Test Adapter ioBroker.sainlogic v0.6.X GitHub/Latest
@Lucifor1976 sagte in Test Adapter ioBroker.sainlogic v0.6.X GitHub/Latest:
.... funktioniert nicht.
kennst du das : -
@Glasfaser Nein, kannte ich nicht, aber TOP. Ich werde es einbauen...
@Neo110 said in Test Adapter ioBroker.sainlogic v0.6.X GitHub/Latest:
nun bin ich auch endlich mal dazu gekommen, den Adapter zu installieren und meine WS980 einzubinden.
Allerdings bekommen bei mir nicht alle Werte ständig ein update. Die Werte dailyrain, solarradiation, windspeed und windgustspeed werden sehr oft nicht aktualisiert bzw. behalten den letzten Wert. Der Wert "daylyrain" z.b. hat immer noch den wert vom Freitag, obwohl es seit dem nicht mehr geregnet hat. Der Wert "solarradiation" bleibt nachts immer bei "108 lx" stehen obwohl es dunkel ist.Bis jetzt hatte ich die Station immer via fhem an ioBroker angebunden, läuft auch noch parallel, aber ich wollte die Station nun, um nicht zwei System pflegen zu müssen, direkt an ioBroker anbinden.
Wenn ich die Werte der zwei System vergleiche, so fällt mit auf, das bei fhem bei Dunkelheit und auch bei Regen auch eine 0 vorhanden ist.Habe mal den "debug" mit schreiben lassen und hoffe das es was hilft:
inlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.291 debug (9867) FW Scheduler Connection closed sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.289 debug (9867) Target for windchilltemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.289 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.minvalues.daily.windchilltemp to 8.2 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.289 debug (9867) Target for pressureabs unit is set: hPa, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.289 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.minvalues.daily.pressureabs to 955.9 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.289 debug (9867) Target for outdoortemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.289 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.minvalues.daily.outdoortemp to 8.2 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.289 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.minvalues.daily.outdoorhumidity to 85 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.288 debug (9867) Target for indoortemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.288 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.minvalues.daily.indoortemp to 23.7 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.288 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.minvalues.daily.indoorhumidity to 43 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.288 debug (9867) Target for dewpointtemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.288 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.minvalues.daily.dewpointtemp to 7.2 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.287 info (9867) Scheduler updating IOBroker states sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.287 debug (9867) Data object: {"indoortemp":237,"indoortemptime":1589,"outdoortemp":82,"outdoortemptime":1316,"dewpointtemp":72,"dewpointtemptime":1316,"windchilltemp":82,"windchilltemptime":1316,"indoorhumidit sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.287 debug (9867) Data Command received: 11 subcommand 8 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.287 debug (9867) FW Scheduler Received data string: ffff0b002c084100ed0635420052052443004805244400520524462b00214755001c48255706314925570631e2fb sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.277 debug (9867) Scheduler connected to weather station run 255,255,11,0,6,8,8,33 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.276 debug (9867) Target for windspeed unit is set: km/h, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.276 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.daily.windspeed to 6.1 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.276 debug (9867) Target for windgustspeed unit is set: km/h, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.276 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.daily.windgustspeed to 9.4 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.276 debug (9867) Target for windchilltemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.276 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.daily.windchilltemp to 11.2 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.276 debug (9867) Target for pressurerel unit is set: hPa, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.275 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.daily.pressurerel to 958.6 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.275 debug (9867) Target for pressureabs unit is set: hPa, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.275 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.daily.pressureabs to 958.6 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.274 debug (9867) Target for outdoortemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.274 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.daily.outdoortemp to 11.2 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.274 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.daily.outdoorhumidity to 95 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.274 debug (9867) Target for indoortemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.274 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.daily.indoortemp to 26.2 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.273 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.daily.indoorhumidity to 46 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.273 debug (9867) Target for dewpointtemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.273 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.daily.dewpointtemp to 8.9 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.273 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.daily.UVraw to 2 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.272 info (9867) Scheduler updating IOBroker states sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.272 debug (9867) Data object: {"indoortemp":262,"indoortemptime":0,"outdoortemp":112,"outdoortemptime":31,"dewpointtemp":89,"dewpointtemptime":28,"windchilltemp":112,"windchilltemptime":31,"indoorhumidity":46," sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.272 debug (9867) Data Command received: 11 subcommand 7 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.272 debug (9867) FW Scheduler Received data string: ffff0b004d074101060000420070001f430059001c450070001f462e061f475f0525482572000649257200064b0011001d4c001a001d4e000000000000550000000000005600020000570000002eb4 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.259 debug (9867) Scheduler connected to weather station run 255,255,11,0,6,7,7,31 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.258 debug (9867) Target for windchilltemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.258 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.minvalues.absolut.windchilltemp to -8.7 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.258 debug (9867) Target for pressurerel unit is set: hPa, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.258 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.minvalues.absolut.pressurerel to 932.2 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.258 debug (9867) Target for pressureabs unit is set: hPa, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.257 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.minvalues.absolut.pressureabs to 932.2 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.257 debug (9867) Target for outdoortemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.257 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.minvalues.absolut.outdoortemp to -7 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.257 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.minvalues.absolut.outdoorhumidity to 18 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.257 debug (9867) Target for indoortemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.256 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.minvalues.absolut.indoortemp to 19.7 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.256 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.minvalues.absolut.indoorhumidity to 23 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.256 debug (9867) Target for dewpointtemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.256 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.minvalues.absolut.dewpointtemp to -12.8 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.255 info (9867) Scheduler updating IOBroker states sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.255 debug (9867) Data object: {"indoortemp":197,"outdoortemp":-70,"dewpointtemp":-128,"windchilltemp":-87,"indoorhumidity":23,"outdoorhumidity":18,"pressureabs":9322,"pressurerel":9322} sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.255 debug (9867) Data Command received: 11 subcommand 6 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.255 debug (9867) FW Scheduler Received data string: ffff0b001c060100c502ffba03ff8004ffa90617071208246a09246a1857 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.226 debug (9867) Scheduler connected to weather station run 255,255,11,0,6,6,6,29 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.226 debug (9867) Target for yearlyrain unit is set: mm, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.226 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.yearlyrain to 544.5 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.225 debug (9867) Target for windspeed unit is set: km/h, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.225 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.windspeed to 36.4 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.224 debug (9867) Target for windgustspeed unit is set: km/h, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.224 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.windgustspeed to 51.5 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.224 debug (9867) Target for weeklyrain unit is set: mm, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.224 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.weeklyrain to 70.6 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.224 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.uvi to 15 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.224 debug (9867) Target for solarradiation unit is set: lx, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.223 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.solarradiation to 300000 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.223 debug (9867) Target for rain unit is set: mm, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.223 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.rain to 96 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.223 debug (9867) Target for pressurerel unit is set: hPa, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.223 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.pressurerel to 1010.9 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.223 debug (9867) Target for pressureabs unit is set: hPa, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.223 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.pressureabs to 1010.9 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.222 debug (9867) Target for outdoortemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.222 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.outdoortemp to 37.9 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.222 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.outdoorhumidity to 99 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.222 debug (9867) Target for monthlyrain unit is set: mm, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.222 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.monthlyrain to 117.9 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.221 debug (9867) Target for indoortemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.221 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.indoortemp to 29.5 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.221 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.indoorhumidity to 73 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.221 debug (9867) Target for dewpointtemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.221 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.dewpointtemp to 24.6 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.220 debug (9867) Target for dailyrain unit is set: mm, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.220 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.dailyrain to 29.3 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.220 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.UVraw to 65535 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.219 info (9867) Scheduler updating IOBroker states sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.219 debug (9867) Data object: {"indoortemp":295,"outdoortemp":379,"dewpointtemp":246,"heatindex":416,"indoorhumidity":73,"outdoorhumidity":99,"pressureabs":10109,"pressurerel":10109,"windspeed":101,"windgustspe sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.219 debug (9867) Data Command received: 11 subcommand 5 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.219 debug (9867) FW Scheduler Received data string: ffff0b00450501012702017b0300f60501a00649076308277d09277d0b00650c008f0e000003c0100000012511000002c2120000049b130000154515002dc6c016ffff170f6418 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.206 debug (9867) Scheduler connected to weather station run 255,255,11,0,6,5,5,27 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.206 debug (9867) Target for yearlyrain unit is set: mm, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.206 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.current.yearlyrain to 544.5 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.206 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.current.winddir to 130 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.205 debug (9867) Target for windchilltemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.205 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.current.windchilltemp to 9.1 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.205 debug (9867) Target for pressurerel unit is set: hPa, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.205 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.current.pressurerel to 956.1 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.205 debug (9867) Target for pressureabs unit is set: hPa, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.205 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.current.pressureabs to 956.1 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.204 debug (9867) Target for outdoortemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.204 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.current.outdoortemp to 9.1 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.204 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.current.outdoorhumidity to 95 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.204 debug (9867) Target for monthlyrain unit is set: mm, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.204 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.current.monthlyrain to 41.1 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.204 debug (9867) Target for indoortemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.203 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.current.indoortemp to 23.7 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.203 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.current.indoorhumidity to 46 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.203 debug (9867) Target for dewpointtemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.202 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.current.dewpointtemp to 8.3 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.202 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.current.UVraw to 2 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.202 info (9867) Scheduler updating IOBroker states sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.202 debug (9867) Data object: {"indoortemp":237,"outdoortemp":91,"dewpointtemp":83,"windchilltemp":91,"heatindex":91,"indoorhumidity":46,"outdoorhumidity":95,"pressureabs":9561,"pressurerel":9561,"winddir":130, sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.202 debug (9867) Data Command received: 11 subcommand 4 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.201 debug (9867) FW Scheduler Received data string: ffff0b0050040100ed02005b03005304005b05005b062e075f0825590925590a00820b00000c00000e0000000010000000001100000000120000019b130000154514000024e9150000000016000217 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.190 debug (9867) Scheduler connected to weather station run 255,255,11,0,6,4,4,25 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.190 debug (9867) Setting value from data for info.softwaretype to EasyWeatherV1.3.7 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.190 info (9867) Scheduler updating IOBroker states sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.190 debug (9867) Data object: {"softwaretype":"EasyWeatherV1.3.7"} sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.189 debug (9867) Data Command received: 80 subcommand 69 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.189 debug (9867) FW Scheduler Received data string: ffff501511456173795765617468657256312e332e37 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.186 debug (9867) Scheduler connected to weather station run 255,255,80,3,83 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.127 info (9867) Scheduler pulling for new data sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.296 debug (9867) FW Scheduler Connection closed sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.294 debug (9867) Target for windchilltemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.294 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.minvalues.daily.windchilltemp to 8.2 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.294 debug (9867) Target for pressureabs unit is set: hPa, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.294 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.minvalues.daily.pressureabs to 955.9 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.294 debug (9867) Target for outdoortemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.293 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.minvalues.daily.outdoortemp to 8.2 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.293 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.minvalues.daily.outdoorhumidity to 85 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.293 debug (9867) Target for indoortemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.293 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.minvalues.daily.indoortemp to 23.7 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.293 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.minvalues.daily.indoorhumidity to 43 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.292 debug (9867) Target for dewpointtemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.292 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.minvalues.daily.dewpointtemp to 7.2 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.291 info (9867) Scheduler updating IOBroker states sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.291 debug (9867) Data object: {"indoortemp":237,"indoortemptime":1589,"outdoortemp":82,"outdoortemptime":1316,"dewpointtemp":72,"dewpointtemptime":1316,"windchilltemp":82,"windchilltemptime":1316,"indoorhumidit sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.291 debug (9867) Data Command received: 11 subcommand 8 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.291 debug (9867) FW Scheduler Received data string: ffff0b002c084100ed0635420052052443004805244400520524462b00214755001c48255706314925570631e2fb sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.283 debug (9867) Scheduler connected to weather station run 255,255,11,0,6,8,8,33 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.283 debug (9867) Target for windspeed unit is set: km/h, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.283 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.daily.windspeed to 6.1 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.282 debug (9867) Target for windgustspeed unit is set: km/h, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.282 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.daily.windgustspeed to 9.4 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.282 debug (9867) Target for windchilltemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.282 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.daily.windchilltemp to 11.2 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.282 debug (9867) Target for pressurerel unit is set: hPa, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.281 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.daily.pressurerel to 958.6 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.281 debug (9867) Target for pressureabs unit is set: hPa, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.281 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.daily.pressureabs to 958.6 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.281 debug (9867) Target for outdoortemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.281 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.daily.outdoortemp to 11.2 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.280 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.daily.outdoorhumidity to 95 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.280 debug (9867) Target for indoortemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.280 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.daily.indoortemp to 26.2 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.280 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.daily.indoorhumidity to 46 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.279 debug (9867) Target for dewpointtemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.279 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.daily.dewpointtemp to 8.9 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.279 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.daily.UVraw to 2 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.278 info (9867) Scheduler updating IOBroker states sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.278 debug (9867) Data object: {"indoortemp":262,"indoortemptime":0,"outdoortemp":112,"outdoortemptime":31,"dewpointtemp":89,"dewpointtemptime":28,"windchilltemp":112,"windchilltemptime":31,"indoorhumidity":46," sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.278 debug (9867) Data Command received: 11 subcommand 7 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.278 debug (9867) FW Scheduler Received data string: ffff0b004d074101060000420070001f430059001c450070001f462e061f475f0525482572000649257200064b0011001d4c001a001d4e000000000000550000000000005600020000570000002eb4 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.265 debug (9867) Scheduler connected to weather station run 255,255,11,0,6,7,7,31 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.265 debug (9867) Target for windchilltemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.265 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.minvalues.absolut.windchilltemp to -8.7 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.265 debug (9867) Target for pressurerel unit is set: hPa, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.265 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.minvalues.absolut.pressurerel to 932.2 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.264 debug (9867) Target for pressureabs unit is set: hPa, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.264 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.minvalues.absolut.pressureabs to 932.2 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.264 debug (9867) Target for outdoortemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.263 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.minvalues.absolut.outdoortemp to -7 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.263 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.minvalues.absolut.outdoorhumidity to 18 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.263 debug (9867) Target for indoortemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.262 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.minvalues.absolut.indoortemp to 19.7 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.262 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.minvalues.absolut.indoorhumidity to 23 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.261 debug (9867) Target for dewpointtemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.261 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.minvalues.absolut.dewpointtemp to -12.8 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.260 info (9867) Scheduler updating IOBroker states sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.260 debug (9867) Data object: {"indoortemp":197,"outdoortemp":-70,"dewpointtemp":-128,"windchilltemp":-87,"indoorhumidity":23,"outdoorhumidity":18,"pressureabs":9322,"pressurerel":9322} sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.260 debug (9867) Data Command received: 11 subcommand 6 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.260 debug (9867) FW Scheduler Received data string: ffff0b001c060100c502ffba03ff8004ffa90617071208246a09246a1857 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.251 debug (9867) Scheduler connected to weather station run 255,255,11,0,6,6,6,29 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.251 debug (9867) Target for yearlyrain unit is set: mm, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.251 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.yearlyrain to 544.5 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.251 debug (9867) Target for windspeed unit is set: km/h, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.251 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.windspeed to 36.4 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.250 debug (9867) Target for windgustspeed unit is set: km/h, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.250 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.windgustspeed to 51.5 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.250 debug (9867) Target for weeklyrain unit is set: mm, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.250 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.weeklyrain to 70.6 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.249 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.uvi to 15 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.249 debug (9867) Target for solarradiation unit is set: lx, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.249 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.solarradiation to 300000 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.249 debug (9867) Target for rain unit is set: mm, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.249 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.rain to 96 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.248 debug (9867) Target for pressurerel unit is set: hPa, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.248 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.pressurerel to 1010.9 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.248 debug (9867) Target for pressureabs unit is set: hPa, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.248 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.pressureabs to 1010.9 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.248 debug (9867) Target for outdoortemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.247 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.outdoortemp to 37.9 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.247 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.outdoorhumidity to 99 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.247 debug (9867) Target for monthlyrain unit is set: mm, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.247 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.monthlyrain to 117.9 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.246 debug (9867) Target for indoortemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.246 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.indoortemp to 29.5 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.246 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.indoorhumidity to 73 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.246 debug (9867) Target for dewpointtemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.246 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.dewpointtemp to 24.6 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.245 debug (9867) Target for dailyrain unit is set: mm, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.245 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.dailyrain to 29.3 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.245 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.maxvalues.absolut.UVraw to 65535 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.244 info (9867) Scheduler updating IOBroker states sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.244 debug (9867) Data object: {"indoortemp":295,"outdoortemp":379,"dewpointtemp":246,"heatindex":416,"indoorhumidity":73,"outdoorhumidity":99,"pressureabs":10109,"pressurerel":10109,"windspeed":101,"windgustspe sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.244 debug (9867) Data Command received: 11 subcommand 5 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.243 debug (9867) FW Scheduler Received data string: ffff0b00450501012702017b0300f60501a00649076308277d09277d0b00650c008f0e000003c0100000012511000002c2120000049b130000154515002dc6c016ffff170f6418 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.233 debug (9867) Scheduler connected to weather station run 255,255,11,0,6,5,5,27 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.233 debug (9867) Target for yearlyrain unit is set: mm, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.233 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.current.yearlyrain to 544.5 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.232 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.current.winddir to 130 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.232 debug (9867) Target for windchilltemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.232 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.current.windchilltemp to 9.1 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.232 debug (9867) Target for pressurerel unit is set: hPa, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.231 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.current.pressurerel to 956.1 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.231 debug (9867) Target for pressureabs unit is set: hPa, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.231 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.current.pressureabs to 956.1 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.231 debug (9867) Target for outdoortemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.231 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.current.outdoortemp to 9.1 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.230 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.current.outdoorhumidity to 95 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.230 debug (9867) Target for monthlyrain unit is set: mm, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.230 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.current.monthlyrain to 41.1 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.230 debug (9867) Target for indoortemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.229 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.current.indoortemp to 23.8 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.229 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.current.indoorhumidity to 46 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.229 debug (9867) Target for dewpointtemp unit is set: °C, using conversion: null sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.229 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.current.dewpointtemp to 8.3 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.228 debug (9867) Setting value from data for weather.current.UVraw to 2 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.228 info (9867) Scheduler updating IOBroker states sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.227 debug (9867) Data object: {"indoortemp":238,"outdoortemp":91,"dewpointtemp":83,"windchilltemp":91,"heatindex":91,"indoorhumidity":46,"outdoorhumidity":95,"pressureabs":9561,"pressurerel":9561,"winddir":130, sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.227 debug (9867) Data Command received: 11 subcommand 4 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.227 debug (9867) FW Scheduler Received data string: ffff0b0050040100ee02005b03005304005b05005b062e075f0825590925590a00820b00000c00000e0000000010000000001100000000120000019b130000154514000024e9150000000016000217 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.208 debug (9867) Scheduler connected to weather station run 255,255,11,0,6,4,4,25 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.207 debug (9867) Setting value from data for info.softwaretype to EasyWeatherV1.3.7 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.207 info (9867) Scheduler updating IOBroker states sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.207 debug (9867) Data object: {"softwaretype":"EasyWeatherV1.3.7"} sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.207 debug (9867) Data Command received: 80 subcommand 69 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.207 debug (9867) FW Scheduler Received data string: ffff501511456173795765617468657256312e332e37 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.204 debug (9867) Scheduler connected to weather station run 255,255,80,3,83 sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:56:34.126 info (9867) Scheduler pulling for new data
Hat jemand eine Idee an was das liegen könnte?
Danke schon mal für eure HilfeEdit: Habe jetzt auch mal, um auszuschließen das es an meiner ioBroker Instanz liegt, einen aktuellen ioBroker im docker laufen, aber leider mit dem gleichen fehler.
Hallo, ich kann das Problem bestätigen. Auch bei mir werden alle Werteänderungen der Datenpunkte auf "0" nicht erfasst.
Ich habe die Sainlogic WS3500 zum laufen gebracht.
Nur im Listener Modus, aber da hat man ja auch einige Werte.Im WS View App gleiche Einstellungen verwenden(Port, Pfad, Ecowitt, +IP vom iobroker)
@sonystar @Neo110
Sehe gerade Eure Posts hierzu. Spannend.
Könnt ihr mal aus dem Debug die Zeile wo die Daten kommen direkt posten? Die ist leider abgeschnitten. Wäre diese da:
sainlogic.0 2020-10-26 06:57:04.287 debug (9867) Data object: {"indoortemp":237,"indoortemptime":1589,"outdoortemp":82,"outdoortemptime":1316,"dewpointtemp":72,"dewpointtemptime":1316,"windchilltemp":82,"windchilltemptime":1316,"indoorhumiditMal schauen was das an Rohdaten kommt. Eigentlich sollte alles bearbeitet werden. Ggf. kommt da einfach keine 0? D.h. ich müsste die Werte nachts einfach 'resetten'.
sainlogic.0 2021-01-12 17:41:04.247 debug (29105) Data object: {"indoortemp":237,"outdoortemp":11,"dewpointtemp":1,"windchilltemp":-27,"heatindex":11,"indoorhumidity":42,"outdoorhumidity":94,"pressureabs":9612,"pressurerel":9612,"winddir":238 sainlogic.0 2021-01-12 17:41:04.246 debug (29105) Data Command received: 11 subcommand 4 sainlogic.0 2021-01-12 17:41:04.246 debug (29105) FW Scheduler Received data string: ffff0b0050040100ed02000b03000104ffe505000b062a075e08258c09258c0a00ee0b00240c00290e000000001000000000110000000212000000051300000005140000281615000000001600021
sainlogic.0 2021-01-12 17:41:04.269 debug (29105) Data object: {"indoortemp":302,"outdoortemp":379,"dewpointtemp":246,"heatindex":416,"indoorhumidity":73,"outdoorhumidity":99,"pressureabs":10109,"pressurerel":10109,"windspeed":101,"windgustsp sainlogic.0 2021-01-12 17:41:04.269 debug (29105) Data Command received: 11 subcommand 5 sainlogic.0 2021-01-12 17:41:04.268 debug (29105) FW Scheduler Received data string: ffff0b00450501012e02017b0300f60501a00649076308277d09277d0b00650c008f0e000003c0100000012511000002c2120000049b130000186d15002dc6c016ffff170f967c sainlogic.0 2021-01-12 17:41:04.257 debug (29105) Scheduler connected to weather station run 255,255,11,0,6,5,5,27 sainlogic.0 2021-01-12 17:41:04.256 debug (29105) Target for yearlyrain unit is set: mm, using conversion: null
sainlogic.0 2021-01-12 17:41:04.283 debug (29105) Data object: {"indoortemp":197,"outdoortemp":-134,"dewpointtemp":-147,"windchilltemp":-134,"indoorhumidity":23,"outdoorhumidity":18,"pressureabs":9322,"pressurerel":9322} sainlogic.0 2021-01-12 17:41:04.282 debug (29105) Data Command received: 11 subcommand 6 sainlogic.0 2021-01-12 17:41:04.282 debug (29105) FW Scheduler Received data string: ffff0b001c060100c502ff7a03ff6d04ff7a0617071208246a09246a9653 sainlogic.0 2021-01-12 17:41:04.275 debug (29105) Scheduler connected to weather station run 255,255,11,0,6,6,6,29 sainlogic.0 2021-01-12 17:41:04.275 debug (29105) Target for yearlyrain unit is set: mm, using conversion: null
sainlogic.0 2021-01-12 17:41:04.298 debug (29105) Data object: {"indoortemp":255,"indoortemptime":3378,"outdoortemp":12,"outdoortemptime":4352,"dewpointtemp":4,"dewpointtemptime":3885,"windchilltemp":12,"windchilltemptime":4352,"indoorhumidit sainlogic.0 2021-01-12 17:41:04.298 debug (29105) Data Command received: 11 subcommand 7 sainlogic.0 2021-01-12 17:41:04.297 debug (29105) FW Scheduler Received data string: ffff0b004d074100ff0d3242000c11004300040f2d45000c1100462d0d0e47610a1a4825e900014925e900014b0033101a4c0047100f4e000000000000550001683c0b34560002000057000000631 sainlogic.0 2021-01-12 17:41:04.286 debug (29105) Scheduler connected to weather station run 255,255,11,0,6,7,7,31
oder noch diese Zeile:
sainlogic.0 2021-01-12 17:41:04.312 debug (29105) Data object: {"indoortemp":232,"indoortemptime":1553,"outdoortemp":-40,"outdoortemptime":27,"dewpointtemp":-58,"dewpointtemptime":20,"windchilltemp":-88,"windchilltemptime":300,"indoorhumidity sainlogic.0 2021-01-12 17:41:04.312 debug (29105) Data Command received: 11 subcommand 8 sainlogic.0 2021-01-12 17:41:04.311 debug (29105) FW Scheduler Received data string: ffff0b002c084100e8061142ffd8001b43ffc6001444ffa8012c461d0836475700004825830e1a4925830e1a2077 sainlogic.0 2021-01-12 17:41:04.303 debug (29105) Scheduler connected to weather station run 255,255,11,0,6,8,8,33
Die Daten sind alle mit dem gleichen Zeitstempel gekommen.
Leider kommt nach "indoorhumidity" nichts mehr
Hallo, hat jemand die Sainlogic FT0300 zum laufen gebracht?
@johannes-bauerstatter said in Test Adapter ioBroker.sainlogic v0.6.X GitHub/Latest:
Hallo, hat jemand die Sainlogic FT0300 zum laufen gebracht?
Ja ... User Legoracer70 hat die Station ... siehe hier Link Text
ich habe vor kurzem diesen Adapter entdeckt, erstmal danke dafür!!!
Also sofort eine WH4000SE geshoppt und eingebunden funktioniert bis dahin alles problemlos.
Leider musste ich auch feststellen, dass div. Werte keine Updates erhalten offenbar meist dann, wenn der neue Wert "0" sein müsste.
Wenn es hilft, bin ich auch gern dabei, wenn es auf die Fehlersuche geht.Grüße...
nach einigen Tagen Beobachtung, konnte ich feststellen, dass u.a. "rain" und "dailyrain" nicht upgadated wenn die Werte "0" sind. Während das Zurücksetzten des Wertes für "dailyrain" am Tagesanfang seinen Zweck erfüllen würde, ist das mit "rain" sicher nicht so einfach, es kann ja mehrmals am Tag anfangen und aufhören zu regnen. Das Erfassen eines Regenevents wäre schon eine feine Sache z.Bsp. zum Schließen von Dachflächenfenstern. Auch der Lux-Wert kann ja je nach Aufstellort täglich "0" werden, er bleibt aber auch, offenbar auf dem letzten Wert vor der "Nullmeldung" hängen. Im Falle der Helligkeit ist das m.E. aber kein Beinbruch.
Evtl. kann man, wenn der enstprechende Wert nach mehreren Zyklen kein Update erhalten hat, den Wert zurücksetzen?Trotzdem möchte ich mich nochmals bei @Fogg für die fantastische Arbeit bedanken.
@sender Ich habe für mich in ioBroker testweise mal ein Blockly Script laufen, in dem ich bei jeder Aktualisierung vom Adapter den Zeitstempel vom entsprechenden Wert mit dem aktuellen vergleiche. Sollte dieser älter als 2 Minuten (z.B. bei regen) sein, so wird dieser automatisch auf 0 gestellt.
Auf diesen Lösungsansatz bin ich hierrüber gekommen:öst-mittels-blockly-mqtt-zeitstempel-auf-alter-prüfen/9Ich lasse mir jetzt die Werte in influx mal mitschreiben und werde die tage mal sehen ob es evtl. Probleme gibt.
@neo110 Das Klingt nach 'ner Idee, schau ich mir auch mal an. Danke für's teilen.
Edit: Ich teste das auch grad mit "rain", was ich aber nach längerer Zeit erst zurücksetze, mal sehen... Allerdings schneit es grad, der Test wird also noch auf sich warten lassen müssen...
Zusätzlich setze ich "dailyrain" 0:00 zurück, ich werde auch berichten. -
Nach ein paar Tagen Testerei würde ich sagen, Deine Idee funktioniert 1A!
Ich setzte noch dailyrain, weeklyrain, monthlyrain und yearlyrain, jeweils täglich 0:01, montäglich 0:01, monatlich am 01. 0:01 und jährlich am 01.01. 0:01 zurück...
Nochmals Danke!
Hallo Zusammen,
als absoluter Laie brauche ich Hilfe.
Ich möchte meine ELV WS 980 in iobroker einbinden.
Dazu habe ich versucht den Adapter einzufügen, doch leider bekomme ich folgende Fehlermeldung:$ ./iobroker url "" gh install NPM version: 7.5.3 npm install --loglevel error --prefix "/opt/iobroker" (System call) npm ERR! code E404 npm ERR! 404 Not Found - GET ERR! 404 npm ERR! 404 '' is not in the npm registry.npm ERR! 404 This package name is not valid, because npm ERR! 404 1. name can only contain URL-friendly charactersnpm ERR! 404 2. name can no longer contain capital lettersnpm ERR! 404 npm ERR! 404 Note that you can also install from anpm ERR! 404 tarball, folder, http url, or git url. npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:npm ERR! /home/iobroker/.npm/_logs/2021-02-13T11_15_36_621Z-debug.log ERROR: host.raspff Cannot install 1 ERROR: process exited with code 25
Was mach ich falsch?
Danke im Voraus!
Haifisch -
@haifisch_777 sagte in Test Adapter ioBroker.sainlogic v0.6.X GitHub/Latest:
NPM version: 7.5.3
Uhii .... bischen alt
Ziehe erstmal dein System Up to Date .
Ok, vielen Dank, ich habe das System nach Anleitung auf den neusten Stang gebarcht, auch ohne Fehler :-).
Leider gibt es den Fehler noch immer!$ ./iobroker url "" gh install NPM version: 7.5.1 npm install --loglevel error --prefix "/opt/iobroker" (System call) npm ERR! code E404npm ERR! 404 Not Found - GET ERR! 404 npm ERR! 404 '' is not in the npm registry.npm ERR! 404 This package name is not valid, because npm ERR! 404 1. name can only contain URL-friendly charactersnpm ERR! 404 2. name can no longer contain capital lettersnpm ERR! 404 npm ERR! 404 Note that you can also install from anpm ERR! 404 tarball, folder, http url, or git url. npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:npm ERR! /home/iobroker/.npm/_logs/2021-02-13T12_30_13_706Z-debug.log ERROR: host.raspff Cannot install 1 ERROR: process exited with code 25
HaifischMod-Edit: Code in Code-Tag gepackt
Welchen Link nutzt du in GitHub , um es zu installieren .
Mache mal das: