Test Adapter Bluesound v1.1.1
Aktuelle Version: 1.1.1
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 01.12.2024
Github Link:
npm Package: iobroker.bluesound@1.1.1Adapter to control Bluesound devices
Bluesound devices like Pulseflex or Node can be controlled by this adapter. Config parameters are the IP of the device and the PollingTime in msec. The status of the player is polled in the interval set by pollingtime. Newer NAD devices use the same functionality.
Functions included
The adapter uses API calls in the format: http://--playerIP--:11000/xxx
At startup the presets defined in the player are read from the device and added as objects to the 'presets' channel. The information stored for each preset are: ID, Url to logo and preset name. The player model and name are also read on start-up and stored in the 'info' channel.
When player is playing the submitted titles are shown in the 'info' channel. The player status is polled in the interval set by '.config.pollingtime' and the result is stored in '.control.state' as well as in '.info.*'.
All these objects can be used in a vis project to display info from the player and control the player.
The following functions are implemented:
- Player Stop (triggered by setting '.control.stop' to true)
- Player Start (triggered by setting '.control.start' to true)
- Player Pause (triggered by setting '.control.pause' to true, toggle mode)
- PresetX Start (triggered by setting '.presets.presetX.start' to true)
- Change Volume (triggered by changing '.control.volume')
I developed and tested the adapter on a PulseFlex and Node device. It may need to be adapted for other types.
Please test the adapter. Any comments or requirements can be put into the issues of the github repo.
aktuelle Version ist 1.1.4Bitte Header aktualisieren (1.1.x oder so reicht auch) und aktuelle Version im ersten Betrag eintragen.