Test PV Forecast Adapter
@taddy81 Bin mir jetzt nicht sicher ob ich deine Frage richtig verstehe. Aber du kannst ja den Zeitbereich der in Grafana dargestellt wird selbst bestimmen.
Ich lass mir zB. die daten von vor 3 Stunden bis + 5 Minuten anzeigen. -
Ja, so etwas wäre von mir präferiert. Ich habe den Code mittlerweile so umgewandelt und die Anzeige funktioniert
SELECT mean("value")
FROM "Solar"."autogen"."pvforecast.0.summary.power"
WHERE time >= now() - 1d AND time <= now() + 1d
GROUP BY time(15m) fill(null) -
Sagt mal, werden bei Euch eigentlich die energy/hoursToday-DP gefüllt?
Bei mir ist zwar die Gesamtprognose ("today") gefüllt und auch die JSON-Strings enthalten die stündlichen Werte, aber die einzelnen Datenpunkte stehen alle auf 0 kWh und werden auch nicht aktualisiert.
@oxident Mit einem Debug-Log könnte man sogar sehen was falsch läuft
Ja, die sollten Werte enthalten
@haus-automatisierung Sorry, wollte den Thread nicht mit dem Log fluten. Debug-Log sieht für mich jedoch okay aus...
Issue bei Github ist offen: -
Wenn man die letzten Tage Solcast auswählt, kommen keine Prognosedaten über den Adapter rein (mit API).
Ist das nur bei mir so?Danke
@pingo Ich bekomme Werte mit Solcast und API Key. Mit dem letzten Update sogar stündliche Wh.
@diginix said in Test PV Forecast Adapter:
@pingo Ich bekomme Werte mit Solcast und API Key. Mit dem letzten Update sogar stündliche Wh.
Bei mir (jetzt) auch
@oxident ich habe Version 2.8.1 und Ihr?
@pingo sagte in Test PV Forecast Adapter:
@oxident ich habe Version 2.8.1
2.9.0 beta:
Zumindest habe ich dort den Fix für Solcast hinzugefügt
Ich habe seit einigen Wochen mit jedem Aufruf der Instanz (alle 30 Minuten) log-Einträge:
Abgefragt wird eine in Solcast angelegte PV-Anlage und die Werte werden auch korrekt auf die iobroker-Objekte geschrieben. Lief auch lange Zeit ohne diesen log-Einträge.
Ich habe auf 2.9.0 aktualisiert, InfluxDB steht auf "kein". Es laufen aber auf dem System 4 InfluxDB-Inszanzen (1.x). System ist ansonsten aktuell (node.JS 18.18.2).
Kann mir jemand bei der Beseitigung dieses Missstandes helfen?
Danke und Gruß -
@k_b Welche js-controller Version?
@haus-automatisierung Aktuell die 5.0.12 (war aber auch unter der letzten 4.x schon Thema)
@haus-automatisierung Ich muss seitens der Log-Einträge wohl weiter greifen.
Die Einträge von admin.0, sind mir seither (vor 2.9.0?) nicht in Erinnerung. Kann aber sein,
dass die Meldungen in der Menge der pvforecast-Einträge zu Tagesende nicht bemerkt habe:
@k_b die bei admin ist es ein Bug in der config... ... hat aber nix mit dem error zu tun..da sind die states un objects nicht da...
habe eine grundsätzliche Frage zu Forecast.Solar weil ich das mit der Anzahl der Plants nicht verstehe.
Ich habe eine Ost - West Anlange mit unterschiedlichen Winkeln durch 2 Gauben d.h. Ich habe in den Einstellungen des Adapters 4 "Anlagen" angelegt
Werden die 4 Anlagen überhaupt ausgewertet?
Läuft das als eine Plant?
Bringt es mehr Genauigkeit wenn ich auf eine Personal Lizenz bei wechsle?
Ich habe irgendwo gelesen ohne Lizenz gehen max. 10kWp, stimmt das?
Sorry ich weis das hat nicht viel mit dem Adapter zu tun, aber vllt. kann mir jemand die Infos geben.Grüße Daniel
@haus-automatisierung Wie bekomme ich denn bitte 2.9.0 beta statt 2.9.0 installiert (seit 1 Monat keine PV Forecasts bei Solcast mit API)
@pingo Mh? Es gibt nur eine 2.9.0
Da schreibst Du 2.9.0 beta
Wie auch immer. Ich bekomme seit 1 Monat immer nur NULL als Prognose für today und tomorrow:
Wie bekomme ich wieder eine Zahl?
pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.773 debug [updateActualDataCron] next execution: pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.758 info Starting internal update cron (every 15 Minutes) for timezone: Europe/Berlin pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.478 debug global time: {"pvgarage":[],"pvdach":[]} pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.476 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursTomorrow.21:30:00 (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.475 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursTomorrow.21:00:00 (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.474 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursTomorrow.20:30:00 (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.473 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursTomorrow.20:00:00 (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.471 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursTomorrow.19:30:00 (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.470 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursTomorrow.19:00:00 (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.469 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursTomorrow.18:30:00 (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.468 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursTomorrow.18:00:00 (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.467 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursTomorrow.17:30:00 (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.466 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursTomorrow.17:00:00 (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.463 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursTomorrow.16:30:00 (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.456 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursTomorrow.16:00:00 (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.455 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursTomorrow.15:30:00 (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.453 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursTomorrow.15:00:00 (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.452 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursTomorrow.14:30:00 (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.451 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursTomorrow.14:00:00 (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.450 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursTomorrow.13:30:00 (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.449 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursTomorrow.13:00:00 (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.447 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursTomorrow.12:30:00 (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.446 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursTomorrow.12:00:00 (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.445 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursTomorrow.11:30:00 (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.444 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursTomorrow.11:00:00 (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.443 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursTomorrow.10:30:00 (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.441 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursTomorrow.10:00:00 (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.440 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursTomorrow.09:30:00 (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.439 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursTomorrow.09:00:00 (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.437 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursTomorrow.08:30:00 (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.436 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursTomorrow.08:00:00 (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.435 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursTomorrow.07:30:00 (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.434 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursTomorrow.07:00:00 (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.433 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursTomorrow.06:30:00 (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.431 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursTomorrow.06:00:00 (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.430 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursTomorrow.05:30:00 (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.429 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursTomorrow.05:00:00 (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.428 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursToday.21:30:00 (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.426 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursToday.21:00:00 (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.425 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursToday.20:30:00 (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.424 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursToday.20:00:00 (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.423 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursToday.19:30:00 (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.421 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursToday.19:00:00 (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.420 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursToday.18:30:00 (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.419 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursToday.18:00:00 (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.418 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursToday.17:30:00 (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.417 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursToday.17:00:00 (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.416 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursToday.16:30:00 (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.415 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursToday.16:00:00 (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.414 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursToday.15:30:00 (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.413 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursToday.15:00:00 (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.412 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursToday.14:30:00 (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.410 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursToday.14:00:00 (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.409 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursToday.13:30:00 (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.407 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursToday.13:00:00 (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.405 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursToday.12:30:00 (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.403 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursToday.12:00:00 (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.401 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursToday.11:30:00 (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.399 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursToday.11:00:00 (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.396 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursToday.10:30:00 (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.394 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursToday.10:00:00 (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.390 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursToday.09:30:00 (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.388 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursToday.09:00:00 (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.387 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursToday.08:30:00 (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.386 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursToday.08:00:00 (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.384 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursToday.07:30:00 (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.383 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursToday.07:00:00 (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.382 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursToday.06:30:00 (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.380 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursToday.06:00:00 (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.379 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursToday.05:30:00 (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.378 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "power" time summary.power.hoursToday.05:00:00 (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.377 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.376 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.375 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.374 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.372 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.371 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.370 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.368 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.367 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.366 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.365 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.364 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.363 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.361 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.360 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.358 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.357 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.356 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.354 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.352 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.351 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.350 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.349 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.348 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.347 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.347 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.345 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.344 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.343 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.342 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.341 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.340 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.339 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.338 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (29) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.336 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.335 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.334 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.333 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.332 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.331 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.330 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.329 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.328 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.327 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.326 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.325 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.324 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.322 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.321 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.320 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.319 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.318 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.316 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.315 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.313 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.312 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.311 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.310 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.308 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.307 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.306 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.304 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.303 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.302 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.300 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.298 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.297 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.254 debug [saveEveryHourSummary] calculated total power for "energy" time (28) - value: 0 pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.253 debug finished plants update pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.253 debug finished plant update: "PVDach" pvforecast.0 14579 2023-11-28 17:24:39.246 debug generated JSON graph of "PVDach": {"data":[],"type":"bar","legendText":"PVDach","displayOrder":2,"color":"#dc1d1d","too
@pingo sagte in Test PV Forecast Adapter:
Da schreibst Du 2.9.0 beta
Richtig, zu dem Zeitpunkt war die Version 2.9.0 nur über das Beta-Repository verfügbar.