Adapter: DasWetter
Unabhängig davon. Bei mir kommt jedes mal wenn der Adapter neu gestartet wirdin den logs:
daswetter.0 2020-12-16 19:45:01.870 info (30200) got wrong data structure! trying to repair...
Gibt´s da ne Lösung für?
@Karel-Puhli sagte in Adapter: DasWetter:
daswetter.0 2020-12-16 19:45:01.870 info (30200) got wrong data structure! trying to repair...
Welche Adapter Version hast du?
@Karel-Puhli sagte in Adapter: DasWetter:
fo (30200) got wrong data structure! trying to repair...
Das liegt nicht an mir, sondern an dem Unterschied zwischen API-Dokumentation und was wirklich vom DasWetter-Server kommt. Die halten ihre eigene Spezifikation nicht ein. Im Adapter ist ein workaround drin, der den Fehler kompensiert. Ich habe das log noch drin, um einen Hinweis zu bekommen, falls der Server doch irgendwann einmal umgestellt wird... Also für den user kein Problem... ist ja auch nur eine Info...
@Rene_HM sagte in Adapter: DasWetter:
Also für den user kein Problem... ist ja auch nur eine Info...
Jupp, oder Log-Stufe auf Warn umstellen.
Sorry für die späte Antwort. Hatte noch andere Baustellen
Seltsamer Weise stehen jetzt die Daten da
Warten hilft vielleicht
Wie und wo kann ich mich denn dort registrieren? -
@IceD112 said in Adapter: DasWetter:
Wie und wo kann ich mich denn dort registrieren?
Hier solltest du fündig werden.
Prima, hat geklappt, auch der XML Link ist drin, aber ich bekomme keine Objekete angezeigt?
@IceD112 said in Adapter: DasWetter:
Prima, hat geklappt, auch der XML Link ist drin, aber ich bekomme keine Objekete angezeigt?
Die brauchen etwas. Warte mal ein paar Minuten.
Hallo zusammen und auch @Rene_HM - ist euch dieser Adapter-Fehler bekannt ?
@bostil Kannst du das LOG bitte aus dem Logfile kopieren (nicht aus dem Browser Fenster) und dann hier in Code Tags einfügen.
So ist das nicht lesbar und nur schlecht zu analysieren.
Und das loggen für die Instanz direkt auf Debug stellen!
ich sehe kein Fehler -
@wendy2702 sagte in Adapter: DasWetter:
nur schlecht zu analysieren.
Das häuft sich heute mit den Screenshot´s
Danke euch. Ich lasse mal den debug mitlaufen (gerade erst gesehen, wie dies geht - sorry!). Im Log steht halt immer ... terminated ... try to repair ... Sieht für mich nach einem nicht ganz reibungslosen Betrieb aus.
Danke euch.
Ich versuche es nochmal ... und hoffe im Rahmen der Regeln zu handeln
daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:45.029 info (8054) cleaned everything up... daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.516 info (8054) Terminated (NO_ERROR): Without reason daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.515 debug (8054) Plugin sentry destroyed daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.514 debug (8054) timer killed daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.514 debug (8054) exit, all done daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.508 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.sunshineDuration with 0.03 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.503 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_8.windchill with -1 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.496 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_8.snowline with 2000 m null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.490 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_8.clouds with 100% null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.485 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_8.pressure with 1029 mb null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.479 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_8.humidity with 77 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.474 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_8.rain with 0.6 mm null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.469 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_8.wind_gusts with 31 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.464 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_8.windIconURL with /adapter/daswetter/icons/viento-wind/Beaufort-White/44.png null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.459 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_8.wind_symbolB with 44 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.454 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_8.wind_symbol with 12 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.449 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_8.wind_dir with SE null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.444 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_8.wind_speed with 9 km/h null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.439 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_8.symbol_desc2 with Bedeckt mit Schneeregen null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.434 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_8.symbol with 22 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.379 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_8.symbol_desc with Bedeckt mit Schneeschauern null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.373 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_8.iconURL with /adapter/daswetter/icons/tiempo-weather/galeria1/19.png null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.364 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_8.symbol with 19 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.357 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_8.temp with 2 °C null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.350 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_8.hour with 22:00 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.348 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_8 with null {"type":"channel","common":{"name":"Hour 8","role":"weather"}} daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.343 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_7.windchill with -3 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.338 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_7.snowline with 1300 m null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.333 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_7.clouds with 100% null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.327 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_7.pressure with 1030 mb null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.323 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_7.humidity with 80 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.318 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_7.rain with 2 mm null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.313 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_7.wind_gusts with 35 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.308 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_7.windIconURL with /adapter/daswetter/icons/viento-wind/Beaufort-White/44.png null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.303 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_7.wind_symbolB with 44 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.298 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_7.wind_symbol with 12 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.294 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_7.wind_dir with SE null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.289 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_7.wind_speed with 17 km/h null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.284 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_7.symbol_desc2 with Bedeckt mit Schneeregen null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.279 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_7.symbol with 22 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.274 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_7.symbol_desc with Bedeckt mit Schneeschauern null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.269 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_7.iconURL with /adapter/daswetter/icons/tiempo-weather/galeria1/19.png null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.265 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_7.symbol with 19 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.260 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_7.temp with 1 °C null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.255 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_7.hour with 19:00 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.254 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_7 with null {"type":"channel","common":{"name":"Hour 7","role":"weather"}} daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.249 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_6.windchill with 1 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.244 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_6.snowline with 1200 m null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.239 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_6.clouds with 100% null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.234 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_6.pressure with 1030 mb null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.229 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_6.humidity with 45 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.224 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_6.rain with 0 mm null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.219 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_6.wind_gusts with 33 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.214 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_6.windIconURL with /adapter/daswetter/icons/viento-wind/Beaufort-White/44.png null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.209 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_6.wind_symbolB with 44 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.202 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_6.wind_symbol with 12 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.197 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_6.wind_dir with SE null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.192 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_6.wind_speed with 14 km/h null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.187 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_6.symbol_desc2 with Bedeckt null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.183 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_6.symbol with 4 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.178 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_6.symbol_desc with Bedeckt null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.173 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_6.iconURL with /adapter/daswetter/icons/tiempo-weather/galeria1/4.png null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.168 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_6.symbol with 4 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.163 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_6.temp with 4 °C null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.157 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_6.hour with 16:00 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.154 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_6 with null {"type":"channel","common":{"name":"Hour 6","role":"weather"}} daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.147 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_5.windchill with 2 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.139 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_5.snowline with 1200 m null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.135 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_5.clouds with 100% null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.130 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_5.pressure with 1031 mb null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.125 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_5.humidity with 35 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.120 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_5.rain with 0 mm null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.115 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_5.wind_gusts with 32 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.110 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_5.windIconURL with /adapter/daswetter/icons/viento-wind/Beaufort-White/44.png null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.105 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_5.wind_symbolB with 44 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.100 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_5.wind_symbol with 12 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.096 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_5.wind_dir with SE null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.091 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_5.wind_speed with 15 km/h null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.086 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_5.symbol_desc2 with Bedeckt null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.081 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_5.symbol with 4 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.076 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_5.symbol_desc with Bedeckt null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.071 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_5.iconURL with /adapter/daswetter/icons/tiempo-weather/galeria1/4.png null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.066 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_5.symbol with 4 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.060 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_5.temp with 5 °C null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.053 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_5.hour with 13:00 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.052 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_5 with null {"type":"channel","common":{"name":"Hour 5","role":"weather"}} daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.047 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_4.windchill with -2 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.043 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_4.snowline with 1500 m null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.038 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_4.clouds with 100% null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.034 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_4.pressure with 1032 mb null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.029 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_4.humidity with 28 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.025 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_4.rain with 0 mm null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.020 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_4.wind_gusts with 29 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.016 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_4.windIconURL with /adapter/daswetter/icons/viento-wind/Beaufort-White/43.png null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.011 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_4.wind_symbolB with 43 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.007 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_4.wind_symbol with 11 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:44.000 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_4.wind_dir with E null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.996 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_4.wind_speed with 15 km/h null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.991 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_4.symbol_desc2 with Bedeckt null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.986 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_4.symbol with 4 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.982 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_4.symbol_desc with Bedeckt null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.977 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_4.iconURL with /adapter/daswetter/icons/tiempo-weather/galeria1/4.png null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.972 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_4.symbol with 4 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.967 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_4.temp with 2 °C null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.962 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_4.hour with 10:00 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.960 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_4 with null {"type":"channel","common":{"name":"Hour 4","role":"weather"}} daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.953 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_3.windchill with -6 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.948 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_3.snowline with 1400 m null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.944 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_3.clouds with 99% null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.939 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_3.pressure with 1033 mb null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.935 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_3.humidity with 32 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.930 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_3.rain with 0 mm null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.926 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_3.wind_gusts with 30 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.921 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_3.windIconURL with /adapter/daswetter/icons/viento-wind/Beaufort-White/43.png null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.916 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_3.wind_symbolB with 43 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.910 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_3.wind_symbol with 11 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.905 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_3.wind_dir with E null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.899 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_3.wind_speed with 16 km/h null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.894 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_3.symbol_desc2 with Bedeckt null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.888 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_3.symbol with 4 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.855 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_3.symbol_desc with Bedeckt null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.849 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_3.iconURL with /adapter/daswetter/icons/tiempo-weather/galeria1/4.png null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.844 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_3.symbol with 4 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.797 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_3.temp with -1 °C null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.791 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_3.hour with 07:00 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.789 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_3 with null {"type":"channel","common":{"name":"Hour 3","role":"weather"}} daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.785 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_2.windchill with -6 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.780 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_2.snowline with 1200 m null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.776 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_2.clouds with 100% null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.771 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_2.pressure with 1034 mb null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.767 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_2.humidity with 35 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.762 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_2.rain with 0 mm null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.758 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_2.wind_gusts with 28 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.753 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_2.windIconURL with /adapter/daswetter/icons/viento-wind/Beaufort-White/35.png null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.749 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_2.wind_symbolB with 35 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.744 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_2.wind_symbol with 11 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.739 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_2.wind_dir with E null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.735 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_2.wind_speed with 15 km/h null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.729 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_2.symbol_desc2 with Bedeckt null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.724 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_2.symbol with 4 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.720 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_2.symbol_desc with Bedeckt null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.715 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_2.iconURL with /adapter/daswetter/icons/tiempo-weather/galeria1/4.png null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.710 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_2.symbol with 4 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.704 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_2.temp with -2 °C null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.697 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_2.hour with 04:00 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.695 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_2 with null {"type":"channel","common":{"name":"Hour 2","role":"weather"}} daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.689 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_1.windchill with -6 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.682 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_1.snowline with 1200 m null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.675 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_1.clouds with 100% null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.616 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_1.pressure with 1035 mb null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.611 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_1.humidity with 38 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.606 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_1.rain with 0 mm null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.602 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_1.wind_gusts with 26 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.597 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_1.windIconURL with /adapter/daswetter/icons/viento-wind/Beaufort-White/35.png null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.592 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_1.wind_symbolB with 35 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.588 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_1.wind_symbol with 11 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.583 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_1.wind_dir with E null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.579 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_1.wind_speed with 14 km/h null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.574 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_1.symbol_desc2 with Bedeckt null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.570 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_1.symbol with 4 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.565 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_1.symbol_desc with Bedeckt null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.561 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_1.iconURL with /adapter/daswetter/icons/tiempo-weather/galeria1/4.png null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.556 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_1.symbol with 4 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.552 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_1.temp with -2 °C null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.505 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_1.hour with 01:00 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.504 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.Hour_1 with null {"type":"channel","common":{"name":"Hour 1","role":"weather"}} daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.503 debug (8054) got 8 hours daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.497 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.local_time_offset with 1 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.452 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.local_time with 14:00 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.431 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.moonIconURL with /adapter/daswetter/icons/luna-moon/3.png null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.425 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.moon_symbol with 3 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.420 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.moon_desc with zunehm. Mond, 13.5% Beleuchtet null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.416 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.moon_lumi with 13.5% null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.411 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.moon_out with 21:56 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.407 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.moon_in with 09:36 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.402 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.sun_out with 17:50 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.398 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.sun_mid with 12:48 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.393 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.sun_in with 07:46 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.366 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.snowline with 1200 m null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.361 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.pressure with 1032 mb null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.356 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.humidity with 45 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.351 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.rain with 2.6 mm null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.347 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.wind_gusts with 35 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.342 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.windIconURL with /adapter/daswetter/icons/viento-wind/Beaufort-White/44.png null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.338 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.wind_symbolB with 44 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.333 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.wind_symbol with 12 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.328 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.wind_speed with 17 km/h null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.324 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.tempmax with 5 °C null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.319 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.tempmin with -3 °C null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.315 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.symbol_desc2 with Bedeckt mit Schneeregen null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.310 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.symbol2 with 22 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.306 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.symbol_desc with Bedeckt mit Schneeschauern null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.301 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.iconURL with /adapter/daswetter/icons/tiempo-weather/galeria1/19.png null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.251 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5.symbol with 19 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.251 debug (8054) got units °C km/h mm km/h mb m daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.246 debug (8054) insert with 20210215 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.242 debug (8054) insert with Montag null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.240 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_5 with null {"type":"channel","common":{"name":"Day 5","role":"weather"}} daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.236 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_4.sunshineDuration with 10.17 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.231 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_4.Hour_8.windchill with -8 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.225 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_4.Hour_8.snowline with 1200 m null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.220 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_4.Hour_8.clouds with 92% null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.188 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_4.Hour_8.pressure with 1037 mb null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.157 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_4.Hour_8.humidity with 41 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.149 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_4.Hour_8.rain with 0 mm null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.144 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_4.Hour_8.wind_gusts with 30 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.139 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_4.Hour_8.windIconURL with /adapter/daswetter/icons/viento-wind/Beaufort-White/44.png null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.134 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_4.Hour_8.wind_symbolB with 44 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.130 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_4.Hour_8.wind_symbol with 12 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.125 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_4.Hour_8.wind_dir with SE null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.121 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_4.Hour_8.wind_speed with 15 km/h null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.115 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_4.Hour_8.symbol_desc2 with Bewölkt null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.108 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_4.Hour_8.symbol with 3 null daswetter.0 2021-02-11 17:45:43.104 debug (8054) insert NextHours2.Location_1.Day_4.Hour_8.symbol_desc with Bewölkt null
sieht doch gut aus ... -
@bostil sagte in Adapter: DasWetter:
Ich versuche es nochmal ... und hoffe im Rahmen der Regeln zu handeln
Hat nicht Viel mit Regeln zu tun. Ist schlicht und ergreifent nur schei..e zu lesen und bearbeiten.
wie @Glasfaser sagt: Log sieht doch gut aus