PATH + 'presenceSimulationActive', {name: 'Presense Simulation Status', type: 'boolean', read: true, write: false, def: false }]);
return finalStates;
* Just keep letters, numbers, umlauts, '-' and '_'
function cl(strToClean) {
return strToClean.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9ß-ü-_]/g,'');
* Checks if a a given state or part of state is existing.
* This is a workaround, as getObject() or getState() throw warnings in the log.
* Set strict to true if the state shall match exactly. If it is false, it will add a wildcard * to the end.
* See: https://forum.iobroker.net/topic/11354/
* @param {string} strStatePath Input string of state, like 'javas-cript.0.switches.Osram.Bedroom'
* @param {boolean} [strict=true] Optional: Default is true. If true, it will work strict, if false, it will add a wildcard * to the end of the string
* @return {boolean} true if state exists, false if not
function isState(strStatePath, strict) {
if(strict === undefined) strict = true;
let mSelector;
if (strict) {
mSelector = $('state[id=' + strStatePath + '$]');
} else {
mSelector = $('state[id=' + strStatePath + ']');
if (mSelector.length > 0) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Checks if Array or String is not undefined, null or empty.
* Array or String containing just whitespaces or >'< or >"< is considered empty
* @param inputVar - Input Array or String, Number, etc.
* @return true if it is undefined/null/empty, false if it contains value(s)
function isEmpty(inputVar) {
if (typeof inputVar !== 'undefined' && inputVar !== null) {
var strTemp = JSON.stringify(inputVar);
strTemp = strTemp.replace(/\s+/g, ''); // remove all whitespaces
strTemp = strTemp.replace(/\"+/g, ""); // remove all >"<
strTemp = strTemp.replace(/\'+/g, ""); // remove all >'<
if (strTemp !== '') {
return false;
} else {
return true;
} else {
return true;
* Fügt Vornullen zu einer Zahl hinzu, macht also z.B. aus 7 eine "007".
* zeroPad(5, 4); // wird "0005"
* zeroPad('5', 6); // wird "000005"
* zeroPad(1234, 2); // wird "1234" :)
* @param {string|number} num Zahl, die Vornull(en) bekommen soll
* @param {number} places Anzahl Stellen.
* @return {string} Zahl mit Vornullen wie gewünscht.
function zeroPad(num, places) {
let zero = places - num.toString().length + 1;
return Array(+(zero > 0 && zero)).join("0") + num;
* For a given state path, we extract the location '0_userdata.0' or 'javascript.0' or add '0_userdata.0', if missing.
* @param {string} path Like: 'Computer.Control-PC', 'javascript.0.Computer.Control-PC', '0_userdata.0.Computer.Control-PC'
* @param {boolean} returnFullPath If true: full path like '0_userdata.0.Computer.Control-PC', if false: just location like '0_userdata.0' or 'javascript.0'
* @return {string} Path
function validateStatePath(path, returnFullPath) {
if (path.startsWith('.')) path = path.substr(1); // Remove first dot
if (path.endsWith('.')) path = path.slice(0, -1); // Remove trailing dot
if (path.length < 1) log('Provided state path is not valid / too short.', 'error')
let match = path.match(/^((javascript\.([1-9][0-9]|[0-9])\.)|0_userdata\.0\.)/);
let location = (match == null) ? '0_userdata.0' : match[0].slice(0, -1); // default is '0_userdata.0'.
if(returnFullPath) {
return (path.indexOf(location) == 0) ? path : (location + '.' + path);
} else {
return location;
* Create states under 0_userdata.0 or javascript.x
* Current Version: https://github.com/Mic-M/iobroker.createUserStates
* Support: https://forum.iobroker.net/topic/26839/
* Autor: Mic (ioBroker) | Mic-M (github)
* Version: 1.1 (26 January 2020)
* Example: see https://github.com/Mic-M/iobroker.createUserStates#beispiel
* -----------------------------------------------
* PLEASE NOTE: Per https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.javascript/issues/474, the used function setObject()
* executes the callback PRIOR to completing the state creation. Therefore, we use a setTimeout and counter.
* -----------------------------------------------
* @param {string} where Where to create the state: '0_userdata.0' or 'javascript.x'.
* @param {boolean} force Force state creation (overwrite), if state is existing.
* @param {array} statesToCreate State(s) to create. single array or array of arrays
* @param {object} [callback] Optional: a callback function -- This provided function will be executed after all states are created.
function createUserStates(where, force, statesToCreate, callback = undefined) {
const WARN = false; // Only for 0_userdata.0: Throws warning in log, if state is already existing and force=false. Default is false, so no warning in log, if state exists.
const LOG_DEBUG = false; // To debug this function, set to true
// Per issue #474 (https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.javascript/issues/474), the used function setObject() executes the callback
// before the state is actual created. Therefore, we use a setTimeout and counter as a workaround.
const DELAY = 50; // Delay in milliseconds (ms). Increase this to 100, if it is not working.
// Validate "where"
if (where.endsWith('.')) where = where.slice(0, -1); // Remove trailing dot
if ( (where.match(/^((javascript\.([1-9][0-9]|[0-9]))$|0_userdata\.0$)/) == null) ) {
log('This script does not support to create states under [' + where + ']', 'error');
// Prepare "statesToCreate" since we also allow a single state to create
if(!Array.isArray(statesToCreate[0])) statesToCreate = [statesToCreate]; // wrap into array, if just one array and not inside an array
// Add "where" to STATES_TO_CREATE
for (let i = 0; i < statesToCreate.length; i++) {
let lpPath = statesToCreate[i][0].replace(/\.*\./g, '.'); // replace all multiple dots like '..', '...' with a single '.'
lpPath = lpPath.replace(/^((javascript\.([1-9][0-9]|[0-9])\.)|0_userdata\.0\.)/,'') // remove any javascript.x. / 0_userdata.0. from beginning
lpPath = where + '.' + lpPath; // add where to beginning of string
statesToCreate[i][0] = lpPath;
if (where != '0_userdata.0') {
// Create States under javascript.x
let numStates = statesToCreate.length;
statesToCreate.forEach(function(loopParam) {
if (LOG_DEBUG) log('[Debug] Now we are creating new state [' + loopParam[0] + ']');
let loopInit = (loopParam[1]['def'] == undefined) ? null : loopParam[1]['def']; // mimic same behavior as createState if no init value is provided
createState(loopParam[0], loopInit, force, loopParam[1], function() {
if (numStates === 0) {
if (LOG_DEBUG) log('[Debug] All states processed.');
if (typeof callback === 'function') { // execute if a function was provided to parameter callback
if (LOG_DEBUG) log('[Debug] Function to callback parameter was provided');
return callback();
} else {
} else {
// Create States under 0_userdata.0
let numStates = statesToCreate.length;
let counter = -1;
statesToCreate.forEach(function(loopParam) {
counter += 1;
if (LOG_DEBUG) log ('[Debug] Currently processing following state: [' + loopParam[0] + ']');
if( ($(loopParam[0]).length > 0) && (existsState(loopParam[0])) ) { // Workaround due to https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.javascript/issues/478
// State is existing.
if (WARN && !force) log('State [' + loopParam[0] + '] is already existing and will no longer be created.', 'warn');
if (!WARN && LOG_DEBUG) log('[Debug] State [' + loopParam[0] + '] is already existing. Option force (=overwrite) is set to [' + force + '].');
if(!force) {
// State exists and shall not be overwritten since force=false
// So, we do not proceed.
if (numStates === 0) {
if (LOG_DEBUG) log('[Debug] All states successfully processed!');
if (typeof callback === 'function') { // execute if a function was provided to parameter callback
if (LOG_DEBUG) log('[Debug] An optional callback function was provided, which we are going to execute now.');
return callback();
} else {
// We need to go out and continue with next element in loop.
return; // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18452920/continue-in-cursor-foreach
} // if(!force)
// State is not existing or force = true, so we are continuing to create the state through setObject().
let obj = {};
obj.type = 'state';
obj.native = {};
obj.common = loopParam[1];
setObject(loopParam[0], obj, function (err) {
if (err) {
log('Cannot write object for state [' + loopParam[0] + ']: ' + err);
} else {
if (LOG_DEBUG) log('[Debug] Now we are creating new state [' + loopParam[0] + ']')
let init = null;
if(loopParam[1].def === undefined) {
if(loopParam[1].type === 'number') init = 0;
if(loopParam[1].type === 'boolean') init = false;
if(loopParam[1].type === 'string') init = '';
} else {
init = loopParam[1].def;
setTimeout(function() {
setState(loopParam[0], init, true, function() {
if (LOG_DEBUG) log('[Debug] setState durchgeführt: ' + loopParam[0]);
if (numStates === 0) {
if (LOG_DEBUG) log('[Debug] All states processed.');
if (typeof callback === 'function') { // execute if a function was provided to parameter callback
if (LOG_DEBUG) log('[Debug] Function to callback parameter was provided');
return callback();
}, DELAY + (20 * counter) );