Stiebel-ISG - Modbus
@kreuzundkwer sagte in Stiebel-ISG - Modbus:
Das ist bei mir auch so. Daher habe ich den bei mir entfernt. Vermutlich wird der nicht unterstützt bei deinem Heizungstyp.
liefert bei mir auch leider nix. Lt. Tecalor müsste hierfür ein neues MFG eingesetzt werden, auf dem eine neuere Software läuft
@unltdnetworx sagte in Stiebel-ISG - Modbus:
@kreuzundkwer sagte in Stiebel-ISG - Modbus:
Wie kann ich Nachkommastellen anzeigen?
Die sollten automatisch angezeigt, außer du hast genau einen runden Wert. Dann wird, glaube ich, nicht ",0" angezeigt.
Sämtliche Temperaturen sind auf volle Grad gerundet. Der Zufall ist mir zu groß. Habe auch grade nochmal im ISG geprüft. Dort müssten Nachkommastellen vorhanden sein. An meinem vorherigen Screenshot sieht man ganz gut, dass Nachkommastellen eigentlich geliefert werden.
Außentemperatur = 129 °C. Erwartet hätte ich 12,9. Durch die Ergänzung des Faktors wird die Nachkommastelle scheinbar gerundet. Das habe ich durch den Abgleich mit dem ISG herausgefunden.Hat noch jemand eine Idee, warum alle Adressen des holdingRegister 0 sind?
@kreuzundkwer sagte in Stiebel-ISG - Modbus:
Erwartet hätte ich 12,9. Durch die Ergänzung des Faktors wird die Nachkommastelle scheinbar gerundet.
Dann stimmt hier auch der Faktor nicht. Hast du die neueste Version meiner Vorlage verwendet? Es gab zwischenzeitlich mal einen Fehler beim Konvertieren der Tabelle auf die neue Modbusversion. Der Faktor wurde dabei überall auf 1 gesetzt, was natürlich nicht für jeden Wert stimmt.
@unltdnetworx sagte in Stiebel-ISG - Modbus:
@kreuzundkwer sagte in Stiebel-ISG - Modbus:
Erwartet hätte ich 12,9. Durch die Ergänzung des Faktors wird die Nachkommastelle scheinbar gerundet.
Dann stimmt hier auch der Faktor nicht. Hast du die neueste Version meiner Vorlage verwendet? Es gab zwischenzeitlich mal einen Fehler beim Konvertieren der Tabelle auf die neue Modbusversion. Der Faktor wurde dabei überall auf 1 gesetzt, was natürlich nicht für jeden Wert stimmt.
Denke schon. Habe sie zumindest aus dem verlinkten GIT Repository heruntergeladen. nicht genau kontrolliert. Es könnte aber sein, dass tatsächlich überall eine 1 als Faktor stand.
Leider sind die alten falschen Werte noch in der Version 3.Schau dir bitte die Tabelle der Version 2 an. Da Stimmen Faktor und Offset. Einfach die Werte mal vergleichen und evtl. händisch anpassen.
Komme leider in nächster Zeit nicht dazu die Werte anzupassen.
Problem gefunden. Es waren nicht die Adressen, sondern die Konfiguration der modbus Instanz. "Zahlen runden auf" hatte ich auf 1 und nicht auf 2 stehen. Nachdem ich den Wert auf 2 geändert habe, sehe ich nun auch eine Nachkommastelle.Jetzt suche ich noch weiter, warum die holdingRegisters alle auf 0 stehen. Vielleicht hat hier noch jemand eine Idee?
Kann ich irgendwie prüfen, ob meine Anlage (LWZ 303 Integral) hier überhaupt was ausspuckt? -
Hi Leute,
darf ich mal in die Runde fragen wie ihr es umgesetzt habt, dass die Heizung z.B. auf Knopfdruck oder bei bestimmten Bedingungen zu überheizen beginnt ?
Hab dazu keine Idee wie ich das erreichen könnte.
Danke für eure Hilfe.
Beste Grüße
Könnten diese Meldungen ein Grund dafür sein, dass die holdingRegisters bei mir nur 0 anzeigen?
Habe grade alle vorhandenen gelöscht und sie neu importiert.javascript.0 2022-10-20 11:14:50.023 warn This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. javascript.0 2022-10-20 11:14:50.021 warn Object modbus.0.inputRegisters.32003_BUS-Status is invalid: obj.common.states has an invalid type! Expected "object", received "string" javascript.0 2022-10-20 11:14:50.020 warn This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. javascript.0 2022-10-20 11:14:50.020 warn Object modbus.0.inputRegisters.32002_Fehlerstatus is invalid: obj.common.states has an invalid type! Expected "object", received "string" javascript.0 2022-10-20 11:14:50.018 warn This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. javascript.0 2022-10-20 11:14:50.017 warn Object modbus.0.holdingRegisters.44003_SG_Ready_Eingang2 is invalid: obj.common.states has an invalid type! Expected "object", received "string" javascript.0 2022-10-20 11:14:50.015 warn This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. javascript.0 2022-10-20 11:14:50.014 warn Object modbus.0.holdingRegisters.44002_SG_Ready_Eingang1 is invalid: obj.common.states has an invalid type! Expected "object", received "string" javascript.0 2022-10-20 11:14:50.013 warn This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. javascript.0 2022-10-20 11:14:50.012 warn Object modbus.0.holdingRegisters.44001_SG_Ready_ein-_und_ausschalten is invalid: obj.common.states has an invalid type! Expected "object", received "string" javascript.0 2022-10-20 11:14:50.012 warn This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. javascript.0 2022-10-20 11:14:50.011 warn Object modbus.0.holdingRegisters.41027_Restart-ISG is invalid: obj.common.states has an invalid type! Expected "object", received "string" javascript.0 2022-10-20 11:14:50.009 warn This object will not be created in future versions. Please report this to the developer. javascript.0 2022-10-20 11:14:50.008 warn Object modbus.0.holdingRegisters.41001_Betriebsart is invalid: obj.common.states has an invalid type! Expected "object", received "string"
Nein, leider nicht. Das ist nur eine Meldung, dass in einer zukünftigen Version die Typen der Datenpunkte anders sein müssen. -
@qlink sagte in Stiebel-ISG - Modbus:
Hab dazu keine Idee wie ich das erreichen könnte.
Bei mir gibt es einen Punkt "modbus.0.holdingRegisters.44002_SG_Ready_Eingang1", der aktiviert bei mir mit "true" die Einstellungen, welche ich im ISG unter "Einstellungen > Energiemanagement" festgelegt habe. Bei "false" springt alles wieder auf Standard zurück.
Ich habe allerdings auch ein ISGplus. Keine Garantie, dass es das unter ISGweb auch gibt.
Hat jemand das Modbus Register für die VD-Starts bei WPM3i?
der stiebel Adapter liest es aus und zeigt es an... Bei der Modbus Doku finde ich nichts für die Wärmepumpe nur die Lüftungsgeräte...
Nein, den gibts nur beim ISG Plus ...
ich verzweifele hier noch…..Bei meinem ISG Plus leutet die X2 Leuchte dauerhaft rot. Modbus verbindet sich nicht. Woran liegt es?
@c-k-0 An felhlenden LogFiles von dir?
Wie bekomme ich die LogFiles?
iob logs --watch | uniq
Dann den Adapter neustarten, Ausgaben aus der Konsole hier in CodeTags eingebettet reinkopieren.
on. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). 2022-11-07 20:04:45.830 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3580) unhandled promise rejection: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:04:45.830 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3580) Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1278:16) 2022-11-07 20:04:45.830 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3580) Exception-Code: EHOSTUNREACH: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:04:45.832 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3580) Error: Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:04:45.832 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3580) Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). 2022-11-07 20:04:45.833 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3580) unhandled promise rejection: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:04:45.833 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3580) Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1278:16) 2022-11-07 20:04:45.833 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3580) Exception-Code: EHOSTUNREACH: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:04:45.835 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3580) Error: Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:04:45.835 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3580) Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). 2022-11-07 20:04:45.836 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3580) unhandled promise rejection: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:04:45.836 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3580) Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1278:16) 2022-11-07 20:04:45.836 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3580) Exception-Code: EHOSTUNREACH: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:04:45.870 - info: stiebel-isg.0 (3580) cleaned everything up... 2022-11-07 20:04:45.871 - info: stiebel-isg.0 (3580) terminating 2022-11-07 20:04:45.873 - warn: stiebel-isg.0 (3580) Terminated (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION): Without reason 2022-11-07 20:04:46.429 - error: host.iobroker instance system.adapter.stiebel-isg.0 terminated with code 6 (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION) 2022-11-07 20:04:46.431 - info: host.iobroker Restart adapter system.adapter.stiebel-isg.0 because enabled 2022-11-07 20:04:46.433 - warn: host.iobroker Do not restart adapter system.adapter.stiebel-isg.0 because restart loop detected 2022-11-07 20:04:51.105 - info: host.iobroker instance system.adapter.stiebel-isg.0 started with pid 3597 2022-11-07 20:04:52.166 - info: admin.0 (879) <== Disconnect system.user.admin from ::ffff: 2022-11-07 20:04:53.639 - info: stiebel-isg.0 (3597) starting. Version 1.7.5 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.stiebel-isg, node: v16.18.1, js-controller: 4.0.23 2022-11-07 20:04:54.915 - info: host.iobroker stopInstance system.adapter.stiebel-isg.0 (force=false, process=true) 2022-11-07 20:04:54.927 - info: stiebel-isg.0 (3597) Got terminate signal TERMINATE_YOURSELF 2022-11-07 20:04:54.930 - info: stiebel-isg.0 (3597) cleaned everything up... 2022-11-07 20:04:54.932 - info: stiebel-isg.0 (3597) terminating 2022-11-07 20:04:54.938 - info: stiebel-isg.0 (3597) Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason 2022-11-07 20:04:54.968 - info: host.iobroker stopInstance system.adapter.stiebel-isg.0 send kill signal 2022-11-07 20:04:55.541 - info: host.iobroker instance system.adapter.stiebel-isg.0 terminated with code 11 (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION) 2022-11-07 20:04:57.995 - info: host.iobroker instance system.adapter.stiebel-isg.0 started with pid 3612 2022-11-07 20:04:59.127 - info: host.iobroker stopInstance system.adapter.stiebel-isg.0 (force=false, process=true) 2022-11-07 20:04:59.179 - info: host.iobroker stopInstance system.adapter.stiebel-isg.0 send kill signal 2022-11-07 20:05:00.181 - info: host.iobroker stopInstance system.adapter.stiebel-isg.0 killing pid 3612 2022-11-07 20:05:00.421 - info: stiebel-isg.0 (3612) starting. Version 1.7.5 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.stiebel-isg, node: v16.18.1, js-controller: 4.0.23 2022-11-07 20:05:00.707 - info: stiebel-isg.0 (3612) Terminated (START_IMMEDIATELY_AFTER_STOP): Without reason 2022-11-07 20:05:01.254 - info: host.iobroker instance system.adapter.stiebel-isg.0 terminated with code 156 (START_IMMEDIATELY_AFTER_STOP) 2022-11-07 20:05:02.209 - info: host.iobroker instance system.adapter.stiebel-isg.0 started with pid 3627 2022-11-07 20:05:02.838 - info: host.iobroker stopInstance system.adapter.stiebel-isg.0 (force=false, process=true) 2022-11-07 20:05:02.891 - info: host.iobroker stopInstance system.adapter.stiebel-isg.0 send kill signal 2022-11-07 20:05:03.894 - info: host.iobroker stopInstance system.adapter.stiebel-isg.0 killing pid 3627 2022-11-07 20:05:03.935 - warn: host.iobroker instance system.adapter.stiebel-isg.0 terminated due to SIGTERM 2022-11-07 20:05:03.936 - info: host.iobroker instance system.adapter.stiebel-isg.0 terminated with code null () 2022-11-07 20:05:05.920 - info: host.iobroker instance system.adapter.stiebel-isg.0 started with pid 3634 2022-11-07 20:05:07.702 - info: stiebel-isg.0 (3634) starting. Version 1.7.5 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.stiebel-isg, node: v16.18.1, js-controller: 4.0.23 2022-11-07 20:05:08.046 - info: host.iobroker stopInstance system.adapter.stiebel-isg.0 (force=false, process=true) 2022-11-07 20:05:08.109 - info: host.iobroker stopInstance system.adapter.stiebel-isg.0 send kill signal 2022-11-07 20:05:08.238 - info: stiebel-isg.0 (3634) Got terminate signal TERMINATE_YOURSELF 2022-11-07 20:05:08.243 - info: stiebel-isg.0 (3634) cleaned everything up... 2022-11-07 20:05:08.245 - info: stiebel-isg.0 (3634) terminating 2022-11-07 20:05:08.247 - info: stiebel-isg.0 (3634) Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason 2022-11-07 20:05:08.808 - info: host.iobroker instance system.adapter.stiebel-isg.0 terminated with code 11 (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION) 2022-11-07 20:05:11.142 - info: host.iobroker instance system.adapter.stiebel-isg.0 started with pid 3649 2022-11-07 20:05:13.388 - info: admin.0 (879) ==> Connected system.user.admin from ::ffff: 2022-11-07 20:05:13.892 - info: stiebel-isg.0 (3649) starting. Version 1.7.5 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.stiebel-isg, node: v16.18.1, js-controller: 4.0.23 2022-11-07 20:05:16.561 - info: host.iobroker stopInstance system.adapter.stiebel-isg.0 (force=false, process=true) 2022-11-07 20:05:16.572 - info: stiebel-isg.0 (3649) Got terminate signal TERMINATE_YOURSELF 2022-11-07 20:05:16.576 - info: stiebel-isg.0 (3649) cleaned everything up... 2022-11-07 20:05:16.577 - info: stiebel-isg.0 (3649) terminating 2022-11-07 20:05:16.582 - info: stiebel-isg.0 (3649) Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason 2022-11-07 20:05:16.614 - info: host.iobroker stopInstance system.adapter.stiebel-isg.0 send kill signal 2022-11-07 20:05:17.152 - info: host.iobroker instance system.adapter.stiebel-isg.0 terminated with code 11 (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION) 2022-11-07 20:05:17.433 - info: admin.0 (879) <== Disconnect system.user.admin from ::ffff: 2022-11-07 20:05:19.643 - info: host.iobroker instance system.adapter.stiebel-isg.0 started with pid 3665 2022-11-07 20:05:21.695 - info: stiebel-isg.0 (3665) starting. Version 1.7.5 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.stiebel-isg, node: v16.18.1, js-controller: 4.0.23 2022-11-07 20:05:25.008 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3665) Error: Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:05:25.012 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3665) Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). 2022-11-07 20:05:25.012 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3665) unhandled promise rejection: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:05:25.014 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3665) Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1278:16) 2022-11-07 20:05:25.014 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3665) Exception-Code: EHOSTUNREACH: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:05:25.017 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3665) Error: Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:05:25.017 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3665) Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). 2022-11-07 20:05:25.018 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3665) unhandled promise rejection: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:05:25.019 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3665) Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1278:16) 2022-11-07 20:05:25.020 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3665) Exception-Code: EHOSTUNREACH: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:05:25.022 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3665) Error: Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:05:25.023 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3665) Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). 2022-11-07 20:05:25.024 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3665) unhandled promise rejection: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:05:25.024 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3665) Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1278:16) 2022-11-07 20:05:25.025 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3665) Exception-Code: EHOSTUNREACH: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:05:25.026 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3665) Error: Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:05:25.027 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3665) Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). 2022-11-07 20:05:25.027 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3665) unhandled promise rejection: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:05:25.028 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3665) Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1278:16) 2022-11-07 20:05:25.028 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3665) Exception-Code: EHOSTUNREACH: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:05:25.029 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3665) Error: Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:05:25.030 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3665) Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). 2022-11-07 20:05:25.031 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3665) unhandled promise rejection: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:05:25.031 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3665) Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1278:16) 2022-11-07 20:05:25.031 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3665) Exception-Code: EHOSTUNREACH: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:05:25.032 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3665) Error: Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:05:25.033 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3665) Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). 2022-11-07 20:05:25.033 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3665) unhandled promise rejection: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:05:25.033 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3665) Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1278:16) 2022-11-07 20:05:25.034 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3665) Exception-Code: EHOSTUNREACH: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:05:25.060 - info: stiebel-isg.0 (3665) cleaned everything up... 2022-11-07 20:05:25.061 - info: stiebel-isg.0 (3665) terminating 2022-11-07 20:05:25.063 - warn: stiebel-isg.0 (3665) Terminated (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION): Without reason 2022-11-07 20:05:25.640 - error: host.iobroker instance system.adapter.stiebel-isg.0 terminated with code 6 (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION) 2022-11-07 20:05:25.641 - info: host.iobroker Restart adapter system.adapter.stiebel-isg.0 because enabled 2022-11-07 20:05:55.668 - info: host.iobroker instance system.adapter.stiebel-isg.0 started with pid 3680 2022-11-07 20:05:57.651 - info: stiebel-isg.0 (3680) starting. Version 1.7.5 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.stiebel-isg, node: v16.18.1, js-controller: 4.0.23 2022-11-07 20:06:00.976 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3680) Error: Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:06:00.980 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3680) Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). 2022-11-07 20:06:00.980 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3680) unhandled promise rejection: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:06:00.982 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3680) Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1278:16) 2022-11-07 20:06:00.982 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3680) Exception-Code: EHOSTUNREACH: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:06:00.988 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3680) Error: Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:06:00.990 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3680) Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). 2022-11-07 20:06:00.991 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3680) unhandled promise rejection: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:06:00.993 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3680) Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1278:16) 2022-11-07 20:06:00.994 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3680) Exception-Code: EHOSTUNREACH: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:06:00.996 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3680) Error: Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:06:00.997 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3680) Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). 2022-11-07 20:06:00.998 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3680) unhandled promise rejection: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:06:00.998 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3680) Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1278:16) 2022-11-07 20:06:00.999 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3680) Exception-Code: EHOSTUNREACH: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:06:01.000 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3680) Error: Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:06:01.001 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3680) Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). 2022-11-07 20:06:01.001 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3680) unhandled promise rejection: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:06:01.002 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3680) Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1278:16) 2022-11-07 20:06:01.003 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3680) Exception-Code: EHOSTUNREACH: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:06:01.005 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3680) Error: Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:06:01.006 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3680) Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). 2022-11-07 20:06:01.007 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3680) unhandled promise rejection: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:06:01.007 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3680) Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1278:16) 2022-11-07 20:06:01.008 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3680) Exception-Code: EHOSTUNREACH: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:06:01.010 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3680) Error: Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:06:01.012 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3680) Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). 2022-11-07 20:06:01.012 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3680) unhandled promise rejection: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:06:01.013 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3680) Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1278:16) 2022-11-07 20:06:01.014 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3680) Exception-Code: EHOSTUNREACH: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:06:01.018 - info: stiebel-isg.0 (3680) cleaned everything up... 2022-11-07 20:06:01.019 - info: stiebel-isg.0 (3680) terminating 2022-11-07 20:06:01.021 - warn: stiebel-isg.0 (3680) Terminated (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION): Without reason 2022-11-07 20:06:01.611 - error: host.iobroker instance system.adapter.stiebel-isg.0 terminated with code 6 (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION) 2022-11-07 20:06:01.612 - info: host.iobroker Restart adapter system.adapter.stiebel-isg.0 because enabled 2022-11-07 20:06:29.794 - info: host.iobroker instance system.adapter.stiebel-isg.0 started with pid 3703 2022-11-07 20:06:32.229 - info: stiebel-isg.0 (3703) starting. Version 1.7.5 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.stiebel-isg, node: v16.18.1, js-controller: 4.0.23 2022-11-07 20:06:35.536 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3703) Error: Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:06:35.540 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3703) Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). 2022-11-07 20:06:35.540 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3703) unhandled promise rejection: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:06:35.542 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3703) Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1278:16) 2022-11-07 20:06:35.542 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3703) Exception-Code: EHOSTUNREACH: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:06:35.550 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3703) Error: Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:06:35.551 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3703) Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). 2022-11-07 20:06:35.553 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3703) unhandled promise rejection: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:06:35.554 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3703) Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1278:16) 2022-11-07 20:06:35.555 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3703) Exception-Code: EHOSTUNREACH: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:06:35.557 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3703) Error: Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:06:35.558 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3703) Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). 2022-11-07 20:06:35.559 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3703) unhandled promise rejection: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:06:35.559 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3703) Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1278:16) 2022-11-07 20:06:35.560 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3703) Exception-Code: EHOSTUNREACH: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:06:35.561 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3703) Error: Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:06:35.562 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3703) Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). 2022-11-07 20:06:35.562 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3703) unhandled promise rejection: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:06:35.563 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3703) Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1278:16) 2022-11-07 20:06:35.563 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3703) Exception-Code: EHOSTUNREACH: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:06:35.565 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3703) Error: Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:06:35.565 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3703) Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). 2022-11-07 20:06:35.566 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3703) unhandled promise rejection: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:06:35.566 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3703) Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1278:16) 2022-11-07 20:06:35.566 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3703) Exception-Code: EHOSTUNREACH: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:06:35.567 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3703) Error: Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:06:35.568 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3703) Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). 2022-11-07 20:06:35.568 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3703) unhandled promise rejection: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:06:35.569 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3703) Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1278:16) 2022-11-07 20:06:35.569 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3703) Exception-Code: EHOSTUNREACH: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:06:35.572 - info: stiebel-isg.0 (3703) cleaned everything up... 2022-11-07 20:06:35.573 - info: stiebel-isg.0 (3703) terminating 2022-11-07 20:06:35.574 - warn: stiebel-isg.0 (3703) Terminated (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION): Without reason 2022-11-07 20:06:36.125 - error: host.iobroker instance system.adapter.stiebel-isg.0 terminated with code 6 (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION) 2022-11-07 20:06:36.126 - info: host.iobroker Restart adapter system.adapter.stiebel-isg.0 because enabled 2022-11-07 20:06:36.126 - warn: host.iobroker Do not restart adapter system.adapter.stiebel-isg.0 because restart loop detected 2022-11-07 20:07:09.584 - info: host.iobroker "system.adapter.stiebel-isg.0" disabled 2022-11-07 20:07:13.747 - info: host.iobroker "system.adapter.stiebel-isg.0" enabled 2022-11-07 20:07:13.826 - info: host.iobroker instance system.adapter.stiebel-isg.0 started with pid 3720 2022-11-07 20:07:16.686 - info: stiebel-isg.0 (3720) starting. Version 1.7.5 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.stiebel-isg, node: v16.18.1, js-controller: 4.0.23 2022-11-07 20:07:20.083 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3720) Error: Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:07:20.088 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3720) Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). 2022-11-07 20:07:20.089 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3720) unhandled promise rejection: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:07:20.091 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3720) Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1278:16) 2022-11-07 20:07:20.092 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3720) Exception-Code: EHOSTUNREACH: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:07:20.095 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3720) Error: Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:07:20.096 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3720) Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). 2022-11-07 20:07:20.098 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3720) unhandled promise rejection: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:07:20.099 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3720) Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1278:16) 2022-11-07 20:07:20.100 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3720) Exception-Code: EHOSTUNREACH: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:07:20.103 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3720) Error: Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:07:20.105 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3720) Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). 2022-11-07 20:07:20.105 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3720) unhandled promise rejection: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:07:20.106 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3720) Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1278:16) 2022-11-07 20:07:20.107 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3720) Exception-Code: EHOSTUNREACH: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:07:20.109 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3720) Error: Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:07:20.111 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3720) Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). 2022-11-07 20:07:20.111 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3720) unhandled promise rejection: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:07:20.112 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3720) Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1278:16) 2022-11-07 20:07:20.113 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3720) Exception-Code: EHOSTUNREACH: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:07:20.114 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3720) Error: Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:07:20.115 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3720) Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). 2022-11-07 20:07:20.116 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3720) unhandled promise rejection: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:07:20.116 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3720) Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1278:16) 2022-11-07 20:07:20.117 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3720) Exception-Code: EHOSTUNREACH: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:07:20.118 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3720) Error: Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:07:20.119 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3720) Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). 2022-11-07 20:07:20.120 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3720) unhandled promise rejection: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:07:20.120 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3720) Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1278:16) 2022-11-07 20:07:20.121 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3720) Exception-Code: EHOSTUNREACH: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:07:20.147 - info: stiebel-isg.0 (3720) cleaned everything up... 2022-11-07 20:07:20.149 - info: stiebel-isg.0 (3720) terminating 2022-11-07 20:07:20.151 - warn: stiebel-isg.0 (3720) Terminated (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION): Without reason 2022-11-07 20:07:20.732 - error: host.iobroker instance system.adapter.stiebel-isg.0 terminated with code 6 (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION) 2022-11-07 20:07:20.733 - info: host.iobroker Restart adapter system.adapter.stiebel-isg.0 because enabled 2022-11-07 20:07:50.760 - info: host.iobroker instance system.adapter.stiebel-isg.0 started with pid 3737 2022-11-07 20:07:52.537 - info: stiebel-isg.0 (3737) starting. Version 1.7.5 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.stiebel-isg, node: v16.18.1, js-controller: 4.0.23 2022-11-07 20:07:55.856 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3737) Error: Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:07:55.860 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3737) Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). 2022-11-07 20:07:55.860 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3737) unhandled promise rejection: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:07:55.862 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3737) Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1278:16) 2022-11-07 20:07:55.862 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3737) Exception-Code: EHOSTUNREACH: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:07:55.864 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3737) Error: Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:07:55.865 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3737) Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). 2022-11-07 20:07:55.867 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3737) unhandled promise rejection: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:07:55.867 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3737) Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1278:16) 2022-11-07 20:07:55.868 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3737) Exception-Code: EHOSTUNREACH: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:07:55.871 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3737) Error: Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:07:55.872 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3737) Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). 2022-11-07 20:07:55.873 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3737) unhandled promise rejection: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:07:55.873 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3737) Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1278:16) 2022-11-07 20:07:55.874 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3737) Exception-Code: EHOSTUNREACH: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:07:55.875 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3737) Error: Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:07:55.876 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3737) Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). 2022-11-07 20:07:55.876 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3737) unhandled promise rejection: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:07:55.877 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3737) Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1278:16) 2022-11-07 20:07:55.878 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3737) Exception-Code: EHOSTUNREACH: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:07:55.879 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3737) Error: Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:07:55.880 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3737) Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). 2022-11-07 20:07:55.880 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3737) unhandled promise rejection: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:07:55.881 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3737) Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1278:16) 2022-11-07 20:07:55.881 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3737) Exception-Code: EHOSTUNREACH: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:07:55.883 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3737) Error: Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:07:55.883 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3737) Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). 2022-11-07 20:07:55.883 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3737) unhandled promise rejection: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:07:55.884 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3737) Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1278:16) 2022-11-07 20:07:55.884 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3737) Exception-Code: EHOSTUNREACH: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:07:55.909 - info: stiebel-isg.0 (3737) cleaned everything up... 2022-11-07 20:07:55.910 - info: stiebel-isg.0 (3737) terminating 2022-11-07 20:07:55.912 - warn: stiebel-isg.0 (3737) Terminated (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION): Without reason 2022-11-07 20:07:56.465 - error: host.iobroker instance system.adapter.stiebel-isg.0 terminated with code 6 (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION) 2022-11-07 20:07:56.466 - info: host.iobroker Restart adapter system.adapter.stiebel-isg.0 because enabled 2022-11-07 20:08:26.494 - info: host.iobroker instance system.adapter.stiebel-isg.0 started with pid 3754 2022-11-07 20:08:28.587 - info: stiebel-isg.0 (3754) starting. Version 1.7.5 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.stiebel-isg, node: v16.18.1, js-controller: 4.0.23 2022-11-07 20:08:31.952 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3754) Error: Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:08:31.956 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3754) Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). 2022-11-07 20:08:31.956 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3754) unhandled promise rejection: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:08:31.958 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3754) Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1278:16) 2022-11-07 20:08:31.958 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3754) Exception-Code: EHOSTUNREACH: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:08:31.960 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3754) Error: Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:08:31.961 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3754) Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). 2022-11-07 20:08:31.962 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3754) unhandled promise rejection: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:08:31.963 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3754) Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1278:16) 2022-11-07 20:08:31.964 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3754) Exception-Code: EHOSTUNREACH: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:08:31.966 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3754) Error: Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:08:31.967 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3754) Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). 2022-11-07 20:08:31.968 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3754) unhandled promise rejection: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:08:31.968 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3754) Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1278:16) 2022-11-07 20:08:31.969 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3754) Exception-Code: EHOSTUNREACH: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:08:31.970 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3754) Error: Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:08:31.971 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3754) Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). 2022-11-07 20:08:31.971 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3754) unhandled promise rejection: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:08:31.972 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3754) Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1278:16) 2022-11-07 20:08:31.972 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3754) Exception-Code: EHOSTUNREACH: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:08:31.973 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3754) Error: Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:08:31.974 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3754) Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). 2022-11-07 20:08:31.974 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3754) unhandled promise rejection: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:08:31.975 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3754) Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1278:16) 2022-11-07 20:08:31.975 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3754) Exception-Code: EHOSTUNREACH: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:08:31.976 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3754) Error: Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:08:31.977 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3754) Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). 2022-11-07 20:08:31.977 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3754) unhandled promise rejection: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:08:31.977 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3754) Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1278:16) 2022-11-07 20:08:31.978 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (3754) Exception-Code: EHOSTUNREACH: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 20:08:32.007 - info: stiebel-isg.0 (3754) cleaned everything up... 2022-11-07 20:08:32.008 - info: stiebel-isg.0 (3754) terminating 2022-11-07 20:08:32.010 - warn: stiebel-isg.0 (3754) Terminated (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION): Without reason 2022-11-07 20:08:32.563 - error: host.iobroker instance system.adapter.stiebel-isg.0 terminated with code 6 (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION) 2022-11-07 20:08:32.563 - info: host.iobroker Restart adapter system.adapter.stiebel-isg.0 because enabled 2022-11-07 20:08:32.563 - warn: host.iobroker Do not restart adapter system.adapter.stiebel-isg.0 because restart loop detected 2022-11-07 20:14:25.441 - info: host.iobroker "system.adapter.stiebel-isg.0" disabled 2022-11-07 21:07:22.839 - info: host.iobroker "system.adapter.modbus.0" enabled 2022-11-07 21:07:22.913 - info: host.iobroker instance system.adapter.modbus.0 started with pid 4344 2022-11-07 21:07:25.163 - info: modbus.0 (4344) starting. Version 5.0.5 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.modbus, node: v16.18.1, js-controller: 4.0.23 2022-11-07 21:07:25.757 - info: modbus.0 (4344) Connected to slave 2022-11-07 21:07:25.762 - info: modbus.0 (4344) Disconnected from slave 2022-11-07 21:07:54.300 - info: admin.0 (879) ==> Connected system.user.admin from ::ffff: 2022-11-07 21:08:22.891 - info: host.iobroker stopInstance system.adapter.modbus.0 (force=false, process=true) 2022-11-07 21:08:22.902 - info: modbus.0 (4344) Got terminate signal TERMINATE_YOURSELF 2022-11-07 21:08:22.909 - info: modbus.0 (4344) terminating 2022-11-07 21:08:22.914 - info: modbus.0 (4344) Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason 2022-11-07 21:08:22.943 - info: host.iobroker stopInstance system.adapter.modbus.0 send kill signal 2022-11-07 21:08:23.480 - info: host.iobroker instance system.adapter.modbus.0 terminated with code 11 (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION) 2022-11-07 21:08:24.061 - info: admin.0 (879) <== Disconnect system.user.admin from ::ffff: modbus 2022-11-07 21:08:25.981 - info: host.iobroker instance system.adapter.modbus.0 started with pid 4368 2022-11-07 21:08:27.988 - info: modbus.0 (4368) starting. Version 5.0.5 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.modbus, node: v16.18.1, js-controller: 4.0.23 2022-11-07 21:08:28.494 - info: modbus.0 (4368) Connected to slave 2022-11-07 21:08:28.499 - info: modbus.0 (4368) Disconnected from slave 2022-11-07 21:08:33.925 - info: admin.0 (879) ==> Connected system.user.admin from ::ffff: 2022-11-07 21:09:46.963 - error: modbus.0 (4368) Socket Error 2022-11-07 21:09:46.965 - error: modbus.0 (4368) Client in error state. 2022-11-07 21:09:46.966 - warn: modbus.0 (4368) On error: {"errno":-113,"code":"EHOSTUNREACH","syscall":"connect","address":"","port":502} 2022-11-07 21:10:28.479 - info: admin.0 (879) <== Disconnect system.user.admin from ::ffff: modbus 2022-11-07 21:10:33.742 - info: host.iobroker stopInstance system.adapter.modbus.0 (force=false, process=true) 2022-11-07 21:10:33.759 - info: modbus.0 (4368) Got terminate signal TERMINATE_YOURSELF 2022-11-07 21:10:33.765 - info: modbus.0 (4368) terminating 2022-11-07 21:10:33.775 - info: modbus.0 (4368) Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason 2022-11-07 21:10:33.800 - info: host.iobroker stopInstance system.adapter.modbus.0 send kill signal 2022-11-07 21:10:34.344 - info: host.iobroker instance system.adapter.modbus.0 terminated with code 11 (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION) 2022-11-07 21:10:36.832 - info: host.iobroker instance system.adapter.modbus.0 started with pid 4765 2022-11-07 21:10:38.404 - info: modbus.0 (4765) starting. Version 5.0.5 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.modbus, node: v16.18.1, js-controller: 4.0.23 2022-11-07 21:10:41.844 - error: modbus.0 (4765) Socket Error 2022-11-07 21:10:41.846 - error: modbus.0 (4765) Client in error state. 2022-11-07 21:10:41.848 - warn: modbus.0 (4765) On error: {"errno":-113,"code":"EHOSTUNREACH","syscall":"connect","address":"","port":502} 2022-11-07 21:10:46.954 - info: admin.0 (879) ==> Connected system.user.admin from ::ffff: 2022-11-07 21:11:02.473 - info: host.iobroker stopInstance system.adapter.modbus.0 (force=false, process=true) 2022-11-07 21:11:02.485 - info: modbus.0 (4765) Got terminate signal TERMINATE_YOURSELF 2022-11-07 21:11:02.497 - info: modbus.0 (4765) terminating 2022-11-07 21:11:02.507 - info: modbus.0 (4765) Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason 2022-11-07 21:11:02.522 - info: host.iobroker stopInstance system.adapter.modbus.0 send kill signal 2022-11-07 21:11:03.076 - info: host.iobroker instance system.adapter.modbus.0 terminated with code 11 (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION) 2022-11-07 21:11:03.598 - info: admin.0 (879) <== Disconnect system.user.admin from ::ffff: modbus 2022-11-07 21:11:05.563 - info: host.iobroker instance system.adapter.modbus.0 started with pid 4891 2022-11-07 21:11:07.587 - info: modbus.0 (4891) starting. Version 5.0.5 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.modbus, node: v16.18.1, js-controller: 4.0.23 2022-11-07 21:11:11.026 - error: modbus.0 (4891) Socket Error 2022-11-07 21:11:11.027 - error: modbus.0 (4891) Client in error state. 2022-11-07 21:11:11.029 - warn: modbus.0 (4891) On error: {"errno":-113,"code":"EHOSTUNREACH","syscall":"connect","address":"","port":502} 2022-11-07 21:11:16.553 - info: host.iobroker "system.adapter.stiebel-isg.0" enabled 2022-11-07 21:11:16.619 - info: host.iobroker instance system.adapter.stiebel-isg.0 started with pid 4929 2022-11-07 21:11:19.251 - info: stiebel-isg.0 (4929) starting. Version 1.7.5 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.stiebel-isg, node: v16.18.1, js-controller: 4.0.23 2022-11-07 21:11:22.609 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (4929) Error: Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 21:11:22.615 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (4929) Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). 2022-11-07 21:11:22.616 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (4929) unhandled promise rejection: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 21:11:22.618 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (4929) Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1278:16) 2022-11-07 21:11:22.619 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (4929) Exception-Code: EHOSTUNREACH: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 21:11:22.622 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (4929) Error: Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 21:11:22.623 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (4929) Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). 2022-11-07 21:11:22.624 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (4929) unhandled promise rejection: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 21:11:22.625 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (4929) Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1278:16) 2022-11-07 21:11:22.626 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (4929) Exception-Code: EHOSTUNREACH: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 21:11:22.628 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (4929) Error: Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 21:11:22.629 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (4929) Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). 2022-11-07 21:11:22.630 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (4929) unhandled promise rejection: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 21:11:22.630 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (4929) Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1278:16) 2022-11-07 21:11:22.631 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (4929) Exception-Code: EHOSTUNREACH: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 21:11:22.632 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (4929) Error: Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 21:11:22.633 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (4929) Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). 2022-11-07 21:11:22.633 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (4929) unhandled promise rejection: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 21:11:22.634 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (4929) Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1278:16) 2022-11-07 21:11:22.634 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (4929) Exception-Code: EHOSTUNREACH: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 21:11:22.636 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (4929) Error: Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 21:11:22.636 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (4929) Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). 2022-11-07 21:11:22.637 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (4929) unhandled promise rejection: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 21:11:22.637 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (4929) Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1278:16) 2022-11-07 21:11:22.637 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (4929) Exception-Code: EHOSTUNREACH: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 21:11:22.638 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (4929) Error: Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 21:11:22.639 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (4929) Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). 2022-11-07 21:11:22.639 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (4929) unhandled promise rejection: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 21:11:22.640 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (4929) Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1278:16) 2022-11-07 21:11:22.640 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (4929) Exception-Code: EHOSTUNREACH: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 21:11:22.660 - info: stiebel-isg.0 (4929) cleaned everything up... 2022-11-07 21:11:22.661 - info: stiebel-isg.0 (4929) terminating 2022-11-07 21:11:22.663 - warn: stiebel-isg.0 (4929) Terminated (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION): Without reason 2022-11-07 21:11:23.216 - error: host.iobroker instance system.adapter.stiebel-isg.0 terminated with code 6 (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION) 2022-11-07 21:11:23.217 - info: host.iobroker Restart adapter system.adapter.stiebel-isg.0 because enabled 2022-11-07 21:11:53.264 - info: host.iobroker instance system.adapter.stiebel-isg.0 started with pid 5077 2022-11-07 21:11:55.741 - info: stiebel-isg.0 (5077) starting. Version 1.7.5 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.stiebel-isg, node: v16.18.1, js-controller: 4.0.23 2022-11-07 21:11:59.040 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (5077) Error: Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 21:11:59.049 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (5077) Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). 2022-11-07 21:11:59.051 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (5077) unhandled promise rejection: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 21:11:59.058 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (5077) Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1278:16) 2022-11-07 21:11:59.060 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (5077) Exception-Code: EHOSTUNREACH: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 21:11:59.063 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (5077) Error: Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 21:11:59.064 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (5077) Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). 2022-11-07 21:11:59.066 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (5077) unhandled promise rejection: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 21:11:59.068 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (5077) Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1278:16) 2022-11-07 21:11:59.071 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (5077) Exception-Code: EHOSTUNREACH: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 21:11:59.076 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (5077) Error: Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 21:11:59.078 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (5077) Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). 2022-11-07 21:11:59.079 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (5077) unhandled promise rejection: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 21:11:59.082 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (5077) Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1278:16) 2022-11-07 21:11:59.083 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (5077) Exception-Code: EHOSTUNREACH: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 21:11:59.130 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (5077) Error: Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 21:11:59.132 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (5077) Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). 2022-11-07 21:11:59.133 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (5077) unhandled promise rejection: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 21:11:59.135 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (5077) Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1278:16) 2022-11-07 21:11:59.137 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (5077) Exception-Code: EHOSTUNREACH: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 21:11:59.141 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (5077) Error: Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 21:11:59.142 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (5077) Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). 2022-11-07 21:11:59.143 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (5077) unhandled promise rejection: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 21:11:59.144 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (5077) Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1278:16) 2022-11-07 21:11:59.145 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (5077) Exception-Code: EHOSTUNREACH: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 21:11:59.148 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (5077) Error: Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 21:11:59.150 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (5077) Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). 2022-11-07 21:11:59.152 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (5077) unhandled promise rejection: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 21:11:59.153 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (5077) Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1278:16) 2022-11-07 21:11:59.154 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (5077) Exception-Code: EHOSTUNREACH: connect EHOSTUNREACH 2022-11-07 21:11:59.160 - info: stiebel-isg.0 (5077) cleaned everything up... 2022-11-07 21:11:59.161 - info: stiebel-isg.0 (5077) terminating 2022-11-07 21:11:59.164 - warn: stiebel-isg.0 (5077) Terminated (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION): Without reason 2022-11-07 21:11:59.738 - error: host.iobroker instance system.adapter.stiebel-isg.0 terminated with code 6 (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION) 2022-11-07 21:11:59.739 - info: host.iobroker Restart adapter system.adapter.stiebel-isg.0 because enabled 2022-11-07 21:12:15.089 - error: modbus.0 (4891) Socket Error 2022-11-07 21:12:15.092 - error: modbus.0 (4891) Client in error state. 2022-11-07 21:12:15.093 - warn: modbus.0 (4891) On error: {"errno":-113,"code":"EHOSTUNREACH","syscall":"connect","address":"","port":502} 2022-11-07 21:12:15.595 - info: host.iobroker "system.adapter.stiebel-isg.0" disabled 2022-11-07 21:12:21.794 - info: admin.0 (879) ==> Connected system.user.admin from ::ffff: 2022-11-07 21:12:31.654 - error: stiebel-isg.0 (5206) adapter disabled 2022-11-07 21:12:31.711 - warn: stiebel-isg.0 (5206) Terminated (NO_ADAPTER_CONFIG_FOUND): Without reason 2022-11-07 21:12:32.267 - error: host.iobroker instance system.adapter.stiebel-isg.0 terminated with code 3 (NO_ADAPTER_CONFIG_FOUND) 2022-11-07 21:12:32.268 - info: host.iobroker Do not restart adapter system.adapter.stiebel-isg.0 because disabled or deleted 2022-11-07 21:13:00.436 - info: host.iobroker stopInstance system.adapter.modbus.0 (force=false, process=true) 2022-11-07 21:13:00.456 - info: modbus.0 (4891) Got terminate signal TERMINATE_YOURSELF 2022-11-07 21:13:00.461 - info: modbus.0 (4891) terminating 2022-11-07 21:13:00.467 - info: modbus.0 (4891) Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason 2022-11-07 21:13:00.534 - info: host.iobroker stopInstance system.adapter.modbus.0 send kill signal 2022-11-07 21:13:01.047 - info: host.iobroker instance system.adapter.modbus.0 terminated with code 11 (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION) 2022-11-07 21:13:01.740 - info: admin.0 (879) <== Disconnect system.user.admin from ::ffff: modbus 2022-11-07 21:13:03.664 - info: host.iobroker instance system.adapter.modbus.0 started with pid 5319 2022-11-07 21:13:05.682 - info: modbus.0 (5319) starting. Version 5.0.5 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.modbus, node: v16.18.1, js-controller: 4.0.23 2022-11-07 21:13:09.266 - error: modbus.0 (5319) Socket Error 2022-11-07 21:13:09.268 - error: modbus.0 (5319) Client in error state. 2022-11-07 21:13:09.270 - warn: modbus.0 (5319) On error: {"errno":-113,"code":"EHOSTUNREACH","syscall":"connect","address":"","port":502} 2022-11-07 21:14:13.331 - error: modbus.0 (5319) Socket Error 2022-11-07 21:14:13.333 - error: modbus.0 (5319) Client in error state. 2022-11-07 21:14:13.334 - warn: modbus.0 (5319) On error: {"errno":-113,"code":"EHOSTUNREACH","syscall":"connect","address":"","port":502} 2022-11-07 21:15:14.347 - error: modbus.0 (5319) Socket Error 2022-11-07 21:15:14.348 - error: modbus.0 (5319) Client in error state. 2022-11-07 21:15:14.349 - warn: modbus.0 (5319) On error: {"errno":-111,"code":"ECONNREFUSED","syscall":"connect","address":"","port":502} 2022-11-07 21:16:15.353 - info: modbus.0 (5319) Connected to slave 2022-11-07 21:16:15.356 - info: modbus.0 (5319) Disconnected from slave 2022-11-07 21:17:05.456 - info: admin.0 (879) <== Disconnect system.user.admin from ::ffff: admin 2022-11-07 21:17:15.365 - info: modbus.0 (5319) Connected to slave 2022-11-07 21:17:15.367 - info: modbus.0 (5319) Disconnected from slave 2022-11-07 21:18:15.385 - info: modbus.0 (5319) Connected to slave 2022-11-07 21:18:15.386 - info: modbus.0 (5319) Disconnected from slave 2022-11-07 21:19:15.394 - info: modbus.0 (5319) Connected to slave 2022-11-07 21:19:15.396 - info: modbus.0 (5319) Disconnected from slave 2022-11-07 21:20:15.404 - info: modbus.0 (5319) Connected to slave 2022-11-07 21:20:15.405 - info: modbus.0 (5319) Disconnected from slave 2022-11-07 21:21:15.416 - info: modbus.0 (5319) Connected to slave 2022-11-07 21:21:15.418 - info: modbus.0 (5319) Disconnected from slave 2022-11-07 21:22:15.428 - info: modbus.0 (5319) Connected to slave 2022-11-07 21:22:15.430 - info: modbus.0 (5319) Disconnected from slave 2022-11-07 21:23:15.438 - info: modbus.0 (5319) Connected to slave 2022-11-07 21:23:15.440 - info: modbus.0 (5319) Disconnected from slave 2022-11-07 21:24:15.450 - info: modbus.0 (5319) Connected to slave 2022-11-07 21:24:15.452 - info: modbus.0 (5319) Disconnected from slave 2022-11-07 21:25:15.462 - info: modbus.0 (5319) Connected to slave 2022-11-07 21:25:15.464 - info: modbus.0 (5319) Disconnected from slave 2022-11-07 21:26:15.472 - info: modbus.0 (5319) Connected to slave 2022-11-07 21:26:15.474 - info: modbus.0 (5319) Disconnected from slave 2022-11-07 21:27:15.478 - info: modbus.0 (5319) Connected to slave 2022-11-07 21:27:15.480 - info: modbus.0 (5319) Disconnected from slave 2022-11-07 21:27:15.478 - info: modbus.0 (5319) Connected to slave 2022-11-07 21:27:15.480 - info: modbus.0 (5319) Disconnected from slave 2022-11-07 21:28:15.488 - info: modbus.0 (5319) Connected to slave 2022-11-07 21:28:15.489 - info: modbus.0 (5319) Disconnected from slave 2022-11-07 21:28:15.488 - info: modbus.0 (5319) Connected to slave 2022-11-07 21:28:15.489 - info: modbus.0 (5319) Disconnected from slave 2022-11-07 21:29:15.498 - info: modbus.0 (5319) Connected to slave 2022-11-07 21:29:15.500 - info: modbus.0 (5319) Disconnected from slave 2022-11-07 21:29:15.498 - info: modbus.0 (5319) Connected to slave 2022-11-07 21:29:15.500 - info: modbus.0 (5319) Disconnected from slave 2022-11-07 21:30:15.508 - info: modbus.0 (5319) Connected to slave 2022-11-07 21:30:15.510 - info: modbus.0 (5319) Disconnected from slave 2022-11-07 21:30:15.508 - info: modbus.0 (5319) Connected to slave 2022-11-07 21:30:15.510 - info: modbus.0 (5319) Disconnected from slave 2022-11-07 21:31:15.521 - info: modbus.0 (5319) Connected to slave 2022-11-07 21:31:15.527 - info: modbus.0 (5319) Disconnected from slave 2022-11-07 21:31:15.521 - info: modbus.0 (5319) Connected to slave 2022-11-07 21:31:15.527 - info: modbus.0 (5319) Disconnected from slave
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