Ich habe Probleme, wenn ich meinen bestehenden Docker Container (aktuell Tag v5.1.0
) auf Tag latest-v5
updaten will. Der Container scheint in einer Endlosschleife zu hängen und nach ca. 1 Minute immer wieder neu zu starten.
Hier sind die Logs, die meiner Meinung nach nicht richtig gesund aussehen.
what(): basic_string::_M_replace_aux,
/opt/scripts/iobroker_startup.sh: line 505: 96 Aborted gosu iobroker node node_modules/iobroker.js-controller/controller.js,
tail: cannot read realtime clock: Operation not permitted,
------------------------- 1970-01-01 01:00:00 -------------------------,
----- Welcome to your ioBroker-container! -----,
----- Startupscript is now running. -----,
----- Please be patient! -----,
----- Debugging information -----,
----- -----,
----- System -----,
----- arch: armv7l -----,
----- -----,
----- Docker-Image -----,
----- image: v5.2.0 -----,
----- build: 2021-10-01T03:48:11+00:00 -----,
----- -----,
----- Versions -----,
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::length_error',
what(): basic_string::_M_replace_aux,
----- node: -----,
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::length_error',
what(): basic_string::_M_replace_aux,
----- npm: -----,
----- -----,
----- ENV -----,
----- IOB_MULTIHOST: slave -----,
----- IOB_OBJECTSDB_HOST: -----,
----- IOB_OBJECTSDB_PORT: 9001 -----,
----- IOB_OBJECTSDB_TYPE: file -----,
----- SETGID: 1000 -----,
----- SETUID: 1000 -----,
----- IOB_STATESDB_HOST: -----,
----- IOB_STATESDB_PORT: 9000 -----,
----- IOB_STATESDB_TYPE: file -----,
----- Step 1 of 5: Preparing container -----,
Nothing to do here.,
----- Step 2 of 5: Detecting ioBroker installation -----,
Existing installation of ioBroker detected in /opt/iobroker.,
----- Step 3 of 5: Checking ioBroker installation -----,
(Re)Setting folder permissions (This might take a while! Please be patient!)...,
Fixing "sudo-bug" by replacing sudo in iobroker with gosu...,
cp: preserving times for '/opt/iobroker/iobroker.bak': Operation not permitted,
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::length_error',
what(): basic_string::_M_replace_aux,
iobroker: line 6: 64 Aborted gosu iobroker node /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.js-controller/iobroker.js "$@",
/opt/scripts/iobroker_startup.sh: line 199: [: !=: unary operator expected,
----- Step 4 of 5: Applying special settings -----,
Some adapters have special requirements/ settings which can be activated by the use of environment variables.,
For more information take a look at readme.md on Github!,
Multihost is set as "slave" by ENV and external objects db is set.,
Skipping this step...,
Multihost is set as "slave" by ENV and external states db is set.,
Skipping this step...,
ENV IOB_OBJECTSDB_TYPE is set and value meets detected ioBroker installation. Nothing to do here.,
ENV IOB_OBJECTSDB_HOST is set and value meets detected ioBroker installation. Nothing to do here.,
ENV IOB_OBJECTSDB_PORT is set and value meets detected ioBroker installation. Nothing to do here.,
ENV IOB_STATESDB_TYPE is set and value meets detected ioBroker installation. Nothing to do here.,
ENV IOB_STATESDB_HOST is set and value meets detected ioBroker installation. Nothing to do here.,
ENV IOB_STATESDB_PORT is set and value meets detected ioBroker installation. Nothing to do here.,
----- Step 5 of 5: ioBroker startup -----,
Starting ioBroker...,
Hat da jemand eine Idee zu?