Test Adapter Awtrix-Light (Awtrix 3)
Hier noch mal ein auszug aus dem Log, Also Netatmo aktualisiert alle 10 min
Gefiltert nur auf Netatmoawtrix-light.0 2023-06-09 21:41:03.042 debug [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "netatmo.0.5f451b174be7c35c0a5ef69f.70-ee-50-5e-d1-d4.02-00-00-8d-d2-46.Temperature.Temperature" to 21.2 - refreshes too fast (within 1 seconds) awtrix-light.0 2023-06-09 21:31:03.010 debug [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "netatmo.0.5f451b174be7c35c0a5ef69f.70-ee-50-5e-d1-d4.02-00-00-8d-d2-46.Temperature.Temperature" to 21.5 - refreshes too fast (within 1 seconds) awtrix-light.0 2023-06-09 21:21:03.005 debug [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "netatmo.0.5f451b174be7c35c0a5ef69f.70-ee-50-5e-d1-d4.02-00-00-8d-d2-46.Temperature.Temperature" to 21.8 - refreshes too fast (within 1 seconds)
Also das mit dem zusätzlichen Datenpunkt als Merker, wo die Temperaturen übertragen werden, läuft ohne Probleme. Was mir da nur aufgefallen ist, ich habe die Dezimal Stellen für die Cutom App auf 0 stehen.
Wenn ich den original Netatmo Datenpunkt nehme, wird das auch so angezeigt, wenn ich den Merker Datenpunkt nehme, habe ich eine Dezimal Stelle, ohne die Einstellungen zu ändern. Es wird ein "Punkt" angezeigt. Der Netatmo Datenpunkt ein ein Komma -
ich kann die standard apps nicht mehr auschalten..
batt, date, eyes brauch ich nicht..
@arteck Mach es am besten direkt über die Uhr an den Tasten, funktioniert top.
@ben1983 das hab ich gerade auch gemacht.... danke
@atomicix sagte in Test Adapter Awtrix-Light:
wenn ich den Merker Datenpunkt nehme, habe ich eine Dezimal Stelle, ohne die Einstellungen zu ändern. Es wird ein "Punkt" angezeigt. Der Netatmo Datenpunkt ein ein Komma
Ich verstehe nicht ganz? Dann ist das eine wohl vom Objekttyp string und das andere eine number? Generell werden numerische Werte immer mit einem Punkt als Trennzeichen gespeichert, aber der Admin zeigt das entsprechend deiner Konfiguration an (also macht aus dem Punkt dann ein Komma falls so in den Einstellungen festgelegt). Zeig mal bitte wie die beiden Objekte definierte sind.
@mrjeschke said in Test Adapter Awtrix-Light:
Ich habe momentan das gleiche Problem. Nach einem Neustart des Adapters funktioniert es.
Sobald der DP das erste mal aktualisiert wird, steht im Display undefined.
Im log sehe ich dann ein refreshes too fast.
Der DP wird bei mir aber nur alle 15 Minuten aktualisiert.
Wenn ich ein alias auf diesen DP erstelle und mir diesen anzeigen lasse funktioniert es komischerweise.Ich habe auch zwei DP der nicht aktualisiert wird, auch der Umweg über den Alias funktioniert bei mir nicht.
Das sind beides Werte die aus einem JS-Script kommen, die Werte die direkt aus dem Sonoff Adapter kommen werden aktualisiert. -
@cacherwolf sagte in Test Adapter Awtrix-Light:
Das sind beides Werte die aus einem JS-Script kommen, die Werte die direkt aus dem Sonoff Adapter kommen werden aktualisiert.
Dann sind die Werte wohl nicht bestätigt? Es werden nur states angezeigt, welche
ack: true
sind. Siehe aktualisiere vs. steuere. -
hab im Log kontinuierliche warn Logs:
awtrix-light.0 2023-06-10 09:44:52.611 warn (custom?name=entladen) Unable to refresh custom app "entladen": AxiosError: timeout of 3000ms exceeded awtrix-light.0 2023-06-10 09:44:51.406 warn (custom?name=verbrauch) Unable to refresh custom app "verbrauch": AxiosError: timeout of 3000ms exceeded awtrix-light.0 2023-06-10 09:44:51.383 warn (custom?name=verbrauch) Unable to refresh custom app "verbrauch": AxiosError: timeout of 3000ms exceeded
Was heißt das?
@elektroniker86 sagte in Test Adapter Awtrix-Light:
Was heißt das?
Loglevel mal auf Debug stellen - dann sieht man den kompletten POST-Request welcher schief gelaufen ist. So kann man nur raten.
Ich hoffe das kann man soweit erkennen. Ansonsten kann ich das nachher übern Laptop vielleicht besser darstellen.
@atomicix sagte in Test Adapter Awtrix-Light:
Ich hoffe das kann man soweit erkennen
Dein DP "Aussentemp" ist nicht vom Typ Number sondern mixed.
@haus-automatisierung said in Test Adapter Awtrix-Light:
@cacherwolf sagte in Test Adapter Awtrix-Light:
Das sind beides Werte die aus einem JS-Script kommen, die Werte die direkt aus dem Sonoff Adapter kommen werden aktualisiert.
Dann sind die Werte wohl nicht bestätigt? Es werden nur states angezeigt, welche
ack: true
sind. Siehe aktualisiere vs. steuere.Genau das wars. Ich habe jezt die Scripte auf aktualisiere umgestellt und es funktioniert.
Vielen Dank Matthias für die Hilfe und auch für die super Arbeit bei der Entwicklung des Adapters. -
Sorry, hier der debug Log:
awtrix-light.0 2023-06-10 10:23:29.535 warn (custom?name=erzeugung) Unable to refresh custom app "erzeugung": AxiosError: timeout of 3000ms exceeded awtrix-light.0 2023-06-10 10:23:29.535 info error ECONNABORTED from /api/custom?name=erzeugung: timeout of 3000ms exceeded awtrix-light.0 2023-06-10 10:20:50.787 warn (custom?name=erzeugung) Unable to refresh custom app "erzeugung": AxiosError: timeout of 3000ms exceeded awtrix-light.0 2023-06-10 10:20:50.787 warn (custom?name=bezug) Unable to refresh custom app "bezug": AxiosError: timeout of 3000ms exceeded awtrix-light.0 2023-06-10 10:20:50.525 info error ECONNABORTED from /api/stats: timeout of 3000ms exceeded awtrix-light.0 2023-06-10 10:14:51.563 warn (custom?name=verbrauch) Unable to refresh custom app "verbrauch": AxiosError: timeout of 3000ms exceeded awtrix-light.0 2023-06-10 10:14:51.563 info error ECONNABORTED from /api/custom?name=verbrauch: timeout of 3000ms exceeded awtrix-light.0 2023-06-10 10:14:51.484 warn (custom?name=verbrauch) Unable to refresh custom app "verbrauch": AxiosError: timeout of 3000ms exceeded awtrix-light.0 2023-06-10 10:14:51.483 warn (custom?name=verbrauch) Unable to refresh custom app "verbrauch": AxiosError: timeout of 3000ms exceeded awtrix-light.0 2023-06-10 10:14:51.483 info error ECONNABORTED from /api/custom?name=verbrauch: timeout of 3000ms exceeded awtrix-light.0 2023-06-10 10:14:50.481 warn (custom?name=erzeugung) Unable to refresh custom app "erzeugung": AxiosError: timeout of 3000ms exceeded awtrix-light.0 2023-06-10 10:14:50.480 warn (custom?name=bezug) Unable to refresh custom app "bezug": AxiosError: timeout of 3000ms exceeded awtrix-light.0 2023-06-10 10:14:50.480 info error ECONNABORTED from /api/custom?name=bezug: timeout of 3000ms exceeded awtrix-light.0 2023-06-10 10:13:03.000 warn (custom?name=verbrauch) Unable to refresh custom app "verbrauch": AxiosError: timeout of 3000ms exceeded awtrix-light.0 2023-06-10 10:13:02.943 warn (custom?name=verbrauch) Unable to refresh custom app "verbrauch": AxiosError: timeout of 3000ms exceeded awtrix-light.0 2023-06-10 10:13:02.941 warn (custom?name=verbrauch) Unable to refresh custom app "verbrauch": AxiosError: timeout of 3000ms exceeded awtrix-light.0 2023-06-10 10:13:02.940 warn (custom?name=ueberschuss) Unable to refresh custom app "ueberschuss": AxiosError: timeout of 3000ms exceeded awtrix-light.0 2023-06-10 10:13:02.939 info error ECONNABORTED from /api/custom?name=ueberschuss: timeout of 3000ms exceeded awtrix-light.0 2023-06-10 10:12:34.761 warn (custom?name=verbrauch) Unable to refresh custom app "verbrauch": AxiosError: timeout of 3000ms exceeded awtrix-light.0 2023-06-10 10:12:34.733 warn (custom?name=verbrauch) Unable to refresh custom app "verbrauch": AxiosError: timeout of 3000ms exceeded awtrix-light.0 2023-06-10 10:12:34.733 warn (custom?name=verbrauch) Unable to refresh custom app "verbrauch": AxiosError: timeout of 3000ms exceeded awtrix-light.0 2023-06-10 10:12:34.733 info error ECONNABORTED from /api/custom?name=verbrauch: timeout of 3000ms exceeded awtrix-light.0 2023-06-10 10:10:39.795 warn (custom?name=verbrauch) Unable to refresh custom app "verbrauch": AxiosError: timeout of 3000ms exceeded awtrix-light.0 2023-06-10 10:10:39.736 warn (custom?name=verbrauch) Unable to refresh custom app "verbrauch": AxiosError: timeout of 3000ms exceeded awtrix-light.0 2023-06-10 10:10:39.736 info error ECONNABORTED from /api/custom?name=verbrauch: timeout of 3000ms exceeded awtrix-light.0 2023-06-10 10:10:38.735 warn (custom?name=erzeugung) Unable to refresh custom app "erzeugung": AxiosError: timeout of 3000ms exceeded awtrix-light.0 2023-06-10 10:10:38.734 warn (custom?name=bezug) Unable to refresh custom app "bezug": AxiosError: timeout of 3000ms exceeded awtrix-light.0 2023-06-10 10:10:38.734 info error ECONNABORTED from /api/custom?name=bezug: timeout of 3000ms exceeded awtrix-light.0 2023-06-10 10:06:31.427 warn (custom?name=erzeugung) Unable to refresh custom app "erzeugung": AxiosError: timeout of 3000ms exceeded awtrix-light.0 2023-06-10 10:06:31.427 info error ECONNABORTED from /api/custom?name=erzeugung: timeout of 3000ms exceeded awtrix-light.0 2023-06-10 10:03:54.017 warn (custom?name=laden) Unable to refresh custom app "laden": AxiosError: timeout of 3000ms exceeded awtrix-light.0 2023-06-10 10:03:54.017 info error ECONNABORTED from /api/custom?name=laden: timeout of 3000ms exceeded awtrix-light.0 2023-06-10 10:03:53.573 warn (custom?name=verbrauch) Unable to refresh custom app "verbrauch": AxiosError: timeout of 3000ms exceeded awtrix-light.0 2023-06-10 10:03:53.573 info error ECONNABORTED from /api/custom?name=verbrauch: timeout of 3000ms exceeded awtrix-light.0 2023-06-10 10:03:52.571 warn (custom?name=bezug) Unable to refresh custom app "bezug": AxiosError: timeout of 3000ms exceeded awtrix-light.0 2023-06-10 10:03:52.550 warn (custom?name=erzeugung) Unable to refresh custom app "erzeugung": AxiosError: timeout of 3000ms exceeded awtrix-light.0 2023-06-10 10:03:52.550 info error ECONNABORTED from /api/custom?name=erzeugung: timeout of 3000ms exceeded awtrix-light.0 2023-06-10 10:03:11.829 warn (custom?name=laden) Unable to refresh custom app "laden": AxiosError: timeout of 3000ms exceeded awtrix-light.0 2023-06-10 10:03:11.829 info error ECONNABORTED from /api/custom?name=laden: timeout of 3000ms exceeded awtrix-light.0 2023-06-10 10:03:11.337 warn (custom?name=bezug) Unable to refresh custom app "bezug": AxiosError: timeout of 3000ms exceeded awtrix-light.0 2023-06-10 10:03:11.283 warn (custom?name=erzeugung) Unable to refresh custom app "erzeugung": AxiosError: timeout of 3000ms exceeded awtrix-light.0 2023-06-10 10:03:11.283 info error ECONNABORTED from /api/custom?name=erzeugung: timeout of 3000ms exceeded awtrix-light.0 2023-06-10 10:03:10.122 warn (custom?name=verbrauch) Unable to refresh custom app "verbrauch": AxiosError: timeout of 3000ms exceeded awtrix-light.0 2023-06-10 10:03:10.122 info error ECONNABORTED from /api/custom?name=verbrauch: timeout of 3000ms exceeded awtrix-light.0 2023-06-10 10:03:09.359 warn (custom?name=laden) Unable to refresh custom app "laden": AxiosError: timeout of 3000ms exceeded awtrix-light.0 2023-06-10 10:03:09.359 info error ECONNABORTED from /api/custom?name=laden: timeout of 3000ms exceeded awtrix-light.0 2023-06-10 10:00:34.997 warn (custom?name=bezug) Unable to refresh custom app "bezug": AxiosError: timeout of 3000ms exceeded awtrix-light.0 2023-06-10 10:00:34.996 info error ECONNABORTED from /api/custom?name=bezug: timeout of 3000ms exceeded
@elektroniker86 Da ist aber keine einzige Meldung mit debug Loglevel enthalten?!
Ich denke da kippt die Uhr weg.
Ich hatte das auch, dann habe ich die Zeitspanne mit der Daten reingeschaufelt werden erhöht und seither ist da Ruhe. -
@cacherwolf sagte in Test Adapter Awtrix-Light:
Genau das wars. Ich habe jezt die Scripte auf aktualisiere umgestellt und es funktioniert.
In der nächsten Version gibts dazu auch eine Meldung im Log, damit man sieht dass der unbestätigte Wert ignoriert wird.
@elektroniker86 sagte in Test Adapter Awtrix-Light:
Oder mach ich was falsch?
Die Instanz auf Loglevel DEBUG stellen Du musst
@elektroniker86 sagte in Test Adapter Awtrix-Light:
Ist aber auf debug gestellt.
Ja? Zeig mal einen Screenshot wie du das Loglevel gesetzt hast
@haus-automatisierung ich habe auf die 0.0.13 geupdatet.
Der configurierte historische graph wird noch nicht angezeigt,
obwohl er im log meldet, dass eine valide instaz gefunden wurde.
(Kann wohl immer noch der influxdb "bug" sein, dass die Daten nicht schnell genug kommen)?Des weiteren wird bei der app externaltemperature das icon nicht mehr korrekt angezeoigt. (an einem Baum fehlt der Stamm... war bis dato korrekt da).
Debug Log:
2023-06-10 10:57:22.500 - info: host.buanet-iobroker_8_0_1 stopInstance system.adapter.awtrix-light.0 (force=false, process=true) 2023-06-10 10:57:22.556 - info: awtrix-light.0 (17014) Got terminate signal TERMINATE_YOURSELF 2023-06-10 10:57:22.558 - info: awtrix-light.0 (17014) terminating 2023-06-10 10:57:22.558 - info: awtrix-light.0 (17014) Terminated (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION): Without reason 2023-06-10 10:57:22.563 - info: host.buanet-iobroker_8_0_1 stopInstance system.adapter.awtrix-light.0 send kill signal 2023-06-10 10:57:23.106 - info: host.buanet-iobroker_8_0_1 instance system.adapter.awtrix-light.0 terminated with code 11 (ADAPTER_REQUESTED_TERMINATION) 2023-06-10 10:57:25.618 - info: host.buanet-iobroker_8_0_1 instance system.adapter.awtrix-light.0 started with pid 17253 2023-06-10 10:57:26.172 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) Redis Objects: Use Redis connection: 2023-06-10 10:57:26.265 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) Objects client ready ... initialize now 2023-06-10 10:57:26.316 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) Objects create System PubSub Client 2023-06-10 10:57:26.317 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) Objects create User PubSub Client 2023-06-10 10:57:26.351 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) Objects client initialize lua scripts 2023-06-10 10:57:26.355 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) Objects connected to redis: 2023-06-10 10:57:26.380 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) Redis States: Use Redis connection: 2023-06-10 10:57:26.391 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) States create System PubSub Client 2023-06-10 10:57:26.392 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) States create User PubSub Client 2023-06-10 10:57:26.451 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) States connected to redis: 2023-06-10 10:57:26.981 - info: awtrix-light.0 (17253) starting. Version 0.0.13 (non-npm: klein0r/ioBroker.awtrix-light) in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.awtrix-light, node: v18.16.0, js-controller: 4.0.24 2023-06-10 10:57:27.019 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) refreshing device state 2023-06-10 10:57:27.020 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) sending "GET" request to "/api/stats" without data 2023-06-10 10:57:27.035 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) re-creating refresh state timeout 2023-06-10 10:57:27.089 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) received 200 response from "/api/stats" with content: {"bat":97,"bat_raw":660,"lux":"0","ldr_raw":7,"ram":137896,"bri":120,"temp":"25","hum":"28","uptime":"166732","wifi_signal":-33,"up_available":false,"messages":0,"version":"0.67","indicator1":false,"indicator2":true,"indicator3":false} 2023-06-10 10:57:27.091 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) API is online 2023-06-10 10:57:27.092 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) sending "GET" request to "/api/settings" without data 2023-06-10 10:57:27.094 - warn: awtrix-light.0 (17253) You should update your Awtrix Light - supported version of this adapter is 0.68 (or later). Your current version is 0.67 2023-06-10 10:57:27.116 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) received 200 response from "/api/settings" with content: {"FPS":23,"ABRI":true,"BRI":120,"ATRANS":true,"TCOL":65535,"TSPEED":400,"ATIME":7000,"TFORMAT":"%H:%M:%S","DFORMAT":"%d.%m.%y","SOM":true,"CEL":true,"BLOCKN":false,"MAT":0,"SOUND":true,"GAMMA":0,"UPPERCASE":true,"CCORRECTION":"","CTEMP":"","WD":true,"WDCA":7327,"WDCI":27501,"TIME_COL":0,"DATE_COL":0,"HUM_COL":0,"TEMP_COL":0,"BAT_COL":0} 2023-06-10 10:57:27.230 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [initCustomApps] Found custom app "gridpower" with objId alias.0.Allgemein.Leistung.WirkleistungGesamt - subscribed to changes 2023-06-10 10:57:27.235 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [initCustomApps] Found custom app "externaltemperature" with objId alias.0.Talstrasse1A.Temperatur.Aussentemperatur - subscribed to changes 2023-06-10 10:57:27.255 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [initCustomApps] Found custom app "pvpower" with objId alias.0.PV-Anlage.Leistung.WirkleistungPv - subscribed to changes 2023-06-10 10:57:27.260 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [initCustomApps] Found custom app "storagesoc" with objId alias.0.Speicher.Batterie.SOC - subscribed to changes 2023-06-10 10:57:27.264 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [initCustomApps] Found custom app "storagepower" with objId alias.0.Speicher.Leistung.WirkleistungSpeicher - subscribed to changes 2023-06-10 10:57:27.264 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [refreshCustomApp] Refreshing custom app "gridpower" with icon "49243" and text "%s %u" 2023-06-10 10:57:27.265 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [refreshCustomApp] formatted value of "alias.0.Allgemein.Leistung.WirkleistungGesamt" from 60.04423522949219 to 60 (0 decimals) 2023-06-10 10:57:27.265 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) sending "POST" request to "/api/custom?name=gridpower" with data: {"text":"60 W","icon":"49243","duration":5} 2023-06-10 10:57:27.411 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) received 200 response from "/api/custom?name=gridpower" with content: "OK" 2023-06-10 10:57:27.412 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [refreshCustomApp] Refreshing custom app "externaltemperature" with icon "38231" and text "%s %u" 2023-06-10 10:57:27.412 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [refreshCustomApp] formatted value of "alias.0.Talstrasse1A.Temperatur.Aussentemperatur" from 25.971416473388672 to 26,0 (1 decimals) 2023-06-10 10:57:27.412 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) sending "POST" request to "/api/custom?name=externaltemperature" with data: {"text":"26,0 °C","icon":"38231","duration":5} 2023-06-10 10:57:27.437 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) received 200 response from "/api/custom?name=externaltemperature" with content: "OK" 2023-06-10 10:57:27.438 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [refreshCustomApp] Refreshing custom app "pvpower" with icon "15124" and text "%s %u" 2023-06-10 10:57:27.438 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [refreshCustomApp] formatted value of "alias.0.PV-Anlage.Leistung.WirkleistungPv" from 1485.5474853515625 to 1.486 (0 decimals) 2023-06-10 10:57:27.438 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) sending "POST" request to "/api/custom?name=pvpower" with data: {"text":"1.486 W","icon":"15124","duration":5} 2023-06-10 10:57:27.470 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) received 200 response from "/api/custom?name=pvpower" with content: "OK" 2023-06-10 10:57:27.471 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [refreshCustomApp] Refreshing custom app "storagesoc" with icon "49520" and text "%s %u" 2023-06-10 10:57:27.471 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) sending "POST" request to "/api/custom?name=storagesoc" with data: {"text":"10 %","icon":"49520","duration":5} 2023-06-10 10:57:27.501 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) received 200 response from "/api/custom?name=storagesoc" with content: "OK" 2023-06-10 10:57:27.502 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [refreshCustomApp] Refreshing custom app "storagepower" with icon "49520" and text "%s %u" 2023-06-10 10:57:27.502 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [refreshCustomApp] formatted value of "alias.0.Speicher.Leistung.WirkleistungSpeicher" from 2.256782054901123 to 2 (0 decimals) 2023-06-10 10:57:27.502 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) sending "POST" request to "/api/custom?name=storagepower" with data: {"text":"2 W","icon":"49520","duration":5} 2023-06-10 10:57:27.525 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) received 200 response from "/api/custom?name=storagepower" with content: "OK" 2023-06-10 10:57:27.569 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [initHistoryApps] Found valid source instance for history data: influxdb.0 2023-06-10 10:57:27.569 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [initHistoryApps] getting history data for app "netz" of "alias.0.Allgemein.Leistung.WirkleistungGesamt" from influxdb.0 2023-06-10 10:57:28.037 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Allgemein.Leistung.WirkleistungGesamt" to 54.22587585449219 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:26.038 2023-06-10 10:57:28.047 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.PV-Anlage.Leistung.WirkleistungPv" to 1486.7889404296875 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:26.039 2023-06-10 10:57:28.058 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Speicher.Leistung.WirkleistungSpeicher" to 2.2105093002319336 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:26.039 2023-06-10 10:57:28.060 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Talstrasse1A.Temperatur.Aussentemperatur" to 26.00643539428711 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:26.039 2023-06-10 10:57:30.067 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Allgemein.Leistung.WirkleistungGesamt" to 114.11782836914062 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:26.038 2023-06-10 10:57:30.076 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.PV-Anlage.Leistung.WirkleistungPv" to 1444.82861328125 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:26.039 2023-06-10 10:57:30.084 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Speicher.Leistung.WirkleistungSpeicher" to 2.5198657512664795 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:26.039 2023-06-10 10:57:30.089 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Talstrasse1A.Temperatur.Aussentemperatur" to 26.00643539428711 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:26.039 2023-06-10 10:57:32.060 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Allgemein.Leistung.WirkleistungGesamt" to 70.69227600097656 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:26.038 2023-06-10 10:57:32.069 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.PV-Anlage.Leistung.WirkleistungPv" to 1485.969482421875 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:26.039 2023-06-10 10:57:32.077 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Speicher.Leistung.WirkleistungSpeicher" to 2.570432424545288 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:26.039 2023-06-10 10:57:32.082 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Talstrasse1A.Temperatur.Aussentemperatur" to 26.00643539428711 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:26.039 2023-06-10 10:57:34.048 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Allgemein.Leistung.WirkleistungGesamt" to 1264.505859375 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:26.038 2023-06-10 10:57:34.065 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.PV-Anlage.Leistung.WirkleistungPv" to 1485.4996337890625 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:26.039 2023-06-10 10:57:34.066 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Speicher.Leistung.WirkleistungSpeicher" to 2.4564013481140137 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:26.039 2023-06-10 10:57:34.068 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Talstrasse1A.Temperatur.Aussentemperatur" to 26.00643539428711 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:26.039 2023-06-10 10:57:36.051 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Allgemein.Leistung.WirkleistungGesamt" to 1241.1749267578125 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:26.038 2023-06-10 10:57:36.063 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.PV-Anlage.Leistung.WirkleistungPv" to 1479.6492919921875 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:26.039 2023-06-10 10:57:36.072 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Speicher.Leistung.WirkleistungSpeicher" to 2.5866129398345947 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:26.039 2023-06-10 10:57:36.079 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Talstrasse1A.Temperatur.Aussentemperatur" to 26.00643539428711 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:26.039 2023-06-10 10:57:38.055 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Allgemein.Leistung.WirkleistungGesamt" to 1299.7086181640625 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:26.038 2023-06-10 10:57:38.064 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.PV-Anlage.Leistung.WirkleistungPv" to 1485.987548828125 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:26.039 2023-06-10 10:57:38.077 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Speicher.Leistung.WirkleistungSpeicher" to 2.5885086059570312 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:26.039 2023-06-10 10:57:38.083 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Talstrasse1A.Temperatur.Aussentemperatur" to 25.936368942260742 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:26.039 2023-06-10 10:57:40.035 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Allgemein.Leistung.WirkleistungGesamt" to 1302.4310302734375 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:26.038 2023-06-10 10:57:40.039 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.PV-Anlage.Leistung.WirkleistungPv" to 1486.1260986328125 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:26.039 2023-06-10 10:57:40.075 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Speicher.Leistung.WirkleistungSpeicher" to 2.4646708965301514 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:26.039 2023-06-10 10:57:40.077 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Talstrasse1A.Temperatur.Aussentemperatur" to 25.936368942260742 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:26.039 2023-06-10 10:57:42.077 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Allgemein.Leistung.WirkleistungGesamt" to 1335.06396484375 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:26.038 2023-06-10 10:57:42.085 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.PV-Anlage.Leistung.WirkleistungPv" to 1480.49658203125 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:26.039 2023-06-10 10:57:42.093 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Speicher.Leistung.WirkleistungSpeicher" to 2.4634735584259033 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:26.039 2023-06-10 10:57:42.096 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Talstrasse1A.Temperatur.Aussentemperatur" to 25.936368942260742 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:26.039 2023-06-10 10:57:44.038 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Allgemein.Leistung.WirkleistungGesamt" to 1335.8154296875 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:26.038 2023-06-10 10:57:44.047 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.PV-Anlage.Leistung.WirkleistungPv" to 1485.9263916015625 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:26.039 2023-06-10 10:57:44.076 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Speicher.Leistung.WirkleistungSpeicher" to 2.516747236251831 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:26.039 2023-06-10 10:57:44.081 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Talstrasse1A.Temperatur.Aussentemperatur" to 25.936368942260742 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:26.039 2023-06-10 10:57:46.059 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Allgemein.Leistung.WirkleistungGesamt" to 70.55465698242188 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:26.038 2023-06-10 10:57:46.067 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.PV-Anlage.Leistung.WirkleistungPv" to 1485.9561767578125 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:26.039 2023-06-10 10:57:46.077 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Speicher.Leistung.WirkleistungSpeicher" to 2.315387487411499 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:26.039 2023-06-10 10:57:46.082 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Talstrasse1A.Temperatur.Aussentemperatur" to 25.831371307373047 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:26.039 2023-06-10 10:57:48.040 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Allgemein.Leistung.WirkleistungGesamt" to 79.7010498046875 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:26.038 2023-06-10 10:57:48.047 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.PV-Anlage.Leistung.WirkleistungPv" to 1479.3800048828125 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:26.039 2023-06-10 10:57:48.055 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Speicher.Leistung.WirkleistungSpeicher" to 2.0158369541168213 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:26.039 2023-06-10 10:57:48.058 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Talstrasse1A.Temperatur.Aussentemperatur" to 25.831371307373047 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:26.039 2023-06-10 10:57:50.043 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Allgemein.Leistung.WirkleistungGesamt" to 69.4503173828125 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:26.038 2023-06-10 10:57:50.046 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.PV-Anlage.Leistung.WirkleistungPv" to 1485.891845703125 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:26.039 2023-06-10 10:57:50.050 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Speicher.Leistung.WirkleistungSpeicher" to 1.936965823173523 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:26.039 2023-06-10 10:57:50.052 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Talstrasse1A.Temperatur.Aussentemperatur" to 25.831371307373047 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:26.039 2023-06-10 10:57:52.037 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Allgemein.Leistung.WirkleistungGesamt" to 76.67900085449219 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:26.038 2023-06-10 10:57:52.043 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.PV-Anlage.Leistung.WirkleistungPv" to 1484.553955078125 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:26.039 2023-06-10 10:57:52.049 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Speicher.Leistung.WirkleistungSpeicher" to 1.8121484518051147 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:26.039 2023-06-10 10:57:52.054 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Talstrasse1A.Temperatur.Aussentemperatur" to 25.761425018310547 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:26.039 2023-06-10 10:57:54.045 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Allgemein.Leistung.WirkleistungGesamt" to 72.25981140136719 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:26.038 2023-06-10 10:57:54.054 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.PV-Anlage.Leistung.WirkleistungPv" to 1481.2041015625 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:26.039 2023-06-10 10:57:54.066 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Speicher.Leistung.WirkleistungSpeicher" to 1.7484121322631836 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:26.039 2023-06-10 10:57:54.071 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Talstrasse1A.Temperatur.Aussentemperatur" to 25.726469039916992 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:26.039 2023-06-10 10:57:56.047 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Allgemein.Leistung.WirkleistungGesamt" to 70.24189758300781 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:26.038 2023-06-10 10:57:56.055 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.PV-Anlage.Leistung.WirkleistungPv" to 1485.1053466796875 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:26.039 2023-06-10 10:57:56.063 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Speicher.Leistung.WirkleistungSpeicher" to 1.7497972249984741 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:26.039 2023-06-10 10:57:56.068 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Talstrasse1A.Temperatur.Aussentemperatur" to 25.726469039916992 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:26.039 2023-06-10 10:57:57.577 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [initHistoryApps] History data for app "netz" of "alias.0.Allgemein.Leistung.WirkleistungGesamt: {"result":[],"error":{"name":"RequestTimedOutError","message":"Request timed out"}} - filtered: [] 2023-06-10 10:57:57.577 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [initHistoryApps] No history data. Going to remove history app "netz" 2023-06-10 10:57:57.578 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) sending "POST" request to "/api/custom?name=netz" without data 2023-06-10 10:57:57.676 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) received 200 response from "/api/custom?name=netz" with content: "OK" 2023-06-10 10:57:57.677 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) re-creating history apps timeout (60 seconds) 2023-06-10 10:57:57.677 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) sending "GET" request to "/api/apps" without data 2023-06-10 10:57:57.679 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) Updating indicator with index 1 2023-06-10 10:57:57.709 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) received 200 response from "/api/apps" with content: [{"name":"time"},{"name":"date"},{"name":"gridpower","icon":"49243.gif"},{"name":"externaltemperature","icon":"38231.jpg"},{"name":"pvpower","icon":"15124.gif"},{"name":"storagesoc","icon":"49520.jpg"},{"name":"storagepower","icon":"49520.jpg"}] 2023-06-10 10:57:57.710 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [createAppObjects] existing apps on awtrix light: ["time","date","gridpower","externaltemperature","pvpower","storagesoc","storagepower"] 2023-06-10 10:57:57.767 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) sending "POST" request to "/api/indicator1" without data 2023-06-10 10:57:57.777 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [createAppObjects] found (keep): apps.time 2023-06-10 10:57:57.786 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [createAppObjects] found (keep): apps.eyes 2023-06-10 10:57:57.793 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [createAppObjects] found (keep): 2023-06-10 10:57:57.801 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [createAppObjects] found (keep): apps.temp 2023-06-10 10:57:57.807 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [createAppObjects] found (keep): apps.hum 2023-06-10 10:57:57.814 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [createAppObjects] found (keep): apps.bat 2023-06-10 10:57:57.821 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [createAppObjects] found (keep): apps.gridpower 2023-06-10 10:57:57.827 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [createAppObjects] found (keep): apps.externaltemperature 2023-06-10 10:57:57.834 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [createAppObjects] found (keep): apps.pvpower 2023-06-10 10:57:57.841 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [createAppObjects] found (keep): apps.storagesoc 2023-06-10 10:57:57.846 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [createAppObjects] found (keep): apps.storagepower 2023-06-10 10:57:57.853 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [createAppObjects] found (keep): apps.netz 2023-06-10 10:57:57.877 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) received 200 response from "/api/indicator1" with content: "OK" 2023-06-10 10:57:57.877 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) Updating indicator with index 2 2023-06-10 10:57:57.931 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) sending "POST" request to "/api/indicator2" with data: {"color":"#FF0000"} 2023-06-10 10:57:57.952 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) received 200 response from "/api/indicator2" with content: "OK" 2023-06-10 10:57:57.952 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) Updating indicator with index 3 2023-06-10 10:57:58.005 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) sending "POST" request to "/api/indicator3" without data 2023-06-10 10:57:58.029 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) received 200 response from "/api/indicator3" with content: "OK" 2023-06-10 10:57:58.030 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) Updating moodlight 2023-06-10 10:57:58.064 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [refreshCustomApp] Refreshing custom app "gridpower" with icon "49243" and text "%s %u" 2023-06-10 10:57:58.064 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [refreshCustomApp] formatted value of "alias.0.Allgemein.Leistung.WirkleistungGesamt" from 73.57498168945312 to 74 (0 decimals) 2023-06-10 10:57:58.064 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) sending "POST" request to "/api/custom?name=gridpower" with data: {"text":"74 W","icon":"49243","duration":5} 2023-06-10 10:57:58.074 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [refreshCustomApp] Refreshing custom app "pvpower" with icon "15124" and text "%s %u" 2023-06-10 10:57:58.074 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [refreshCustomApp] formatted value of "alias.0.PV-Anlage.Leistung.WirkleistungPv" from 1484.7518310546875 to 1.485 (0 decimals) 2023-06-10 10:57:58.074 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) sending "POST" request to "/api/custom?name=pvpower" with data: {"text":"1.485 W","icon":"15124","duration":5} 2023-06-10 10:57:58.084 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [refreshCustomApp] Refreshing custom app "storagepower" with icon "49520" and text "%s %u" 2023-06-10 10:57:58.085 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [refreshCustomApp] formatted value of "alias.0.Speicher.Leistung.WirkleistungSpeicher" from 1.592655062675476 to 2 (0 decimals) 2023-06-10 10:57:58.085 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) sending "POST" request to "/api/custom?name=storagepower" with data: {"text":"2 W","icon":"49520","duration":5} 2023-06-10 10:57:58.090 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) received 200 response from "/api/custom?name=gridpower" with content: "OK" 2023-06-10 10:57:58.093 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [refreshCustomApp] Refreshing custom app "externaltemperature" with icon "38231" and text "%s %u" 2023-06-10 10:57:58.093 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [refreshCustomApp] formatted value of "alias.0.Talstrasse1A.Temperatur.Aussentemperatur" from 25.726469039916992 to 25,7 (1 decimals) 2023-06-10 10:57:58.093 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) sending "POST" request to "/api/custom?name=externaltemperature" with data: {"text":"25,7 °C","icon":"38231","duration":5} 2023-06-10 10:57:58.125 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) sending "POST" request to "/api/moodlight" without data 2023-06-10 10:57:58.129 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) received 200 response from "/api/custom?name=pvpower" with content: "OK" 2023-06-10 10:57:58.153 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) received 200 response from "/api/custom?name=storagepower" with content: "OK" 2023-06-10 10:57:58.182 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) received 200 response from "/api/custom?name=externaltemperature" with content: "OK" 2023-06-10 10:57:58.201 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) received 200 response from "/api/moodlight" with content: "OK" 2023-06-10 10:58:00.052 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Allgemein.Leistung.WirkleistungGesamt" to 93.45278930664062 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:58.036 2023-06-10 10:58:00.061 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.PV-Anlage.Leistung.WirkleistungPv" to 1480.042236328125 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:58.036 2023-06-10 10:58:00.068 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Speicher.Leistung.WirkleistungSpeicher" to 2.126535415649414 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:58.047 2023-06-10 10:58:00.071 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Talstrasse1A.Temperatur.Aussentemperatur" to 25.691448211669922 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:58.047 2023-06-10 10:58:02.044 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Allgemein.Leistung.WirkleistungGesamt" to 81.04461669921875 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:58.036 2023-06-10 10:58:02.051 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.PV-Anlage.Leistung.WirkleistungPv" to 1485.280029296875 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:58.036 2023-06-10 10:58:02.057 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Speicher.Leistung.WirkleistungSpeicher" to 2.0563347339630127 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:58.047 2023-06-10 10:58:02.061 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Talstrasse1A.Temperatur.Aussentemperatur" to 25.691448211669922 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:58.047 2023-06-10 10:58:04.089 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Allgemein.Leistung.WirkleistungGesamt" to 70.23710632324219 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:58.036 2023-06-10 10:58:04.100 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.PV-Anlage.Leistung.WirkleistungPv" to 1485.8760986328125 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:58.036 2023-06-10 10:58:04.109 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Speicher.Leistung.WirkleistungSpeicher" to 2.1973876953125 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:58.047 2023-06-10 10:58:04.114 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Talstrasse1A.Temperatur.Aussentemperatur" to 25.691448211669922 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:58.047 2023-06-10 10:58:06.039 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Allgemein.Leistung.WirkleistungGesamt" to 88.51461791992188 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:58.036 2023-06-10 10:58:06.043 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.PV-Anlage.Leistung.WirkleistungPv" to 1482.7684326171875 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:58.036 2023-06-10 10:58:06.048 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Speicher.Leistung.WirkleistungSpeicher" to 2.148690700531006 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:58.047 2023-06-10 10:58:06.049 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Talstrasse1A.Temperatur.Aussentemperatur" to 25.691448211669922 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:58.047 2023-06-10 10:58:08.048 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Allgemein.Leistung.WirkleistungGesamt" to 70.12811279296875 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:58.036 2023-06-10 10:58:08.057 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.PV-Anlage.Leistung.WirkleistungPv" to 1486.9144287109375 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:58.036 2023-06-10 10:58:08.064 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Speicher.Leistung.WirkleistungSpeicher" to 2.2347524166107178 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:58.047 2023-06-10 10:58:08.067 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) [onStateChange] ignoring customApps state change of "alias.0.Talstrasse1A.Temperatur.Aussentemperatur" to 25.691448211669922 - refreshes too fast (within 30 seconds) - Last update: 2023-06-10 10:57:58.047 2023-06-10 10:58:08.699 - info: host.buanet-iobroker_8_0_1 "system.adapter.awtrix-light.0" disabled 2023-06-10 10:58:08.699 - info: host.buanet-iobroker_8_0_1 stopInstance system.adapter.awtrix-light.0 (force=false, process=true) 2023-06-10 10:58:08.700 - info: awtrix-light.0 (17253) Adapter is disabled => stop 2023-06-10 10:58:08.703 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) API is offline 2023-06-10 10:58:08.703 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) clearing refresh state timeout 2023-06-10 10:58:08.703 - debug: awtrix-light.0 (17253) clearing history apps timeout 2023-06-10 10:58:08.705 - info: awtrix-light.0 (17253) Got terminate signal TERMINATE_YOURSELF 2023-06-10 10:58:08.781 - info: host.buanet-iobroker_8_0_1 stopInstance system.adapter.awtrix-light.0 send kill signal 2023-06-10 10:58:08.948 - info: awtrix-light.0 (17253) terminating 2023-06-10 10:58:08.949 - info: awtrix-light.0 (17253) Terminated (NO_ERROR): Without reason 2023-06-10 10:58:09.515 - info: host.buanet-iobroker_8_0_1 instance system.adapter.awtrix-light.0 terminated with code 0 (NO_ERROR)