Probleme mit Serialport bei zwave2
@esmax666 Wenn du das noch nicht getan hast...
@thomas-braun war schon da habe gerade geprüft
@esmax666 Wie sieht denn jetzt die Adapter config aus?
@thomas-braun wie immer gleich
Da kann ich nicht weiterhelfen. Hab den Adapter nicht im Einsatz. Aber die 17 Updates könntest du schon mal einspielen. -
@thomas-braun schade. Man muss wahrscheinlich irgendwo usb driver installieren
Sonst wo hast du gehen das ich genau 17 update brauche?
Wie und was soll ich genau machen? -
@esmax666 sagte in Test Adapter Z-Wave 2 v1.10.x:
Man muss wahrscheinlich irgendwo usb driver installieren
Windows User, oder? Der Treiber ist im Linux-Kernel schon drin.
Und die anstehenden Updates sehe ich links in deinem Screenshot.
iobroker update iobroker upgrade
@thomas-braun ich weiss aber irgenwie erkennt zwave2 nicht usb0 und usb1
Die version hier sind auch richtig oder?
Type: js-controller Title: JS controller OS: linux Available: 3.2.16 Installed: 3.2.16 Events: ↦15 / ↦13
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ node -v
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ nodejs -v
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ npm -v
6.14.12 -
@esmax666 Der Stick liegt auf dem device node /dev/ttyAMA0
Soll ich noch das machen?
@esmax666 Nein.
Die Anleitung wird so ohnehin nicht funktionieren, da fehlt noch Zeug davor.
@thomas-braun was meinst was feht
Sonst fur die zwave0 version gab das:
Raspberry Pi3 only: Activate GPIO UART
On Raspberry Pi 3, the UART is by default occupied by the bluetooth module. To activate it for use with a GPIO module, follow these steps:sudo nano /boot/cmdline.txt
remove console=serial0,115200
save the file and close it
sudo nano /boot/config.txt
Look for each of the following lines. If they are commented out with a #, remove that. If they don't exist, add them to the end of the file:dtoverlay=pi3-miniuart-bt
rebootAber das brauchen wir nicht mehr oder ? Hab nicht gesehen fur zwave2
@esmax666 Ich kenn den Adapter nicht. Mal in die readme geschaut? Da steht vielleicht was drin.
@esmax666 Probier mal
, da bin ich beim Raspberry Pi 4 auch schon drüber gestolpert.Ansonsten: ist das wirklich ein Z-Stick Gen5 oder doch ein Z-Stick Gen5 + ? Ich hab grob im Hinterkopf dass ersterer Probleme mit neueren USB-Schnittstellen macht.
Hab gerade geprüft auf raspi3 hatte ich eher /dev/ttyACM0
@alcalzone Z-Stick Gen5 + mit raspu hat das funktioniert mit acm0
zwave2.0 2021-05-16 00:24:27.762 error (23524) The Z-Wave driver could not be started: Error: No such file or directory, cannot open /dev/serial0 zwave2.0 2021-05-16 00:24:27.604 info (23524) starting. Version 1.9.3 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.zwave2, node: v12.22.1, js-controller: 3.2.16 host.raspberrypi 2021-05-16 00:24:25.121 info instance system.adapter.zwave2.0 started with pid 23524 host.raspberrypi 2021-05-16 00:24:22.595 info instance system.adapter.zwave2.0 terminated with code 11 (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION) zwave2.0 2021-05-16 00:24:21.999 info (13067) Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason zwave2.0 2021-05-16 00:24:21.998 info (13067) terminating zwave2.0 2021-05-16 00:24:21.996 info (13067) Shutting down driver... host.raspberrypi 2021-05-16 00:24:21.997 info stopInstance system.adapter.zwave2.0 send kill signal zwave2.0 2021-05-16 00:24:21.994 info (13067) Got terminate signal TERMINATE_YOURSELF host.raspberrypi 2021-05-16 00:24:21.989 info stopInstance system.adapter.zwave2.0 (force=false, process=true) zwave2.0 2021-05-16 00:21:58.507 error (13067) The Z-Wave driver could not be started: Error: No such file or directory, cannot open /dev/ttyACM0 zwave2.0 2021-05-16 00:21:58.367 info (13067) starting. Version 1.9.3 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.zwave2, node: v12.22.1, js-controller: 3.2.16 host.raspberrypi 2021-05-16 00:21:56.051 info instance system.adapter.zwave2.0 started with pid 13067 host.raspberrypi 2021-05-16 00:21:53.467 info instance system.adapter.zwave2.0 terminated with code 11 (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION) host.raspberrypi 2021-05-16 00:21:52.921 info stopInstance system.adapter.zwave2.0 send kill signal zwave2.0 2021-05-16 00:21:52.882 info (12357) Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason zwave2.0 2021-05-16 00:21:52.880 info (12357) terminating zwave2.0 2021-05-16 00:21:52.879 info (12357) Shutting down driver... zwave2.0 2021-05-16 00:21:52.877 info (12357) Got terminate signal TERMINATE_YOURSELF host.raspberrypi 2021-05-16 00:21:52.859 info stopInstance system.adapter.zwave2.0 (force=false, process=true) zwave2.0 2021-05-16 00:21:49.469 error (12357) The Z-Wave driver could not be started: Error: No such file or directory, c
zwave2.0 2021-05-16 07:55:56.747 error (12308) The Z-Wave driver could not be started: Error: Is a directory, cannot open /dev/ zwave2.0 2021-05-16 07:55:56.584 info (12308) starting. Version 1.9.3 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.zwave2, node: v12.22.1, js-controller: 3.2.16 host.raspberrypi 2021-05-16 07:55:54.148 info instance system.adapter.zwave2.0 started with pid 12308 host.raspberrypi 2021-05-16 07:55:51.659 info instance system.adapter.zwave2.0 terminated with code 11 (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION) zwave2.0 2021-05-16 07:55:51.028 info (6004) Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason zwave2.0 2021-05-16 07:55:51.026 info (6004) terminating zwave2.0 2021-05-16 07:55:51.025 info (6004) Shutting down driver... zwave2.0 2021-05-16 07:55:51.023 info (6004) Got terminate signal TERMINATE_YOURSELF host.raspberrypi 2021-05-16 07:55:51.022 info stopInstance system.adapter.zwave2.0 send kill signal host.raspberrypi 2021-05-16 07:55:51.014 info stopInstance system.adapter.zwave2.0 (force=false, process=true) zwave2.0 2021-05-16 07:54:38.393 info (6004) starting. Version 1.9.3 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.zwave2, node: v12.22.1, js-controller: 3.2.16 host.raspberrypi 2021-05-16 07:54:35.967 info instance system.adapter.zwave2.0 started with pid 6004 host.raspberrypi 2021-05-16 07:54:33.559 info instance system.adapter.zwave2.0 terminated with code 11 (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION) zwave2.0 2021-05-16 07:54:32.824 info (21886) Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason zwave2.0 2021-05-16 07:54:32.822 info (21886) terminating zwave2.0 2021-05-16 07:54:32.820 info (21886) Shutting down driver... zwave2.0 2021-05-16 07:54:32.812 info (21886) Got terminate signal TERMINATE_YOURSELF host.raspberrypi 2021-05-16 07:54:32.796 info stopInstance system.adapter.zwave2.0 send kill signal host.raspberrypi 2021-05-16 07:54:32.776 info stopInstance system.adapter.zwave2.0 (force=false, process=true) info.0 2021-05-16 07:49:56.003 warn (2765) State "info.0.uuid" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions zwave2.0 2021-05-16 07:44:28.868 info (21886) starting. Version 1.9.3 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.zwave2, node: v12.22.1, js-controller: 3.2.16 host.raspberrypi 2021-05-16 07:44:26.457 info instance system.adapter.zwave2.0 started with pid 21886 host.raspberrypi 2021-05-16 07:44:24.074 info instance system.adapter.zwave2.0 terminated with code 11 (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION) zwave2.0 2021-05-16 07:44:23.304 info (4553) Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason zwave2.0 2021-05-16 07:44:23.303 info (4553) terminating zwave2.0 2021-05-16 07:44:23.301 info (4553) Shutting down driver... zwave2.0 2021-05-16 07:44:23.294 info (4553) Got terminate signal TERMINATE_YOURSELF host.raspberrypi 2021-05-16 07:44:23.292 info stopInstance system.adapter.zwave2.0 send kill signal
@thomas-braun said in Test Adapter Z-Wave 2 v1.10.x:
Windows User, oder? Der Treiber ist im Linux-Kernel schon drin.
warum windows User ?
steht sogar in loghost.raspberrypi 2021-05-16 08:00:00.072 info instance system.adapter.ical.0 started with pid 29746 zwave2.0 2021-05-16 07:55:56.747 error (12308) The Z-Wave driver could not be started: Error: Is a directory, cannot open /dev/ zwave2.0 2021-05-16 07:55:56.584 info (12308) starting. Version 1.9.3 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.zwave2, node: v12.22.1, js-controller: 3.2.16 host.raspberrypi 2021-05-16 07:55:54.148 info instance system.adapter.zwave2.0 started with pid 12308 host.raspberrypi 2021-05-16 07:55:51.659 info instance system.adapter.zwave2.0 terminated with code 11 (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION) zwave2.0 2021-05-16 07:55:51.028 info (6004) Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason zwave2.0 2021-05-16 07:55:51.026 info (6004) terminating