Fullybrowser 3.0
kann ich bestätigen ! -
Bei mir bestätige ich es, mit Restapi konfiguriert, auch!
Restart vom Tablet:
(COMPACT) [REST] 192.168.XX.XX: Sending command restartApp failed: Error: TypeError: Cannot use 'in' operator to search for 'status' in <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1"> <title>Fully Remote Admin</title> <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="fully-favicon.ico"> <style> * { margin: 0; padding: 0; } body { font-family: Arial, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif; text-align:left; box-sizing:border-box; overflow-x:hidden; min-height:100%; } h1 { font-size: 1.35em; margin-bottom: 0.7em; } h2 { font-size: 1em; } img.header { max-width:100%; } img.screenshot, #imgholder { max-width:100%; border:2px solid #666666; margin-top:0.2em; margin-bottom:0.4em; text-align:center; } #imgholder { display:none; min-width:100%; min-height:195px;} form, input, select, textarea, p, div, label { font-size: 1.0em; } p {margin-bottom: 1em;} p.buttonline { margin-top:0.4em; line-height: 1.8em; font-size: 1.0em;} .scale80 { font-size: 0.8em !important; 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} function htmlEncode(value){ return $('<div/>').text(value).html().replace(/\n/g,"<br>"); } function htmlDecode(value){ return $('<div/>').html(value).text(); } var imageUrl = null; function toggleImage(url) { if (!$("#imgholder").is(":visible") || $("#imgholder").attr('src').indexOf(url)<0) { $("#imgholder").show(); $("#imgholder").off('load'); imageUrl = url; $("#imgholder").attr('src', 'fully-loading.png'); $("#imgholder").on('load', function () { $("#imgholder").attr('src', imageUrl + "&time="+new Date().getTime()); $("#imgholder").off('load'); $("#startrefreshbutton").show(); }); } else { $("#imgholder").hide(); $("#imgholder").off('load'); $("#startrefreshbutton").hide(); imageUrl = null; } } function startAutoRefresh() { $("#startrefreshbutton").hide(); if (imageUrl!=null) { $("#imgholder").attr('src', imageUrl + "&time="+new Date().getTime()); $("#imgholder").on('load', function () { $("#imgholder").off('load'); setTimeout('startAutoRefresh()', 100); // refresh after the next 100ms }); } } function savePref(key) { if (!window.jQuery) { setTimeout(function() { submitForm(key); }, 200); return; } var form = $("#form-"+key); var editArea = $("#edit-"+key); var editButton = $("#edit-button-"+key); var value = $("#value-"+key); var newValue = "", oldValue = ""; if (form.find('input[name="value"]').attr('type')=='radio') { newValue = form.find('input[name="value"]:checked').attr('customValue'); oldValue = htmlDecode(value.html()); } else if (form.find('textarea[name="value"]').length) { if (form.find('textarea[name="value"]').attr('type')=='json') oldValue = newValue = "(JSON)"; else { newValue = form.find('textarea[name="value"]').val(); oldValue = htmlDecode(value.html()); } } else if (form.find('input[name="value"]').attr('type')=='password') oldValue = newValue = "*****"; else { newValue = form.find('input[name="value"]').val(); oldValue = htmlDecode(value.html()); } console.log(" Form data: "+form.serialize()); console.log(" New value: "+newValue); editArea.hide(); value.html(htmlEncode(newValue)); editButton.addClass("disabled"); $.ajax({ dataType: "json", url: "?type=json", method: "POST", data: form.serialize()}) .done(function( json ) { console.log( "JSON Status: " + json.status+", "+json.statustext ); if (json.status == "OK") { editButton.removeClass("disabled"); $.toast({ heading: 'Success', text: json.statustext, showHideTransition: 'slide', icon: 'success' }) } else if (json.status == "Error") { value.html(htmlEncode(oldValue)); editButton.removeClass("disabled"); $.toast({ heading: 'Error', text: json.statustext, showHideTransition: 'slide', icon: 'error' }) } else { value.html(htmlEncode(oldValue)); editButton.removeClass("disabled"); $.toast({ heading: 'Error', text: 'Device communication error', showHideTransition: 'slide', icon: 'error' }) } }) .fail(function( jqxhr, textStatus, error ) { console.log(" Request Failed: " + textStatus + ", " + error); console.log(" Response: "+ jqxhr.responseText); value.html(htmlEncode(oldValue)); editButton.removeClass("disabled"); $.toast({ heading: 'Error', text: 'Device communication error', showHideTransition: 'slide', icon: 'error' }) }); } function saveSwitchPref(input) { var newValue = ($(input).is(':checked')) ? 'true' : 'false'; var oldValue = !($(input).is(':checked')); var sid = $(input).attr('id'); console.log('Attr ' + sid + ' changed to ' + newValue + " from " + oldValue ); $(input).prop("disabled",true); var formData = { 'cmd' : "setBooleanSetting", 'key' : sid, 'value' : newValue }; $.ajax({ dataType: "json", url: "?type=json", method: "POST", data: formData}) .done(function( json ) { console.log( "JSON Status: " + json.status+", "+json.statustext ); if (json.status == "OK") { $.toast({ heading: 'Success', text: json.statustext, showHideTransition: 'slide', icon: 'success' }) $(input).prop("disabled",false); } else if (json.status == "Error") { $.toast({ heading: 'Error', text: json.statustext, showHideTransition: 'slide', icon: 'error' }) $(input).prop("checked",oldValue); $(input).prop("disabled",false); } else { $.toast({ heading: 'Error', text: 'Device communication error', showHideTransition: 'slide', icon: 'error' }) $(input).prop("checked",oldValue); $(input).prop("disabled",false); } }) .fail(function( jqxhr, textStatus, error ) { console.log(" Request Failed: " + textStatus + ", " + error); console.log(" Response: "+ jqxhr.responseText); $.toast({ heading: 'Error', text: 'Device communication error', showHideTransition: 'slide', icon: 'error' }) $(input).prop("checked",oldValue); $(input).prop("disabled",false); }); } // Show additional input fields for the fast admin selector // Select elements by name or in some cases by id provided in addFields attribute on the selector function showAddFields() { var form = $("#fastAdminForm"); var actionSelector = $("#actionSelector"); $(".addFields").hide(); $(".addFields").attr("disabled",true) if ($("#actionSelector option:selected").attr('addFields')) { var addFields = $("#actionSelector option:selected").attr('addFields').split(","); for (index = 0; index < addFields.length; ++index) { form.find('input[name="'+addFields[index]+'"]').show(); form.find('input[name="'+addFields[index]+'"]').attr("disabled",false) form.find('select[name="'+addFields[index]+'"]').show(); form.find('select[name="'+addFields[index]+'"]').attr("disabled",false) form.find('select[id="'+addFields[index]+'"]').show(); form.find('select[id="'+addFields[index]+'"]').attr("disabled",false) form.find('span[name="'+addFields[index]+'"]').css('display', 'inline-block'); form.find('span[name="'+addFields[index]+'"]').attr("disabled",false) } } } function submitFastAdmin() { // Check if command is selected var command = $("#actionSelector").val(); if (command=="") { console.log("No command selected"); return; } // This command should only toggle the embedded image if ($("#actionSelector option:selected").attr('toggleImage')) { toggleImage('?cmd='+command); return; } // Show confirmation box var confirmText = $("#actionSelector option:selected").attr('confirm'); if (confirmText && !confirm(confirmText)) return; $("#fastAdminForm").submit(); } </script> </head> <body> <input type="checkbox" id="hamburger-checkbox"> <label for="hamburger-checkbox" class="hamburger"><span></span></label> <div class="overlay"></div> <div class="banner"> <a href="?cmd=home"><img class="header" src="fully-header-web-90.png" /></a> </div><nav class='main-menu'><header><a href='?cmd=home'>Fully Remote Admin </a></header></nav><nav class='off-canvas-menu'><ul> <li><a href='?cmd=deviceInfo' title=''>Home</a></li> <li><a href='?cmd=listSettings' title=''>Settings</a></li> <li><a href='?cmd=manageSettings' title=''>Export/Import</a></li> <li><a href='?cmd=manageApps' title=''>Manage Apps</a></li> <li><a href='?cmd=showLog' title=''>Fully Log</a></li> <li><a href='?cmd=logout' title='Logout'>Logout</a></li> </ul></nav> <div class='content'> <p class='success'>App restarted</p> <h1>Send Command to Device</h1> <form action='?' id='fastAdminForm' method='post' enctype='multipart/form-data'> <p class='formexpl scale90'><span class='hidden addFields' name='loadApkFileExplain'>Enter APK file URL to load and install. Upgrade from APK can fail if the app was installed from Google Play. No downgrade is possible on this way. ATTENTION: Fully WILL STOP if you upgrade it! User input is required ON THE DEVICE in order to install the APK file!</span><span class='hidden addFields' name='loadZipFileExplain'>Enter ZIP file URL to load and unpack to the main folder of the INTERNAL public device storage. Be careful, existing files will be overwritten!</span></p><p class='formline scale90'><select id='actionSelector' name='cmd' size='1' class='' onchange='showAddFields("");'> <option value=''>Select Admin Command</option> <option value='loadStartURL'>Load Start URL</option> <option value='loadURL' addFields='url'>Load other URL</option> <option value='getScreenshot' toggleImage=1>Show Screenshot</option> <option value='uploadAndImportSettingsFile' addFields='filename'>Upload & Import Settings File</option> <option value='loadApkFile' addFields='url,loadApkFileExplain'>Install APK from URL</option> <option value='loadZipFile' addFields='url,loadZipFileExplain'>Load/unpack ZIP from URL</option> <option value='setOverlayMessage' addFields='text'>Show Message</option> <option value='textToSpeech' addFields='text'>Speak Text</option> <option value='screenOn'>Turn Screen On</option> <option value='startDaydream'>Start Daydream</option> <option value='startScreensaver'>Start Screensaver</option> <option value='clearCache'>Clear Web Cache</option> <option value='clearWebstorage' confirm='Sure want to remove all web storage data?'>Clear Web Storage</option> <option value='clearCookies' confirm='Sure want to remove all cookies?'>Clear Web Cookies</option> <option value='enableLockedMode'>Maintenance Mode On</option> <option value='unlockKiosk' confirm='Sure want to unlock the remote kiosk?'>Unlock Kiosk</option> <option value='popFragment'>Close menu/settings etc.</option> <option value='restartApp'>Restart Fully App</option> <option value='lockNow'>Lock Device</option> </select> <input type='text' name='url' value='' placeholder='URL' class='hidden width20 addFields'> <input type='text' name='text' value='' placeholder='Message to show/speak' class='hidden width20 addFields'> <input type='file' name='filename' class='hidden width20 addFields'> <input type='submit' name='submitButton' value='Go!' class='button' onclick="submitFastAdmin('');return false;"></p> </form> <img id='imgholder' src='fully-loading.png'/> <p class='buttonline'><a id='startrefreshbutton' href='' onclick='startAutoRefresh();return false;' class='button hidden' title='Auto-reload the image as often as possible (experimental)'>Auto play</a></p><h1>App Info</h1> <table class='table spaceafter'> <tr class='table-row'><td class='table-cell'>Fully Device ID</td><td class='table-ocell'>cf1abb0d-bc6a98f4</td></tr> <tr class='table-row'><td class='table-cell'>App package</td><td class='table-ocell'>de.ozerov.fully</td></tr> <tr class='table-row'><td class='table-cell'>App version</td><td class='table-ocell'>1.49.1</td></tr> <tr class='table-row'><td class='table-cell'>PLUS licensed</td><td class='table-ocell'>yes (App ID: 1)</td></tr> <tr class='table-row'><td class='table-cell'>Start URL</td><td class='table-ocell'><a target='_blank' href=''>http://192.168.XX.XX:8082/vis/index.html?Haus#Erdges...</a></td></tr> <tr class='table-row'><td class='table-cell'>Current page</td><td class='table-ocell'><a target='_blank' href=''></a> <a href='?cmd=getHtmlSource&dl=true' class='small button'>HTML</a></td></tr> <tr class='table-row'><td class='table-cell'>Maintenance mode</td><td class='table-ocell'>off</td></tr> <tr class='table-row'><td class='table-cell'>Kiosk mode</td><td class='table-ocell'>on</td></tr> <tr class='table-row'><td class='table-cell'>Motion detection</td><td class='table-ocell'>off</td></tr> <tr class='table-row'><td class='table-cell'>Acoustic detection</td><td class='table-ocell'>on</td></tr> <tr class='table-row'><td class='table-cell'>Movement detection</td><td class='table-ocell'>off</td></tr> <tr class='table-row'><td class='table-cell'>Device admin</td><td class='table-ocell'>on</td></tr> <tr class='table-row'><td class='table-cell'>Device owner</td><td class='table-ocell'>off</td></tr> <tr class='table-row'><td class='table-cell'>Root available/enabled</td><td class='table-ocell'>no/no</td></tr> <tr class='table-row'><td class='table-cell'>Last app start</td><td class='table-ocell'>06.12.2023 2:54:32 nachm. <a href='?cmd=logcat' class='small button'>Logcat</a></td></tr> <tr class='table-row'><td class='table-cell'>Active fragment</td><td class='table-ocell'>main</td></tr> <tr class='table-row'><td class='table-cell'>App RAM (free/total)</td><td class='table-ocell'>116448/131072 KB</td></tr> </table> <h1>Device Info</h1> <table class='table'> <tr class='table-row'><td class='table-cell'>Device Name</td><td class='table-ocell'>KFSUWI</td></tr> <tr class='table-row'><td class='table-cell'>Hostname</td><td class='table-ocell'></td></tr> <tr class='table-row'><td class='table-cell'>IP4 address</td><td class='table-ocell'>192.168.XX.XX</td></tr> <tr class='table-row'><td class='table-cell'>IP6 address</td><td class='table-ocell'>FE80::3E5C:C4FF:FECA:6EB9</td></tr> <tr class='table-row'><td class='table-cell'>Mac address</td><td class='table-ocell'>3c:5c:c4:ca:6e:b9</td></tr> <tr class='table-row'><td class='table-cell'>Wifi SSID</td><td class='table-ocell'>"FRITZ!Box 7590 FA"</td></tr> <tr class='table-row'><td class='table-cell'>Battery level</td><td class='table-ocell'>1.0% (plugged)</td></tr> <tr class='table-row'><td class='table-cell'>Screen brightness</td><td class='table-ocell'>37</td></tr> <tr class='table-row'><td class='table-cell'>Screen status</td><td class='table-ocell'>off</td></tr> <tr class='table-row'><td class='table-cell'>Screen size</td><td class='table-ocell'>1920x1200 px</td></tr> <tr class='table-row'><td class='table-cell'>Keyguard locked</td><td class='table-ocell'>on</td></tr> <tr class='table-row'><td class='table-cell'>Wakelock full/partial/up</td><td class='table-ocell'>off/off/off</td></tr> <tr class='table-row'><td class='table-cell'>Foreground app</td><td class='table-ocell'>de.ozerov.fully inactive</td></tr> <tr class='table-row'><td class='table-cell'>RAM (free/total)</td><td class='table-ocell'>278/1815 MB</td></tr> <tr class='table-row'><td class='table-cell'>Internal storage (free/total)</td><td class='table-ocell'>22400/27115 MB</td></tr> <tr class='table-row'><td class='table-cell'>Android version</td><td class='table-ocell'>5.1.1 (Fire OS) (SDK 22)</td></tr> <tr class='table-row'><td class='table-cell'>KNOX version/licensed</td><td class='table-ocell'>no/no</td></tr> <tr class='table-row'><td class='table-cell'>Webview provider</td><td class='table-ocell'></td></tr> <tr class='table-row'><td class='table-cell'>Webview version</td><td class='table-ocell'>100.0.4896.127</td></tr> <tr class='table-row'><td class='table-cell'>Webview UA</td><td class='table-ocell'><div title='Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.1.1; KFSUWI Build/LVY48F; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/100.0.4896.127 Safari/537.36'>Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.1.1; KFSUWI Build/LVY48F;...</div></td></tr> <tr class='table-row'><td class='table-cell'>Device model</td><td class='table-ocell'>KFSUWI (Amazon)</td></tr> <tr class='table-row'><td class='table-cell'>Serial</td><td class='table-ocell'>G000N60784740A8J</td></tr> <tr class='table-row'><td class='table-cell'>Android ID</td><td class='table-ocell'>2a9f3ba55c1bb673</td></tr> </table> </div></body></html> at RestApiFully.axiosSendCmd (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.fullybrowser/lib/restApi.js:86:28) at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5) at RestApiFully.sendCmd (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.fullybrowser/lib/restApi.js:49:28) at fullybrowserControll.onStateChange (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.fullybrowser/main.js:281:37)
3.0.9 ist unterwegs.. und schon auf GIT
@arteck sagte in Fullybrowser 3.0:
3.0.9 ist unterwegs.. und schon auf GIT
laeuft, Fehler behoben, Danke!
ich habe das problem, dass der fullybrowser die mqtt url nicht speichert.
Habe mqtt:// eingegeben. aber er speichert es nicht.
Wenn ich tcp// eingebe speichert er es aber damit funktioniert es nicht.
Habe natürlich fully plus.grüße
Ich habe einfach http://iobroker:1885 drinstehen, damit funktioniert es (bei mir) einwandfrei. -
bei mir steht tcp:// ..... :3000 drin und läuft über mqtt -
okay, nun funktioniert es auch.Danke
@ilovegym Hallo ilovegym. Ich habe das gleiche Problem wie arteck. Adapter geht nicht auf grün.
Wie bei GitHub beschrieben mqtt://IP-Adress:3000 kommt die Fehlermeldung.
Wenn nur die IP-Adresse:3000 eingegeben wird, schreibt der Fullybrowser automatisch ein https davor???
Wie bekomme ich den Adapter grün.
Seltsamer weise kann ich den Bildschirm über IOBroker steuern. (an aus) Aber die Ladeinfo des Akkus bekomme ich z.B. nicht.habe gerade den neuen Adapter 3.0.9 installiert, aber gleiches Bild.
Ist der FireHD8 zu alt?
Hab die Fully Pro Version 1.54.1 -
@hunterhb sagte in Fullybrowser 3.0:
Ich habe das gleiche Problem wie arteck.
Das denke ich nicht, er ist maintainer des Adapters. -
@meister-mopper Jetzt wirds nett!!!
Jetzt ist der Adapter auf grün. Was habe ich gemacht?
Das FireHD ans Ladegerät gesteckt???
unter 23% läuft mqtt nicht? oder dauert das einfach so lange? (15min) -
@hunterhb , die neue Fully Version unterstützt Mqtt erst ab Android 7.X.X.X wieder.
Die alte 1.49.1 unterstützt noch die davor.Also prüf deine Andriod Version. Wenn es nicht passt, musste halt die 1.49.1 installieren.
Das alles steht auch auf der Fully Seite.
Ich habe ein Fire HD 10 (7.Generation) damit geht es nur bis 1.49.1
Das neuere Fire HD 10 Pro (11.Generation), was ich zudem im Besitz habe unterstützt die neuen Versionen von Fully. -
@esp8266 Mein FireHD hat die Version
@hunterhb , dann sollte alles funzen.
Sonst wäre auch die Option ausgegraut zum aktivieren. -
Hallo in die Runde. Ich verzweifele etwas. Ich habe auf einem Handy FullyBrowser Plus installiert. Die Anbindung mit MQTT auch eingerichtet; Verbindung kommt auch. Es werden auch Events transportiert. Leider werden aber die Info DPs wie z.B. BatteryLevel nicht upgedatet.
Auch ein umschalten auf RestAPI hat nicht sgebracht.
Was mache ich falsch?
Version Adapter ist 3.0.9
Die FullyBrwoser Admin Oberfläche zeigt auch an, das MQTT verbunden ist. -
@bleiki im Debug Log stehen auch ganz viele MQTT Events wie Bewegungserkennung, dass der Battery Level sich verändert hat etc.... In den Info Datenpunkte sind aber alte, nicht aktualisierte Werte drin.
Hallo zusammen. Ich verwende die v3.0.9 mit RestApi. Soweit funktioniert eigentlich alles prima, nur jedesmal wenn ich die Instanzeinstellungen öffne dann erhalte ich folgend Warnung im Protokoll:
fullybrowser has an invalid jsonConfig: [{"instancePath":"/items/_tab_Start/items/tableDevices/items/6","schemaPath":"#/definitions/passwordProps/additionalProperties","keyword":"additionalProperties","params":{"additionalProperty":"title"},"message":"must NOT have additional properties"},{"instancePath":"/items/_tab_Start","schemaPath":"#/properties/items/patternProperties/%5E.%2B/allOf/8/if","keyword":"if","params":{"failingKeyword":"then"},"message":"must match "then" schema"}]
Hat vielleicht jemand eine Idee woran das liegen könnte oder kann ich das einfach ignorieren?
Ist bekannt, kannst du ignorieren: -
@shadowhunter23 Danke für die schnelle Rückmeldung