Adapter Hyundai (Bluelink) oder KIA (UVO)
@michaelnorge hmm scheint heute generell auch mit der App nicht zu gehen..
ich denke auch nicht, dass Hyundai merkt, ob die App oder der Adapter zugreift.. -
@michaelnorge Kia dito:
@EuropeVehicle.fullStatus: [401] Unauthorized on [GET] - {"retCode":"F","resCode":"4017","resMsg":"Invalid request value - Invalid Application Id. - 608.039999961853","msgId":"bfb1e191-fb87-4c75-9b5e-d87f661dc06d"}
Die UVO App funktioniert aber.
Api hat sich geändert. Muss ein update machen. Melde mich
@newan Ok
Bitte testet 2.2.2
@newan funktioniert wieder. Danke.
@newan Scheint zu funktionieren, danke
@newan Hi, schlechter Zeitpunkt, die App geht bei mir gerade nicht, und auch der Adapter meldet
ManagedBluelinkyError: @EuropeController.login: [401] Unauthorized on [POST] - {"retCode":"F","resCode":"4017","resMsg":"Invalid request value - Invalid Application Id. - -8169.12299990654","msgId":"2abc2c4c-44b4-4d07-8264-10b36dff2a24"}
@ilovegym Sicher dass das Update geklappt hat?
@michaelnorge So, die App geht wieder, und jetzt holt der Adapter V2.2.2 auch Daten, allerdings mit fallback get smallstatus...
@ilovegym Ja, das habe ich hier auch noch.
@newan sagte in Adapter Hyundai (Bluelink) oder KIA (UVO):
Bitte testet 2.2.2
Bei mir erscheint im latest repo lediglich 2.2.0 auch nach
iobroker update
. -
@meister-mopper ja ist nur auf Git, nicht im latest.
Dann warte ich mal lieber, bis 2.2.2 oder höher im stable repo auftaucht.
Kannst Du in etwa abschätzen, wann das soweit sein wird? -
@meister-mopper müssen das noch mit dem fallback und den Listen klären. Danach wäre es zeit
@newan Nach ersten Start ging Login. Hat 1 Vehicle gefunden, VehicleConfig abgerufen, am Ende aber:
Dann driveHistory-Data geloggt? Dann einige Ausgaben der Art von cumulated03:
undefined is not a valid state value for id "bluelink.0.xxxxx.driveHistory.cumulated03.consumption.battery" .... Read new status from api for Error on API-Request Status @EuropeVehicle.status: [400] Bad Request on [GET] - {"retCode":"F","resCode":"4006","resMsg":"Remote control unavailable(tmu timeout) - Remote control unavailable(tmu timeout)","msgId":"xxx"}
Und meine App auf Handy hat wieder auf EN umgeschaltet.
@klausiob kannst du den vollen debug log (ohne User und Passwort ) hier posten?
Das mit der Sprache hatte ich auf github schon gesagt das ich da kein Ansatz habe -
2022-02-11 09:02:56.014 - info: host.hsmart4 "system.adapter.bluelink.0" enabled 2022-02-11 09:02:56.222 - info: host.hsmart4 instance system.adapter.bluelink.0 started with pid 6731 2022-02-11 09:02:57.923 - debug: bluelink.0 (6731) Redis Objects: Use Redis connection: 2022-02-11 09:02:57.965 - debug: bluelink.0 (6731) Objects client ready ... initialize now 2022-02-11 09:02:57.967 - debug: bluelink.0 (6731) Objects create System PubSub Client 2022-02-11 09:02:57.968 - debug: bluelink.0 (6731) Objects create User PubSub Client 2022-02-11 09:02:57.970 - debug: bluelink.0 (6731) Objects client initialize lua scripts 2022-02-11 09:02:57.985 - debug: bluelink.0 (6731) Objects connected to redis: 2022-02-11 09:02:57.995 - debug: bluelink.0 (6731) objectDB connected 2022-02-11 09:02:57.997 - debug: bluelink.0 (6731) Redis States: Use Redis connection: 2022-02-11 09:02:58.008 - debug: bluelink.0 (6731) States create System PubSub Client 2022-02-11 09:02:58.009 - debug: bluelink.0 (6731) States create User PubSub Client 2022-02-11 09:02:58.020 - debug: bluelink.0 (6731) States connected to redis: 2022-02-11 09:02:58.022 - debug: bluelink.0 (6731) statesDB connected 2022-02-11 09:02:58.328 - info: bluelink.0 (6731) starting. Version 2.2.2 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.bluelink, node: v14.18.1, js-controller: 3.3.22 2022-02-11 09:02:58.365 - info: bluelink.0 (6731) Login to api 2022-02-11 09:03:02.214 - info: bluelink.0 (6731) 1 Vehicles found 2022-02-11 09:03:02.216 - debug: bluelink.0 (6731) [{"vehicleConfig":{"nickname":"IONIQ 5","name":"IONIQ 5","regDate":"2021-07-09 13:36:33.723","brandIndicator":"H", "id":"xxx","vin":"xxx","generation":"2022"}, "controller":{"userConfig":{"username":"","password":"PW","region":"EU","brand":"hyundai","autoLogin":true,"pin":"1632","vin":"","language":"en"}, "session":{"accessToken":"Bearer...","refreshToken":"-_I1OML-xxx","deviceId":"xxx","tokenExpiresAt":1644652981,"controlTokenExpiresAt":0}, "_environment":{"brand":"hyundai", "host":"", "baseUrl":"","clientId":"xxxx", "endpoints":{"session":"", "login":"", "language":"", "redirectUri":"", "token":"", "integration":"", "silentSignIn":""}, "basicToken":"Basic...==","GCMSenderID":"xxxx"}, "authStrategies":{"main":{"language":"en"},"fallback":{"language":"en"}}},"_fullStatus":null,"_status":null,"_location":null,"_odometer":null,"region":"EU","serverRates":{"max":-1,"current":-1}}] 2022-02-11 09:03:02.452 - debug: bluelink.0 (6731) driveHistory-Data: {"cumulated":[ {"period":0,"consumption":{"total":344638,"engine":340253,"climate":1405,"devices":2980,"battery":0},"regen":8170,"distance":87}, {"period":1,"consumption":{"total":43079,"engine":42531,"climate":175,"devices":372,"battery":0},"regen":1021,"distance":10.875}, {"period":2,"consumption":{}}], "history":[ {"period":0,"rawDate":"20220203","date":"2022-02-02T23:00:00.000Z","consumption":{"total":150,"engine":0,"climate":0,"devices":150,"battery":0},"regen":0,"distance":0}, {"period":0,"rawDate":"20220202","date":"2022-02-01T23:00:00.000Z","consumption":{"total":68148,"engine":67728,"climate":0,"devices":420,"battery":0},"regen":990,"distance":12}, {"period":0,"rawDate":"20220130","date":"2022-01-29T23:00:00.000Z","consumption":{"total":67667,"engine":67257,"climate":0,"devices":410,"battery":0},"regen":1451,"distance":14}, {"period":0,"rawDate":"20220123","date":"2022-01-22T23:00:00.000Z","consumption":{"total":73843,"engine":72146,"climate":887,"devices":810,"battery":0},"regen":3944,"distance":41}, {"period":0,"rawDate":"20220119","date":"2022-01-18T23:00:00.000Z","consumption":{"total":190,"engine":0,"climate":0,"devices":190,"battery":0},"regen":0,"distance":0}, {"period":0,"rawDate":"20220118","date":"2022-01-17T23:00:00.000Z","consumption":{"total":134172,"engine":133122,"climate":490,"devices":560,"battery":0},"regen":1785,"distance":20}, {"period":0,"rawDate":"20220116","date":"2022-01-15T23:00:00.000Z","consumption":{"total":302,"engine":0,"climate":12,"devices":290,"battery":0},"regen":0,"distance":0}, {"period":0,"rawDate":"20220112","date":"2022-01-11T23:00:00.000Z","consumption":{"total":166,"engine":0,"climate":16,"devices":150,"battery":0},"regen":0,"distance":0}]} 2022-02-11 09:03:02.485 - info: bluelink.0 (6731) undefined is not a valid state value for id "" 2022-02-11 09:03:02.487 - info: bluelink.0 (6731) undefined is not a valid state value for id "" 2022-02-11 09:03:02.524 - info: bluelink.0 (6731) undefined is not a valid state value for id "" 2022-02-11 09:03:02.525 - info: bluelink.0 (6731) undefined is not a valid state value for id "" 2022-02-11 09:03:02.526 - info: bluelink.0 (6731) undefined is not a valid state value for id "" 2022-02-11 09:03:02.527 - info: bluelink.0 (6731) undefined is not a valid state value for id "" 2022-02-11 09:03:02.528 - info: bluelink.0 (6731) undefined is not a valid state value for id "" 2022-02-11 09:03:03.562 - debug: bluelink.0 (6731) Read new status from api for xxxx 2022-02-11 09:03:04.028 - info: bluelink.0 (6731) Error on API-Full-Status - Fallback GetNormalStatus 2022-02-11 09:03:04.125 - error: bluelink.0 (6731) Error on API-Request Status 2022-02-11 09:03:04.126 - error: bluelink.0 (6731) @EuropeVehicle.status: [400] Bad Request on [GET] - {"retCode":"F","resCode":"4006","resMsg":"Remote control unavailable(tmu timeout) - Remote control unavailable(tmu timeout)","msgId":"xxx"} 2022-02-11 09:08:22.376 - info: host.hsmart4 "system.adapter.bluelink.0" disabled 2022-02-11 09:08:22.393 - info: host.hsmart4 stopInstance system.adapter.bluelink.0 (force=false, process=true) 2022-02-11 09:08:22.470 - info: host.hsmart4 stopInstance system.adapter.bluelink.0 send kill signal 2022-02-11 09:08:22.470 - info: bluelink.0 (6731) Got terminate signal TERMINATE_YOURSELF 2022-02-11 09:08:22.472 - info: bluelink.0 (6731) Adapter bluelink cleaned up everything... 2022-02-11 09:08:22.473 - info: bluelink.0 (6731) terminating 2022-02-11 09:08:22.474 - info: bluelink.0 (6731) Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason
Habe mal noch ein paar Umbrüche reingemacht zur Übersicht.
Mit XXX habe ich PW,User und IDs ersetzt. -
@klausiob Danke, muss ich mir anschauen, das sind wieder andere Werte für driveHistory
@newan Habe gerade nochmal den Adapter angeworfen. Jetzt kamen keinerlei Fehler. Die undefinierten Werte hingen evtl. mit dem Adapterstart nach Update zusammen oder dass der Adapter tagelang sich nicht einwählen konnte. Das sollen ja die Verbrauchswerte sein in welcher Maßeinheit? Wh wie beim Solardach? Hast Du mal eine API-Beschreibung was die Werte bedeuten, die meisten sind ja selbstsprechend? Was bedeutet auch z.B.:
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